Ace Sky vs. Deanna Frost
SCW Television Championship

Ace Sky has brought fans to their feet in awe of his impressive agility and high-flying offense. Deanna Frost meanwhile will now make her first defense of the TV Championship against the SCW newcomer. It will be a very different challenge from Adam Allocco. For Ace, this is a very different match than that he had against Sarah Wolf. Something will have to give in this one.

2 RP Limit for singles

3500 word max per RP

Deadline: 11:59:59 pm ET Wednesday, June 29, 2022
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I love AJ Allmendinger.
 Ace Sky is incredibly excited for his third match at SCZW to be for the television championship, despite two losses Ace has shown just a bit of his abilities to impress. Ace when he was younger would’ve been stoked for that, Ace at his age and experience now knows he has so much more to prove. One thing Ace has a major pet peeve about is being labeled, being put into a box. Ace dealt with that for a lot of his young life as a gifted kid, a prodigy. Ace desires to showcase all he can do but he can only go with what he’s up against and you can plan as much as you want once that bell rings your intinctions shine through. Ace is seated in a lotus pose own his own somewhere backstage he’s found. He has had a busy schedule with competing for two other promotions, three in general, traveling all over .

Ace really needed to get in his headspace of equanimity he yammers on about so much nowadays. He is in in ring gear:
 [Image: FVJPzSeWYAA8tMk.jpg]
Gavin Sattler is all prim and proper in his suit as he interrupts Ace innocently ignorant to what he’s doing. He has the camera crew with him
Gavin Sattler: Hey Ace, I’ve been trying to find you. Can I get your thoughts going into this match tonight?
                                   Ace Sky opens his big brown eyes wide. Despite his crows’ feet around his forehead and eyes of being 39 and his beard he still looks like he could be early college age.  Ace pops up gracefully to his feet. His abs as usually looking super impressive despite his size.
                          Ace Sky:
                     Ah ya think I was born yesterday? Like I’m going to reveal all my tricks up my sleeve before my match?
            Gavin is caught off guard
           Gavin Sattler: No of course not I – I . . .
              Ace smirks
        Ace: I’m just busting your chops man. Come on, lighten up .
Gavin Sattler: Oh , ( chuckles) okay.
Ace: I understand you have to job to do, I have to get into the right places before a match, especially a match of this level. I must be both solid and loose,
It is challenge but that’s the conditions I thrive under .
Gavin Sattler: You have lots of experience, from amateur wrestling, martial arts, backyard wrestling to pro wrestling you must be extremely disciplined, you continue to train in martial arts does your background help you the most?
Ace: I have always had this energy, this determination. My father explains that ever since I was a child, I had the mind of Isaac Newton but the energy of the Energizer Bunny. When I was starting out I thought that athleticism would give me the advantage, that being a competitor was the way. In the past decade I have gotten more into spirituality and philosophy that has advanced my game the most. You start out doing all you can physically, I have always tried my best to not burn the candle at both ends but ya gotta take those risks when you are younger. As you get older, as your body gets more and more worn out , you get prone to injury as you unfortunately age that’s a thing you have to deal with your methods change, you become more methodical. As a super junior you take all your risks until you hit that middle age where you can rely on your experience.
I have always been stringent about technique, technique , technique. Even when I was at my craziest doing corkscrew moonsaults off balconies, springboard shit ,  I could still go hold for hold on the mat, as well as having solid soldier- ninja style striking . I have always been searching for balance  .
I seek that balance, there is an old school way of thinking that you can only be one thing. As we are learning, some faster than others  unfortunately that things gender wise are nonbinary, people and what they do can be the same way.  I know it would be tone-deaf to compare my plights of this to the same as transgender and nonbinary people during pride month, all I’m getting at is there is shades of gray in everything.
I take tremendous pride in being known as the best highflying wrestler around today, don’t sleep on my technical prowess and my ability to knock you out with a flying spin kick.
 Do not count me out, do not ever try to label me. I am cleared for take off and I’m not taking any crap from anyone.
Project: Black Ice
”Parenting 101”
Frost ‘Forever’ Home
Manhattan, New York
June 26, 2022

The night was still, with very few sounds trickling through the windows to disturb the inhabitants. The Frost ‘Forever’ Home was rather dark – the only light sources coming from two sources. First, the nightlights that Deanna and Selena had strategically placed throughout the house from the moment Elisanna had come to live with them and David was born. There were small, plastic, auto-timed lights in an outlet every few yards, creating a dim illumination of ‘circles’ that were like beacons on a map for their children. A path to go to the bathroom, a path to get to their rooms, and a path to get to their mommies’ rooms if the children needed them.
While the small lights were all uniform in design outside of the bedrooms, David’s was one of a crouching Spider-Man and Elsianna and Amiliah’s room was that of a nutcracker – similar in colors to Sir Crackshell, Elsianna’s most treasured toy. This was useful when the nightstands needed to double-act as the ‘defenders against bed monsters’, something David had been going through, Elsianna had surpassed long ago and Amiliah had not yet experienced.
The second source of illumination came through the window that was left uncovered by blinds – unlike the children’s rooms, allowing for the clear-white moonlight to stream in and run across a section of the floor. It, along with the night light plugged into the wall, was just enough for Deanna to make out the pale skin of her wife’s exposed body, which she nestled into affectionately, feeling the warm and coolness of it against her own skin. The two Frost wives laid naked in each other’s arms, covered by a large blanket that was draped over them and the rest of their bed, both breathing deeply from their recent lovemaking. It was almost hard to believe that they had had so much energy, especially after their workout a few hours ago.
After Breakdown, and her subsequent loss to Adam Allocco, the Television Champion had begged Selena to up the difficulty of her trainings. Of course, the platinum-blonde had been hesitant, not wanting to push the, still new, redhead too far and risk injury – What would be the point if you get injured and have to not only drop your title but also miss Rise to Greatness? – but she had eventually relented and had incorporated some of her own training into Deanna’s regimen.
For Deanna, it wasn’t because of her loss that prompted this… okay, in some ways it was. She was frustrated that she had gotten so close to beating Adam Allocco and had only missed that kickout by a fraction of a second – but it was the disrespect in the ring that had riled her. Adam had promised to ‘show his hand’ in his promo against Deanna amidst the match that, to quote him, ‘she had no chance in winning’, but during the match, his moves had rarely strayed from vertical suplexes, scoop slams, and maybe two other moves. It was one thing to declare ‘guaranteed victory’, SCW was filled with arrogant jerks like that – The Brand being a key example – that were so arrogant, but to not take Deanna seriously like that?
Of course, Deanna hadn’t had too much time to dwell on her match with Allocco – with her match with Ace Sky (her first title defence with the Television championship) on the horizon – but she refused to be seen or treated that way from Adam again. Next time they fought, and she was sure there would be a next time, she was going to be better than before – and she’d force the “King of StrongStyle” to use his whole playbook. And I’d still kick his butt! she had exclaimed in her reasoning to Selena.
However, the result of the new intensity of workouts had left Deanna sore and drained – more so than she had imagined. So, to quietly re-enter the house to take a shower and suddenly have the energy to not only make love in the shower but also on the bed had certainly surprised the two of them – in a good way. Maybe it was all those endorphins… Deanna thought as she snuggled up to press her lips against the juncture of Selena’s neck and shoulder – her wife’s sweet spot. She heard the Snow Queen release a soft purr of contentment as her arms tightened a little around Deanna’s frame.
“Again?” Selena whispered, half-asleep. “Really?”
“No.” Deanna whispered back. “I’m just content. A content little kitten.”
“A kitten?”
“You were purring.” Deanna remarked. “So, my mind went there.”
“I wasn’t purring.”
“Oh yeah?”
Again, Deanna attacked the same spot – causing Selena to clamp down on her lip to try and resist the automatic reaction she had to her wife’s ministrations. Even so, the world champion could not stop the whine-hum of arousal that escaped her. Again, pale, lean, yet strong arms, instinctively wrapped tighter around the playful redhead.
“If you…” Selena breathed. “Played this dirty in the ring – you and I would have to fight each other eventually.”
“Lucky for you.” Deanna countered, pushing herself up on her elbows to regard her wife flushed face in the moonlight/nightlight. “I have no desire to play dirty with anyone but you.”
“Thank Odin.” Selena whispered, reaching up with a hand to caress her wife’s cheek. “I don’t think I could beat you.”
“The most unlikely person to end the legendary reign of Selena Frost?” Deanna smirked. “You realized that I’ve kept you pinned on this bed for well over three seconds now?”
The Snow Queen gave a shrug. “You ready to be World Champion?”
“No! Gods, no.” Deanna laughed. “I really don’t know how you handle it. I got miffed with Allocco not taking me seriously. You had the entire Brand doing ‘campaigns’ against you – can we sue them for that?”

“Why waste the time trying?” Selena asked with a tilt of her head. “Sour grapes is sour grapes. They don’t have the world title so they’re settling for being petulant. Adam’s acting the same way in all this.”
“I’m…” Deanna bit her lower lip. “I’m sorry I couldn’t beat him. I know you warned me.”
“I warned you to be careful.” Selena pressed. “But you said you could handle it and you did. Don’t let his ‘games’ and BS get to you.”
“I mean… the whole ‘four moves’ thing hurt.”
“Deanna.” Selena pressed, pushing herself from under Deanna so she was sitting up, her upper torso exposed in the moonlight. “Don’t give him any power. He did it to get to me and to get to you. He wanted to bury you. To make you feel like you had no chance. Hell, he went out of his way to respond to your tweets – which he rarely uses Twitter. He wants you to feel inferior, okay? It’s mind games.”
“What about you?” Deanna asked.
“Me?” the platinum-blonde asked, raising an eyebrow as Deanna remained knelt before her.
“How do you feel?”

For a moment, Selena blinked before taking in a deep breath and exhaling it through her nose. “I feel like he wants this to be some sort of game. Like he’s trying for mind games… and I just want no part of that.” She shook her head. “I’m sick of that. I just want to wrestle – why is that so hard?”

“I don’t blame you for wanting nothing to do with the mind games.” Deanna huffed, moving in to, once more, snuggle against her wife. “We’ve got enough of that going on right now.”
She immediately felt her wife stiffen at those words, the older Frost reminded of their current predicament. They were still waiting on the paternity test they had taken a few days ago after returning home from Breakdown. It was almost sad to say, but the Frosts and VanHohenheims had made a day of the event. They had gone in to the clinic, Frost children in tow, for Selena, Jonathan and Alejandra to have their ‘samples’ collected. Then, they had spent the rest of the day enjoying New York. Walking the various streets, visiting Times Square, enjoying some of the food from the street-vendors – David even got his picture with Spider-Man, a costumed-performer that had been standing near a ‘blinged-out’ Statue of Liberty performer.
It had been Deanna’s idea and it had been warranted. She wanted to distract Selena from the test and the upcoming results. Deanna knew – she just knew – that Killjoy was full of crap. That this whole thing was nothing more than a bitter person jealous at what Selena had and trying to take it from her – no different than those in SCW the young world champion had fought and conquered – or would conquer in the case of Adam Allocco.
And even if it was true – that Killjoy was, in fact, the infant that had been born ‘Selena Frost’ and had been replaced by the woman Deanna now cuddled up next to, it didn’t matter! Misfortune was not enough of a reason to commit murder! It wasn’t enough to justify destroying a family that had played no willing part in it!
No, HER Selena Frost was not a person that relished in murder.
HER Selena Frost didn’t delight in the destruction of people’s lives.
HER Selena Frost was good and kind and fought for things like her family and integrity.
That’s what it all came down to. Killjoy could claim to be anything she wanted to be, but she would NEVER be HER Selena Frost. Not in a million years.
Without hesitating, Deanna leaned up to press her lips to Selena’s forehead. “Maybe I love you, Selena Frost.”
She felt her wife hum a little at the act. “Say it again.” She whispered.
“Maybe I love you, Selena Frost.” Deanna whispered again, settling her wife down and back into their cuddle. “Maybe I…”
The knock on the door grabbed their attention, the two wives just able to hear it and, instinctively move out of bed to grab their bedwear. Deanna threw on a light-green robe while Selena slipped into her magenta nightgown, her curves filling out the gown wonderfully, Deanna always noticed.
Quickly, Deanna opened the door to see the tiny redhead rubbing her eyes, as if removing some tears. Behind her stood Elsianna. The taller, older sister wore dark pyjamas with flowers on them while the younger child was in shorts and a Spongebob Squarepants t-shirt. With the lateness of the night, Elsianna had not worn her gloves, and both Frost wives spied the scarred flesh on the hands that held young Ami in place.
“Bad dream.” Amiliah tried to say.
“She had a nightmare.” Elsianna explained, the nine-year old almost protectively holding her little sister.
“Oh no.” Deanna sighed, kneeling to take the waiting Amiliah into her arms, lifting her up with ease, despite her sore muscles. “What happened, fireball?” she asked, using the nickname Selena had given the child at birth, like she had with David (Prince) and Elsianna (Snowflake).
“Running from monsters.” Amiliah half-sniffled, half-cried before throwing herself into her mother, wrapping her small arms around Deanna’s neck.
“Oh! It’s okay.” The redhead smiled, trying to comfort the young girl. “There are no monsters here. You have your nightlight, right? The one we got to keep the monsters away?”
She felt Amiliah nod her head.
“And besides, your mom and I are expert monster-hunters, you know? We fight them on TV all the time.”
Again, Amiliah nodded her head, her cried slowly dying down.
“So, we’ll always be there to protect you.” Deanna finished as she slowly carried the child back to her bedroom, allowing Selena to give the young girl a soft kiss on the cheek before doing so. This left Elsianna and Selena there in the doorway.
“You okay?” Selena asked, wrapping an arm around her oldest daughter’s shoulders.
“I just can’t help her with her nightmares.” Elsianna sighed. “I want to but I can’t.”

“Nightmares are part of life, Snowflake.” Selena stated. “It’s something the mind brings up based on a number of factors. I have them too.”
The child gave a nod. “So do I.” she sighed. “I sometimes dream that I’m on fire again. Except nobody can put me out – and I set everything else on fire. Including the house and you and mom.”
It was like a knife had gone through Selena’s heart at those words, the Snow Queen quickly wrapping her arms around the child to hold her tight. “Sweetheart-“ she felt her daughter cling to her. “Why didn’t you tell me? Or mom?”
“You just…” Elsianna tried to explain. “You’ve been so sad for so long – I know something is wrong but I don’t know what.”
“I…” Selena tried before forcing a smile to her lips. “It’s nothing, Elsa. I HAVE been sad but it’s not your fault. It’s not anyone’s fault here. I just need to get through it.”
“Like you do at work?”
“Yes. Like I do at work. Lots of people make mom and I… ‘sad’… at work. But she and I have to do our best to get through it so we can make things better.”
“I get it.” Elsianna nodded.
“If you have a nightmare – or something is bothering you, Elsianna.” Selena stressed the young girl’s full name, earning a more wide-eyed expression from her. “I want you to tell your mom or I, okay?”
“Okay, mother.” Elsianna nodded her head quickly.
“Now, let’s get you to bed too, alright?”
The suggestion was quickly agreed upon by Elsianna, allowing Selena to easily usher her to her room where Deanna was putting Amiliah back to bed, the redhead even singing the ‘lullaby’ she and Selena had sung to their children for years.
“For wherever you are and forever…” Deanna sung softly, Selena’s heart (as always) skipping a beat or two as she watched her beloved sing. “I’ll be here.”
Lovingly, Deanna leaned down to kiss Amiliah’s forehead before shifting over as Elsianna crawled into the bed beside her sister, giving the older daughter her own kiss on the forehead. “Goodnight, my darlings.”
“Night, mom.” Both girls whispered as Deanna trekked back to the doorway where Selena was waiting for her.
“Good night, girls.” Selena smiled.
“Night, mother/mommy.” Both girls said, Amiliah choosing the simpler word to address Selena.
Now, this is where the night could simply end in sleep for Deanna. She and Selena could return to their room, remove their clothes once more and snuggle to sleep. And that would have been the choice if not both emerald and sapphire eyes didn’t see the flashing lights dancing along the floor, specifically from under the door of David’s bedroom.
Stopping their short trek, the Frost wives stared at the small space between the bottom of the door and the floor, both pairs of eyes narrowing as they saw various colored lights spring further and instantly die away.
“Oh come on.” Deanna sighed, reaching up to pinch the bridge of her nose. “Not again.”
Selena gave a sigh before reaching out towards the door. Turning it slowly, so as not to make a sound, she gently pushed the door open a crack to peer inside.
It was all she needed as she spotted her son, David, sitting on the bed, his tiny frame against the headboard. His adorable face was illuminated with those same colored lights as his fingers worked away on the small console in his hands, his tongue sticking out of his mouth in earnest concentration.
Despite herself, Selena gave a slow, quiet sigh before pushing the door open. Of course, the door gave a slight creak in its hinge as soon as she did, which, like turning the lights on for a cockroach, made David move like a shot, spinning his body around to the side, hiding his Nintendo Switch under the covers and adding an exaggerate set of ‘snoring sounds’ to try and fool his mothers.
With a roll of her eyes, Deanna followed Selena into the room where the pair stood near the bed, the mixture of fake snores and David’s video game, Breath of the Wild, filling their ears.
“I wonder if he knows we can hear his game?” Deanna said aloud, casting her eyes at Selena.
“Well, if he’s wondering that.” Selena replied, playing along. “He must also wonder-“
Her words died out as the volume from the game suddenly boomed from under the blankets, David, in an attempt to control the volume, accidentally pushing it the wrong direction. In an attempt to compensate, his snoring also suddenly became two times louder and more exaggerated, his hands moving under the blankets in a scramble to try and turn the volume off, which he eventually did.
“Did you hear that, honey?” Deanna asked.
“Oh, it must have been the wind.” Selena passed, shaking her head tiredly at Deanna due to their son’s antics. “You know how those New York breezes get when passing through the beams of this house.”
“Oh maybe – I almost wonder how our son can stay asleep when it’s so loud.”
Both women were know standing right next to the bed and the boy still was trying to ‘snore them away’.
With a sigh, Selena reached down to gently pull the covers off him, revealing his Marvel Avengers pyjamas and the Switch he held in his hands. What could the boy do but keep snoring? Anything was better to the near six-year old than getting ‘caught’, even though he didn’t realize he already had.
Reaching down, Deanna easily pried the console out of the boy’s hands. “Strong grip for a sleeping boy.” She added, semi-wrestling it out of his grasp. Holding the item in her hands, she held it up for Selena. This was the third time they had caught their son this week playing video games past his bedtime, a clear ‘no-no’ in this house.
They had warned him, told him directly not to keep playing at night – and he hadn’t listened.
With a shake of her head, Deanna turned on her foot and walked out of the room, ensuring she kept hold of the device until she had returned to her room, placing the handheld under one of the big hat in Selena’s and hers closet.
“Well, he’s grounded.” She heard Selena state as the Snow Queen entered their room.
“Yep.” Deanna replied. “You want to tell him tomorrow or do you want me to.”
“I will.” Selena remarked, crossing her arms over her chest. “I’ve got a scary ‘mean face’.”
“I do too!” Deanna countered, her lips pursing and her eyes narrowing. “I can get really mean-looking.”
A laugh escaped Selena. “Yes, you can, my love.” She tilted her head lovingly at her wife. “But I love it more when you’re your usual kind self.”
Despite herself, Deanna playfully beamed. “You sure you want to handle David’s tantrum tomorrow? I know you need to film your promo.”
“Of course.” Selena sighed. “Besides, pretty sure the ‘Because I’m your mother and I say so.’ card still works if he throws a fit – that or threatening to make the grounding longer.”
Despite herself, Deanna reached out to take Selena’s pale hands into her own. “I’m glad that hasn’t changed in your mind.”
“What hasn’t?”
“That you’re his mother.”
Selena’s eyes grew wide for a moment before narrowing a little. “That will never change to me.” She quietly whispered, a dull fury in her voice. “There are things that NO ONE will ever take from us, Deanna.” She added, squeezing her wife’s hands. “Whether I am…” her voice trailed off. “Or I’m not.” She finished with a whisper.
“Don’t forget that.” Deanna ordered. “Because no one is going to take these things from us, Selena. I promise.”
The two women made their way to bed to finally get some sleep. A long week awaited them, with their matches on Breakdown and the impending paternity test results. But Deanna was right – she knew she was right. No matter what, Selena was still her wife and the mother of their children with her. She was still a phenomenal wrestler and an inspiration as Deanna tried to be a good Television champion.
And those were things, like her love for the platinum-blonde, that would never change.
Deanna Frost

SCW World Tag-Team Champion
SCW United States Champion
SCW Underground Champion
SCW Television Champion
2x Winner of Elimination Chamber (2023)
Winner of Last Woman Standing Match (2023)
SCW Rookie of the Year (2022)
Match of the Year (2023)
The Guard Tower

I’m going to start this off by sharing a story with you guys. And yes, it’s a ‘Mom’ story, so prepare yourself. My son, David, when he was 3, Selena and I got him his very first bike. Not a tricycle, we had had that for about a year or so. No, this, Selena had really spent on this.

Wait… let me explain… my wife likes bikes. She has a motorcycle – you didn’t think she just wore all that leather because it makes her look sexy as hell, did you? I mean, it does, but she also loves motorcycles and she wanted her children to learn to ride bikes at a young age. As I’m telling this story, Amiliah will soon be getting her first bike, which is what made me think of this story as I’m getting ready for my next SCW Breakdown match.

ANYWAY! Selena and I got this gorgeous dark-red bike for David. It was so small – especially compared to Selena’s motorcycle. I mean, I could lift it up and carry it through the story. It was so cute! And we made sure it was great quality, the breaks worked, everything to ensure safety. Got a matching helmet and all that, too.

We get to the day of David’s birthday, hiding the small bike in a closet in the basement, we bring it to him and his face lights up. I mean, I will always treasure that memory – the way he smiled and the way his eyes sparkled as he saw the bike before him. And, like any mom can attest, first thing kids do when they see something shiny?

Oh! He had to ride right away! Had to had to had to!

We got outside and he was already trying to ride it like he would his tricycle. Of course…the one thing they don’t tell you after you’ve ‘mastered the tricycle’ is the fundamental difference between a bike and trike.


Well, off he went, right into the driveway and scrapped his knee – it was like thirty seconds tops of being outside. Next thing we know, he’s crying, asking for help, and he’s too scared to go back on the bike.

Thing is, both Selena and I knew this would happen. After all, bikes are harder to ride. So, after bandaging up his knee, I’ll never forget this, he was so scared to go on the bike. Still, we told him that everyone falls off their bike the first time around. And several times after that. But – cliché as it sounds – what do we do when we fall down? We get back up.

It took weeks of having to stand with him, holding the bars and back, before he could do it on his own, but now? Now he’s going up and down hills, he’s trying to bike while standing on his pedals – he crashes sometimes still but he learns from that.

My point, which I think is obvious by now, sorry, is that when you fall down, pick yourself up and if at first you don’t succeed, try try again.

And that’s…well, that’s me.

For those of you that missed it? Yeah, I lost my challenge to Adam Allocco. I think many people expected that given the difference in our abilities. But… I mean, I genuinely thought I could win. And, during the match, I didn’t even care that he was using the same move with me. If he was THAT ‘confident’ in his abilities that he felt I wasn’t worth more effort? Then I would beat him and change his mind.

But I didn’t do that. I lost.

And don’t get me wrong, I am beyond proud of how I did. And I am beyond grateful to Sharper and the SCW staff for giving me the encouragement and their feedback on it. The fact that so many people have been telling me how ‘close’ the match was? For a woman that’s only been an official wrestler for less than a year against a two-decade career number one contender? That’s incredible for me.

Now, I’m not going to waste this time talking about Adam’s ‘ego’ and his tweets, because, hey!, he’s the one that couldn’t just ‘squash’ me in a match that I, in his words, ‘couldn’t handle’ or ‘wasn’t ready for’. So, I’ll leave him to protecting his fragile ego and I’ll move on with what I want to talk about.

Point is, I got knocked down. Now? I want to get up and keep going. I want to keep going so that, the next time Adam faces me and wants to mouth off about ‘not being ready’ or treat me like he did in the ring? I’ll be the one walking out with a smile on my face while he hits the mat in frustration.

But that all starts with a first step of ‘getting better’ and I’m going to do what I should have done last week: defend my new Television Championship!

And I am exited for that! Because, I can promise, I won’t be dodging this match. I took this title from an individual that believed she could buy her victories rather than earning them. Who believed that she could dodge and avoid any match she ‘didn’t want to be part of’.

I don’t want to be like that. Like I said weeks ago, I was asked to bring some integrity to this title like my wife has to the world title. And you know what’s in the word integrity?


That’s right! Grit as in work! Hard work! The kind of work that you sometimes have to roll your eyes at and go “Oh no! I gotta go to work! I rather sleep!” because, you know, sleeping is awesome.

But I am ready to do that work! I am ready to treat every defense like it will be my last as the Television Champion. It’s all new territory for me, being a champion, having a title, working towards some greater goal that is yours and not something your wife started. I mean… it’s also scary but come on!

But yeah, hard work. That’s what I am ready to do. Because I don’t want people to think that I took this belt just to finally have a title. I didn’t do this just to join ‘the champions’ club’ or whatever people are calling it. I did it because I believe in what Shaun Cruze wants to see in this division. I want to work hard for something like that. And I want to prove that me winning the title was no fluke. Was no ‘flash in the pan’ just because of one loss last week.

No, I am going to pick myself up and I am going to do the work.

The question is, Ace Sky, are you ready to do the work with me?

Because I heard you loud and clear – or at least loud, you kind went off on gender identity and sexual orientation, which, as a lesbian, had me lifting my eyebrow while you tried to make your point, but I can appreciate you reaching some sort of concept of ‘inclusivity’ and ‘growth’ – which is what pride month is all about. So, thumbs up to you, sir! I plan on wearing a rainbow sarong during our match as well – and I know Selena has something in mind for her attire too when she faces Owen Lee. Something to look forward to for sure!

But let me get us back on focus. Tonight – you and me, Television title. My first defense and your first chance at an SCW championship. That makes this match super special. It makes it something that we will both remember, I am sure.

But it’s also makes it a match where we need to personify the ‘GRIT’ in integrity. Because, while others may have ‘counted you out’ as you said, I’m not one of them. I’m married to a woman that knows how to fly, Ace, and she’s the SCW World Champion! She’s the best in the world and she got there knowing how to fly and be technical, which are your ‘gifts’ as you say.

So to take you lightly, I know, would be a mistake. But… I think it’s you that’s taking me lightly. I mean, you didn’t even mention my name or the championship or what winning it means. And I don’t see that as a sign of disrespect, Ace, I don’t. But maybe you don’t know me or, more importantly, what this title means or what it means to me.

The Television title is a title that forces you to stay on your toes. To always be on your best game, even if the odds are stacked against you. It’s pushing through challenger after challenger if you want to stay on top every week – and yes! It’s supposed to be on the line every week, which I tried to do but was shot down last week. It’s about endurance and heart… and grit. I’m really starting to like that word!

Anyway, I don’t think you get that yet and, more importantly, I don’t think you get what that means to me and what I am prepared to do keep this title and continue my mission to raise to integrity. And no, I don’t mean by unprofessional or untoward in some form of misconduct. I mean taking all the leg drops and submissions and high-flying moves you can do and keep on going. I mean being able to wrestle even when you’re so sore and tired.

Make no mistake here, Ace, you may be a 20+ years veteran, just like Allocco, but I am very aware of your different styles and tactics. Even so, I’m not interested in being knocked down again unless I can get right back up – and that is exactly what I am going to do. I am going to give you everything I have and then take everything you can throw at me, and then get back up.

I may not be the better high-flier like you, Ace, or perhaps the better grappler like Allocco or the better striker like my wife is.

But tonight, in Calgary, Skyguy? Regardless of those shortcomings, I’m going to be the better wrester and I’m going to be the better Television Champion for SCW.

Believe GRIT!

And Checkmate, bitch!
Deanna Frost

SCW World Tag-Team Champion
SCW United States Champion
SCW Underground Champion
SCW Television Champion
2x Winner of Elimination Chamber (2023)
Winner of Last Woman Standing Match (2023)
SCW Rookie of the Year (2022)
Match of the Year (2023)

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