Andrew Raynes vs. Marie Jones
Andrew Raynes vs. Marie Jones*
*Andrew Raynes can have his roleplays count for both. He just needs to explicitly make that clear.
3 RP Limit for singles; 4 RP Limit for tag; 10 RP limit for the elimination tag;
Deadline: 11:59 pm ET Saturday, November 24, 2018
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SWC Southern Heavyweight Champion 1x
MWA Turmoil Champion 1x
GCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
UWA World Tag Team Champion 1x
HKW Bloodlust Champion 3x
2022 SCW Trios Tournament Winner
SCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
SCW Underground Champion 5x
SCW Television Champion 1x
SCW United States Champion 1x
MWE Chicago Way Champion 1x
5LW Television Champion 1x
Queen of the Death Match

[Image: mariejones.png]

SCW United States Champion 1x
SCW Television Champion 2x
SCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
UWA World Champion 1x
UWA X-Class Champion 1x
UWA World Tag Team Champion 1x
IWC World Tag Team Champion 1x
MCW X-Division Champion 1x
GDW International Champion 1x
GDW World Tag Team Champion 3x

OOC: this will count towards both matches, I have not read anything so that goes for Andrew as well!

Post-breakdown: World Tour, Australia
Narrative/Scene - November 8th or 9th

After the events of Under attack played out, Andrew was determined to reclaim what was rightfully stolen from him. Having at least made sure that Christy was booked on the other your so she wouldn’t be able to involve her jealous bitch ass self after Under Attack, Andrew would finally be back in the driver’s seat to take back what was rightfully his. He couldn't’ stand the fact that Mr D was so smug about Andrew losing the title, probably hated the fact that ANdrew was running his mouth about being the longest reigning champion at the time. D was probably more butt hurt that everything he had tried to do to stop ANdrew earlier on in his reign was backfiring ten fold on him. So now, on the tour where he was away from everyone who could get involved, there would be nothing stopping Andrew from getting back what was his.

Until Marie Jones got involved.

With the match firmly in hand and on the verge of finally getting back his stolen championship, Marie took it upon herself to get involved in a match that she had no business business being involved in. It was one thing for Christy to attack at Under Attack because she was pissed off being eliminated before she had a chance to confront Andrew, also wanting to have an easier chance of winning the belt herself; Marie getting involved and costing Andrew his rematch was born out of nothing but jealousy. Jealous of the fact that Andrew was apparently denying her a rightful rematch after what happened before rise to greatness in their title match, jealous that she couldn’t get the job done herself against the man who had seven successful title defenses before getting screwed over. In a world where Marie felt she was entitled to a rematch herself, decided if she couldn't be champion that she would just go and fuck over Andrew because she couldn't get the job done herself.

This left a real bad taste in Andrew’s mouth.

All he was trying to do was correct the mistake of getting ahead of himself at Under Attack, not worrying about who was already removed from the match and trying to focus on Ravyn after dispatching Marie and Alistair. Given he had pinned Marie clean inside the chamber, she honestly had no excuses for trying to get back at Andrew. She had been pandering to Mr D for weeks begging for that rematch and it was assumed that once she was placed inside that chamber, that would be what gave her the rematch she felt she was entitled to. Considering the fact that less than deserving people (all of them) were placed inside the chamber as well, maybe Marie felt like she wouldn't get the chance she was entitled to outright and worried that someone else would steal ANdrew’s thunder before she had a chance to steal it herself.

It’s why she felt stealing his rematch, taking him out of contention outright, would make a difference.

She seemingly had management in her back pocket, given how when Andrew wanted to go confront Marie backstage, he was met with officials and security trying to keep them apart. All the while, Marie was there laughing and enjoying seeing Andrew teeing off after what she had done. Nothing was worse though than seeing the apathetic look on Mr D’s face, not giving a shit that Andrew was fucked over and basically allowing Marie to do as she pleased. You know, instead of being a boss and trying to do right by the company, shades of the house all over again, this time on the opposite end of the alignment spectrum. It was one thing to allow Christy to get through security to cost Andrew the title at Under Attack but after getting her banned from the tour, to have Marie now all of a sudden get involved with Mr D around to nod in approval and let her get away with it was outright disgusting.

Andrew and Dustin finally got away from the crowd of officials and douchebags fucking with Andrew. He needed to get it off his chest and he just wasn't sure what to do. He knew that no one cares really, probably loved the fact that now he was removed from the title picture and his goodie two shoes minion got her way. He paced around in the back hallways just wanting to blow off steam. Dustin followed behind with a smirk on his face, almost as if we was enjoying the whole thing unfold.

Andrew: Did you fucking see that pompous prick act like he was proud of what she did to me? How the fuck does he just act cool about it and not just let me have what I deserve? It's a fucking joke.

Dustin: At least he didn't do anything for you sacking those officials.

Andrew: He should be thankful I didn't get my hands on him.

Dustin: So you can get suspended like when Regan gave him a pile driver. With any luck hell most likely grant Marie her rematch now against you.

Andrew had strongly considered it but since he no longer had the title, wouldn't mean much to her at this point but D was willing to bend for his crew.

A; I'll fucking make D pay that way then.

Dustin: that's the spirit, you know he wants to play you, you walked back into the company on your terms and took his adrenaline title and made it something again. He probably hated the fact that you beat Dylan at Rise to Greatness and embarrassing Amy showing her how to defend a title. Given be freely allowed people to get involved in your last three title defenses showed he wanted that belt off of you at any cost.

Andrew: still doesn’t change anything but you’re right, i have proved him wrong and come hell or high water, i am going to make him regret what he’s done.

Andrew just seems to calm enough at this point for Dustin to get him out of the arena. They needed to leave, the scene was getting far to volatile for both men and more tension could have resulted in something serious. With Dustin being the unusual cooler head that prevails, just goes to show you just how angry Andrew was over everything that had happened.

November 14th, Hotel - Cape Town, South Africa

Finally, the last house show of the wretched overseas tour was over, Andrew was more than over it given how salty he had been all week. From the actions Marie took in Australia and basically laughing about it in front of the boss all but showed that D didn’t give a shit about how Andrew felt about everything. It was pathetic to see how management treated their former longest reigning champion over the last few years. He was someone who took the Adrenaline Championship and turned into something more credible in recent years. Having been a champion who didn’t mind the target on his back, he always welcomed everyone who wanted a shot at becoming champion. The idea that he was trying to avoid a rematch with Marie because of what happened before Rise to Greatness was appalling. Andrew focused on whoever management wanted to throw at him, he wanted someone to come and actually beat him straight up for the belt, the way he came and beat Gable straight up for the belt.

Instead, he was simply fucked over, forced to watch someone else parade around with his championship, and it stung like a bitch.

Being finished with it, finally, gave ANdrew a chance to get ready to go home, to focus on something else instead of being forced to watch Ravyn parade around with a belt she never outright earned, yet acted like she was the rightful champ. Was it really worth it over Andrew continuing to be the longest reigning champion? D probably enjoyed the idea of Andrew being pissed off and nearly exploding enough to get possibly fired or even suspended, I mean he did tear through several officials before he was finally escorted out of sight, all the while Marie was allowed to get away with her actions, allowed to just simply interfere and then pander enough probably to get herself a match against Andrew, he didn't stick around the house show long enough to get any information on it.

Instead, with their flight back home the next day, they decided it was better to just go back to the hotel, grab a bite to eat and deal with it later.

Given how bitter he was over the whole tour, he didn't want to bother going out anywhere, given how he acted the last time he went out just after Under Attack. He nearly killed about a half dozen people and probably would have beaten up more had he not been calmed down by Bree in the first place while they were there. It was shit like that he didn’t want to bother getting involved in, although he didn’t want to admit it, the fact that D didn’t impose any sanctions on his for taking out about a handful of officials and security trying to rip off Marie’s head was probably a sign he needed to get his anger out some other way. At this point, all he wanted to do was ride out the rest of the night at the hotel, with Dustin, and be glad this whole shitty tour was coming to an end and he could focus on something more important.

Boy he had no idea that was about to slap him in the face.

They were grabbing a bite to eat late, thank god the Hilton in cape town had a late night restaurant open. They were also enjoying a casual Arabic shisha pipe sesh as well, it seemingly helped to bring Andrew’s anger levels down as him and Dustin just had the chance to sit back and chill and take a load off. It was beneficial to Andrew to just relax and focus on something other than the crap he had been dealing with, probably more glad that Dustin was around too. As they were trying to enjoy their last night in South Africa, Andrew can hear his phone vibrating in his pocket. Curious as to who would be calling him now. He reaches into his pocket and checks the ID, he seems surprised as it shows “clever Bree name” on the screen and his eyes sort of perk a little. Why would she be calling him now? Given that Breakdown was most likely still going on since they were a couple hours ahead of the show in the UK, it seemed weird that she would be contacting him now, clearly there must have been a reason.

Andrew: Sup Bree?

He could hear a lot of background noise, camera crews and shit running around as the show was still on going, figured it might have been a more passive conversation.

Bree: Andrew! Good, you’re still awake. I know this is short notice but I need a really, really huge favor…

Her voice indicated that something had happened and she needed to talk to him, why him of all people at this time? Andrew looks a little stunning as he listens to her.

Andrew: Yeah I’m up, Dustin and I are just at the hotel following the show, just chillin basically. What’s up with you? What kind of favor? Everything ok?

Bree: No, everything isn’t ok, at least not at the moment. You see, during my match with Angelica, Scott ended up punching me in the face by accident. He was trying to hit her... but it’s caused him to come completely undone, so much so that he’s given up his half of the tag team titles.

Andrew’s facial expression says it all as Dustin looks over at him with concern.

Dustin: Everything alright?

Andrew covers the phone and looks over at Dustin.

Andrew: Scott socked Bree in the face, blew up and gave up his tag title belt.

Dustin: That lasted longer than i expected.

Andrew uncovers the phone as he continues his conversation with Bree. Still trying to figure out just what the hell was going on.

Andrew: Alright, so what does that have to do with you calling me for a favor?

He wanted her to sort of get right to the point, there clearly had to be a reason she was calling him at this point after finding out Scott had gone off the deep end.

Bree: Listen, after I tried convincing Scott to reconsider, he didn’t feel right keeping the belt and being champion with me. He didn't want to be the cause of me losing the belts. Thankfully, rather than screwing me over and giving me a partner I don’t want, again... Mr D has given me until the end of the show to find someone else or else he’s going to end up sticking me with someone worse than Jason Helms. I was hoping that you would be interested in teaming with me for Bound by Blood?

That wasn’t what Andrew was expecting, certainly not after the crap he had been going through, to be handed a chance to defend the tag team gold? He seemed a touch skeptical at first.

Andrew: You sure? I’m pretty sure I’m being served up to Marie so she can try and get her little “pound of flesh” on me for beating her twice. What if you picked Dustin, instead?

Bree: I know, I am pretty sure he’ll tell me that too but I don’t have a lot of options or time. No offense to Dustin at all, but I just don't know him that well. I need to have someone I can trust in my corner, and I trust you. I know it would be asking a lot if you pulled double duty for the Pay per view but it would mean a lot to me to have you as my partner.

Andrew didn’t want to leave her hanging, besides, given everything that has happened, having the chance to be one half of the tag team champions AND get to face Marie would be a nice little karma boost for someone who has been cheated out of his championship, twice. It seemed almost fitting that it happened at the tail end of the tour and he could have a good reason to enjoy the trip back home. He figured since Bree was calling him during the show and needed an answer basically yesterday, he didn’t see the point of making her wait any longer.

Andrew: I’ll do it!

There’s a certain elated relief coming from Bree’s voice. She was really hoping he would say yes but was still nervous about asking him given everything that had happened and how angry he was about getting screwed out of the Adrenaline Championship. She figured at least this would give him something else to focus on and it would be something to shove down Marie’s throat after her actions fucked Andrew over.

Bree: Really?!? I’m going to tell him immediately if you’re one hundred percent sure.

Andrew: I’m sure, I don’t mind pulling double duty if I have to, crushing Marie and then taking out her mother and boy toy on their quest for “redemption” would be a nice way of sticking it to that piece of shit D. After not giving a fuck about how I was screwed over. This will be a nice slap to the face for him. Yeah, I'm definitely in.

Bree: Thanks babe, you’re the best, I gotta go tell him right now. I’ll give you more information once we’re back in North America. Thanks again, this really means a lot to me. We’ll talk soon.

Bree hangs up and Andrew just places the phone down on the table, looking stunned over what just happened, he looks over at Dustin, somewhat perplexed still trying to wrap his head around everything as Dustin just wastes little time.

Dustin: Did she just….

Andrew: Hand me one half of the tag team titles.

Dustin: Shit, I figured Scott would break.

Andrew: Oh, it gets better too, D is making me pull double duty to facilitate Bree’s request. So I’m fighting mother and daughter that night.

Dustin just catches all the irony.

Dustin: Ha, she should have known better!

Andrew: I know right? Talk about ending this stupid overseas tour on a positive note. Now we have something going for us going into the weekend, there’s no way I am going to allow D to try and get away with any more bullshit. He wants to double book me and put me to work. He’s going to regret the very fucking night he tried to shiv me to death.

Andrew smirked, this new found opportunity was going to be something he wanted to take full advantage of. He wasn’t afraid of being a workhorse, he made his name off of it. Surviving the chamber, regardless of the outcome as the last one defeated. Surviving the Thunderdome when he was expected to fail. There is nothing that he won’t do for what he cares about or what matters the most to time.

Meeting with VanRensberg
Weekend of 17th - N.F. Ontario
The morning before Survival of the Fittest

Andrew and Dustin were back in the Falls for the weekend with Survival of the Fittest just around the corner. They just got back from the world tour Thursday night and needed a chance to unwind before heading up the QEW. He needed to get his head straight and not catch himself up in worrying about Marie, D or anyone else for that matter. It seemed like everything was coming down on him after running the gauntlet as champion for eight months. He knew it was still bothering him though, the fact that he seemingly always had management against him by as a champion, believed he should have done enough to be treated with respect. Instead, he was forced to constantly have eyes in the back of his head, even with Dustin in his corner, rats were still making their way into the nest to try and make it better for themselves. However he was given a nice Karma boost by being picked by Bree to become one half of the SCW tag team Champions. Even as a friend of hers, it's not like he was undeserving, he was the longest reigning champ of the past few years and an unprecedented amount of successful defenses. Even Bree understood that Andrew had been screwed over and this was a glorious sticking point. To be prepared for double duty and the likelihood of capturing multiple tag titles this weekend, Andrew needed to make sure his mind was clear of everything.

With Dustin chillin at his place, Andrew was fine with it, he went to see the only person he can unbiasedly tear into, his therapist. Dr Van Rensburg had served as a fantastic means for Andrew to free his mind with everything that had been going on. With successfully helping him navigate his shit with Amy he needed to be focused for his upcoming agenda. He put a lot on his plate and given his state of mind, he owed it to Bree and Dustin to find a way to deal with all this anger to come out successfully on the other side.

He made sure he had an appointment this time, he couldn't afford to have him not be available for a drop in, having a block to get this out before everything goes down was crucial for him. He walks into the office, they were expecting him as his receptionist just nods and tells.him to go into the docs office. He no longer had a bag, he didn't need it as he had no championship to carry around with him. He walked in, his hair was tied up in the back, sporting a hoodie and a pair of jeans. Niagara was cooler on the weather and with no snow, and being a northerner by birth, he was actually warmer than you'd expect. He wanted to feel comfortable going into this meeting, it was important to him to make sure that he was relaxed and able to just get his message across. He walks into the office, he walked in rather calmly, he wasn't interested in storming in and throwing a fit, he'd done enough of that on the tour. He wouldn't be doing himself any favours either, he needed to go in and make an honest attempt to clear his head and he knows he needs to do that by acting rationally and calmly. VanRensburg turns around acknowledging that Andrew had walked in and just chuckles.

VanRensberg: Ah, there you are, I was beginning to wonder what time you'd show up.

Andrew: there's a reason why I booked a wide time block, besides, why are you complaining, you're more than covered for the time.

VanRensburg chuckles again

VanRensberg: hence why I'm not upset about you being an hour late.

Andrew didn't bother acknowledging the comment from the doc, he wasn't here to discuss petty shit like that. VanRensburg could sense it based off the look he was getting and realized now he was on Andrew's time.

VanRensberg: So what brings you in today.

Andrew sits down, he just looks a little off of where VanRensburg is standing and just exhales.

Andrew: You know, I thought being the longest reigning champ in the business would have been something worth being respected for, to have the decency of acknowledging what the fuck I've done since coming back to SCW as a man reborn through hate and anger. Become a self made man who took his own liberties and ascended himself head on to the top of the Adrenaline division, bulldoze the champion, retain it as often as I did and still never got the respect I deserve. No, what did I get instead, I get fucked over by a boss who couldn't handle how I was this close to walking out of the chamber as champion. How I was so close to doing it again that he had to allow Christy to come back, after she was eliminated, to get in my business to cost me that championship.

VanRensburg takes it all in, sensing that this had been bottled up as long as it could. He makes a few notes and follows up

VanRensberg: I assume you had a rematch?

Andrew: That's the other thing, I was planning to invoke my rematch clause for Bound by Blood but instead, he immediately makes me invoke it the first stop on tour. Claims he's doing me a favour by ensuring Christy was on the other tour so she couldn't interfere, yet here I am, about to do the fucking impossible yet again by regaining the title and STILL, he finds a reason to go ahead and send someone to get involved in my match, costing me my rightful rematch. I mean, i know he thinks he’s cute by assuring me Christy wouldn’t get involved, but he fucking knew that Marie wanted to try and weasel her way into something she didn't deserves and just lets her come after me like as if I deserved it. Better yet, he just has no problem with her actions and yet when i try to go after her straight up, i get blocked by a bunch of police intern pussies who can’t fucking stop a wet blanket from getting through security, trying to stop me like i am some kind of monster.

VanRensberg: What was the boss’s reaction to this?

Andrew: Fucking kidding me, get this, he’s standing right there, telling ME to fucking get out of here, standing beside Marie like she had done a good fucking job.

Vanrensberg makes a few more notes as he listens to Andrew getting more and more irate. He just takes a deep breath before removing his glasses.

VanRensberg: Andrew, you need to stop allowing people to get negative reactions out of you, you need to stay focused and allow yourself to remain in control. It’s the whole reason why you chose to go down this path, you wanted to be in control of your rage and anger but if you’re going to get out of control like that because you think you were wronged, isn’t going to solve anything.

He was right, Andrew knew that he needed to be more level headed, he was thankful that he had friends like Dustin and Bree to keep his head on straight, even if he didn’t like to admit that he was becoming a loose cannon.

Andrew: Honestly though, it’s fucked up because I was so used to getting screwed over by Jued when i was in VWA, being the good guy and having every douchebag on the roster get the upper hand because they were blowing the boss. Now, I have a guy who looks just the fuck like him, now in an alternate universe where he’s allowing these goody two shoes cunts to just feed off his little golden nipples and give them all the chances they want to be the people they just simply aren’t. You know what though, I did have something go my way, Bree picked me to be tag team champions with her. At the expense of pulling double duty.

VanRensberg: Listen, looks like even with the shit you are dealing with, you are still willing to go out on a limb for a friend, not allowing your own clouds to shadow over the person you are willing to be for the people you care about will help you deal with the anger you are facing. Don’t allow yourself to think that people like Marie are going to get the better of you because they forget to see that their actions also have consequences. Given the fact that Bree has trusted you to work alongside her while having your own match shows that she still has faith in you and relies on you to look out for her. Don’t let go of things like that and it will allow you to not only remain focused, but it will keep you locked into the person you are meant to be.

Thanksgiving invite
Post breakdown at the arena
November 21st

Being back home, Andrew wasted no time introducing himself as Bree’s tag team partner, easily making his way down to the ring and disposing of Angelica and going shot for shot against James Evans. Andrew was never shy about getting his hands dirty and showing people just what he was capable of. He needed to show Redemption that they weren't going to have it easy going into Bound by Blood where they would finally get their shot at the tag team titles, now being carried by Bree and Andrew. Maybe it was at that exact moment, when Marie decided to foolishly get herself involved, when she looked at Andrew dead in his eyes as she was going to smash that chair across Andrew’s face, just exactly what she was getting herself into. Everything had been building up for Andrew over the past month and he wasn’t going to let anything get in his way anymore. Even nodding up to Bree, showing her and everyone else just why she was happy to have chosen him to be his partner going into Sunday, someone she knew who would be able to handle two matches at once. Was it any different really than a chamber match that was more barbaric and dangerous?

After the show was over, Andrew and Dustin were back in their locker room getting their stuff ready to go. With thanksgiving around the corner, everyone seemed to be getting their feast affairs in order. After a few moments we hear a knock on their locker room door, Andrew just acknowledged them to come in and after a few moments, we see Scott and Bree walk in, a smirk across Bree’s face as Scott just looks a little nervous being around Andrew and Dustin, obvious intimidation in effect here.

Andrew: Hey Bree, figured you’d be on your way back home already.

Bree: Scott and I are almost ready, I was hoping that you guys actually hadn’t left yet.

Andrew: Why, what’s up?

Bree: Well, given we didn’t have a chance to meet up before Breakdown, again I wanted to thank you for agreeing to doing double duty at the PPV and being my partner.

Scott: Many thanks from me as well, Bree deserves someone at her side who won't screw everything up. I'm basically dead weight in a ring.

Andrew just shakes his head, you almost felt bad for Scott and the position he had found himself in.

Andrew: It’s no big deal!

Bree: Listen, I was hoping to catch up with you before you left because I wanted to ask you guys to come to New Orleans, to my place, for Thanksgiving tomorrow.

Andrew seemed a little taken aback by the request. Though he was Canadian, he hadn’t really celebrated his own thanksgiving on account of the fact that his family was pretty much all gone. With the last of his family, his grandma, passed, there wasn’t really a reason for him to celebrate it. Though, this was something different, the idea of going to New Orleans didn’t sit too well with Andrew but he knew that he would have to get over that sometime.

Andrew: I’m not sure

Bree: I know it’s been a while since you were in New Orleans for anything “family” related but I thought it might be good for you guys to come, enjoy a great dinner, catered, because fuck if I am going to try cook anything holiday-like. I figured afterwards, maybe on Friday or Saturday morning we could get some training in for Bound by Blood.

It made sense though, given that they hadn’t really worked together in a long time, not since Bree was a real rookie in this business and had been training a bit with Andrew and Amy when they were together, it would make for a chance for them to really get on the same page team wise and be prepared for redemption who have at least had a chance to work together, coming out on top in the chamber match to earn this match. Dustin, on the other hand, wasn’t looking to get involved in it.

Dustin: Thanks for the offer, for me at least, but I am gonna pass, I’m heading back to Detroit anyways. Have a date a Ford Field for football with Damien and my father if he actually shows up!

Andrew: You sure bro?

Dustin: Yeah, I need a few days away and it will be nice to see my brother again! Speaking of which, I should call him and make arrangements before i catch my flight. I’ll catch you guys later.

Andrew and Dustin say their goodbyes as Dustin grabs his bag and he takes off. He didn’t need to go with Andrew, if he wanted to go, he needed some time for himself and to spend with his family for thanksgiving. Andrew turns back over to Bree.

Andrew: Sure, might be nice to do something festive. Considering you were nice enough to hand this belt to me, it would seem a bit dickish if I didn’t want to come and partake and just meet you again Sunday at Bound by blood. It’s hard to say no to a catered turkey though I would have loved to see Scott try and cook it.

Scott: You'd have better luck getting Breezy to cook a turkey.

Bree pulls a face before replying.

Bree: Great, it will be nice to have my closest friends over to celebrate, it will give us a chance to relax a bit before we prepare ourselves for what’s to come. If you’re ready, we can get going. You can fly back with us if you want.

Andrew wasn’t about to turn down a private plane ride to New Orleans, the chance to chill on a non-commercial flight after the world tour will be nice for him. Bree always traveled in style and even though Andrew would never assimilate himself to that lifestyle, even as a champion, he sure wasn’t going to pass it up.

Andrew: Sure, I won’t say no to that.

Andrew finished packing up his bag as Bree and Scott make their way out of the locker room. It was a nice change of fortune for Andrew with everything that had been happening.

Shoot Portion

it was finally time to address everything that had happened. It was dark, quiet, something that Andrew needed to be focused going into double duty this weekend. The fire could be heard crackling as a barrel appears just into camera view up front. The aura of the fire moves further away and we begin to see Andrew’s silhouette appear. A few moments later we see Andrew in dark clothes, jeans and a hoodie, his hair damp and in front of him, his eyes lowered and in thought.

You could have just let it all go, Marie.

You could have just accepted what happened when Dylan “ruined” your so called chance to become Adrenaline Champion. You could have accepted the fact that even without his involvement, you still would have lost anyways. I understand why you would have been frustrated though, believing that you had the very match in your hands, so you thought, because you felt like you were on top of the world for the first time in your pathetic little career. Finally, Marie Jones was going to actually count for something in this business and you could just taste it on the tip of your tongue.

Only to have it burnt to a crisp.

You could have done something about it when I was going face to face with Christy, perhaps you could have said something to your little daddy boss who coddled you at every failed opportunity you were given. Perhaps instead of going and challenging Blake for his US title shot he turned down on account of Bree, you could have found a way to make our match a triple threat match for my title to prove your worth. Was losing to me not that important to you?

I guess only when it was convenient. Deciding that you needed to whine and cry to whoever would bother listening to you about how after losing to Blake, that you never got your proper rematch for my title that you just soooooo desperately wanted. Oh wait, you were given that chance when we were locked inside the same chamber. You had the very rematch you wanted, having other people in there you knew didn’t deserve the same chance you did but you were there anyways. You probably felt after eliminating Valentine and Matthews that once I came flying out of the pod, you knew that this would be the moment where you could exact that very revenge you wanted so badly. Eliminate me and seal my fate.

Except I. Pinned. You. Clean!

I said it too, no more excuses, there was nothing you would be able to say that would be convincing enough to give you another chance. Where there was nothing that you could say to change the minds of everyone when I crushed your skull into the canvas and pinned you in front of the entire world. No tricks, no cheap shots, I just simply showed you what would have happened way before Rise to Greatness if Dylan hadn’t interfered.

You should have let it go then, but you didn’t.

Then, I bet you thought it was real cute standing right beside Mr D, knowing full well that you had his blessing in going out there and getting involved in shit that wasn’t your business to begin with. You think knocking me off the championship pedestal somehow is going to make you feel better? That by trying to piss me off, knowing you were getting this match, was going to somehow allow you to have the upper hand?

Karma is, in fact, a bitch, and if you think it came back to bite me. Oh silly girl, you have no idea what you’ve done. Just where you thought that I was going to be on the outs entirely, I now have the chance not only to destroy you, but also take out your mother’s chance for her little redemption story.

See, I didn’t have a problem going ahead and pulling double the work while helping out a friend. I didn’t go asking to be handed a championship, Bree wanted someone that she could trust, who was going to have her back no matter what the cost would be. See, What you’ve done is allowed Bree to pick someone who has an axe to grind, who is going to be focused and determined with everything he has on the line to step up and prove once again that I was once the longest reigning champion in SCW over the past 8 months and why I couldn’t be stopped.

Your mother will in fact, pay for your sins.

Because that’s what you deserve, Marie, for you thinking that you could just go ahead and do whatever you wanted to do showed that you never had a chance in the first place. What goes around comes around and me being given the chance to put an end to your mother’s little comeback story is going to be something that falls on your shoulders.

Your mother saw full well what I was capable of when I went down there and bulldozed right through her, showing her that I wasn’t going to be some pushover like Scott would have been for her, that Bree had picked someone who was going to bring the fight and had everything to prove after being fucked over. But even then, marie felt the need to try once again to gain the upper hand at your expense, thinking that she could bring the steel chair down to the ring, hit me over the head with it and gain more momentum for herself.

That’s when reality struck for everyone.

When i turned around and you looked me dead in the eye, Marie, even while holding that chair you could see it, the anger, the hate, the rage that was going through my mind. There was no chair in the world that was going to save you in that moment and it was that exact moment where you realize just how fucked over you and your mother are at Bound by Blood. When you looked me in the eyes, you could just see everything flashing before you. Every chance you missed, every time you could have walked away but you didn’t. Seeing me face to face, you could see the fear rip right through you, that you knew right there and then that this was far more serious than you imagined. Knowing what I was going to do to you, had you frozen in your tracks.

And dead to rights.

Where you thought my rage was misplaced and derailing, was in fact laser focused. It's what allowed me to be Adrenaline Champion for the past 8 months, it's what allowed me to backup all my shit talk while you pissed and moaned about lost opportunities and other failures you were destined for and what is going to have me forcing you to embrace the hate, and defending the World Tag Team titles.

Because you are all going to learn just why i was the lognest reigning champion over the past year, why i am someone who doesnt go looking for hand outs but chooses to go and bail out a friend when she needed someone the most. That because it is what is important to me, I will ensure that I go out there and prove why I am the man that I am, the one that Mr D couldn’t stand to see rising up in a company i walked away from. Where you all expected me to just wilt away and cease to exist after being outsted from the Adrenaline picture is going to come back to bite you all in the ass when Bree and I sucessfully defend our tag team titles.

Because the hate and the rage that we demonstrate is absolute, we have allowed it to guide and nurture us into forces you just simply cant comprehend. Like what you saw a few nights ago won’t even come close to the enigma of rage that is going to fall over Bound By Blood, in a world where i have my chance to gain my own pound of flesh from you Marie, but I also get to take something away from someone that you value the most, your mother.

Because you deserve everything that you get for sticking your nose in my business, that after Bound by Blood, when you are forced to embrace the hate and succumb to it, you just walk away, knowing that you were never meant to amount to anything useful here, where the oppotunities you were handed on a silver platter were wasted on someone who never deserved it.

Embrace the Hate, it’s coming

The Code Of The Sith
Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
Through passion, I gain strength.
Through strength, I gain power.
Through power, I gain victory.
Through victory, my chains are broken.

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