The Jackass & Big Ass Connection vs. Frozen Hell
Tag League match

4 RP Limit for tag

Deadline: 11:59:59 pm ET Tuesday, December 15, 2020
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I love AJ Allmendinger.
Ooc: Had some personal stuff happen that's completely derailed any ideas I had for what I intended to do for this. Good luck regardless!


It seems like things really do come full circle in all walks of life, eh?

(I smile slightly)

Yeah, think about it! I know that a lot of you have trouble doing that since you choose to follow the latest trends like the sheeple you are, and 'believe' everything you're told… But just humour me, huh? Remember when against all odds Kandis and I won the tag titles and once we lost them in ridiculous fashion, were pretty much told that in spite of us being the MVPs of the division, we would have to wait in line for a rematch whilst all the scrubs coming out of the woodwork jumped the line and were given their moment in the limelight that was forced off of the real talent and shone on them for some reason? What, you don't remember? Not surprising really… You weren't told to think for yourselves at the time so I guess it's forgiveable… Well here's another question then in that case as selective memory can only get you so far… Do you remember then that my beautiful girlfriend and I vowed to put the whole division on notice because of the biased actions that management took to not give us what we deserved? The casualties of our war to show the company that we wouldn't stand back and be silent… They were many, ranging from the lauded Wonderland to one half of the new tag team champions, Lucas Knight and our esteemed 'infallible' World Champion without the asterisk beside it, David Helms… We didn't discriminate after we told every single one of you that we would wreck the place since we weren't able to get what we wanted…

And now in the wake of the Tag League Tournament that is currently taking place, it seems like a bit of deja vu doesn't it? Though the circumstances are slightly different, the end result is the same… We can't get what we want for whatever reason you want to come up with, so we're making sure that everyone else suffers… We told each and every one of you AGAIN what we were and are going to do… And what do you know, we were ignored once again… So how do you think everyone in that cute Adrenaline Title Contendership clusterfuck felt after not heeding our warning? They had no idea we were coming and could do jack shit about the devestation we caused. It was a beautiful moment that I think I will rewatch over and over for a LONG time! But before I get too carried away in my reverie, I should also point out there's also another thing that has come full circle in the company is that The Connection have to tussle with Frozen Hell once again in spite of the fact I was hoping to never have to deal with the gruesome twosome ever again, just for my own sanity!

Now don't get me wrong, it still makes me sick to my stomach thinking about all the showboating the two of you will inevitably do going into this bout, and the reminding of how you gained your only victory against all odds and made sure the woman who can do no wrong got her precious Supreme Champion status and so has her excuse to no longer give a shit about the division that Tommy Valentine helped rebuild, and The Connection have taken to new heights… Which is just as well isn't it?

(I couldn't help but smirk despite the obvious comeback that they could and probably WOULD make either before or after they heard what I had to say, but fuck it. The truth hurts and deep down she'd know I was right)

Everyone thought that the two of you would romp home in this thing, hey… I'm not gonna lie, even yours truly thought you might keep hold of those titles that Kandis and I will turn our attentions to in due time… But looks like Slick and Slicker blessedly had your number when it matters and as much as I wanted The Connection to be the ones to take the belts from your downed and defeated hands, I'll settle for taking them from Chris and Lucas if they have them when we come to take our pound of flesh… We'd even planned for this to be a match for the titles we were that confident you'd back up all the bullshit you spew collectively when trying to convince everyone you care about anything other than goldlust, so you can imagine our surprise when we watched you both choke in the dying seconds of that barn burner of a match… So yeah, it was a strange moment… A bittersweet one if you excuse the obscure pun… We were ecstatic that the two of you were given the overdue shot that took you back down to earth, but gutted that we have to wait that bit longer now to become four time tag team champions… But you know what they say about good things, and we can be very patient on that score… But on the bright side, that means that as much as it's bad news for us… It's VERY bad news for the two of you, because that pretty much means we have no use for towing the line in this thing… I've made life more than a misery for the Helms and anyone associated with them… I've faced the Executioner's worst and came into work the next week practically unscathed in spite of what he tried telling the world… Sorry about the loss to him by the way Selena, shit happens… But yeah, I've even contributed towards taking out the immortal David Helms for a little while and saved us from a few months of needless hypocritical drivel… So this match?

(I smile again)

Is simply going to be about us furthering our message. I don't need to dig deep and reveal anymore of the shit that you all wanted hidden from the public because I've PROVEN that you're all far from saints despite what you want them to think. The two of you? You're not special, you're a pair of opportunistic mongrels that came together to maximise your chances of carrying gold and have ultimately ended up with none… Now Kandis and I get to pick the bones and have our fun. With nothing to gain, we have nothing to lose and can enjoy ourselves knocking the two of you down a few more pegs and not have to worry about silly things like rules… Like titles… Like accolades, to get in the way of a good old fashioned ass whooping that the two of you are well in need of, even after the mildly disappointing time you've both had of things lately. I want to say some inspirational mumbo jumbo about seeing that there's now a chink in the previously thought to be invincible armour, but let's not pretend ladies… That Kandis and I were the first to find it and exploit the holy fuck out of it! And in this match on Breakdown, we're going to take a crowbar to that armour, metaphorically or maybe even physically; who knows! We are going to use what we've already learnt about two creatures of habit and make the lives of Frozen Hell… A living Hell!

See what I did there?

But seriously, ladies… You can forget about this match being something that is just a formality for you because by the time we're done, you just might not be able to make it further in the tournament… Just ask David how serious I am when I put my mind to it… Or maybe ask Asher Hayes just how empty our promises are when we make them… We may statistically be out of the running for the Tag League, but trust me when I say that the chances of us doing some serious damage to SCW's darlings… Are very much alive and kicking. So bring us your best, spout the usual shit, come out swinging… And we will make sure that by hook or by crook you'll be left Knee Deep in trouble, with only the stars you'll be seeing, as company…

See you in the ring.
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SCW Achievements

SCW Television Champion (x3)
SCW Tag Team Champion /w Kandis (x4)
SCW Tag Team Champion /w David Helms (x2)
SCW Tag Team Champion /w Jake Starr (x1)
SCW United States Champion (x1)
SCW Underground Champion (x2)
SCW World Heavyweight Champion (x1)
A Founding Member Of "The Connection"
A Founding Member Of "The Next Level"
Ranked 7th in the 2009 Taking Hold Of The Flame Battle Royal
Conquered The Thunderdome...and CHBK
OOC: Short, kinda sweet, tells the story I wanted. Good luck gents.

Breakdown 12-16-20
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SCW: 26 - 35 - 5 || Career: 35 - 41 - 5
SCW World Champion
4X SCW Tag Team Champion W/ Tommy Valentine
[The Connection]
OOC: Read Regan Before Selena’s, Part 2 is On Her RP, Thanks.

The Views Expressed by “The Hellcat” Regan Street Are That of Her Own and Do Not Reflect Those of the Publisher. Viewer Discretion Is Advised.

[Image: regan2020rp.png]

(Click Title)
[Image: regan2018.png]

- SCW Supreme Champion
- 2x SCW World Champion
- 1x SCW United States Champion
- 1x SCW World Tag Team Champion
- 1x SCW Adrenaline Champion
- 1x SCW Women's Champion
- 1x SCW Television Champion
- 2012 SCW Rookie of the Year
- 2016 Feud of the Year Winner Vs. Ace Marshall
- 2019 SCW Trios Contract Winner
- 2020 Tag Team of The Year (Frozen Hell)

Singles Record - | W - 099| L - 13 | D - 06|
Overall Record - | W - 133| L - 29 | D - 08|
The Dark Side of the Sun

”Family Pow-Wow”

December 8th, 2020
Oberwesel, Germany

She heard the waters crashing against the rocks below here, the waters seeming like an unrelenting force against the unbreakable stone wall. The wind blew strongly, the coolness of it carrying a certain chill that was, in essence, the season of winter, perhaps the only indication of it as there was not a speak of snow to be found on the ground.

Selena missed the snow.

Standing on the overhang of the cliff, having walked past the warning signs and road barriers, knowing the way she often took to get to this place, it had been hard not to take that fact as a personal strike against her. Were the gods, Odin and the others, sitting in Valhalla, simply watching her? Deciding it was time to test her once again? As if her wife being in prison, her children going through their own strife, especially her darling Elsianna, and all the nonsense happening in SCW, now she was being denied the sight of her favourite season?

She knew it was childish to think like that. The idea that the gods would take stock of an insignificant ant like her amongst the billions in the world seemed unlikely. And even so, that she would be ‘so important’ to make said gods hold some kind of ‘grudge’ against her…

Still, she was certainly getting tired of this never-ending trail of unfortunate events. Aside from her wife, which seemed never-ending as Talia Scythe seemed to be getting nowhere with Deanna’s case, there was now… now…

Selena’s head dropped a little and she sighed. She had failed again. Her streak of losses seemed to continue. Losing the United States Title to Xander Valentine and now? Now?

How she had wanted to say so much more to Chris Cannon after that match. To tell him “this wasn’t over.” To tell him that she and Regan would be back for those titles after they proved they were still one of the best tag-teams in SCW by winning the tag-league. How Frozen Hell was not done yet. But her throat had caught her words and she had barely managed to croak out a simple “Good match” to both Lucas Knight and Chris Cannon. She hadn’t stayed there, in Glendale, long after. While Regan, clearly upset over the match as much as she was, had went to support her husband, David, in his “potential return” to SCW as the true World Champion, Selena had simply packed her bags and slipped out of the arena, getting on her bus, making her way to the airport hangar and flying her private plane to Germany. By the time the main-event between Ravyn and Bree Lancaster had started, Selena had already been in the air for a solid hour, her phone turned off to ignore any calls. She just… just couldn’t face the inevitable. Not yet…

The dream was over. She knew that much. And that was what it had been. Yes, there had been issues and obstacles with being the United States Champion and, especially, with Xander Valentine, but that had not taken away the fact that teaming with her sister, Regan, being the tag-team champions with her, had been the greatest thing to happen to her in SCW since winning the world title four years ago. In terms of her personal life, it was up there with her wedding to Deanna and the birth of all three of her children. Without thinking, the platinum-blonde dug through her snug jeans-pocket to fish out her cellphone. Quietly, she riffled through the pictures folder until she spotted the picture taken/saved to her phone about five months ago. It was one taken on her phone, not airbrushed or photoshopped by SCW’s editors. Mikalea had taken it at the Snow Queen’s request. It was Selena and Regan standing in the hall of the arena, still in their wrestling attire and looking an absolute wreck, the blue-eyes Selena’s arm wrapped around Regan’s shoulders as both held up the World Tag-team titles. They looked a mess, yes, but the smiles were so pure and beautiful. The five months of work, of training, of trials, of hardships, it had finally led them to this moment…

For Regan, it was the culmination of a journey, of finally becoming a Supreme Champion like her husband and like Selena were. For Selena, it was helping her sister achieve that goal, yes, first and foremost, but it was also to prove to the world, prove to herself, that she could. For so long, she had listened to the world, listened to so many nay-sayers, declare that she needed to be ‘replaced’. Listened to so many people demand that Regan pick someone else, and though Regan had said nothing in terms of ‘replacing’ Selena once David Helms had won the Taking Hold of the Flame Battle Royale, that hadn’t stopped Twitter from exploding with a plethora of messages of “pick me! Pick me!” and other superstars throwing one-liners at Selena, calling her ‘replaceable’ and a ‘failure’ across the board.

Winning the titles with Regan had not only allowed her to become tag-team champions with her sister, but had also worked to silence those voices, somewhat. At least for awhile, until Xander had, once more, targeted the pair of them for some kind of ‘ego-driven vengeance’. And once he had managed to defeat Selena, he had done all he could to make the Snow Queen seem unimportant and ‘replaceable’ to Regan once more. And once more, so many of SCW had simply believed it over and over again, to the point where her own opponents were “skipping over her” to get to Regan in their promos, like Chris Cannon had at Last Laugh.

What happened? Selena whispered in her mind. What happened to being “The Face of SCW”? What happened to being “The Snow Queen”? What happened to being one of the deadliest strikers in SCW? Of being important? Of being part of something greater?

Once more, the wind gave the only response, a strong breeze that blew around and practically through her. It was all too familiar. All too much the same as before. It was why she ran. Why she chose to disappear before Regan could tell her.

I’m not ready. she half-thought, but half-whispered outloud as well. I’m not ready to face her – face that.

It was childish, much like blaming the gods, but it was all Selena could do in these last few days since Last Laugh. Delay the inevitable. Delay the final nail in the coffin. It wasn’t like anyone would blame Regan from resigning from the Tag League now. The world had their eyes on Jordan Majors and Cookie Dreams and the tag-titles wouldn’t even be much of a factor now within the league. Add on the number of people that had ‘resigned’ due to differences or injuries and Regan could easily simply state that she wanted to focus on Xander Valentine and no one would blame her. She hadn’t been the one losing her matches over and over again. She hadn’t been the one that had been pinned at Last Laugh. She was making herself known while Selena…while Selena…

She stuffed the cellphone back into her pockets and wrapped her arms around herself, feeling the soft fabric of her sweater, which had fading colors of white to dark blue cascading it. So many thoughts were rushing through her head: dread at seeing Regan once more, hearing the inevitable words she had heard before – a haunting past that she thought she had been free of for years – the image of Regan walking away from her, Xander perhaps laughing at them both later on before Regan inevitably destroyed him for all he had done, all leading to one inevitable question…

What now?

The question was both unknown and terrifying to Selena, simply because she had no idea. Where would she go once the inevitable happened? What would she do? On her own, she had been beaten by so many superstars, how could anyone view here as a threat or any kind of contender for any position in SCW? And it wasn’t like she was standing out amongst the crowd lately. If anything, she had mostly just been support to Regan in her quest to face Xander, or had been part of the Tag League with her.

Her mind ran the list: World title, United States Title, Adrenaline Title, and so on and so forth, but every one, she shot down with a shake of her head. She couldn’t justify any of them. Couldn’t justify any challenge she could potentially make. It was like, after nearly a year of declaring herself a tag-team with Regan, without her sister, she no longer had a direction as a singles superstar. She didn’t know where to go, where to stand, where to be, or even what to be.

For Regan? It was so easy. She wanted Xander. She wanted to be World Champion again. She wanted to headline Rise to Greatness. It was so beyond easy for the Hellcat that Selena, somewhat, envied her that. She had plans and goals beyond Frozen Hell.

Something the young Frost, sadly, found herself lacking…

She heard the vehicle park in the space several yards away, specifically the car engine turning off and the door being slammed shut, followed by a slightly distant call of her name.


This was followed by the sound of twigs and branches snapping on the ground and the sound of further movement that drew closer. For Selena, however, her eyes quickly scanned the area in shock. She must be delusional. Thinking so much of her sister that she manifested the sound of Regan’s voice into her senses.


The second call of her name destroyed that theory without any difficulty. She knew that voice, loved that timbre and tone almost as much as her own wife’s voice – except this time, the voice filled her with dread. Had Regan followed her here? How? Why?! Unless…

Fear gripped her further and her eyes flew left to right, looking for a place to go, a place to hide. A place to disappear! Before her stood the trees and runway of forest that lined the parking space, park, and roads that stretched across this section of Oberwesel. But it wasn’t like they were a thick forestry to hide in. Even now, Selena could make out the shape of a figure making her way through the trees, meaning, if she looked, that person could see her.

But there was no where to run or hide. Trees were before her and behind her? The platinum-blonde slowly turned around, her eyes taking in the cliff and the waters below her. Yeah…no. Her mind shot back, but still, the dread of feeling cornered did not leave her. Her heart was beating faster and faster as the sounds grew louder, and her small, pale hands flew to her chest, pressing together over her heart as she turned fully to look over the cliff, into the waters.

I’m not ready for this… her mind whispered, but it seemed that she wouldn’t have a choice in the matter as she suddenly heard the noise behind her stop for a moment before the familiar voice drifted to her ears.

“Selena.” Came the slightly breathless call once more.
“Why did you follow me?”

It was the only question Selena could find herself asking as she turned around. Before her stood Regan, her sister-in-arms, and partner… former… she stopped the thought as it came to her. The brunette stood there, eyes wide, almost in disbelief.

“Why did I- you disappeared without a word. Not a call. Nothing.” Regan replied as if the answer was obvious. “I was worried something had happened.”

“So you hopped on a flight and came to Germany?” Selena asked in disbelief. “All on such a whim?”
Again, Regan’s response was one of surprise, as if it was obvious. “Yeah, wouldn’t you? What if you were hurt? What about your kids? I’m sort of their godmother, you know.”

Hearing that, Selena bit her lower lip, her eyes casting down to glare at her black running shoes.

“Why did you run off like that?” Regan, so like her, was direct, her voice as such, cutting to the thick of matters and, for Selena, for a moment, she felt like she was being chastised by one of her elementary teachers like Mrs. Shire back in Nome, Alaska. The feeling of guilt and embarrassment was the same.

“I…” Selena tried to answer, unable to lift her head and meet her sister’s eyes. “I was needed here. Elsianna wasn’t feeling well and-“
“I spoke to Elsianna.” Regan cut her off, easily ending the lie before it could truly have life, the Hellcat crossing her arms over her chest. “She seemed fine when she told me where you were.”

Sapphire eyes slammed shut as Selena felt more trapped than before, now adding ‘caught in her lie’ to the list.
“Want to try again?” Regan offered.
Slowly, Selena shook her head. She couldn’t give an answer – the truth would just bring forth the inevitability and a lie, well Regan would read that a mile away.

“So we’re not going to talk about what happened?” Regan tried, once more earning a shake of the head from Selena. “Really? Because we still have three more matches – easily much harder than that and I think-“

“What?” Selena’s head jerked up quick, her neck popping a little, to stare down the Hellcat.
“Three more matches, Selena.” Regan explained, holding her fingers up to further explain her point. “Ass Connection, Cookie and Majors and, lastly, Dark Fantasy, and given the situation is now, we need to win all three of them in order to have a chance at-“

“Win all three? What chance?” Selena asked, confusion riddled across her face.
“Yes, all three.” Regan sighed. “Odds are Majors and Cookie won’t lose any matches unless it’s against us. So our only chance at staying in this tournament is to beat every other team we have left in order to make it to the semi-finals.” Regan sighed as she began to pace a little across the ground. “It’s a lot, I know, and it’s kind of frightening that even a draw will cost us, but even so-“

“Why are you doing this?!” Selena’s voice interjected, disbelief in every syllable of her question, regaining Regan’s attention.
“Doing what?”

“This.” Selena gestured towards her, the two of them. “You got what you wanted. You’re a supreme champion. You don’t need the tag-team titles anymore. You don’t need me anymore. You clearly want Xander and the World title and a main-event at Rise to Greatness. Did you just come all this way here to play with me? To lead me on so you can get back at me for costing us the tag-team titles?”

“You cost us-“ though Regan’s voice was clearly one of confusion and concern, the tone went unheard by the Snow Queen.
“Yes, I cost us!” Selena stated. “How many times did you have to save me in that match, Regan? How many times did you have to break up the pin because I wasn’t going to kick out? Because I re-watched that match and it was three. Three times! Three times that you needed to save me to keep us as tag-team champions. And the one time you couldn’t, I wasn’t strong enough to kick out! I cost us the tag-team titles after you were carrying me through that entire match!”

The two stood in silence for a moment, broken anger and sadness coming from one and confusion coming from the other.

“I failed again. Just like I did against Xander, just like I did a year ago against the Ass Connection and Infamous, just like I’ve done over and over since we won those titles. We both know what I’ve become. Dead weight. We both know that I’ll be the one that costs us any place in the tag-league and we both know what you really want now. Xander, World title, RTG. So, please…”

Selena took a shaky breath, everything she had felt for the last few days since Glendale crashing down upon her. “Just do it and get it over with.”

“Do what?!” Regan asked in disbelief. “I don’t understand what you want me to do-“
“What I want you to do?” Selena asked in disbelief, laughing. “What I want you to do has nothing to do with this.”

“Well…” Regan huffed, raising her arms and dropping them. “What do you want me to do?”

“Does it matter?” Selena asked. “I’m not going to have you be trapped with me.”
“Trapped? I don’t-“
“Regan!” the platinum-blonde’s voice was practically a desperate plea. “Just get it over with.”

“Get what over with?” Regan asked. “You’re not making any sense!”

“Cut me out!” Selena stated. “You want me to say it? Cut me out. Get rid of me. Throw me away. Leave me because I’m deadweight! Because you don’t need me anymore!”

The Hellcat was silent, her mouth hanging open, unable to say any words as she saw tears coming from Selena’s eyes.

“That’s why I ran away here.” Selena sighed, swiping at her eyes angrily. “I wasn’t ready to face that reality. But it’s the same as it was years ago. When I… when I was tag-team champions with Dawn Lohan.”

She didn’t have to explain it to Regan. The Street wrestler already knew the story. How Selena, having been chosen by Dawn to be her tag-team partner, had worked and worked to be ready to help her become tag-team champions by defeating Kennedy Street and Janeeri. And they had succeeded. However, once the team of 4Saken, had lost the title, Dawn had cast Selena aside, dissolving the team and moving on, leaving Selena alone and abandoned.

“You think…” Regan tried, taking a deep breath. “After all we’ve been through, all you’ve done for me, that I would do that to you?”

Without meaning to, Selena wrapped her arms around her sides tightly, the words slipping out of her mouth. “You’ve done it before.”

That statement, true as it was, was like a knife in Regan’s heart. Her green eyes fluttered to where Selena’s hands were, to the scars that the Snow Queen’s shirt covered – scars far deeper and more painful than anything that Xander had given the young woman. There were long scars, the result of a barbed-wire cat-of-nine-tails. Selena’s side and parts of her back told that story. A story about how, long ago, Regan and Selena were part of a sisterhood called Platinum. A sisterhood that, because Regan was unable to accept losses and because Selena had been unable to keep her mouth shut on certain things, Regan had made the decision to travel down a path that Selena could not follow, leading to Regan cutting her out of her life and becoming the most hated enemies….

A loss of a title, a loss of momentum – was it so different than now? What else was Selena to think?

“I…” Regan tried, but the words wouldn’t come to her right away. Her mind was full of words like ‘sorry’, and ‘forgive’, and ‘believe me’, but they wouldn’t come out. They seemed so… insufficient. How could she talk away those scars? How could she prove that she was different than Dawn? Prove that she was different than herself had been? She had thought that the years spent together, fighting wars with the likes of Xander and the Wonderland beside Selena had been enough to erase those scars. Stupid… she thought. They didn’t go. They merely faded a little. But they’ve always been there…

“I’m just the Shadow of SCW.” Selena laughed, casting her gaze once more towards the waters below. “No one would blame you for dropping me and, I’ll bet, no one will really notice.”

“I’d notice.” Regan’s voice came out defiantly, regaining Selena’s attention/gaze, the Hellcat taking a step towards her. “I’d notice the lack of stupid optimism you’d have as you cheered me on! I’d notice those big hugs and kisses you can’t seem to stop giving me whenever I need them! I’d notice how lonely I’d feel standing in that ring without you! I’d notice how much less I’d feel without you by my side and me by yours!”

It was Regan’s turn to let tears fall from her eyes as she continued to speak, walking closer to Selena, who still could not bring herself to move. “I’d notice the lack of joy in your spirit. I’d notice that lack of hope and dreams you have. I’d notice the absence of trusting someone with my very life in that ring and outside it. I’d notice the absence of… my sister.” She whispered the last part.

Carefully, a gentle hand raised up to lift Selena’s chin, green eyes meeting sapphire ones.

“There is one thing different between all of what you’ve faced before and now. I’m not your girlfriend like Dawn was. I’m just your teammate like I was in Platinum. We’re… We’re family now, Selena.” She bit her lower lip, Selena doing the same. “And one thing that I’ve never done, and will never do, is abandon family.”

“But…what about…” Selena tried, but Regan interjected.

“You want to know what the worst thing has been this year for me? It wasn’t losing those titles.”

Selena’s eyes widened in disbelief, but Regan pressed on.

“It was watching what Xander did to you. Knowing you could win but not that time – knowing I couldn’t do anything to help you. Fearing he would – or you would –“ Regan shook her head. “Compared to that? Losing the tag-team titles, which we did together, seems like a simple bump in the road.”

“I…” Selena opened her mouth slowly. “I felt the same way when Xander did that to you. When I was too late to do anything but drive Tommy back.”

Regan nodded. “I’m sorry I didn’t think about how you were feeling about this… but I truly thought you were going to be the one that abandoned me.”
“What?!” Selena’s eyes widened. “I would never-“
“You’d have every reason to.” Regan shrugged. “Because of me, you were distracted in your United States Title match. Because of me, you’re not getting a rematch any time soon for that title. Because of me, you’re tied up in a tag-league and-“

“I’ve loved every moment of teaming with you!” Selena interjected. “I don’t want it to stop!”
“Neither do I!” Regan implored. “Are you kidding?! I know there’s a big trophy at the end of this tournament and, call it ego, but I want it!”

“I WANT IT!” Selena agreed with a half-laugh, half-cry. “It’s a tournament trophy! I want to add it to my collection!”
“Of course you do!” Regan rolled her eyes playfully. “But more than that…” she sighed. “Once this whole thing with Xander is over, I still want to tag-team with you. I still want to become tag-team champions with you.”

“But what about the league?” Selena asked.

Regan shrugged. “So we don’t get the clean sweep we wanted. So we don’t come out of it tag-team champions. I mean, it sucks-“
“Royally.” Selena agreed.
“So we’ll do the next best thing! We’ll win it all and get those title back!”

It seemed an almost impossible task to the Snow Queen. As Regan had explained it, it would require a comeback the likes of which no other team had to deal with in the entire league. The new tag-team champions? All they had to worry about was keeping the titles for the few matches they had left. Cannon and Knight would not make it to the semi-finals, but if they managed to survive their next set of matches, they could walk away with the tag-team titles.

What Regan was suggesting was not only defeating their rivals in the Ass Connection, but the hottest team in the league in Dreams and Majors and then… then… beating the most dominant tag-team in SCW history in Dark Fantasy…

It seemed impossible…

And Selena could not help but smile at the thought. “You…you really want to try this… with me?” She asked, her teeth fiddling with her lower lip nervously.

The Hellcat nodded. “You’re the only person as crazy as me to pull it off, sis.” She tossed a smirk as she said that.

“What about Xander?” Selena asked, causing the smile to falter from Regan’s lips.
“Yeah…. Him…” she sighed. “I’m still…worried about him.”
“I am too.” Selena agreed. “But I’m not scared what he could do to me.”
“I am.” Regan admitted.
“I’m scared of what he could do to you.” Selena confessed.

The two stood only a few feet apart, the wind still blowing amidst the winter season.

“Elsianna is scared for both of us.” Regan whispered.
“I know.” Selena sighed. “She watches when I tell her not to. But she can’t help it. And I…”
“What do you tell her?” Regan offered.
“I told her that…” Selena smiled sadly as she gazed at her sister-in-arms. “That if anything happens to me, and Deanna is still…where she is… that you would take care of her with Gerda.”

It had been said before, but for all that it had been, hearing it still made Regan’s heart skip a beat. That her sister would trust the most important people in her life, her own children, to her, should the worst come.

“And I would do anything to protect them… and you.” Regan answered, reaching out to embrace the Snow Queen, who gently clung to the Hellcat’s frame.

“As I would for you.” Selena whispered. “For you, David, Jennifer, all of them.” She added. “I guess…we really are a family, aren’t we?”

Regan nodded against the young Frost. “Which means when I want to do something crazy…”

Selena laughed. “Then I’m going to have to come along for the ride.”

The two girls smiled and laughed for a while, staying on the cliff as they slowly brought each other back from the emotional one they stood on, the outcome of their adventure still uncertain, and perhaps more tumultuous than before… but one they were ready to tackle together.

As a family.

The Royal Letter

The camera fades in to reveal Selena Frost sitting on a light-beige couch. The room she occupies is a simple family room with light blue walls and with lights secured to the walls rather than the ceiling. Her attire, a dark black, wrestling long-shirt with snowflakes aligning the neck and left shoulder, and matching wrestling tights, stand out in the light colors. Fixing her iconic platinum braid, the Snow Queen takes a deep breath before she speaks.

Hello everyone. She offers a half-smile as she sits forward, elbows on her knees and fingers interlaced. Suppose I should start with the elephant in the room. Frozen Hell is no longer the World Tag-Team Champions, and it is a very real possibility that that tag titles will not be the big ‘prize’ for the winning team.

I’ll get the easy stuff out of the way. Lucas Knight and Chris Cannon. Congratulations. When it mattered, you two came through and managed to get a win over us. I won’t make excuses. I won’t make promises. I’ll simply say it as it is. You beat us and are now the World Tag-Team Champions of SCW.

It bothers me to say that because, I mean Regan and I were hoping to take those titles to the finals so that the team in bracket A would have had a chance to challenge for them as well. And for me, when something like this happens, it’s forced me to reflect on it.

Did Frozen Hell try too hard to make that happen that we lost sight?
Did we become too distracted with the likes of Xander Valentine that we dropped our guard from being Tag-Team Champions?

I’m not sure. There could be a dozen things – a dozen reasons – that could explain how we came up short at Last Laugh, but none of them will erase the reality that sets before us. Not only do we no longer have the title with us, but Regan’s and my climb to the finals has just become a hell of a lot steeper.

Taking a moment to collect herself, Selena takes a slow breath, her thumbs drumming together.

Frozen Hell did not come into this league with zero expectations. We came in being told that every match would have stakes the likes of which no other team would face. We also came into the league late, trailing behind every other team. And since then, we’ve had to attack every match with all we have just to stay involved – just to stay viable contenders.

And now? Regan and I face, quite easily, the greatest set of challenges. With a loss at Last Laugh, Frozen Hell now has to win every remaining match we have just to have a prayer of staying within the league. Just to have a prayer of getting a rematch for the titles we lost.

And whom are those remaining matches?

The Jackass and Big-Ass Connection.
Cookie Dreams and Jordan Majors
And Dark Fantasy…

A sad smile breaks across Selena’s face. Holy hell, right? The former tag-team champions, the hottest tag-team in this league, and the greatest tag-team in SCW history. Those are the people that stand in our way at getting a chance to regain the titles. Forgive me, but can I say ‘damn’?

And I’ll give you this, to Cannon and Knight, you two made like bandits. You don’t have to face such odds to get the titles. You earned them, but let’s face it, the fact that you two struggled against two of these two teams sort of sets the pace for us heading into these next series of matches…

But, see, that’s something that Regan and I have come to realize.
Selena lifts her head a little to glare right into the camera. The fact that we, Frozen Hell, are not you. Her eyes narrow.

Let me be honest here, boys. It was frustrating when you dismissed me in your promo leading up to Last Laugh, but I suppose that comes with the territory when you don’t see me as the biggest threat. I get it. But then you made the biggest mistake imaginable. After your win over us, you flaunted your win and then promised the team of Cookie and Majors that you would see them when they ‘won the tournament’.

As if it was a forgone conclusion.

Now, you can write me off, boys. You can dismiss me. Xander’s been doing it for months. But writing off Frozen Hell so easily? Oh… you just pissed us off.

Because you gave us a stout reminder of who the hell we are!

A moment passes as Selena hears a sound and looks up. After a moment, Regan Street comes into view in front of the camera, sitting down beside her partner, crossing a leg over another.

For so long, we have let others, like Xander Valentine and our opponents in the Tag League set the pace. We’ve let others dictate the terms of how we prepare and wrestle in these matches. We’ve let others be the attackers and us, the defenders. Defenders of the titles, of SCW, of all we stood for.

But now? You’ve changed all that.

Selena turns her head towards Regan, who smirks and rubs her hands together.

You’ve turned us into the hunters. You’ve turned us into the attackers. Because we are no longer defending the tag-team titles. We are just like the other teams, hungry and itching to get a shot. And when it comes to hunting for those titles, proving our worth over and over again, there are few in this league that are as good as Selena and I.

And if you don’t believe that, just ask our next set of opponents. The two who thought we would ‘never’ beat them. ‘Never’ be tag-team champions. The Jackass and Big Ass Connection. Tommy Valentine and Kandis.

Selena tilts her head. So… the self-named ‘guardians’ of the tag-division have now become the ‘spoilers’ of the division, is that right? That’s what you’ve wanted to promote for yourselves? That you two were going to spoil the league for the rest of us?

Can’t help but wonder if that that would be the case if you were actually winning your matches.

I wonder the same thing. See, Tommy, you like to talk the same talk you have before with David and the two of us. About bashing our heads in and how you’re just going to make our night ‘miserable’. You’re little ‘scare tactics’ are nice, but they ultimately scream the obvious.

You’ve given up.

You’ve submitted.

And because the tag-titles are not on the line, you’re just wanting to make like Matt Hodges and ‘screw this match’ and do whatever you want.

And maybe that strategy would have worked with anyone else or any other team. But in case you haven’t heard what was said a moment ago: we’ve realized who the hell we are.

Because we have not, and will not, give up on this league or on the tag division. We’ve not given up on being the best team SCW currently possesses.

For us, Tommy and Kandis, this match is a must-win for us. Not only to remain in this league, but also to show the world that Frozen Hell cannot be so easily ‘written off’ as you or the new tag-team champions like to hope and believe.

To show what happens when you knock us down?
We get right back up.

The members of Frozen Hell sit there, determination in their eyes.

So bring your crowbars and whatever ‘special things’ you think you’ll need. I’ll be bringing my kicks.
And I’ll bring my fists.

And we can see just how much hell is raised and who walks away with the bad night and who doesn’t…

But I’ll give you this.
Selena smiles. To ‘the spoilers of the tag league’, we are going to make sure you live up to your name. Because what happens in that ring tonight will be just that.

A spoiler of Frozen Hell’s journey. From you.

To Cookie and Majors.
To Dark Fantasy.
To the semi-finals.
To the finals.
To the title match at Retribution.

As Frozen Hell, once more, becomes the World Tag-Team Champions!

Selena opens her mouth as if to something before a thought comes to her. Casting a look at Regan, she takes a deep breath before turning back to the camera.

Oh and Lucas…Chris… enjoy those titles while you can… because they’re coming back to us whether you like it or not.
Believe it… Regan smirks.

Meow, bitches… Selena joins her in smiling as the camera fades to black.
[Image: hffOaUZ.png]
SCW Supreme Champion
6x SCW World Champion
4x SCW World Tag-Team Champion
2x SCW United States Champion
3x SCW Adrenaline Champion
SCW Television Champion
Longest Reigning SCW World Champion (234 days)
Winner of Shot of Adrenaline Tournament (2016)
Winner of Best of the Best Tournament (2016)
Winner of Trios Tournament (2018)
Winner of U.S. Championship Tournament (2020)
Winner of World Championship Tournament (2023)
Winner of Tactical Warfare (2014, 2019)
Winner of Elimination Chamber (2015)
Winner of Roofed Cage Match (2019)
Winner of Last Person Standing Match (2019)
The Unbelievable Main Event (2021-2023)
Winner of Double Jeopardy Match (2022)
Winner of EOTY Invitational (2023)
Female Wrestler of the Year (2016, 2021, 2022)
Tag-Team of the Year (2020 - w/ Regan Street)
Match of the Year (2018, 2019, 2021, 2023)
Feud of the Year (2014, 2019)

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