La Pequena Luz, Penguin & Calvan Greene vs. Kinneck, Cruze and Ravyn Taylor
Trios Tournament 2022 Quarterfinals

2 RP per character in Trios Tournament (6 RP max per team)

3500 word max per RP

Deadline: 11:59:59 pm ET THURSDAY, December 15, 2022 (NOTE DEADLINE DATE)
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I love AJ Allmendinger.
+++ Miami – 10th December 2022 +++

The last few days had passed by in a blur, as the events of the past week or so caught up with him. Professionally, and personally, he had been tested to his limits, as he had tried to make sense of everything that had happened. Professionally, he could deal with, he didn’t have time to breathe on that score as the Trios Tournament presented itself just a week after the World Championship victory against Xander Valentine. But personally, was a different kettle of fish altogether, as Owen tried, and ultimately failed, to rehearse what he was going to say to Charlotte when faced with the reality of everything that had happened. She was going to be a mess, and rightfully so, the problem for Owen was that he literally couldn’t do a thing about it, his brief only to be there for her as much as he possibly could. The bail amount had been increased, no surprise in that, and Owen had no problem paying it, to keep her out of prison as long as he could. Unfortunately, there was a sense of inevitability about the whole thing, Charlotte already having admitted her crimes. The only delay was whether the Police were going to push for murder, and whether they believed that Charlotte meant to start the fire, but there was nothing to suggest that. Once they agreed to manslaughter, then the only question was the sentence, a sentence that could range from anything up to twenty years. So, sat in front of her, cradling a cup of coffee that Charlotte’s sister, Max, had made for him when he arrived back at his house, it was one of those rare occasions when he didn’t know what to say. Charlotte’s demeanor one of someone who knew her fate and was only waiting for someone to say the words. Having tidied up in Owen’s kitchen, it is Max that breaks the silence, something that Owen is immediately glad of.
Max: She’s been like this for a few days now withdrawn and not really saying anything. I keep telling her to stay positive…
Charlotte: Bit difficult to stay positive when you know exactly what’s going to happen
Max: I’ve told you; you don’t know that.
Charlotte: Max, I admitted to starting the fire…
Her mannerisms wobble a little, as she finds difficulty saying the words.
Charlotte: And now Scott is gone, because of me. I deserve everything I get.
Owen takes a sip of his coffee; glad the conversation was going on around him. He still was at a loss as to what to say. Charlotte catches the look like Max gives her and shakes her head.
Charlotte: What? It’s the truth. If I’d not done it, Scott would still be alive.
No matter how much he wanted to, Owen couldn’t disagree with that statement. Although he had understood how desperate Charlotte had become, it didn’t take away the events of what happened that evening. For the first time, Charlotte seems to notice Owen’s silence, and she turns to face him.
Charlotte: And you agree don’t you Owen?
Owen most definitely felt put on the spot, there was no hiding from the conversation now. He leans forwards and places his coffee on a coaster, not for any other reason than to delay having to respond. He then looks up at Charlotte and nods his head.
Owen: Yeah… but it was still an accident.
It wasn’t really the most succinct of replies, but it was all he had considering the seriousness of the situation. Charlotte’s rolling of the eyes confirms to Owen that there was literally nothing that he could have said to improve the situation. What he didn’t know however was that Charlotte didn’t want her situation ‘improving’ she just wanted it to be over.
Max: We’ve got to stay positive, all of us.
Owen: But Charlotte is right Max, there is nothing to be positive about. I’ve been speaking to my Lawyer, and although he doesn’t believe they have a case to upgrade the charge to Murder, there is no doubt that Charlotte will be charged with accidental manslaughter. If she had admitted it before the police charged her, then she might have gotten a lesser sentence, but now it is unlikely she will get anything less than five years.
Max: Fine friend you are…
Owen is about to react, but he understands what Max is going through, and so he takes a second before he responds, keeping any animosity out of his tone.
Owen: Max, I get it… you want to do what’s best for Charlotte, we all do.
Max: Doesn’t seem like it.
Owen: But the fact of the matter is, there is no getting away from what she did. And she knows that. The best we can hope for is that the cops understand what she was going through and take the stance that this was a tragic accident. And then hope that the judge shares the same opinion.
Max: So, we all giving up?
Owen: No, we are being realistic. The best thing we can do now is prepare Charlotte for what’s to come.
Max shakes her head, and turns on her heels, heading out the house through the front door without saying a single word. Owen for a moment considers following her but doesn’t see any good coming from that. Instead, he focusses on Charlotte, who has her head lowered.
Owen: I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to upset her.
Charlotte lifts her head and attempts a smile.
Charlotte: She’s always been the same, trying to play big sister when I didn’t really need it. She’s the type of person who thinks things will just go away instead of facing up to them. I’m sure if it was up to her, she would have just ignored this, right until the moment I was put away. I mean, I get the benefits of being positive…
Owen: But sometimes there isn’t any point
Charlotte: Exactly. There’s no getting away from this. I set fire to the bar, and now Scott is dead. That’s a fact. But I didn’t mean for this to happen, how could I? Scott was my best friend.
Owen: I know… and the cops will realize that too.
Charlotte: I hope so Owen… his poor family though. What must they think of me?
Owen: They will be grieving. I dread to think.
Again, Charlotte forces a half smile, and she reaches out, Owen places his hand on hers.
Charlotte: Never change Owen… the truth is what I need right now, not some ill-fated positivity trip.
Owen: I’m not going anywhere Char, no matter what happens, I’m here whatever you need.
Charlotte: I appreciate that… don’t suppose you’ve got a nail file, do you? Might be needing one to break out.
It was a half-assed attempt at humor, but it wasn’t a joke that fell flat for Owen. She was going to need that humor and then some by the time this was all over.
Owen: I don’t have one, but I’m sure Jennifer has.
Charlotte: How good her nails always look, I’m sure she has a few.
Owen pauses for just a moment, the smile leaving his face as he takes it down a notch.
Owen: Char, daft question, but are you ok? Seriously?
Charlotte pauses for a moment, biting her bottom lip, showing all the anxiety wracking her body right now.
Charlotte: Honestly Owen, going to prison, paying for my crimes. Yeah, I’m ok with that because it’s the least I deserve. But losing Scott and it being my fault. Being responsible for someone’s son being taken away from them. I’ll never be ok with that.
Owen: I’ll get you through this Charlotte.
Charlotte: Will you?
She lowers her head, as a single tear escapes down her cheek and falls to the floor.
Owen: Yes, I will. You’re not a bad person.
Charlotte: I’m sorry… but I’m not sure you can.
There was no emotion in her voice, but that only added to the foreboding nature of her words. The person he saw in front of him right now was a shadow of the bolshy bar owner he had met just over six months ago. In front of him was a woman that had been broken by recent events and was having great difficulty in trying to find a way out. Owen had been in that dark place himself, where every signpost only pointed to one way out, and right now, Owen knew that was precisely the course of action she was considering. To get away from her feelings, the sentencing, to just end all of that in a single heartbeat. Again, Owen was lost for words, and although neither of them speaks, the two of them were most definitely on the same wavelength. Prison wasn’t as inevitable as Owen had believed.
+++ Miami – 11th December 2022 +++
If anything, it seemed like the police were dragging their heels, trying to find something that wasn’t there. Of course, it might not have been that it might have been that they were just busy dealing with a multitude of cases, but the situation certainly wasn’t helping Charlotte’s nerves. Max hadn’t come back round, although she had spoken to Charlotte on the phone, and apparently gone off on a rant against Owen which Charlotte had immediately shut down, which had made Max even more against Owen than she was before. Charlotte put it down to jealousy, knowing that no one had helped her more than Owen had, and probably would continue to do in the future. It didn’t make it easier that his Lawyer could only confirm that a decision was ‘imminent’, which seemed to be code for when they were good and ready. More than anything, Owen was concerned that he would have to leave from Breakdown tomorrow, and once again leave her alone in the house. And considering her thinly veiled comments from before, he truly didn’t know what she might do. Even now, whilst she was upstairs having a bath, it wasn’t without Owen considering that she might attempt to drown herself and be done with all of this. And it is that concern that finds him stood at the bottom of the stairs.
Owen: Char… I’m making lunch do you want anything?
Owen waits for a reply, but doesn’t get one, causing him to scowl.
Owen: CHAR!!!
He only slightly hears a reply of ‘yeah’.
Owen: You want any lunch?
Owen hears the bathroom door open, and Charlotte’s voice a lot louder this time.
Charlotte: No, it’s OK. Not hungry thank you. Just getting dressed.
Usually, Owen would have concerned himself with the fact she wasn’t eating, but this time he was just relieved she’d replied. He walks back into the kitchen and continues preparing his sandwich, whilst looking out over the ocean beyond. His attention is taken by a man who walks his dog, the knife hovering over the uncut bread. A loud knock at the door breaks that concentration, Owen placing the knife down on the counter and heading to the front door, wondering who it could be. No sooner as he opened the door, does a woman, potentially in her forties, push by him, Owen more than a little shocked by the intrusion. The woman looks around the house, Owen not sure what is going on, before finally she turns her attention to him.
Woman: Where is she?
Owen: Who?
Woman: Charlotte, I know she is living here right now, so where is she?
Still not sure who this person is, Owen continues with caution, not wanting to say the wrong thing.
Owen: I’m sorry… but who are you?
Woman: Excuse me?
She looks at him more than a little incredulously, as if he was the one who had just pushed into her house uninvited. It didn’t seem like the kind of situation however that he needed to escalate.
Owen: Look, I’m trying to be reasonable here, but I don’t have the first clue who you are and what you want with Charlotte, so how’s about we sit down…
Woman: I’m NOT sitting down, and I demand to know where Charlotte is. I want the woman who killed my son to explain to me why.
The penny drops, this must be Scott’s Mum, and thus her rude behavior and indeed her anger is instantly explained. Owen now fully understands the situation he found himself in, and slowly positions himself before the stairs and the woman, just in case she tries to get upstairs.
Owen: She’s not here… she went out for a walk.
Woman: Then, I will wait for her.
She pulls out a chair and only now takes a seat, Owen however maintaining his position.
Owen: She might be some time
Woman: I can wait.
Owen hears a noise upstairs that thankfully the woman doesn’t seem to pick up on.
Owen: Why don’t I just tell her you called round?
Woman: I am not going anywhere until I speak to her. In fact, how about you explain to me why you are letting her live here.
Owen: Because she is my friend.
Woman: My Scott was her friend as well…
Her eyes start to glisten over, her anger covering up her obvious and understandable misery.
“It’s OK Owen, you don’t have to defend me…”
Charlotte appears on the stairs, the woman’s eyes widening as she visibly grits her teeth at the sight of the person who she believed wholeheartedly killed her soon. Owen stays in between them both as the woman stands and menacingly makes her way over.
Charlotte: Hi Michelle…
Michelle: Don’t you dare ‘Hi’ me.
For a moment, there is nothing but silence, the tension in the air the kind that could most definitely be cut with a knife. If the woman had struck out, Owen knew it was more than likely he would be the one who took the impact to ensure that Charlotte didn’t. Surprisingly however, the woman doesn’t lash out, and indeed seems to break down, her legs buckling from underneath her, Owen catches her before she falls and does damage to herself. Charlotte quickly grabs a chair, and Owen gently places Michelle on it, before grabbing a glass from the side and pouring her some water. As he passes it to her, Michelle nods appreciatively, Charlotte taking a seat the other side of the table.
Owen: You, ok?
Michelle takes another sip of water, and then places the glass on the table. She then turns to look at Charlotte, any anger now taken over by misery.
Michelle: Why?
Although the question wasn’t complete, it didn’t really need any explaining. Owen sits down as well, wondering if he should leave them to it, but deciding that wasn’t the best course of action. It was obvious to him that Michelle had arrived intent on causing Charlotte real harm, but as with most decent people, common sense had taken a hold, before her sadness had broken her down, and the events of recent days caught up on her.
Charlotte: I loved Scott. He wasn’t just my bar manager; he was my confidante. He was my best friend in the whole world. If I’d have known he was in the bar, I would never…
Her voice crackles with emotion, and she pauses for just a moment, giving herself just a little time to compose herself.
Charlotte: I loved him Michelle, I loved him like a brother. I’m so, so sorry.
Before all of this, Charlotte and Michelle had been very close. Michelle knew that when Scott came out, Charlotte had been one of his greatest allies and backed him where others had turned their backs on him. Sorry however didn’t cut it, and Charlotte knew that more than anyone else. Sorry would never been enough for the hurt she had caused.
Michelle: Scott loved you too…
Her voice is filled with grief, her emotions bubbling over as she starts to sob uncontrollably, Owen watching with some concern as Charlotte stands and throws her arms around Michelle, who reciprocates the gesture. It was a complete one eighty on the way she had entered the house, and strangely enough, Owen felt more capable of dealing with the anger. But for someone who had experienced so much grief in his life, he still didn’t feel equipped to deal with the heart ache of others. As they both part, both their eyes bloodshot, Owen clearly doesn’t know what to say, or indeed do. So, he does nothing but let the moment play out.
Michelle: So, what happens to you now?
Charlotte: It doesn’t matter what happens to me.
Michelle: Of course, it does…
Charlotte: I deserve everything that happens to me. I can’t escape this; I shouldn’t escape this.
Michelle: Scott wouldn’t want this for you.
Charlotte: Well, I don’t want this for you. Justice deserves to be served, and accident or not, I’m still to blame. Nothing can bring him back, but at the very least I can do this.
Owen had never seen strength like this, as Michelle somehow manages to shrug of her grief, recognizing the guilt that Charlotte obviously felt. It didn’t matter to Michelle how much she might shout and scream at Charlotte, she could never do the damage that Charlotte was doing to herself. And Owen recognized that damage more than anyone else. The self-hatred Charlotte was feeling right now reminiscent of his own loathing not too long ago.
Michelle: I should go…
Owen: Do you want me to call you a cab or something?
Michelle: No, it’s OK, I think I’m going to take a walk along the beach. And Owen, I’m sorry for barging in the way I did. I just…
Owen holds up his hand.
Owen: No need to apologize Michelle… I understand.
Michelle: And I hope you get through this Charlotte; I hope we both do. Scott would have wanted that.
Charlotte: I’ll try.
They hold each other for another few moments, before Michelle turns away and walks out the house, Owen following her and opening the door for her. She then turns, and only nods, not saying another word before she heads off down the driveway. Owen shuts the door behind him, and puffs out his cheeks, before heading back into the kitchen, Charlotte once again crying into her hands. Owen puts his arms around her, trying to console her but knowing that there was nothing in this world that could ever do that. His fear for her well-being growing with every minute that passed by.
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OOC: All characters appear with permission

The ball was rolling for The Light In The Darkness as their return had gone without a hitch, and Luz and Amelia couldn't argue that it just felt right being back in an SCW ring.

Sure, maybe the win wasn't anything special in the eyes of many, but everyone had to start somewhere. Plus, if you asked them, the couple would be more than happy to tell you they'd rather work their way back up and earn a tag title opportunity.

With their feet firmly back on solid ground in the company, it came as no surprise that an old question suddenly resurfaced: what if one of you got an opportunity all your own? It was a question that had come up during their first stint in the company that ultimately went unanswered when they were both injured, although some believed they might get the answer when comparing Luz's concussion to Amelia's neck injury before the couple asked for their collective release altogether. It was the kind of thing that always got asked when you wanted to hunt for a way to drive a wedge between teammates by suggesting an imbalance, either to gain an advantage or just because you wanted to see a team implode and the battles that would result from it.

Personally, the question annoyed Luz—as much as she tried to hide it—because it showed how little some people truly understood the two. They had worked hard to establish themselves well before they ever crossed paths, even if that was a time in their lives they preferred to forget about. More importantly, they had found quite a bit of success individually over the years and were still going strong as a team to this day, owing to just how healthy their relationship was that any of the usual problems that would break up any couple or tag team when enough cracks began to show could be resolved by just talking through it and doing their best to support one another.

Luz knew it was inevitable that she and Amelia would be staring down opportunities in SCW that would shine the spotlight on one and not the other, but she had to admit that she wasn't expecting it to be literally right as the two came back.

When she heard her name had been drawn for the annual Trios Tournament, Luz was honestly expecting Amelia's name to be drawn as well with the potential for them to have to oppose one another in the tournament, but it wasn't a surprise when the random draw didn't bring her name up either. Even still, it was a hot topic of discussion between the two throughout the past week, even if that usually consisted of Luz feeling the need to apologize for something that was completely left up to the luck of the draw and Amelia assuring her girlfriend that she'd find something to keep her occupied in the meantime if Luz's team managed to make their way through the tournament.

Amelia was more concerned with who Luz would be teaming with, even if Luz herself felt she lucked out a bit with the draw.

Many in SCW wouldn't see Hairless Penguin and Calvan Greene as ideal partners for one reason or another, but leave it to Luz to always try to find the bright side of any situation. Sure, maybe Calvan felt like he didn't take this business seriously most of the time and often seemed like he was lost in his own little world, but he'd competed in the recent Chamber Match with a world title opportunity and had plenty of experience in the company to draw from. Maybe Penguin seemed like he was just a gimmick whose sole purpose was for Lexy Chapel to make some extra money and capitalize on... something, but there was no denying that the man had come a long way in the ring, and Luz and Amelia were never ones to underestimate a team who'd managed to reign as tag champions for the better part of a year regardless of who they were and how they got the job done.

As far as Luz was concerned, anyone else in the tournament could look at their team and see a joke if they wanted to, because she knew full well that her team had one thing that none of the others had: no noticeable issues between teammates. Where other teams had two people who did not have great history with each other or that one 'wild card' that had the potential to cost their team by doing their own thing and not cooperating, the closest you were going to find with her motley crew was the fact that Luz and Penguin were potential rivals in the tag division.

Given their respective teams hadn't crossed paths in the ring yet and what Luz had seen confirmed to her that Penguin was more likely to want to win the right way and actually prove himself than his partner was, she didn't think there would be any real animosity to try and exploit.

“I think I have to give him more credit than I initially wanted to,” Amelia said as the two sat backstage at Breakdown, having just finished watching the Frosts retain the tag titles. The fact that Penguin had intentionally ignored the injured arm of Deanna Frost was not lost on the couple, even when his partner and manager were blatantly trying to further damage it to get the belts back.

“I wouldn't have taken the match until Deanna was 100% again just so we could know for certain if we're the better team, but I can't fault him for the manager he's stuck with,” Luz noted. The possibility that Lexy Chapel and even Dancing Bear would likely be in her team's corner left a sour taste in her mouth, but it would be one of those things she'd have to try and work around to the best of her ability. In a way, it was almost a throwback to before SCW when she found herself having to team with someone who not only wasn't Amelia but also didn't share the técnico moral code she operated under in the ring, a lucha libre concept known as Relevos Increíbles.

She was tempted to ask Amelia to join them at ringside just to make sure they didn't try anything and ensure her trio could get the job done fair and square, but her going solo in trying to rein in two other people at once was a tall order and may possibly just cause more problems than it would solve. Besides, they had agreed a long time ago that in certain scenarios they wouldn't accompany each other to ringside to remove any complaints of foul play even if they never did anything more than support one another, and this was one of those times.

The couple chatted about things that weren't specifically Trios oriented as they kept watching the show from their locker room, even if Luz was taking careful notes in her head as every match that followed the tag titles contained a potential opponent she could find herself facing in the tournament. She couldn't help but flash Amelia a knowing smile and silent thanks for the change in conversation. They'd learned a long time ago that while Amelia was every bit the classic “student of the game” type of wrestler, Luz was able to focus better when she had something else to subconsciously focus on so her thoughts wouldn't wander. It was why she always trained or studied matches with some music playing or a show or movie she liked on in the background, and Amelia had no problem engaging in unrelated chit-chat if it helped Luz focus in her own unique way.

That was especially important during the main event as the two watched Owen Cruze put on the performance of a lifetime and earn the right to be called world champion once again, considering he was one of the first opponents Luz would face in this thing. Without something else to devote her thoughts to, she probably would have started overthinking and spiraling at the idea of her second match back in SCW pitting her against the new world champion, reigniting the concerns that the couple weren't ready for SCW yet and this second attempt might have been a mistake.

'Anxiety is a bitch,' Luz thought to herself as the two prepared to head back to their hotel for the night. No matter how many times she proved both the doubters and her own insecurities wrong, the thoughts always came back. She wanted to think that it wouldn't be this way if her life hadn't taken some of the twists and turns that it did, but she knew full well the burden of being compared to her father and following in his footsteps would've been present even if he hadn't unfortunately left this world.

Luz pondering this caused her to lag behind a bit in gathering her stuff, but Amelia didn't mind and patiently waited outside of their locker room. As she waited, her ears picked up on something just around the corner that caught her attention.

“I don't think I can do this.”

“Come on dude, what's the worst that could happen?”

“I could get my butt kicked? I know we're teaming with one of them next week and maybe beyond, but how do I know they'll actually help?”

“We could always go do our own thing. I've been wanting to give this 'life guru' thing a shot, helping you and others find the way of zen and rock hard abs.”

“...I think I'll take my chances with them.”

“That's the spirit dude!”

Amelia couldn't help but give a confused glance towards the hushed conversation happening around the corner, especially since she recognized the voices. She didn't get much time to ponder what it was about before a familiar voice graced her ears from the other side.

“Alright, ready to go! Sorry for the hold-up Ams... kind of let my thoughts linger on something, eheheh...”

Amelia jumped a bit, having not expected Luz to be ready while her focus was still on the bizarre pep talk(?) happening nearby, but she quickly calmed herself as Luz's nervous chuckling slowly turned into a proper amused giggle. Amelia shot her a light-hearted “don't do that again” look before the two turned to leave, but before they got very far they heard a pair of footsteps approaching them and looked back to find Hairless Penguin quickly approaching with Calvan Greene trailing behind. Luz was pleasantly surprised by this as she wasn't sure if she'd actually be interacting with her Trios team outside of match time and had required her girlfriend's help to keep from having a panic attack over worrying if she should even try to reach out to them between shows, considering she'd grown up being bullied over being overly enthusiastic in trying to interact with everybody.

Said girlfriend, who actually found that trait endearing in Luz given how little affection she'd gotten period in her own life before she entered it, was eyeing the two warily. Penguin seemed to grow nervous at catching her gaze, while Calvan appeared to be unfazed if he'd even noticed it.

“HP! Calvan!” Luz cheerfully greeted, oblivious to what Amelia was doing. “Something I can help you with, mis nuevos amigos?”

Penguin and Calvan exchanged looks of confusion for a moment.

“My new friends,” Amelia translated for them, and Luz looked embarrassed at how easily she'd slipped into her native tongue at the excitement of this actually happening.

“We're already friends?” Calvan asked. “Sweet, that was easy!”

Penguin joined Luz and Amelia in glancing at Calvan for a moment before the former cleared his throat.

“So... um...” Penguin mumbled for a moment before taking a deep breath to try and compose himself. “OK, I have to be honest with you both: I kind of suck at this.”

Luz and Amelia looked at one another, taken aback by such a blunt admission from a former champion, but Penguin continued.

“I know people have been talking about me improving and stuff, but I've pretty much lucked my way into my biggest achievements. The tag title reign, my Taking Hold of the Flame performance... believe me, I want to prove to people that I truly have gotten better and that I deserve all this praise people want to give me for it, I want to prove that the name Hairless Penguin actually means something in SCW, but I'm nowhere close to any of that as much as I may say otherwise. And yet, here you two are, riding into SCW after so much hype about these prestigious wrestling families you come from. You, Luz, fly around the ring at a speed that will probably make even Owen envy you next week, and Amelia's over here showing off grappling that Josh and Glory are secretly jealous of and will never admit to it. You and Calvan could probably carry me easily, but I really want to be able to contribute and not let our team down. Please, please teach me your ways!”

Both members of The Light In The Darkness had their jaws on the floor at this, neither one having expected this from someone that, outside of working with Luz for this tournament, was effectively considered one of their higher profile rivals in their pursuit of tag team gold. More surprising was that Amelia, who was often more careful about looking deeper into the true intentions of others compared to Luz, couldn't find any hint in Penguin's plea that what he'd just said was anything less than genuine. She'd never met anyone in this business, SCW or otherwise, who would ever think of openly admitting that they weren't very good at this despite the success they had to their name thus far. And yet, Amelia could feel her old instincts stirring that kept her on guard about this.

Luz seemed to recover and had started opening her mouth to respond, likely to agree if Amelia knew her as well as she thought she did, and she quickly cut in before a sound left her mouth. “Could you guys excuse us for a moment?”

Luz looked stunned as Amelia pulled her back into their locker room for a moment, catching a look of worry from Penguin that she knew was a sign he believed they were going to turn down his request, and her heart ached for the man after he'd just finished pouring his out in asking for their help. Still, as the door closed behind them, she knew that if Amelia wanted a private chat about this before they gave an answer, she had a good reason for it.

“Everything alright?” she asked.

“I don't know...” Amelia said, her voice shaky as Luz quickly picked up on the signs that she was having an internal conflict with her old self. “I could tell he was being genuine, but something about this just... feels off to me. How does someone actually make it to a place like SCW, have a months-long tag title reign and even place third in a match that rewards the winner with a world title opportunity on their biggest show of the year, and just flat out admits that they suck and need our help to not suck? This has to be some sort of plan by Lexy to make sure her team keeps an edge over us in the tag title hunt.”

“You mean the woman who's been spouting conspiracy theories for as long as we've been in SCW as a whole and planned to exploit an injury thinking it'd make it easy to get the tag titles back that didn't work because of the very person who just asked us for help?” Luz pointed out. “I think by bringing her up you answered your own question of how Penguin might have gotten into SCW, but we've both clearly seen he's serious about wanting to get better and earn his accolades fair and square, the way we prefer to do business.”

“I...” Amelia started before she fell silent, the look on her face clearly indicating that she knew Luz was right and whatever was going through her head right now was probably due to the remnants of her upbringing. “Sorry, I just... don't know what to make of this. I've never had anyone ask me to train them before.”

“And you think I have?” Luz asked with a small lilt to her voice that she hoped would help quiet the storm raging in her girlfriend's mind.

“Fair,” Amelia said with a small chuckle that brought a smile to Luz's face. “I'm just worried for you, as dumb as it sounds. I mean, this is a former champion who either sucks as much as he claims or, hopefully, is just so lacking in confidence after his team lost the tag titles and then failed to get them back that he only thinks he sucks that much. On one hand, him being honest about this is something that could tank your Trios team and that's an opportunity for you and potentially us in the bigger picture down the drain. On the other...”

Amelia trailed off, hesitant to put a voice to her other thought, but Luz had a feeling she knew what it was. It was no secret that Amelia had trust issues, which was completely understandable after everything she'd endured growing up. On the other side of that coin, Luz was notorious for being too trusting, always believing that she could see the good in others and having had it bite her in the ass on several occasions. While it struck a balance that worked for them, this was a situation where Luz's approach would have to be relied on because she had no other choice if she wanted to earn that contract, and Amelia was clearly concerned about what would happen if that necessary trust was misplaced.

“I get it Ames, I really do,” Luz finally responded. “Given the situation, I don't see the harm in training him if it helps better our Trios chances. And if down the line he ends up having to use that against us... well, how many times have we had to face off in the ring after training with one another and made an honest spectacle out of it?”

Luz's answer seemed to pacify Amelia for the time being, and with a soft kiss exchanged and a promise to talk more about it later, they stepped back out to see Penguin and Calvan still waiting there.

“Sorry for the wait!” Luz announced to get their attention. “We had some... personal things to talk over first, but we've got no problem working with you to make sure you're Trios ready!”

“Really?” Penguin asked just to be sure he'd heard that correctly, and Luz's enthusiastic nod sent a wave of relief washing over him. “Oh thank god. I'll have to let you know when I can train, if that's alright. Lexy's insisting that Bear and I go watch that new 'Cocaine Bear' movie so he can get that killer instinct she thinks he's missing.”

“I thought that didn't come out until next year?” Luz questioned as the two of them began exchanging contact details to set everything up.

Amelia just carefully watched this unfold before turning her attention to Calvan, who was still standing there. “Would you like to join us for training?”

“Nah man, I'm already all elite,” he said, motioning to his abs in the process. “I'm just here supporting our little Penguin bud.”

Amelia just blinked, dumbfounded at this response as he decided to wander off now that his job was supposedly done. Luz and Penguin parted ways shortly after and the couple finally started heading back to their hotel.

Luz may have been on cloud nine about being able to bond with her Trios team before they went into battle, but Amelia found herself concerned for whatever her girlfriend had found herself drawn into and whether or not that contract would be worth it.
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Tag Team Record: 20-8*
La Pequeña Luz Solo Record: 9-5
Amelia Blythe Solo Record: 5-5-1

*The tag team turmoil on the 9/14/2023 Breakdown is counted in this record as the three separate matches LITD had in the gauntlet up until their elimination.

Breakdown 3/30/2023 - Kim Williams' Trios Cash-In
La Pequeña Luz: 3 Falls
Amelia Blythe: 2 Falls
*Neither one finished high enough to win any championships in this match
*Result listed separately and not counted in records due to lack of clarity on how to count falls

SCW Accomplishments
SCW Television Championship (Amelia Blythe - 29 Days)
SCW Television Championship (La Pequeña Luz - 98 Days)
SCW World Tag Team Championship [2] (1 - 81 Days) (2 - 109 Days)
2023 Tag Team of the Year
2023 Match of the Year (Kim Williams' Trios Cash-In)
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+++ Miami – 12th December 2022 +++

After the events of yesterday, Owen had been glad of the opportunity to get out with his dog, and pound the beach, getting rid of any frustrations he had. He wasn’t sure that leaving Charlotte was the best course of action, but he knew for his own sanity he had to get away for at least a couple of hours. He’d taken his normal route, going miles down the beach where he reached his usual stopping point, and then after five minutes had come back, this time occasionally stopping to play, his dog lapping up the attention. As he arrives back at the house, stopping outside the door and placing his hands on his knees, catching his breath as the dog looks like it’s had no effect whatsoever, he cannot help but feel much better mentality, and ready to take on whatever the day threw at him. Later, today he would be leaving for Houston and the Trios Tournament, and he couldn’t go into that thinking about anything else but that contract. He felt guilty saying it of course, Charlotte going through what she was, but by the same token, the police finally giving up the charge of murder and ‘settling’ on manslaughter could at least bring some relief and a lighter sentence. However, Owen wasn’t sure she wanted a lighter sentence, and would only be satisfied if the book was thrown at her. That sentencing would take place in a week and would close a chapter for her and hopefully allow her to find some peace. But it wasn’t something that was for certain. Owen however doesn’t dwell on it; he couldn’t dwell on it. As Charlotte had said many times, what will be, will be. He had to think that way too. And so, opening the door and letting the dog in, who goes straight for his water bowl, Owen is about to place his phone on the table, when it rings, making him jump.
Owen: Shaun… how’s things?
Shaun: I’m good man, sure you’re busy, just a quick call?
Owen: Cool, what’s up?
Shaun: Just thought I’d let you know; I’ve got lunch with Pixie this afternoon. Going to tell her what we know about her boyfriend.
Owen: OK, but be subtle yeah, I know what you’re like.
Shaun: Excuse me… subtly is my middle name thank you very much. Anyways, how is Charlotte bearing up?
Owen: Not great… least the cops didn’t call it murder.
Shaun: They couldn’t, not really.
Owen: You and I both know how these things can go. But yeah, I just think she wants it all over with now and can’t say I blame her. Must be a lot to deal with.
Shaun: Yeah, well give her my love and I’ll see you at Christmas yeah?
Owen: Unless I have reason to be in LA before… yeah, Jen and I will be there.
Shaun: Good. Well, good luck at Trios and I’ll ring you and let you know how Pixie reacted.
Owen: No worries, speak soon Shaun.
Owen hangs up the phone, and then scowls. Where the hell was Charlotte? He walks over to the stairs, and shouts up them, still no receiving an answer. This time, he checks upstairs, in the bedrooms, the bathrooms but nothing. That familiar sense of dreads starts to form over him, a dread that intensifies as he walks back into the living room and sees a piece of paper, folded in half and then stood up, Owen’s name on it. He walks over to it, and with a real sense of dread opens, and reads the writing on it.
‘I can’t do this. I’m sorry.
Thank you for everything.
Owen immediately grabs his phone and dials her number, the dial tone predictably dead. He then runs back upstairs and checks in her wardrobe, all her clothes seemingly still there and nothing having been taken. Owen had a feeling that something was seriously wrong, and something, maybe instinct leads him out the house, across the small patio and to the beach, sprinting down to the water with his dog following in tow. He reaches a jetty where a boat is moored, but vacant, and he stops with a recoil, clothes that he recognizes on the end of the jetty, Charlottes shoes placed tidily on top of them. Owen leans over the guardrail, to the water that is no more than ten feet below, scouring the area for any sign but not seeing anything.
Owen: No, No, No…
He dials a number on his phone, waiting a few moments till someone answers, not even giving them time to answer.
Owen: Max, it’s Owen… is Charlotte with you?
Max: No… why?
Owen: Fuck… you’d better get down to the house. She’s gone missing and I think she’s…
Owen pauses, not able to say the words, but the other end of the phone has already gone dead, Owen still holding the phone to his ear. Owen just stares out across the water, hoping to see something, anything to give him hope, but no hope is forthcoming. Eventually, the phone slides from his grasp, smashing on the jetty, and cracking the screen.
+++ Houston – 13th December 2022 +++
Although everything pointed to a possibly suicide. Charlotte not able to swim, and surely drowning in the deep waters around the jetty, if she had indeed plunged into the waters. The Police had now only designated it a ‘missing person’, and though not saying it in as many words, put it down to Charlotte attempting to escape justice. Owen didn’t believe that for a second, Charlotte wanted to pay for her crimes. But had she passed the ultimate cost and taken her life for Scott’s. Once again Owen couldn’t allow himself to think that way, at least until a body had been found. By the same token, he wasn’t allowing that familiar guilt to fester, at least not until he knew for sure. So, sat in a room, what looks like a recording studio, Owen prepares to give his thoughts on the upcoming trios tournament and his chances of victory, once again doing the one main thing Daisy had taught him. The ability to separate the personal from the professional. He was going into this tournament as good as he had ever felt and was ready to finally go deep in a tournament that hadn’t always gone well for him. And it is with a confident tone that he starts to speak.
“The hits just keep on coming, don’t they? No sooner has one opportunity been realized, than another comes along. Of course, I will be talking about the Trios Tournament, and how Kinneck, Ravyn and I will be doing all that we can to claim those contracts, but it would be remiss of me to not talk about what happened just last week. When my professional career came well and truly fully circle. I don’t think I need to explain what this means to me going forwards. I’m sure there will be a time and a place to talk about that again. What I do need to say however is clearly, I am stoked to once again be the SCW World Champion. It is my privilege to once again carry this belt. And Glory Braddock? For trying to ruin my moment, because let’s face it, nothing was going to achieve that. But for your actions, I promise you that a receipt will be forthcoming. Sister, I’m almost as English as you, so lose the pomp and circumstances because I ain’t buying it.”
He lifts the World title off camera and holds it aloft.
“You want this Braddock, come and get it sweetheart. Because I WILL be waiting.”
He places the belt carefully down, his demeanor changing to suit.
“Now, the Trios Tournament… honestly, this event hasn’t exactly been the kindest to me. Any team I have been on has struggled to either compete or be on the same page. As far as I am aware, I have no issues with Kinneck. Happy for you to tell me otherwise, and deal with it off camera. But the same cannot be said for Ravyn Taylor. Whether it be Shaun, or me. Whether it be Syren or indeed Ravyn. There is a whole lot of history going on. History, that I must accept, could once again derail my chances. So Ravyn, what do you say? Can we let bygones be bygones, drop the bullshit and at least try to co-exist? Or will this be another of those ‘games you play’? What I can promise, is that no matter how those cards fall, there will be at least one person fully focused on advancing through that quarter-final and into the next round. That person, unsurprisingly enough, will be me. I guess we will see if my teammates decide to come along for the ride.”
Owen shrugs his shoulders, knowing full well that if they didn’t, this tournament was likely to end in the exact same way as all the others.
“Because let’s face it, it doesn’t matter how good any individual is, none of that matters if you can’t play a part of the team ethic required to win Trios. I’m sure of the course of the years there have been many stand out performances that have seemingly carried a team to victory, but on every occasion, I can assure you, the other two members of that team will have helped to make it happen. Someone may well make the pinfall and finish the match but that is only a part of the job, a part that EVERY member of the team has to understand to succeed. And on paper, our opponents on December the 15th are probably more likely to have that, than we are. La Pequena Luz, my old friend the Penguin, and of course Calvan Greene. As far as I can see, none of them have any reason but to do the very best for each other. They cannot be discounted for a single second, especially if they have that unity. But more importantly, because all three of them will know EXACTLY what a Trios Contract could do for their careers.
For instance, Luz, to not understand fully what her motivations are coming into this match would be foolish. This is someone who was part of a Tag Team who so very nearly became the tag team Champions last year and could have well been well on the way to a standout SCW career as we came to this point. From what I understand, Luz was seriously concussed by my old mate Adam Allocco cheap shot to the skull, and thus spent a lengthy spell on the sidelines, waiting for the moment when she and her partner were ready. Can you just imagine just how frustrating it has been for her to not only watch the Golden Boys go on to be tag team champions, but then Adam Allocco claim Taking Hold of the Flame, and then in turn the World Championship. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t know if she had ideals on the World title, but still, there has to be an element of ‘that could have been me’. And element that would surely motivate her right now going into this encounter. The contract giving her the perfect opportunity to jump back on the horse.
And what about Calvan Greene, where do his motivations lie? I’m not going to pretend I know Calvan well. I won’t pretend I know Luz either. But from competing in that Chamber, probably the biggest match of Calvan’s career, I think I have a good idea what makes him tick. Calvan fought so hard for that opportunity, knowing a World Championship match at stake. He gave everything, but ultimately came up short as Adam and I battled to the end. Surely it stands to reason that now having tasted a mere hint of success, he will do whatever is in his power to edge that little bit closer? The Trios Contract does that in a heartbeat. It allows you to make your dreams come true, and ultimately places your direction in your own hands. If Calvan Greene can do his part and bring his team to the finals, who knows what he could achieve with that leg up. And that’s the thing, no one is beyond help. No one. Everyone needs that little boost occasionally, I most certainly did. What more motivation is there, than a springboard to wherever you want to be. The Trios Contract, if you chose, can do that for you. And you can bet Calvan Greene will have no problem working with Luz and Penguin to achieve that.
And although on paper, Kinneck, Ravyn and I may well the favorites going into this match, it would again be foolish for us to place any weight behind that. Especially considering the third member of their team, and the underdog story he has been on the last eighteen months. No one ever gave him a chance of achieving anything. Everyone thought that he was just a joke character that would never amount to much. ‘Hairless Penguin’, it brings a smile to my face every time I say it, I’ll admit it. But I, unlike others, know precisely what he is capable of. I didn’t… I was as clueless as everyone, but then he dumped me out of Taking Hold of the Flame, and ALMOST did the same to Adam Allocco. Of course, I would get some measure of revenge to a couple of months ago, what some might call the catalyst for this momentum I’ve been on. But if there is someone who thrives in seeing themselves placed as an outsider, you can bet that it’s the Hairless Penguin. And anyone would didn’t take heed of that fact would be foolish. Even if our team does bring wealth of accolades, and experience to the table.”
For all the flowers that Owen had given to his opponents, there was no question that many would see this match as a foregone conclusion, but not Owen, not for a single moment. He’d seen situations like this blow up in his face countless times, and he wasn’t going to be the reason it happened again.
“And that’s the defining factor in this match isn’t it? Will Ravyn use her undoubtedly championship caliber to propel us into the next round? Will Nicole use every piece of her experience to avoid the obvious pitfalls that lie in our way. Make no bones about it, pound for pound, and experience alone, we three put together the performance we can, we WILL win. But if there is a single percentage lost, we most certainly won’t. We ‘SHOULD’ win, there is no question that we should. But that doesn’t make it definitive that we will.
So, from a personal standpoint at least, I don’t want this to be yet another hard luck story for me, of a Trios tournament that once again went bad. I don’t want to see someone use that well earned contract, potentially on myself, to jump a queue and find themselves face to face with a World Championship opportunity. I don’t want to see someone put together a gimmick match, lessening the worth of the world championship. I don’t want to see someone use it so that someone like Adam Allocco is kept away from a title he most certainly deserved a rematch for. And the only way I can assure that doesn’t happen… well, barring my partners of course, is by claiming a Trios for my own.
So that’s what I am going to do.
I’m going to put aside a bad feeling mine and Ravyn’s family may have, for the benefit of the greater good. I’m going to shelve any doubts I have about Nicole coming to the ring and not take this as seriously as needs be. I’m going to put away in a small little box, any thoughts I feel for Luz, Penguin and Calvan, and how massive a victory of this magnitude would be for them, for one reason. Quite simply to benefit OUR team. I don’t see a Nicole, or a Ravyn, or an Owen… I see a unit. I see three people who without single question, could win this whole thing if those stars align. There are other amazing teams in this tournament, some who perhaps have even bigger claims than we do. The Adam Allocco’s, the Selena Frosts. The Josh Hudson’s and the Bree Lancaster’s, and so many more, all with two eyes on the exact same prize.
And that’s doesn’t instill fear in me.
I’m not scared going toe to toe with any of those guys. I’m not petrified at the thought of Josh Hudson making me tap out again. In fact, I’d love to test myself against him again, because that’s what we do as competitors. This has all been about redemption yes, but it’s also been about forming my OWN legacy, whilst at the same time banishing my own personal demons. I couldn’t have done that without challenges. Challenges like this one which I will relish. Bringing the team together, and winning the whole damn thing, that would be one heck of an accomplishment. Not just for me, but for Nicole and Ravyn as well. Tell me Luz, Calvan and Penguin, would YOU bet against us advancing on December the 15th?”
Owen grins, and gives a confident shake of the head.
“No? Me neither. I got a feeling that if this all goes to plan, Nicole, Ravyn and I are about to embark on something special. Might not work out that way, these things have every chance of going sideways. This all could just blow up in my face, no question about it. But no matter what, I’m going to make sure that for probably the first time, I enjoy my Trios opportunity.”
Owen winks at the camera, the smile still etched on his face.
“Because as I’ve found, you never know when you could be potentially looking at your last.”
Scene fades
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1000% Olek's fault I only did one for this show. He didn't remind me it was happening until last night. LOL!

Love you, Dr. D.


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Ravyn Taylor's Diary
An excerpt from December, 2022
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OOC: All characters appear with permission

It's been a while since either member of The Light In The Darkness has directly addressed the SCW audience in this fashion, but La Pequeña Luz seemed to be taking that in stride if the grin on her masked face was anything to go by. It might be a bizarre sight to see no sign of Amelia Blythe, but as Luz sits in the locker room of a gym in Houston to take a breather from the training she'd been doing, she looks to be at peace with the circumstances that have her and her alone under the spotlight regarding her tandem. She takes a moment to lean back against the lockers and catch her breath before she gets started.

“When Amelia and I first came to SCW, it goes without saying that we wanted to make an impact and leave our mark just like anybody else breaking into this company. We were a promising new tag team that got a fair amount of attention early, and some of the wins we picked up could definitely be considered huge upsets. Unfortunately, when our first opportunity to prove we were ready to take that next step up and look towards tag team gold came around, a serious of unfortunate events left the both of us on the shelf for quite some time. I won't lie... our confidence got severely rattled for a time because of that, and a big part of us thought that maybe we just weren't ready for SCW. You know what we did? We took a step back, rebuilt ourselves and chose to give this another try to know for sure.

Will it work out? Only time will tell.

One thing that certainly came as a surprise was the upcoming Trios Tournament. Don't get me wrong, Amelia and I are familiar enough with SCW to know about it and the prize everyone is fighting for, but for me to actually be drawn into it wasn't something I was expecting. I'm sure some of you schemers lurking in the brackets might be salivating at the idea of me having to prove myself without my usual partner by my side, but let me fill you in on a little secret: Amelia and I are just as capable of performing without one another as we are teaming together. True, this will be the first time one of us will have to prove it in an SCW ring, but we all knew that challenge would have to happen eventually.

That said, while I may not be teaming with my usual partner, that doesn't mean I'll be fighting alone.

With all of the teams for Trios being randomly drawn, it does pose the question of whether or not they can actually work together. Unsurprisingly, a lot of them have come out to say that they'll be able to do that exact thing, but saying is always easier than doing. In the heat of the moment, how many of them will actually be able to keep their cool and remember that they have to play nice with someone they've been at odds with for weeks or even months? How long can those who have prided themselves on being 'lone wolves hated by everyone' fight under a counterintuitive mindset?

I consider myself lucky because I can sit here and honestly say that I don't have a single issue with either of my partners for this thing. Maybe you can chalk that up to the fact that I just returned, but the fact of the matter is that I have no reason to have any issues with either Hairless Penguin or Calvan Greene. True, on paper we look like a rather unorthodox team given that Calvan is... unique and Penguin comes off to most people as a gimmick Lexy is trying to sell, but that doesn't change the fact that they've both accomplished something here in SCW. Better still, we all work similar styles so the chances of us being able to gel in the ring is even better. Maybe you think I'm being a little naive about this because I haven't been back for very long, especially since there's a good chance Penguin and I will one day stand on opposite sides of the ring in the hunt for the tag titles, but I'd rather be honestly optimistic as opposed to trying to pretend that everything's alright when it clearly isn't.”

The irony of that statement is not lost on Luz as she pauses for a moment to grab a drink of water, but her ordeals outside of the ring are nobody's business but her own. As far as SCW is concerned, La Pequeña Luz has no reason to be anything but focused on the opportunity before her.

“I know that the odds seem like they're stacked against us right out of the gate, considering the trio waiting for us in the first round, but I'm no stranger to being considered the underdog in a fight and I know the same can be said for Penguin and Calvan. After all, did anybody think I had a chance with Amelia by my side when we faced the Golden Boys in straight-up two-on-two action in our first run? Or when we were given the task of having to overcome Syren and Christy Matthews? That didn't stop us from fighting with everything we had and earning those wins, just as it won't stop my trio from doing the same come Breakdown.

That said, I can understand why the smart money would be on our opponents considering one of them is the new world champion himself. Owen, congratulations on being able to fight your way back to the top of the mountain, and unlike some people I mean that sincerely with no strings attached. As much as I was surprised to be drawn into Trios, I was even more surprised to learn that I'd be testing myself against one of SCW's very best so soon in my return. You are living proof that if you fight hard enough and want to make your mark the right way then you can make it a reality, and that is exactly why I'm looking forward to be able to turn up the tempo against you and see how well I match up. I know people are talking about who you might have to defend that title against at the end of the year and I could possibly end up filling that role, but between you and me? I don't think I've proven myself worthy of that yet, so I'm considering this the one and only chance I'm going to get right now to prove myself against Owen Cruze, world champion, and I plan on impressing enough that maybe someday down the line a match between you and me for that title could be a very real possibility.

As much as I wish this match could be a genuine showcase of talent for all involved and nothing else... I do wish you didn't have to be caught in the middle of whatever powder keg exists regarding your partners.

Ravyn, you are an absolutely vile human being. I know you're probably just grinning at hearing that, but I truly have to ask what is wrong with you. I'm familiar enough with SCW and its history to know you've pulled a lot of morally reprehensible stunts over the years, but taking someone who's in a system and treating them like they're some sort of lab rat all because you were bored and needed something to do? I think the only positive thing I can say about that whole thing was that you screwed around and found out, and with any luck you actually realized that while you were away after that whole fiasco resolved. I honestly feel bad for Nicole for having to be in any proximity to you again because of random chance, just as I feel bad for Owen for having to try and weather whatever storm may still arise from that just so he can do what he actually wants to do and that's compete.

As for Nicole, or whichever alter of hers will be present... I swear to you, on my mask and the lucha libre honor associated with it, that aside from trying to deny your team a place in the next round, I mean you no harm. The only thing I want out of us meeting in that ring is to give our very best to one another, something I know I can get considering you won this tournament last year. I know you have no reason to trust me and one of my partners has history with you, but I'm not here to do wrong by you. All I want is to compete and prove myself, and I'm looking forward to being able to throw down with such a unique individual who deserves all the respect in the world.

You all might think the idea that Calvan, Penguin and I could advance past this challenge sounds farfetched, but crazier things have happened when Trios gets underway. Regardless of the challenge, the three of us are ready to put our best feet forward and see what happens. And if that happens to move us past the reigning world champion, one of last year's Trios winners and one of the smartest and most dangerous woman to ever set foot in an SCW ring?

Well, maybe that'll make us a team to keep an eye on as opposed to being written off by everyone.”

Luz grins and nods in acknowledgment of this possibility as the scene fades.


As Luz finished filming, she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. It was one thing having to wrestle in front of an audience that hasn't seen you in quite some time, but competing in the ring was almost second nature to her now so even if she and Amelia hadn't competed back in their old stomping grounds for a bit to work off the ring rust, she felt like they would have fallen back into the familiar rhythm fairly quickly once the bell rang. Addressing the fans and her opponents was a different matter that she hadn't tackled in what felt like an eternity, and she silently hoped her nerves over that and the opposition she found herself facing hadn't shown through too much. Still, she hoped that with time it would come back to her as well.

“Guess I should go check on how Penguin's doing with Amelia,” Luz said to herself as she got her stuff put away and grabbed a drink of water. She thought they had been making pretty good progress considering that Penguin, unfortunately, hadn't been kidding about needing quite a bit of help. Still, what he lacked in immediate knowledge and skill he more than made up for with his heart and tenacity, and even though she knew that Penguin wasn't going to become a top tier athlete in a short amount of time, even if her team's Trios run somehow made it all the way to the finals, she was confident that training with her and Amelia was going to help Penguin go a long way even beyond this tournament.

It was a thought that affected her more than she thought it would, though that wasn't a bad thing. The idea of the couple actually training someone themselves, passing on the knowledge imparted to them by their parents, made her feel a sense of pride she hadn't truly felt before, and she couldn't help but appreciate the idea of Amelia being able to pass down some of her family's 'elite' techniques to someone else aside from her that existed outside of that circle. The mere idea would definitely piss off her parents if they found out, which was a win in Luz's book. Maybe if they were lucky, Penguin might want to keep training with them even beyond Trios, as dangerous as the idea sounded considering he and Dancing Bear would no doubt be itching to try and get right back into title contention.

Though she was hesitant to admit it out loud just yet, deep down a part of her was also hoping that this stroke of fate would be beneficial beyond being able to say she actually had a student. She recalled the conversation she and Amelia had at home prior to their first match back about wanting to make some friends, something they'd both admittedly struggled with. Honestly? Penguin was a good enough guy that Luz wouldn't mind a genuine friendship with him beyond Trios, though whether or not she could actually have that was up in the air since he had to sneak around Lexy and Bear to even train with them because of the former's obsession with conspiracies and possibly thinking her and Amelia would be in on it somehow for just trying to help.

Calvan was still a bit of a question mark admittedly, as much as Luz was hoping to maybe find something to truly bond with the man about. She'd at least gotten a good laugh out of Amelia telling her about Calvan trying to “let her down gently” thinking there was any chance whatever their team had would be ruined by either one of them being interested in him in any capacity beyond a professional one. It was clear the idea of Amelia being a lesbian while Luz, as a bisexual, was the only half of the pair that could even be interested in him in that way, as well as the obvious fact that the two ladies had already forged a deep romantic connection with one another, flew right over his head, but maybe that was something they could attempt to discuss at some point. Sure, Calvan was a bit odd, but admittedly so was Luz and she had just gotten painfully good at hiding it over the years.

If things worked out, then maybe Amelia wouldn't be the only one she could feel comfortable not having to hide parts of herself around.

“Is this the best you've got? Please tell me this isn't all you have to offer or else you are definitely going to let Luz down after coming to us for help!”

Luz froze near the door to the locker room, recognizing the icy tone her girlfriend hadn't used in quite some time as a sense of dread began to wash over her. She quickly headed back out into the gym and her eyes went wide at the sight that greeted her.

Penguin was down on the mat they had set up, squirming in agony as Amelia had his arm in one of her patented joint manipulation holds. Luz really wanted to hope she was using it as a means of teaching Penguin how to actually do it, but as she approached it quickly became clear that she was using it like she would against an actual opponent in the ring. Her eyes held a cold focus that caused Luz to flash all the way back to the very first time they'd crossed paths, and she felt like she'd swallowed a lead weight at how she was approaching this endeavor.

“You wanted us to train you,” Amelia said harshly. “You wanted our help to not let your Trios teammates down, one of them being my partner! You can't honestly tell me you're going to be able to pull your weight when-”

“What the hell are you doing, querida!?”

At the sound of Luz's voice, Amelia seems to snap out of it. As she looks up into Luz's eyes, she feels her heart sink, not because she sees anger from her partner towards her, but disappointment. She immediately lets go of Penguin's arm and scoots away from him, allowing Luz to kneel down beside him as he starts to get up to his knees.

“You alright, HP?” she asks.

“It hurt like hell, but I think I've taken worse,” he tells her. “I had two crazy women trying to flay me alive back at Rise to Greatness, after all.”

Luz nods at this, though Penguin can tell she's concerned about how casually he tried to sound in admitting that. She still looked over his arm and breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that Amelia hadn't gone too overboard in her joint manipulation. With a nod and a pat on his shoulder, Luz then turned her attention to Amelia, who was sitting on the mat staring at her trembling hands like she'd seen a ghost.

“Is she going to be alright?” he asked. “And what was that all about?”

“I'll take care of her,” Luz said with a sigh before she crawled over to sit beside her girlfriend. Amelia slowly turned her attention toward her as she carefully reached out a hand, pausing before she made any sort of contact. Amelia understood the silent question and nodded shakily, and Luz's hand quickly found itself resting on her shoulder before trailing slowly down her arm until it softly took hold of one of her hands, the back of which found itself subjected to Luz's thumb gently rubbing circles into it.

“You want to talk about it?”

Amelia let out a shaky sigh and nodded again. She took a few moments to slowly recompose herself as Luz waited patiently until she was ready.

“I know we've talked about what it was mean if you were able to come out this with a Trios contract,” she started, “and I knew once we started that he wasn't kidding about needing a lot of help. I tried to hold it in for as long as I could, but... I kept worrying about what could happen, I kept thinking that if I stepped things up that it would help. I know that's how my parents trained me and we've already talked about how wrong it is that they prepared me for this by basically treating me like a live opponent until I actually started learning and toughening up, but I let myself get consumed by insecurity and before I knew it I was back to who I used to be, except this time I was in my father's place and Penguin was in mine. I didn't... I didn't mean to...”

“Hey, hey, it's OK Ames,” Luz said as she pulled Amelia into a hug, massaging her back to try and help comfort her as she could feel her partner's tears start to fall across her neck. “I know you're going to say it's not OK, and you do owe him an apology, but it's my fault for not talking to you more about this and realizing this might be something that could happen. I could have held off on speaking my piece on our first round match if I'd have known...”

“But... Luz...” Amelia chokes out before Luz gently shushes her.

“Trauma doesn't just go away Ames,” she replies. “For as much as we've helped one another overcome it, there's still a lot we're dealing with even years later. Heck, we may never get over it, and that's alright. Every mistake we made proves that we're human—not machines, not just an addition of someone else's legacy—humans who can learn from this and do our best to keep getting better. We're fighters... just like Penguin is. Look at half the stuff he's been through! He's about our size and he's lacking in both experience and training, but he literally puts every ounce of his being into every attack and he's got an incredible heart that's taken him farther than anyone would have expected. Those two qualities sound familiar?”

Amelia chuckles as she wipes some of the tears from her eyes, slowly gaining strength from the smile Luz is giving her to punctuate her speech. The sound of clapping hits their ears as they turn to find Penguin as its source.

“That... that's beautiful...” he says, sounding a bit choked up. “If Lexy didn't have the final say on how our shows run, I'd give anything to have you both on as guests because there's so much that I think kids could learn from you guys.”

“Something for us to keep in mind I guess,” Amelia softly chuckles. “I'm sorry for pushing you too hard and treating you like that Penguin. If you want to call it early today, I wouldn't blame you.”

“I'd like to keep going actually,” Penguin says, to her surprise. “Your past and whatever it did to you is none of my business, but if you're willing to try again, then I am.”

Luz can see the gears turning in Amelia's head as she comes to terms with a scenario she hasn't faced since she suffered her very first loss at the hands of her now-girlfriend, and slowly she finds herself nodding and grinning as she resumes teaching Penguin some of her grappling technique, this time being more mindful of how she goes about it while her partner watches to make sure she doesn't slip again. Seeing some of Amelia's walls start to come down around Penguin gives her more hope about him becoming one of their first real friends.

She really hoped that would be something that could happen, for both of their sakes.
[Image: VU13RwA.png]

Tag Team Record: 20-8*
La Pequeña Luz Solo Record: 9-5
Amelia Blythe Solo Record: 5-5-1

*The tag team turmoil on the 9/14/2023 Breakdown is counted in this record as the three separate matches LITD had in the gauntlet up until their elimination.

Breakdown 3/30/2023 - Kim Williams' Trios Cash-In
La Pequeña Luz: 3 Falls
Amelia Blythe: 2 Falls
*Neither one finished high enough to win any championships in this match
*Result listed separately and not counted in records due to lack of clarity on how to count falls

SCW Accomplishments
SCW Television Championship (Amelia Blythe - 29 Days)
SCW Television Championship (La Pequeña Luz - 98 Days)
SCW World Tag Team Championship [2] (1 - 81 Days) (2 - 109 Days)
2023 Tag Team of the Year
2023 Match of the Year (Kim Williams' Trios Cash-In)

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