Sienna Swann vs. Jordan Majors
60-minute Ironwoman Match

3 RP limit for singles

Deadline: 11:59:59 pm ET Saturday, September 12, 2020
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[Image: bcywcYD.jpg]
I love AJ Allmendinger and Louis Deletraz.
Good luck Omar. It's been a fun feud.

Apocalypse 2020
[Image: JORDAN1.png]
OOC: Started off slow and really picked it up, the continuation from RTG and the winding roads that follow. Loved the RP and Joel, let’s bring the house down again brother.

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The Views Expressed By Sienna Swann Do Not Reflect Those of the Publisher. VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED.

[Image: Sienna-Swann-Avatar41142.gif]

(Click Title)
[Image: Sienna2020.png]

Angelic Achievements:

- 3x SCW World Champion
- 3x SCW Women's Champion
- 1x SCW Television Champion
- 2018 SCW Female Wrestler of the Year
- 2019 SCW Female Wrestler of the Year
- 2018 SCW Stable of the Year (Past.Present.Future)
- 2018 SCW Match of the Year (Vs. Selena Frost, Iron Woman Match at Retribution) 
- 2019 Elimination Chamber Winner (Under Attack 2019)
- 2019 Double Jeopardy Winner (Clarity 2019)
- 2020 SCW Feud of the Year (Vs. Jordan Majors)
- 2020 SCW Match of the Year (Vs. Jordan Majors, Rise To Greatness XVII)


Singles Record -|W - 68| L - 09 | D - 02 |
 Overall Record - |W - 93| L - 19 | D - 02 |

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