Derek Adonis vs. Konrad Raab
SCW Television Championship
Derek Adonis vs. Konrad Raab
2 RP Limit for singles; 6 RP Limit for six person tag
Deadline: Noon ET Tuesday, November 13, 2018
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11 months ago, Derek Adonis shocked the world!

He (Derek Adonis) turns, and Stacy (Kissinger, current (at the time) SCW Television Champion) has gotten up and a few feet away. She lands a dropkick that leaves Adonis slumping in the corner instead. Stacy gets up on the middle rope and throws some rights and lefts. Adonis covers up, but then drops to his ass and crawls out from under Stacy between her legs, a grin on his face despite the pain from her attacks. Stacy hops down as Derek gets to his feet. Stacy turns and Adonis runs at her again, this time smushing Stacy into the corner with the Kablam! The crowd loses it as Stacy slumps down. Adonis quickly grabs her arm and drags her to the middle of the ring, then hooks a leg for the cover.




Stacy kicks out a second too late. The bell rings and Adonis hops to his feet much quicker than one might expect for a man of his size. His music plays and we see Cookie and Manvel running down the ramp excitedly.

Phillips: “Here is your winner and neeeeeewwwww SCW Television Champion.... Derek Adonis!”

Stacy beats the mat with her fist and rolls towards the apron just as Cookie and Manvel slide in. The referee hands Adonis the title belt. He looks down at it with a huge smile, then turns to Cookie and Manvel, showing it off to them. Cookie jumps up and down ecclesiastically and Manvel claps Derek on the back. Derek Adonis then holds the belt by both hands and raises it over head, the plate facing out, shouting as he does.

Adonis: “KABLAAAMM!!”

Sharper: “Oh my Lord.... Derek Adonis is your new Television Champion.”

The reaction to this moment – the most shocking in SCW in quite some time – was predictably mixed. Fans loved it…

         Male Fan: “Man Mountain, man! KABLAM!”

         Female Fan: “Does this make him sexy now? I’m so confused.”

The reaction among the locker-room was anything BUT positive.

         @TotalWarOBrian - Derek Adonis of all people is the SCW Television Champion. And people decry me for being nihilistic?
         @abigaillindsay_ – First sign of the apocalypse?
         @TotalWarOBrian – SCW's apocalypse, at least. I'm not sure which is a worse scandal; dirty money laundering of UWA or Derek Adonis's TV Title reign in SCW.
         @abigaillindsay_ - Adonis becoming Television Champion. UWA was always an organization that couldn't escape chaos, doesn't surprise me the fall of the company was due to money laundering.

The insults didn’t stop there, but at the risk of hurting the feelings of the Lady’s Man’s Man, we are going to stop recounting beyond that one hurtful conversation. Regardless, Derek Adonis reigned as Television Champion for an improbable 21 days, bringing his reign out of 2017 and making him the first Television Champion of 2018. He even had a successful defense of the belt, as he faced his… ugh… “bestie” Manvel for the Championship, a match that resulted in a draw as both men pinned each other, allowing Adonis to retain the Championship.

One week later, he would lose his Championship to Torsten Voigt. But in that time, his profile has grown tremendously – a shock to anyone who would have thought about Derek Adonis prior to his Television Championship reign. With the burgeoning success of the KABLAMASUTRA prior to and following his win, the institution of the KABLAMAEROBICS fitness program, and the newly-introduced KABLAMINDER application (available NOW in your Goggle Play and Pomme App stores), it’s a wonder that Man Mountain has become among the most beloved of SCW superstars. I guess there is merit to the “loveable loser” trope.

Regardless, we’re now 10 months removed from the END of Adonis’ reign, and while he spent time away filming KABLAMASUTRA: The TV Series (airing now), the fans of SCW has kept it going. What have they kept going?



The arena is still buzzing from what they just saw, but what we see now does not make regular SCW cameras. Derek Adonis makes it into the backstage area following his victory over Billy Breakdown in a match billed – at least by Adonis – as the DREAM MATCH OF THE CENTURY, earning himself a shot at the Television Champion, whomever that may be. There were two options: Josh Hudson, the current Champion whose demeanor intimidates Adonis, and Konrad Raab, who is one of the most popular figures in the locker-rooms. But Adonis didn’t let his thoughts get ahead of him. Instead, the “KABLAMICAN Dweem” looks around and finds SCW’s web reporter, Abby Hudson, looking over her own notes for the show. Derek, however, in a celebratory manner, moves over to her.

Adonis: “Did you see that out there? Did you SEE!?”

Hudson looks up, almost shocked at the sudden appearance of the sweaty man and “Baby Doll” Dreams, standing sandwiching her on either side.

Hudson: “Um… yeah! Congratulations.”

Adonis: “Thank you, Abby. Thank you.”

He looks her over a bit.

Adonis: “You know, you look like you could pull off the Internet Tornado costume I saw. There’s arm tassels, boot tassels… who doesn’t love tassels!?”

Hudson: “Yeah, that’s great. I actually have some work to do…”

Derek turns to face a camera that isn’t there, continuing with his “promo”.

Adonis: First of all, I would to thank the many, many fans throughout this country that bought copies of the KABLAMSUTRA from Derek Adonis, The KABLAMICAN Dweem, while I was down.”

Abby looks around, confused.

Hudson: “Who are you talking to?”

Adonis: “The people…”

Hudson: “There’s no camera here. No one can hear you. Don’t you think, since Breakdown is still on the air, this would be televised?”

Derek stares blankly, almost glancing over to Cookie… er… Baby Doll for help. She doesn’t know what to do, and shakes her head in a frantic way, almost asking for help herself. Derek adjusts…

Adonis: “I’m just so excited, Tornado.”

Hudson: “Not my name.”

Adonis: “It could be. I’m just so excited that I have a chance to AGAIN become the Champion of Television! And I’m so excited, I’m gonna be your huckleberry all night long!”

Hudson: “Ew.”

Cookie: “Yay! Great save!”

Adonis: “Thanks, Baby Doll! See, I have wined and dined with kings and queens and I’ve slept in alleys and dined on pork and beans.”

Cookie again chimes in.

Cookie: “And that last part was just tonight!”

Adonis: “That’s right, Baby Doll. I love me some PnB.”

Hudson: “Is that what that is?”

Adonis: “Is that what what is?”

He looks to Abby, who looks like she smelled something.

Adonis: “Oh… a fart joke. I get it.”

Hudson: “It’s no joke, Derek…”

Then, Adonis smells it and gags a bit.

Adonis: “A fart gag?”

Cookie laughs, which brings a smile to Derek’s face. Derek then remembers why he was in this scene to begin with.

Adonis: “I get a shot to be Champion of Television again! KABLAM!”

He goes to kiss first Cookie, who reciprocates, then Abby, who dodges.

Hudson: “No thanks. I’m just fine…”

Adonis: “Your loss. Come on, Baby Doll… let’s go celebrate!”

The KABLAMICAN Dweem and Baby Doll Dreams exit the scene, leaving Abby bewildered and looking… intrigued? Well, this is an interesting turn of events…


Later that night, Derek Adonis would learn that his opponent for the Television Championship would be Konrad Raab, who many would say upset the now-former Champion for the strap, especially on a night where Josh Hudson declared his intention to use his Trios contract, which he earned back in February, to challenge Sienna Swann for the SCW World Championship. As we previously noted, Hudson’s general demeanor intimidated Man Mountain, so he was rather relieved that he wouldn’t have to face him. But he knew Konrad Raab, who had hungered for a Championship and had the desire to be a fighting Champion, wouldn’t be a pushover. That was okay, though. Adonis didn’t want a pushover.

Beyond that story, however, was the continuing saga of Derek Adonis and his baby-mama, the ironically named Chastity Rose, and his son, Ulysses Superman (SUCH a cool name). After his court case went through and his paternity was confirmed, Derek was left with another thought: How many other seeds had he sown throughout his years? Were there little Adonises… Adoni? I don’t know. But were there others out there? And if so, how many? Did he have enough to have his own personal security force? His own hockey team? Baseball team? Football team?

It was possible that this was on his mind. Also, Derek had to worry about managing his KABLAMpire. We were currently on the fifth printing of the KABLAMASUTRA, the book that started it all. KABLAMSUTRA 2: Electric KABLAMaloo was currently in the scripting phase. He had just been renewed for season 2 of KABLAMASUTRA: The TV Series (a shocking thing considering Derek himself stars in it and participates in the “action”). KABLAMaerobics was spreading as the latest fitness sensation. And KABLAMinder had just launched. You never know what else was coming down the pipes… but Derek was sure to follow in the footsteps of Gene Simmons, trademarking his catch-phrase and life philosophy for anything he can. Just wait until KABLAMdoms are released. You can see the face of Derek Adonis every time you reach for a condom. How’s THAT for marketing genius?

Maybe that one’s a bit much…


The scene rises up to the crackling of a fire. In the distance, sounds of intense pleasure can be heard, though not immediately identified. We pan around, taking a look at the room, where we see various signed photos of insanely attractive women hanging in lieu of family photos or accomplishments. A tipped over bottle of wine and some shed clothes are strewn about between the table at the centre of our scene and what we can only assume, given the circumstances, is the bedroom. The red wine had spilled out enough that there was bound to be a stain. Have you ever tried to get red wine out of a carpet? Damn near IMPOSSIBLE. The sounds of pleasure grow more and more intense. Then, we see Derek Adonis sitting at the table, clad in only a loose-fitting housecoat, reading the KABLAMasutra with a mug of something set on the table beside him, his other hand unseen. We assume the mug has a low level of coffee, with the absence of steam from the top of it, but can’t know for sure. His laptop sits open beside him, a pornographic video playing on it, matching the intense pleasure from the other room, almost leading one to believe that the video is the celebration rather than whatever is going on. As Derek sits, a Scope video call request comes through. Derek reaches up and grabs his mouse with his previously-unseen hand, pausing the video and stopping the sounds throughout the scene (confirming what we had just thought) and answers the call, seeing a red-headed (and red-bearded) man on the other side of his screen.

Adonis: “Jeff-rey?”

Derek appears bewildered. His former man-servant/employee had been unheard from since he went on a journey of self-discovery never-before documented by our cameras. Seriously, it was some sort of “I need to find myself” type thing that Derek didn’t understand. Truthfully, when Jeff-rey gave his notice of resignation, Derek only listened to half of it. The shock of losing a close confidante – even one as persistent and pestering as Jeff-rey had been known to be – was enough to shock anyone, and Derek was also trying to set up the webcam he had installed in the honeymoon suite of his wedding chapel. Oh, don’t worry – that’s completely legal. The honeymoon suite allows couples to record their big (KABLAM!) day. But still, seeing Jeff-rey, now bearded and looking healthy, on the other side of his computer took Derek by surprise.

Jeff-rey: “Hello, Derek.”

Adonis: “Jeff-rey… I haven’t heard from you since…”

Derek tried to remember when it had last been, but the time escapes him. Jeff-rey, however, nods his head.

Jeff-rey: “It’s been 379 days, 21 hours, 19 minutes, and 44 seconds… 45… 46…”

Adonis: “Okay, okay… I get it.”

Derek squares up, looking at the webcam as Jeff-rey looks away.

Adonis: “What would you like, Jeff-rey?”

Jeff-rey: “Could you… um…”

Jeff-rey motions for Derek’s housecoat, which had stayed open (and even opened more so when he turned) during the conversation. Jeff-rey, not wanting to “see that”, turned away. Derek looks down, noticing that he was fully exposed. Shrugging his shoulders, he pulls his robe together.

Adonis: “I guess so.”

Derek appeared inconvenienced, even annoyed, by the request to cover his “shame”. Of course, Derek was not ashamed of his body. He was proud of his temple that had been only enhanced since the institution and practice of KABLAMaerobics.

Jeff-rey: “I saw you on the television the other day and wanted to reach out.”

Adonis: “Oh, did you see my tremendous victory in the DREAM MATCH OF THE CENTURY!?”

Jeff-rey: “No, I…”

Adonis: “Because I now have a claim to the Mormon Tabernacle Choir Championship of the World now because of it.”

Jeff-rey: “Mr. Adonis, that’s not…”

Adonis: “Or do you mean my latest commercial for KABLAMinder?”

Jeff-rey hangs his head.

Jeff-rey: “It was your TV show.”

Adonis: “Oh.”

Derek takes a moment to think about it. He had been on and around TV shows for so long that specifying it down to a specific show was…

Adonis: “KABLAMASUTRA: The TV Series?”

…actually pretty easy. Jeff-rey’s face grows as red as the hair upon his head.

Jeff-rey: “I’m ashamed.”

Adonis: “Don’t be. People LOVE seeing Man Mountain in all his glory. That’s part of the appeal of the show… well, secondary to all the lovely ladies that come on to come on… ehh?”

Jeff-rey: “What?”

Adonis: “Get it? They come on to come on? EHHHHHH??”

Derek tries to force Jeff-rey to “get it”, but to no avail. He doesn’t. He won’t.

Jeff-rey: “That’s not it, Mr. Adonis. Quite frankly, I’d seen enough when I worked for you.”

Adonis: “Oh yeah. Remember the time you walked in on me and that one that looked underage though her ID said she was legal?”

Jeff-rey: “The time? That happened at least 7 times during my employment.”

Adonis: “Heh heh… yeah. Anyway, we have a kid now.”

Jeff-rey does a double-take.

Jeff-rey: “Come again?”

Adonis: “Nope. Just the once. Apparently, that’s all it takes.”

Jeff-rey: “Huh… anyway, that’s not why I was ashamed. I’m ashamed because, when I quit, it was because you were taking more and more advice from Cookie Dreams and Manvel than you were me. I though the KABLAMASUTRA would sink like a lead balloon, but here you are with a bestseller and a TV show.”

Adonis: “And a fitness program.”

Jeff-rey: “And a fitness program?”

Adonis: “And an app.”

Jeff-rey: “And an app? Look… the point is that I was wrong to doubt you, and I’m sorry.”

Derek finally clues in…

Adonis: “Wait. Hold on. Back up here. Give me a minute.”

Jeff-rey: “Okay…?”

Adonis: “You quit?”

Jeff-rey: “Yyyyyes?”

Adonis: “Then who have I been writing all those checks to?”

Jeff-rey shakes his head.

Jeff-rey: “I don’t know. But I just wanted to apologize for doubting you, and let you know that I’m very proud of you. Here I thought all you were interested in was sex with random women and…”

Jeff-rey’s eyes widen as Cookie Dreams steps into the scene behind Derek, dressed in lingerie approximately two-sizes too small. Clearly not Jeff-rey’s interest, but it’s hard not to stop in your tracks upon such an image.

Jeff-rey: “Is… is that…”

Adonis: “Yeah… the ol’ ball and chain if you know what I mean.”

Jeff-rey: “You… married her?”

Derek shrugs as though it isn’t a big deal. Of course, given their respective proclivities and the resulting openness of their marriage, it really wasn’t such a big deal to Derek. It wasn’t like Cookie was tying him down and not letting him sow his wild oats, and Derek was okay with her being sown as well. Still, as Derek sits in front of the computer, Cookie walks over.

Cookie: “Oh, is THIS why the video in the bedroom was paused?”

Adonis: “Yeah… it’s Jeff-rey! Remember him?”

Cookie: “Looking cute, Jeff-rey.”

Jeff-rey tries to look away while simultaneously remaining polite.

Jeff-rey: “Thanks. You look… as scantily-clad as ever.”

Cookie: “That’s so sweet!”

Cookie stands over Derek, running her hands down his chest in his housecoat.

Adonis: “Jeff-rey was just telling me how impressed he was with how the KABLAMpire was growing.”

Her hands go lower as she sinks towards his back.

Adonis: “And that’s not the ONLY thing that’s going to be growing IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN.”

Jeff-rey: “Please stop.”

Cookie looks back to the webcam, realizing that Jeff-rey was growing more uncomfortable with what he was witnessing. She stands up and waves to the computer.

Cookie: “Sorry Jeff-rey! Maybe next time.”

She leans back to Derek’s ear…

Cookie: “I’ll be waiting.”

Cookie turns and exits the scene, with Derek staring after her. A bit of drool forms in the corner of his mouth, followed by more drool. He audibly slurps the drool back into his mouth and turns back to the computer.

Jeff-rey: “Not again…”

Derek looks down, having to pull his housecoat closed again.

Adonis: “So, yeah. Things are pretty great here and…”

Derek obviously has pull away from the table where he sits. Jeff-rey, noticing this, rolls his eyes.

Jeff-rey: “You want to chase her?”

Adonis: “I do.”

Jeff-rey: “Then just go… we’ll chat another time.”

Adonis: “Thank you.”

Without another word, Derek closes the chat window and hits play on the video. Opening his housecoat and looking down, Derek smiles.

Adonis: “KABLAM!”

Then, he turns towards the bedroom himself…

Adonis: “Oh Cookie… here comes MAN MOUNTAIN!”

He rushes off in the direction of the bedroom, and the scene mercifully cuts away before we hear any of Adonis’ sounds of pleasure.


But, just while things appear to be amazing for Derek Adonis’ personal life, between a marriage that actually works for him (fifth time’s a charm?) and a burgeoning professional life, there is still a few things that don’t necessarily work in his favour. Enter September Mills. September is a representative of a vaunted television network in Canada, and her involvement in the wrestling industry before has been well-documented and mixed at best. She was responsible for giving a wrestler a guaranteed money deal, adding to the pot for a company to sign him and sticking the network with the remainder of his contract when that company folded anyway, so she was always pensive when it came to working with wrestlers. Derek Adonis, of course, was no ordinary wrestler, something she made clear to her superiors as often as she could.  

Still, she wasn’t sure what to expect when entering into meetings pertaining to KABLAMASUTRA: The TV Series season 2…


Mills: “It’s filth.”

September Mills, the pant-suited executive of County-TV in Canada, wasn’t shy about voicing her objections to the content of… anything, really. She was a staunch crusader for ratings and the sponsorship dollars that came with them. But more than that, she wanted what was decent to be on the air. Derek Adonis, the second person in this meeting, was quick to defend his vision and his work.

Adonis: “Its CLASSY filth.”

Okay, to a point. But it really was a point worth making. For Derek, the series was never going to be an X-rated romp. He had a professional career to worry about. There were children who watched SCW programming, and the fact that he had to sell the KABLAMASUTRA, with all it entails, only to people AFTER they produced valid ID was a push enough. Sure, there was merchandise for the kids – a stuffed Derek Adonis bear that said “KABLAM!” when you squeezed it’s stomach was his favourite, despite wanting it to say “KABLAM!” when you squeeze lower. “That’s not appropriate for children” he was told time and time again. But with his TV series, he had always been free to express his vision, with as much nudity as was allowed after midnight.

Mills: “It’s like fucking Baby Blue 2 all over again.”

This reference confused Derek.

Adonis: “Huh?”

Mills: “Baby Blue 2… it was a weekly softcore series on City…”


Derek almost rises out of his chair, but ends up disappointed…”

Mills: “You don’t anymore. It was cancelled years ago because of the filth that it aired. Which is why I’m opposed to any renewals to this Kama Sutra…”

Adonis: “That’s KABLAMasutra… thank you very much.”

Derek sits back looking kind of snooty. September rolls her eyes though, not seeing much different in a series based off the actual Kama Sutra, nor Derek Adonis’ “inspired reimagining” of it.

Mills: “Whatever.”

See? She’s completely dismissive of the differences in the KABLAMasutra. That’s just poor knowledge of the source material, is what it is. But because of that poor knowledge, Derek finds himself facing an uphill battle.

Adonis: “But the series has already been renewed for another season.”

Mills: “Against my wishes, believe me. If the decision were up to me, it would have been cancelled 15 minutes into the first episode.”

Derek laughs, remembering what happened at 15 minutes into the first episode.

Adonis: “That was a GREAT scene. That girl is a nursing student now, and was VERY thankful to have the chance to make some decent money for a day’s worth of work.”

Mills: “And what happened with the 23 hours and 58 minutes that DIDN’T make the series.”

Adonis: “Are you suggesting that I hold onto the footage that doesn’t make the show for my own personal gratification? Because they sign releases for that!”

September shakes her head. In her mind, everything Adonis is saying only reaffirms the beliefs she already held.

Mills: “See, that’s the problem with you. Everything you do is supposed to feed into your sick fetishes, yet you find ways to completely circumvent common sense and decency, but do so in ways that are actually somehow LEGAL.”

Derek shrugs his shoulders.

Adonis: “I have good lawyers?”

Mills:I’ll say. But while I can’t cancel your show without the board of directors signing off… and apparently the board of directors actually like your filth, there is something I can do.”

Adonis: “What’s that?”

Mills: “I can cut your budget. Make it so you have to spend all of your money to keep a half-decent production value and can’t afford your special “guests”. See how many girls you can convince to appear without flashing cash in their faces.”

Adonis: “I will have you know that it’s not CASH that gets flashed in their faces. KABLAM!”

Mills: “Ugh… gross.”

Adonis: “You liked it.”

Mills: “Have you not heard a WORD I’ve said? I didn’t like it. That’s why…”

September catches herself pausing before she says too much to Derek, who seemed to have an answer for everything she said.

Mills: “You know what? I’m not getting into it with you. Your budget is cut. That’s all there is to it.”

Adonis: “Okay.”

This seemed to enrage September more than anything else.

Mills: “That’s it? “Okay”? You should be desperate. You should be PANICKING. You should be offering me any concession you can give me to refund your precious money. You should be…”

Adonis: “Sacrificing my integrity as an artist and the KABLAMperor?”

Mills: “What does that even mean?”

Adonis: “Leader of the KABLAMpire… duh.”

Mills: “Well, yes! That’s what you should be doing. Why are you just rolling over and taking it.”

Adonis: “First, I do some of my best work on my back… KABLAM!”

September nods.

Mills: “Should have expected that one.”

Adonis: “But mainly… I’m not exactly desperate for money. I own like… 3 wedding chapels in Las Vegas, the shotgun wedding capital of the world! I get residuals from the KABLAMASUTRA, it’s movie and TV series, KABLAMaerobics, and sponsorships purchased from KABLAMinder. I’m fine if I have to top up a budget. As long as I have a spot on TV, I can make this work.”

Mills: “You… you just… AHHHHHHHHH!!”

September screams right in Adonis’ face.

Mills: “You have got to be the most MADDENING man I have EVER met in my entire LIFE! You just won’t give up! You won’t take “no” for an answer.”

Adonis: “I made it this far.”

September sighs, shaking her head and sighing heavily.

Mills: “I don’t get it… I really don’t.”

Adonis: “Well… let me explain it to you.”

September looks up to Derek, a resigned look in her eyes as she moves to a nearby chair. That’s right… apparently there were chairs in the room the entire time, but September and Derek both chose to stand. Isn’t that strange. Anyway, we’re not going to be privy to Derek Adonis’ philosophy of living a KABLAM lifestyle today, as our scene takes this opportune moment to cut away.


Derek Adonis found himself in familiar territory: Preparing for an SCW Television Championship… er… Championship of Television opportunity that he earned. Last time he had a shot, it was treated as a joke or, worse, an abomination… but this was a fact that Derek was privy to. He heard it all… he saw the tweets, even interacting with some. He knew that the idea of him being Television Champion was looked upon as devaluing the Championship itself. In the end, this was false. His nearly one-month long reign didn’t destroy the value of the Championship, but it enabled him to do something he always wanted to do…

This time, he stands in front of the camera completely clothed (sorry… or not. Depends on what you thought about his in-the-buff recording), clad in a very loud neon green suit with bright pink highlights, aping the colour scheme from the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air titles. But, despite his flamboyant, over-the-top presentation, Adonis’ face is that of uncharacteristic seriousness.

Adonis: “I understand that to a lot of you, I’m a joke. I really do get it. I know that there are people who look at me when I go to the store or on TV in KABLAMASUTRA: The TV Series or in a wrestling arena and think my entire existence is to be a joke. You wonder how I could possibly do this… ‘rassling? That’s something for bodybuilders or super-hot models to do… the fitness types. And I heard the words of people who don’t believe...”

Derek Adonis begins to mock the words he’s heard, after all, they are the very same words that Man Mountain has heard time and time again.

Adonis: ““Look at that Derek Adonis… He thinks he’s a lady’s man? HAH! Look at him. No way any lady worth having would give HIM the time of day.””

He laughs, if only to suppress some tears brought on by the sting of your merciless doubt. Shame on you, reader. Shame.

Adonis: “I hear it all the time. People look at me and hear my confidence and my enthusiasm over the fairer sex and assume that, somehow, I strike out every time I try. You’ve SEEN my box of conquests, and assume that the list inside of it is either written in super-huge type or is written on fortune cookie paper. Well, it’s legitimate, but for the privacy of the women on it… and there are a LOT of them… I keep that information private. Only a select few can actually validate the large number of names documented. But that’s not what I wanted to talk to you about. Not today. There will be PLENTY of time to talk about my list and my success with the ladies. I mean, you only need to look as far as the Missus to see just how successful Man Mountain truly is!”

He lets out a hearty “KABLAM”, which the narration here has opted to tell you about rather than directly quoting simply as a means to break up his speaking. But now that we’ve successfully done that, and drawn enough of a break to build your anticipation back up, we return to our subject du jour.

Adonis: “And you need only look at my previous recording to realize that Man Mountain truly is MOUNTAINOUS! Did you see all those pixels? If there was a factory that manufactured pixels to cover me up, it would have been working overtime for weeks to reach the necessary number. Just another way of saying that KABLAM SAVES LIVES!”

Okay, so he kind of got sidetracked, but maybe he’ll get back to the point.

Adonis: “But I want you to understand something… Derek Adonis… Man Mountain… KABLAM… I’m so much more than your typical, run-of-the-mill ‘rassler. I may not look the part. I may not dress the part. You may think my cardio is lacking - which, BTW, is not something I’ve EVER had complaints about from the ladies… IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN! … what was I saying again?”

He has to think about it, after getting himself sidetracked bragging about his romantic conquests again.

Adonis: “Oh! Right! I may not look like the guys you push out on the CAW feature of the SCW vidgee game. I may not look like the guy you build in Frankenstein’s lab as “The Perfect Wrestler” in a “They call him blank” kind of way. But that doesn’t necessarily matter, because Derek Adonis is a BRAND onto himself! Look at it all. Look at SCW. Look at GCW. Look at EMERGE. You see a bunch of athletes competing, but how many of those are truly BRANDED? I, Derek Adonis, the KABLAMperor of the KABLAMpire… ooh…”

He plays with his tongue a little bit, strangely for sure, but leaving a sense that his self-deemed titles just twisted his tongue and felt weird.

Adonis: “Maybe leave that one on the cutting room floor.”

Adonis shakes his head.

Adonis: “Look, what I’m trying to say is that there are competitors and then there are personalities. While my wrestling record may not be the greatest, my stardom cannot be denied! I’m Man Mountain! Wherever I go, whatever I do, people notice me. You talk about “larger than life”, my personality is I am larger than larger than life! So it was always destined that I would eventually find my way back into the conversation to be SCW’s Champion of Television! After all, Derek Adonis is a HUGE TELEVISION STAR!”

Adonis throws his head up, clearly peacocking. It’s a little awkward, but he wears it well.

Adonis: “If you take the physicality out of the equation, there are wonders that I could do for the visibility and… yes… prestige of that Championship. After all, between the KABLAMasutra - the book, movie, AND TV series - between KABLAMaerobics, between KABLAMinder… I am one of the most visible businesses in the company. Why would having a Championship with that much visibility be a bad thing? Huh? Why? Answer me!”

Derek, again, gets sidetracked, this time trying to force an answer to his question out of no one in particular… you, actually. But since you’re not in the room with Adonis as he’s recording this match promotion, his questions and protests fall on deaf ears.

Adonis: “That’s right… it’s not bad. If anything, giving that kind of spotlight to the Championship… the type of spotlight that comes with a guy who’s able to get on Breakdown to perform KABLAMaerobics in front of tens of thousands of people in the arena, and MILLIONS watching worldwide on their televisions. That’s the type of visibility I can bring the Championship of Television. But of course, there’s always the physical side, and Man Mountain is not afraid of being physical… just ask Cookie.”

Adonis obnoxiously winks to the camera.

Adonis: “In fact, in preparation for my upcoming Championship match against Konrad Raab, a man who Man Mountain respects, I have been putting in extra effort to be ready! MAXIMUM effort, if you weeeell… er…”

He clears his throat.

Adonis: “... will. I know what Konrad Raab is going through because I, too, was in that position back in December of last year, after I just won the Championship of Television. I know the bundle of nerves that can knot your stomach up as you go into your first Championship defense, not knowing when the ride is going to end. I know how long you have fought and worked for this moment, because you’re one of the few on the SCW roster who is older than me. I know how much you wanted to be a Champion in SCW and you made it! You finally got there! You are the SCW Champion of Television! And you are ready to defend it against whoever wins their Champion qualifiers to face you! And in England at the O2 Arena, you’re going to do exactly that when you defend your newly-won title against a man who many looked at as not being a serious threat! You’re going to defend against Man Mountain, Derek Adonis! And Konrad, I wish you the best in your defense…”

He looks off camera, almost embarrassed that he maybe just wished his opponent the best of luck.

Adonis: “But… I’m going to push for better than that. For the opportunity to be a TWO-TIME SCW Champion of Television is just too alluring! Think about the doors this could open for SCW and me! For my KABLAMpire! I could finally get a timeslot on the Home Shopping Network to market all things KABLAM… the KABLAMasutra… KABLAMaerobics… even give live demonstrations of how KABLAMinder works! That’s where you and I differ, Konrad… to you, being Champion is enough. Being Champion validates you and the hard work you put in to be there. But to me, being Champion is only the beginning… it’s the first step of many steps taken to profit. But there’s something I want you to do, Konrad… close your eyes…”

Derek demonstrates how this is accomplished by closing his eyes.

Adonis: “Are they closed? Good… close your eyes and imagine. Imagine. Imagine. Imagine me defeating you.”

He opens his eyes again, looking into the camera with something akin to sincerity in his eyes.

Adonis: “I know that you’re not going to be happy. I know that you want to retain that Championship, but the nature of the Championship of Television means that you may not get what you want. I want you to know that I’m going to give you everything I have for the shiny prize, and losing it to me will carry no shame. It’s not personal… it’s businessy. And for everyone else, everyone who makes fun of me for my weight or condition, everyone who questions my virility with the ladies… I want you to really watch… because with Man Mountain as the Champion of Television, we’ll be entering into a new age… the Age of…”

He pauses briefly, soaking in the moment of no crowd interaction. He closes his eyes again, lifts chin and inhales deeply, before he lets out another hearty, forceful…


With that, the recorded scene goes to black.


A pair of women’s feet can be seen protruding out from the end of some bedsheets. They’re folded together, almost as if the arch of one foot was being used to warm the top of the other, and they switch places semi-frequently. We move up from the feet because we’re not foot fetishists, moving up the feminine shape of the body under the covers. As we reach higher on the bed, we can see a slender arm out of the bed resting on the body. We move even higher still and see the shoulder, the neck and, finally, the sleeping face of September Mills. There’s no indication of clothing on her body as she begins to shift in place. As she moves, her eyes open and she rolls onto her back, rubbing her eyes.

Mills: “Ugh…”

Groaning, she looks around, seeing the walls where photos of scantily clad women hang on the walls… signed photos. This piques her attention and she rises from the bed, taking the sheet with her, wrapping it around her body as she goes. She walks over to the pictures…

Mills: “Why would someone keep these pictures in their bedroom?”

Looking at the pictures, she recognizes a picture… the nursing student that appeared on KABLAMASUTRA: The TV Series. Her eyes widen.

Mills: “No…”

She turns back to the bed and her eyes widen in horror as she sees the sleeping body of Derek Adonis. The horrifying realization sweeps over her as she begins to recall everything.

Derek explaining his confidence and persistence.

The move from the meeting room to a nearby restaurant for dinner. She ordered a salad. He ordered a steak. Medium-rare, she remembered. They had drinks… she drank wine, he drank whiskey sours.

They left the restaurant. Derek tried to get her a cab, but she didn’t want to go home alone. Derek offered her the couch. She accepted.

They went back to his place. Cookie was out, likely with Manvel. She and Derek talked… and talking led them to… no… led her to.

Mills: “What did I do?”

Derek rolls in his place, opening his eyes and seeing September standing in place, wrapped in his sheet.

Mills: “What did we do?”

Adonis: “Let me explain it to you.”

She nearly becomes sick. The scene fades.
[Image: 0nkylO2.png]

Showing his auntie and small cousins his SCW TV title. Oslo, Norway. Tuesday 6th November. (Off camera)

A day after his wife's birthday, he decided to fly to Norway straight away as it's been two years the last time Konrad has met the Norwegian family he had from his mum's side, especially he was wrestling there tomorrow night. A lot of people in Norway had already considered Konrad a hero with a huge fan following, especially now with him being SCW TV champion; he's been bombarded by a ton of fans, wanting his autograph and selfie pictures with him. It's been tough to get out of Oslo airport to go to his auntie's and his small cousin's house. Konrad went in a special car he had to reach for here and Germany due to his popularity.

A few minutes later, he manages to arrive at his auntie's and his cousin's house, and he gets left behind as he did want to spend quality time with them as Konrad rarely gets the time with them. He rings the doorbell and waits for a few minutes with his luggage and bags since he's staying at his auntie's for the house show tomorrow night. She opens the door and gives Konrad a hug.

Elyse: “Wow, been a long time since you've last come here.”

Konrad Raab: “It certainly has.”

Elyse: “Please come in.”

Konrad nods as he gets his luggage in the house before himself as he closes the door and comes to sit down with his auntie who seemed like she wasn't aware of Konrad coming over. His small cousins were obviously at school which is a shame, but he knew the time he had with his auntie would be worth it.

Elyse: “You shock me.”

Konrad Raab: “I wanted to surprise you, Asmund and Dag.”

Elyse: “You certainly have. You have a wrestling match?”

Konrad Raab: “That's the main reason why I came over, but I decided to come a day earlier because I did need to see you and honestly, I wanted to spend the day with you, Asmund and Dag since I need to bond with you better.”

Elyse: “You certainly looking good, much better than when I first saw you signing autographs for your cousins.”

Konrad Raab: “Yes, that was a shock there to know I have family here. I even told Markus as well too. Sadly, he hasn't been lucky enough to see you as he's not wrestled in Oslo yet.”

Elyse got a bit sad as she hasn't seen Markus in years as he had been doing his own thing as she does miss seeing Markus, although Elyse sees their sister and their mum a lot and she speaks.

Elyse: “I miss Markus, I wish for one day, he'd come over and see me.”

Konrad Raab: “I will try and talk to him about it as I agree, you both do need to meet up.”

Konrad paused for a second to see the house being so quiet without his younger cousins around, although it was unfortunate as he was planning to spend the entire day with the family as he asks this.

Konrad Raab: “Are Asmund and Dag at school?”

Elyse: “Yes, but I plan to pick them up in an hour.”

Konrad Raab: “I want to come with you to pick them up to surprise them as well.”

Elyse: “Of course and then we go out to eat tonight as a family.”

Konrad liked the sounds of that as he always wanted to spend time with the Norwegian family he had after the shock of meeting them two years ago for a house show event. He always wanted to come back to visit his family, and it's a perfect chance to, and he hadn't even gotten down to talking about something huge. Elyse brought Konrad some fresh bottled of water which Konrad took a sip of it before Elyse takes a seat and speaks.

Elyse: “How's wrestling going?”

Konrad Raab: “Couldn't have gotten better. I was hoping to show you something I've won on Halloween with Asmund and Dag here, but I can't wait any longer, so I figured to show you instead of explaining it.”

Konrad stood up and unzipped his bag to get his Television title out of the bag before he zipped it up and brings it over towards his auntie to see the crystal ice belt. Konrad slightly made modifications to it as instead of seeing gold; it was full of crystal ice in the belt as this was a shock to Elyse as she says this while trying to hold the belt.

Elyse: “Oh my, you weren't wrong when you said things couldn't have gotten better. This belt is heavy. I didn't realise how heavy the belts were as Dag's got a toy SCW World title belt being very light, but wow, I can barely lift this my shoulder.”

Konrad Raab: “It's not heavy for me, but for somebody like yourself, it would be, especially how I slightly modified the belt to make it shinier, but still with the same logo and design on it. Very expensive, but it was worth it.”

Elyse: “I know Dag especially will be so shocked to know his cousin is an SCW champion. I remember you making a promise you'd come back to Norway with a title and here you are with one, although not the US belt, but still a title.”

Konrad Raab: “It wasn't an easy match against Josh Hudson. To think I've defeated a former SCW champion goes down very well in my record book. I couldn't have asked for anything better after two years of hard work, I'm finally champion, and I've got a title defence next week.”

It still was a shock to Konrad he won a title, but nobody will be as shocked as Elyse who to this point had never got to witness holding the belt as she gives it back to Konrad.

Elyse: “You aren't taking that to school, are you?”

Konrad Raab: “No because it'll be a nicer surprise if Asmund and Dag to see the title I got when we come home with them. How's your office business going?”

Elyse: “Going very well, although last year we had a bit of a slide with me losing a few court cases that were tough to deal with, I've caught back up this year with learning from my mistakes and the business is booming with interest. Even had to hire a few more people to the office too.”

Konrad Raab: “That's good to hear. Admittedly, the worse year of my career was last year and in the middle of this year too, but I've changed a lot now after having to go through two weeks worth of mental training, and that's lead me to be champion. They've already seen me with the belt last week.”

Elyse: “How does your wife feel?”

Konrad Raab: “Oh god, she was over the moon, although she wanted to have sex with me right away, even meeting me in Oklahoma City straight after I've won the belt. I got very wild to say the least, even parting with my opponent and his friends in the locker room. It's something I will never forget.”

Konrad places the title back in his bag for now as a way to surprise Asmund and Dag later with the title he has in his procession. Elyse gets up to place her coat on because it's pretty cold in Norway, even if Konrad's used to cold weather as he says this after taking a few more sips of his water.

Konrad Raab: “Time to pick Dag and Asmund up?”

Elyse: “Yes. They are going to be so happy to see you as they've wanted you to come over for ages. They only discovered about Markus being a wrestler as well.”

Konrad Raab: “Yeah, Markus tends to keep to himself at times.”

Elyse: “Well can't blame him, to be honest after what happened. Must be so hard on him to know he got raped by a woman.”

Konrad Raab: “He's getting better now though considering he did attend a Be Brave conference to speak up about domestic violence and rape he went through. He said something I didn't know about how wrestling saved his life.”

Elyse nods as she and Konrad were on their way out of the door as they walk together in the cold, although it doesn't bother Konrad at all. Elyse only noticed how much weight her nephew had lost, but she saw Konrad being much happier, and while they were walking to Asmund's and Dag's school, she speaks again with a question.

Elyse: “Does my sister know about you being champion?”

Konrad Raab: “Does she? She phoned me up as soon as I won the title, saying how proud she is of me and the hard work I've put in has been worth it. She was in tears of happiness on the phone to me, and she can't wait to see me along with my daughters and my grandson.”

Elyse: “Woah, you're a grandad now?”

Konrad Raab: “Oh yeah, my eldest daughter Aldetruda has a son known as Jens junior who was born almost two years ago now. It's the best thing that's happened to me, although I'm going to have another son in my family too.”

Elyse: “Fizz's pregnant again?”

Konrad Raab: “Oh no, I'm going to adopt a thirteen-year-old boy as my son.”

There's so much for them to talk about as it was a pretty long walk to the school as Elyse would drive to school usually but uses the time to walk with Konrad to get to know him better, and she was shocked to discover Konrad to learn he was adopting a teenager.

Elyse: “What made you want to do that?”

Konrad Raab: “A boy named Sebastian came up to me as I was coming home from a motorcycle race and he asked me to be his dad after the life he's gone through and wants to be a wrestler too. So I'm just waiting for the visa USCIS forms to be accepted along with legal status from Germany and US authorities before adopting him and taking him home.”

Elyse: “It must've been hard for you to know he wanted you to be his dad. Any reason?”

Konrad Raab: “Because he doesn't like his orphanage or anybody there and he seems to only talk when I'm around. He said it makes him feel safe and confident to talk to me. He said he'll never be happy if I didn't make plans to be his dad. He knows he has to wait and I do plan to visit him.”

Elyse: “You're more of a human being than most people are. It's a shame people these days are too selfish to care for another person. I do hope it'll get sorted soon.”

Konrad Raab: “Yeah, me too, even if I only just told my kids about Sebastian living with us the other day. They were surprised, but they understood about paperwork having to go through and to plan before it happens.”

It was a sad story for Konrad to know he's placed in a position to adopt a teenager in his family. He did want to have a teenager in his family before his eldest sons become teenagers anyway to get to experience to parent a teenage boy, but it was going to be a happy ending story as well. They finally reached the school which was a half an hour's walk, and they wait outside for Dag and Asmund to come out and as soon as they do, they run straight towards their mum and then they saw Konrad.

Dag and Asmund: “Konrad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

They shouted, and Konrad picks them straight up and hugs them as they were in complete shock that their family member is with them as Asmund says this.

Asmund: “Mummy never told us you were coming over.”

Konrad Raab: “I thought to surprise you both. I've always wanted to come back here and see you and Dag.”

Dag: “Yes, I'm happy to see my wrestling cousin here. Can we go home?”

Elyse: “Of course we can.”

The teacher eventually saw Elyse and was free to take Dag and Asmund home as they were in the fourth grade compared to them being in second grade when Konrad meets them for the first time in years at the house show, and Dag says this while they take half an hour to walk home.

Dag: “Does this mean you're wrestling this week?”

Konrad Raab: “Yes I am, tomorrow night. That's the main reason why I came over, but I came a day earlier to spend time with all of you.”

Dag: “Mummy, can we get tickets for wrestling tomorrow night?”

Elyse: “Of course we can.”

Dag: “Yay, thank you.”

Asmund: “We always wanted to see you again. It's a nice surprise to see you pick us up from school.”

Konrad Raab: “It's nice to see you boys growing up as well. I got a surprise for you boys when we're home. Mummy's already seen it.”

Alyse nods at the boys as it was going to be a surprise, especially for Dag who was a big wrestling fan and Asmund was more of a fan of winter sports of ice hockey, and he even discovered something about Konrad's family as of late.

Asmund: “Is it true one of your children is playing Ice Hockey?”

Konrad Raab: “Yes, my second eldest Roderick is. He's in the duck's youth team at the moment, and he's an excellent player, scored a lot of goals for the Ducks.”

Asmund: “Wow, that's awesome. Maybe when he's older, I can see him play in Norway for Anaheim Ducks. I just read about things online with Ice Hockey.”

Alyse: “Yes, Asmund loves the sport, we go to see Manglerud Star play sometimes.”

Konrad Raab: “I've always loved Ice Hockey, I at times watch Koln Sharks play at times when I'm in Germany when I'm over there, although you know I used to play it at times for fun. It's a sport I enjoy a lot to watch, especially when Roderick plays. He's a scorer.”

Asmund: “That's so cool. Wish I could play, but I can't skate.”

It's always been hard for Asmund to skate, although the primary interest in the family was of course wrestling due to Konrad and Markus wrestling, it still didn't divert the attention of one of Norway's top sports was Ice Hockey as they walked around the corner, getting to know everything about his auntie and his younger cousins. As they reached to the door, Alyse opened the door and allowed herself and the kids in before Konrad comes in and closes the door.

Dag: “What's the surprise?”

Konrad Raab: “If you and Asmund relax and sit down, I will show you the surprise.”

Konrad goes to his bag and gets the Television belt out. When Dag sees the belt, Dag stands there in complete shock, knowing what he saw on TV to be true as Konrad places the belt around his shoulder as Dag says this.

Dag: “Wow, I want to hold this belt.”

Konrad Raab: “You have to be very careful as it's nothing like your toy belt you have.”

Dag: “I will, I promise.”

Dag gets the chance with Konrad's help to hold it around his shoulder as it's heavy for him, especially with the small modifications, but still had the original title with him as well as Dag gently touches it and he says this.

Dag: “This isn't the gold you won from Josh Hudson.”

Konrad Raab: “It is, but it's crystal ice to suit the type of character I am, being The Iceman. You can see your face on it.”

Dag: “Yes, the belt so shiny. I want to bring my SCW World title belt down.”

Dag rushes upstairs to his room, still in shock to see his great cousin being champion as he finds his title belt and comes down with it. He stands alongside Konrad and Alyse takes a picture of both of them with the title belts, and then Asmund comes in to get in the picture too, although he wanted to touch the belt also as Dag with Konrad's assist passes it to his brother and Konrad places the belt on Asmund's shoulder.

Asmund: “This is heavy.”

Konrad Raab: “It's meant to be because it's crystal ice that makes the belt weigh a lot more than it does originally.”

Asmund: “It's so cool that you're champion. I watch wrestling sometimes, but Dag's a much bigger fan than I am. I couldn't do wrestling as it looks difficult.”

Konrad Raab: “It's the hardest sport I've ever done. You have to put in a ton of work to be the best wrestler. I've done that, and here I am with the Television belt, and I got to defend the belt next week.”

Dag: “Yes, against that big guy Adonis.”

Dag went to the kitchen to get some water in a large cup, and he runs around like crazy until he pours water all over Konrad, singing that he's a champion in Norway's version of we are the champions by Queen with a slight change of Konrad's a champion instead of we.

Alyse: “Usually, I'd tell Dag off for what he did to you, but he's just so happy. You can imagine him screaming like crazy when you pinned Josh for the three count. He ran all over the house with his title on his shoulder.”

Dag: “But you didn't seem happy when you won the belt.”

Konrad Raab: “That's because I was concerned about Josh if he was hurt because of my aggressiveness in the ring.”

Dag: “You being aggressive got you to be champion though.”

Konrad Raab: “It did, but I still had to check if he was OK, but believe me, I had a party of my life in the locker room with Adonis and his friends spraying champagne on me. Also having music on and singing backstage because of me being champion, even got the boss of SCW Mr D to come in and congratulate me. It's a moment I won't ever forget.”

After Konrad took the belt from Asmund, they went off to play, although they noticed their mum hadn't prepared dinner as Dag comes back from playing wrestling figures to ask this.

Dag: “What's for dinner?”

Alyce: “Tonight, we're going out to eat in a restaurant so you can decide there what you and Asmund want to eat.”

Asmund: “That's great, we rarely ever go out to eat.”

Alyce: “That's true, but Konrad's here, and he's staying here for a couple of nights, and since he's a champion, he deserves a treat of eating out with us.”

The kids ran around the room again as Alyce after still being in shock and having to pick her kids up from school completely forgot about showing Konrad where he's sleeping, and as the kids are playing wrestling figures, she says this.

Alyce: “I'm sorry for not showing your room. Please let me help you up the stairs to take your bags to the guest room.”

Konrad Raab: “Na don't worry, I should've called, but I wanted to surprise you at the same time.”

Alyce: “Na, you can always come over at any time, I've told you that before. Let's get you settled in before we go out for dinner.”

Konrad Raab: “Yes, that's perfectly fine. It's good to see you and to get the chance to spend time with the kids.”

Alyce: “Oh you will get the time to spend with your cousins as we usually go to the playground every day before coming home or in this case, going out to eat as you can tell, they can get very hyper. For now, get yourself comfortable, and I'll also show you the bathroom as well.”

Konrad and Alyce went upstairs as he was shown where he was sleeping while they drop the bags in the guest room before showing him the bathroom of where it was as it was right timing too when Konrad needed to use it. After he went back to his bedroom, he takes a bit of time to rest, even to have a short nap before it was time to take the kids out to the playground for two hours before going to the restaurant with Norwegian food, although Konrad ate vegetarian food due to his diet he sticks to everyday.

Dag goes around and tells everyone about Konrad being champion which of course, Dag didn't know at the time Konrad had attracted a ton of attention because of how popular he was in Norway. He didn't mind however as he did want to interact with fans as much as he could before leaving on Thursday to wrestle in the Netherlands.

After three hours in the restaurant, they went back home for kids to watch TV and being read a bedtime story by Konrad before Alyce and Konrad had a few more discussions about work and their life before heading off to sleep for the night.


Meeting Sebastian again. Cologne, Germany. Saturday 10th November (Off camera)

Throughout the European tour, Konrad had been bombarded by fans a lot, especially Norwegian and German fans, although he had no idea about fans he had in the Netherlands who were big on him as well, however today wasn't about wrestling, it was about planning to go to Cologne to meet with his future son, Sebastian. Konrad had received a ton of paperwork regarding Sebastian as there's still so much for him to do and all morning, he took time to fill out everything that's required, even a note telling him about Konrad, Sebastian and his orphan place coming to a court hearing about Sebastian on 29th November.

Not anything to do with breaking the law, more to discuss the case of Sebastian getting adopted by Konrad and Fizz Raab which it turns out his wife has to come as well. The only problem was she wasn't able to understand German, but it turns out he could plan for a translator to get Fizz to answer the questions in English, but the translator will translate Fizz's answers to the judge.

Konrad had been dealing with a lot of paperwork after spending time with his family, even seeing his grandson who'd grown up so much and showing his family his TV title and how proud they were, even with Markus and Samuel popping by to see him with the Television belt too with Henry's permission.

He did spot Sebastian being out on the streets again as he left to post things in the letterbox and shakes his head as he says this.

Konrad Raab: “What did I tell you about running away from the orphanage?”

Sebastian: “To stay there until you can adopt me to take me home.”

Konrad Raab: “Exactly. I know you don't like it, but we all do things we don't like doing, even if it means putting up with staff you don't get along with.”

Sebastian: “It feels like I'm never going to have a family. It's too long to wait for months for things to go through.”

Konrad Raab: “You will get the chance, and you also get the chance to see your new mum in a few weeks as well. I think I'm getting closer than you think, but the problem is things take time even then as Germany and American authorities are doing their best to get things through.”

Sebastian: “Obviously it's not best enough if I'm still stuck here, having so many promises I'm getting home, and I'm not. I don't know if you are going to be my dad. It seems like you don't give a damn.”

Sebastian was angry, and he had every right to be, but the problem was he was getting angry at the wrong person, it wasn't down to Konrad to get things sorted as quick as he could, and he did want that chance for Sebastian. He wanted Sebastian to have a life away from what he's gone through, and Konrad says this.

Konrad Raab: “If I didn't care, I wouldn't be standing here right now, I wouldn't accept you being my potential son and I certainly wouldn't have accepted you in my home. I care about you a lot, but I have to go with the law and not break it, causing you and me to get in trouble. Things take time.”

Sebastian: “I just thought you didn't care with how long it takes.”

Konrad Raab: “I know you're angry, heck I'm not too happy on how long this is taking myself with paperwork I've spent all morning doing to sort it all out. I've only just told your brothers and sisters the other day about you coming to our family and how different you will be to them. I've got your room ready too.”

Sebastian: “I'm sorry.”

Sebastian fell to his knees and cried as he was just an emotional kid, having trouble to tackle how he feels, even notes about him having a mental illness. It's another side of challenge Konrad certainly could benefit from when Jonas and Maximilian grow up to be teenagers as Konrad hugged Sebastian, although he stands back as he says this.

Konrad Raab: “Have you been taking drugs?”

Sebastian: “Yes.”

Konrad Raab: “I need to know what you're taking Sebastian right here and now.”

Sebastian: “I can't.”

Konrad Raab: “Why not?”

Sebastian: “Because you'd get the police and orphanage onto me.”

Konrad Raab: “You know I have babies in my family and you better not do this when you're adoption goes through and if you continue doing this, you'd be in prison, not having me as your dad. I won't tell the police, orphanage or anybody if you tell me here and now because I need to know.”

It was clear as day that Sebastian saw somebody who generally cared for him and he holds his hands up to drop packages of white powder, something that made Konrad fear for when he's taken things like this in his time when he was going through the loss of his kid because of Phantom, and he says this.

Sebastian: “It's cocaine.”

Konrad Raab: “This is dangerous. You should never be allowed to go anywhere near this stuff. It will kill you, and if you continue to take cocaine when you're in my hands, I will take you to rehab. It's things like this that can cause you to not be in my hands.”

Sebastian: “I'm sorry, OK? I didn't know there's a chance of you not being my dad if I take cocaine. I throw them away immediately.”

Konrad Raab: “I'm not leaving here until you do.”

Sebastian cried on the thought that Konrad could never be his dad if he continued to do drugs. Luckily, Sebastian would get help from Konrad to take into rehab for his addicted drug use, and he does throw them in the trash as he comes back and is in tears, grabbing Konrad so hard for a hug he needed as Konrad says this.

Konrad Raab: “Everything is going to be OK. You need to think about what would happen if anybody caught you doing cocaine. I'm angry as well about not having you in my hands right away, but the difference is that I know you will be my son, that's what you need to be confident with.”

Sebastian: “Yes, confidence is something I lack on you being my dad and wanting to be a wrestler. I was hoping when wrestling came to Germany; you'd come to see me. I overreacted over it, and I shouldn't have.”

Konrad Raab: “You know about me being ill as I told you that story more than once, but I got better over time. I got to show you something you deserve to see, and honestly, I hope you learn from this before I take you back.”

Sebastian: “I refuse to go back to the orphanage.”

Konrad Raab: “You have to stay there until things have gone through. The only reason why things are taking longer to go through is that we're taking you out of Germany to live in America with us. Just stay there while I go home to get what I want to show you.”

Sebastian nods as he feels very safe with Konrad, knowing he would tell him the rights and wrongs and Sebastian was thankful he saw what his potential father would tell him off if he did something wrong and a few minutes later, Konrad came out with the Television title as Sebastian had a massive smile on his face.

Sebastian: “Wow, what? I had no idea you were champion. I imagine me being champion just like you.”

Konrad Raab: “I won this on Halloween when I defeated the former SCW champion Josh Hudson in the middle of the ring to win this Television belt. You deserved to see this because if you do something good and work hard on being a great wrestler one day, this will be your achievement too.”

Sebastian: “You're the only person who's confident about me and what you're showing me, I appreciate it a lot as it has given me a boost of confidence of you being my dad and being a champion wrestler.”

Konrad Raab: “Well I hope you learn from not taking drugs to get you nowhere in life and work on being a great artist for now until we get you out of here. You're going to school that we found that provides you to do amateur wrestling along with my training to get you to be the wrestler you want to be.”

Sebastian: “I care about you being my dad. I was emotional because I thought my life is over, even tried to commit suicide because I had no hope of being adopted and living a happy life.”

Konrad's shocked to hear about what Sebastian's trying to do, although he knows how he feels from not knowing of his parents were tragically murdered at five years old and living somewhere for many years of still not feeling comfortable living there. It broke Konrad's heart to know Sebastian was attempting to commit suicide because of the fact of the adoption process was so long to wait, and it's been months since Konrad contacted the orphanage to take an interest in Sebastian. He just wasn't able to adopt or take him home yet.

Konrad Raab: “You should hold this title around your shoulder because it will remind you of things you can do to achieve in your life of this being your reward of wanting to change.”

Konrad gave Sebastian his belt and has never felt better to be able to touch Konrad's Television title he won. He pats it and takes a very close look at it, knowing what his future can be if he was willing to put the hard work into his wrestling. It made Sebastian a happy lad to see Konrad being champion and knowing there's a lot of positives coming from the experience. He gives back the title to Konrad, and he says this.

Konrad Raab: “That title is more than just being a fighting champion in wrestling along with showing pride and honour to it in the ring. It's a promise that I will take you in as my son, and I'm working my ass off to get you to be my son as quick as I can so you won't have to live in this horrible life, and you get away from taking drugs.”

Sebastian: “OK, but I have no phone as evidence to prove the picture being something you promise on.”

Konrad Raab: “I do, and I will send the picture of us with the title around my shoulder, something you should treasure. Let me find someone to take this picture as proof for you and you receive a picture of us, even a picture of you holding the title.”

Konrad walks around to find someone which he eventually does which was lucky to get something done in the afternoon as he had two pictures done on his phone with his future son with Sebastian having the belt and Konrad with the belt too. Konrad thanked the stranger and left them to it. Konrad did call up the orphanage to take Sebastian back which he waits for them to arrive. Once they do, he then goes back to his apartment and packs his things up before heading off to Cologne airport to get his private plane straight to Chicago, Illinois for a wrestling match in a different company before coming back to London in 48 hours before the match against Adonis for the title.


I'm still going to retain my Television belt Adonis shoot (On camera)

“I've never had such a great reception of me winning this fantastic Television title. Me winning this belt is the best thing I've done in SCW and my entire career because I've busted my ass so much since my return to make changes with me mentally and it's benefited me a lot because I'm here as champion. I had no intention of leaving SCW without working my ass off for winning the belt.

Just like the story with Derek Adonis as well when he won the Television title from Stacy Kissinger a year ago almost now to shock the world as you did to win the belt. It was a fantastic underdog story you achieved because you've proven anybody can win a title in SCW and it in many ways inspired me to win the belt as well. I think the stuff you do with being a ladies man and your Kablamasutra stuff is funny.

I respect the fact you came to me after I've won the title and how you're looking forward on facing me for the belt, not like some opponents who'd likely kick my head off before the match starts and I appreciate the party we had before my first ever title defence. I am also aware you're busting your ass to do everything possible to defeat me for the belt.

The problem I have which I have to be completely honest with you is while I respect you being a wrestler in the business, you don't seem to want to defend the belt or bring something that will benefit wrestling as a whole. You do things to benefit your Kablamasutra TV show and not committing on wanting to break milestones that no Television champion wants to do.

While it might be fun for you and the ladies, you have to care about wrestling first before your fun and games. By no means I'm not ignoring the threat you pose to me, you defeated Billy Breakdown to get here, but are you going to use the title to do some TV show or will you be the fighting champion that wants to reach levels that nobody wants to do?

I can't answer that, but this is only the beginning for me as I don't have any nerves to defend this title against you and I believe in myself in saying I won't refuse to go for other belts anymore because I will still stay in SCW and go for the other belts too. I will stay and work my ass off as long and as hard as I can to win all belts that will come to me sooner than later. I've never had this motivation and determination to defend this Crystal Ice belt successfully and will defend it every single week, even demanding to defend it on PPV's with TV title contention matches happening on PPV's as well as well although I'm disappointed I've not got a title contender next week.

Of course, I say I still will be champion because I'm confident to say that without any pressure I'll have, even in my home continent, but I still was able to defend my title in Norway and Germany because I was doing them in front of my family and continue to do so. I will push you to do everything you can do to try and win, but it's not going to do you any favours when I will retain the belt and make sure the title gets defended every single week by bringing my full potential to all of my opponents who step up to me every single week.

I refuse to take you as a joke because you aren't, but it's just those questions you will need to answer because I wanted a title to defend it against many wrestlers I've not gone up against yet. Sadly, you're in the way of that, and I'm hungry as hell of walking away from the match still being SCW's Television champion. I will be pinning you for the three count as much yoga and training you've done; you still won't win the match.

I still have my hand and the Television title raised in the ring to change the new world of being a Television champion because I won't sit on a title reign at any point while being champion to defend it every single week and on every single PPV as well. Tomorrow night in London, England, you'll prepare to be Iceinated by your still Crystal Ice Television champion.”
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I love AJ Allmendinger.

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