Datura vs. Kimberly Williams
2 RP Limit for singles

3500 word max per RP

Deadline: 11:59:59 pm ET Saturday, April 8, 2023 (NOTE THE DEADLINE)
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I love AJ Allmendinger.
Pushed back to April 13, 2023 Breakdown
OOC: 1 of 2. I already had a good chunk of this written before agreeing to move to next week. Gonna go ahead and post it now. It contains important cd material. Good luck to my fellow Matt. Hopefully this match will inspire the workers of SCW to unionize.

March 30th, 2023
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Off Camera

Chaos was the rule of the day in Edmonton for SCW Breakdown. Kimberly Williams utilized the Trios Contract she had earned at the start of the year by virtue of winning the Trios Tournament. The Trios Contracts are infamous for allowing its owners to book any one match that they desire. Placing that kind of power in the hands of a woman as dangerous as Kimberly Williams is certain to create chaos and that is exactly what happened. The Woman Scorned forced every championship to be defended in one single match that lasted the duration of the entire show. In this case, with Breakdown lasting a full two hours, the entire SCW roster had plenty of time to amass as many pins, submissions…and yes, even ass staplings…in order to win a championship. Titles would be determined based on how many falls each competitor earned. This is the chaos Kimberly wanted to create; two hours worth of Underground Rules mayhem with every championship up for grabs. However, a Trios Contract opportunity comes around once a year and it is never a guarantee. So when you win one, why not be at least a little selfish? Kimberly certainly was more than a little selfish in her carefully placed rules to guarantee herself the one prize she truly sought after; the SCW Underground Championship. All that the Queen of the Death Match needed to do was score one fall, by any means necessary, just one little fall is all it took and Kim would automatically regain the SCW Underground Championship. Thus with one staple gun shot to the buttocks of Adam Allocco, Kimberly regained the Underground Championship, her fourth overall Underground Title and third in the span of one year. The most precious championship to Kimberly, the one possession she values more than anything else in SCW, is now back in her possession. She may be battered and bruised, she may be cut up and perhaps she lost some years off of her professional wrestling career, maybe even her life, but Kim can honestly say that it was all worth it because she has the Underground Title back.

Kimberly already knows who her next opponent will be on Breakdown; an old friend named Datura. Kim and Datura have quite the storied history together. They feuded over the Unsanctioned Championship, a title that, for all intents and purposes, Datura herself invented. Kim won it from Datura in the first ever (and still only ever) Ass Stapling Match. And ever since that infamous encounter, Kimberly and Datura became close friends. This friendship is what makes it even harder for Kim to see the trials and tribulations that Datura is enduring. Ever since losing the Adrenaline Championship she has been spiraling downward. She thought she could regain her footing and get back to her winning ways against James Evans at Retribution inside of a steel cage but Evans outsmarted her and defeated her. She may have the consolation prize of getting to challenge for the tag team titles with Bree Lancaster, but Kim knows Datura well and she knows that Datura isn’t satisfied with just that alone. Datura is desperate to right the ship. Desperation will make someone do crazy things and Kim knows that she has to be prepared for anything and everything that Datura may throw at her. After all, desperation forced Kim’s hand to tweak her own Trios Contract Cash In to give her the edge in regaining the Underground Title. Kim knows all too well what desperation can make a person do.

The Woman Scorned currently finds herself in her hotel room that she has been staying at in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. It hasn’t been long since the chaos of Breakdown came to its conclusion. The eccentric ginger is wearing purple unicorn onesie which hides much of the bandages and staples in her body from the second straight Underground Rules Match she has competed in; the first was against Alexis Quinne at Retribution and then this one tonight at Breakdown. Both times she threw caution to the wind, both times she put her own body on the line to achieve success. And both times her gambles paid off, even if it did mean cutting up her body and shedding much of her own blood in the process. She sits in a chair staring out the window. Lying on the nearby king sized bed is her HKW Bloodlust Championship title belt and the ‘Datura Invented’ Unsanctioned Title belt. Noticeably absent is her newly won SCW Underground Championship title belt, which was not given out tonight. She will be awarded her title in Des Moines, Iowa next week on Breakdown. But she does still keep and maintains the Unsanctioned Title, a title that is still very near and dear to her heart, as it is a representation of the friendship she shares with Datura. The same Datura she will be facing next on Breakdown. In fact, this upcoming confrontation with her longtime friend is currently weighing heavily on the mind of the new champion when a knocking is heard at her door, which breaks her concentration.

“Who is it?!” Kim shouts, sounding rather annoyed. “If this is a Jehovah Witness or someone asking me about my car warranty then I swear to God I will…”

“It’s Angelica.” Comes the voice which is immediately recognizable to Kim as belonging to her mother, the woman managing her career in SCW, Angelica Jones. Immediately Kimberly grins from ear to ear and leaps up off of the chair she had been sitting in. She rushes to the door and quickly unlocks it and swings it open. She sees her mother standing there just outside. Angelica is dressed in a knee length black pencil skirt, black patent leather high heel pumps, a silk red blouse, and a black leather jacket. Kim opens her arms wide expecting a hug.

“Mommy!” Kim says happily. She expects a hug but instead of getting that hug she wanted, Angelica just walks right on past her daughter and into the room. Kim furrows her brow curiously as she shuts the door. “Uh, yeah, nice seeing you mom.” The Woman Scorned studies her mother carefully as she watches her move across the hotel room and towards the window. Angelica seems just a little off, just little different tonight. Kim can’t figure out why, but she does know that something is bothering Angelica Jones. Numerous theories could be proposed; Kim did just complete two “death matches” in less than two weeks. Seeing your own daughter put herself through that kind of brutality is enough to make any parent freak out. Then again, Angelica could just be uptight about something else going on in the Jones family. There always has been and seemingly always will be some sort of drama in this family. It is the one aspect of being a Jones that Kim cannot quite get used to.

Kimberly continues to watch her mother just stand there at the window with her back turned towards her. Not seeing her face means not being able to read her that well. And remaining silent like this won’t help, either. Kim decides to break the ice herself. She marches her unicorn onesie self over to the window and stands over next to her mother. She leans over to look into her eyes.

“Mom? You good?” She waves a hand in front of her eyes. “Hello? Earth to Angelica? Are you reading? Houston, we have a problem!”

“Kimberly, I think we should talk.”

“Uh oh,” Kim feigns an innocent smile “I know from all those mushy family sitcoms that when the mother tells the kid ‘we should talk’ it usually means the kid is gonna get grounded.”


“Am I gonna get grounded?”

“No.” Angelica shakes her head. Kim smirks knowingly.

“Are you gonna spank me?”

“What?!” Angelica exclaims, shocked that her daughter would suggest it. She shakes her head. “No! Of course not, no!”

“Good.” She wipes her forehead, feigning relief. “That would have been very awkward!”

“Yeah, it would.” Angelica rolls her eyes. The Matriarch of the Jones family turns from her daughter and approaches the king sized bed. She sits down on the edge and motions for Kim to join her. Williams walks over and sits down next to her mother on the side of the bed.

“Soooooo what’s up?”

“Congratulations are in order, I suppose.” Angelica sighs deeply. That sigh tells Kim that this congratulations may not be as sincere as it sounds, but she plays along anyway. The Woman Scorned shrugs her shoulders.

“Thanks. Though I’m disappointed I didn’t get to take home Severus.”

“Severus?” Angelica asks curiously with an arched brow.

“Yeah, Severus! That’s what I’m naming my title belt!”

“Right…” Angelica rolls her eyes “...you’ll get it next week on Breakdown, Kim. You know that.”

“Yeah, I know. Still, I went through hell from bell to bell with everyone else…which that old fuddy duddy Juneau McFrosty said I wouldn’t do…and I am the one responsible for tonight’s mayhem! You’d think they would make an exception for me!”

“Sorry, Kim, no one gets treated special in this business.”

“Bullshit, mom.” Kim remarks quickly. “I had to defend the Underground Title AND challenge for the tag titles in two separate matches at Rise To Greatness. Owen only had to defend one of his titles at Retribution. Tell me again that certain people aren’t treated differently.”

Angelica sighs and nods her head. “Yes, some people are treated differently. Ideally, everyone should be treated the same, though, and you know it.” She pats Kim on the back. “Not even you, the daughter of The Dragon, the daughter of a thirteen time former world champion, not even you…a Jones.”

“That’s fine because I don’t want special treatment. I would rather fight for everything I accomplish. I would rather earn it. Through my own sacrifice I have taken the Underground Division to a whole new level. I led the way, alongside Jordan Majors, Nicole Kinneck, and others in bringing back the Underground Title. I got the Underground Title into the main event of the first night of Rise To Greatness. I got the Underground Title into a title versus title winner take all match against the WORLD CHAMPION at Body, Heart, & Soul. And now I put the Underground on the map again in what I know has been a history-making match.” Kim grins knowingly. “That’s my legacy, mom! I did that!”

“Yeah, you did.” She sighs deeply. “That’s why this conversation is going to be very difficult.”

“What is it?” Kim is growing a little concerned now. She doesn’t like the tone of her mother’s voice.

“After losing the Underground Championship back at Rise To Greatness you were about to break down. I stepped in and lifted you back up. I offered to advise you and be your advocate backstage. I knew that the person people like Mr. D, Shaun Cruze, and even the Frosts perceive you to be is NOT the real person you are. I knew that deep down inside you were a good person, you just had some unorthodox and eccentric methods. You needed an advocate to ensure everyone that you could be trusted. I was willing to be that advocate. And for a long time you were making me proud. You fought, scratched, and clawed your way back to regaining the Underground Title, you earned a world title opportunity, and you won the Trios Tournament.”

“Yay me!” Kim claps her hands happily. “I deserve a cake!”

“Not yet.” Angelica shakes her head. “You had already won over the fans and you were beginning to win over the locker room. You were legitimately changing people’s minds. But then Body, Heart, & Soul came along and you lost that Underground Title.” Angelica shakes her head. “I was worried because I knew from my own experience that dealing with loss is the most difficult test of any athlete in any sport, especially this one. I really had hoped you would pass that test with flying colors.” She sighs and shakes her head.

“If this is about how I used my Trios Contract then you can just think again.” Kimberly snaps back, taking on a more serious tone now that she realizes what she is being accused of by her own mother. “I had that Trios Cash In planned from the very moment my team won it. This was not a knee jerk reaction due to me losing to Owen.”

“Maybe not, but you damn sure timed the cash in poorly. And can you HONESTLY look me in the eyes and tell me that the stipulation regarding the Underground Title was your original plan from the very beginning?” Angelica locks eyes with her daughter. The staring contest goes on for several tense moments before Kim sighs and nods her head.

“Alright, fine, I admit, that was not part of the original plan.”

“Just as I thought. Besides, the Trios Cash In wasn’t even the biggest reason why you failed the test.”

“What did I do wrong?!”

“Alexis Quinne.” Angelica states. Kim rolls her eyes.

“Look, I had no problems with her being a part of the Underground Division if she really wanted it. But I needed to test her and show her what being part of the Underground is all about. Retribution was just a friendly competition. I can’t help Alexis took it personally that I damn near ravaged her face.”

“Once again it’s not about the attacks or the match, because knowing you I can believe that you really did fight her in order to test her mettle in the Underground. But it’s what you said, and the way you said it, over and over again about how she didn’t deserve the Underground Title shot against Owen…”

“She didn’t!” Kim exclaims. Angelica nods her head.

“I agree. She had done nothing to deserve it. But you constantly complaining about it only made you look bad, it didn’t make her look bad. But then Retribution happened…the announcement of your cash in, watching you damn near kill yourself in that match with Quinne, watching you out there tonight damn near kill yourself AGAIN…” tears form in her eyes and she reaches up to wipe them away “...look, I know death match fighting is your thing. I am your mother and I will never be completely ok with it, but I can tolerate it. But…”

“There’s always a but…”

“Kim, I am finding it very difficult to advocate for you! Especially these past couple of months since Body, Heart, & Soul. I keep trying to tell everyone that this just isn’t you, that you’re just frustrated, I keep trying and trying and every single time I have someone convinced you go and do something to ruin everything!” Angelica stares at her with renewed tears forming in her eyes. Kim stares back with a blank expression on her face. She is taking it all in. She knew what she was being accused of but she didn’t expect this and she is worried about where this is all going.

“Are you…” Kim gulps “...are you suggesting you don’t want to work with me anymore?”

“I really don’t want it to come to that because you are my daughter and this time, these past several months since Rise To Greatness traveling the world with you for SCW appearances, it has been incredible.” She places a hand on Kim’s shoulder. “It tears me up inside knowing that I didn’t get to raise you, that I didn’t get to see you grow up. We’ve been making up for lost time and I have enjoyed every second of it.”

“I’ve enjoyed it too.” Kim says, nodding her head. “I don’t want this to end, either.”

“So work with me.” Angelica says. “This Kim I’ve had to deal with since Body, Heart, & Soul more closely resembles the Kim that threw a tantrum after being forced into the double jeopardy match for a world title. I need to work with the Kim that courageously busted her ass back to the top of the Underground Division after losing the title at Rise To Greatness. You fought Sarah Wolf, The One, and so many others without a word of complaint until you were granted the Underground Title shot. That’s the Kim I want to advocate for, that’s the Kim I can advocate for. Backstage after Breakdown tonight, I continued to insist that you are still that person who can compete against anyone, who can respect this business, and earn her shots like everyone else. Most are skeptical but I told them all that I would bet money on you any day of the week and that I know that you will turn it around.” She shakes her head. “Please do not let me down.”

“I am…” Kim shakes her head, a sense of guilt washes over her “...I’m sorry, mom. I didn’t realize…” her voice cracks as she tries to find the right words “...it’s just that the Underground Title means so much to me. It’s part of my legacy. It’s something I bring, something I add to the Jones legacy, a legacy I never thought I would ever be a part of…” she smiles “...and I’m proud of it.”

“That’s the thing, Kim.” Angelica pats her on the back. “I am worried that you are very much embracing my legacy, the Jones legacy, and I don’t want that for you.”

“What do you mean?”

“Kim, your sisters look at my record and they are in awe of what I have accomplished, especially Marie. They want to be like me so damn bad. But I was hoping you would be different because you always could see through me at the reality of what I achieved. My thirteen world titles, some of them I won fair and square, but oh so many of them were won by cheating, by bending the rules, by doing anything necessary to gain an unfair advantage. My very first world title victory? I got the shot through backstage politics. When I got the title shot the reigning champion was my good friend…and I took a chair to his cranium when the referee was out of commission in order to gain an edge and beat him for the title. That’s what sky rocketed my career. That’s why I’m famous.” Angelica shakes her head. “I don’t want that to be your legacy as well. I want your legacy to be GREATER than mine. I want you to be better than me. Because I KNOW you can be better than me.”

“Better than you?” Kim is genuinely surprised to hear this. She shakes her head. “You can’t be serious…”

“I am serious. This is part of why I wanted to advocate for you. Your sisters got a head start on you in this business and they are too far gone, whatever path they take, that’s on them and I cannot stop it. But when I look into your eyes I see so much potential. I see someone who can become just as good as I was only you can do it better by doing it the right way, without the underhanded tactics.”

“Like the one I used tonight…” Kim’s voice trails off.

“Exactly.” Angelica sighs. “What’s done is done. But I am a firm believer that any burned bridges can be repaired. You won a lot of hearts and minds in the way you handled yourself from Rise To Greatness to Apocalypse and after. You carried yourself as a champion. You dropped the ball this time but you can repair the damage. You can become that person again. And THAT is the person I will advocate for, that’s the person I will continue to fight for backstage.” She holds her arms out open for a hug. “So do you think you can help me out? Can you get back on the right path and be that person again?”

“Yeah.” Kim smiles and immediately embraces her mother in a tight hug. “Thanks for believing in me. That’s why I got so frustrated about what goes on backstage…I just thought no one in SCW believed in me. I just thought I was the black sheep, the leper, the…” her voice trails off.

“People do believe in you, Kim.” She runs her hand through her daughter’s hair. “If you turn yourself around, more people will start believing in you too.”
[Image: Fr3dxo2WIAAhCXt?format=jpg&name=large]
SWC Southern Heavyweight Champion 1x
MWA Turmoil Champion 1x
GCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
UWA World Tag Team Champion 1x
HKW Bloodlust Champion 3x
2022 SCW Trios Tournament Winner
SCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
SCW Underground Champion 5x
SCW Television Champion 1x
SCW United States Champion 1x
MWE Chicago Way Champion 1x
5LW Television Champion 1x
Queen of the Death Match

[Image: mariejones.png]

SCW United States Champion 1x
SCW Television Champion 2x
SCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
UWA World Champion 1x
UWA X-Class Champion 1x
UWA World Tag Team Champion 1x
IWC World Tag Team Champion 1x
MCW X-Division Champion 1x
GDW International Champion 1x
GDW World Tag Team Champion 3x

2 of 2

April 11th, 2023
Boston, Massachusetts
On Camera

The insanity and chaos of Breakdown wrought a brand new Underground Champion in the form of “The Woman Scorned” Kimberly Williams. She did so by tricking Adam Allocco, stapling him in the ass in the process to earn the one fall she needed to become champion for a fourth time, tying Crusified Angel for the second most title reigns in the history of the Underground Division. Only one person has more reigns than the twisted ginger; five time champion Rachel Foxx. This accomplishment combined with her other accomplishments as Underground Champion, which include placing it in the main event of the first night of Rise To Greatness, getting into the main event of Body, Heart, & Soul, and on top of that, just simply forcing SCW to resurrect the title in the first place. All of this is an impressive resume for a woman who wants so badly to make her mark on the Underground Division and go down in history as one of its best champions and best representatives of the division. Yet The Woman Scorned still feels unsatisfied. After all, winning the championship is one thing but proving you deserve it, proving you’re not a fluke, is something entirely different. And for Kimberly, this fourth reign as Underground Champion is perhaps more important than any of her others. Many question her tactics in utilizing the Trios Contract to win back the championship. Still more question her behavior ever since Body, Heart, & Soul. It is up to the self-proclaimed Queen of the Death Match to prove that when it comes to professional wrestling, SCW, and especially the Underground Division, she is all business.

We open outside in the park in Boston, Massachusetts, the home of Kimberly Williams. It is a bright day outside. It is gorgeous and beautiful, a nice quiet day. The beauty is perhaps ready to be interrupted, the quiet is definitely going to be interrupted when we see the newly crowned champion and member of the Queens of Chaos herself, Kimberly Williams, entering the scene from the right. The Woman Scorned is wearing a plaid green skirt that stops just above the knee, a matching plaid green women’s blazer, a black crop top underneath the blazer, and stylish low heeled pumps. Her long red hair hangs straight to past the shoulders. She has her HKW Bloodlust Championship title belt draped over her right shoulder, the ‘Datura Invented’ Unsanctioned Championship title belt draped over her left shoulder, and the SCW Underground Championship title belt wrapped around her waist.

“Can I be serious for just one second?” Kim giggles softly. “Yeah, yeah, I know, me being serious is really gonna bring down the ratings, but trust me when I say that I need to get this off my chest. It won’t take long and your loveable lunatic will be back!” Kim says this while grinning from ear to ear. That grin slowly fades into a more stoic gaze, indicating that The Woman Scorned is indeed being serious this time.

“Most of my life I have been an outcast. Initially I blamed my family and then I would blame society. Finally my twin sister beat some sense into me and made me realize that I can’t just go on blaming everyone else. I was an outcast but it was through no fault of my own, it wasn’t anyone else’s fault, it’s just the way it happened. My step-father, Andreas Lasiewicz, is one hell of a poker player. The way he says it, it’s just like poker. Some people are dealt really good hands, might even get a damn royal flush. Others are dealt crappy hands. You make get a load of nothing. Nothing to work with. Just plain nothing. It isn’t fair, it’s just bad luck, and it’s life. So yes, I was an outcast. There was nowhere that I fit in. And I don’t say this because I want a pity party from anyone. I don’t want sympathy. I don’t need sympathy. I learned real quickly that just because you are dealt a bad hand doesn’t mean you are doomed. You can take that bad hand and work magic with it if you bust your ass and work hard. And that’s precisely what I did. I busted my ass, I worked hard, and after years and years of struggling and clawing to carve out an identity for myself, finally I found my identity. I found a place I belonged and I owe it to Supreme Championship Wrestling for helping me find that identity.” She pats the Underground Championship that is wrapped around her waist.

“This right here…the Underground Division is a place where I finally felt a sense of belonging. This right here was the first hardcore championship I would win. Then would come the MWE Chicago Way Championship, then the HKW Bloodlust Championship…I found my niche in this business, thanks to SCW for introducing me to the Underground Division. So as you can see, this championship means a great deal to me. That’s why this championship means a great deal to me, that’s why I DO take this championship seriously and why I am willing to put my body through hell, why I am willing to sacrifice so damn much for this championship! Because this right here represents how I finally began to fit in, how I was no longer an outcast, how I finally came to be…” she smiles again and sighs “...accepted. My death match fighting, which began right here in SCW, put me on the map and got me recognized by so many people, including the Queens of Chaos. Yeah, the QUEENS of Chaos, that isn’t a moniker I am giving myself, that is a group of people, a band of sisters, scattered across various promotions all over the world. I happen to be the lone Queens of Chaos member in SCW. They accepted me into their ranks recently. It wouldn’t have happened had it not been for SCW and this Underground Division.”

Kimberly looks down at the Underground Title belt wrapped around her waist. She shakes her head and then pats the Unsanctioned Title belt draped over her shoulder. “Although if you wanna get technical about it, it really began with this right here. The Unsanctioned Championship, also known as the Lizard Championship, also known as so many other things, but ultimately it came from the brilliantly lovely mind of my good friend and fellow unionizer Datura.” She waves furiously at the camera. “Hi, Datura! After we destroy each other on Breakdown we totes need to get together and plot a proletariat uprising!” Kimberly giggles again.

“Datura, you get just as much credit for helping me find my niche in this world as SCW does. Because while SCW did provide the platform, you and I were the actors on the stage. You and I were the ones putting asses in seats, asses that wanted to see when and where we would strike next in our massive chaotic race to staple each other’s asses! All to win this…” she pats the Unsanctioned Title belt “...the Unsanctioned Championship. Now sure, most everyone would call it ridiculous or childish to challenge for a title that isn’t even recognized and therefore doesn’t even exist. But then again, as long as two people think its important then that’s all that matters. If no one in the business gave a damn about the SCW World Championship then how much longer would that title last? It lasts because people do care about it. And this Unsanctioned Title meant a lot to you and it meant a lot to me. It meant so much to us that we chased each other from town to town, to arena after arena, until finally SCW ended our race by booking us in the first ever and still only ever Ass Stapling Match.” She throws her head back and laughs. “That’s how important this title was to you and I, it was important enough that we forced SCW’s hand, we made them book an Ass Stapling Match.”

“And to their credit they allowed it to happen. That’s why I credit SCW and you, Datura, for helping me to find myself, to find an identity for myself, so that I could become the loveable lunatic I am today! Thanks to you and SCW I am everyone’s favorite staple gun wielding penguin waving Betty White wearing Kimberly Williams! So much of the reason that I have my fans, my Kimmymaniacs who are so loyal to me, is because of you.” She bows her head. “And I thank you for everything you have done.” Kim reaches up and wipes a tear from her eyes. “It truly was a beautiful thing. You and I made magic, Datura, and ever since then I considered you a friend.”

“See, you get me. You truly do understand me, which is incredible because very few people walking this planet truly gets me, but you do. You understand that when I go to war with someone, go to war against someone, whatever the case may be, if I have ever shed blood with you, whether it be as enemies or allies, you earn my respect. If we do it again you start to earn my friendship, my trust. I consider you my friend because we have been to hell and back. Datura. You are one of those people who I would do absolutely anything for. Which is why I am glad to have this opportunity to face you one more time on Breakdown.” Williams shakes her head. “You have no idea how much it saddens me, how much it grieves me, to see you in the state that you are. You doubt yourself, you second guess yourself, and why? Because of a few minor bumps in the road? Because James Evans is being a dick? What happened that brought you down, Datura? What happened that made you question yourself? Because that’s not the Datura I know. That’s not the friend I went to hell and back with.” Williams shrugs her shoulders.

“Then again, I suppose one could say that I’ve been in the same boat. I have lost this Underground Championship three times now, and I have yet to handle losing it like a professional should. That’s on me.” Kim nods her head. “I suppose that each time I lost this championship, I began to doubt myself, I questioned myself as to whether or not I could make it back to the top. All my life I was just a reject, an outcast, and anything I had ever achieved people told me was just a result of a fluke. So needless to say, losing the Underground Title makes me wonder if becoming Underground Champion was a fluke to begin with. Those kinds of doubts and questions can seep into your head and make you crazy, or in my case make me even crazier than I already am. It made me crazy enough to do anything and everything to get it back.” She looks down briefly at the Underground Title belt around her waist and then back up at the camera. “Many of those things I did, I sincerely regret. I make no excuses. I did it because I love being Underground Champion.” A smirk forms on her face. Kim points a finger at the camera.

“Then I got to thinking, there is something you are passionate about, right Datura? Just as passionate as I am about being Underground Champion, there is something you are equally as passionate about if not more so.” Kim looks briefly at the Unsanctioned Title belt and then pats it. “You are still passionate about this, aren’t you? I can see it in your eyes and I can hear it in your voice when you speak about it. You created this. You beautifully unique individual, you created this to be yours, something uniquely yours, but then I came along like a thief in the night and beat you for it. Now I can’t help you get out of whatever rut you find yourself in. I can’t help you become tag team champions, that’s up to you and Bree. I can’t help you overcome your demons like James Evans. In fact, there is very little I can do for you, except for this…” she holds up the Unsanctioned Title “...on Breakdown, if SCW is willing to throw us another bone for old times sake, I’m will put this Unsanctioned Title, YOUR championship, on the line. I am prepared to give you the long overdue rematch you are owed.” She places the title back over her shoulder. Kim nods her head.

“I hope you accept. I mean, I am a real sucker for nostalgia and running back our match from ages gone by would be oh so fun! Then again, SCW may not even let us run it back.” Kim shrugs her shoulders. “Nevertheless, Datura, I think this is an opportunity for the both of us. We both find ourselves at a crossroads, we both find ourselves with questions we need to ask. You are asking yourself if any of this is worth it and damn it, Datura, I am telling you that it is! For me, it is worth it! Even if I never again win a big match scenario, even if I never ever win the big one, it is still and always will be worth it because of the fans! As long as I see one fan cheering me, or one fan waving a toy Wasley to encourage me, as long as I see even one fan sporting my merch, I will continue to do this job because this is about the fans! My Kimmymaniacs are worth it! So if nothing else, Datura, do it for the fans because trust me, they support you. They love you. If they love me after the insanity I’ve pulled, then they damn sure still love and support you.”

“As for me…” she pats the SCW Underground Title belt that is wrapped around her waist “...I need to silence the doubters. The critics out there who say I do not deserve this, that I stole this, that I am not worthy to wear this, I need to prove them wrong.” She shakes head. “I need to prove to the world that I am more than just tricks and funny business. I need to prove that me being Underground Champion again was more than just because of Trios. I need to prove that I am worthy of carrying this title and that I am still worthy of representing this division. I admit that I did not do myself any favors since Body, Heart, & Soul. Now is the time that I do damage control. Now is the time that the Kimberly Williams who went to war with Jordan Majors to win this title the first time, is the same Kimberly Williams who went to war with Konrad Raab to win it back, the same Kimberly Williams who went to war with four other opponents at Apocalypse last year to regain it. I need to prove that the only ‘fluke’ is the Kimberly Williams who needed a special stipulation to regain this championship.” She shakes her head. “I am not that person. You know that, Datura, because you know me. But I need to prove it to the world, I need to prove it to the locker room, and that means I need to take on all comers. I need to face anyone who wants to step up.” She points a finger at the camera.

“It’s your time to step up, Datura, and I am willing to put the one thing that you value, that you are passionate about, on the line, the Unsanctioned Title. As if you needed any further incentive to fight me with everything you have, I am giving you even more motivation.” She drops to her knees and almost acts if she is pleading, begging “So Datura, give me this one thing, grant me this one request! Bring me everything you got! Let’s go out there and dance just like old times sake! Let’s throw a party in that ring like only you and I can!” Kim stands back up, adjusts her title belts, and winks at the camera. “Datura, I know you still got it, I believe in you. And I am damn sure that I have it in me. So let’s go out there and steal the show my friend! Annnnd maybe afterwards we can work on unionizing SCW…” Kim shrugs her shoulders before skipping away happily, whistling as she goes. The camera fades to black.
[Image: Fr3dxo2WIAAhCXt?format=jpg&name=large]
SWC Southern Heavyweight Champion 1x
MWA Turmoil Champion 1x
GCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
UWA World Tag Team Champion 1x
HKW Bloodlust Champion 3x
2022 SCW Trios Tournament Winner
SCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
SCW Underground Champion 5x
SCW Television Champion 1x
SCW United States Champion 1x
MWE Chicago Way Champion 1x
5LW Television Champion 1x
Queen of the Death Match

[Image: mariejones.png]

SCW United States Champion 1x
SCW Television Champion 2x
SCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
UWA World Champion 1x
UWA X-Class Champion 1x
UWA World Tag Team Champion 1x
IWC World Tag Team Champion 1x
MCW X-Division Champion 1x
GDW International Champion 1x
GDW World Tag Team Champion 3x

In A New Kingdom Chapter One

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