02-07-2024, 02:26 AM
OOC: The match from the EOYS. Enjoy!
Ding! Ding! Ding!
There is an audible buzz going through the arena at the opening bell.
Phillips: “The following is a no disqualification 30 minute ultimate submission match!”
The crowd is getting louder and louder by the second as “Words As Weapons” blares through the PA system.
“All I really want is something beautiful to say…”
Phillips: “Coming to the ring first, from New York City, New York and weighing 235 pounds Jooooooooosh Huuuuuuuudson!
The cameras show the crowd who begin cheering before zooming in at the entrance way, where Josh Hudson steps out.
“Keep me locked up in your broken mind
I keep searchin', never been able to find a
Light behind your dead eyes
Not anything at all”
He wears a sleeveless black hoodie as he slowly makes his way down the ramp. He reaches the bottom of the ramp, and he looks out to the crowd before making his way up the ring steps and climbs into the ring.
Sharper: “This man is on a mission tonight, ladies and gentlemen, and I don’t think the man he faces has any idea what he is going to be up against.”
Winters: “Considering the man that he is facing tonight, I for one am hoping that Josh kicks his ass.”
Sharper: “We're not supposed to say things like that on the air Jessica, but I can’t say that I disagree with you to be perfectly honest.”
“Say can you help me right before the fall
Take what you can and leave me to the wolves…”
He goes to the bottom right-hand corner, climbing to the top rope, and staring out at the crowd once again, as he lifts both fists into the air, earning more cheers before he climbs down and leans into the turnbuckle, waiting for the match to begin as “Hero” by Skillet assaults the ears of the listeners and the crowd in Toronto letting the man who signals know exactly how they feel about him.
“I'm just a step away, I'm just a breath away
Losin' my faith today
We're fallin' off the edge today”
Stepping out on the ramp in his long white robe and a smirk on his face as he showers in all of the negativity from the fans while starting to walk down the aisle in Simon Lyman who has just started toward the ring when Hudson decides he is no longer waiting as the shoots out of the ring, making a beeline for Lyman. There is a huge roar from the crowd as Hudson arrives at Lyman and the two men trade rights and lefts as the bell rings starting the match.
Ding! Ding! Ding!
Sharper: “Here we go fans, Josh Hudson not wasting any time taking the fight right to Simon Lyman and to give the devil his due, Simon giving right back.”
Winters: “Josh not even giving Simon the opportunity to get comfortable in the ring here. Simon still has his robe on. I for one am loving that fact Josh is controlling the match from the outset.”
Each man is really giving to the other with hard shots right to the head with neither backing. Lyman is not the better striker of the two and Hudson, knowing this, lets Lyman punch himself out temporarily before delivering some repeated shots to the side of the head and right to the conscience as well. Lyman slumps on the side of the aisle, up against the guardrail.
With the crowd still cheering loudly, Hudson backs and takes the measure of Lyman before a running start and then crashing into Lyman’s head with his knee. Lyman crumples to the ground but Hudson allows him literally a chance to breathe as he pounces on the man’s back, rips the tie of Lyman’s robe off, and now uses that tie to strangle the man.
Sharper: “Simon Lyman having the tie to his own robe being used here in the early going of this matchup to have the life choked out of him by Josh Hudson, and it seems all of Toronto is loving this while it’s done.”
Winters: “I don't know about you Adam, but if this turns into a thirty minute strangulation I am perfectly fine with calling that.”
Sharper: “Well to listen to either one of these men leading up to this match, neither one of them has a lot of interest in actually making the other submit, and you see Josh Hudson bringing that brutality to life.”
Winters: “It should be any surprise either that Hudson is now focusing his attack primarily on the neck of Lyman”
Having enough of just strangling Lyman and wanting to inflict more punishment on the man, Hudson wraps Lyman’s tie from his robe around his neck and to drag him along the floor of the ramp in the direction of the ring. Arriving at ringside, Hudson tries to stand Lyman up and roll him into the ring. Lyman shoves Hudson off from his knees and sends him colliding into the ringpost, slamming the back of his head and neck into the steel.
While Hudson crumples to the arena floor outside the ring Lyman gets to feet pushing himself up on the apron. Then after taking his robe off completely, Lyman hangs on to the ring apron while stomping away on Hudson’s head. Then finally having the advantage for the first time in the match, Lyman waits until Hudson is close to his feet again before driving into the ringpost one more time with authority.
Having his head pounded into the ringpost again makes Hudson woozy as he tries to stand yet again. Lyman then goes to a fan who is sitting in the front row, rips away from him the soda he was drinking, takes a swig of this in his mouth before spitting all of the soda in Hudson’s face.The fans boo Lyman loudly both for his treatment of one of their own as well as spiiting a drink in the face of Hudson.
Sharper: “That is just disgusting. I really don’t understand what has happened to that man. He used to be a good friend of mine, and I can tell everyone that the Simon Lyman I knew in the past is not the same man that we have seen today.”
Winters: “The man stole a drink from a fan. Can’t we just kick him out of the arena now? This is beyond even obnoxious.”
Angry now from having a drink spit right in his face,Hudson tries to stand up to him again but Lyman hits him with a huge European uppercut that sends Hudson down to the arena floor one more time. Lyman just stares at him and briefly smirks to himself and the crowd really starts to get on him even more than usual, as Lyman starts to look for a weapon underneath the ring.
Sharper: “I hate to think of what Simon Lyman might be looking for underneath the ring and what that might mean for Josh Hudson.”
Winters: “Whatever it is, let’s hope that Lyman doesn’t find what he is looking for. These guys were not kidding when they said they were more interested in causing pain than winning the match.”
Sharper: “Simon has a very warped perspective on what has happened to him and everyone around him, and that warped perspective is what makes him feel justified for everything that he is doing to other people.”.
Winters: “I just shudder to think of what he could be looking to find under there.”
Lyman pulls a table from under the ring along with a long length of rope and screwdriver and hammer as well, looking rather satisfied with himself. He shoves all of those things into the ring, but he doesn’t see that Hudson has climbed upon the apron until it is much too late Hudson is stomping right on top of the head.
This time Lyman does stay down for long after collapsing to the floor however because Hudson is down there with and rolling him in the ring before rolling him in right behind him himself. There is now another roar from the crowd as Hudson attacks the seated Lyman in the center of the ring with a snapmare, focusing on the neck again. Lyman is down holding his neck while Hudson is over setting up the table in a corner.
Sharper: “A little over ten minutes into the match so far and still we have had no urgency from either of these guys to look for a submission.”
Winters: “Look for a submission? These two have just managed to remember that we have a ring now ten minutes in!”
While he is finishing setting the table up inside of the ring, another, much smaller man slides into the ring and begins attempting to assault Hudson. This does not go well for the smaller man however, and Hudson drives him to the canvas with a short arm lariat.
Winters: “And now we have a fan ladies and gentlemen. A fan, who must be as delusional as Simon Lyman himself because he is trying to attack Josh Hudson and this is not going to end well for the fan.”
Sharper: “I agree that this is not going to end well for him but that is no fan, Jessica. That is the new “Bodyguard” for Simon from the Simon Lyman Syndicate, Elijah Smith!”
Winters: “THAT guy is a bodyguard for Lyman? For anyone for that matter?! I don’t think he understands what it means to be a bodyguard!”
Sharper: “Please don’t shoot the messenger, Ms. Winters. I'm just telling you what I have been told.”
Still Smith gets points for trying as even though he is almost out, the man is still hanging on to Hudson’s boot after the lariat. Becoming rather frustrated, Hudson scoops Smith like it was nothing, loads him up across his shoulders and….
Sharper: “KINGDOM COME!”
Smith drops to the canvas while the crowd cheers at the top of their lungs. Hudson quickly kicks Smith who looks like he is dead underneath the bottom rope and out of the ring. When Hudson turns back around the inside of the ring however, he does right into a crisp dragon screw leg whip by Lyman who is finally back on his feet inside the ring one more time. Trying to get back up quickly, Hudson gets to feet only to be taken down by a second dragon screw leg whip, as the crowd is sent into frenzy booing Lyman even louder than they were before. This seems to invigorate who yanks up Hudson by hair and then crassly spit in the man's face before dropping to his knees and hitting a low blow.
Hudson drops quicker than an opposing quarterback after being tackled by Bobby Boucher and writhes in pain on the canvas. After momentarily laughing at the state he has left Hudson, Lyman lifts his opponent quickly to his feet and then hits a second powerful low blow which causes Hudson to crumble a second time.
Sharper: “What disgusting display by Simon Lyman, the man ought to be ashamed of himself, but sadly I know he’s not. He’s just devolving further and further from the person I was once proud to call my friend.”
Winters: “It's not just you Adam. Simon has changed and everyone knows it. He is not the man that he used to be, he loves proving that to everyone, and sadly right now Josh Hudson is taking the brunt of the attack.”
Shaper: “You are right about that and I don’t know Jessica. He enjoys other people’s pain a little too much. I’m starting to think that this was the plan ever since Simon unretired. Maybe he has had us all fooled the whole time.”
Winters: “You could be right Adam, you could be right.”
Once again very pleased and impressed with how he has left Hudson who is barely moving at this point, Lyman picks him in the center ring and hits a lightning quick overhead belly-to belly suplex that nearly ejects Hudson from the ring as he falls haplessly in one corner. Even the crowd who clearly cannot stand what Lyman has become at this point in his career stands in amazement of that display.
Having a wry smirk on his face Lyman slides out the ring, goes to the same corner that he just deposited Hudson. Having virtually no resistance, Lyman grabs both of Hudson's legs. Then Lyman proceeds to give Hudson the figure four around the ringpost, while continuing to verbally assault the former multi-time SCW World Champion as well.
Lyman: “Come on you Chastaine loving piece of shit, say that you give up, say that you give up, damn it!”
Sharper: “Ladies and gentlemen, we apologize for the fact that you can hear Simon Lyman right now on our broadcast.”
Winters: “I would just like to apologize to Amy Chastaine also. There is absolutely no excuse for that.”
Rather than giving up however, from the point that Lyman mentioned his friend Amy Chastaine, Hudson gets fired up instead and starts to shake his head no violently. Lyman looks like he has seen a ghost but continues to crank on the hold tighter and tighter. Immediately Lyman is forced to release the figure-four when the ever resourceful Hudson grabs a large splinter of wood left behind when his bodyguard Smith went through a table earlier. Then reaching down Hudson stabs the splinter into Lyman’s right calf. Lyman screams letting go of the hold as blood starts to shoot from the open wound.
Sharper: “Ok, I am no fan of Simon Lyman, not anymore but this is a very serious situation whether you like him or not. Simon to remind everyone survived a severe stroke almost eight years ago now. I’m not sure what medications he takes for that, but he is losing a lot of blood here.”
Winters: “He looks like he is going to get in the ring and continue in this match, but I agree, the referee might need to look at that wound and make a judgment call. There’s over 9 minutes left in this match, but Josh Hudson might have rendered his opponent unable to continue.”
Lyman does slide back into the ring in obvious agony as he wisely selects not to take out the splinter at this point realizing that this would have only made the bleeding worse. He does take a swing at Hudson before the referee can check the wound, which Hudson ducks underneath. Then reaches up and grabs Lyman and takes him straight down the mat with authority before wasting no time locking in the….
Sharper: “Josh Hudson has applied his version of the crossface, and I really don’t know how much longer Simon Lyman is going to last.”
Winters: “Look at the ring, the man’s blood is all over place. I know what these two said they wanted to do to one another, but I never imagined this.”
Think what you want about Lyman, but the man still exhibits the heart of a lion, refusing to submit, even biting Hudson arms trying to get him to release the hold to no avail. Finally the viscous hold combined with the copious amount of blood lost and Lyman doesn’t tap out, he passes out.
Phillips: “Ladies and Gentlemen, Josh Hudson leads 1-0!”
Knowing that there is still time on the clock, Hudson looks to finish Lyman off as quickly as possible. Flipping Lyman over, Hudson mounts him and starts punching Lyman in the face over and over again, each time harder than the last. Before long, Hudson has split open both brows of Lyman as his fists are becoming covered in the blood of Lyman who is no longer making effort to defend himself because he is knocked out. Seeing this and knowing of Lyman’s gash in the right calf the referee makes the only call he can quickly saying something to the time keeper and ring announcer.
Ding! Ding! Ding!
Phillips: “Ladies and Gentlemen, the referee has determined that Simon Lyman can no longer continue. Therefore the winner of this match by a score of 1-0, JOSHHHHHHH HUDSONNNNNNNNNN!!!!
Back in the ring, the referee needs to physically pull Hudson off of Lyman, before he quickly has his hand raised as the crowd cheers and then actually shows some concern about Lyman as paramedics are already in the ring with a stretcher as the are trying to bandage up the worst of his wounds as fast as they can.
Sharper: “I don’t know what to say about this. An absolutely brutal aftermath of a brutal match.”
Winters: “You mean brutal beating, don’t you Adam.”
Sharper. “Yeah, sure, call it whatever you want. Brutal is the only word I can come up with. Josh Hudson has beaten Simon Lyman.
Ding! Ding! Ding!
There is an audible buzz going through the arena at the opening bell.
Phillips: “The following is a no disqualification 30 minute ultimate submission match!”
The crowd is getting louder and louder by the second as “Words As Weapons” blares through the PA system.
“All I really want is something beautiful to say…”
Phillips: “Coming to the ring first, from New York City, New York and weighing 235 pounds Jooooooooosh Huuuuuuuudson!
The cameras show the crowd who begin cheering before zooming in at the entrance way, where Josh Hudson steps out.
“Keep me locked up in your broken mind
I keep searchin', never been able to find a
Light behind your dead eyes
Not anything at all”
He wears a sleeveless black hoodie as he slowly makes his way down the ramp. He reaches the bottom of the ramp, and he looks out to the crowd before making his way up the ring steps and climbs into the ring.
Sharper: “This man is on a mission tonight, ladies and gentlemen, and I don’t think the man he faces has any idea what he is going to be up against.”
Winters: “Considering the man that he is facing tonight, I for one am hoping that Josh kicks his ass.”
Sharper: “We're not supposed to say things like that on the air Jessica, but I can’t say that I disagree with you to be perfectly honest.”
“Say can you help me right before the fall
Take what you can and leave me to the wolves…”
He goes to the bottom right-hand corner, climbing to the top rope, and staring out at the crowd once again, as he lifts both fists into the air, earning more cheers before he climbs down and leans into the turnbuckle, waiting for the match to begin as “Hero” by Skillet assaults the ears of the listeners and the crowd in Toronto letting the man who signals know exactly how they feel about him.
“I'm just a step away, I'm just a breath away
Losin' my faith today
We're fallin' off the edge today”
Stepping out on the ramp in his long white robe and a smirk on his face as he showers in all of the negativity from the fans while starting to walk down the aisle in Simon Lyman who has just started toward the ring when Hudson decides he is no longer waiting as the shoots out of the ring, making a beeline for Lyman. There is a huge roar from the crowd as Hudson arrives at Lyman and the two men trade rights and lefts as the bell rings starting the match.
Ding! Ding! Ding!
Sharper: “Here we go fans, Josh Hudson not wasting any time taking the fight right to Simon Lyman and to give the devil his due, Simon giving right back.”
Winters: “Josh not even giving Simon the opportunity to get comfortable in the ring here. Simon still has his robe on. I for one am loving that fact Josh is controlling the match from the outset.”
Each man is really giving to the other with hard shots right to the head with neither backing. Lyman is not the better striker of the two and Hudson, knowing this, lets Lyman punch himself out temporarily before delivering some repeated shots to the side of the head and right to the conscience as well. Lyman slumps on the side of the aisle, up against the guardrail.
With the crowd still cheering loudly, Hudson backs and takes the measure of Lyman before a running start and then crashing into Lyman’s head with his knee. Lyman crumples to the ground but Hudson allows him literally a chance to breathe as he pounces on the man’s back, rips the tie of Lyman’s robe off, and now uses that tie to strangle the man.
Sharper: “Simon Lyman having the tie to his own robe being used here in the early going of this matchup to have the life choked out of him by Josh Hudson, and it seems all of Toronto is loving this while it’s done.”
Winters: “I don't know about you Adam, but if this turns into a thirty minute strangulation I am perfectly fine with calling that.”
Sharper: “Well to listen to either one of these men leading up to this match, neither one of them has a lot of interest in actually making the other submit, and you see Josh Hudson bringing that brutality to life.”
Winters: “It should be any surprise either that Hudson is now focusing his attack primarily on the neck of Lyman”
Having enough of just strangling Lyman and wanting to inflict more punishment on the man, Hudson wraps Lyman’s tie from his robe around his neck and to drag him along the floor of the ramp in the direction of the ring. Arriving at ringside, Hudson tries to stand Lyman up and roll him into the ring. Lyman shoves Hudson off from his knees and sends him colliding into the ringpost, slamming the back of his head and neck into the steel.
While Hudson crumples to the arena floor outside the ring Lyman gets to feet pushing himself up on the apron. Then after taking his robe off completely, Lyman hangs on to the ring apron while stomping away on Hudson’s head. Then finally having the advantage for the first time in the match, Lyman waits until Hudson is close to his feet again before driving into the ringpost one more time with authority.
Having his head pounded into the ringpost again makes Hudson woozy as he tries to stand yet again. Lyman then goes to a fan who is sitting in the front row, rips away from him the soda he was drinking, takes a swig of this in his mouth before spitting all of the soda in Hudson’s face.The fans boo Lyman loudly both for his treatment of one of their own as well as spiiting a drink in the face of Hudson.
Sharper: “That is just disgusting. I really don’t understand what has happened to that man. He used to be a good friend of mine, and I can tell everyone that the Simon Lyman I knew in the past is not the same man that we have seen today.”
Winters: “The man stole a drink from a fan. Can’t we just kick him out of the arena now? This is beyond even obnoxious.”
Angry now from having a drink spit right in his face,Hudson tries to stand up to him again but Lyman hits him with a huge European uppercut that sends Hudson down to the arena floor one more time. Lyman just stares at him and briefly smirks to himself and the crowd really starts to get on him even more than usual, as Lyman starts to look for a weapon underneath the ring.
Sharper: “I hate to think of what Simon Lyman might be looking for underneath the ring and what that might mean for Josh Hudson.”
Winters: “Whatever it is, let’s hope that Lyman doesn’t find what he is looking for. These guys were not kidding when they said they were more interested in causing pain than winning the match.”
Sharper: “Simon has a very warped perspective on what has happened to him and everyone around him, and that warped perspective is what makes him feel justified for everything that he is doing to other people.”.
Winters: “I just shudder to think of what he could be looking to find under there.”
Lyman pulls a table from under the ring along with a long length of rope and screwdriver and hammer as well, looking rather satisfied with himself. He shoves all of those things into the ring, but he doesn’t see that Hudson has climbed upon the apron until it is much too late Hudson is stomping right on top of the head.
This time Lyman does stay down for long after collapsing to the floor however because Hudson is down there with and rolling him in the ring before rolling him in right behind him himself. There is now another roar from the crowd as Hudson attacks the seated Lyman in the center of the ring with a snapmare, focusing on the neck again. Lyman is down holding his neck while Hudson is over setting up the table in a corner.
Sharper: “A little over ten minutes into the match so far and still we have had no urgency from either of these guys to look for a submission.”
Winters: “Look for a submission? These two have just managed to remember that we have a ring now ten minutes in!”
While he is finishing setting the table up inside of the ring, another, much smaller man slides into the ring and begins attempting to assault Hudson. This does not go well for the smaller man however, and Hudson drives him to the canvas with a short arm lariat.
Winters: “And now we have a fan ladies and gentlemen. A fan, who must be as delusional as Simon Lyman himself because he is trying to attack Josh Hudson and this is not going to end well for the fan.”
Sharper: “I agree that this is not going to end well for him but that is no fan, Jessica. That is the new “Bodyguard” for Simon from the Simon Lyman Syndicate, Elijah Smith!”
Winters: “THAT guy is a bodyguard for Lyman? For anyone for that matter?! I don’t think he understands what it means to be a bodyguard!”
Sharper: “Please don’t shoot the messenger, Ms. Winters. I'm just telling you what I have been told.”
Still Smith gets points for trying as even though he is almost out, the man is still hanging on to Hudson’s boot after the lariat. Becoming rather frustrated, Hudson scoops Smith like it was nothing, loads him up across his shoulders and….
Sharper: “KINGDOM COME!”
Smith drops to the canvas while the crowd cheers at the top of their lungs. Hudson quickly kicks Smith who looks like he is dead underneath the bottom rope and out of the ring. When Hudson turns back around the inside of the ring however, he does right into a crisp dragon screw leg whip by Lyman who is finally back on his feet inside the ring one more time. Trying to get back up quickly, Hudson gets to feet only to be taken down by a second dragon screw leg whip, as the crowd is sent into frenzy booing Lyman even louder than they were before. This seems to invigorate who yanks up Hudson by hair and then crassly spit in the man's face before dropping to his knees and hitting a low blow.
Hudson drops quicker than an opposing quarterback after being tackled by Bobby Boucher and writhes in pain on the canvas. After momentarily laughing at the state he has left Hudson, Lyman lifts his opponent quickly to his feet and then hits a second powerful low blow which causes Hudson to crumble a second time.
Sharper: “What disgusting display by Simon Lyman, the man ought to be ashamed of himself, but sadly I know he’s not. He’s just devolving further and further from the person I was once proud to call my friend.”
Winters: “It's not just you Adam. Simon has changed and everyone knows it. He is not the man that he used to be, he loves proving that to everyone, and sadly right now Josh Hudson is taking the brunt of the attack.”
Shaper: “You are right about that and I don’t know Jessica. He enjoys other people’s pain a little too much. I’m starting to think that this was the plan ever since Simon unretired. Maybe he has had us all fooled the whole time.”
Winters: “You could be right Adam, you could be right.”
Once again very pleased and impressed with how he has left Hudson who is barely moving at this point, Lyman picks him in the center ring and hits a lightning quick overhead belly-to belly suplex that nearly ejects Hudson from the ring as he falls haplessly in one corner. Even the crowd who clearly cannot stand what Lyman has become at this point in his career stands in amazement of that display.
, Having a wry smirk on his face Lyman slides out the ring, goes to the same corner that he just deposited Hudson. Having virtually no resistance, Lyman grabs both of Hudson's legs. Then Lyman proceeds to give Hudson the figure four around the ringpost, while continuing to verbally assault the former multi-time SCW World Champion as well.
Lyman: “Come on you Chastaine loving piece of shit, say that you give up, say that you give up, damn it!”
Sharper: “Ladies and gentlemen, we apologize for the fact that you can hear Simon Lyman right now on our broadcast.”
Winters: “I would just like to apologize to Amy Chastaine also. There is absolutely no excuse for that.”
Rather than giving up however, from the point that Lyman mentioned his friend Amy Chastaine, Hudson gets fired up instead and starts to shake his head no violently. Lyman looks like he has seen a ghost but continues to crank on the hold tighter and tighter. Immediately Lyman is forced to release the figure-four when the ever resourceful Hudson grabs a large splinter of wood left behind when his bodyguard Smith went through a table earlier. Then reaching down Hudson stabs the splinter into Lyman’s right calf. Lyman screams letting go of the hold as blood starts to shoot from the open wound.
Sharper: “Ok, I am no fan of Simon Lyman, not anymore but this is a very serious situation whether you like him or not. Simon to remind everyone survived a severe stroke almost eight years ago now. I’m not sure what medications he takes for that, but he is losing a lot of blood here.”
Winters: “He looks like he is going to get in the ring and continue in this match, but I agree, the referee might need to look at that wound and make a judgment call. There’s over 9 minutes left in this match, but Josh Hudson might have rendered his opponent unable to continue.”
Lyman does slide back into the ring in obvious agony as he wisely selects not to take out the splinter at this point realizing that this would have only made the bleeding worse. He does take a swing at Hudson before the referee can check the wound, which Hudson ducks underneath. Then reaches up and grabs Lyman and takes him straight down the mat with authority before wasting no time locking in the….
Sharper: “Josh Hudson has applied his version of the crossface, and I really don’t know how much longer Simon Lyman is going to last.”
Winters: “Look at the ring, the man’s blood is all over place. I know what these two said they wanted to do to one another, but I never imagined this.”
Think what you want about Lyman, but the man still exhibits the heart of a lion, refusing to submit, even biting Hudson arms trying to get him to release the hold to no avail. Finally the viscous hold combined with the copious amount of blood lost and Lyman doesn’t tap out, he passes out.
Phillips: “Ladies and Gentlemen, Josh Hudson leads 1-0!”
Knowing that there is still time on the clock, Hudson looks to finish Lyman off as quickly as possible. Flipping Lyman over, Hudson mounts him and starts punching Lyman in the face over and over again, each time harder than the last. Before long, Hudson has split open both brows of Lyman as his fists are becoming covered in the blood of Lyman who is no longer making effort to defend himself because he is knocked out. Seeing this and knowing of Lyman’s gash in the right calf the referee makes the only call he can quickly saying something to the time keeper and ring announcer.
Ding! Ding! Ding!
Phillips: “Ladies and Gentlemen, the referee has determined that Simon Lyman can no longer continue. Therefore the winner of this match by a score of 1-0, JOSHHHHHHH HUDSONNNNNNNNNN!!!!
Back in the ring, the referee needs to physically pull Hudson off of Lyman, before he quickly has his hand raised as the crowd cheers and then actually shows some concern about Lyman as paramedics are already in the ring with a stretcher as the are trying to bandage up the worst of his wounds as fast as they can.
Sharper: “I don’t know what to say about this. An absolutely brutal aftermath of a brutal match.”
Winters: “You mean brutal beating, don’t you Adam.”
Sharper. “Yeah, sure, call it whatever you want. Brutal is the only word I can come up with. Josh Hudson has beaten Simon Lyman.
![[Image: wsCL05V.png]](https://i.imgur.com/wsCL05V.png)
![[Image: aHCDa8X.png]](https://i.imgur.com/aHCDa8X.png)