08-29-2018, 09:24 PM
Casterillo vs. Chris Cannon
3 RP Limit
Deadline: 5 pm ET Saturday, September 8, 2018
3 RP Limit
Deadline: 5 pm ET Saturday, September 8, 2018
Casterillo vs. Chris Cannon
08-29-2018, 09:24 PM
Casterillo vs. Chris Cannon
3 RP Limit Deadline: 5 pm ET Saturday, September 8, 2018
09-08-2018, 04:57 PM
Read between the lines.
I am certain that it is not just me who is realizing it, but the number of people who read has definitely been dwindling. I know the reason why, with computers and cellular devices taking over and corrupting the minds of almost our entire planet. I have seen it. I have seen so many fall to technology. I have a cellular phone myself, but I only use it strictly for business. Sadly this is the fault of the nature of the wrestling business, where it is deemed necessary that we all talk, to our opponents, and sadly to all of you. With that being said, here it is... I am just not a man of many words. Words in the end are not what wrestling is about. It should be about the competition. That is why I was more than just annoyed at Hana Ito disrupting me from my reading. I was reading something very important actually, but none of you deserve to know what. I will say this, I was learning far more than any of you ever could. The rest of you, like my opponent here in Chicago this weekend Chris Cannon, and my last opponent Owen Cruze, would never be able to understand it. Before I get to the hot topic on hand, that being you Chris, I would like to take a few lines to say something to Owen. Owen desperately needs to hear this. I clear my throat. You actually believe Owen that you were not Claimed by the Dark, just because you were able to claim what is really not much of a victory over me. Chris Cannon was ringside, so you were not alone. That is beside the point though. Losses do not deter me from my goal. Losses do not get to me in the slightest. That is what makes me different from you Owen, different from Chris Cannon, and different from everybody else here. And that is just ONE of the things that makes me different. The others will show themselves in time, when I choose for them to do so. Anyways, while I apparently did not Claim you Owen, I did not have to, as you have already Claimed YOURSELF for the Dark. Josh Hudson told it to you straight, and for once I admire something someone has done since my arrival here in SCW. He knows what he is talking about Owen. Add to it the fact that you are getting to get slaughtered and Claimed again by SCW's resident petulant child, Regan. You asked for this weekend though Owen, and yes, I will be around to watch it happen. For a few moments it will put a smirk on my face. Just like how I have been hearing all this senseless media chatter going on about me. If mouthing off on a public forum makes you happy Owen, and it makes you happy too Chris Cannon, then so be it. That is your own problem. Not mine. I just choose not to read it. I was notified of it through the grapevine, so I will just say this. The one who told me will be talked to about it. She will be alerted to the fact that it all means nothing to me. Just like you calling me out Chris meant nothing to me. I do not speak to others on their terms, only on my own. I saved you from Claiming yourself for the Dark on Breakdown by NOT coming out there to accept your confrontation. It was only delaying the inevitable though, as this weekend, you are going to Claim yourself anyways, even if you do find a way to pick up a victory that in the end will not ever amount to much. Am I putting myself down by saying that? No. To me Chris, wins and losses do not fine a man or woman. It is how they carry themselves afterwards that truly matters. No losses will ever get to me, as those are just petty things that happen. You however though, and Owen Cruze, losses will hurt your fragile egos. One loss sends ones like you two spiraling downwards, perhaps even to doing things that you will eventually come to regret. I however have no regrets, never have, never will. This Apocalypse weekend, a win or loss will not change me. However this weekend for so much of the roster, things will change, and not for the better. Not just you Chris Cannon, but so many will be Claimed by the Dark, and it will be all of their own faults. That is all that needs to be said. Apocalypse is upon the roster, and not just because of this weekend.
09-08-2018, 05:00 PM
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