“Party Time” Bambi Hurst vs. “The Anti Trend” Nate Krelle
Debut Match

2 RP Limit for singles

3500 word max per RP

Deadline: 11:59:59 pm ET THURSDAY, December 15, 2022 (NOTE DEADLINE DATE)
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I love AJ Allmendinger.
(YouTube Video Drops on Woman in Track Pants and Tank Top with her phone as she receives Text
on Her first opponent in SCW.)

Bambi Hurst

Hey Welcome Back. So make my debut This Weds...I mean Thursday. Against A Big Strong man.

(As she flexes her bicep.)

Bambi Hurst

His names Mr. Nate Krelle. From The UK. I’m sure Mr. Krelle thinks he gonna overpower me. I know I’m not gonna lock up. 

(with bad British accent with air quotation with her fingers.)


“I mean she small” I am gonna show you I am Small. But I hit like hell. Plus takes more then physical strength to win. You're with the Experience. Speed and size. Are You Gonna Show me how your big tough strong man. 

(She grabs a bottle of water takes a sip.)


Look at the difference between the two of us. But in the end, were both sizes when laying down. Remember This Mr. Krelle It’s Almost Party Time.

(As Youtube Vedio come to an end.)
[Image: 3d7ZuqP.jpg]
*The scene opens with Nate Krelle standing in the SCW HQ parking lot. He is standing there wearing his Rogue Syndicate tshirt, black sweatpants and has a backpack on his back. He takes off the backpack and lays it on the floor next to him before looking back up at the camera. He runs his hand through his hair pushing it back, he sniffs slightly before looking down the lens of the camera*


The Anti Trend just got done finalising his deal here at SCW. Dotting the 'i's and crossing the 't's. Making sure its actually worth my time. Of course the suits upstairs wanted my name on the card as soon as possible. And understandably so! That they've just thrown my name in a hat and pulled it out along side some rookie! Again thats fine, I'm not one to turn my nose up at anybody who has the guts to climb through those ropes and face me. 

*Nate smirks as he bends down and reaches into his bag. He pulls out a bottle of water, stands back up and takes a sip*

So they paired me up against Bambi Hurst, Miss 'Party Time'

*Nate sarcastically finger gestures the words party time*

Is that what you're here for Miss Hurst? a party? A good time? A Ball? A banquet? A bash? A feast? A carnival? An orgy?

Something to do to fill your own spare time for your own amusement?

This here is pro wrestling, not a camaraderie of candy floss and party poppers! ... I dont want to piss on your parade too much but just let it be known that I'm not here for the 'bants'. Im here to put on the right kind of show and to prove to each and every person who tunes into this show why I consider myself one of the best damn performers on this god forsaken planet.

I'm going to wrestle circles around you, there's not a single doubt about that in my mind. I dont care about size or gender. If you show up on the 15th and walk down that ramp I will make my feet smack you about like thumper and make you look like Bambi on ice!

*Nate takes another swig of his water. He nearly chokes and wipes the water from his lips*

I almost forgot .. You see the t shirt?

*Nate holds his shirt out*

Rogue Syndicate ... Remember the name... Im looking for people from any company to walk with the under represented. Im looking to take over this whole business ... If you want in you know where to find me ... @ Nate Krelle on twitter baby

*Nate laughs to himself as he puts his bottle of water back into his back pack and pulls out a party popper*

I'll humour your gimmick Miss Hurst ..

*Nate pulls the party popper and acts really excited laughing and clapping his hands together. Suddenly the fun and games stop and Nate stares back into the camera*

Im not a role model Im a piece of sh*t .. In fact Im the product of not being given a piece of sh*t .. Bambi it starts with you and it ends wherever the hell I want it to end ...

*Nate picks up his backpack and loads it into the car behind him. He climbs into the back of the car which then speeds away. The tires screech on the tarmac as the screen fades to black*

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