Statera vs. One/Kinneck vs. Rated X
[Image: scwtagteamchampionship.png]

The One Kirsten Scott & Pro Kinneck vs. Statera (Bree Lancaster & Datura) vs. Rated X (Ravyn Taylor & Ace Marshall

Rise to Greatness XX Main Card

4 RP Limit per team
Deadline: 11:59:59 pm ET Sunday, July 23,2023

**Bree Lancaster and Kirsten Scott can cross-post their roleplays for both their matches if they so chooses.

[Image: Ace-Marshall-smoking-1.png]
OOC Note: My CD will be cross-posted for both matches, but the promos will be different.  So I am posting my promos for each match first, then will post the CD before the deadline.  I verified with Olek this was OK as long as I notated it across my posts for clarity.

Second OOC Note: For clarity this promo references the CD so if there is confusion read the CD first, I am just writing this part second.



Inside the parking garage outside the arena which is to house Rise to Greatness, there is an uneasiness surrounding Kirsten Scott and her posse.  It's led them to find a place of solace where "The One" can simply look out, overlooking the city and ponder what is really going on, as she prepares for everything going into this momentous night in her career, and it isn't too long before this crew is caught up to, and filmed for television.

I wish I knew what to say... Honestly...

I do...

We are at the eleventh hour before Rise to Greatness, and I stand here completely unsure of what to expect in either of my matches.  In one, I have to deal with a legacy in this industry, and his family.  In the other, that same family returns, alongside other opposition.  The question that I wish I knew the answer to, though, is simple...

Am I fighting them both alone?  Or will in that second match, the one that will be one of the biggest matches of the night, have my friend, my PARTNER, Pro, by my side?

I don't know...

I truly... Don't... Know...

You see apparently I am facing an unexpected punishment for the fact that I was finally given the opportunity to embrace who I was, and leave my "Scarlet Letter" moniker in the past.  While it may be a nickname, I am effectively being punished for allowing "The One" to not be the one thing that defines me.  Pro apparently feels that by embracing by name, I've turned my back on her.  She's feeling like I have actually done something that is the complete antithesis of the trust we had built.  She sees "The One" and Kirsten Scott as two different people, and not one in the same.

So the fact of the matter is, I don't know if she will be there.  I don't know if she will feel comfortable showing up and teaming alongside me, or feel I completely betrayed her.  And that hurts.  It hurts a lot.  It hurts because I see Pro for who she is.  I see her for the strong-willed, and powerful woman she is.  I see her as the protector she is.  I see her for EVERYTHING she is and for some reason she doubts the same in me.  And it's unfortunate, you know?  It's unfortunate because I did everything I could to be straight and be myself with her.  I didn't realize that a name would be so detrimental to our relationship.  I thought we both saw the reality in front of us, and how alike we were...

And maybe I was, for once, too naive?

Maybe I should have kept my walls up and not been here, actually feeling hurt, like I have lost a friend.  Yeah, I have my family, behind me, and they are everything to me.  Just like Nicole and Ducky are to Pro.  But the reality is, I saw her as someone who I felt would be that friend inside the business, and also outside, who would also see me for me, and create a "partner in crime" as we aimed to do our job in reshaping SCW for the better...

But again... Maybe I was too naive?

The reality is I may be doing something that I don't know how many people have done in the history of Supreme Championship Wrestling, when it comes to Rise to Greatness... I may be walking into TWO championship matches as a lone wolf, and one match, be outnumbered, effectively four to one.  And I won't lie... That's an intimidating scenario.  That is something that makes me realize that this year could be a year I walk away from Rise to Greatness not feeling so great.  But that also makes me realize that the scenario itself creates something that EVERYONE wants, when it comes to this highlight of the SCW calendar...


Having been facing out toward the city as she talked initially, she turns and looks directly into the camera.

You see a lot of people would run in this scenario.  They would go to Mr. D, ask for the chance to bow out of one or both gracefully, making excuses about how both situations are just not very fair.  I mean, let's be clear, Ace's little brother flat out said I should expect his elder brother to run interference for him, to quote, "not help him, but hurt me."  And now that I am potentially flying solo into a Tag Team Championship match on the biggest stage of MY CAREER, I'm walking in with my back against the wall, and a lot of people would run and ask for some sort of deferral to another day.

But that's not who I am...

That's not who "The One" was...

That's not who Kirsten Scott IS!

Because like I said whether my name is "The One," Kirsten Scott, Anita Manns, or Emma Rhoids, I am the same damn woman I have been since I walked into this company with the same damn mission, and that is to turn things around for the BETTER.  I am the same person who has called out nepotism at every opportunity, and I am NOT stopping because my name changed, and nor is my attitude toward those who fall into that category.  You're all still pieces of shit to me.  You're all still part of the CANCER that has not been irradiated away here.  And I am still on my mission to see SCW return to the prominence it once had.

So I say bring on the OPPORTUNITY...

Bring on the ADVERSITY...


Rise to Greatness is a night where battles like this are won and lost and if I am going to lose this battle alone, I am going to make sure everyone remembers the fact that I was able to fight like hell and hold my own until the bitter end.  People are going to realize that I am not just some run of the mill, newbie, who is trying to talk big so as to make a name for herself, but instead someone who is willing to FIGHT, willing to WORK, and willing to DIE for what she believes in.  I don't care about numbers games... I've always been outnumbered... So I don't care if the odds are so stacked against me Vegas doesn't even put odds on me in the match.

But what IS going to happen is eyes WILL be opened...

Whether Pro is there or not won't make a difference in that.  That doesn't demean her ability it just means that what I plan on doing will make a statement whether she is by my side making her own statement, or I am flying solo and the "one" people remember.  The fact is Bree Lancaster, Datura, Ace Marshall, and Ravyn Taylor will all be standing in opposition to what I want to accomplish.  They will be the four that try and prevent me, or Pro AND me, from achieving the ultimate goal which IS to win the SCW Tag Team Championships!

That's right, folks... I'm not going to pretend like the idea of me running solo changes my end game, here.  I am not going to pretend like I am not going to fight like hell to walk out of Rise to Greatness with, not one, but TWO, or maybe THREE, belts over my shoulders.  It's Rise to fucking Greatness, people.  It's the biggest night of the year.  It's the night where you kill or be killed for your chance to FINALLY shine.  So why would I let uncertainty keep me from doing EXACTLY what I was planning from the start?  Why would I let two teams who think their God's gift to everything stop me from trying to embarrass them and be the ONE PERSON who was able to stop them ALL?

Just think about if I succeeded...

Think about the tremors it would send through the foundation of SCW if I, or Pro and I, actually won...

The ripple effects would be enormous and everyone would be taking notice of us and for good reason.  And that is still the goal.  Even with uncertainty, I am going to do what I want to do and what I believe I CAN do.  This is a moment for me and I am not going to let it slip away because of any adversity.  I am not going to let people who have tried to make my life hell, like Ravyn and her flavor of the month, Ace, have the pleasure of knowing they kept me from achieving my goals simply because I let them run roughshod over my life.  I am not going to give them that enjoyment... No... I'm going to give them a nightmare scenario... I'm going to give them something they will wish never happened...

One way or another I'm going to make sure they do not walk out of that arena with championships over their shoulders, and look like foolish pieces of garbage for ever crossing my path!

Kirsten takes a deep breath before, again, looking out over the city of Toronto, and then slowly back at the camera.

Face it... All of you... I know I that I'm the weakling in the heard being chased by the predators.  I know I'm the slowest because I have the most riding against me.  But I don't care.  It doesn't change the fact I will turn and face adversity head on, and win, or die trying.  None of you intimidate me.  None of your numbers change my mindset.  This is a game of kill or be killed and I've faced more adversity than four shady characters all hoping to keep the past alive.

And none of them succeeded...

So when I walk out of that curtain, alone or with Pro by my side, I will look at the four of you as my prey.  I'll reverse the situation on you and make you MY bitches for the night.  I'll make YOUR lives hell for the night.  I'll be the one doing everything in my power to just ruin your respective nights one by one.  And what will each of you do in return?  Before all is said and done, some of you, if not all, will run for your lives.  You'll run hoping that I don't chase after you.  You'll quickly leave your "partners" in your wake, realizing that the night has turned from a numbers game to survival of the fittest...

And nothing is more dangerous than a cornered animal with nothing to lose!

Because I have nothing...

But I have EVERYTHING to gain...

Prepare for me to come out swinging and aiming for every critical area you each have on your bodies because if I land one blow, that will be one less person in my path to victory and overcoming the odds.  Because when I walk out there, I'm not walking out there to just have a great match and a great night.  I'm not just going out there hoping to put on a show like many before me.  I'm going out there to WIN.  I'm going out there to cement my name in the SCW history books AGAIN, by hook or by crook, I don't fucking care.  I'm going to do it my way, and you're all going to stand in awe when a little bitch from the Midwest shows up on YOUR TURF and handles HER BUSINESS.  Because at the pay-per view I am doing one thing and one thing only... I'm RISING to FUCKING GREATNESS!

Because I am "The One..." I am unstoppable... And like DEATH and TAXES... And Sunday night, I'M UNBREAKABLE!
[Image: W4cpQhO.png]

Overall Record: 26-20-4   |   2024 Record: 7-3-1


SCW Television Champion - 10/13/22 - 12/8/22 (56 Days)
2023 Trios Tournament Champion (w/ Adam Allocco & Kimberly Williams)

SCW Television Champion (2x) - 07/06/23 - 11/02/23 (119 Days)
OOC Note: CD being cross-posted on both match threads


{MODERN DAY: Pro vs. Everyone}

Becoming a champion for the second time was something that, I will admit, was surprising to me in my young journey in this business, and wasn't something that I thought would be something that would be as addicting of a feeling that it has been.  But I will admit, it is just that...


It is coupled with the fact that walking out of a successful title defense, and preparing for walking into Rise to Greatness to do what everyone wants to do and that's fight for more gold has me, like I said, addicted.  It is a feeling I wasn't expecting or anticipating.  I expected to be an athiest to the belief that a title was that meaningful, but I felt the rush.  The part that has been the most confusing is turning that feeling off when you leave a building or arena.

Seriously... It's like walking into a different world...

In some cases people recognize you, especially if it is around where you just were, but in most cases, you are just another face in the crowd.  You're not the "larger than life" personality that sits on the other side of those barricades, and so when you walk away from the lights and crowd, to a world of silence, it can be jarring.  It can be as if you have been transported to another world altogether.  And while I am still getting used to it, I won't lie, I realize that being able to know that there is a threshold I get to cross to go to a level of "normalcy" from the craziness is something I do desire.

The one thing, however, that crosses those thresholds, both ways, have been Pro, and since regaining my identity, my "family" as well.  Having people surrounding me, whom I know are trustworthy and not just latching on for any ulterior motive, is refreshing from when I first started trying to make a name for myself doing something "constructive."  Back then it was lonely.  It was like feeling like I had nobody on either side of the threshold, and I walked alone in the shadows at all times.  Now, at least, I have someone to carry on a conversation with.  And up until recently, I never knew how needed that could be in life.

Sometimes all it takes, is a friend or two...

Walking toward the exit at the most recent Breakdown, Kirsten, Emma, Ethan, and Hailey all make the traditional walk through the backstage of the arena toward the exit, where all of the vehicles are parked.  A few security personnel line the pathway to ensure that the errant, hostile, fan, doesn't impede their progress, but still is understanding of those seeking simple autographs or meetings with their favorite stars.

As the group pass that portion of the outside area, and begin to make it to the cordoned off section of parking for the talent and staff, a shadowy figure begins weaving its way through the cars, making a B-line in their direction.  Kirsten immediately stops, as her heightened sense of "security" from her days as "The One" kick in.  She quickly positions herself in front of the rest, even as Hailey tries to get beside her, ready for any confrontation.  This person approaching doesn't look like they are "friendly," and both Kirsten and Hailey are not afraid of "throwing down," should the situation call for it.

As the person gets closer, they walk through enough illumination from the parking lights and the moon to show that it is Pro, and not someone they deem a threat.  Kirsten immediately retracts her adversarial pose, as does Hailey, who steps back knowing that Pro and Kirsten have a friendship of their own she is not a part of, and doesn't want to try and interject.

As Pro gets closer, however, her demeanor shows she is not in a "friendly" mood, and quickly walks right up to her friend, getting within inches of her face.


Kirsten holds her hands palms forward as if to try and diffuse the situation.

Kirsten Scott: Woah... Woah... Slow down, Pro.  Step back, and let me explain...

Pro, still showing definite signs of anger, takes one step back.

Kirsten Scott: ... This is Hailey.  She is a mentor of mine from as far back as I can remember.  This is Emma and Ethan, a brother and sister, who have become like family to me in recent years, and I have promised to look after.  As for me... I'm still me... Why?

Pro: No... You are "The One..."  Who the FUCK is this Kirsten person?  Where in the hell did she come from, and why is she here?  Why did you decide to magically get a name that wasn't who you told me you were?

Pro takes several deep breaths, looking around frantically.

Pro: ... Are you fucking trying to mock me, Nicole, and Ducky?  Are you mocking our alter and MY alter system?

Kirsten is immediately surprised at the allegations and taken aback.

Kirsten Scott: Wait... What?  No!  I...

Pro is quick to cut her off.

Pro: NO!  Don't try and bullshit your way through this.  You tried to con me.  I thought I had FINALLY found someone I, ME, PRO, could actually trust.  I thought YOU, "The One," was different than the rest of those fuckers who have tried to gain our trust.  But no... You're just the same as each and every one of them!

Kirsten continues to try and diffuse the situation and calm her friend down.

Kirsten Scott: Pro... I promise you, I am different.  My name doesn't define ME or WHO I am.  Just like your name, it doesn't define Pro.  You are you.  Period.  I am me, period!  It's just a name.  The PERSON defines who he or she is, and in our cases who each one of us is.  Not our names or what people call us...

Pro continues to have none of it.

Pro: Ok you can stop with this philosophical bullshit you're feeding me.  I don't see the same person.  I don't see "The One..."

Kirsten Scott: Ok... Why not?  What about me has changed besides my name, and besides the fact that I have brought in some people from outside of "our business" to be supportive of me and what I do?  Where am I different?  Where have I shown you that I am acting differently?  Seriously... Answer that question and prove to me that I am not still "The One," because the last time I walked out there in that building behind me, I still heard them call me "The One" Kirsten Scott, both when I entered and when I exited.

So prove to me I'm not me...

Or better yet, maybe you can answer me this question... Is it you that's actually scared, here?  Is it the fact that I'm not just "The One," but actually embraced by my name that makes you realize what people CALL you doesn't define WHO you are?  Maybe the problem is what you're seeing is something FAR DEEPER than Pro wants to admit to HERSELF and EVERYONE else?  Hmm?

The slight snarky tone of Kirsten's voice is not lost on Pro, who immediately closes the gap between the two, getting nose to nose with her "friend."  Hailey sees this and tries to jump in, but with reflexes akin to a cat, Kirsten's arm shoots out, blocking Hailey's way, and holding her back.  Kirsten slowly turns her head slightly, so Hailey knows she's speaking directly to her.

Kirsten Scott: Hailey... This doesn't concern you... This is something between two of a kind... This is something very personal, and Pro needs to see it and face it herself.  Pro doesn't need to feel she's being ganged up on.  She needs to express herself to me, and me alone, no matter how it goes...

Kirsten turns her head back to being nose to nose with Pro.  Pro just growls in her face as she talks.

Pro: You are definitely NOT "The One..." You lied... You tried to defraud my alter like everyone has in the past, and you treated ME, personally, like I was dumb, and not your equal.  You looked at me as below you and someone you could manipulate...

Kirsten Scott: Then tell me how... You want to make accusations and tell me that I haven't been completely honest with you, and completely legitimate with who I say I am, then you tell me HOW I haven't been legit with you.  Don't be vague.  Be direct.  You tell me what is different between "The One" and "Kirsten Scott."  You have to be the one to step up and prove it to me, and not just run your mouth and say that it's fact, without concrete evidence.

Kirsten leans forward, taking a more confrontational pose.

Kirsten Scott: ... So tell me, Pro... What... Is... Different?  Explain yourself... Prove your point...

Kirsten can see she is starting to get under Pro's skin, and doesn't hold back.

Kirsten Scott: ... C'mon... Do it... Give me your evidence...

Pro begins to grit her teeth in annoyance and anger, and Kirsten continues to pressure her.

Kirsten Scott: ... If you want to be the genuine one here, and prove I was the fraud, you tell me when "The One" and "Kirsten Scott" didn't act like the same person?  Give me your proof, or maybe you should quit making accusations that you can't prove?  Maybe you should realize that not everyone falls in the same damn mold.  Because I have never deviated from being the same to you and being constantly proving myself as loyal to YOU.  So where are you getting off saying otherwise, huh?

Seriously, Pro... PROVE IT!

You brought these accusations, so I'm saying you need to be able to back it up.  REAL friends don't just call one another on the carpet, and make a fucking scene unless there is a damn reason, so I'm asking you what that is?  Because you and I both know that I have not fit the mold of everyone else that you, Pro, have encountered.  I am different from everything you've seen.  I've always proved myself LOYAL to you, and I will continue to fucking do so, even though you're in my face, ready to hit me, right now... Why?  Because I know you don't have proof and you need someone to call the bullshit out.  You need someone to be willing to say that this garbage idea of yours about a name, is just that...


My name has never, and WILL never matter.  I will ALWAYS be the same person.  And so now... I say it again... Where is your proof, and where is your evidence?  This is your ONE SHOT... ONE... SINGLE... SHOT...

Pro brgins to strain more and more.  She can feel the stress of being put on the spot and being openly challenged for what she sees on the surface.  Her anger continues to rise at the situation, forcing her to take a deep breath and take a step back, battling her inner emotions and inner desires of how to handle the situation.

After several moments of trying to find the words to say, looking to the side, back at Kirsten, and all around, Pro can only react in one manner that sums up everything boiling inside her at that instant.

Pro: AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pro then does the unthinkable and darts off in a completely tangential direction, which causes Hailey, again, trying to be the protectorate of the group, and try and chase after her.  Like the first time, Kirsten freezes her in place.

Kirsten Scott: Stop... It's fine...

Hailey looks at her with a look of confusion, knowing this is NOT the time to be "brave," but it is Kirsten who brings everyone down the Earth by stepping in Hailey's way completely, instead of just holding her back with her arm.

Kirsten Scott: ... No... Stop... I promise, it's fine.  This is not the situation we fight, but instead it's a situation we allow Pro to fight herself.  This is a chance for us to show we aren't like the rest, and let her fight her own battles alone.  If we try and put ourselves into the alter, we risk making ourselves the enemy...

This is her chance to truly trust in all of us...

Hailey tries to say something behind Kirsten, and she senses it, again shutting it down.

Kirsten Scott: ... No... We can't make her do anything... We can't force her... She has her alter and it is a very distinct hierarchy and I see it... She has to fight her own battles...

Out of the blue Emma steps forward toward Kirsten, and ultimately in front of her.  Without realizing she is doing so, Emma transforms into "The Oracle" and begins to try and reconcile with everyone, Kirsten especially.  Since joining Kirsten this is the first time Emma has channeled her ability to have "visions" and see things greater than the rest of the world.

Emma Taylor: There are many who wouldn't see the battle and the struggle that Pro faces.  Many would simply look at it and mock it, shun it, or completely disregard it in an unfavorable manner....

Kirsten takes a small step back, surprised at what she hears.

Emma Taylor: ... I see it, too.  I see Pro.  I see her alter as a whole.  I see the struggle she has in trust because of her role.  I see the furstrations she has deep inside.  But the biggest thing we need to accept and understand, if we are truly different, and her friend, is that we cannot be like the rest.

Pro has to be able to fight her own battles...

We cannot be THEIR savior...

That alter needs to come to grips with its own understanding of reality, and Pro needs to see YOU for who YOU are versus what others have been in the past.  We cannot control that.  But if we do what is right, if we allow her to be who she is and who they are, there will come the time when we all fight alongside together in the field of battle...

Kirsten looks off in the direction of where Pro ran, and sighs.

Kirsten Scott: I just... I just wish I could convince her, you know?

Emma Taylor: We all do, but the sad thing is, it is no longer our fight.  Our fight is to simply trust in the future and Pro's future with her alter.  We have to hope that Pro, and honestly the whole alter as well, see it the same.  Only then will SHE trust us fully, and it won't matter what member of the alter we deal with.

But the truth is, whether she does or not is her decision and truth to face... Not ours... We are the ones who have to have the level of understanding that others have not, to push her into this bubble she won't relent from..."

Hailey Brooks: Understanding of what?

Emma slowly turns in Hailey's direction.

Emma Taylor: Nicole and her entire alter, top to bottom...

As Emma says these words to Kirsten, Kirsten sighs, realizing that "The Oracle" has come through with her wisdom yet again.  In Kirsten's mind, however, there is a worry that she may have just lost a friend, pushing her too far, and pushing something she knows only some about to a point of fracturing even more than it already is.  She hopes that her words were able to break through to her friend, and help her realize that she truly is who she claims to be, and respects Pro for who she is, too.

But as Emma said, she can't make the decisions for Pro.  She can't make Pro do what Kirsten wants.  Pro has to make her own decisions and come to her own conclusions.  But the question will linger, how will this impact their relationship going forward, and will Kirsten be down to just her "family," versus what she thought she had in family AND friends?
[Image: W4cpQhO.png]

Overall Record: 26-20-4   |   2024 Record: 7-3-1


SCW Television Champion - 10/13/22 - 12/8/22 (56 Days)
2023 Trios Tournament Champion (w/ Adam Allocco & Kimberly Williams)

SCW Television Champion (2x) - 07/06/23 - 11/02/23 (119 Days)
OOC: Counts for both matches. There are separate promos for each match, it's pretty clear which is which.

Rise to Greatness 2023
[Image: Bree2022.png]

SCW: 87 - 48 - 8 || Career 97 - 60 - 9
SCW Television Champion
1X SCW Adrenaline Champion
2X SCW World Champion
3X SCW United States Champion
2X SCW Tag Team Champion

(1X W/ Blake Mason; 1X W/ Scott Burnside Andrew Raynes)
1X SCW Women's Champion
Supreme Champion
2020 Female of the Year
2016 Star of Tomorrow
Only 2X VWA Evolution Champion

~~ Amy Chastaine ~~
SCW: 63 - 30 - 6 || Career: 120 - 75 - 15

1X SCW Tag Team Champion - W/ Kennedy Street [B.A.E.]
1X SCW Adrenaline Champion | 1X SCW United States Champion
1X SCW Television Champion | 1X SCW World Champion
SCW Hall of Fame Class of 2020
Supreme Champion * First Female * Fastest Time
2017 Female of the Year | 2017 Shot of Adrenaline Winner
2015 Star of Tomorrow | 2015 Rookie of the Year
Final VWA World Champion

Total (All Characters):
I am already excited for this break to be over. Starting a new arc that will have to wait to be continued. It's been fun.

[Image: Ace-Marshall-smoking-1.png]

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