09-04-2020, 09:52 AM
3 RP limit for singles
Deadline: 11:59:59 pm ET Saturday, September 12, 2020
Deadline: 11:59:59 pm ET Saturday, September 12, 2020
![[Image: MKl96W9.png]](https://i.imgur.com/MKl96W9.png)
![[Image: bcywcYD.jpg]](https://i.imgur.com/bcywcYD.jpg)
I love AJ Allmendinger and Louis Deletraz.
Jake Starr vs. Holly Adams
09-04-2020, 09:52 AM
3 RP limit for singles
Deadline: 11:59:59 pm ET Saturday, September 12, 2020 ![]() ![]() I love AJ Allmendinger and Louis Deletraz.
09-12-2020, 09:32 PM
![]() OOC: Good luck Jake!
![]() RECORD
69 - 21 - 5
2021 Stable of the Year - A/C Blondetourage Unit (w/ Cidnay Turner and Asher Hayes)
1x SCW Adrenaline Champion (July 24th, 2021 - November 7th, 2021) (106 Days)
Inaugural Majestic Women's Valkyrie Champion (May 31st, 2009)
1x Majestic Women's Valkyrie Champion (May 31st - August 29th, 2009) (90 Days) 2x SCW 24/7 HardCore Champion (June 18th - August, 2011) (70+ Days) ![]()
09-12-2020, 11:07 PM
Sometimes in life events happen that transcend anything you thought could and would matter. By that, I mean you assume you know what all is happening around you, and then you're thrown a curveball that changes everything, and becomes the most important thing you're focusing on. Recently, while at work, this is exactly what happened to me. My life was turned upside down. For once, it wasn't because of friends creating drama, it wasn't some kind of controversy in my life, hell, it wasn't drama of my own choosing, but unfortunately, it was an event that has crippled me to my core, and forced me to go back and reevaluate everything. The worst part of it is finding out when I did. Life is precious... And sometimes seemingly short...
.:: As Jake is walking back to his locker room, backstage at Breakdown, he comes around the corner and walks into his locker room. Thoren Holt, who had asked to accompany Jake again, more for something to do, stands in front of Jake's bag looking at Jake's phone with a ghostly white look on his face. Jake freezes, realizing something isn't right. ::. Jake Starr: Umm... Everything OK? .:: Thoren looks at Jake, and just lifts the screen of his phone in Jake's direction. Jake walks up to Thoren and grabs his phone, and on the preview of his lockscreen is a text message from his mother. All it says is "EMERGENCY... CALL ASAP!" This isn't something his mom has ever texted before, and Jake knows this is for real. He immediately unlocks his phone, and goes to his favorites, selecting his mom's cell phone as the number to call. He then begins to pace as it rings, until she finally answers. ::. Jake Starr: Hey Mom... What's going on? ... WHAT?! When did this happen?! ... Why didn't you call me earlier? ... I don't care about Breakdown, Dad kind of takes precedence... Was there any warning sign or feeling? ,,, Well... What have the doctors said about it? ... Do they know how bad it is, or what it's affected? ... He's still in a coma? How long will they keep him there? ... Umm... Ok I'll figure out how to get down there... No... I'm going to come down and see about you and him... Just... Mom... Just let me figure it out, OK? ... Mom... Stop... I'll figure something out and get down there... OK? ... OK I'll call you again in a bit... Yeah... OK, bye... .:: Jake hangs up the phone, and takes a deep breath, just staring at his phone. Thoren, curious, knows better than to say anything right now. He could hear the emotion growing in his voice, and the frantic nature of Jake's mom on the other end, and realizes he'll find out in time. ::. Hearing everything I heard put me in a difficult position. I had sworn, repeatedly, to not be someone who passes messages along unnecessarily, but this situation wasn't one I ever took into consideration. As I stood there, just processing, just staring, not knowing how to feel or what to think, I finally knew that I had to, effectively, break a promise to someone who had entrusted me with so much, but for reasons I felt were justified. .:: Jake, without saying a word to Thoren, turns and heads back for the door. Thoren assumes this is a sign Jake is about to make a b-line for the parking lot, but instead as Jake opens the door, he sees his sister, Jordan Majors, standing there. Jake freezes and takes another deep breath. ::. Jake Starr: Jordan... I was coming to find you... We need to talk... Jordan Majors: Yeah... You're right... We do... .:: Jake let's her in, and as he closes the door behind her, takes a deep breath and turns around to face her. ::. Jake Starr: I just got off the phone with Mom. It turns out that early this morning Dad was admitted to the hospital down in Austin after having a major stroke. Currently he's in a coma, and they're not sure exactly how bad or what is affected by it. Mom said they're being cautious with saying he'll even successfully come out of the coma when all is said and done. .:: Jordan begins to have a sense of defensiveness about her. ::. Jordan Majors: So you're here to be the middle man with me? Start passing the messages from your parents to me? I thought you made this big fucking deal about how you wouldn't do that, and it was their responsibility and mine to facilitate any messages... Now you're here doing the opposite? Jake Starr: Hear me out, Jordan... I knew she would feel I was reneging on my word to her. I knew she would feel as if I was trying to "unite" the family, and use this situation as my option to do so. It wasn't my desire. It wasn't my wish. Hell a situation like this wasn't something I ever expected to cross my path, but yet here it is. I had to decide how to handle it, and I made my decision, and my bed, and I had to accept it and follow through with it regardless of outcome. .:: Jordan, still feeling a tad annoyed, doesn't completely give up on listening to her elder brother. ::. Jordan Majors: ... I'm listening... Jake Starr: I didn't tell you because I was asked. I didn't tell you because I wanted you to do anything specific with the situation. I told you because, like it or not, you're technically family. That is technically someone who did give birth to you. Whether or not you have a relationship with them isn't my issue, but I put myself in your shoes, and if I were someone who wasn't told and instead found out on TMZ, I'd be upset someone didn't just tell me. I'd feel like I had a RIGHT to know, whether or not I did anything about it. Jordan Majors: Uh huh... Jake Starr: Listen, Jordan... I know you don't know them. I know you haven't spoken to them. I know you have a lot of resentment toward them. But the fact is, you could have that same feeling for me, but you don't. Instead, you and I have bonded because we have that familial bond. In the end, if the roles were reversed, you'd want me to know on principle. You wouldn't ask me to run down and make amends, but you'd want me to know. It's the same thing, here. I'm not telling you to go use this chance as your opportunity to make peace with Mom and Dad, and make this one big happy family. For fuck's sake, I'm not asking you to even care. I'm simply treating you like part of my family. MY FAMILY. Yes, they are a part of it, too, but YOUR family includes people I have no knowledge of, or have even met. But if you came to me and there was some connection to me, you'd want me to know. You wouldn't want me to find out some other way. You wouldn't want me finding out through some outlet that wasn't family, first, would you? You'd want me to know I was part of the family... .:: Jordan calms down, and realizes her brother wasn't trying to do anything but pass along information. His commentary and rationale makes her reasoning for being outside his door valid and relevant. ::. Jordan Majors: I appreciate that, then. I don't have any plans for what I'm going to do about it, but I appreciate you telling me. In all honesty, it's why I was here, too... .:: Jake is confused. ::. Jake Starr: Why you're here? What do you mean? Jordan Majors: Well when you opened the door, I was getting ready to knock, myself. Jake Starr: How come? .:: Jordan reaches in her pocket and pulls her phone out. She unlocks it, opening, ironically, the TMZ app. She doesn't have to scroll for the pinned top headline to reflect her reasoning. She turns her phone around and Jake sees an older media photo of his father at the top with the headline, "BREAKING NEWS: JEFF STARR HOSPITALIZED AFTER MASSIVE STROKE." Jake immediately takes a deep breath and sinks his head, and Jordan begins to explain herself. ::. Jordan Majors: I saw this, and could feel you hadn't. I don't know how I could feel it, but I could. So I wanted to make sure you knew before you saw it online, and had everything crash around you. I wanted to be there for you, in case you didn't know. Honestly, I'm glad you did know. But, like you even said, family deserved to hear from family. .:: Jake's head, still down, let's out a sniffle. He nods, and just reaches out and embraces his sister with one arm. ::. Jake Starr: Thank you... Jordan Majors: You too... .:: Jake takes another deep breath. ::. Jake Starr: I know I have to do something about it. I know you understand that, too. I'm not asking you to do anything. I'm not expecting you to do anything. That's, like I've always said, decisions you have to make, and not be influenced by me or anyone else. But you should know. Jordan Majors: I get it... I just didn't want you trying to act like this was my time to go make amends because he's in a bad place. I don't know him outside of him being my biological father. I feel bad for him, but I don't know if I need to go try and become family because of this situation. Jake Starr: I didn't expect you to... I just wanted you to know you're family to me... Jordan Majors: I appreciate it... And I'm sorry you're dealing with it. If I can help you in any way, I will, for sure. Jake Starr: I appreciate that, too... If you need me to do anything, if you decide anything one way or another, just let me know. Jordan Majors: Deal... .:: The two embrace again. As Jordan pulls away, she looks up at her brother. ::. Jordan Majors: You going to be OK? .:: Jake shrugs. ::. Jake Starr: It hasn't sunk in yet, so I don't know. I'll keep you in the loop... Jordan Majors: That's fair... .:: Jordan hugs her brother one more time before turning and leaving the locker room. Thoren stands there, still silent, while looking at his phone. As he unlocks it, the first thing he sees is the same TMZ headline. It turns out that was what led him to look at Jake's phone, to see if anyone had reached out or needed Jake to call and contact them. He quickly closes the app, feeling a sense of responsibility for not telling Jake himself, but also feeling like it wasn't his place to say anything. Thoren asks Jake if he's OK, and Jake, again, reiterates that he's not sure. He simply replies saying he wants to get out of there so he can get back on the phone and find out more information. Thoren completely understands and does everything he can to get Jake's belongings together so they can make their exit. ::. How do you cope? How do you handle it all? Your father, the man whose footsteps you've effectively followed in, lived in the shadow of, and ultimately emerged from as a person he's proud of, is potentially on his death bed and you're supposed to figure out what to do next. You're the eldest child, your sister is estranged, and you're still expected to go to work night in and night out and fight for supremacy. The battles ahead of me look to be greater than I have ever faced, outside of that of my own life. This time, family becomes my biggest responsibility. I don't know what my sister plans, but I also don't plan on keeping her in the dark. She's welcome to ignore or take steps she feels are right. It's not my say. What is my say is to ensure my mom is taken care of while she is at my dad's side. I'm lucky in knowing I have one phone call I can make to ensure that comfort until I can get there. I plan on making it. I plan on doing what I can from afar and then getting by his side as well. Sometimes I think it's too much. But I know I can handle it. I know I'm strong. Now I just have to share that strength, while allowing myself to still be able to achieve success as well. ---------------------------------- .:: The scene opens up with Jake Starr's back turned toward the camera. His hair is obviously different, being jet black, and slicked back in a very "Danny Zucko-esque" style. He is wearing a leather jacket, and as he turns around, he begins to bounce with a vibe of that of Grease and Happy Days, all mixed into one. He even throws a few pointed fingers off to the right side, and gives a "Heeeeeyyyyy," receiving an audible groan from whomever is filming. He acts surprised as he sees the camera, and before talking pulls out a cheap plastic comb, and runs it through his hair. He begins to speak in a very stereotypical accent, making it even less of a guess what he is trying to convey. ::. Jake Starr: How you all doin'? Look, I know this isn't the normal me, but hey, sometimes the situation begins to call for a new outlook on life, ya know? And lately, I've been seein' this broad walkin' around like she owns the place, giving happy endings, or I'm sorry, happy HOURS, to the SCW masses. Now the sad part is, I haven't gotten offered one of these endings yet, and I feel kinda forgotten. I mean, it's me... It's Jake Stahh... It's the man of men for the women of the SC-dubs, and what am I getting? NADA! No happy ending, no rub and a tug, no hanky panky, no knob slobbin', no nothin'! But yet I hear her talked about, and dats why before all is said and done today, THIS GUY, is gonna do some talkin' of his own, and let this broad know what she be missin'... But first... Let's tawlk... .:: Jake clears his throat. ::. ... Tawwwwwwlk... .:: Jake clears his throat again before shaking his head, ripping the wig off, pulling the leather jacket off, and ditching the role before it ever started. ::. ... Ok I don't fucking know how those people talk like that for a movie, an episode, or in the case of Andrew Dice Clay, every fucking day of the week. But I digress... I want to talk about what's been happening lately in Supreme Championship Wrestling, post-Rise to Greatness. Especially for me... For me, walking into Rise to Greatness was the true ending of a chapter for me. It was the true moment where a lot changed, and I moved forward. When I didn't come out on top, though, I felt disheartened because I truly thought it was my time to shine. But it turns out, it was AFTER Rise to Greatness that I finally began to shine. It was at Breakdown, where I got the chance to finally walk back out in front of a crowd and showcase my skills and fucking win. That's right, folks... Jake Starr is BACK in the win column, and it didn't even involve my dear Chairee. So we know what that means in SCW, right? Jake Starr wins one match, and he deserves a World Title shot! So let's get it on the books, let's sign that contract, and let's make it all about me because I won one match! .:: Jake smirks. ::. Ok maybe no title match yet, but it has led me down a path that creates a situation where "it's mine now lose." What does that mean? It means I gained momentum by winning in that match. It means I earned some respect with people again. I'm not championship material, but I'm letting everyone know that they have been put on blast. I am letting people know that I am finding my way back into a driver's seat of wins, and doing what it takes to begin to bring myself up the SCW mountain, and remind people about who deserves to ALWAYS be a guarantee for SCW's Mount Rushmore based on the impact he has had. In a nutshell, I'm here for respect. That doesn't mean titles... That doesn't mean handouts... It means Jake Starr shows the world that an old dog can not only LEARN new tricks, but MASTER them as well. It'll show the world that there is a reason I have never given up, like legends of the past. It'll show them that I'm not like the rest, much like that of David Helms has done. He's returned and you see what he's been able to accomplish. But in order to do that, in order to get that respect, I need to keep taking steps forward. If something pushes me back, I need to get up, and just take another forward. I can't let anything push me into that mindset where I believe I am losing ground. I have to see everything as a potential positive and a potential moment for me to gain extra momentum. And in the case of present day, I have one thing to say what that next step forward is... .:: Jake let's out another stereotypical voice. ::. HEY GURL HEYYYYYYYY! .:: Jake chuckles. ::. Holly "YAAAAAAS QUEEN" Adams decided that it was in her best interest to spoil my fun of my first win in a while, by kicking me in the gonads. Hell it may have been a punch or something, all I know is she threw a cheap shot from behind because, for some reason, she thought she was needing to become relevant in Jake Starr's life. Now, I can't say as I blame her. I can't say as it is the worst decision of her life. I mean, let's be real, I HAVE made more talents in SCW than probably anyone else in history. And I've never stepped back and stopped. I've always challenged those who were new, established, champions, contenders, nobodies, whomever, to give them the chance to make their ignorant asses relevant. So Holly, all I'm going to say is, YAAASSS GIRL, I'm going to do the same for you. There is a problem though... And it's a problem you showed everyone was legitimate this past week at Breakdown. You see, you dished it out when you came to get in my business. You were ready for a fight when you could be the sneaky bitch you are, but when you come to MY BACKSTAGE AREA, you are a chicken shit and go running into a closet hoping for safety. You're lucky I brought Chairee, and not her Uncle Sledgy, or you'd be have seen my best impression of "The Shining." Then what would you have done? I mean, you showed the world how scared you are of me when you aren't able to be the one throwing the first punch. You showed that you don't know how to defend against someone the likes of Jake Starr. But yet you decided that I was the one you wanted to face off against... You can't have it both ways, bitch... You can't sit there and be willing to attack me from behind, laugh, and act all Lady Gag-Reflex on the SCW roster, and then be the poster child for an advertisement of Depends when the roles are reversed. But yet, that's what you did. You ran. You also have terrible depth perception because I was swinging so far over your bloated head, you really believed you were in danger. You weren't. My goals weren't to ATTACK you. My goals were to EXPOSE you. Everyone sings your praises and acts like you're one of that group of women who seemingly can't be beat, and when it happens, it's like the world begins spinning backwards. You lose, you act like the world is ending because you can't accept it, and everyone else is flabbergasted how someone in that "circle" of women could have been bested. I mean, do you argue that's a reasonable description of you? You ran scared thinking you may get exposed at Breakdown. What happens at Apocalypse when I get the upper hand and you begin to realize you're invincibility and the "Adams Apple Hour" is coming to an end to the likes of ME? Do you find the nearest closet and hope the ref can't count to 10? Do you go hide under the ring and suck your thumb, hoping it's a bad dream? Do you call on another one of the people you've put under your oral trance to save you? We all know you're going to do something. We all know you won't let yourself lose clean. We all know that's what you fear, and you're scared to face it. .:: Jake unfolds Chairee and sits down upon her. The camera zooms closer in, and his face becomes more serious. ::. ... And you have EVERY right to be scared. You have a right to feel that fear when you look me in the eye. I am not your average joe. I am not your average opponent. I am one of those guys who, in the past, was on SCW's ever-evolving Mount Rushmore, and again, like David, I'm making it a point to climb my way back into that conversation. And why should that scare you and the "Femmebots" of SCW? Because it would mean you would begin to fade into that mediocrity level that you fear. The "Adams Hour" wouldn't mean a thing. Your catchphrases and talking points would turn into me saying, "Oh I'm a Social Misfit again!" Nobody would care. And think about that, Holly. Think about NOBODY caring about you and what you do in SCW. How does that make you feel? How does that sit in the pit of your stomach? Well it's something you have to face the reality of, Jordan. You have to realize that you're looking into a future that can go one of two ways. For one... You win, you continue to be the oral fixation of SCW... Nothing changes... For two... Jake Starr wins, and all hell breaks loose. I become one of the most talked about names over Holly Adams. Holly Adams has to digest that she LOST, and accept that it wasn't a mistake, it wasn't anything but being beaten by the superior and MORE SUPREME superstar. Option two is real. It's not a figment of my imagination. You see, I'm motivated for respect. Not for what I've done in the past, but for what I want to do in the future. Facing someone like you, someone everyone already respects, someone who is already considered one of the ELITE, you are an opponent who SHOULD bring out the best in me. And if I win, it means that best still means something in the long run. Hell, for two years in a row, now, I've cracked that elusive top ten in Taking Hold of the Flame. That is something I had never done in back to back years in all of my SCW career. So I'm not resting on the laurels of my successes early on. I'm standing up with successes I've had recently. I'm not talking about titles in the past, or accolades I've earned. People know about them, nobody can take them, and yeah, they matter in HISTORY, but in modern day, what matters is what I can do in the ring today. So my plan is to make option two the reality we BOTH end up living! Holly... I don't doubt you're a favorite. I don't doubt in today's SCW, you're probably better than me. But after the fear I saw in your eyes at Breakdown, I saw that you have major weaknesses and flaws in your game. I saw you have fear in your eyes when you're faced with the same M. O. you used on others. You can't handle being surprised in any sense. So that tells me, maybe I ought to do what I've done in the past, and bring surprises with me? Maybe Chairee should always be something you're looking over your shoulder for? Maybe you should think about having anyone or anything planned to cause any distraction because you now know I can play the same game? It's when I can pull in my past and remind you, I know how to play dirty, too. I'm just a little more selective with it, and don't rely on it. I don't NEED it, like you do. But if you want to get nasty, if you want to bend and break the rules, Jake Starr has only one thing left to say to you... YAAAAAAAS QUEEN! .:: Jake then grabs a small box sitting by Chairee and sets it in his lap. ::. And don't forget everyone, "Combs, by Jake!" For those men aging but still think they're young and the receding hairline doesn't actually exist... "Combs, by Jake!" |
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