Hi all,

For those who haven't been on the discord, I figured I'd post something here. For those who don't know, I teach. And in my region, we've just made the decision to essentially move online for much of January. In the midst of that, trying to help students through everything, I finally hit my wall. I also have a lot of work to do to prep and needed to step back briefly.

My hope is to have BD up tomorrow at the latest. There's still some writing I need to do and some matches that need to be submitted. The EOTY awards nominees will go up tomorrow. EotY's card is essentially full except for one issue which I'll look into today.

Then I'm going to try and get ahead over the Holidays to manage my workload both outside of the fed and inside of it so we can continue to build off the momentum of the last few weeks into the new year.

Thank you for the patience. Also, if you know anyone looking to give SCW a try but are unsure of what to expect, turn their attention to the EotY Open Invitational.


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