Posts: 1,792
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Joined: Jul 2018
All Accounts Posts: 1,826
SCW World Championship
3 RP Limit for singles matches
Other SCW match deadlines: 11:59:59 pm ET Saturday, May 30, 2020
I love AJ Allmendinger and Louis Deletraz.
Posts: 434
Threads: 79
Joined: Jul 2018
Handles: Bree Lancaster; Kandis, Amy Chastaine
Status: Active
All Accounts Posts: 582
OOC: Appearances with approval, thanks guys. CD only for this one.
Taking Hold of the Flame 2020 #1
SCW: 87 - 48 - 8 || Career 97 - 60 - 9
SCW Television Champion
1X SCW Adrenaline Champion
2X SCW World Champion
3X SCW United States Champion
2X SCW Tag Team Champion
(1X W/ Blake Mason; 1X W/ Scott Burnside Andrew Raynes)
1X SCW Women's Champion
Supreme Champion
2020 Female of the Year
2016 Star of Tomorrow
Only 2X VWA Evolution Champion
~~ Amy Chastaine ~~
SCW: 63 - 30 - 6 || Career: 120 - 75 - 15
1X SCW Tag Team Champion - W/ Kennedy Street [B.A.E.]
1X SCW Adrenaline Champion | 1X SCW United States Champion
1X SCW Television Champion | 1X SCW World Champion
SCW Hall of Fame Class of 2020
Supreme Champion * First Female * Fastest Time
2017 Female of the Year | 2017 Shot of Adrenaline Winner
2015 Star of Tomorrow | 2015 Rookie of the Year
Final VWA World Champion
Total (All Characters):
Posts: 183
Threads: 15
Joined: Aug 2018
Handles: Thirteen, Aaron Blackbourne
All Accounts Posts: 304
OOC: First of two (you heard that right), and this one is CD only. Some of this was material I was planning to potentially use for Breakdown had things not happened the way they did for me this week, but I feel happy re-purposing it and trying something a little different to kind of weave together a few things to kind of build what I want to do with Aaron in the next part. Definitely feels weird trying to do two as opposed to my normal one and done, but I thought my plan worked a lot better this way. I'm also glad I got this one up in time to open up the option of being able to enact this plan the way I want to.
There were many twists and turns that life could take, and no matter how prepared you think you are, nobody will ever know for sure what’s waiting just around the corner.
Aaron could certainly attest to that after the past few weeks as his rollercoaster ride seemed to continue. Considering Datura won the four-way at Cold Blooded by pinning Shilo after the legend decided to simply lay down all match to continue his games while knowing full well Aaron would never simply take a free win that way, one would think he was destined for a downward spiral after Shilo openly taunted him about it the following Breakdown and decided that Datura had proven ‘more worthy’ to face him one-on-one first. It wasn’t hard to see why, as Shilo seemed set in this plan and Aaron would need to rely on the draw of Fatal Fortunes to get his hands on the jester earlier than he was hoping. As far as Shilo was concerned, this was the perfect way to keep exploiting the rent he believed he had inside the mind of the creative soul.
Fatal Fortunes would indeed turn everything on its head, but certainly not in the way anyone, even Shilo, could have predicted.
On the first night, Aaron found himself drawn not to settle that score, but to instead battle Gavin Taylor and his close friend Alistaire Allocco with the winner earning a World Title shot at Taking Hold of the Flame. All three men put forth a hell of a fight, but when all was set and done Aaron had pinned Gavin’s shoulders to the mat and earned another chance to reach the very top of the proverbial mountain in SCW. He knew Alistaire took the loss hard even if he did his best not to show it, and Aaron would certainly apologize about it plenty of times as he knew how badly Ali wanted to be World Champion once again, but they could both certainly agree that despite the talent he did possess, the last thing either of them wanted to see was Gavin gloating to no end about ‘going to the top where he belonged’ or something along those lines. He’d also taken notice of Shilo ‘watching’ his match but paid it no mind.
If he could put Shilo out of his head long enough to push James Evans beyond his limits with SCW’s biggest prize at stake, then he could do so again regardless of who stood across the ring from him, right?
That thought had certainly run through Aaron’s head as he and Ali watched backstage on the second night of Fatal Fortunes, knowing Bree would have to defend that title and cement who he’d be meeting in a few weeks over it. When all was set and done, he could only nod at the end result and walk away, not surprised at all by the end result. Bree had managed to hold on to the title against Matt Hodges on what was essentially a technicality, and while he knew Matt would certainly feel entitled to another chance and Ali definitely had a lot to consider as he pursued an eventual clash with the man who proclaimed himself ‘World Class,’ Aaron’s encounter with Bree afterward certainly made it clear how invincible she thought she was. Having a match with someone she’s beaten several times before on the horizon as a World Title defense and managing to hang on to the belt by the skin of her teeth, even if she would never see it that way? Bree might as well have believed she was the queen of the world and everyone simply had to bow down and respect her demands just because she was not only World Champion but U.S. Champion as well.
Aaron, however, wasn’t going down without a fight. Not now. Not ever.
Once the show had wrapped up for the night, Aaron had returned to his hotel room, where he found himself alone. Liane was booked for a late-night stand-up gig at a big comedy club here in Albuquerque, and as much as he really wanted to attend to support his future wife, he figured SCW would want him present on the unlikely chance he was somehow drawn for a second match as well as to know who he’d be challenging at Taking Hold of the Flame. Plus, he wanted to be able to support Owen as he hadn’t been drawn to compete yet and be on standby just in case anything happened that warranted him being there to watch his friends’ backs. Liane had been more than understanding and said she’d let him know when her set was done. No messages on his phone and her not beating him back here meant she either hadn’t performed yet or had been asked to do a bit of an encore. Either way, he figured he had a bit of time to kill, so he made sure his phone was set so that either the alarm or word from Liane would awaken him as he laid down for a bit and closed his eyes, deciding a small nap would be beneficial right about now.
Perhaps it would be odd if the first thing Aaron sees within his dream is a whiteboard just floating in an endless void, but this wasn’t too far out of the norm for him. Often times when he had a dream like this, he considered it a blank canvas that would slowly open up into whatever dream he desired, and he knew exactly where to start this time around as he produced a marker out of thin air and began to make some sketches, talking to himself as he tended to do while he was busy creating. After all, there was far more on his mind than just SCW matters that would need to be resolved at some point.
“Let’s see… Liane said her dad wants to be a chef, and her mom’s looking to be a writer. I can certainly lend her mom a hand in getting some ideas off the ground and maybe even finding a publisher. Her dad’s apparently got all the schooling he’d need to work as a chef…”
As he finished up his sketches on the whiteboard, the void slowly began to give way to life as a small little kitchen one would find in any home began to form. Seated at the table was an artistic representation of Liane’s mom, based on descriptions she’d given him as he had yet to meet the woman himself, typing away on a laptop and looking fully immersed in whatever she was writing out. Not too far away was Liane’s father, happily cooking something and humming to himself as he focused on whatever culinary masterpiece was taking shape. It was a scene that made Aaron smile as he tapped the marker against his chin, pondering how to take this simple home scene and expand it to a point where he had a strategy in mind for trying to not only put himself on good terms with these two whenever he was finally able to properly meet them to discuss his and Liane’s engagement, but also to show them that they could achieve their own dreams just as easily as all of their children either had or were currently working towards if they just gave it a shot. He knew how strong the fear of failure could be in deterring anyone from simply taking a chance, but getting these two past that stage would be his best chance of proving what kind of addition he could be to their family to ensure there would be no potential roadblocks when their wedding day was finally here.
“Oh come on, you really can’t believe it’s going to be that simple, do you?”
“How can you help anyone else succeed when you can’t succeed yourself?”
Aaron whipped around from the board, finding that both of his dream Forte parents were suddenly glaring at him, seemingly questioning what he wanted out of this scenario he was trying to build. He opened his mouth to try and respond, even if he wasn’t fully sure how he was going to, but the oven door suddenly swung open and a stream of fire began erupting from it, quickly engulfing everything around him. Aaron held up his arms as the inferno surrounded him, the heat driving into his skin as though he were being hit by a car before it disappeared as quickly as it came. When Aaron opened his eyes and lowered his guard, there was no sign of the scenario he’d just tried drawing to life, only the void where he had started, including the whiteboard which was blank once again. He could only mouth the words ‘what the hell’ to himself before returning to the whiteboard to maybe try something else.
“Do you honestly believe you’ll ever amount to anything in THIS world?”
Aaron’s hand stopped as the marker dropped to the floor, eyes widening again as a new voice addressed him. This one came from the board itself as a face was inexplicably being drawn upon it, though not by his hand. The face easily resembled his own and the voice that accompanied it was almost like if he spoke to others with an attitude you’d never see him actually display in front of anybody for any reason. He slowly backed away, knowing that if this was a dream that was spiraling out of his control then he’d be safer with some distance in case anything happened.
“Let’s face it: in your mind, you can be king. That’s true of anybody. But what have you accomplished out in the real world? Doing some commission work that makes you a little bit of money and that’s about it?”
“Who are you and what’s your game?”
“What about wrestling? You’ve been successful there… though it always seems to come at the expense of those you care about. Against someone who’s PROVEN they can constantly succeed, you just keep hitting that glass ceiling, don’t you?”
Aaron whipped around at the new voice, which almost sounded like several speaking in unison. Standing behind him beneath a spotlight that had flickered on from out of nowhere was a woman that most anybody would probably deem the most perfect woman they’d ever laid eyes on, dressed very fashionably. And yet, something seemed familiar, and the harder Aaron looked the more it came together as he picked apart the voice and facial features: this woman almost looked like the end result of taking the best physical features of all the women in the Beauty Factory and combining them into one picture-perfect model, a thought that made his skin crawl as the amalgamate strutted towards him as though she was moving along a catwalk. His arms immediately went up in self-defense, but they involuntarily lowered at the sound of her voice again.
“Oh please, like you could ever actually be of any threat to me. We all know the story by now: you try and try as hard as you can, but your best is just never good enough to ever get you to where you want to be. You hope to change the world but know it’s a dream that’s well beyond your abilities.”
“You’re one to talk-”
“Ha! Talk! That’s all you are Aaron, and that’s why for all your ‘creativity’ you have to resort to ripping off those more successful than you to even be half as good as them!”
Aaron growled as he looked back to where the whiteboard is, and while the drawn face is still there and just shaking his head in disappointment at him, a new figure is now leaning against the side of the board. This figure almost looks like a complete silhouette except for the trenchcoat its wearing and a mask that’s become an all too familiar visage to the artist. While the voice may not sound the same, it’s close enough to get the point across. The masked figure takes a step forward and makes an exaggerated show of moving its arm so its hand is cupped against its ear, and for a moment Aaron recalls the line Bree told him earlier that night about letting Shilo in his head, which causes the silhouette wearing his mask to bust out into laughter at the sight of Aaron rapidly shaking his head while growling in anger.
“What’s the matter, Aaron? Realizing that warning is going to fall on deaf ears? It’s hard to ignore someone who’s spent so long playing games with you, isn’t it? I mean, she’s in the exact same boat, but at least she isn’t trying to justify being something she’s not. How does it feel to claim to be creative when all you do is simply follow in the footsteps of someone who’s already done it so much better?”
Aaron starts to back away as the figure in the Shilo mask and the Beauty Factory amalgamate slowly approach him side-by-side, the whiteboard with the sketch of his face following along as all three appear quite smug. Aaron carefully raises his hands in preparation for a fight, but the sweat rolling down his body is an unfortunate giveaway as to how much this is starting to get to him. Every time he’s tried to respond to their claims, he’s been cut off, just like his attempts to use sound logic to counter anything that’s been thrown at him in verbal sparring matches against opponents who practically resided only within their own little world and nowhere else has tended to fall short because it never truly gets through to them. Taking a deep breath, Aaron slowly stopped backing up and began to piece together some kind of response in the face of all of this, not caring if they were still advancing because he wasn’t going to back down.
“You know they aren’t going to listen, Aaron. You don’t have the power you think you do, and when push comes to shove you’ll always find yourself losing something.”
Just when Aaron’s mouth had opened to try and respond once more, it immediately snapped shut as another new voice entered the conversation, this one sending a chill down his spine as it was all too familiar. He spun around and immediately found himself face to face with the last person he ever wanted to see again, someone he thought he was done seeing just because they were long gone. And yet, there Dylan stood, his throat torn open and blood pouring down the front of his body like a waterfall, but this didn’t stop him from speaking as though the wound wasn’t there. Aaron quickly stepped back, only to find himself being grabbed by the arms as the Beauty Factory amalgamate and mask-wearing silhouette restrained him and shoved him back against the whiteboard, where to his horror he could suddenly feel himself sinking into it as though it were quicksand. He tried to fight, but his struggle got him nowhere as his body almost seemed to completely shut down in the face of the nightmare he thought he’d finally managed to get over. The bleeding corpse walked over to him like he was casually approaching an old friend, leaning close to make sure Aaron couldn’t simply try to ignore his presence even as he was forced further and further into the board that was slowly consuming him.
“What you call ‘creativity’ most others would call ‘destruction.’ I mean, how many times have you destroyed your friends’ hopes and dreams all just to satisfy your own ego? How many times have you sought to reach the top of the mountain even if it meant throwing someone far more deserving to be there all the way down to the bottom? You’ve taken the lives of others all just to be able to stand in front of a crowd and act as though nothing happened. You want to show everyone ‘exactly’ who you are? Funny, because that’s a picture I don’t think you truly want anyone to see. You always fail to get to where you want to be, you walk a path you claim you don’t want to follow but continue to do so anyway, and every single time you try to stick to your guns, you always have an excuse. You failed to win at Rise to Greatness because I damaged your ribs, even though you took my life in exchange. You failed to become World Champion the first time because you were too busy worrying about someone else, even though you claim you were fully focused. You keep trying to force your way through a barrier you aren’t meant to go through just because everyone else you hold dear is waiting for you on the other side… but let’s be honest for a moment. Owen and Alistaire as former World Champions, Kelcey as a veritable legend, Peyton as a current champion and eventual World Champion in her own right, even Liane and her comedy career taking off like a rocket… how long do you truly think they’re going to wait for you? How long until it becomes clear that you will never be where they are, and you can only watch as they finally give up and leave you behind while you slowly come to understand that you simply aren’t meant to be what you thought you could be.”
Aaron wanted to respond, he tried to open his mouth to say something, anything, but his lips refused to move. Before he knew it, he was listening to Dylan continue on with no way to stop it as the whiteboard consumed him, leaving his face as the drawing that existed upon its surface now. He couldn’t move, he could only watch as he was force-fed the reasons why he would never be able to do what he wanted to do… and bear witness to the trio before him that represented every repressed thought in his mind that he’d tried to block out so he could keep pushing forward gang up on him and leave him incapable of fighting back as they slowly revealed various weapons that only existed for the purpose of destruction. He was powerless as they all swung in unison, darkness briefly consuming his vision as he felt everything he was trying to work so hard to fight against fade away, leaving him feeling broken and helpless once again.
It was at that moment that Aaron suddenly sat up, almost like a jolt of electricity had surged through his body. He was sweating profusely and his breathing was heavy and rapid, and all it did was remind him of the brick wall he stood at once again and everything that was hellbent on making sure he never climbed over it. It was easy for him to try and put it all out of his mind, but that never truly made it go away and only made the struggle more difficult once the doubts began to set in. It was easy to say that he could do it this time, and he still had a few weeks to prepare to prove it, but when all was set and done… was this really his time? Was his time ever truly meant to come?
Aaron slowly shook off the fog as he turned his head towards where his phone sat on the nightstand, his body feeling heavier than a boulder as he sluggishly reached over to retrieve it. He needed another minute or two in order to get through the haze and focus at least for the time being, but once he did he saw the text from Liane about being done with her set and ready to be picked up that he’d received a few minutes ago, having somehow napped through both the alert and the alarm he’d set. His fingers moved sluggishly in typing out his response that he was on his way, and his body fought against him as he tried to move to the minifridge to grab a bottle of water to guzzle down in hopes that it would somehow snap him out of this funk completely. While it at least seemed to wash away whatever feeling was trying to physically weigh him down, the thoughts persisted even as he made his way out to the parking lot to his rental car so he could go pick up his fiancée. As he began to drive, he managed to settle on one thought that seemed to bring him momentary relief.
I can talk with Liane about this… between hearing about how her performance went and whatever she has to say about this, I know she’ll be able to help get my mind back on track. She’s the light of my life for a reason, after all…
Another sold-out crowd roaring with laughter… that was always music to Liane’s ears.
As much as she could still feel the adrenaline coursing through her veins from being on stage, however, she knew she had to be patient.
Her headlining set had just ended and she found herself standing out in front of the club, waiting to see Aaron pull up to the curb in their rental car so they could go back to their room and enjoy each other’s comfort. As eager as she was to share some of the jokes she’d used tonight to get him laughing and talking about how good it felt to bring smiles to so many faces even after sitting through the large number of comedians lined up for tonight, she was also looking forward to hearing all about how the second night of Fatal Fortunes went in SCW and finding out who her husband-to-be would have to battle to try and make good on his second chance at the crown jewel of the company. There was a small part of her that was hoping Bree retained only so Aaron could prove that had he not had an injury and the mental baggage of nearly being killed just two days prior, their Rise to Greatness encounter last year could have ended very differently, but there was just as much hope that it would be someone else he’d be challenging just so Bree could be knocked down a few pegs.
“I probably should feel bad thinking the idea of her ‘Bree-ing’ red would be hilarious, but that woman really needs a lesson in humility one of these days.”
Liane couldn’t resist a small chuckle as she leaned against the wall next to the club’s front door, slightly regretting the attire she’d chosen for her performance. It worked perfectly with her material and definitely made sense inside a building running as much air conditioning as this club, but out in the New Mexico heat not even being night time could stop her from feeling like she’d walked right out into an open flame. At least once she was with Aaron again they could relax and just enjoy one another’s company and looking forward to what lay ahead for them, both in the immediate future as well as what still awaited down the road. She knew there were still some obstacles to overcome, but there was nothing they couldn’t conquer together.
“Excuse me, do you have a few minutes?”
Liane was snapped out of her happy thoughts as she turned to look at a woman who had approached her, mentally facepalming a bit for not noticing sooner because she’d been so wrapped up in her own little world. While the business suit she wore certainly fit well with any number of people who’d just been inside for tonight’s show who might’ve just gotten off work or simply wanted to dress up for the occasion, the little booklet she was holding certainly struck Liane as peculiar. She tried to pass it off as a fan possibly looking for an autograph, but there was an odd feeling she couldn’t shake even as she engaged the woman in conversation.
“Sure, I’ve got a few minutes to kill while I wait for someone to pick me up. Were you looking for an autograph?”
“Oh, I’m afraid I’m not. Sorry if I gave that impression. My name’s Nancy, and I’m actually apprenticing with the office where Dr. Marsh-Asher practices to get some real-world experience for when I finally earn my degree. He kind of sent me out here to kind of interview you a bit to see how you were doing.”
Liane raised an eyebrow at this, having not heard anything about Dr. Marsh-Asher having someone apprenticing under him. Then again, she’d only met the man herself not that long ago, and from what Aaron had detailed to her from their few interactions up to that point it seemed like he was the kind of guy who preferred to play some things close to the chest unless he needed to draw upon them to help someone, so the idea of him not mentioning an apprentice seemed like something that wasn’t worth bringing up at the time. Something about this woman seemed a bit familiar though, but she couldn’t quite place it and just chalked it up to maybe being a face in the crowd she thought she’d picked out during one of her performances at some point.
“Um… sure, I guess that’d be alright. I know he said he was willing to help me like he’s been helping my fiancé, but… doesn’t this seem a bit informal?”
“I guess, but he did say he kind of gave an impromptu session with the two of you in a diner recently, so he does have some unorthodox practices that apparently work.
The woman had Liane there, and the comedian could only chuckle at this. Still, during that time he had made sure that the chances of anyone listening in were as low as possible, and while things were pretty quiet now with the club closed up for the night and all its patrons on their way home, there was still the chance someone could walk by and listen in. This woman didn’t seem too concerned about that, though, but she was certainly trying to make Liane feel comfortable talking with her.
“He mentioned something about there being ‘another Liane’ when he spoke with you the last time, one that’s the opposite of who you try to be. Any chance you know what triggers her?”
And almost immediately that feeling of comfort went down the drain, and Liane made it clear with the look on her face as she was taken aback by the very first question this woman decided to ask her.
“That seems a little… aggressive, don’t you think? No trying to ease me into things?”
“Sorry, I’m just trying to get an understanding of what makes this ‘other Liane’ tick and why she would seem so volatile. I mean, between what seems like a successful comedy career and you having a man in your life that cares for you and is such a big star himself, I wouldn’t think there’d be much to really justify her existence. He did mention something about family issues though…”
The woman continued on, throwing around possible things relating to her family that would warrant the birth of a split personality, but Liane had started tuning her out at this point. Her mood was souring fast and all she could think about now was how much this woman, Dr. Marsh-Asher’s apprentice or not, was overstepping her bounds with such an aggressive and upfront approach. She wanted to just walk away, but if Aaron pulled up and saw she wasn’t here he might assume the worst, and she definitely didn’t want to worry him. Plus, there was no guarantee this woman would get the hint and leave her be. Gritting her teeth to try and stifle the growl that threatened to escape her throat, Liane eventually cut off the excessive rambling, hoping that if she gave this woman something it would be enough to either satisfy her or get her to stop being so pushy about whatever she was after.
“Look, I get that you’re trying to get some answers, but I would think that Dr. Marsh-Asher or any of his associates would be teaching you better on how to do something like this. I’m sure he mentioned something about me growing up in a family where my parents weren’t the most supportive of my interests, and my siblings tended to get annoyed by me trying to use them as an impromptu audience sometimes. I thought I wasn’t getting a fair shot like they were, and eventually, I just started hearing a voice that told me I should make them pay. Sometimes that voice becomes something more and lashes out, but that’s what I’m now getting help for from the man who’s mentoring you.”
Liane took a few deep breaths after that outburst, trying to maintain her composure and hoping she’d gotten enough of a message across that Nancy’s tactics needed some work if she was going to be doing the same thing as Dr. Marsh-Asher and many others. Nancy jotted some things down in her little booklet with the occasional nod, this being what she focused on for a few minutes as an awkward silence settled in around them. Liane looked around and saw no sign of Aaron’s car yet, and a quick check of her phone confirmed he’d gotten her text and was on his way. She could almost hear the voice of her other self screaming inside her head about wanting to give this assistant “something to write about” but Liane held firm, clinging to the hope that Aaron would be pulling up any second now and she could just go back to enjoying the rest of her night like she wanted to. Dr. Marsh-Asher would certainly be getting a call about this in the morning so he knew this woman needed to be set straight on her methods.
“The aggressive way you decided to answer tells me that maybe this ‘other self’ is easier to trigger than you’re letting on, which is certainly dangerous. If you’re not worrying about your family anymore, then why would this be the case? Are you simply trying to put on a happy face in hopes that you won’t ruin what you have going for you if people found out what you’re hiding? I know they say it’s not good to keep things bottled up, but… what happens if you lose control and start some kind of domestic incident with your lover? SCW’s shows already document you violently lashing out when the idea that Aaron might be unfaithful or that you might not be as ‘attractive’ as some of the women he competes alongside. What if that happens if someone comes along and heckles your comedy routine? It’s easy for most people to brush it off, but I’d be afraid of you suddenly snapping and trying to attack a fan who simply had an opinion you didn’t like about your material. Do you really feel comfortable being such a public face knowing full well of the danger that lurks behind that smile that hasn’t been resolved yet?”
Liane’s jaw nearly hit the floor at what this woman was implying, and to say her blood was boiling now was an understatement. She had been trying to keep a level head even throughout everything, but this woman clearly didn’t want to do anything more than seemingly provoke the monster within, almost like she was hoping to draw it out just so she could get its take on things or something along those lines. She wanted to deny Nancy the satisfaction, but before she knew it she found herself acting on impulse, realizing too late that her more psychotic personality had heard enough and stepped in to resolve the situation her way. In the blink of an eye, she saw herself lunging at the woman… and then she was seemingly snapping out of it as pain began surging through her arm like a tidal wave.
“Liane? What happened!?”
That voice… the voice of her artistic angel managed to penetrate her blind rage, and as she slowly came back to her senses she looked down and realized exactly what had happened: she’d tried to throw a punch at the woman who’d been antagonizing her and missed, and it was at that moment when Aaron had pulled up to take her back to the hotel, which caused her arm to go straight through the passenger-side window. Her hand and wrist were bleeding profusely and the pain was like nothing she’d ever felt before, and Aaron was immediately holding her close, slowly trying to comfort her and maneuver her into the car so they could go to the hospital to tend to her injury. She could barely hear what he was saying as her head still felt foggy from her momentary loss of control, but she could make out his repeated attempts to ask what had happened.
“The… the woman… Dr. Marsh-Asher’s assistant… she was trying to push me, almost like she wanted to meet ‘psycho Liane’ for some reason…”
Aaron remembered seeing Liane talking with a woman before she’d sidestepped his love’s attempt to attack her, and he recalled seeing out of the corner of his eye that the mere sight of his arrival more than anything else seemed to get her to take off into the small alleyway beside the club. After he got Liane situated in the car, he quickly jogged over to the entrance to the alley but saw no sign of her, which was odd as this alley hit a dead end and he could’ve easily spotted her without needing to actually give chase. He spat out a frustrated sigh and quickly returned to the car so he could drive Liane to the hospital, knowing her wounds had to take priority over getting to the bottom of this mystery regarding who this woman claimed to be and why she felt the need to antagonize Liane the way she did. He was definitely going to have to make a phone call, trying to restrain his usual hatred of therapists until he could get a good explanation as to what was going on. All he knew was that the love of his life was hurting, both physically and mentally, and that not only caused him a great deal of pain to see, but also didn’t help the self-deprecating thoughts he’d found himself battling tonight regarding his own self-worth.
As the car pulled away, Nancy slowly peeked her head out around the corner to make sure the coast was clear before heading off in the other direction, silently cursing to herself about ducking behind the dumpster because of how much it reeked. But she’d gotten a good deal of what she wanted out of tonight, and as far as she was concerned her interests were all that mattered right now. She was a woman who would get what she wanted by any means necessary, even if it meant taking an approach that was very much against this profession so long as she got the same recognition as everyone else that she believed was long owed to her.
Posts: 183
Threads: 15
Joined: Aug 2018
Handles: Thirteen, Aaron Blackbourne
All Accounts Posts: 304
OOC: And here's my second of two. I'm not going to lie... I think I got really ambitious with what I wanted to do for this match, and while deep down I feel I took a gamble, I'm really happy with what I managed to put together. Just as a note, some of the things mentioned in the CDs for this might make a bit more sense if you read the Thirteen effort I posted for the battle royal ( as a means of trying to bridge the gap between my two efforts for this match. Best of luck as always J, and no matter the outcome I'm looking forward to seeing how this match turns out and if it can somehow top the Bree/Aaron war from RtG last year.
While many people might be starting discussions on the road to Rise to Greatness with the show’s main event soon to be decided, the road to Taking Hold of the Flame had been quite interesting in its own right.
Aaron could certainly attest to that a few weeks ago when he walked into Fatal Fortunes not knowing what to expect but having a few things he was hopeful for and ended up walking out as the number one contender to the World Championship. This eliminated the need to concern himself with the battle royal this year like many others as an alternate path to the stage everybody wanted to reach opened up before him, and all he would need to do to get there was overcome one person… a person he had yet to be able to defeat in SCW.
As the pay-per-view grew closer, things certainly seemed to be leaning in Bree’s favor somewhat. After barely escaping from her World Title defense in Fatal Fortunes via an ironman Match draw, she hadn’t been tasked with competing until the show itself, leaving SCW to spend one week putting together a unique and impressive video package that highlighted their rivalry and especially their war from last year’s Rise to Greatness as both of them and many of their closest friends and allies weighed in with their own thoughts on the scenario. Then, just days ago, Bree had spent a good amount of time making it clear just how confident she was in what she believed was her inevitable victory that Sunday before leaving Aaron to compete in hopes that he would, once again, not be at a hundred percent when they locked up. Unfortunately for Bree, that plan fell apart when Aaron ended up defeating Matt Hodges, the same man she’d just barely escaped losing her title to, and while Hodges did attack him after the bell because of this, Alistaire had made sure no significant damage was done and he’d still be giving Bree no injuries to exploit this time around.
While there was no question he’d be a hundred percent physically this time around, mentally could be another story entirely.
Many would be quick to question how focused he truly was on Bree considering Shilo Valiant still saw fit to bring his name up as a means of trying to incite some sort of reaction, on top of him not thinking twice about joining Ali and Peyton in coming to Blake and Owen’s aid when The Wonderland saw fit to try and make a mess of the Tag Title picture all because of whatever ‘Lizard Kingdom’ rant Giovanni had given his followers that night. Those doubts, however, were extinguished as well in the victory over Hodges as all the creative soul focused on throughout that entire battle was the man right in front of him, not anyone else trying to divert his attention or even the woman waiting for him on Sunday night with SCW’s biggest prize at stake.
That said, Aaron’s performance against Hodges gave no clear signs that there were still a few problems that threatened to distract him at the worst possible time.
After Liane suddenly snapped and lost herself to her violent other self in a blind attempt to attack a woman who had ulterior motives to her ‘psychological’ approach, Aaron had been going the extra mile to make sure she was in a good place mentally so nothing like that would ever happen again, and while Liane’s hand would heal and she was insistent on her husband-to-be not needing to give her so much extra attention, he still put her ahead of himself because, as he put it, ‘any harm she was inflicting on herself, even unintentionally, hurt him to have to see.’ The idea of Liane falling apart clearly did not sit well with him, which made the burden on his own mind even worse. While it was virtually impossible to tell from his performance on Breakdown, the nightmare Aaron had on that same night Liane had been shoved past her breaking point hadn’t been a one-time deal. No matter how it played out, the basic idea had been the same: Aaron trying to fight off the many issues weighing heavily on his mind and ultimately failing because no matter how hard he tried, his words fell on deaf ears and his actions had little effect.
A phone call to Dr. James Marsh-Asher, however, not only made it clear the woman who had antagonized Liane was not affiliated with him or his associates at all, despite her claims, and would be dealt with soon enough, but Aaron had also been provided a piece to the puzzle he’d been overlooking this whole time.
The couple had made their way to Newark and settled in so Aaron could give his undivided attention to Taking Hold of the Flame and the World Title match, although that was easier said than done when the artist felt his mind being pulled in so many different directions. Thankfully, Liane had already made sure her schedule was cleared so she could watch him compete, meaning she wouldn’t have to try and explain why her hand was all wrapped up and she could just quietly relax so Aaron could worry about the opportunity at hand (which was something she needed to remind him of a few times for good measure). With no sign of the woman who had only added more fuel to this fire, that only left the nightmares standing between the creative soul and absolute focus.
“Damn it…”
Of course, it wouldn’t be a challenge in his life if it was that easy to overcome.
While tonight hadn’t seen the nightmare rear its ugly head again yet, the inability to fall asleep wasn’t going to bring Aaron one step closer to where he wanted to be when all was set and done. No matter how much he tossed and turned or had Liane snuggled up to him or anything else that would knock any normal person out cold for the night, sleep just would not come to the poor sleep-deprived individual. Seeing that the clock was displaying a time still quite early in the morning, he could only let out a yawn and drag his body out of bed, apologizing to Liane as she briefly awoke to question him. His tired mind decided that maybe going for a walk would not only help to clear his head but also wear his body down enough that he could finally, with any luck, get some proper rest at last, which is why he’d thrown on some workout shorts and a shirt and made his way down to the lobby via the stairs, where he paced around for a few minutes with apologies to the front desk for doing so before stepping outside. He was immediately hit with a much cooler temperature than he’d be dealing with during the day, but it didn’t deter him as he walked the streets for a little bit, never straying too far from the hotel and thinking all the while about what it was he truly needed to do to conquer the nightmares and the message they were trying to tell him.
When he finally began making his way back to the hotel after a little while, he’d at least settled on the conclusion that the nightmare had a definitive link to the World Title match and what Bree had been preaching leading up to the bout, though the waters were still a bit muddied by several other factors that he was trying to figure out the significance of. It wouldn’t be recurring as much as it was or bother him to this extent for no reason, after all, and once he figured it out, maybe he’d know what he needed to do to dethrone Bree and finally reach the very top of the mountain.
“Excuse me, do you have a few minutes?”
With the hotel’s doors in sight and hopes that he could finally let himself be claimed by his dreams to see what awaited him tonight, he suddenly found his path blocked off by someone who clearly wanted to talk with him. Something about her voice seemed to set off alarm bells in his head, but it wasn’t until he’d taken a moment to rub some of the oncoming drowsiness from his eyes that he found them narrowing into a glare all on their own. While he’d only caught a fleeting glimpse of her the last time, he’d seen enough to know that everything matches up with the description Liane gave after she’d calmed down once this woman was done doing whatever ‘job’ she thought she was working on. Remembering what Dr. Marsh-Asher had advised, he tried to simply move past the woman and ignore her, but she was adamant in staying in front of him no matter what. Even though he was giving her the silent treatment, she decided to carry on as though he’d given her the OK to do so.
“You’ll have to forgive me, but this is actually kind of important. My name’s Nancy, and I’m actually apprenticing with the office where Dr. Marsh-Asher practices to get some real-world experience for-”
“Sorry, but that’s not going to work twice.”
It was a blunt response, but it immediately silenced Nancy and left her looking shocked that it had actually been said. Aaron had sounded stern enough to make it clear he wasn’t going to buy into whatever story she wanted to spin, but ensured there was no malice she could twist to get whatever info she was hoping to pry out of him. Despite this, she continued to make sure she blocked his path to try and force him to get physical if he wanted to just avoid this, and he wasn’t going to take that bait either. He simply turned and began walking away from the hotel, his tired body making it known that it disapproved of any decision that took him farther away from bed right now but he made ditching this vulture top priority so he could better his chances of maybe getting some decent rest tonight. Despite this, Nancy followed him, making sure to stay in a position where she could cut him off if he suddenly whipped around and tried to bolt past her.
“Look Mr. Blackbourne, I’m sorry if this is a bad time, given the late hour and all, but I’m only looking to help-”
At the sound of that, Aaron stopped and slowly turned to glare at her, which froze her in her tracks but didn’t keep her from moving her pencil to the little booklet she had at the ready.
“Help? Sorry, but I don’t consider anyone who antagonizes my fiancée the way you did as ‘helpful’ in any sense of the word.”
“I’m… sorry that you feel the need to make such baseless accusations towards me, but I should remind you that a threatening tone of voice like that out in public could be taken any number of different ways by law enforcement if I choose to get them involved. I don’t think that would reflect well on someone who’s on the verge of potentially his greatest achievement yet… assuming you can actually get the job done, of course.”
That tiny little barb was enough to open the floodgates, and almost immediately he could hear the voices pounding in his head… the same ones that haunted his dreams for weeks, giving him no opening to truly respond while slowly breaking down whatever confidence he had in his ability to overcome the challenge standing between him and being able to join his friends in saying he’d made it to the top at long last. While he gave no visible indication for Nancy to assume she’d broken through the shield he’d been trying to put up against her, she took his silence as a sign that she’d made some progress and pushed ahead.
“Mr. Blackbourne, I really don’t want to question the way you live your life, but I find it hard to justify your ability to contribute anything of real value to those around you. True, you make enough money to contribute to supporting yourself and your future wife, but her career seems to be taking off while yours appears to keep stalling. I don’t know what goes on in your head, but the line between fantasy and reality has to be drawn somewhere, and I’d assume it’s only a matter of time before-”
Nancy continued to go on, but Aaron slowly lost track of her voice among the cacophony of echoes ringing in his head that were all saying virtually the exact same thing. The justifications that he would fail against Bree or never reach the same level as Owen and Alisatire and even Peyton, the claims that he could never be of any real help to anybody because he was too much of a mess to fix himself, the fears that despite his best efforts he was only going to be a burden on those who associated with him and drag down their chances of being successful and achieving their dreams and goals as a result. He drew in a sharp breath and shook his head, trying to empty his mind and focus on trying to get out of this conversation before this woman was able to get a hold of anything she didn’t need to be knowing about him.
“What is the point of you even bothering to try and push me like this? What are you even hoping to gain from me?”
“I’m afraid I’m the one asking the questions here, Mr. Blackbourne.”
Trying to turn the tables and get some answers himself had only hit a brick wall, which was becoming all too familiar territory for him, unfortunately. It had been the case with Bree every time they had crossed paths before and it had been the same song and dance with many both in the SCW locker room and out in the world that were locked into the belief that Aaron Blackbourne simply was not meant to make anything of himself, no matter how hard he tried.
“There are many in the world who know exactly what to say and do to get whatever they want, and those same people tend to refuse to listen to whatever logic would normally invalidate their ways. The best way to deal with them is to simply focus on what’s most important to you and ignore them.”
It was at that moment that Dr. Marsh-Asher’s words from their most recent conversation pierced through the maddening maelstrom within his mind, and his eyes widened as it finally completely dawned on him what he’d been missing up to this point. True, he could stand in front of a camera and speak his piece to Bree Lancaster when the time came to do so, but he was never going to get her to believe she was superior to him and everyone else just because she was so fixated on that belief and trying to force it down everyone else’s throats. This woman standing before him, like Bree, like so many others he’d come across in his life and would meet somewhere down the line as well, was only interested in what mattered most to her and getting it by any means necessary, and he’d almost allowed her to lead him astray and fall victim to her tactics just because she knew what buttons to push. As the haze in his mind began to clear and realization was beginning to assemble the puzzle of what he truly needed to do at long last, he began to make his way back to the hotel. Nancy continued to stay in front of him, calling to him to try and get his attention and making more claims and accusations in hopes he’d bite on any of them and give her something, anything. Finally, they were at the point where he could simply go back inside the lobby, but Nancy practically threw herself in front of the doors and tried to spread her body as wide as possible to prevent him from escaping her. At this, he confused her with a smile as he finally gave in and spoke again, though it was not what she was hoping to hear.
“Look, Nancy… I don’t know why you seem obsessed with harassing Liane and I or what you hope to gain from it, but you’re only going to make yourself a ton of enemies along the way. Maybe that’s not important to you so long as you get whatever you’re after, but no matter what you say or do, you aren’t going to stand in my way or change my mind, just as I know I clearly won’t be able to change yours.”
Nancy went to reply to this, but she’d just barely opened her mouth before the sound of someone clearing their throat caught both individuals’ attention. They turned to stare at a security guard who was leaning against the wall near the entrance and wasn’t looking too pleased with what he’d just heard. Aaron slowly and calmly pulled out the key card to his room to confirm he was a guest at the hotel, and the guard turned his focus to Nancy who was unable to provide the same thing and found herself being shooed away from the door unless she wanted this to escalate with someone she really didn’t want to be messing with. Aaron gave her one last look as he moved past her, his path now clear to return to his room and attempt to catch up on some much-needed sleep. It wasn’t a look of hatred or smugness that he’d managed to win this little impromptu chess game… only a look that made it clear he was keeping an eye open for her going forward if she wanted to keep pursuing whatever she was looking for out of both him and his beloved. Once Aaron was well out of sight and she’d been forced away from the premises, Nancy simply growled in anger before storming off, but not before muttering an ominous warning that only she could hear.
“I hope you sleep well Aaron… because like it or not, I’m going to expose the truth. People will know the real you, and I’ll get to reap the benefits of being the one who exposed the insanity of the man who prides himself on his imagination.”
Every time he found himself here, it was always the same. Nothing but an endless void that stretched on for eternity surrounding him in all directions, leaving him all alone. At least, until THEY started to emerge from the abyss to break him down and erode his confidence in himself and what he could do.
Not tonight… he thought. Tonight, I’m ready for it…
When sleep had finally claimed his tired body, there was a small hope that he would just have a normal dream tonight or anything that would at least allow him to actually get the rest he so desperately needed. He wasn’t surprised when the familiar arena of nothingness greeted him, though, but this time he knew what he had to do. It wouldn’t be long before he’d find himself face to face with something, and then the trial would begin anew. Time ticked away, however, and Aaron couldn’t help but look around in confusion. While he had no way of truly knowing how much time was passing by, he knew that by this point he’d normally be surrounded and desperately trying to find a solution to get free and put an end to this nightly struggle. Over the past several weeks, his nightmares and the fears they’d latched onto could never wait to start this game, but tonight they were nowhere to be found. And yet, he was still here…
It was at this moment that something caught his attention. Something new, something he hadn’t encountered yet in all the times he’d gone through this scenario up to this point. Looking straight above where he stood, instead of more of the darkness he’d slowly grown accustomed to, he found a bright light piercing through the veil, well out of reach unfortunately but it almost felt like it was calling to him, offering him a way out of this Hell and a chance to finally be somewhere else he felt he deserved to be. And yet, there seemed to be no way to reach it, and the creative soul began to wonder if it was just a new trick meant to make him lower his guard so the abominations could emerge and begin to tear him apart.
When he looked away from the light and realized that rocky walls circling all around him had emerged from the shadows and given him a change of scenery, it finally began to click.
Even if this was a new scenario to this nightmare, Aaron felt as though he was being asked to do something he’d done so many times in the past, and immediately set to work as he sprinted towards the wall in front of him and began to climb. He never looked up at the light that he now had a path towards, nor did he look down towards the bottom he was finally pulling away from, only towards wherever he needed to grab next in order to get to where he wanted to go. Under normal circumstances, one wrong move would spell certain doom as he had no way to protect himself if he fell, but he shrugged that off and kept climbing. So long as he stayed focused on what was right in front of him, he’d be fine. Just grab one stone at a time and go from there…
“Come on Aaron! That’s it! Climb the same path as everyone else! Prove that all you know how to do is follow in the footsteps of your superiors and claim it’s something unique to you!”
As Aaron had reached what looked like a little cliff where he could potentially take a small break, he found the space occupied by one of the entities who’d been strangely absent from this picture before now. To some degree, he wasn’t surprised the first encounter was the silhouette wearing the Shilo mask, jumping all around as though it were some kind of cheerleader as it ‘cheered’ him on, pom-poms and all. It even pointed them towards the next stone, which was right above its head and suddenly glowing gold. In fact, a path of gold was slowly beginning to light up moving towards the light streaming in from above, and there was no surprise as to what the pompous pep rally was meant to accomplish. He’d heard Shilo’s attempt to dedicate his speech regarding the battle royal solely to him, and this was just an extension of his mockery to follow the exact same path he had taken once before to prove he was nothing more than a carbon copy of the clown that had been trying to haunt his head for months now.
Not this time… he mentally repeated to himself as he made it up onto the cliff. The silhouette was watching with glee as Aaron approached the glowing stones, but that glee quickly faded when he grabbed on and began to climb all the same. He worked his way up, knowing that he could take any number of paths to get to where he was going, but at the end of the day someone would always claim he was following in their footsteps and would attempt to pick away at the creativity he valued most by doing something ‘unoriginal.’ Shilo himself wasn’t the first person to reach the top of the mountain, nor would he be the last, and he certainly wasn’t going to be the only person in SCW or wrestling history to crow about being THE entertainer, but Shilo wasn’t anything he needed to be concerned with. He’d had several chances to make good on the games he was playing and put his own self-satisfaction before progress. No matter how he tried to spin this story, Aaron had no reason to listen. He knew what he needed to do, and if it bothered the jester that much then he could be the one to give chase this time.
“Why are you climbing that path? Didn’t you hear me!? You’re just going to copy me and keep pretending this is original? You’re supposed to be the creative soul! You’re supposed to do something crazy and different to stand out from the crowd! Get back here! This isn’t how this story is supposed to go!”
The masked silhouette’s cries fell on deaf ears, and soon they faded entirely. Aaron didn’t know if he disappeared or was simply out of earshot now, but his eyes remained focused on the task at hand even as the glow that illuminated his path faded away. The nightmare had its chance to follow after him, and if it wasn’t going to do so then it had no one to blame but itself for failing to deter him. The ascent continued and the light grew closer, but Aaron didn’t dare to look up. Once that end goal was within reach, then it would become his concern, but until then he still needed to work his way up there. The climb was grueling and his body was beginning to ache, but he continued to push forward, determined to see this through no matter what.
“Oh look, it’s the guy who thinks he belongs with today’s top stars! Trying to work his way up there again… isn’t that cute?”
Another cliff was in sight, and as soon as Aaron grabbed onto it he found his ears being assaulted by the sound of voices speaking in unison. He shook it off and went to start pulling himself up, only to feel a hand on his head pushing him down like someone trying to make their pet understand they shouldn’t be trying to climb up to someplace they didn’t need to be. Unsurprisingly, as he looked up he locked eyes with the Beauty Factory amalgamate that was gladly gloating about how they were the best and always would be as they tried to keep pushing him down, though they began to grow annoyed when Aaron continued to force himself upward despite their best efforts. They screeched and yelled and began kicking at him to try and send him back to the bottom ‘where he belonged’ but the creative soul grit his teeth and finally forced himself up onto the ledge, which only infuriated them even more.
“Feel happy we’re letting you sit here right now out of the kindness of our hearts, but this is as close as you’re going to get. You’ll never break that glass ceiling because all you know how to do is fail and come up with excuses like so many have done when they’ve been beaten by- hey! Get back here!”
Somewhere in their ranting and raving, the fused entity had taken their eye off of him while basking in their own self-worth and other things that were irrelevant to the man making this perilous climb. They got no response from him to rebuke, no forced attempt to remove them from this perch, but their own distraction was more than enough for him to duck past them and continue his fight towards the very top. They had tried to pull him back down and had managed to grab his ankle, but through sheer force of will, the determined soul had managed to pull himself free and get his body out of reach. He could hear them climbing after him, yelling all the while at how he wasn’t going to make it, and especially not while they had anything to say about it, but his attention never wavered from the next stone he needed to grab and so on. At some point, he’d returned to hearing only silence, and while it was music to his ears he continued on with his task, pushing his body onward no matter how much it was pleading for a break or just to stop altogether. He could feel he was getting closer… he didn’t know what was waiting for him, but he knew that was his final destination and that was all that mattered right now. His road to the top was getting easier to see as the light he was chasing began to illuminate what little was left of his journey, and that only pushed him to climb faster, knowing it would soon be over.
“I think someone’s getting a little TOO confident in themselves now. Isn’t that supposed to be a bad thing, Aaron?”
Before he even had a chance to register the twisted voice that had created more than its fair share of horror stories alone for him, he had to pull back his hand as the next rock he was reaching towards was grabbed first by a bloody hand. Aaron quickly dug his feet into the wall and clung tighter to the stone he still held, but his grip was nearly broken as he felt something slam into him from the side. He cringed from the impact and turned to meet his assailant, finding himself face-to-face with the horrifying visage of the man who had nearly destroyed him and his family all because he simply could.
“You really don’t get it, after all this time, huh? You may be able to ignore everything else, but you know you can never ignore the man you killed. SCW still allowed you to compete even after they knew full well you’d taken a life, and you tried to carry on as though you were still the saint who could do no wrong, cheered by a crowd of bloodthirsty bastards who don’t care about you, just how much you can hurt someone else and be hurt in return. You really think you should keep going, even in the face of all of that?”
Aaron grit his teeth, shifting his gaze away from the apparition of Dylan and back to the path before him. He managed to reach around the nightmare to another rock nearby and used that to work his way past, but Dylan kept pace, throwing any shot he could at the artist’s body to try and finally make him let go and plummet into the abyss below, but Aaron continued to force his way to the top, step by step, stone by stone. Growling like a feral animal, Dylan climbed up next to Aaron again and suddenly leaped onto his back, trying to use his weight to jerk the persistent dream chaser off the wall and to a shared demise, but despite the agonizing pain coursing through every muscle, he continued to climb. Even slowed down by the extra weight he was being forced to carry, he refused to yield even as Dylan yelled in his ear and made him feel the blood pouring from the wound on his throat as it trailed down his back, reminding him of the sins that he believed would forever weigh upon his shoulders.
Just as Aaron began to slow to a virtual crawl, Dylan’s physical and verbal assault finally beginning to take its toll, something began to reach his ears. Even though it still sounded a ways away, he allowed himself to focus on it to drown out Dylan’s vitriol. Slowly, he allowed himself to look back up at the light for the first time since he was still at the very bottom, and within it, he could see the source of the sound: Owen, Alistaire, Peyton, Kelcey, Liane and her siblings, his parents and brothers and many more… all of them were cheering him on, shouting his name and reaching out their hands to him, reminding him that he wasn’t doing this just for himself. His efforts were all born of the hope that people had in him, the faith that he could succeed even against the critics who believed he was never meant to make it. No matter how many times he fell, they would support him until he was back on his feet and trying again. They knew he wasn’t perfect and there was a chance he may not succeed, but they kept him going until he finally did. After all, how often did someone ever succeed on this climb the first time around?
“You really think they’re going to make a difference? Maybe you need a reminder of just how much your fate is set in stone, no matter how much you think you can keep fighting.”
Aaron didn’t know what Dylan was getting at now, but he didn’t care. Fueled by the support that was only a few more steps away, Aaron began his climb again, fighting through the pain caused by the burden on his back that was hellbent on trying to destroy his chances once again. Seeing that Aaron was gaining ground again, Dylan did something that caused Aaron to stop once again, this time not out of pain and fatigue, but out of shock. In an instant, the weight he’d been carrying was no more, and he allowed himself to glance down only briefly to find that Dylan had thrown himself from his back and was plunging into the shadows below. It was an unexpected move and there were clear warning signs that something was amiss, but Aaron shook his head and tried to push forward.
“He’s just trying to play games again… trying to play on my conscience all over again for something he did to himself. He’s trying to rattle me… I just have to ignore it and keep pushing- AH!”
Aaron’s attempt to talk himself into continuing, knowing full well the kind of games Dylan was capable of regardless of whether he was alive or simply haunting his dreams, but just when he could feel himself being fingertips away, his digits gently grazing the proverbial glass ceiling made literal as one last obstacle he would need to overcome to reach everyone waiting for him on the other side, he found himself suddenly falling a bit and desperately grabbed onto the first stone he could to stop his descent, but it didn’t take away from the weight that was suddenly pulling at his legs. Gritting his teeth, the creative soul tried to make up the distance he’d lost, trying to ignore whatever was attempting to pull him off the wall despite its best efforts to hinder his ascent.
The ungodly scream boomed from below him, the force from the noise alone rippling through his body in a manner reminiscent of feeling the force of an explosion even when he stood a safe distance away. As whatever held his legs made another strong pull to try and put an end to his endeavors, Aaron was finally forced to see exactly what was attempting to stop him now as he did his best to reposition himself to avoid falling any further, and what greeted his eyes horrified him.
Slowly rising out of the void below was a terrifying mass of flesh and blood that would put any of the most disturbing and gut-churning horror monsters ever created to shame. Within the writhing mass, he could make out vague shapes that called to mind not only Dylan, but also everyone who had ever hindered him on this climb in the past, everyone who tried to force him to accept that this was as far as he’d ever go. As if to further illustrate this, the disgusting blob slowly began to take on an overall form that vaguely resembled the woman that stood between him and becoming World Champion, roaring out at a deafening pitch as it continued to use the sickening tendril it had wrapped around Aaron’s leg to dislodge him. The tendril began to split, writhing around both of his legs now as it began twisting them in ways legs were never meant to bend and twist, trying to almost break them if necessary and take away whatever hope Aaron had left of making it to the top. As he felt his hands slipping, he began to realize that no matter how much fight he had left, there were still some limitations that would hinder him no matter how hard he tried to push through it. With tears beginning to form, Aaron turned to give the crowd showering him with support the most apologetic look he could muster for giving it his best shot.
In that moment, as he stared at each and every person and saw exactly how much they were still throwing their support behind him, believing that he could find a way to ignore this and push through like he’d done every other obstacle that had been standing in his way, he found his gaze locking with that of Kelcey, the woman who had been willing to take him under her wing despite not knowing him but believing in the resolve he showed no matter what threatened to rattle him, and an epiphany began to form… one that could change the entire complexion of the battle that separated him from everyone who believed in him.
With a smile slowly gracing his lips… Aaron let go.
The eldritch horror let out a triumphant roar, confident in its victory as it opened a gaping maw for the creative soul to fall into, ending his attempts to reach the promised land once and for all. That roar, however, began to turn to one of surprise and even fear as it saw Aaron twist his body around, ignoring the pain surging through his damaged legs as he managed to force his body to angle away from the mouth that threatened to swallow him whole, his palm throat forward as the warrior seemed to be propelling himself TOWARDS the abomination. The creature tried to find some way to stop whatever he had planned, but by this point, the impact was all but certain. Before it even had a chance to fully register what Aaron had done, his palm was smashing the amorphous creature right between where its eyes would be if it were the human being it was mimicking the shape of. Aaron slowly seemed to sink into the horror at first as it appeared to absorb the impact, but just as quickly as he’d struck, he was suddenly being rebounded and hurtling up towards his finish line as the monster was swallowed by the darkness it had emerged from, one final unholy screech of pain being its final call.
The last thing Aaron remembered before waking up from this dream was his body crashing through the glass ceiling, watching as its shards floated down into the abyss where he’d once been trapped, the deafening roar of delight from all those who supported him as he could finally join them on the other side… while it may have been a dream, he knew the fight to get there was just as real, and so would the feeling of finally making the end of this dream a reality at long last.
It’s not often that when Aaron Blackbourne addresses a task at hand that he will step in front of the camera to do so, but that is the rare sight we are greeted to this evening as we find the creative soul standing in what appears to be an art studio of some kind, dressed in blue jeans and one of the many shirts bearing one of his custom designs from over the years. Maybe it’s not a fancy appearance that screams “champion” the moment it hits your eyes, but Aaron will always take comfort and functionality over fashion any day of the week. Besides, we’re not here to be impressed by his choice of clothing right now. We’re here to listen to what he has to say about the opportunity sitting before him.
“February 16th, 2020 in Dallas, Texas… on that night, while many others were concerned with how well they would be able to get along with the teams that were formed to chase after a set of contracts that virtually gave you any one match of your choice within the next year, I was staring down a different challenge. In a rare moment where the Trios Tournament was given a break, I challenged for the SCW World Championship for the very first time. I’m not going to stand here and mince words… I gave James Evans everything I had. Every last bit of heart and soul I had to give, I threw it all at him, and on that night it simply wasn’t enough. But on that night, I earned the respect of a man who does not give such a thing out so easily, and while that night was not my time to ascend to the proverbial throne, I made a believer out of him and many others that perhaps my time wasn’t as far off as many wanted to believe.
July 21st, 2019… on that night, in front of the biggest crowd SCW can possibly draw and under the brightest of lights, I could make this exact same claim. Challenging Bree Lancaster for the United States Title, I walked into that match the victim of an attempt on my life just forty-eight hours prior, knowing full well I wasn’t at a hundred percent and that Bree would not hesitate to take full advantage. And yet, even in the face of all of that, I still pushed myself far beyond what my body was reasonably capable of and almost took that title away from her. In the aftermath of that clash, I saw a sight that I never thought I would see… as much as I know she’ll deny it so long as she has breathe in her lungs to devote to protesting it, I saw the high and mighty ruler of Breemerica step down from her perch briefly to recognize that I gave her a fight I should not have been able to and left a very important question hanging in the air that she couldn’t answer then, despite what she claims today:
What would have happened had I not been attacked by a man who only cared about his own plans and nothing else?
I could keep going, listing off every time I’ve found my fingers grazing the coveted brass ring only to fall short at the very end, but I think it’s clear that I’m not this ‘perfect wrestler’ that’s going to succeed on my first try every single time I step up to bat. I never once claimed that I was anywhere remotely close to that idea. But any time I have fallen short, did I complain about it? Did I cry foul and expect something to be fixed? Did I believe I was being forced to compete at a level lower than where I thought I belonged and complain every single night until I got my way? No… every single time, I just started the climb again, busting my ass to get back to that point, learning and improving along the way. I could bring up a few key points, facts that paint a very clear picture of the challenges I have to fight through that are more than just whoever is standing in front of me, but I’m not going to… after all, there are many out there who would see these facts as ‘excuses’ because it doesn’t fit their narrative, just as the idea of Aaron Blackbourne finally succeeding at long last goes against everything that those who believe themselves to be untouchable want to force you to accept because it allows them to justify any web they wish to weave.
It’s funny how those who claim I have a ceiling I will always hit will conveniently forget that they often come from those same beginnings.”
At this, Aaron walks over to something hidden beneath a giant tarp, the camera following his movements as he removes the cover to reveal what’s hidden underneath: several paintings, all faithful recreations of still frames from the history of SCW that all have one thing in common: the sight of Bree Lancaster failing, despite her best efforts to capture championship gold. Of particular note are a few paintings in front of all the others, portraying moments that longtime followers of SCW will remember as matches where Bree had her own chance to become World Champion but fell short right at the finish line. The camera pans in and lingers on these shots for a moment as Aaron continues.
“For as much as Bree likes to throw around the concept of the glass ceiling, she’s lost herself to her own version of history to the point where she doesn’t even realize that her current reign as World Champion is the first time where she herself finally broke through that barrier. She’s had so many more chances than I have up to this point, and even with any other title she’s challenged for she can’t always make the claim that she succeeded on her very first attempt. I’m sure you’ve heard those same exact words you spoke to me leave someone else’s mouth in reference to you once upon a time Bree, but to admit to it now would unravel this carefully laid story you’ve written out about how you are the all-conquering double champion ruling over the land of Supreme who will never be dethroned because you are the best, bar none.
Those who indulge themselves too much in the feeling of absolute glory will often forget that they are as human as anybody else, up until it’s too late.
Of course, the claim could easily be made that none of this matters because I’m not any of the opponents she couldn’t overcome to reach the top of the mountain, and she could console herself with the idea that she has beaten me in every single one of our past encounters. That, I will concede to her. The problem, though, is that when you become too complacent entertaining the idea that some things will always stay the same, you tend to expose that one crack in the armor that will ultimately turn your entire world on its head as a concept you perceived to be impossible becomes a reality. If we’re being honest with ourselves Bree… aside from the heart and fight I’ve displayed every single time in the past, when’s the last time I’ve ever approached you the same way as I did previously? And when’s the last time I didn’t have to force you to adapt in order to find a way to keep me down?”
The camera pans back as Aaron slowly walks over to an easel with another canvas set up on it, though this canvas is facing away from us so we cannot tell what, if anything, rests upon it yet. Aaron takes a seat in front of it and grabs a brush, taking a moment to slowly wave his arm around as proof that despite Bree’s best wishes, Aaron will be entering their match in perfect physical condition this time, before he starts to get to work. As he does so, he motions with his head to another painting that’s already framed right behind him, displaying a rather abstract image with Bree at the center surrounded by a ring of speech bubbles, each one filled with the face of someone else that will only find themselves mentioned with this one visual and no further, as much as I’m sure some of them are disappointed just praying to hear their names leave the lips of the determined artist.
“Up to this point, one of the most prevalent questions that has been thrown around is whether or not I’m actually focused on this match. After all, I’m sure I could produce a laundry list of excuses all linking back to anyone else on the SCW roster as being on my mind when that bell rings. And yet… I’m sitting here right now, addressing one person and one person only, and that’s you Bree. I walked into Breakdown and competed against a man who, despite your claims otherwise, you ultimately could not truly put away… and I overcame that challenge. Could I have managed to succeed where you had to settle for a draw at best if my undivided attention wasn’t on the one thing standing right in front of me as opposed to anything else? And yet, you have no problem throwing around any number of names to try and prove a point, knowing full well that one of those names could be waiting for us at Rise to Greatness, just as hungry for World Championship gold as I am going into taking Hold of the Flame.
I guess the question needs to be asked: who’s the one that needs to worry about being focused on this match?
Truth be told, it would not surprise me if you really are looking past me Bree. It goes back to your belief that you are, and always will be, better than me, so why worry about what you believe is a foregone conclusion when the biggest show of the year is just over the hill, waiting for you to cement your place in the main event against whoever you believe will be good enough to win the battle royal only to bow before you on the grandest stage of them all? Of course, she could easily turn right around and respond to this with a statement claiming that she is focused only on me despite what she’s said leading up to this match, and that leads me to the one thing I’ve taken away more than anything else from reflecting on our previous encounters, the one thing that makes this match different from all the rest.
In the mind of Bree Lancaster, she is always right no matter what anyone else says or brings up as proof that she is wrong. Bree’s beliefs are one hundred percent infallible at all times.
I’ve come to realize that no matter what I say to you Bree, you will always believe I am in the wrong, that I’m either lying to try and make YOU fit into MY narrative and not the other way around ‘like it’s supposed to be’ or concocting excuses in some attempt to ‘save face’ when your perception of the inevitable happens. Whenever I’ve spoken to you before, I always made it a point to address you in a way that was designed primarily to try and force you to change your tune, to make you accept that even you can be wrong sometimes. But come Sunday night, when I walk into the Prudential Center to challenge for SCW’s crown jewel once more, I know that everything I’ve said to you here today will have fallen on deaf ears. To you, the only outcome that can possibly happen is you walking into Rise to Greatness as a double champion, and nothing I say or do will alter that in any way. I said everything I needed to say anyway, not because I’m awaiting your response to see how my words can be twisted as proof that you are as high and mighty as you like to believe, but because I needed to remind MYSELF that no matter how persistent you are in shoving your vision down my throat, there was a point in time where we actually weren’t that different from one another. And if Bree Lancaster can shatter that glass ceiling at long last with nothing but the hopes and dreams of herself and those she calls her friends…
Why can’t Aaron Blackbourne do the same?”
With that, Aaron puts down his brush and slowly turns the easel around, revealing the linework for a painting that depicts him soaring through a literal glass ceiling, holding the World Title high above his head as the sky slowly becomes the new limit for the man who has always pushed himself farther and farther, knowing that eventually, this won’t just be an image drawn onto a canvas, but a tangible reality that was brought to life through the support of those who believed in him and every last quality that makes this man who he is today. This is the image Aaron leaves us on, allowing our gaze to linger on it a little longer to take in what could be after Sunday night in Newark as he moves on, knowing there’s still work to do to ascend to that higher plane he knows he’s destined to reach, no matter how many times those like Bree will claim otherwise.
Posts: 434
Threads: 79
Joined: Jul 2018
Handles: Bree Lancaster; Kandis, Amy Chastaine
Status: Active
All Accounts Posts: 582
OOC: Appearances with approval again, thanks. This was pretty ambitious with all the things I needed to look up. I wrote the ENTIRE THING today. Good luck Ruppy, always a pleasure.
Taking Hold of the Flame 2020 #2
SCW: 87 - 48 - 8 || Career 97 - 60 - 9
SCW Television Champion
1X SCW Adrenaline Champion
2X SCW World Champion
3X SCW United States Champion
2X SCW Tag Team Champion
(1X W/ Blake Mason; 1X W/ Scott Burnside Andrew Raynes)
1X SCW Women's Champion
Supreme Champion
2020 Female of the Year
2016 Star of Tomorrow
Only 2X VWA Evolution Champion
~~ Amy Chastaine ~~
SCW: 63 - 30 - 6 || Career: 120 - 75 - 15
1X SCW Tag Team Champion - W/ Kennedy Street [B.A.E.]
1X SCW Adrenaline Champion | 1X SCW United States Champion
1X SCW Television Champion | 1X SCW World Champion
SCW Hall of Fame Class of 2020
Supreme Champion * First Female * Fastest Time
2017 Female of the Year | 2017 Shot of Adrenaline Winner
2015 Star of Tomorrow | 2015 Rookie of the Year
Final VWA World Champion
Total (All Characters):