Marie Caedes vs. Derek Adonis
2 RP Limit for singles

(No word limits for any match)

Deadline: 11:59:59 pm ET Saturday, September 25, 2021
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I love AJ Allmendinger.
The scene opens to find Marie on the balcony somewhere. If one looks over the edge the last rays of sunlight are bouncing off the autumn leaves of Central Park. Marie grabs her water bottle and takes a drink. 

Marie: Here we are, my first pay per view. I’ve heard that SCW has some of the best pay per views, and how could they not have them. I’ve only been around SCW for a short while. Honestly I like it here. People actually listen to what I have to say, answer questions, and I’ve had a few people telling me what I’m doing wrong. I never thought someone would be scared of me yet it seems a few are. My debut match and….

Marie stops and takes a drink, slowly putting the lid on the bottle. 

I was going to say Will Wheaton, you know the guy who was on Star Trek when he was fairly young. But I had to double check and his name was Will Westgate. Like it matters either way because Mr Westgate seems to be doing nothing, including taking this seriously. Unless he’s independently wealthy I would think keeping a roof over your and all that would be a very good reason to put forth some effort into things like, you know, wrestling. 

I know people are asking how Will fits into this match. Well while he mostly decided to not put effort in, I’m now facing Derek Adonis and wow. He’s just like Westgate. Not uttered one word, not saying anything to maybe get a few people in the audience. But no, apparently he’s taken a vow of silence. Or maybe he’s afraid that the ladies will find out he’s a sham. He maybe talks a good game to those poor women who get left at the altar, although I don't know why. While he thinks he could have any woman he wants, to me he is a sham. The whole “oh I use to be out shape” and now you’re using the only thing you have any luck at and that is sex. But Derek I’ve talked to a few of those women and….

Marie seems to laugh to herself for a few seconds. 

Let's say you talk a good game but you’re not as….endowed with anything special. Need me to put it in smaller words? You ain’t got a thing any woman in SCW wants. So while you’re off sweet talking to someone I hope you do remember you need to catch a flight and show up for our match. And hey if you’re lucky, tell the cab driver to wait for you, then after I’m done with you, you can hop in that cab and head back to the airport and catch the plane you flew on headed back to Vegas. 

Some might say I sound arrogant, but it's a simple statement of fact when I say I’m one of the hottest new people around here. I didn't sign with SCW cause I wanted someone to take it easy on me. That's not how I was trained, it's not how those around me said it should be done. The way up the ranks is truly the way to get ahead. I’m not afraid to get in that ring and back up my words. 

It's a simple fact. I am new but before long everyone will be saying my name. Meanwhile Adonis, they’ll be forgetting yours unless they stop in at one of the chapels. But I hope they make sure that those working for you can officially wed people. I mean if they don’t there goes the only thing you’ll be making because your SCW contract will be cancelled soon. And I can't wait till it is.
The scene rises up outside of the former KABLAM Wedding Chapel in Las Vegas, Nevada, now transformed into a media centre for it’s owner and proprietor, Derek Adonis. As he paces erratically, wondering just what to say as words escape him, he sighs. 

“I feel as though I must cleanse my soul, for I have become a victim of a great and terrible slander.”

Derek’s blood pressure begins to raise. 

“Marie Caedes… I feel as though some being owes you an apology, because the information you have received is erroneous and, frankly, out of date. Yes, I was once the man you described. Yes, I believed my sexual conquests were paramount to my life. I was a womanizer. I was a man whom, in this day and age of “cancel culture” and “me too”, would have been ripe for the picking. And perhaps it is through no small amount of luck that I managed to emerge from those dark times relatively unscathed. But I do not believe it was luck at all… OH NO! I believe I was saved by a higher power to serve a higher purpose! I believe I was spared by the LAWRD almighty because He needed someone like me to form with his hand, to caress, shape, and ultimately lead to a higher calling. A pure calling.”

Adonis forms the sign of the cross and clasps his hands together. Looking to the heavens, he utters a prayer…

“Lawrd, forgive Marie for her transgression and ignorance. Forgive her for attempts to undo Your good work through me. Forgive her for her hubris. Forgive her for her arrogance. And most of all, forgive her because I simply cannot.”

He unclasps his hands, setting them down atop the podium. As he does this, his eyes raise to the camera, and he speaks with an unheard, almost angry tone - very unlike the Derek Adonis of old. 

“Marie, I understand more than anyone that forgiveness cannot be complete unless the transgressor wishes it. I had transgressed against a lot of individuals in my time, and I have sought the forgiveness of every one of them. But that does not mean that you are permitted to slander my name and ignore the work that I had done since then! Lying is a SIN, Marie… damnable if not addressed! And so I give you an opportunity at Apocalypse to REPENT from your sinful ways. To EMBRACE the Lawrd in all his glory! And… failing that… to receive an appropriate PENANCE! HALLELUIAH! HE IS GREAT!”
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