Katie Steward vs. Crystal Zdunich
3 RP limit for singles

Deadline: 11:59:59 pm ET Saturday, September 12, 2020
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I love AJ Allmendinger and Louis Deletraz.
SCW Goddess | Katie Steward | "The Big OTG" 

{The episode starts with Katie Steward and TJ Johnson sitting in a backstage of a car. Their both on their respective sides and they sit there kinda of quiet. TJ smiles looking happy as he just likes having Katie around again.}

TJ Johnson: Hey Katie, I’m really happy that you’re back and we can be doing this kind of stuff again. This is fun.

Katie Steward: I know what you mean, TJ. I did miss this stuff too and you’re right. This is going to be a lot of fun. What were going to do is going to make everyone so angry and they’re going to hate it. Oh my Goddess, I’m getting excited just thinking about it.

TJ Johnson: Those few months off really worked for you, didn’t it? Never seen you this excited about anything you’ve done in SCW for awhile.

Katie Steward: Wow that is scary to think about, but it’s true. Not even Taking Hold of the Flame got me excited and that’s my anniversary event. Whatever. I’m back now and feeling great. That’s what’s important. Are you ready to do this?

TJ Johnson: Yeah, of course, but what are we doing here again?

Katie Steward: Just to show that I’m ready to return and explain why I’m the One True Goddess of this world.

{TJ nods at Katie’s answer as he understands fully of what she means. They open the car doors and as they do the scene drops it’s color and goes black and white. Katie and TJ step out of the car as they’re dressed in nice suits and put of a couple of stylists hat. Katie also grabs a faux fox fur and throws it over her shoulder. The two of then walk up to the front steps of the house they’re at which happens to be the home of Mr. D. Katie uses the knocker on the door to knock three times.}

{The door opens up by an older gentlemen. Not too elderly, still very fit and looks rather strong. Like he’s seen a war or two and he goes by the General.}

General: Ms. Steward, Mr. Johnson. Welcome. I’ll alert them that you arrived.

{The General turns and walks away as Katie and TJ walk into the lobby of the home. Katya D. walks down the stairs and to a nearby table where she checks some mail. Her head turns and notices Katie and TJ and her interest peaks.}

Katya D.: Katie, what are you doing here? Who did you come here to see?

{Katya walks over and checks them out very suspicious of the two.}

Katie Steward: We’re just here to talk to Sasha. Tell her some ideas that I had that I was interested in doing.

Katya D.: Um Huh…

{Katya listens to Katie’s answer as she circles around TJ checking him out in his nice suit. Katya casually trips and falls into TJ. TJ having no choice, but to catch her while Katie watches.}

{The General walks back into the room and looks unphrased by Katya playful nature.}

General: He’ll see the two of you now and Ms. Katya you do have some other appointments to take care of.

Katie Steward: TJ, if you’re done…

{Katya gently brushes TJ’s coat jacket and helps herself back to her feet and walks away from everyone. TJ struggles to find the words that explains himself.}

TJ Johnson: I.. it wasn’t what it looked like. What was I suppose to do? Just let her fall on her butt?

{Katie doesn’t respond to TJ and just walks by and walks over to the General. She stops right next to him and realizes what he said.}

Katie Steward: Wait, why did you say ‘he’ll’ see us? We’re here to talk to Sasha.

General: He is waiting.

{General turns and walks away as Katie turns to TJ wondering what is happening.}

Katie Steward: If you got us in trouble…

TJ Johnson: I didn’t do anything.

{Katie and TJ walk to Mr. D.’s study and find him sitting behind his desk. A game of solitaire on the computer screen. No skull and bones anywhere, but it doesn’t mean they’re not around.}

Katie Steward: You wanted to talk to us, Mr. D?

TJ Johnson: If this is about what just when down I can explain…

Katie Steward: Yeah, Katya was just trying to sit in TJ’s lap.. while he was standing.

TJ Johnson: What is up with you? You’re acting weird. Are you jealous? You sound jealous.

Katie Steward: (laughs) Yeah, I’m jealous. I’m a Goddess, TJ. I don’t care what bimbo falls into your arms… (turns to Mr. D.) Ugh I mean, she’s not a…

{Mr. D. looks to be annoyed by Katie and TJ at what could be best described as a lovers quarrel and he puts an end to it.}

Mr. D.: Enough.

{Katie and TJ immediately go silence and they stand up straight like their being grilled by an army sergeant.}

Mr. D.: First I was wondering what the two of you were doing here in my home. Then I was wondering why a scene from The Big Sleep was playing out in the main hall, but I guess that’s would explain why the two of you are dressed like you’re in a 1940’s noir film.

TJ Johnson: Is that what we’re doing?

Katie Steward: It’s called a theme and I thought it’ll be fun.

Mr. D.: Do you know why I wanted to see the two of you?

Katie Steward: Just off the top of my head, but something to do with the empty place on the wall over there. Looks perfect spot o mount TJ’s head after hunting for grabbing your daughter.

TJ Johnson: Wait, are we really in the 1940’s now?

Katie Steward: You’re right, TJ. I’m sorry. I’ll drop it now.

Mr. D.: Well you’re right.

TJ Johnson: Oh Hell…

Mr. D.: It’s have something to do with the empty place on the wall, but not what I’m planning to put there, but what use to be there.

Katie Steward: Someone stole something?

Mr. D.: Not just something, but a prized possession. First SCW World Title design. Was quite fond of it. It’s why kept it in my study? Of course I called the proper authorities and their handling the case. Though you two look like you want something to do.

Katie Steward: Sure, we’ll love to help.

{Katie agrees to look into the theft of Mr. D’s priceless missing championship title and her and TJ leave the study together.}

Katie Steward: Oh my Goddess, I can’t believe we’re on an actual case. This is like real noir stuff. Like The Maltese Falcon.

TJ Johnson: But, we don’t know anything about solving cases.

Katie Steward: TJ, I am an actress. I do dozens of stories like this. It shouldn’t be that hard. I’m also a master at my craft so I know all the classics. We got this.

General: Ms. Sasha will see you know.

Katie Steward: Sasha? Oh right, the whole reason why we’re here. I forgot.

{Katie and TJ continue their way and visit with Sasha.}

Sasha D.: Katie, you wanted to see me? What did you want to talk about?

Katie Steward: Oh I just wanted to come by and tell you the last few months were great and I feel like I’m ready to take things to a whole new level. I have some serious plans for what I want to do and SCW will be encapsulated by their One True Goddess again.

Sasha D.: Thar’s great to hear. I look forward to whatever it is you have planned. Was that it?

Katie Steward: Pretty much. Kinda of had some other things too, but kinda got side tracks after talking to your dad,

Sasha D.: Is he still going on about his missing championship title?

Katie Steward: You don’t believe him?

{Sasha shakes her head and walks over to her dresser. She takes out a folded up clothes and unwraps it revealing the title to Katie.}

Sasha D.: I wanted to do something special for him for his birthday so I had it personalizes for him. He doesn’t believe its the original title and someone stole it.

{TJ walks over and checks it out and Katie joins him.}

Katie Steward: What do you think?

TJ Johnson: I don’t know I can’t really see a difference, but to the untrained eye it looks pretty much the same with the exception of Mr. D.’s name. It could be a fake, but who would want to steal it?

Katie Steward: From who SCW has on their roster. I don’t trust any of them. Would you not suspect them trying this as some power play move?

TJ Johnson: I do remember just last week a sandwich I brought to the arena for a show ended up disappearing for the catering fridge.

Katie Steward: No. Not one that your mom makes.

TJ Johnson: No crust.

Katie Steward: Monsters.

Sasha D.: What are you two doing?

Katie Steward: We’re just checking some things out. Everything seems to be good though.

{Katie and TJ walk away and they say their byes to Sasha. They make their way out of the house and start to head home. They get back into the car as the black and white picture flows back into color. Katie sits in the backseat and TJ walks around and gets into the driver side.}

{Katie just stares around the window as she thinks to herself…}

Katie Steward: Well this has been an interesting night. Or maybe I should make that a couple of weeks. I had plan to return to SCW as it’s One True Goddess and if I am successful then no one will beat me, ever. It’s greatest star. Surpassing the likes of CHBK and Jason Zero. Maybe I can also show everyone my more colorful side. The drama club geek that I was from High School. A classic noir story and mystery with a roster full of suspects. The story will always end the same way, Katie Steward always catches her guy… or girl.

{Katie smirks as you can see herself in the reflection on the car window.}

Katie Steward: Things are different from a few months ago. I’m different. SCW is different. One of those things, something new. Crystal Zdunich. The Silver Screen Queen. (laughs) Could I be facing someone who is like me more than I know? Oh my Goddess, it is happening. I’m facing my own challenges. Crystal Zdunich is Katie Steward. Well she’s not because no one can be Katie Steward. To face off against another talented actress like myself. I can only imagine the talent pools that she sat in reading her lines. Probably having some blonde girl next to her. This is going to be a blood bath. Truly fitting for the Apocalypse theme. I’ll bring out the PTSD from her. This is good though. This is really good for me. I need the challenge from Crystal. I need her fire and passion. It’s going to help get me back into the flow of SCW and it’ll be like I never left. It’s only going to propel me faster to my goals and once I achieve it. SCW as a whole will in its best place. So to Crystal I thank you for what would be a good co star performance at Apocalypse and helping the brightest star that is Katie Steward only shine brighter. I will show you why I am the One True Goddess.

{Katie rolls her head away from the window and sits back in her seat watching TJ drive on the road. The scene and the episode begin to fade and end.}

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