40 Person Taking Hold of the Flame Battle Royal
1 of 2

May 16th, 2024
Los Angeles, California
Off Camera

In Los Angeles, California, Kimberly Williams was determined to put on a wrestling clinic for all of the fans in attendance and remind SCW management and anyone else who would dare to challenge her that The Woman Scorned is more than just a one trick pony. She wanted to prove that she is more than just a Death Match Queen, she can mat wrestle with the best of them. While she definitely put Scott Reed through the ringer, he caught her by surprise and got an upset victory over the SCW Underground Champion. It was a minor setback, but Kimberly is not deterred. She still wants to prove to the SCW fans and the roster that she is capable of more than just ruling the Underground, she is capable of winning any and all of SCW’s brass rings. Why does Kimberly suddenly have an interest in expanding her horizons beyond the Underground? Simple; this is Rise To Greatness season, Taking Hold of the Flame is coming up and this is the one singular opportunity Kimberly has to make a statement. Kimberly Williams also realizes that of her family members, she is the only one not to win a recognized World Championship. Her sister Marie has achieved that feat, their mother, Angelica, has achieved that feat. But none of them have become SCW World Champion. Kimberly recognizes what it would mean to achieve that feat, to win the SCW World Championship. Winning the Taking Hold of the Flame battle royal would put her into the main event of Rise To Greatness and it would give her a shot at the World Title. She knows that she can pull it off. Last year she started the battle royal and went until the very end before being eliminated. She was the iron woman that night. This year she needs to take that one final step; she needs to win it all.

The Woman Scorned has not forgotten her other commitment; namely to the Underground division. Kimberly is a five time and reigning SCW Underground Champion and she will be leading the charge at Taking Hold of the Flame in what is being billed as a revenge against The Enigma, an outright Underground war featuring all three members of The European Fiery Nation, The Enigma, and the unlikely addition of the SCW United States Champion Deanna Frost. Kim and Deanna are no strangers to one another. Kim and her sister Marie feuded with The House of Frost years ago. Kim and Deanna headlined the main event of the Rise To Greatness Pre Show for the SCW Underground Title. The following month Kim and Deanna were part of a massive five way war for the Underground Title. In that long drawn out brutal rivalry, Kim grew to respect Deanna Frost and the principles that she fights for; they may disagree on tactics, they may disagree on philosophy, but Kim respects Deanna’s fighting spirit. The fact that Deanna now wants to take the fight to The Enigma on behalf of Jessica Winters, a woman Enigma has corrupted, poisoned, also impresses Kimberly Williams. Deanna did not have to step up to defend Jessica. She could have stayed in her lane, safe, as United States Champion, but instead she wanted to fight for her friend. It is something to be respected and Kim is willing to fight by her side at Taking Hold of the Flame.

Much like the Taking Hold of the Flame battle royal itself will be an exercise in chaos, this Underground war against The Enigma will also be ruled the order of chaos. Even though Kim respects Deanna, and despite Kim’s own respect for Konrad Raab, this is being booked as everyone for themselves. And while no championships are on the line, Kimberly also must recognize and prepare for what might be looked at as a potential number one contender’s match. Kim already lost to Scott Reed, albeit in a standard match. This is an Underground Match. Imagine if Konrad or Deanna were to score the pinfall victory to get revenge over The Enigma, or imagine if Enigma were to win; the winner, if that person is not Kimberly, could become the next challenger to her Underground Title. Kimberly, despite her desire to help Deanna, must also think about her own title and her own reign as Underground Queen. Furthermore she must ask herself a very serious question; will there be enough of Kimberly left after the Underground war to even compete in the Taking Hold of the Flame battle royal? Is Kim stretching herself too thin? Is this event going to be the one that finally breaks The Woman Scorned?

Kimberly doesn’t just have Taking Hold of the Flame weighing heavily on her mind. There is yet another deeply personal issue weighing heavily on her mind and that is the issue of her daughter, Lilith. Lilith has been a secret that Kimberly has shockingly been able to keep for over eighteen years. Kimberly gave birth to the girl when Kim was still blindly obeying the whims of Emma Floreschu like a brainwashed slave. After Kim’s time in the mental institution, she and her friend, Larry Dempsey, found the girl and kept her safe from Emma. As time went on and Kimberly would further her wrestling career, Larry would take on greater and greater responsibility in raising the child. But in recent months Larry has been insistent on Kimberly taking more of the responsibility onto her own shoulders. His argument is a plain and simple one; Kimberly is the mother, she should raise her own child. But Kimberly isn’t sure she is up for being a mother. She isn’t sure she is fit to be a mother. What she knows that she cannot do is keep this a secret any longer. She has to tell her family. Her family has been there for her in the past, they have helped her in the past, so if anyone could give her proper advice on how to proceed, it is her family. But they must know, they must find out about Lilith.

The Woman Scorned is walking the backstage area of the Crypto.com Arena in Los Angeles, California. She has yet to change out of her ring gear after her match against Scott Reed. Kim was beaten but she isn’t ashamed. She went out there and did what she set out to do; she reminded everyone what she was capable of. Now she is going to continue to do that as she heads into Taking Hold of the Flame in hopes of winning that battle royal and earning that coveted shot at the SCW World Championship. Before she can focus on that, she has personal matters to take care of, that is why is searching for her mother and part time manager, Angelica Jones.

“Mom! Mommy-o?!” Williams asks, waiting on a response. She shrugs her shoulders. “Hmmm, I wonder is he just left me behind?” She picks up her penguin, Wasley, and puts him up close to her face. “Where do you think she is, Wasley? Huh?”

“I’m right here, Kim.” That’s the voice of Angelica Jones. Kim turns around and grins from ear to ear upon seeing her mother standing there. Marie Jones, who isn’t competing tonight, is also there standing to Angelica’s right.

“Sorry about your loss, Kim.” Marie says. Kim just shrugs her shoulders.

“Eh, he beat me. No biggie.” Kim shrugs her shoulders. She walks over and wraps an arm around Marie’s shoulder. “Unlike some people, I’m not gonna throw a tantrum and leave because I got beat.”

“Kim!” Angelica says in a scolding tone. Marie just chuckles and shakes her head.

“It’s ok, mom. I probably had that one coming. But I assure you that I am NOT that person anymore.” Marie pats Kim on the back. “And I’m glad your success hasn’t turned you into that kind of person.”

“What are you still doing here?” Kim asks. Marie smirks.

“Like I said, I’m not that kind of person anymore. I am committed to SCW and I plan to show up each and every night whether I am booked or not.”

“I just hope you’re committed.” Angelica says as she turns her attention to Kim. “You lost to Reed tonight but Taking Hold of the Flame is coming up and you are going to facing The Enigma. And if you survive that…”

“If I survive?” Kim scoffs. “More like if HE survives.” Kim winks.

“Whatever. Point is, after that you have Taking Hold of the Flame itself.” Angelica looks genuinely concerned. “Are you sure you can do double duty?”

“Do I look like someone who is concerned about double duty?” Kim asks with a knowing grin.

“I’m just saying, no one would blame you for skipping out on the battle royal this year.”

“No way, mom.” Kim shakes her head. “I came so damn close last year. This year is my year! I can feel it!”

“It might be my year.” Marie says with a wink.

“Really?” Kim laughs. “Good! I love a good sibling rivalry!”

“I don’t.” Angelica says with a sigh. “Why don’t you two just set any thoughts of the Flame to the side for now? You two might not even see each other in the battle royal.”

“But if we do!” Kim declares excitedly. “May the best twin win!”

“My thoughts exactly.” Marie says with a nod of her head. Kim and Marie share a hug. Angelica smiles proudly from afar.

“That sounds better.” Angelica says. “Now why don’t you go get changed out of your ring gear and join me and your sister? We can go find a nice, comfortable place to watch the rest of Breakdown and…”

“Uh, yeah sounds good, but…” Kim interrupts her mother, she sighs “...and we can do that. But I have a bit of a confession to make.”

“Confession?” Angelica asks with an arched brow. “Is everything ok?”

“Mostly.” Kim says with a sheepish grin. “It’s just that, uh, I haven’t been completely honest with you guys.”

“What did you do?” Angelica asks in a scolding, parental tone. Kim shrugs her shoulders and feigns innocence.

“Nothing you or Marie haven’t done!”

“Be serious.” Marie states. “If you’re in trouble we want to help.”

“Fine.” Kim rolls her eyes. “But I’m not in trouble. It’s just that I…uh…I have been visiting a friend in Baltimore regularly.”

“We already know about your friend.” Marie states. “You told us, remember?”

“I told you about Larry but I didn’t tell you everything about our relationship.” Kim begins. “See, he has been doing me a really big favor over the past sixteen or so years. I mean a massive favor.”

“What kind of favor?” Angelica asks.

“He’s been…” Kim sighs “...he’s been taking care of my daughter.”

“Your…” Angelica blinks her eyes several times, almost as if she doesn’t believe she is awake “...your what?”

“My daughter.” Kim states frankly. “Y’know, like Marie and I are your daughters.”

“I know wha…” Angelica sighs and shakes her head “...how is it that you have a daughter? I don’t understand!”

“Well, you see, when a boy loves a girl, the boy sticks his…”

“Kim!” Angelica exclaims. Kim shakes her head.

“Ok, ok, I’ll be serious!” Kim sighs. “It was back when I was still with Emma. She wanted me to give her a child and, well, that’s how Lilith came to be.”

“Ok, ok, slow down,” Angelica shakes her head “so Emma used you to give her a child? Her name is Lilith. But…why? What purpose did it serve?”

“I still don’t know what she wanted out of it. Did she just want a family? A cult? I have no clue.” Kim sighs. “I never gave her the chance because once I got out of the insane asylum you know what I did to her…” her voice trails off. Angelica sighs and nods her head.

“Yeah, I know.” The words do not need to be said. Angelica knows that Kim is capable of murder. “Where is Lilith now?”

“She’s with Larry. I asked him to take care of her because, honestly,” she shrugs her shoulders “I really did not think I was fit for parenting. Hell, I didn’t want to be pregnant, Emma wanted me to be pregnant. I’m sorry I kept this a secret from you guys for so long. I’ve been living in denial for a long time. I didn’t want to think she existed. I wanted to pretend none of it happened. I had hoped Larry could just take care of her and that would be that.”

“What changed?” Marie asks, chiming in. Kim shakes her head.

“I don’t know. Part of me, really, doesn’t want anything to change. But Larry has been encouraging me, almost forcing me, to take on more of the responsibility of taking care of Lilith and I gotta admit…” Kim smiles “...the more time I spend with her, the more I like it…being a mom, that is.”

“Well this responsibility wasn’t something you asked for, Emma forced it on you. So I don’t blame you for not wanting any part of this,” Angelica begins “but you need to make up your mind. You need to decide what you want to do about this.”

“I know.” Kim says quietly.

“Lilith didn’t ask for this, either.” Angelica points out. “She deserves a good life and good parents. If that is you, then fine. Take the responsibility. If it is someone else…your friend Larry or whoever…then fine. But Lilith deserves a stable life with a good parent.”

May 21st, 2024
Boston, Massachusetts
Off Camera

It has been several days since Breakdown, since Kimberly Williams finally spilled the news about her secret daughter to her mother Angelica Jones and twin sister Marie Jones. Kim had some hope that maybe telling them would provide a solution to her problem. Deep down inside she knew it would not be that simple. Lilith is a problem that she has been putting off for a very long time and it will not be a problem easily solved. Then again, Lilith is not a problem. She is a person. Like Angelica said, she deserves to be in a functional, stable, good home. Lilith did not ask to be born just as Kim did not ask to be a mother. Whatever the solution is, it has to be fair to both. All Kimberly knows is that, for whatever reason, Larry does not seem to want to continue to raise her. He does not want the indefinite responsibility of raising Lilith. Kim will have to determine a solution sooner or later. Until then, Kim Williams is happy to spend some quality time with her daughter. Perhaps spending some time with Lilith will help Kim determine of being a mother, raising this girl, is the future that she wants?

The Woman Scorned sits next to her good friend from the mental asylum, Larry Dempsey on a raggedy beat up red sofa. Lilith sits cross legged on the floor playing with Kimberly’s pet hamster, Caligula. The wallpaper peels and fades into a dull, yellowish hue, hanging limply in spots where the glue has long given up. The wooden floorboards creak with every slight movement, a testament to years of neglect and heavy footsteps. The living room itself is a testament to hardship. A single bare bulb dangles from the ceiling, casting a dim, flickering light that does little to chase away the shadows. The furniture is mismatched and marred by time: an old coffee table with chipped edges, the flat screen television is the only somewhat new item in this entire beat up home; and it is set perched precariously on a makeshift stand. There is a bookshelf that leans dangerously to one side, its shelves sparsely populated with dust-covered books and knick-knacks. The windows are covered with threadbare curtains that do little to block the draft, and a cold wind seeps through the gaps, causing the fabric to flutter like ghostly hands.

“I am quite proud of you, Kimberly.” Larry says warmly. Kim just rolls her eyes. She has heard this song and dance before. “The time you are taking to spend with your daughter, finally after all of these years, it is beautiful.”

“Yeah, I know, I’m a real saint.” Kim responds sarcastically.

“It is true.” Larry nods his head. “You are doing what needs to be done for her benefit and for yours.”

“I get how this is for HER benefit,” Kim says, motioning to Lilith who strokes the hamster across the room “but how is this for MY benefit?”

“You do not have a guilty conscience.”

“I have murdered three people and I kidnapped my sister.” Kim points out. “Do not accuse me of worrying about a guilty conscience.”

“If you did not worry yourself about your conscience then why would you be spending time with your daughter?”

“Because it is the right thing to do.” Kim points out. “I may be a psychopath but I do know right from wrong and, believe it or not, I am trying to do what’s right.” Kim sighs. “Hell, I should be preparing for Taking Hold of the Flame. I am double booked for that night but instead I’m here with…” she looks at Lilith who smiles and waves at Kim, this immediately disarms Kim’s anger and Kim waves back “...with my little girl.”

“See?” Larry points out. “You enjoy this.”

“This is difficult, Larry. Trying to transition from being a crazy barely stable lunatic to being a mother isn’t easy.” She sighs and nods her head. “But I cannot deny it. I do enjoy being with her.”

“And she seems to enjoy spending time with you.” Larry says.

“Yeah, maybe.” Kim shrugs her shoulders. “We watched television, played video games, and she seems to enjoy Caligula’s company.”

“You do not give yourself enough credit, my friend.” Larry says. “Lilith here is proof positive that you are a good mother. Perhaps you should consider having her move on with you on a more permanent basis?”

“Permanent?” Kim furrows her brow. “Uh, I dunno about that, Lawrence of Arabia. I mean, we suddenly jump from visits every month or so to suddenly she lives with me full time? Plus you gotta consider my wrestling schedule. Hell, just SCW alone I’m traveling the world. We were in Australia and Japan recently, Canada this week, and we’ll be in Europe for Taking Hold of the Flame. I would either have to drag her along or find someone else to watch her so I’d STILL be absent.”

“But Kimberly…”

“I’m not saying no.” Kim says. “I’m just saying maybe we should take it slowly, huh? Maybe take a more gradual approach to her moving in with me permanently. I thought about this for a long time after I told my mom about her…”

“You told your mother?” Larry asks. “How did she take it?”

“Surprisingly well. But she brought up a valid point. Lilith didn’t ask for this, neither did I, but we need to be fair to Lilith and having her move in with me when I’m constantly on the move isn’t fair to her. Someone else should be able to be there for her when I am not around.” Kim points at Larry. “So I was thinking you could fill that role on the days I’m on the road.”

“Honestly, my dear, that isn’t a good idea.”

“Why not?” Kim asks curiously. “It isn’t like it would be any different from what we’re currently doing. Y’know?”

“I know it seems good but…” he sighs and shakes his head “...just trust me, it is not a good idea.”

Larry does not sound normal. This does not seem like the Larry Dempsey Kim knows. He seems very suspicious, very fishy. Kim studies him carefully.

“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing is wrong, Kimberly. I just do not believe I can take care of the girl anymore.”

“So you want to pawn her back off onto me because you don’t think you can do it anymore?” Kim asks. “I think I deserve to know why?”

“I would rather not talk about it right now.” Larry insists. “Let’s just focus on the well being of the girl, shall we? We can agree that her well being is paramount.”

Kimberly knows that Larry is giving her the runaround. She knows he is trying desperately to dodge the real issue at hand. But perhaps now is not the time to confront him, at least not yet. Kim sighs and nods her head.

“Fair enough. If you won’t watch her, and I CANNOT watch her, I think I know someone who can.”


“My boyfriend.” Kim points out. “Tommy.”

“Tommy?” Larry asks suspiciously. “The one you never introduced me to?”

“The one and the same. He is trustworthy and responsible.” She winks. “Believe me.”

“I wish I could…”

“You’re not jealous, are you?” Kim asks with a jovial smirk on her face. Larry shakes his head emphatically.

“No! Of course not!” He insists. “Our relationship is one based on friendship, you know this!”

“I know. You just seem a little…” Kim pats him on the back “...off. Are you sure there isn’t anything you aren’t telling me?”

“No, absolutely not. I just want what’s best for the girl. That’s all. And I have not met this…Tommy…”

“Well it’s either him or you.” Kim fires back. Larry sighs and nods his head, relenting.

“Very well. I suppose your boyfriend Tommy can watch the girl for now.”

One problem has been solved, at least temporarily. Kim can hopefully get her boyfriend, Tommy Wasley, to look after her daughter on the days that she is on the road. Lilith will be well taken care of. Yet even with this problem taken care of, there is now a new problem rising. Something is clearly wrong with Larry Dempsey. He has been awful quick to get Lilith away from him. He wasn’t willing to take her back at all. Kim senses that something is wrong. She just cannot put her finger on it.

May 23rd, 2024
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Off Camera

Backstage at Breakdown, near the ready area, Kimberly Williams finds herself excited. A big, ear to ear grin is on her face. She just watched the “main event” of Breakdown. Despite what Selena Frost may say, the main event was Marie Jones against Gavin Taylor and Kim’s twin sister, Gavin, just defeated The All Star to earn herself a shot at the SCW Adrenaline Championship. What this means is that both members of Twin Magic now will be pulling double duty at Taking Hold of the Flame. Marie has her title match, Kimberly has her Underground Match, and both will be in the Taking Hold of the Flame battle royal. Things have just gotten a lot more interesting for these twin sisters. Marie Jones returned after a lengthy absence to rejoin Kim. Twin Magic has been reunited and they are on the verge of what could be a historic night for the pair. The Woman Scorned, for her part, is excited about what Taking Hold of the Flame might bring. As soon as Marie Jones steps back through the curtain she is embraced in a tight hug by her twin sister Kimberly.

“You did it! Go Phoenix Go! Wooooo!”

“Oww, please don’t put so much pressure on sweetie.” Marie says. Immediately Kim lets go. “Sorry, but I just got finished fighting Gavin. I’m still a little sore.”

“Sorry! I don’t know my own strength!” Kim smirks. “But isn’t this great? Twin Magic back together and taking SCW by storm! We’re gonna be all over Taking Hold of the Flame! Me and DeeDee are going to war in the Underground against The Enigmatic Enigma and the European Firing Squad! You now have a shot at the Adrenaline Title! And maybe ONE OF US will win the battle royal and get that World Title shot!”

“Yeah, maybe.” Marie shrugs her shoulders. She follows Kim off to the side where they find a packing crate to sit down on. Marie points a finger at Kim. “But what about you? Are you ready for Taking Hold of the Flame?”

“Me? Of course!” Kim snickers. “Underground is MY world and Enigma is gonna learn that first hand! And maybe I’ll remind Oktoberfest in the process…”


“...and yeah, I’m pulling double duty, but so what? Surviving an Underground Match AND winning Taking Hold of the Flame? All in one night? Not THAT would be impressive! And I plan to pull it off!”

“Kim!” Marie raises her voice to get her sister’s attention.

“What? You don’t think I can do it?”

“No, it’s not that.” Marie shakes her head. “I mean, are you ready up here.” She taps Kim on the head.

“Am I ever ready up there?” Kim snickers. Marie sighs.

“That’s still not what I mean.” Marie frowns. “What about Lilith?”

“Oh…” Kim’s voice trails off, she sighs and shrugs her shoulders “...oh, Lilith is fine. Ultimately I came to the conclusion that with me being on the road so often, it just wouldn’t work for me to take care of Lilith full time. But Tommy is no longer wrestling. He can watch after her while I’m on the road and when I’m NOT on the road I can stay with her and Tommy and that just makes more sense to me.”

“That sounds good. It sounds like you have that part of your life figured out.”

“Yeah, maybe, but I still have on thing that bothers me.”

“What is it?” Marie asks. “Is Lilith not on board with this plan?”

“Oh Lilith is fine.” Kim states. “The problem is Larry. He seemed a little too eager to dump Lilith. And that made absolutely no sense to me because he adores Lilith. He always wanted what was best for her. Hell, it should have been more of a red flag…”


“The fact that he kept badgering me and bugging me to take over as Lilith’s primary caregiver. Seriously, I may be her biological mother but you know as well as I do, and Larry knows it even better, that I am NOT the best person to raise a child on her own. And he also knows that I am on the road frequently. If he wanted the best for Lilith, giving her entirely over to me with no one else to watch over her, no one else to help, it just makes no sense.”

“You know, I am not normally one to buy into conspiracy theories, so I really would like to think that there is a logical reason behind this…” Marie begins.

“I know. The logical reason is that he is secretly a lizard person.” Kim states. Marie rolls her eyes.

“I’m being serious. I hope there is a logical reason because, well,” she sighs “you make some valid points.”

“I do?!” Kim smirks. “I mean, of course I do!”

“So what do you think is wrong with Larry?”

“I have no clue.” Kim shrugs her shoulders. “But I intend to find out.”
[Image: Fr3dxo2WIAAhCXt?format=jpg&name=large]
SWC Southern Heavyweight Champion 1x
MWA Turmoil Champion 1x
GCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
UWA World Tag Team Champion 1x
HKW Bloodlust Champion 3x
2022 SCW Trios Tournament Winner
SCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
SCW Underground Champion 5x
SCW Television Champion 1x
SCW United States Champion 1x
MWE Chicago Way Champion 1x
5LW Television Champion 1x
Queen of the Death Match

[Image: mariejones.png]

SCW United States Champion 1x
SCW Television Champion 2x
SCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
UWA World Champion 1x
UWA X-Class Champion 1x
UWA World Tag Team Champion 1x
IWC World Tag Team Champion 1x
MCW X-Division Champion 1x
GDW International Champion 1x
GDW World Tag Team Champion 3x

{The screen static jumps to a shot of the world famous Hunter’s Mark gym, once known as the “War Room Dojo”, in Jamaica, New York. This is the school that trained such wrestlers as the “Mad Dog” Ryo Sakazaki, The “Wild Boys” tag team of Billy and Jimmy Wild, Jocelyn Sky,
Noah Krieger, "Hot Stuff" Kain Reyes, The "Bad Pajama Mamma" Cassie Wu, Tiffany Santana, Leonhart, Harmony Avery, Ashlyn Moon, Trafalgar Law of the Phantom Troupe, and its most successful student in the multi-time world champion, "Total Elimination" Jacob Striker, among many others.

Now the school was under the control of the daughter of its late original owner in Serenity Scorpio and her fiance in Jacob Striker, who now helps to train the next generation of wrestlers, but as the camera takes through the hallways of the school, which is closed down due to it being afterhours, we are shown all of the usual rooms and such connected to a wrestling school when eventually we find ourselves in the main training room itself where we find the “Front Man of the Dope Show” himself, David “Bam Bam” Striker, working out in one of the training rings but who he is training with is equally surprising as his training partner is none other than his older brother Jacob Striker himself.

The two men are going fast and furious, trading wrestling holds and suplexes like there is no tomorrow at such a rapid fire pace that it’s almost startling until finally David is finally able to hit a spinning German suplex on his older brother that sends him flying over the top topes to land on the padding on the outside where Serenity is, serving as the “outside ref” for those thrown over the top ropes}

Serenity: JAKE’S OUT!!

{Jake tosses a mock-glare at his future wife who simply gives him a playful smirk in return as she goes over and helps Jake up while Dave heads to the ropes closest to where they are}

David: You alright?

Jacob: Yeah, just wasn’t expecting that move out of you though.

David: Well what did you expect, you tried to lock in that fucking cravate yet again!

{Jacob couldn’t help but smile at his kid brother before nodding}

Jacob: Well it is one of my bread and butter moves after all.

Serenity: Yeah tell me about it, Stephanie used to go on and on about how your brother could just about hit anything that he needed out of that one simple hold ranging from a suplex to a submission and then just keep going. And that’s how you’re going to be too one day, David.

David: If you say so, I’m not the prodigy that my brother is.

{Jake arches an eyebrow as he walks over to a set of chairs with a cooler on top of them and pulls out a Gatorade as Serenity crosses her arms over her chest as she focuses a similar look on the younger of the Striker brothers}

Serenity: What’s the supposed to mean, David?

David: I’m just facing facts, Serenity. I’m just facing facts, that’s all. I mean look at what I’ve got ahead of me at the next SCW pay per view. I’ve got a massive tag team match *AND* then I’ve got that massive battle royal to crown a contender to the SCW championship, and to be quite honest I don’t know how in the name of *FUCK* that I’m going to FIRST help my team win the tag match and THEN, win the rumble to secure me that contendership…

{David then easily swung himself out of the ring to land right in front of Serenity, ice blue on light blue}

David: *THAT* is what I mean, Serenity.

{The two stared down each other for several seconds before Serenity’s eyebrows furrowed slightly and then she slowly nodded and turned to her boyfriend, gently placing a hand on the shoulder closest to her and whispering something into Jake’s ear before giving him a quick kiss on the lips before she headed off to leave the two brothers alone.}

David: So…what was that about?

Jake: She wanted to give us some alone time, Dave. Especially to give you a chance to blow off some steam and cool down. But we can do that in the ring.

{David nodded absently in agreement and then the two brothers climb back into the ring and then started to go slowly through the paces of the match, exchanging holds and submissions with Jacob noting how his brother had improved and made note of it as they went along}

Jake: So I’ve been watching you and the boys on SCW television, I won’t lie and say that I’m not happy with watching you lose the last couple of title matches.

David: Yeah, yeah…

Jake: But it’s mostly because I want to see you succeed more than anything, David. I mean if anyone understands how hard you’ve worked your ass off to get where you are and be your own man in the industry, it’s me. I mean you’ve thrown it in my face enough times over the past couple of years…and yet when you needed me, I made the time for you, true?

David: Yeah. So why aren’t you happy when I lose?

Jake: Well like I just said, I know how hard you work your ass off for those matches and then to see you lose, it makes my heart go out to you.

{The two men separate and then clash again, with David quickly locking in a headlock that he quickly transitions into a three/fourths half nelson that he then spins the two of them over and grounding his shorter-older brother and keeping the hold locked in}

David: So you think that I should’ve won those titles?

Jake: It’s not about the titles, baby brother. Yes, I think that you should have won the *matches* because you’re just that good, I mean your first run at Kimberly Williams for the Underground title I think that you should’ve won simply based on how hard you threw yourself into getting ready for that match, the title wasn’t important in my opinion to you earning that victory and proving yourself to yourself.

{This distracts David just long enough for Jake to quickly bend just enough to hook his right leg around David’s neck and yank him backwards so that Jake could then arch his back and lock in a kind of submission on David}

Jake: So…how’s your dating life?

David: OH fuck me! Not you too!

Jake: Yeah, you know mom’s been curious about that lately. I mean if Chris of all people can get a girl…

David: Yeah, but to hear him say it they’re not together and after that most recent promo from Aisling…

{Jake then revs up the torque on the submission hold just a little bit more before he breaks the hold and the two men get back to their feet and circle each other in the middle of the ring, testing out their respective defenses}

Jake: Yeah, Yeah…the point being is that he’s gotten a lot closer to Aisling than you with..what’s her name?

{David lets out a frustrated sigh}

David: Colleen?

Jake: AH *YES*!! *Colleen*! I can see why you’re attracted to her. She’s loyal, fun loving, and acts more like a Jessica Rabbit version of Sammi Belmont.

David: I could kill you sometime..
ake: Hey, it’s not my fault I found out. I mean you’re the one who decided to trust Devon freaking Neidhart, even though you knew better than to trust him with something like that!

{David let out a low growl before suddenly exploding into a charge at his older brother who simply catches his kid brother’s extended right leg, hooks him, and then sends him flying across the ring hard into the upper left turnbuckle area with a very quick and explosive Exploder suplex}

David:...yep, I deserved that one. But dirty pool, Jake, dirty pool.

Jake: I know I know, but needless to say that I hope that you’ve learned the lesson there.

{David blinks as he slowly extracts himself from the turnbuckle, a slightly confused look on his face that his brother easily reads}

Jake: I’m not worried about you being in that tag team match because you’re a freaking *STRIKER* and our family, just like Chris’, have made our bread and butter primarily in the tag team ranks over the years. Remember, my first title *ANYWHERE* was with Lash as one half of the very first Pro Wrestling Nova World Tag Team champions and we went through over forty other teams in one night to grab those straps for ourselves.

So you leading the charge against this other team at the pay per view and LEADING them to a hard fought and extremely bloody *VICTORY* is one thing that I have an absolute belief in you being able to do, baby brother, but battle royals are a completely different being all together and yes, I’m using the right title for it because when you have more than ten people in a match, especially in a situation like that, it tends to take on it’s own psychological existence and that’s when you get some of the truly nasty and horrible things being thrown around that ring.

{Jake then crouches down low to look David squarely in the eyes before Jake taps himself on the right side of his head}

Jake: You got to stay focused because during a battle royal, you get some of the truly fucked up shit thrown in your direction in terms of trash talk. If I had a dollar for every time somebody tried to tell me how good a lay Serenity is or anything like that during the course of a battle royal, I could easily take a year or two off from the sport and focus on just playing Final Fantasy Online.

David:...I didn’t know you liked that game…

Jake: Not the point, Davey. The point being is that in a battle royal, you need to remember two things. The first being to always keep your mind focused on the matter at hand, basically don’t overextend yourself during the match and don’t try to do anything fancy. Both Ryo and Kain can tell you horror stories about things that they have done in battle royals…and Uri could write an entire fucking book about his own experiences.

And secondly, you need to remember that in a battle royal to just push past all of the trash talking because all that bullshit is someone trying to force you to lose your cool so that they can get you over that top rope and them onto an ego boost so that they can keep going on to win the match.

{Jake then straightens up before offering his right hand out to David}

Jake: If you can remember those three things, then you’ve got yourself your shot at that Supreme Championship Wrestling title and *fuck* everyone else, David.

{David turns this information around in his head for a few seconds before silently nodding in agreement and then reaching up to allow his older brother to help him up to his feet…when a thought suddenly hit him in the head}

David: Wait…you said if I remember those “three things”, but you only said two. What was the third?

{Jake simply gives David a smile, a truly devilish smile}

Jake: Oh, that one is easy to remember and goes without saying, my brother. Always remember that you’re a Striker, and we just don’t get hungry…we’re always *STARVING*!!

{The screen then static cuts to black as the two men move back to starting positions}

{The screen then static cuts back from black and we find ourselves in the locker room of the Hunter’s Mark gym where we find David peeling the athletic tape with a rather wicked smile on his face}

David: You know sometimes it’s good to get back to basics and touch base with family, You see after I got screwed out of my victory on Breakdown, my soon to be sister in law offered me a chance to come down here and spend some quality time with her and my older brother before I take my flight to London to make family history by headlining an event at blood Wembley Stadium.

On June the first, in front of ninety thousand people and the millions at home watching on international television, will watch as I will not only lead my friend, my tag team partner, and my BLOOD *BROTHER* in Chris Dumont, but also Cara & Veronica Strader, the Cowgirls from Hell, to an oh so honestly bloody and beautifully brutal victory over La Pequena Luz, Amelia Blythe, and those twin twits in Glory Braddock and Brittany Lohan...but the world is also going to witness me tear the witches and dig through the ditches as I will become the final being standing in the Taking of the Flame rumble to become your *NEW* number one contender for the Supreme Championship Wrestling World's Heavyweight title.

And I’m going to do all of this because my brother is right, I have worked too hard and put too much of myself to let such an epic chance slip through my fingers, and I have worked too hard to get myself to this point to just let such an opportunity slip through my fingers like so much water through an open hand and I’ll be *DAMNED* if I let that happen.

And so to the thirty nine other wrestlers involved in the Taking Hold of the Flame Battle Royal, I want to personally offer up my most humblest of apologies for shattering your dreams by taking what is rightfully mine at Wembley…

{David’s face slowly breaks out into a rather dark smile}

David: Well, I offer up my apologies for *ALMOST* everyone because there are a few right cunts out there that rightfully deserve to have their dreams shattered without mercy nor hesitation.

Glory and Britanni, what you have coming to you at Taking the Flame, you’ve had fucking coming to you all of this time and for all of your self absorbed bragging and egos, you must have known that this was going to be the end result the moment that you laid your hands on one of *MY* people. You two must have understood that the moment that you manhandled one of my closest and dearest friends that the end result was the two of you being shoved through the fucking meat grinder at the cost of your title dreams must have been too much for your oxygen starved little pea brains to comprehen because that’s exactly what’s going to happen at the pay per view the moment that the bell rings, I’m going to latch this hand, Glory…

{David holds up his right hand and stiffly flexes the fingers on that hand}

David: and I’m going to latch these fingers onto your fucking head and I’m going to *squeeze*, Glory, and I’m going to squeeze with such a force and strength that it’s going to send you screaming over the edge into your own abyss that you stay in and wallow your own filth and self pity until *I* decide that you’ve had enough.

Meanwhile Chris is going to break your little tag partner in Bitchy Britt. The last time that I spoke to him he wondered just how many times he could spike Britt with the Code Zero before her bloody head just snaps off like what she’s done probably to her own Barbies when she was a little girl and he is most happy to try it because that’s how angry he is and if there is anything that I’ve learned from spending time with Chris and his family is that a Dumont looking for revenge is not a healthy sight and you Britt, you’ve done and given him a legit reason for wanting to bring your head low before that final execution and you know that it’s coming, no matter what your ego screams at you.

The days of Twisted and Sadistic are slowly coming to an uneventful end..end of story.

But it’s not the end of the story for you, Kirsten Scott. OHhhh, no. Not by a long shot.

Do you recall how confident you were, carrying on and on about how you were so sure like death and taxes that you were going to make an example out of me…a STATEMENT out of me on the last edition of Breakdown and that there wasn’t a damned thing that I could do about it because I was going to instantly fold or some bullshit like that?

Did I fold, Kirsten?

Did you walk right over me and make your fucking “statement” like you were so adamantly sure was going to happen without fail??

{David’s smile becomes just a little bit more devilish}

David: Things didn’t go exactly to plan for you did it? The person that you were oh so sure was going to fold before the oh so great “ONE” instead put up one hell of a fight and instead turned right around and made *you* into the STATEMENT instead and that STATEMENT was that maybe you should’ve checked your fucking ego at the door before you automatically assumed that I was just going to be a willing victim for your sorry ass.

And yeah, before you even try to bring it up-I know that I didn’t win our match either because of some fucking bullshit that *you* caused pure and simple, but the point of the matter is that I had you dead to rights and there was not a damned thing that you could’ve done to stop me from winning either way, just like at Taking the Flame when you watch me toss your sorry, worthless ass out of my ring on *my* way to victory, Kirsten, and before you start going off about your conspiracy reasons as to why I’m after you and your chance to become the next SCW World Champion, allow me to put all of that bullshit to rest by simply saying this;


I have believed in this company since I was first introduced to it, I have believed in the talent since the very first time that I saw Polly and the rest of the Playgirls throw down here in SCW, I’ve been a fan since the very first time I saw Kimberly Williams and Konrad Raab throw down individually in that very fucking ring.

Most importantly I *BELIEVE* in this company, and that’s why I am fighting to become it’s next world heavyweight champion because I honestly believe that it’s time for someone NEW to step up and take the reigns of Supreme Championship Wrestling-someone who isn’t carrying the baggage of past hatreds, someone who is much more incredibly open minded and more than willing to try new and incredible things AND someone who isn’t afraid to throw down with ANYone and EVERYone in this company-no matter the division!!

Now I believe in this just as passionately as I did when I was having my matches against Kimberly because this is not just some passing fad like some of you fuckers keep shoving in front of yourselves to make you seem larger than life, NO! I was just days separated from having the most hellacious match of my career when I made myself walk into that arena, square my shoulders the fuck back, and declare myself for the rumble because that’s how much I fucking *BELIEVE* in this company and what its true potential is for the future of this industry because SCW doesn’t focus on one very small select group of privileged assholes to run roughshod across its brands like a few other promotions that I could name, promotions that take some of the hottest talent that this industry has ever produced and runs them ragged just so that they can serve as easy wins for the bigger names in the company.

No, SCW doesn’t play that kind of fucking game and instead you see each and every talent on this company’s roster be given a chance to shine in his or her own way and that’s one of the many, MANY different reasons why I believe in this company and want to do what *I* feel is best by stepping up and tearing through the rumble to take the flame for *MYSELF* before I take that world title for myself!!

Now this isn’t arrogance, Ladies and Gentlemen. This isn’t me hyping myself at the expense of everyone else in this match, no.

This is me, David Matthew Striker, purely and simply putting what’s going to happen at Taking the Flame at Wembley and that is I’m going to lead my team to a total and complete brutal victory earlier in the night and *THEN* I’m going to become your NEW Number One Contender for the SCW World Heavyweight Championship because I *am* the new blood that this company needs at the top of its champions pyramid!!

Someone who has the best wishes and hopes for SCW in mind and who won’t treat that ten pounds of gold as nothing more than some fucking piece of bling, but someone who will treat the championship like it should be treated!!

And that somebody is going to be *ME*!!

So this coming weekend in London, show up to the card…strap your boots on good and tight…and grit your fucking *TEETH*, because it’s time to go good and proper fucking *WAR*!!!

{David then walks off, whistling a familiar tune as the screen static jumps to black}

The Veil of Belonging


Matt Hodges

[Image: hodges.png]
2 of 2 for Kim

May 27th, 2024
Baltimore, Maryland
Off Camera

In less than a week Kimberly Williams knows that she will be in for a war like no other and it all goes down in London, England. For starters, she will be fighting alongside her on again off again enemy turned friend, the SCW United States Champion Deanna Frost in a brutal Underground Match along with the likes of Konrad Raab and his European Fiery Nation partners, and last but certainly not least, the epicenter of the whole rivalry itself; the mysterious and imposing Enigma. The Woman Scorned is certainly not intimidated by The Enigma or his mind games and she loves a good Underground war. Still, the match itself presents many complications. She wants get her own pound of flesh against The Enigma for her own reasons, namely due to his recent attack against her after Taking the Leap. She also does legitimately want to help Deanna, who seems to want Enigma’s head on a platter for what he did to Jessica Winters. But can Kimberly accomplish all of this and win the Underground Match? Her Underground Title may not be on the line but Kim recognizes how important wins and losses are in SCW. A loss here to anyone else in the match would mean her title could be in jeopardy in the future. Another complication of this match is the fact that it takes place at the Taking Hold of the Flame event and The Woman Scorned plans to compete in the battle royal itself. Kimberly, with all of her expertise in death matches, knows that she will be severely weakened and will not go into the battle royal at one hundred percent. Kimberly could hold back during the Underground Match, save her strength for the battle royal, but that would risk losing the Underground war and risk looking weak and vulnerable. Besides, Kimberly has never and will never hold back. She will never give less than one hundred percent. This will be no exception. She will do her best even if it means potentially risking her Taking Hold of the Flame battle royal prospects. Taking Hold of the Flame is very important to Kim. Last year she started the match and went bell to bell, lasting over an hour and nearly winning. It proved to the entire world just how good of a competitor she was. Kim would love to win the whole thing this year and go on to main event Rise To Greatness. She would love to finally achieve the one thing she has never done but the rest of her family has; win a World Championship.

If this night, if Taking Hold of the Flame is so important to the reigning SCW Underground Champion, then why is she sneaking around in Baltimore, Maryland in the middle of the night when she could be out preparing, training, and working out for what will no doubt be one of the biggest challenges of her professional career? Williams certainly prides herself on her wrestling career, but she also values certain people above herself and her own selfish designs. Her family, for one; she would do anything to help her family. It is a principle that was drilled into her. But she is equally as loyal to one of her closest friends, a friend she met while locked up in a mental institution; a man named Larry Dempsey. The Woman Scorned and Larry Dempsey had built a strong friendship, helping one another overcome their own darkness and depression while locked up. When they got released, they vowed to help each other out. Larry has helped Kimberly in one big way; namely helping to watch over Kim’s daughter, Lilith. Yet now, all of a sudden, Larry seems insistent on getting Lilith as far away from him as possible. Kim certainly can find other people to help her watch over her daughter for her while she is on the road wrestling. Her boyfriend, Tommy Wasley, is free and available. She has numerous family willing to help now that they are in on the secret. But Larry was way too eager to get rid of Lilith. In fact, he seemed somewhat desperate to get rid of her. It certainly raised a few red flags for The Woman Scorned. She feels something is wrong and she wants to find out.

In a quiet, middle-class neighborhood in Baltimore, Maryland, a one-story home stands under the soft glow of a bright moon high overhead in the night sky as well as streetlights hanging overhead. The house features a brick exterior that reflects the traditional charm of the area. The driveway, to the right of the house, is smooth and clean, leading to a single-car garage. A well-maintained sedan is parked in the driveway, its silhouette barely visible under the streetlight’s faint illumination. The garage door is closed, but a small motion-sensor light above it flickers on as a feminine figure steps out of the shadows. It is none other than Kimberly Williams herself. She is wearing black denim jeans, black boots, and a plain black t-shirt. Her all black attire is meant to disguise herself within the darkness. Williams smirks as she t ip toes up the driveway and to the front door, which is painted a deep, inviting blue and adorned with a simple brass knocker. Flanking the door, two large windows are covered with blinds, drawn shut for privacy. The soft hum of crickets fills the air, mingling with the distant sound of a car passing by occasionally on the main road. She looks once at the doorknob and then shakes her head.

“No way…going in through the front door is definitely NOT my style…” with that, Williams steps away from the front door and makes her way around the back. There she finds a fenced in yard. The Woman Scorned easily climbs up and over the fence. In the back yard she finds a small patio set, with cushioned chairs and a table that sits quietly on the concrete slab. She makes her way over to a window and peers inside. The room is dimly lit by only one lamp. She also finds by messing with the window for a little bit that this window is not very secure. Kim easily pushes it open and smirks victoriously. “Now this! This is my style!” Williams quickly slithers in through this window as sneakily and stealthily as a serpent. She lands with a soft but not very loud thud on the floor. She remains there for a few moments still, hoping that she didn’t make too much noise or alert anyone who might be here to her presence. Once she is satisfied that she is safe she stands back up and takes appraisal of the situation; she is in what appears to be a guest bedroom.

“Ok, Lawrence of Arabia, let’s see what you are up to…” Kim steps to the shut door and quietly, slowly, opens it. She listens out for signs of anyone. Content that she is still undiscovered she exits the guest bedroom and begins to walk down the hallway. The Woman Scorned finds one door already opened; she peers inside and sees that it is just the bathroom. She walks on down the hall further and notices a room with the door shut but something about this door peaks her interest. The door itself is rigged with a smile wire. It isn’t a trap or a makeshift alarm to warn anyone. It just provides an extra bit of annoying obstacle to entering the room itself. Almost as if locking the door wasn’t enough. They wanted an extra layer of protection for, or from, whatever is behind this door. Kim just shrugs her shoulder and easily takes the wire rig down and then turns the door knob to see if it is unlocked. Not to her surprise she finds that it is indeed locked. If they took the time to rig the door with an extra, albeit not very good, security, they’d certainly lock the door as well. But Kim never found a security system she could not overcome. She takes out a paper clip and puts it in the lock. She easily manages to unlock the door and push it open.

Williams immediately steps into a dimly lit room. The air feels heavy, imbued with a musty scent mixed with faint traces of incense and old wood. The other odd thing she notices about this particular room is that every available surface is crammed with religious artifacts from a multitude of faiths, creating a jarring and chaotic ambiance. Directly in front of her she finds a large, antique crucifix that hangs on the wall, its wooden surface weathered and cracked, with a lifelike depiction of Jesus, his eyes seemingly following her every move. Beneath it, an altar is cluttered with candles in various stages of melting, their flickering flames casting eerie shadows that dance around the room. To the left, a series of shelves house an array of statues and icons. There is a serene Buddha figure, carved from jade, its calm presence contrasting sharply with the unsettling surroundings. Next to it, a sinister-looking figure of Kali, the Hindu goddess of destruction, with her fierce expression and necklace of skulls, seems almost ready to step off her pedestal. Interspersed among these are smaller items: a menorah with unlit candles, an Islamic prayer rug hanging from a hook, and a Native American dreamcatcher swaying slightly as if touched by an unseen hand.

The far wall is dominated by a large, intricately framed mirror, its glass tarnished and speckled with age. Around the mirror, an array of talismans and amulets dangle, including an ankh, a pentagram, and several evil eye charms, their glassy surfaces reflecting the candlelight in disconcerting ways. In front of the mirror, an old, weathered Bible lies open on a stand, its pages yellowed and edges frayed, as if it has been left open for centuries. A low table in the center of the room holds a mix of objects from various religious rituals: a smudging bowl with remnants of sage, a small brass bell, a string of Catholic rosary beads, and an ornate incense burner emitting tendrils of sweet, heavy smoke that clings to her clothes. The smell is overpowering, a blend of sandalwood, frankincense, and something else Kim can't quite place—something slightly metallic and unsettling. The only window in the room is covered with thick, dark curtains, allowing just a sliver of moonlight to seep through, casting a pale, ghostly glow over a corner of the room. There, an assortment of sacred texts from different religions are stacked haphazardly: the Torah, the Quran, the Bhagavad Gita, and others, their spines cracked and well-worn, as if they have been perused by countless hands over the years.

“Well, well, Lawrence of Arabia, you have been a very busy boy! But what have you been busy doing?” Kim asks out loud.

“What are you doing here?!” This loud booming voice is one of anger but not unfamiliar to Kim. It was unexpected and startles Kim a little. She jumps around to see her friend, Larry Dempsey, standing there behind her.

“I’m breaking and entering. What does it look like I’m doing?” Kim says jovially. But Larry is having none of her jokes tonight.

“You are breaking my privacy.”

“Duh! That’s why it is called breaking and entering, cause things are broken.”

“This is NOT a joke!” Larry shouts as he approaches Kim menacingly, he attempts to back Kim against the wall but she does not budge. She is not afraid of him, even though he does seem to be enraged right now. “This is MY home! You do NOT break into my home!” He sighs and shakes his head. “I had this discussion with your daughter. I shouldn’t have to have this same discussion with her mother!”

“Oh don’t be mad, Lawrence of Arabia.” Kim winks playfully. “I mean, do you really expect anything less from me? Besides, I tried to do this the ‘normal way’...” she makes the quotation marks with her fingers when she says normal way “...I tried calling you, texting you, and you were even skipping out on our regularly scheduled Waffle House meet-ups. You NEVER miss those, Larry.”

“And that gives you justification to break into my home?!”

“It does when you go radio silent.” Kim states emphatically. “Larry, after we got out of the loony bin, we swore we would look out for each other. We swore that we would watch each other’s back and make sure we stayed honest and that we stayed on the straight and narrow.” She points a finger at Larry. “When Marie and I walked out on SCW years ago, it was YOU who convinced me to go back. You told me what I did was wrong and that I needed to live up to my commitments. You convinced me pay the fine for walking out and then stick with SCW. I am grateful for you watching my back and keeping me honest. Now I am doing the same because I know that something isn’t right. I know that you are hiding something from me.” She shakes her head. “I just don’t know what it is.”

What leads you to that nonsensical conclusion?” Larry demands angrily.

“Well like I said, you went radio silent on me. You have been ignoring all of my attempts to contact you, which is why I had to take THESE drastic measures. But there is also the little fact of my daughter Lilith.” Kim states. “You seemed very eager, if not desperate, to get rid of her and to get rid of her as soon as possible. You seemed desperate to pass her off onto someone else as soon as possible. And that just isn’t like you because I know you adore that girl. You are afraid of something, Larry. I can sense it. And quite frankly, after discovering this particular room,” she looks around at all of the religious items “I am beginning to get a little unnerved myself. I mean, what are you trying to do? Conjure every religion’s devil figure that there is?” She smirks. “I wouldn’t advise it, personally. The last devil I summoned cheated me out of five dollars.”

“The devil is already here.” Larry says with a low, quiet, very serious tone.

“What’s wrong, Larry?” Kim asks again. “C’mon, you can tell me.”

“You cannot help me.” He shakes his head. “Believe me, it is best if you just leave now.”

“Nope.” Kim shakes her head and then folds her arms over her chest. “No can do! I’m staying right here until you tell me what’s wrong and why you have a shrine to every god or goddess known to man in this house!”

“Please, Kimberly. Please just leave. It is for your own good.”

“I wrestle around in barbed wire, thumb tacks, and broken glass for fun. I strapped an explosive to my knee and rammed it into someone’s face just to win a match. Does that really sound like someone who looks out for their own good?” Kim asks playfully. But Larry is serious. He gets down on his knees. He is now literally begging her.

“I plead with you, Kimberly! Please leave!” Seeing Larry beg like this is unnerving even for someone as demented as Kim. The Woman Scorned bends down on her knees, getting eye level with Larry. She also takes on a more serious tone as she realizes just how desperate her friend seems to be.

“What’s wrong, Larry? Why won’t you let me help you?” Kim stares into Larry’s pleading eyes. He still wishes she would leave but it is becoming apparent that she will not. He sighs and shakes his head.

“Ok, you win. I will tell you everything…just not tonight…”

“When?” Kim asks. “You skipped out on our last meeting, you never returned my calls or texts…”

“And I do apologize. I have just been afraid. But I promise you that I will attend our next meeting and I will tell you everything. Just please, for tonight, please leave.”

“Well alright,” Kim stands up “I am going to hold you to that. You better attend our next meeting.”

“Tomorrow.” Larry says. “I will be there tomorrow at our usual spot.”

“The Waffle House?”

“The Waffle House.” Larry confirms with a nod of his head.

May 28th, 2024
Baltimore, Maryland
Off Camera

Kimberly and Larry’s relationship may have formed under unusual circumstances but it has always remained a strong bond. Whenever one of them was in trouble, the other has always been there to help out. On more than one occasion Larry has helped Kimberly and vice versa. And they always meet up at this one particular Waffle House in Baltimore, Maryland to catch up, to discuss what they have been through, what they have going on in their lives, and more importantly if they are in any trouble and if they can help each other. Larry Dempsey has always been the prompt one; he is always on time or early and Kimberly is almost always late. Once again Kimberly Williams is late; however, unlike all previous meetings, Larry was not there. Kim was late and yet still was the first to arrive. In fact, twenty four hours after she broke into Larry’s home and confronted him about what has been going on, what has troubled him lately, twenty four hours after that Kim sits here in this booth at the Waffle House still waiting on Larry to arrive. Kimberly is wearing torn blue jeans, flip flops, and a black Queens of Chaos logo t-shirt. Her long red hair hangs straight and unrestrained to past the shoulders. A cup of coffee, black, sits in front of her. She is beginning to think that Larry is standing her up, that once again he is avoiding her. Maybe he just lied about showing up and that he plans to skip town hoping to avoid ever having to deal with Kimberly again. It wouldn’t be the first time Kim has bothered someone to the point that she ran them off. But Larry is different. They were close. He wouldn’t run away like this. Plus he seems to be in genuine trouble. Kim just wishes he would let her help him. But maybe he is just late? Maybe he will show up? Kimberly just has to give him a chance.

Suddenly The Woman Scorned hears the familiar bell indicating that someone has just opened the door. She looks up and she sees her good friend Larry Dempsey entering the Waffle House. He certainly looks worse for the wear, as if he hasn’t slept in ages. He is wearing jeans, brown boots, a plaid shirt, and a brown leather jacket. He has a glazed over look on his face as he drags himself across the restaurant and over towards Kimberly. He sits down at the booth. Kim smirks and taps her watch.

“You’re late.”

“I know and I apologize, my friend.”

“You don’t get it. You’re not just late. See, I was late too and yet I was still first one here, which means you are REALLY late.” She shakes her head. “What gives, Larry? Something is definitely wrong here and you promised you would tell me.” Just as Kim finishes her statement, the waitress walks by and places a cup of coffee in front of Larry. He nods in thanks as she walks away.

“You ordered my coffee for me?”

“You’re welcome.” Kim winks.

“Thank you, my friend. And you are right, something is wrong. I cannot tell you in any other way except to say that I fear that I am going mad.”

“We’re all a little mad here!” Kim says with a grin that would match the same Cheshire cat that she quotes from Alice in Wonderland.

“Please, Kimberly! I am being serious!”

“So am I! But what kind of mad do ya mean? I mean, in less than a week I’m gonna throw down with this freak in a mask because I’m mad at him. DeeDee is mad at him. Oktoberfest is mad at him. In fact, everyone is mad at a him…”


“Sorry!” Kim says, smiling sheepishly.

“I do not mean mad as in anger. I mean that I believe that I am going crazy. I think I may be losing my mind. Every single step I took forward in curing my mental ailments, it seems that all of that progress is being lost each and every day.”

“Wait a sec,” Kim begins “I thought you had that under control?”

“I did.” He nods his head. “Those voices in my head, they were no longer there. My doctor chalked it up to my medicine but as a…precaution…I had a priest perform a minor rite of exorcism. You could call it a placebo effect. If it tricked my mind into believing it was working, then good.” He sighs. “But unfortunately the Bishop of the diocese has commanded this priest to no longer work with me.”

“Ok, so what?” Kim shrugs her shoulders. “You don’t believe in the supernatural anyway. At least I didn’t think you did. That creepy room I saw last night makes me think otherwise…”

“I didn’t!” He exclaims. “But now I…” his voice trails off “...I just don’t know what to think! My logical mind knows better, but ever since the priest stopped working with me, the voices began to return.”

“Maybe the medicine just isn’t working anymore?” Kim suggests. “Maybe you need to tell your doctor that…”

“No!” He exclaims. “I cannot go to my doctor!”

“Why not?” Kim asks. “Oh wait, I get it…you’re afraid of possibly going back…of being committed again, aren’t you?”

“I cannot risk telling my doctor about my problem.” Larry says quietly. “I do not want to go back. I must find another way to fight this.”

“That’s why you have that creepy room!” It’s as if a lightbulb went off over Kim’s head. “The exorcism shtick with the priest is gone, so you’re trying to find anything and everything possible to take its place. You’re trying to recreate the placebo effect.”

“Precisely.” Larry nods his head.

“Is it working?”

“Not yet.” He shakes his head. “Although I am learning quite a bit about other religions…”

“See, there is a bright side!” Kim smirks. “But seriously, though, Larry, you need to get psychological help. And that’s me talking.”

“I told you that I do not wish to risk going back to a mental hospital.” He points a finger at Kim. “Would you take that same risk? Would YOU risk being locked up again behind those walls?”

Kim remains quiet. She knows that Larry is right, she, too, fears being locked up again. She herself has used unique, unorthodox means to fight her own craziness. She does believe Larry needs professional help but she also sees the desperation in his eyes. She sees the fear in his eyes. She will not force him to get help. But she will do what she can.

“I will help you, Larry. Whatever you need, I will help.”

“Thank you, my friend.” He says quietly. “Thank you.”

June 1st, 2024
London, England
On Camera

We open outside at night on the streets of London, England. The opening chords of “Werewolves of London” by Warren Zevon begins to play. After a few seconds of this familiar tune playing in the background we see a figure entering the scene from the right. As the figure turns around to face the camera we can see that this is none other than “The Woman Scorned” and Queens of Chaos representative Kimberly Williams wearing a wolf onesie. She has her SCW Underground Championship, HKW Bloodlust Championship, and ZION Hardcore Championship title belts wrapped around her waist and she is carrying her beloved friend, the plushy penguin Wasley, in her right hand. “Werewolves of London” remains playing in the background but the volume lowers significantly, because the SCW Underground Champion is about to speak.

“There is no party like a werewolf party, am I right? The thing about werwolves is the mythology is that they are so fierce and scary; the stories of these fearsome creatures transforming from normal people into ravening monsters ready to tear the flesh off of an unsuspecting victim at a moment’s notice! But what I have found is that, most of the time, these fearsome creatures are nothing but just what I said they were…myths, folklore, stories conjured up to scare children. When you tear away the fur and the fangs all you get is just some lunatic in a werewolf onesie cosplaying as a monster.” She motions to herself. “Except with me, I am cosplaying as a werewolf right now but underneath this onesie, this fur, and these fangs is a real life monster capable of some horrific shit. If you don’t believe me, just ask Oktoberfest. He and I have been to hell and back on more than one occasion. We have shed each other’s blood, enough of it to fill two or three of those blood bank buses, we have shed enough of our own blood to keep a family of four vampires alive for another three centuries. We have brutalized one another so many times and have had a great time while doing it! I don’t think I have had the pleasure to OFFICIALLY make the acquaintance of his new friends, though…” she waves playfully at the camera “...hi Dakon! Hi Ludvig! I look forward to us maiming one another at Taking Hold of the Flame!”

“If you don’t believe The European Fiery Nation when they tell you just how sick and sadistic I am, then just ask Deanna Frost. I respect the hell out of Deanna and you wanna know why? She took the absolute worst I could throw at her and not only did she survive but she beat me at my own game at Rise To Greatness. I am not ashamed to admit it. Hell, I am proud of her and she earned my respect that night. Then at Apocalypse we went through hell together in a multi-person Underground war. If you don’t believe Oktoberfest, just ask Deanna Frost. She will tell you that I am NOT exaggerating when I say that I am the Queen of the Death Match and I will equally stand up and say that Deanna belongs in the Underground anytime she wants. Anytime she wants to enter my Underground, I welcome her with open arms because she has proven her worth, just like Oktoberfest and his European buddies have proven themselves in the Underground.” She pauses and then shakes her head.

“Unfortunately not everyone has proven themselves worthy of the Underground. Not everyone is a legitimate monster like myself or Oktoberfest. There is one particular fellow who is an outlier, a fraud; he is that individual cosplaying as a monster but is really just a cute little magician wearing a mask trying to intimidate people with smoke and mirrors.” She points a finger at the camera. “Yup, I’m talking to you, Enigmatic Enigma. Your smoke and mirrors, your cryptic bullshit talk, your darkness, all of that has been done time and time again in SCW. Red Grove, Ba’al, I could go on and on. The whole monster stuff? I have seen legitimate monsters, I have fought legitimate monsters, and you, my friend, are not a legitimate monster. A real life monster would have no problem facing his enemies. You just use tricks and mind games in hopes of gaining the upper hand. A true monster doesn’t need that but you do. A true monster would face Oktoberfest and knock his damn head off but you don’t even try. In fact, all you’ve managed to do is piss off a lot of people.”

“The European Fiery Nation. Deanna Frost. Myself. We all may technically be opponents in thai match at Taking Hold of the Flame, and there can only be one winner…and trust me, as someone who takes to the Underground with a lot of pride, I will do everything in my power to ensure that I am the winner…we may disagree on who that winner will be, but the one thing we can and do agree on is that we want to kick the ever living crap out of you. I do not care how much mind games you have, how big you are, how intimidating you pretend to be, at the end of the day you have to know that your ass is in trouble. You have to know that you have finally went too far in your attacks on Oktoberfest, your attacks on me and my sister, and what you did to Jessica Winters. You have gone too far and have pissed off the wrong people and at Taking Hold of the Flame you are going to not only get exposed for the fraudulent fake magician that you are, but you are going to get an ass whipping that you will not soon forget. The veil will be lifted and they will see not a monster but a child cosplaying as a monster.”

“I should know because I know coplaying. I’ve cosplayed as a unicorn, a penguin, and now as a werewolf.” Kimberly grins from ear to ear. “I also have been cosplaying as a pony. But not just any pony, but a one trick pony. By that I mean that for the longest time I have allowed all of you to think that I am nothing more than the Queen of the Death Match. I have allowed you to believe that the one and only realm I can control is the Underground. But it is time for me to lift my own veil away and reveal the truth of what I really am capable of to the entire world, and there is no better time to do that than right here, right now, at Taking Hold of the Flame.” Kimberly holds up one finger.

“One year ago, SCW got a glimpse of what I am capable of when I started the Taking Hold of the Flame battle royal, I went bell to bell, and damn near won the whole thing. Am I capable of winning Taking Hold of the Flame? Damn right I am. Will I win Taking Hold of the Flame this year? Will I pull off what most would consider an impossible feat of competing in the Underground war against The Enigma only to return later in the night and with very little gas left in the tank STILL overcome the odds and win Taking Hold of the Flame?” Williams nods her head emphatically. “You damn right I will! People may look at this and the challenge that I face and think that the odds are too great. But when people doubt me, when people bet against me, that just motivates me to prove their asses wrong. I wasn’t supposed to even be the Underground Champion but I took it. I wasn’t supposed to main event Body, Heart, & Soul in a SCW World and Underground Title vs Title Match but I did! I wasn’t supposed to beat James Evans but I did! Every single time people doubt me, every single time people bet against me, it just proves me wrong. So please! Please bet against me! Because that just means that this year I won’t just come close to winning…it means that I WILL WIN THE WHOLE DAMN THING! It means that yet again I will prove my critics wrong!” Kimberly looks as intense as ever.

“There is another thing that motivates me this year. Everyone in my family has been a World Champion in one promotion or another except for me. But no one expects that from me. They just expect Crazy Kim to be happy and content in the Underground, they expect Crazy Kim to be happy and content with being in the death match environment. I do love the death match environment, I would give up the Underground Title without a fight, but one thing I am NOT content with is this idea, this perception, that I am not capable of being the best wrestler in the world today. I am not and never will be content with the notion that I am incapable of being a World Champion. So this year I will do one thing that no one in my family has ever done and win Taking Hold of the Flame. Then I will main event Rise To Greatness and finally, for the first time ever, win my very first World Championship. I will finally mark my name into the history books as one of the best in the world.” She points a finger at the camera.

“Selena Frost, I kind of hope you’re the champion when it all is said and done. I recognize that I played a part in creating this monster that the SCW fans and roster perceive you to be. Thus I feel obligated to do whatever I can rein your ass back in and kill that monster. If beating you and taking your World Championship is what I have to do then so be it. So if…” she shakes her head “...no, WHEN I win Taking Hold of the Flame, I do hope you are the champion. I want to take the title away from you more than anything else.” She grins knowingly. “But Xander, don’t think I forgot about you! You may be the one to slay the dragon and if that is the case then maybe I will see YOU at Rise To Greatness? If so then make no mistake about it, you cannot and will not break me. You cannot and will not make me give up or quit on my fans or on my dream. When I win Taking Hold of the Flame, if I have to go through you then I will run right through your ass and become the new SCW World Champion.”

“This year is my year, ladies and germs! I will pull off the improbable, the impossible, I will survive the Underground, I will win Taking Hold of the Flame, and yes, I will win the SCW World Championship at Rise To Greatness. Everyone will believe in Kimberly Williams, the Queen of Chaos and the Queen of the Death Match!”
[Image: Fr3dxo2WIAAhCXt?format=jpg&name=large]
SWC Southern Heavyweight Champion 1x
MWA Turmoil Champion 1x
GCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
UWA World Tag Team Champion 1x
HKW Bloodlust Champion 3x
2022 SCW Trios Tournament Winner
SCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
SCW Underground Champion 5x
SCW Television Champion 1x
SCW United States Champion 1x
MWE Chicago Way Champion 1x
5LW Television Champion 1x
Queen of the Death Match

[Image: mariejones.png]

SCW United States Champion 1x
SCW Television Champion 2x
SCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
UWA World Champion 1x
UWA X-Class Champion 1x
UWA World Tag Team Champion 1x
IWC World Tag Team Champion 1x
MCW X-Division Champion 1x
GDW International Champion 1x
GDW World Tag Team Champion 3x

“What If Superheroes Did Exist? Part II”
[Image: HUDSONnew-BANNER.jpg]
Josh Hudson Career Accomplishments
SCW World Heavyweight Champion(4x)
2024 Rise to Greatness XXI Main Event Winer
2024 Taking Hold of the Flame Winner
2024 SCW Male Superstar of the Year
2023 Feud and Match of the Year
2022 Feud and Match of the Year
2018 SCW Trios Tournament Winner
2013 SCW Hall of Fame
SCW United States Champion(3x)
SCW Television Champion(1x)
SCW Tag Team Champion(2x)
2008 Tag Team of the Year award(Josh Hudson & Justin Davis)
Conquered Tactical Warfare 2010
HCCW World Heavyweight Champion (4x)
HCCW World Television Champion (1x)
HCCW United States Champion (1x)
XWE InterContinental Champion (1x)
XWE World Tag Team Champion (3x)
IWC World Heavyweight Champion(1x)
EAPW World Heavyweight Champion(1x)
TNW World Heavyweight Champion(1x)
WWA United States Champion(1x)
Ended Xander Valentine's 25 Match Winning Streak (2005)

As the night fell, the weight of the upcoming task pressed heavily on Chris Lawler's mind. The house was quiet, the soft sounds of his children's breathing a reminder of the stakes. He moved silently, his footsteps barely making a sound as he made his way through the dimly lit hallways. His heart raced, the enormity of what he was about to do gnawing at him.

He glanced at Sarah, asleep in their bed, her face peaceful and unaware of the turmoil that raged within him. For a moment, he hesitated, the urge to wake her and confess everything almost overwhelming. But he knew he couldn't. This was his burden to bear, his responsibility to shoulder.

With a final, deep breath, Lawler steeled himself and slipped out of the house, the cool night air hitting him as he stepped outside. He pulled his jacket tighter around him, the chill serving as a stark contrast to the fire of anxiety burning within him.

The drive to the old warehouse on Maple Street was tense, every shadow and movement causing his heart to skip a beat. He arrived at the decrepit building, its dilapidated exterior a perfect cover for the illegal activities that took place within its walls. Lawler parked his car and took a moment to collect himself before stepping out, the gravel crunching beneath his feet as he made his way to the entrance.

A figure emerged from the shadows, their face obscured by a hood. Lawler's pulse quickened as the person approached, the reality of the situation hitting him with full force.

"You Lawler?" the figure asked, their voice low and gruff.

"Yeah, that's me," Lawler replied, his voice steady despite the fear gnawing at him.
"Good," the figure said, handing him a small, unmarked package. "You know the drill. Deliver this to the address on the paper inside. No questions, no delays. Got it?"

Lawler nodded, taking the package with trembling hands. "Got it."

The figure stepped back into the shadows, leaving Lawler alone with the package and his racing thoughts. He glanced at the paper tucked inside the package, memorizing the address before shoving it into his pocket. With a heavy heart, he returned to his car and began the drive to the specified location.

Every turn, every stoplight felt like an eternity, the weight of the package a constant reminder of the danger he was in. The streets were eerily quiet, the usual hum of city life replaced by a suffocating silence.

Finally, he arrived at the address, a nondescript apartment building on the outskirts of town. Lawler parked and sat in his car for a moment, his mind racing with thoughts of what could go wrong. But he knew he had no choice. This was for Sarah and the kids. He had to see it through.

He stepped out of the car, the package clutched tightly in his hand, and made his way to the apartment door. With a deep breath, he knocked, the sound echoing through the silent hallway. The door creaked open, and a pair of eyes peered out from the darkness.

"You have the package?" the voice asked, low and suspicious.

"Yeah," Lawler replied, holding it out. "Here it is."

A hand darted out, snatching the package from his grip. The door closed as quickly as it had opened, leaving Lawler standing alone in the dimly lit hallway. He let out a breath he didn't realize he had been holding and turned to leave, the weight of the task still heavy on his shoulders.

As he drove home, the reality of what he had done began to sink in. He had crossed a line, ventured into a world he had never imagined himself being part of. But it was done. He had completed the task, and now all he could do was wait and hope that it had been worth the risk.

When he finally slipped back into bed next to Sarah, the house was still and silent. He lay there, staring at the ceiling, the events of the night playing over and over in his mind. For Sarah and the kids, he reminded himself. They were counting on him. And he would do whatever it took to keep them safe, no matter the cost.

As Lawler lay in bed, staring at the ceiling, his heart still pounding from the night's events. The darkness of the room seemed to close in on him, the weight of his actions pressing down like a suffocating blanket. He glanced at Sarah, her peaceful slumber a stark contrast to the turmoil raging within him. The guilt gnawed at him, but he pushed it aside, reminding himself why he had done it. For Sarah and the kids. They were counting on him.

As he lay there, trying to calm his racing thoughts, a sudden sound shattered the silence. The distinct noise of a car pulling up outside their house sent a jolt of fear through him. He sat up abruptly, straining to hear. His breath caught in his throat as he heard footsteps approaching the front door, their heavy thuds echoing ominously through the night.

Without a second thought, Lawler slipped out of bed and crept to the window, peering through the curtains. The sight that greeted him made his blood run cold. Two shadowy figures stood at the doorstep, their faces obscured by the darkness. He watched in silent horror as one of them raised a hand and knocked, the sound reverberating through the stillness of the house.

Lawler's mind raced, panic setting in. Had something gone wrong with the delivery? Were they here because of the package? He had to act, and fast. He grabbed his phone and dialed the emergency number for the contact he'd spoken to earlier, his hands shaking as he waited for an answer.

"Yeah?" the gruff voice answered on the other end.

"Someone's at my door," Lawler whispered urgently. "Two guys. What the hell is going on?"

"Stay calm," the voice replied, though there was an edge of concern. "Don't open the door. We didn't send anyone to your house. Just sit tight and don't do anything stupid."

Lawler's heart pounded in his chest as he hung up, his mind racing with fear and uncertainty. He moved silently to the bedroom door, locking it before returning to the window. The figures were still there, their presence a menacing reminder of the danger he had involved himself in.

The knock came again, louder this time, more insistent. Lawler's breath came in shallow gasps as he tried to think of a plan. His eyes darted around the room, looking for anything he could use to defend himself if it came to that.

"Chris?" Sarah's sleepy voice broke through his thoughts. She sat up, rubbing her eyes. "What's going on?"

"Shh," Lawler whispered, his voice trembling. "Stay quiet, Sarah. There's someone outside."

Her eyes widened with fear, and she clutched the blanket to her chest. "What do we do?"

"I'm going to handle it," Lawler said, trying to sound more confident than he felt. "Just stay here with the kids. Lock the door behind me."

Before she could protest, he slipped out of the bedroom, moving as silently as he could down the hallway. He reached the front door and paused, listening to the muffled voices outside. He couldn't make out what they were saying, but the tone was enough to send chills down his spine.

With a deep breath, he unlocked the door and opened it a crack, peering out at the men. "Who are you?" he demanded, trying to keep his voice steady.

"We're here to talk," one of the men said, his voice calm but cold. "Open the door, Chris."

Lawler's mind raced. He couldn't let them in, but he also couldn't afford to antagonize them. "What do you want?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

"We need to have a little chat about last night," the man replied. "Let us in, and we'll explain everything."

Panic surged through Lawler as he realized the gravity of his situation. He had stepped into a world far darker and more dangerous than he had anticipated, and now there was no turning back. With trembling hands, he closed the door and locked it again, backing away as the men pounded on the door with increasing force.

"You don't want to do this, Chris," the man called out, his voice rising. "Open the door now, or things are going to get a lot worse for you."

Desperation clawed at Lawler's mind as he retreated to the kitchen, his thoughts a chaotic whirlwind of fear and regret. He grabbed a knife from the counter, clutching it tightly as he tried to think of a way out. The pounding on the door grew louder, more frantic, and Lawler knew he was running out of time.

He glanced at the back door, contemplating an escape, but the thought of leaving Sarah and the kids behind filled him with dread. He couldn't abandon them, not now, not ever. With a steely resolve, he turned back toward the front door, ready to face whatever came next, knowing that his family's safety depended on his every move.

Lawler gripped the knife tighter, the cold steel grounding him amidst the whirlwind of fear. He moved back to the front door, his heart pounding in his chest as the banging grew louder and more insistent.

"Chris, open the door now!" the voice demanded, its tone threatening. Lawler knew that if he let them in, things could spiral out of control. He had to think fast, had to protect his family at all costs.

With a deep breath, he shouted through the door, "Leave now, or I call the cops!"

There was a moment of silence on the other side, a tense pause that seemed to stretch on forever. Lawler held his breath, waiting for their response. The pounding stopped, replaced by low murmurs as the men conversed in hushed tones.

Finally, the voice returned, more measured but no less menacing. "You don't want to do that, Chris. We know about the package. We know what you did. You call the cops, and we make sure your family pays the price."

Lawler's blood ran cold. These men knew too much. He couldn't risk involving the authorities, not with his family's safety on the line. He took a shaky breath, his mind racing as he tried to formulate a plan.

"Fine," he said, trying to keep his voice steady. "But you're not coming in. We can talk through the door."

Another silence, then the voice replied, "Alright, Chris. We'll talk. But you better make this quick."

Lawler felt a small measure of relief, but he knew he was far from safe. He glanced back at the hallway, imagining Sarah and the kids huddled in the bedroom, fear etched on their faces. He had to stay strong for them.

"What's this about?" he demanded, his voice stronger now. "I delivered the package, just like you asked."

"You did," the man conceded. "But there's more to this than just one delivery. You're in deeper than you realize, Chris. And if you want to keep your family safe, you're going to have to do more for us."

Lawler's heart sank. He had hoped this would be a one-time thing, a desperate measure to get them through their financial crisis. But now, it was clear that he was entangled in something far more dangerous and far-reaching.
"What do you want from me?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

"We need someone on the inside, someone who can handle more delicate operations. You proved yourself last night, but this is just the beginning. You do what we ask, when we ask, and your family stays safe. You cross us, and you know what happens."

Lawler felt trapped, the walls closing in around him. He had no choice but to comply, at least for now. He had to find a way out, but he couldn't do it if his family was at risk.

"Alright," he said, his voice hollow. "I'll do what you ask. Just leave my family out of this."

"We'll be in touch," the man said, and with that, the footsteps retreated, leaving Lawler standing in the middle of the darkened hallway, the weight of his decisions pressing down on him like a crushing burden.

He slowly unlocked the door and peeked outside, watching as the two men disappeared into the night. He closed the door again, locking it securely before slumping to the floor, the knife slipping from his grasp.

Tears welled in his eyes as he realized the gravity of his situation. He was in over his head, caught in a web of deceit and danger that threatened to consume everything he held dear. But for now, all he could do was protect his family and hope that somehow, he would find a way out of this nightmare.

After a few moments, Lawler forced himself to stand, wiping away the tears. He had to stay strong, had to keep his resolve. For Sarah, for Emma, for Benaiah. They were counting on him, and he couldn't let them down.

He made his way back to the bedroom, his heart heavy with the weight of his choices. Sarah looked up at him, her eyes filled with concern. "What happened?" she asked softly.

"Everything's fine," Lawler said, his voice steady. "Just a misunderstanding. Go back to sleep, Sarah. I'll handle it."

She nodded, still looking worried, but she trusted him. As she lay back down, Lawler stood watch, his mind racing with plans and contingencies. He knew that the path ahead would be treacherous, but he was determined to navigate it, to find a way to protect his family and reclaim their lives.

And as the first light of dawn began to filter through the curtains, Chris Lawler steeled himself for the battle ahead, knowing that he would do whatever it took to keep his family safe.

As dawn's light filtered through the curtains, Chris Lawler remained vigilant, the weight of his decision pressing heavily on his shoulders. The previous night's events replayed in his mind, a relentless loop of anxiety and fear. The men who had visited his home were a stark reminder of the dangerous world he had entangled himself in.

He moved quietly around the house, checking on Sarah and the kids, ensuring they were safe. The fear of what might happen if he failed to comply with the demands of those men gnawed at him constantly. But he knew he had to keep up appearances, to protect his family from the harsh reality of their situation.

Sarah, still concerned, approached him as he stood by the window, lost in thought. "Chris, are you sure everything's okay? You've been on edge since last night."

Lawler forced a reassuring smile, though it didn't reach his eyes. "I'm fine, Sarah. Just a lot on my mind. But I promise, I'm handling it."

She searched his face for a moment, then nodded, though the worry in her eyes remained. "Alright, but if you need to talk, I'm here."

He nodded, appreciating her concern but knowing he couldn't burden her with the truth. Not yet. As she left to tend to the kids, Lawler's phone buzzed in his pocket. His heart rate spiked as he saw an unknown number flashing on the screen. With a deep breath, he answered.

"Lawler," the gruff voice from the night before greeted him. "Glad to see you followed instructions. Now, we've got another job for you. Same rules apply. Failure is not an option."

"What do you need me to do?" Lawler asked, his voice steady despite the turmoil inside.

"Tonight, at midnight, you'll pick up another package. Different location this time. The address will be texted to you. Deliver it to the designated spot, and make sure you're not followed. Understood?"

"Understood," Lawler replied, his mind racing. "I'll get it done."

The call ended abruptly, leaving Lawler standing alone with his thoughts. He knew he was in deep, and the only way out was to comply with their demands while searching for a way to extricate himself from this dangerous web.

Throughout the day, he maintained a facade of normalcy, playing with Emma and Benaiah, helping Sarah with chores, and trying to push aside the gnawing fear. But as night fell, the reality of his situation loomed larger.

As the clock approached midnight, Lawler kissed Sarah and the kids goodnight, his heart heavy with the weight of his deception. "I'll be back soon," he promised, forcing a smile.

"Be careful," Sarah whispered, concern etched in her voice.

Lawler nodded and stepped out into the night, the chill air a stark contrast to the warmth of his home. He drove to the new location, the streets eerily quiet as he navigated through the city. Arriving at the designated spot, he parked and waited, the tension palpable.

A shadowy figure emerged from the darkness, approaching his car with a small, unmarked package. Lawler rolled down the window, accepting the package with a nod. "Same rules," the figure said, their voice low. "Don't look inside, and don't get caught."

Lawler nodded again, his grip tightening on the package as the figure disappeared back into the shadows. With a deep breath, he began the drive to the delivery location, his mind racing with thoughts of his family and the dangerous path he was on.

As he navigated the darkened streets, he couldn't shake the feeling of being watched, the paranoia creeping in with every turn. But he knew he had to stay focused, to complete the task and return home safely.

The designated drop-off point was another nondescript building on the outskirts of town. Lawler parked and approached the door, his heart pounding in his chest. He knocked twice, as instructed, and waited.

The door opened a crack, and a pair of eyes peered out. "You have the package?"

"Yes," Lawler replied, handing it over. The door closed quickly, leaving him alone in the silent street.

With a sigh of relief, he returned to his car and drove home, the weight of the night's events pressing heavily on him. He knew he couldn't keep this up forever, that he had to find a way out. But for now, he had to protect his family, no matter the cost.

As he slipped back into bed beside Sarah, the first light of dawn filtering through the curtains, Lawler's resolve hardened. He would find a way to keep his family safe, even if it meant walking this dangerous path a little while longer.

Present Day
The sun hung low in the sky, casting a golden hue over the peaceful suburban neighborhood. Inside the cozy living room of the Lawler household, the atmosphere was a stark contrast to the tumultuous past. Chris Lawler sat on the couch, his children, Emma and Benaiah, playing with their toys on the floor. Their laughter filled the room, a soothing balm to the worries that still lingered at the edges of his mind.

Lawler watched them with a mix of pride and relief. It had been ten long years since those dark days, and while the memories never fully faded, he had managed to carve out a semblance of normalcy for his family. The dangerous jobs and the constant fear were behind him, but the scars, both physical and emotional, remained.

Sarah entered the room, her presence as comforting as ever. She had been his rock through it all, her unwavering support a beacon of light in the darkest times. She smiled at him, a look of understanding passing between them.
"You ready for the match on June 3rd?" she asked, her voice filled with encouragement.

Lawler nodded, feeling a surge of determination. "Yeah, I'm ready."

The upcoming match was his chance to reclaim a part of himself he had lost along the way, to show that despite everything, he still had what it took. He had been training hard, focusing on getting back into top shape, both physically and mentally.

As dinner time approached, the family gathered around the table, the aroma of Sarah's cooking filling the air. The conversation was light, filled with laughter and the playful banter of children, a stark contrast to the tension-filled nights of the past.

After dinner, Lawler and Sarah sat on the porch, watching the sunset. The peacefulness of the evening was a stark reminder of how far they had come.

"You know," Sarah began, her voice soft, "I never doubted you'd get through it. You've always been strong, Chris."
He looked at her, gratitude and love shining in his eyes. "I couldn't have done it without you. You kept me grounded, gave me a reason to keep fighting."

They sat in comfortable silence for a while, the memories of the past mingling with the hopes for the future. Lawler knew that his journey was far from over, but he felt more prepared than ever to face whatever came next.

As the days passed, Lawler continued his rigorous training regimen, preparing for his match on June 3rd. He spent hours at the gym, pushing himself to the limit, determined to prove that he still had what it took to compete at the highest level. The physical exertion was a welcome distraction from the lingering memories of his past, a way to channel his energy into something positive.

One evening, as he finished his workout, Lawler received a call from his trainer, Jason.

"Chris, how's the training going?" Jason asked, his voice filled with enthusiasm.

"Going well, Jason. I'm feeling good, stronger every day," Lawler replied, wiping the sweat from his brow.
"That's what I like to hear. Listen, I've been watching your progress, and I have no doubt you're going to make a big impact on June 3rd. Just keep focused, and remember why you're doing this."

Lawler nodded, a sense of purpose filling him. "Thanks, Jason. I appreciate the support. I'll be ready."

As the call ended, Lawler couldn't help but reflect on his journey. The struggles, the sacrifices, the moments of doubt—they had all led him to this point. And now, with the match on the horizon, he felt a renewed sense of determination.
Back at home, Sarah and the kids were waiting for him, their smiles a reminder of everything he was fighting for. He scooped up Emma and Benaiah, their laughter filling the air as he spun them around.

"Daddy's going to win, right?" Emma asked, her eyes wide with excitement.

"That's the plan," Lawler said, smiling at his daughter. "I'm going to give it everything I've got."

As he put the kids to bed that night, Lawler felt a sense of peace wash over him. The road ahead was still uncertain, but he knew he had the strength and support to face whatever challenges came his way.

With Sarah by his side and the love of his family behind him, Chris Lawler was ready to reclaim his place in the world of wrestling. And as he looked toward the future, he knew that no matter what, he would continue to fight for them, for their safety, and for their happiness.

The match on June 3rd was just the beginning.

In the dimly lit confines of his home gym, Chris Lawler stands before the camera, the intensity in his eyes matched only by the determination etched into every line of his face. The walls around him are adorned with mementos of his storied wrestling career—titles won, battles fought, and victories hard-earned. But tonight, his focus is on the future, on the challenge that lies ahead at SCW's Taking Hold of the Flame Battle Royal.

"Ten years," Lawler begins, his voice steady and resolute, resonating with the weight of experience. "It's been ten long years since I last stepped into the ring for Taking Hold of the Flame. Ten years since I felt the rush of competition, the thrill of the fight, and the burning desire to claim my place at the top."

He pauses, the camera capturing the fire in his eyes, a testament to the journey he has undertaken to reach this moment.

"Thirty-nine other participants," he continues, his tone unwavering. "Thirty-nine hungry, determined competitors, each one with their eyes set on the same prize—a shot at the SCW World Championship at Rise to Greatness. I know what I'm up against. I know the caliber of talent, the drive, and the heart it takes to compete in this match."

Lawler steps closer to the camera, the intensity in his gaze growing sharper. "But let me tell you something. I've faced adversity before. I've been knocked down, counted out, and left for dead. And every single time, I've gotten back up. Stronger. Smarter. Hungrier."

He clenches his fists, the muscles in his arms taut with determination. "This isn't just another match for me. This is my return. My redemption. My opportunity to prove to the world that Chris Lawler is back and better than ever."

"I've trained harder than ever," he declares, his voice rising with passion. "I've pushed myself to the limit, day in and day out, because I know what it takes to win. I know the sacrifices, the blood, sweat, and tears that go into becoming a champion."

Lawler's expression softens slightly, a moment of reflection passing over his face. "I haven't forgotten where I came from. I haven't forgotten the battles I've fought, the lessons I've learned, and the people who have supported me along the way. My family, my fans—they've been with me through every high and every low. And on June 3rd, I'm stepping into that ring not just for myself, but for them."

He pauses, his eyes narrowing as he addresses his opponents directly. "SMP, Leroy Adams, Crystal Zdunich, and every other competitor in that ring—listen closely. You think you know what it takes to win? You think you can outlast me, outfight me? Think again. I've been through hell and back, and I’m still standing."

He takes a step closer to the camera, his voice dropping to a fierce whisper. "Kirsten Scott, you think your past victories mean something now? Leroy Adams, you think your power can overpower my will? Crystal Zdunich, you think your speed can outrun my determination? You all have your strengths, but I've got something you can't beat—heart. I've got the heart of a champion, and I will not be denied."

Lawler straightens, his voice growing louder, filled with conviction. "June 3rd, when I step into that ring, I'm not just fighting for a shot at the SCW World Championship—I'm fighting for my legacy. I'm fighting to show the world that Chris Lawler is still here, still fighting, and still the best damn wrestler in SCW."

He takes a deep breath, the intensity in his eyes never wavering. "This isn't just about the past ten years. This is about every struggle, every sacrifice, every moment of doubt that led me to this point. It's about proving to myself, and to everyone watching, that I am far from finished. That my best days are not behind me, but ahead of me."

Lawler steps back, his body taut with determination. "So bring your best. Because I promise you, I'll bring mine. And when the dust settles, when the final bell rings, there will be no doubt—Chris Lawler is here to stay. And I'm taking hold of that flame, no matter what."

With a final, defiant nod, Lawler steps forward once more, his eyes locked onto the camera. "June 3rd, Taking Hold of the Flame—it's my time. And I promise you, I won't let anything or anyone stand in my way. I'll see you all in the ring."

The camera captures the fierce determination in his eyes as he steps back, a man ready to reclaim his destiny and etch his name into the annals of wrestling history once more.

Lawler's eyes blaze with an unyielding fire as he takes another step closer to the camera, his voice rising with an intensity that reverberates through the room. "You think this is just another match for me? You think this is just a comeback story? No. This is a reckoning. This is the moment where I take everything back."

He points directly at the camera, his finger trembling with emotion. "To every single competitor stepping into that ring, know this: I am not the same man I was ten years ago. I've been through hell, I've faced my demons, and I’ve come out the other side stronger than ever. I’ve bled, I’ve fought, and I’ve sacrificed everything to get to this point. And now, I'm ready to unleash all of that fury, all of that determination, on anyone who dares to stand in my way."

Lawler's voice grows louder, each word dripping with passion and resolve. "SMP, Leroy Adams, Crystal Zdunich—you think you know what it takes to win? You think you can withstand the storm I'm bringing? You have no idea what's coming for you. I’ve watched from the sidelines, I’ve seen you rise, and I’ve seen you fall. But now, it's my turn to rise. It's my turn to take hold of the flame and claim what’s rightfully mine."

He paces back and forth, his energy palpable, his words like a battle cry. "This isn't just about a title shot. This isn't just about a match. This is about redemption. This is about proving to myself, to my family, and to every single fan who has ever believed in me that Chris Lawler is back, and he's here to dominate. This is about legacy. My legacy."

His voice takes on a fierce, almost primal edge. "I've been knocked down more times than I can count. I've been broken, I've been beaten, but I have never been defeated. Because every time I hit the mat, I get back up. Every time I fall, I rise stronger. And on June 3rd, I'm not just rising—I'm ascending. I'm taking my place at the top of SCW, and I'm not stopping until I hold that championship high above my head."

Lawler's eyes narrow, his face a mask of determination and fury. "So, to every single one of you stepping into that ring with me, know this: I'm not just fighting for a title shot. I'm fighting for my life. I'm fighting for my family's future. And there is nothing, absolutely nothing, that will stop me from achieving my goal."

He steps even closer to the camera, his voice a low, fierce growl. "June 3rd, Taking Hold of the Flame—it's not just a match. It's a war. And I'm ready for battle. So bring everything you’ve got, because when that bell rings, there will be no mercy, no hesitation, and no doubt. Chris Lawler is here to stay. And I’m taking hold of that flame, no matter the cost."

Lawler's intense gaze pierces through the lens, the sheer force of his resolve almost tangible. "To all my fans, to my family, and to everyone watching—this is for you. I will not fail. I will not fall. I will rise, and I will conquer. See you in the ring."

Lawler takes a final step back, the intensity in his eyes unwavering. "June 3rd," he declares, his voice steady and resolute, "Taking Hold of the Flame. This is my moment. My redemption. My legacy. To every competitor, to every fan, to my family—I'm coming for that shot at the SCW World Championship, and I won't let anything stand in my way."

He pauses, letting the weight of his words sink in. "I'll see you all in the ring. And when the dust settles, there will be no doubt—Chris Lawler is back, and he's here to take his rightful place at the top."

With a final, fierce nod, Lawler turns and walks away, his determination and resolve leaving an indelible mark on all who witness his proclamation. The camera captures his every step, a testament to the fire and passion driving him forward.

The screen fades to black, emblazoned with the words: "Chris Lawler. June 3rd. Taking Hold of the Flame."
May 29th, 2024
Hushåll Zdunich
Howell, NJ

We find our half-size hero sitting cross-legged on her desk in her basement office. On the wall are her many championships, interspersed with pictures of her family. In the center of the wall is a large-print picture of her being presented the WWA Heavyweight Championship from, owner, Dani Lopez. Eavan is dressed in her normal street clothes of an American Murder Log t-shirt, tight black jeans, and Doc Martens boots. Her demeanor appears ragged; the balance of her professional work and her personal work draining her of energy, and yet she also appears determined. Strong, even. As she smiles meekly at the camera, she’s twirling a Desert Eagle on her finger before putting it down beside her.

Don’t worry about what you just saw. Consider it something I do for enjoyment when I’m not in the ring. I’d love to tell you all about the things I do as president of the Devil’s Doves but, unfortunately, that’s on a need-to-know basis, and well, ain’t none of you patched in to make it your business.

Now, the other places I work are very well aware that when I’m sitting down cross-legged like this that they’re in for storytime. I’d even have a microphone in my hand, twirling it in my hand as I did the Eagle you saw me playing with but I’dlike to think both of those things are equally deadly in my hand. See, all my career, I’ve been told I should be careful with what I say. That I should use my platform wisely. Eavan, you can’t say this. Eavan, you can’t do that. You’ll be suspended. You’ll be fired. Blah blah fucking blah. Welcome to story time.

All my life, I was told I was too small to do anything. I had a heart defect at birth that took a few operations to fix. Docs finally realized if they took it out completely, I’d be better off. I’ve had to fight my way from underneath my entire life. And along the way, I learned something about myself that a lot of people in this industry haven’t, and it shows.

Not everyone is going to be a world champion, and not everyone is going to make it out of Catering. Allow me to explain.

Eavan puts her hands together and leans in, getting into a more serious posture.

I’ve been in this business for a decade now. Started in the independents in the northeast US and eastern Canada for a few years, before breaking into the professional ranks in Vancouver in 2017. Got myself noticed right away because of the gear and gimmick I had at the time. I was the Steampunk Warrior. Red hair, cool look, yet green as goose shit. Somehow, within a few short weeks of being in that company in Vancouver, Ultimate Wrestling Entertainment, I was thrust into a World Championship match against one Callous James Calhoun, where I walked out with the gold. Around that same time, I was wrestling for the CWC. My apologies, but my time there was short and therefore don’t even remember what those initials stand for. Despite the brief time I was there, I won their Pure Championship. I’d only gone pro within a month and I was holding two titles simultaneously. I thought to myself that this wrestling shit was easier than people told me it’d be… and I was so wrong. I didn’t hold either of those titles long, and it wasn’t long after that that my stock plummeted. My brand was drying up.

I was becoming forgotten.

I needed a change.

Eavan picks up a small stack of eight-by-ten pictures of her different looks over the years. The steampunk-clad redhead she referenced earlier, different iterations of her with blonde hair, and even a spell with her having green hair with a darker gothic look. One picture she seemingly holds up the longest is her dressed as a darker version of Harley Quinn in a dark red leather outfit. Eavan chuckles and tosses the pictures towards the camera in front of her.

I’m not going to bore you with a detailed history, we’ll be here forever and I guarantee both you, and I, have better ways to spend our time so I’ll shorten it as best I can. I developed an incredible ego, walking into different companies and practically demanding I be at the top of the roster. After being told no by practically everyone, yet still needing the paycheck, I would stick around but have a huge resentment that I didn’t filter. It’s caused management and I, in every company I worked for at that time, a lot of headaches. A lot of in-fighting. Even a few firings.

And despite that, I regret nothing. I stood by my convictions, right or wrong. Did I apologize when I was proven wrong? Absolutely. One should always take responsibility for their actions but I regret nothing. Even as I won other titles and defended them as best I could, those lessons I spoke of at the beginning started to become more and more clear.

Not everyone is going to be a world champion, and not everyone is going to make it out of Catering.

Eavan gets up from the desk and turns her back to the camera as she admires the championships on the wall. Eavan shakes her head before leaping off the desk, before sitting on the desk facing the camera again.

So let’s talk about never getting out of Catering. If you ask any wrestler who’s willing to give you an honest answer, they’d tell you they got famous out of pure luck. See, when we’re starting out, and we’re trying to find something that makes us stand out, we’ll try something. Anything. Sometimes you catch lightning in a bottle and you’re skyrocketing with a full reserve of fuel. And sometimes? You’re getting booed out of the building. Not because you’re a great villain, but because your presentation sucks. The fans aren’t buying what you’re selling. And if the fans aren’t invested, why would management invest in you? You can be the greatest wrestler to step into a wrestling ring. You can look like a Greek god. And if the fans aren’t looking for a Greek god who can wrestle circles around everyone, guess what? You’re watching the shows from the monitors backstage instead of being IN the show. NOW, how you react, and how you ACT, determines your fate. Do you change things up? Do you look and see what’s missing in the industry and work to fill that void? Or do you sit on your ass and blame everyone else for not seeing you the way YOU see you? Take a wild guess who had to learn that lesson and often?

Eavan points both index fingers at herself and shrugs.

So, in looking for a niche for myself, I discovered that I rather enjoyed a particular style of wrestling, fueled by the voices of my past saying I’m too small. Hardcore and deathmatch wrestling. You look at other wrestlers in that genre, it’s mostly men who look like they’ve been through hell and back. The few women who do it don’t look much better. And then, there’s me, who I hope blends conventional beauty with an ugly side of this genre. There’s just something… erotic about bleeding and left feeling raw in front of a crowd. The sting of pinched flesh as it’s shredded by barbed wire. The sound of a chop across the chest, the crashes and bangs of being hit and hitting someone with a chair or being sent through exploding tables… sorry, I just got off just now.

And I always find it funny, listening to other wrestlers saying it’s garbage wrestling. And, you know what? I can’t fully argue that point. There are some people who really can’t wrestle, but they’ll practically kill themselves, and or try to maim their opponent, for a paycheck. And, yeah, there are fans who love that style, and more power to them. My style is a little bit of everything. I learn from everyone, I’ve wrestled everywhere, I’ve blended different elements into something I can use for myself. Including hardcore. Some people like the aerial stuff, and I have my Sykobitty Spin Sikle that has that element. Some people like the ground-and-pound and technical shit, and I can suplex you fifty ways from Sunday despite my lack of size, and lock you into the Tap or Die and let you scream and tap until I decide to release you. If hardcore ain’t for you, fine. Get out of the way so that others who do enjoy it can come, watch, be terrified and entertained.

Eavan chuckles to herself.

You know, I did say it was story time, and well, I tend to get on soapboxes once in awhile and not just because I’m short. Sometimes you need to say the things others won’t dare to, or seem scared to. So for them, I’ll use MY voice. Hey, use my voice sounds like it should be a title of an Evanescence song. Oh wait, never mind, already happened. And my wife who’s just outside the door in her guitar studio, covered it with…

Eavan looks down at her shirt then tugs at it to show it off to the camera.

American Murder Log. Hmm, how convenient was THAT plug I wonder. Anyways, back to my story. And it involves that picture right there, the big one behind me. I would become a World Champion once again in the Women’s Wrestling Alliance, a company that will forever be near and dear to my heart as it not only helped me become the wrestler I am now, but because I was the last student of our boss, Danielle Lopez, before she ultimately passed away in 2022. I didn’t just learn in the ring, but on a personal level as well.

Since then, I’ve been on a bit of a redemption journey. Tackling my mental health head-on, and just being the best version of me that I can. And it’s a hard road; some days I slip and some days are great, but it’s finding the strength to keep going. Sometimes it’s something small and insignificant like taking a single step forward. Sometimes I even manage to fly. For those who don’t know, I’m a mental health advocate. I suffer from Bipolar II disorder and Quiet Borderline Personality Disorder. So, yeah, some days, sometimes for many days at a time, I’m a complete mess. And yet, I always find my way back, even if it requires a bit of damage control when I return.

Eavan extends her arms like she is showing off her environment. Eavan gets up from the desk and takes the phone she’s recording on and steps out of her office for a minute, showing off the recording studio and lounge area where her wives Katra and Adriana, as well as her daughters Emileigh, Iris and Violet are all hanging out listening to music or gaming. They all wave to the camera and say hello before Eavan walks back into her office and places the phone back on its stand before returning to sitting on her desk.

Something I never discuss much, mostly because I hate the possibility of sounding like I’m bragging, is the fact that personally, I’m set for life in every way manageable. It might explain why I tend to chuckle to myself when I hear people calling themselves Queens. Even presenting themselves as much to the audience, and all the while you have a mouthy little bitch like me who’s likely got a legit bigger queendom than they can possibly fathom. And I built my queendom myself, brick by fucking brick.

Things happened in my life, both good and bad, which has allowed me to be in a position where I don’t have to struggle for my next meal anymore. I went from the lowest of lows of being homeless and a junkie to being straight and a solid foundation financially. I basked in addiction, begged for death in an abandoned warehouse in Los Angeles with a needle in my arm and coke in my veins. I wasn’t saved, I dug my own way out. Found a sliver of light, a wisp of cool air, and followed them until I crawled out of the cave in my head. Swallowed my pride and asked for help, and day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute, I had to consciously choose whether I wanted to live or die. Fight or lay down my shield.

And I grew stronger. Family and friends I thought had abandoned me were there to greet me and give me that extra strength to keep going. I had a friend, a dear and close friend, die on me because she couldn’t beat her demons. Through her estate, I was able to invest in things that paid off large before it crashed. I’m good for life, every one of those women you saw earlier are also set for set.

Today, I’m well aware of how fortunate I am. A family who loves me and never stopped even when I was at my lowest, which has grown since. I’m a wife again, and a mother. As my way of paying things forward, I created a place for women and girls to find their own voice, to shake off their own demons, to be better people in their own way through the Krigarakademin. The Warrior Academy. Since its inception a year ago, I have helped turn the lives of dozens of girls around for the better and I take more pride in that than I do any of my successes in the ring.

Which now begs the question. What does everything I have told you have to do with the Taking Hold of the Flame battle royale? Why risk injury or worse?

Eavan removes the street clothes she was wearing to reveal her ring gear underneath. Her demeanor changes as well as she becomes more intense.

The simple answer is everything. While thirty-nine other people are going to say they’re out to win it all and go on to face the World Champion, I know… my limitations. Unlike most everyone else in this match, I don’t have dreams of grandeur. In my short time in SCW, I’ve grown a following I’m proud to have and I’m just getting started. However, with that being said, I’ve seen the roster we have here. I’ve seen the work and passion some of these people in the company have, and to even get to that level is a mountain to climb. And I’ve only just arrived. So, I know, I will not be winning this match but I know what I WANT to accomplish within it regardless.

As for why risk injury or worse? Why not? It isn’t about the money. I do this because I still love this business, much as some of it, and a lot of its people, don't like me. Mainly, though, I do it for my girls. My daughters, my wives, my students, my families. I do it to show them that adversity will always be prevalent, but it’s how to overcome said adversity, or learn from your failures, that will allow you to learn the person you are and the person you can become. I fight for THEM so that THEY fight for themselves.

Eavan puts a hand over her heart, then smiles a wicked smile as she lifts a barbed-wire crowbar into view.

And? If that wasn’t enough, and forgive me for being selfish here, but this here is Barbie. And Barbie is a bad bitch who’s constantly thirsty. She needs blood to be happy and she has a tendency to latch onto people to get the blood she needs. And I would be a bad mother if I didn’t bring my child to London and let her feed. And Barbie’s been VERY good to me. We’ve had some great adventures together. Such as jumping off balconies into tables while a lifeless body lay below. Leaping off turnbuckles onto announce tables while Barbie feasted on a poor soul’s face. Diving off forty foot scaffolds onto yet another unfortunate victim. However, the blood of the forty in this match won’t fully quench her thirst. There is but one who can satisfy her and that is our Underground Champion, Kim Williams.

So, I will let any of the other thirty-nine reach for the stars, shoot for the moon, add in whatever buzzword-heavy cliche you want to to make that point. Why would I set myself up to believe I can win when wisdom tells me I am far from being in the running? Why hang the shackles of Loser around my neck before I even step into that match? The others can try and belittle me by saying I’m aiming lower, but the truth is I’m merely self-aware. I only want one thing.

To drink. And become champion of the only division that matters to me.

I don’t want, nor need, to be the top person in the company. I will, though, be the most feared.

For I am the daughter of a Black Wolf. Forged in Viking blood and iron on the wings of a Devil’s Dove. I am Sykobitty, and I am Warrior.

And the hunt… begins… now.
[Image: BqBpRJs.png]
{NEHEMIA: Chapter One}

In the lores of The Bible, Nehemia talks of the days when the Holy City of Jeruselem was in bad shape.  It was a place where people were not seeing the promises of the Prophecy and the goodness that God had told them would come, if they did everything prior.  The city was in ruins.  The people decided that it was time to take things into their own hands and erect a wall, beginning the process of protecting themselves, when those in power could not.

In the world in which I live, I apparently represent all of those who chose to fortify that base, based on what I have seen going on around me professionally and personally.

Professionally, there is a dictator.  There is someone who has led by an authoritarian rule, using every out they could to continue it, and not give two shits about those around them.  In face, she is so callous, she makes sure to only put forth enough effort to do what is necessary to keep her power WHEN IT MATTERS.  Other instances, she simply taps her "lover" to do her work for her, and sits back and relaxes.  Well... Tries to... Lately, I would argue she feels the rebellion building up around her, and the creation of a new fortification of the walls and sanctity of SCW coming around her, and she realizes it prevents her from being the one to say, "only she" controls the outcomes of the future...

Personally, this idea has done the same, for me...

Philosophically, my walls have crumbled as of late.  With Hailey withholding information, with me withholding information from her, with the two of us both looking at the other with a question of trust, the walls around our "city" and "family" have crumbled.  But unlike in the story, I don't see either of us as the "ruler" who believes that they are the only savior.  I believe we are the people having the battles that, I'm sure, they had then, trying to decide how to refortify their city and protect themselves from attack.  I believe we have to find that common ground to work together and rebuild together, namely in trust, rather than in physical fortification.  We've each contributed to the disability of the other, but in times of peril, sometimes a bigger opportunity arises.

This is what I hope for Hailey and I...

I believe we both know we have overstepped bounds in our respective roles as friends and entrusted confidants to one another.  I believe that the meaningless attempta that we have made to try and talk about things have been done with pure emotion leading the way.  It's why I know there needs to be a moment where we both enter the playing field, enter the "fortification zone," as equals, neither looking at one another with disdain or anger from the past.  We have to be willing to set our feelings aside and listen.  Because if we can't, we will, instead of rebuilding the walls, create the very weaknesses that lead to the demise of everything we worked so hard to build in the first place.

With time and time again, our conversations coming to a screeching halt in relation to Hailey's relationship with Ethan, and my relationship with Jake, it was time for things to finally come to a-head, where we did what we could do best when the times were rough...

It was time to clear the air...

So there was a night where we were all were simply in the duplex together and I saw an opportunity.  I saw a chance where I could possibly create a situation where Hailey and I could speak in a situation where we could talk one on one.  Hailey and I finished eating dinner, because Emma being the resident cook of the "family," she was able to load our plates a little more lightly than normal, while loading Ethan's and hers a bit more hefty.

As both Hailey and I finish our meals, we end up dropping our plates in the kitchen simultaneously, and I simply look her in the eye and motion toward the balcony.  I mouth the word, "please" toward her, and she takes a deep breath.  She realizes my seriousness in the situation and realizes nobody else sees my motion, and then sees me walk toward the balcony.

Hailey walks back into the main room and tells everyone she wants to talk to Kirsten, and she's going to go out there and talk with her.  Emma and Ethan both look at one another and nod at each other, before nodding at at Hailey.  Hailey turns and takes a deep breath and begins to walk toward the back door, and onto the back deck, where Kirsten stands, facing out, where she has found a lot of solace as of late.

Hailey Brooks: ... So I gather you want to talk?

Kirsten Scott: I think it't time we actually do so, don't you think?

Hailey Brooks: Can we do it without jumping at one another's throat?

Kirsten Scott: I guess the bigger question to you is, can we?

The door to the deck opens and Emma walks out.  She walks out, with Kirsten and Hailey looking both stressed and angered, with a look of compassion and happiness in her eyes, obviously having opened the door with the last statement being heard by her.  Both look over at her.

Emma Taylor: ... I guess the bigger question is, can the two of you accept that this is something that is creating the beginning of something bigger?

Hailey looks at Emma confused.

Hailey Brooks: What do you mean?

There was a poem, once, written by Robert Frost, entitled "The Road Less Traveled." that immediately crept into my head at this point, and it went, something, like this...

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

... Because it was at this point I truly realized what I had in front of me.  I had the road that I had traveled.  I had paved its way.  I had created everything that it represented.  But then there was Jake Starr, a man who ultimately wanted the same thing for SCW, in an era that things couldn't be done in the same way as it could be now.  Things were different.  The path that I needed to traverse wasn't simply the path that everyone had always taken, but instead been the one that everyone had feared in the past.  This was my chance to walk the path of uncertainty, the path that could be riddled with vermin, the path that would make every person in SCW lore see it as the beginning of the new generation!

Emma looks directly at Hailey.

Emma Taylor: Plain and simple, it means you two are going to each go downstairs and go out into that field and talk this out between the two of you.  And when I can FEEL that the path has been agreed upon, I'll come and continue to talk to you both...

Now... Go...

Kirsten and Hailey look at one another confused, but understanding that Emma is being very direct and very serious, and Kirsten wastes no time to push by the two them, and blast through the duplex and out the door.  As she can be heard walking down the stairs, Hailey sighs, and turns and slowly follows suit.  Emma, in turn, looks over the balcony and sees Kirsten storming out into the pasture that has become one of her safe havens, and a minute or two later, she sees Hailey slowly following the same path.  Hailey pauses, and looks up at the balcony, seeing Emma, and Emma simply nods, and Hailey continues down the same path as Kirsten, to meet her in the pasture.

Kirsten arrives first, obviously, and simply turns around and stares at the path she just walked, knowing Hailey is going to be in tow.  She takes a deep breath as she sees Hailey approaching her with a purpose.

Hailey Brooks: Ok she said we needed to talk, so I guess it's time we just hash this shit out, now?

Kirsten simply nods in agreement.

Hailey Brooks: ... So let's get right to the point of the matter.  Why are you seeking help elsewhere?  Why have you gone to some guy, like Jake Starr, who is from the old times of SCW, to help you?  Does our relationship not matter enough to you to trust in me to not let me be in that roll, or are you willing to throw it all away?

Hailey finally reaches right in front of Kirsten, after talking as she approached, and takes a deep breath, having chased after Kirsten at a bit of a clip she isn't used to.  Kirsten is quick to silence her, and begin rebutting her...

Kirsten Scott: When did I say anything of the sorts?  When did I say our relationship was ANYTHING different?  When, even after the whole thing with Ethan, did I say things were changing?  The fact is, with Jake, I am still unsure of what his involvement is with me.  What he told me is that he saw a vision for US, in the long run, that he wanted to explain down the road.  He explained how there was a bigger picture.  A picture that, I guess, Emma, sees as well.  I don't see it, yet.  I don't understand it, yet.  But he was adamant that this wasn't just about me, but it was about YOU and I, and YOU were an integral part of why he is here...

Hailey freezes, and looks around confused.

Hailey Brooks: Why in the hell would he need me?  Why the hell would he even involve me?

Kirsten Scott: I wish I had some magical answer for you, but the fact is, I don't fucking know.  But after you stormed off, I wanted to chase after you, and he told me not to.  He told me to let you have your anger.  He told me to let your emotions out as raw as they can be.  He says, like Emma did, this is part of a "bigger picture," and this is where you and stand in equality in wondering what the hell that means!

Hailey begins to realize, based on the nature of Kirsten's vocal range in her statement, she is being genuine in what she says.  She takes a moment to regroup, and take a deep breath before responding.

Hailey Brooks: Then what did it all mean?  Why is everything so cryptic?  Why does it feel, even though I believe what you say, I feel like since I was honest about Ethan, you have begun to push me away because I've also sought my own happiness as well?  I mean...

Kirsten finally takes a stand and shuts her down.

Kirsten Scott: OK you can shut the fuck up, right there...

Hailey is surprised at the forcefulness of Kirsten's reply.

Kirsten Scott: ... The fact is, you broke a lot of trust when it came to Ethan.  You broke a lot of trust when you wouldn't be honest with us about what you two had been doing behind everyone's back.  You made that decision.  You opted to be secretive.  You wanted to keep things from the rest of us...


You listening?

I am fucking ELATED that you are finally finding a happy place for you.  Yes.  I am happy about you and Ethan...

Again Hailey is taken aback.

Kirsten Scott: ... No... You need to understand how happy I am for you.  There came a point here I feared you were jealous of me, jealous of what I did, and jealous of what I have become.  And the fact is, I worried you hated me, and you were about to do something to sabotage me...

Hailey is physically confused.

Kirsten Scott: ... Let's be real, Hailey... You were supposed to be "The One."  You were supposed to assume that role and have me by your side.  That's what we created, together.  I never wanted to be "The One," until I knew what had, assumed at the time, happened to you.  And when I succeeded, and saw you afterward, I figured that there was some hidden animosity toward me.

The fact is, Hailey... I expected, by now, you to take me out, so you could take charge of "our family" simply because it was you felt it was yours to begin with...

Hailey goes to respond, but is completely surprised at what Kirsten had hurled her way, verbally.  She begins to have some feelings, deep inside, that makes her feel awful that Kirsten feels that way about her desire to be "in charge."

Hailey Brooks: Dude... That wasn't ever my desire at all.  Never.  I legit have never been jealous of your success.  Instead, I've taken personal pride in it.  I have taken personal pride in knowing that you learned ANYTHING from me, and becoming something that I never could be.  Because I accept that.  I accept the reality you were better fit than me.

I became someone far simpler than you... I became someone who just wanted to throw punches, here and there, and then go home to a man who loves me.  I don't want to have to believe that it needs to be on my mind 24/7.

The fact is, I was never meant to be "The One."  No matter how much I helped us both train, no matter how much work I put into things, I was never destined for that role.  That was you.  That was ALWAYS you.  And tha is why I took you under my wing, and looking back, I realize that it was always my role to prepare you for what you were DESTINED for.

The fact is... I'm not envious of you...

In fact, like I said, I'm proud!

The fact is, you helped bring a lot to the surface for me, that let me learn who I was and become the REAL ME.  And when I heard you did what you did... I knew it was to avenge me.  I knew it was also to prove who you ARE!  I smiled when I heard the news of the new "The One," and it made me realize I wasn't the one who was "deserving" ot the spot, instead I was wrong.  I was the mentor.  I was the one who setup the true next generation.  I was a person who simply had an influence, and I was never meant to be a final product!

Kirsten Scott: What?

Kirsten is confused.

Hailey Brooks: I realized I never wanted to be you.  Only you could be you... I didn't want to be you.  When we met up in the grocery store, way back when, all I wanted to do was to have my friend back.  I didn't want her success.  I wanted HER!  I wanted to follow HER down the path that nobody would have expected...

Kirsten is rendered speechless.  Both women stand there staring at one another, taking deep breaths, when from the side Emma emerges from the shadows.  She walks toward the middle of the two of them, and looking at each member of this tense situation, she is clear in her desire.

Emma Taylor: ... Now, would you two allow me to talk and actually listen to me?

Kirsten is quick to reply.

Kirsten Scott: Since when do you ever require permission to speak?

Emma smiles.

Emma Taylor: ... Only because if it was not the right time, the right breakthrough wasn't achieved, and still needed...

She again looks at both, and both nod toward Emma.

Emma Taylor: You both have realized that there was a dark aura over our family, and while things may not be perfect, that aura I can feel is lifted.  I can feel that this is our moment, as a family.  This is our chance to grow together.  We have vented our frustrations, our concerns, our fears, our vices, everything, to one another another, and now we can begin our journey toward something BIGGER...

Both Kirsten and Hailey again realize Emma's reference to something "bigger" being referenced again.

Emma Taylor: ... That moment is where it is being hindered, is gone.  We have now accepted we have walked a journey that defines our future.  WE have now begun to define a future together, and that definition will create a bond to define us on the inside as well as the outside.  WE will begin to lead "the march" toward the berth of something bigger, and not just something that has always been as a "boss" and "subordinate."  Now we have an opportunity where have a mentor, a lead, a strategist, someone who knows more than us, whatever you want to define them as, to push us in the right professional direction, and we can deal with the personal issues in-house, as a family.  We don't have to do both, anymore.  But instead we have someone who can guide us on one side, and allow us to be human beings, with feelings, with love, with emotion, in our personal life, we have the dichotomy we need...

Kirsten Scott: Dichotomy?

Emma Taylor: Yes... Personal and professional... Something the two of you need to learn to separate, and also integrate, because I'm going to be there, but I'm also tired as hell of feeling the intermingling of both sides day in and day out...

And at this point... I've spoken my peace...

Kirsten watches, as Emma turns and walks along another path into the shadows, which leads to her slowly turning her head back toward Hailey.

Hailey Brooks: ... So...

Kirsten Scott: ... So...

Hailey Brooks: ... We've walked this far, together... Why can't walk this new path then?

Kirsten Scott: I guess my question, for you, is are you truly real in everything what you said?  So that's what I ask of you... Are you not just saying what you feel you are "supposed" to tell me, instead of what you remember me?

Hailey Brooks: I've never once sat back and placated the "new girl," nor did I ever placate "The One."  What makes you think I would placate Kirsten?  More importantly, I've never once, nor will I ever, lie to you.  I may have not told you everything between Ethan and I, but I never lied about it.

Kirsten Scott: Ok... So what do you think?  Reach out?

Hailey looks at Emma, and Emma just smiles.

Hailey Brooks: I guess, what can it hurt, right?  Find out what it's about.  Find out why you... Or I suppose why US, and why now?

Before Kirsten can respond, Hailey interrupts and continues.

Hailey Brooks: ... But before you do anything, the questions are reversed.  Can I trust you?  Because deep down, this pushes EVERY one of my buttons embedded in my soul.  This screams me being phased out.  But Emma, I believe in her vision of everything.

Kirsten Scott: I get that.  I get your worry.  And I won't sit here and bullshit you and act like I know what this is about.  I don't know a thing.  I don't know how to feel.  I don't even trust it, but it seems like there may be something "there there," as they say.  It's just a moment where, we both see eye to eye, in Emma's vision of things.  It's a chance for us to show trust in both Emma and one another.  It's a chance for me to make a big decision and know I'm being trusted.

Hailey Brooks: I'll be blunt and say SCW shouldn't be something we use as a "trust fall test" between us...

Kirsten Scott: Then what would you classify it as?  Will you honestly be OK trusting me in decisions outside of just our little home, and the four of us?  Can we not just forget the feelings that we were both wrong about feeling, and reset TOGETHER?  Because I'm willing to do that, RIGHT NOW... I'm willing to put EVERY emotion I have about you not saying anything about Ethan, behind me, but I will ONLY do if it you can do the same with your assumptions, and stand with me.  Because I never excluded you.  What you walked out on was a first for me too.  So I want to step forward WITH YOU because you are part of what Jake was talking about in this, "bigger picture," thing.  So I'm willing to cross a threshold of this business I never thought would come my way, but I'm not going without my best friend, and the one person I know has my back at ALL times, by my side...

So the final decision is on you, right now...

I'm not doing this alone... I never was going to... And I never will...

So if you don't see me separating our professional and personal lives like we should, so our drama doesn't double down on ALL of us, then you are short-sighted.  I've moved on... It's your turn now...

Hailey simply nods lightly before uttering any words.

Hailey Brooks: Ok...

She then proceeds to walk by both Emma and Kirsten back toward their apartment, with the pair wondering if that was her answer, or she was accepting the terms and leaving to decide on her own.  Kirsten looks at Emma and Emma's head slumps not feeling the cohesiveness she had hoped to help create.  Kirsten lets out a deep sign as her head slowly turns, seeing Hailey walk into the shadows of the night, obviously in the direction of their home, but confused at what will come next.



With Breakdown, on May 10th, concluding with Kandis effectively gifting Selena Frost to someone she admittedly has no desire to interact with, and Kirsten accepting the gift and destroying Selena on her own, there was left a lot of confusion as things move forward.  In Kirsten's mind, she knew what Kandis had said.  She knew Kandis had expressed her lack of desire to have anything nice to say, yet, she didn't intervene, and instead, allowed Kirsten the moment to attack Selena and get it out of her system.

This was something that didn't go unnoticed.  Kirsten definitely saw it, and realized this was not normal.

In recent days after, it has been something that has plagued Kirsten.  Wondering what is going on, and why.  Kandis isn't a friend, isn't an ally, and isn't someone whom she feels any trust for.  Instead, Kandis is someone who has openly said she doesn't give a shit about Kirsten or her desires.  This has led Kirsten to do a lot of thinking, in regard to why?  Why would Kandis do such a thing?  What did it mean?  Or in the end, was it simply something she is reading into more-so than she should?

Regardless, a camera catches up to her on the sidewalks of her neighborhood, as she drags on her vape, hood over her head, and simply walks through the nighttime darkness, knowing there is someone beside her, creating a world that is listening to every word she says.

... This business... I swear...

One day, you think you know what the HELL is going on, and then along comes Kandis to completely throw me off, again...

I guess it just shows me that, while I may have done my research in SCW's lore, I don't know everything, or understand how to predict what may happen next because what happened at Breakdown is something, I can promise you, I did not predict.  I can promise you I didn't expect.  In fact, I was more ready to start fighting battles from multiple fronts, rather than watch one front look me dead in the eye and effectively say, "she's all yours."

So Kandis, I ask you, directly, are you playing mind-games with me?  Are you fucking with me?  What was that about?

I ask this for a reason, Kandis.  I ask this point blank because I don't do this bullshit, beat around the bush, kind of game... Was that out of respect or was that you TRYING, and if so failing, to play some kind of mental card with me, where I am doing your dirty work for you?  Because if you're trying to use me, if you're trying to PLAY me like a greenhorn fool, I can tell you this, you have another thing coming.

You see, I have not hidden my respect for you.  I have not hidden the fact that both of us are in a similar boat, and I am willing to ride that ship so we can both achieve our ultimate goals.  I also know how much of a selfish cunt you can be, but I respect that because women sometimes have to be that way in order to get what they want, when they want.  But here you are, offering up someone I know you want to demise as much as I do, as a sacrificial lamb to me, and simply backing off as I get my turn at the proverbial "woodshed."

So the question is... Why?

Why did Kandis do this?

Why did she give me this chance to finally finish what I started?

Plain and fucking simple...

Kirsten takes a puff of her vape, and quickly blows it out.

... I don't fucking have a CLUE!

What I know is that Kandis is someone who likes to play mind games and likes to be sure she is a step ahead.  The fact is, if this was part of that plan, she failed beyond a reasonable doubt because I'm not biting.  If she wanted me to let down ny guard, after what she said, and ignore everything she has professed herself to be, then no... It isn't happening.  Because I heard her loud and clear and at this moment, while it's confusing as hell on one hand, the other hand is as blunt as they come, so my question is, is this one of those moments where you hope in one hand, and shit in the other, and see which one is more real?  Or is she really saying, "hey we both were fucked by this bitch, I got my chance, it's your turn," and then after that we can argue over who may or may not be in line for the subsequent opportunity?

I just don't know...

And if anyone wants to say that's a sign of weakness, admitting that I don't know, then fuck you.  I am a realist in this world.  I don't know everything.  So if something confuses me, if something makes me question what is staring me in the face, and if I'm in a "fun house mirror maze," then I'm going to admit it.  I'm not that egotistical to admit when I'm confused...

And Kandis... You have thrown me a curve ball...

Now I figure this is something we will iron out in the ring, behind the scenes, or because we just don't like how one another looks at each other.  But right now, that's not what EITHER of us are focusing on, is it Kandis?  You did what you did that night, but that was in the moment.  Now we are in a whole new sprint, and you're just like me,  We are both hurling ourselves toward a finish line that I have been so close to each of the years I have entered it, and that's one major moment in SCW lore...

It's taking Hold of the Flame...

She takes another puff from her vape.

That's right everyone, the SCW annual clusterfuck of Biblical proportions is upon us, and I, once again, am trotting my ass into that arena with a goal of upsetting the odds makers and shocking the world.

I mean, isn't that the goal for everyone?

But for me in particular this marks my third entry into the melee and, honestly, I've shown out both years beyond anything I was SUPPOSED to do.  I was never supposed to last as long as I did either year.  I was supposed to be a simple footnote in the match.  I was supposed to be one of those "fillers" who helped waste time before they trotted the big guns out.  But instead, I didn't let that happen.  I didn't let myself be just another name on the long list of eliminations.  I did some things nobody expected.  I eliminated people.  I fought until almost the BITTER END, as a NOBODY.  I was a green as a sorority girl on St. Patrick's Day.  But yet, I still turned heads.  I made people realize that, at the time, "The One" wasn't just a moniker, it was a mentality for me.

And it's a mentality I carry to this day...

But three years later I also have the realization that this match isn't something you can make any guarantees on.  Well I take that back... You can make a few.  I made the guarantee I'd put my name on the map during my first entrance into the event, and I did carry that out.  But to guarantee victory, to guarantee you're going to outlast everyone, it's a guarantee that can never be, well, guaranteed.  It's something that you just can't make a tangible, credible, or reasonable argument for.  It's too chaotic.  It's too much insanity and includes too many variables.  The reality of the match is simple... You win... You got lucky...

And no... I didn't say that by mistake...

You... Got... Lucky...

And it's not an insult either.  Now do I want to win, yes.  Will I do everything I can to give myself the best chance, yes.  But it's still no guarantee.  It's luck because in the end, it's you versus the world.  And those odds don't play in my favor.  Plus you look at the fact I've never really threatened to get myself that "signature win" yet, I would say things don't favor me winning.

She grins.

But I'm stubborn as fuck, and if anyone thinks I'm just going to ALLOW them to take this from me, then guess what, you're wrong.  The fact is, yeah, I don't have the wind at my back.  I don't have momentum going into this match.  But what I do have is a willingness to upset the apple cart and take the "favorites" and make them the footnotes.  I have the desire to really throw monkey wrenches into everyone else's plan.  See SCW has their "picks" behind the scenes, of who they would like to market Rise to Greatness around, and that's not an insult.  They have their marquee names who they know will help them sell tickets and pay-per views, and Kirsten Scott probably isn't the needle mover they would IDEALLY want.

Which is why I came to SCW in the first place...

I came to end the era of the "chosen children" and bring forth an era of freshness...

And while I may not have done EVERYTHING I had WISHED I would have by now, while I couldn't finish the job against Selena, which would have completely disrupted the system and created anarchy, I have done damage.  I did what I did tonight to Selena, and I promise she's going to remember that beating.  She's going to realize it wasn't multiple people beating her ass, it was ME.  And it was ME extracting revenge on her for taking away my chance to be the torch bearer of this place and lead it to the next phase of its existence.

So why not just try and get the chance to do it on a bigger stage?  Why not try to go out there, and instead of just proving I can "hang with the big dogs," I go out there and bite them harder than they bite me?  Why can't I?  Who tells me I CAN'T?  I'm not saying I will, but WHO says it can't be done?  Because I'd look that person in the eye and laugh my ass off in their face.  Because I may not be guaranteeing a win, but I'm promising I'm going out there with the INTENTION to win.  And if people want to stop me, I ask you this...

When have I backed down so far?

When have I not fought back?

When have I been scared of a FIGHT?

The answer is simple.  I haven't.  I haven't backed down from whatever SCW has thrown in my path, and I've fought some of the best.  I may not have won, but I made an impact on them.  I made them realize that, while I may not be at their level, right now, they once were not at the level of SCW's best, and had to climb the ladder and prove themselves.  That didn't happen overnight.  But as I have garnered experience, I've had opponents have to dig deeper and deeper into their bag of tricks and pull out stops they didn't expect in order to beat me.  I made them have to search their soul to see if they truly had what it took to beat me in that moment because I never backed down.  I never stopped moving forward.  I never stopped pushing them and myself to do things bigger and better than I had before.

And who knows... Maybe this year, as the saying goes, third time will be the charm...

So to everyone who is out there looking to secure their spot at Rise to Greatness, realize you're not alone.  And no matter how selfish you think you aare, every one of us thinks the same of ourselves.  We think we want it the most.  We think we deserve it the most.  And for someone like me, what do I have to lose to go out there and just try to fuck with everyone else's plan?  What do I have to lose going out there and trying to do everything to get the only guarantee in this match, and that's an opportunity to main event Rise to Greatness?

The answer is nothing.

I have nothing to lose.

I have everything to gain.

So don't bring any of your "apple cart" wishes into the match thinking that there isn't a person in there willing to upset them, because I promise you, you WILL leave disappointed if you do.  You won't be dining on champagne wishes and caviar dreams, but instead picking your damn produce up, and praying that another day comes along where someone may allow you to actually taste success.

So just remember... I don't bring guarantees... But I will bring what I always do... TRUTHS... Death... Taxes... And "The One" Kirsten Scott!
[Image: W4cpQhO.png]

Overall Record: 27-31-4   |   2025 Record: 0-2-0


SCW Television Champion - 10/13/22 - 12/8/22 (56 Days)
2023 Trios Tournament Champion (w/ Adam Allocco & Kimberly Williams)

SCW Television Champion (2x) - 07/06/23 - 11/02/23 (119 Days)
1 of 2 for Marie

May 28th, 2024
Albany, New York
Off Camera

Taking Hold of the Flame will be a huge night for Marie Jones. The Phoenix returned to Supreme Championship Wrestling earlier in the year and has rapidly risen back to the top, all through her hard work and dedication. Now, with the kickoff to Rise To Greatness season nearly here, Marie Jones has everything to gain and nothing to lose. The Phoenix is pulling double duty at this huge event; first, she challenges Bree Lancaster for the SCW Adrenaline Championship, one of only two titles that she has yet to win in SCW and thus keeping her away from Supreme Championship status, and then later on she will participate in the forty person Taking Hold of the Flame battle royal where the winner will earn a shot at the SCW World Championship in the main event of Rise To Greatness. And the World Championship just so happens to be the other title Marie has yet to win in SCW. The potential consequences of this event are not lost on Marie. She knows that while she may be spreading herself thin, while pulling double duty is quite a difficult, if not impossible, feat for any wrestler, that despite all of this if she does pull this off, she could leave Taking Hold of the Flame not only as the new SCW Adrenaline Champion but also with a guaranteed shot at the SCW World Championship in her back pocket. In one night she could set herself up to achieve a prize she never even planned on aiming for this early into her SCW return: the SCW Supreme Championship. Under normal circumstances one might think that The Phoenix is thinking too far ahead, maybe even taking things way too fast. These are not normal circumstances. Taking Hold of the Flame is the one night where you can drastically change your future, your entire prospects, all in one night. And Marie has positioned herself where in one night she could go from a simple redemption run to potentially being one small step away from being Supreme Champion. The mountain she will have to climb in order to achieve this starts with Bree Lancaster and then concludes with thirty nine other competitors in the Taking Hold of the Flame battle royal.

It is surprising, in a way, that Marie Jones already finds herself in this position. She expected her redemption story to be rough and difficult, yet she already finds herself positioned for greatness. She also finds herself in a great situation with her personal life. Months ago she was working hard to earn back the trust of her family and then piece back together her broken private life. Now she has her family back, she has her loved ones back, and she even has something that she has not had in a very long time; hope. She is hopeful that finally her life is back on track. In fact, Jones is so very close to achieving something she has wanted for a very long time for herself, something she had nearly given up hope on; she is hopeful that she has found love in the form of her new boyfriend, Percy Matthews. Percy, who prefers the nickname Death’s Head, is an ex-con. He isn’t usually the type Marie would date but she met him through her childhood best friend, Melinda Jade, who herself was an ex-con. Marie trusts Melinda’s judgment and if Melinda was willing to vouch for him, then Marie was willing to give him a chance. And much to her surprise, despite his overall appearance of being an imposing thuggish looking biker and preferring to go by a name like Death’s Head, Percy Matthews has proven himself to be quite the southern gentleman. In fact, he is originally from the south; Charleston, South Carolina, to be precise. This hope for a bright future bleeds over into her professional career. It gives The Phoenix hope that she might actually pull off the impossible at Taking Hold of the Flame, that not only can she compete in two matches but can actually win them both. Jones is ready to march into London, England with all of the confidence and momentum in the entire world. Before Marie makes the trip to London, she has a few personal matters to take care of, one of which is to enjoy the company of her boyfriend at least one more time before leaving for The Flame.

Marie Jones sat at an elegantly set table in a high-end restaurant in Albany, New York. She wore a fitted emerald green dress that hugged her slender frame, the color complementing her fiery locks and fair complexion. Her lips, painted a soft shade of rose, curled into a warm smile. Opposite her sat Percy Matthews, an imposing figure with broad shoulders and a commanding presence. His jet-black hair was neatly styled, contrasting sharply with his dark, piercing eyes that seemed to observe everything around him with a quiet intensity. He wore a tailored black suit that emphasized his muscular build, the crisp white shirt underneath adding a touch of elegance to his formidable appearance. Despite his intimidating exterior, his demeanor softened when he looked at Marie, his expression betraying a deep affection and protectiveness.

Their table was adorned with a selection of gourmet dishes, artfully presented on fine porcelain. There was a platter of fresh oysters, their briny scent mingling with the rich aroma of truffle risotto served alongside a perfectly seared filet of beef. A bottle of vintage champagne, its label displaying an esteemed name, sat in an ice bucket next to their table, half-empty glasses sparkling in the candlelight as they toasted to an unseen celebration. The restaurant buzzed with the low murmur of conversation and the clinking of fine china and crystal glasses. The décor was opulent, with rich velvet drapes, polished marble floors, and an array of exotic flowers arranged in intricate centerpieces. Soft jazz music played in the background, adding to the ambiance of sophistication and luxury.

“This is a great place!” Marie gushed. “Mels certainly knows how to pick a place…”

“Yeah, I kinda wish she had picked somewhere else.” Percy says quietly. Marie chuckles.

“Awww, you’re not comfy in this kind of upscale place?” Marie winks. Percy forces a smile onto his face but shakes his head.

“Well, kinda, but that’s not entirely it…”

“Oh calm down, Percy. I know you prefer biker bars and pool halls but this is a special occasion. Our first official date as a serious couple. Besides, I will be leaving in a few days for London, for Taking Hold of the Flame, and I may be overseas for awhile after that. It might be a bit before we see each other again.” She grins lovingly. “I want to enjoy every bit of this moment with you.”

“I do too.” Percy says; he is clearly nervous but Marie, for whatever reason, doesn’t detect it. “And I get it, ya prefer the finer things in life, which isn’t exactly me and all, and this place is nice, it’s just…”

“It’s ok.” Marie says soothingly. “All that matters is us, right?”

“Right.” Percy says smiling warmly at her. “Though maybe in the future can we just go to places in YOUR hometown?”

“Boston? Well, I certainly don’t mind, I do know all of the good places to eat. You would also have plenty of time to spend with my family. But that wouldn’t be fair to you, would it? I mean, you live here in Albany. Shouldn’t I spend just as much time here with you instead of forcing you to come to Boston for me all the time?”

“Trust me, I don’t mind.” Percy insists. “In fact, I’d prefer it.”

“Uh, Percy…” Marie’s voice trails off as she finally detects the nervousness coming from her boyfriend “...is everything ok?”

“Oh yeah, of course.” Percy says through a forced smile. “I’m fine.”

The Phoenix stares into his eyes. The more she stares the more she can sense the nerves and anxiety that comes from him. It is a sharp contrast to his appearance. He appears to be this powerful, imposing figure. Despite being all cleaned up for this appearance at this upscaled restaurant in Albany, he still looks like a dangerous man. Yet his behavior betrays him. He is nervous, maybe even afraid; but afraid of what? Marie wants to reach out and ask him about what’s wrong but before she can even say anything they are approached by a middle aged couple. The man is glaring daggers right through Percy while the woman looks stunned, shocked even, as she points at him.

“That’s him!” She shouts. “I told you, Harold! That’s him!”

“Calm down, Marcie.” Harold remarks as he hugs his wife tightly to his chest. He points a finger at Percy. “You thought you could get away with it!”

“Excuse me, but what are you doing?” Marie states, sounding rather annoyed that these people are bothering them during their meal. Percy attempts to keep the peace.

“It’s ok, Marie.”

“No, it’s not ok!” Marie exclaims. “We’re trying to have a nice meal and these people have come over and are making a scene!”

“You have no idea who or what you are dealing with.” Harold tells Marie. But Marie stands up.

“I do know that you and your wife are interrupting our meal!”

“Did you know that your boyfriend is a murderer?!” The wife, Marcie, shouts before burying her face into her husband’s chest and sobbing loudly.

“What?!” Marie exclaims. “What are you talking about?!”

“That man…if you can call him a man, he is a monster if you ask me…” Harold begins, pointing an accusatory finger at Percy “...her murdered our child, our only daughter! You are dating a murderer. You should be careful because you might be next.”

Harold then takes Marcie and gently walks her out of the restaurant. Marie can only watch, stunned, as they make their exit. Marie then snaps back to reality and turns to sit back down. She looks at Percy and he is noticeably distraught. Is this why he was so nervous this entire time? Did he expect to be confronted like this? Jones knew going in that he had a record, and she had promised to give Percy a chance despite his record, but still, this is something she feels she should know about.


“You want to know what they’re talking about, don’t you?” He asks. Marie just nods her head.


“Some friends of mine wanted to rob a convenience store; it usually is the quickest way to make an easy buck, y’know? I helped them. The convenience store we robbed is not too far from where this restaurant sits. That’s why I really didn’t want to come out here to eat dinner. I was worried I might encounter people who would remember me.”

“But what’s the thing about the murder?” Marie asks.

“I was supposed to just be a quick robbery. Go in with a gun, hold up the cashier, get the cash, get out. Very quick, very easy.” He sighs. “But the best laid plans, as they say. One of my pals shot the cashier.” He starts to get a little angry. “It wasn’t part of the plan. But he shot her…and that cashier was their daughter.”

“So you didn’t kill their daughter?” Marie states. He shakes his head.

“No, I technically didn’t. But I was involved and they blame me. The government agreed to drop the murder charge against me as long as I testified against the trigger man. I only got charged for the robbery.”

Marie is completely silent. Minor crimes are one thing but murder? She had no idea Percy had murder on his record. Well, technically he doesn’t. He wasn’t the trigger man. But still, he was involved in a murder and it does surprise Marie. He reaches out and takes her by the hands and clasps them tightly. He stares lovingly into her eyes, with a hint of pleading. Its as if Percy realizes that Marie is shocked by this news.

“That’s not me, Marie. Not anymore. That was my old life. I have changed.”

“Yes…I know.”

May 30th, 2024
Boston, Massachusetts
Off Camera

Two days have passed since the startling revelation about Percy Matthews’s past came to the attention of Marie Jones. She knew he had a record, she knew he had spent time in prison, she just didn’t know what the crimes were and she never really thought to look into it because she trusted the judgment of her friend Melinda Jade, the woman who set them up. But now she learned that part of his record includes a murder. He wasn’t charged with the murder but he was involved. The Phoenix loves Percy, she cares for him, but this revelation has brought doubts back into her mind. It has forced her to want to some digging into his background, she wants to see if there is anything else about his past that he is hiding, anything he has not told her. This is what brings The Phoenix to the public library in Boston, Massachusetts. The library is a spacious, quiet haven filled with tall bookshelves that stretch toward the high, arched ceilings. The soft hum of the central heating system mingles with the occasional rustle of pages and muted footsteps on the carpeted floor. Large windows line one wall, allowing the afternoon sunlight to stream in, casting a warm glow over the rows of books and study tables.

Marie is engrossed in the computer screen before her; she is wearing a silk red blouse, a knee length black floral print skirt, and black high heeled pumps. Her long red hair is left to hang straight and unrestrained to past the shoulders and down her back. Her fingers dance across the keyboard with a practiced ease, occasionally pausing as she furrows her brow in concentration. A steaming cup of herbal tea sits next to the computer, the delicate scent of chamomile and mint faintly noticeable. Scattered around her on the desk are several open books, their spines cracked from use, filled with handwritten notes and colorful bookmarks. A well-worn leather satchel rests at her feet, slightly open to reveal a glimpse of more books and a neatly organized pencil case. Marie's posture is relaxed yet attentive, her body leaning slightly forward, indicating her deep focus on the task at hand. The focus and concentration of The Phoenix is easily broken when her identical twin sister, Kimberly Williams, jumps into view.


“Wha…?!” Marie turns to see her sister standing there wearing torn denim jeans, flip flops, and a black Queens of Chaos logo t-shirt. Kimberly grins from ear to ear. Marie just rolls her eyes.

“Did I scare you?”

“No.” Marie says as Kim sits down next to her. Marie turns to look at Kim. “What did you find out?”

“I found out that Rob is totally into Pam but Pam is not into Rob…in fact, Pam is into other women and is really cheating on her husband Tom with this dominatrix chick named Kathy…”


“...and I learned that the NFL is entirely scripted and this year’s Super Bowl winner will be the San Francisco 49ers…”


“...and I learned that before making her big break into professional wrestling, Selena Frost was The Purple Teletubby.”

“Kim!” Marie exclaims. Kim playfully holds a finger over her mouth.

“Hush! We’re in a library!”

“Be serious, please?”

“I’m always serious!”

“Then tell me what you learned about Percy.” Marie states. “You know? My boyfriend?”

“Oh, him.” Kim shrugs her shoulders. “I got nothing. I got busy with the other stuff I told you about.”

“Well I learned quite a bit.” She motions to the computer screen. “I got on the New York State corrections website and it told me a lot about his criminal past. He started with petty theft and grew into assault. He joined a gang and that gang practice is ultimately led to the botched robbery and murder.”

“That’s interesting I suppose.” Kim shrugs her shoulders. “But does that change your opinion about him?”

“I don’t know…” Marie sighs “...I mean, this record looks pretty much like what I thought it would. Petty theft, some assault, that’s it really. And the murder he didn’t really commit so…” her voice trails off.

“Are you having doubts about dating him?”

“Honestly, Kim, I don’t know.” She sighs. “I just wish he had been up front with me about all of this, y’know? It makes me wonder what else he isn’t telling me.”

“Well there is one sure fire way to find out if he’s a decent guy.” Kim grins knowingly. “I could pretend to be you, go out on a date with him, and if he turns all psycho killer on me, I’ll just slit his throat before he can slit mine!”


“Oh don’t worry! I know great places to dump bodies where no one will find him!”

“I don’t want you killing anyone!” Marie insists.

“Alright, I’m gonna get real with you for a second.” Kim pats Marie on the back. “If your problem is this, his record, then honestly you should just give the guy a chance.”

“You think so?” Marie asks. Kim nods her head.

“I know so, sis! I mean, I have a record FAR worse than ol’ Percy’s record but you trust me, right? Shit, you left your son with me for weeks on end and my record is worse than Percy’s!”

“I suppose you’re right.” Marie says quietly. “It’s just that this record…especially the assault charges…it reminds me of Damian.”

“Oh, the bastard who abused you.” Kim states coldly. Marie just nods her head. “Well, does Percy treat you like Damian?”

“No…he treats me nice. He has always been a gentleman. He has always been classy and loving.” Marie smiles. “He has always been the opposite of Damian.”

“Then there you go.” Kim points to the computer screen with Percy’s record pulled up. “Then don’t let this crap get in the way of your relationship with him.”
[Image: Fr3dxo2WIAAhCXt?format=jpg&name=large]
SWC Southern Heavyweight Champion 1x
MWA Turmoil Champion 1x
GCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
UWA World Tag Team Champion 1x
HKW Bloodlust Champion 3x
2022 SCW Trios Tournament Winner
SCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
SCW Underground Champion 5x
SCW Television Champion 1x
SCW United States Champion 1x
MWE Chicago Way Champion 1x
5LW Television Champion 1x
Queen of the Death Match

[Image: mariejones.png]

SCW United States Champion 1x
SCW Television Champion 2x
SCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
UWA World Champion 1x
UWA X-Class Champion 1x
UWA World Tag Team Champion 1x
IWC World Tag Team Champion 1x
MCW X-Division Champion 1x
GDW International Champion 1x
GDW World Tag Team Champion 3x

2 of 2 for Marie

May 31st, 2024
Boston, Massachusetts
Off Camera

Marie Jones has been rattled ever since the incident in Albany, New York when she and her boyfriend, Percy Matthews, were confronted by a middle aged couple, obviously agitated and angry with Percy. They called him out and accused him of murdering their daughter, a cashier at a convenience store Percy and his friends robbed during his life of crime. The Phoenix had always known Percy had a criminal past, because she met him thanks to Melinda Jade, a mutual friend who was also an ex-convict and thought that they would be perfect for each other considering both Marie and Percy needed strong support systems. They could support one another. Their relationship blossomed, they grew close to one another, and Marie has grown to legitimately care for Percy. He has been very charming and polite, a true blue southern gentleman. In fact, he seems to be the polar opposite of what you would expect from an ex-con. He is gentle and caring around Marie. In fact, he almost seems like a nervous puppy whenever he is around Marie. It is almost as if he is nervous about whether or not she will accept him. If true, who can blame him? Most people doubt and question ex-convicts. Even Marie herself had her doubts as to whether or not she wanted to seriously date Percy Matthews, the man who prefers to call himself Death’s Head. She eventually got over those initial doubts and bad feelings. The Phoenix decided to give him a chance and for awhile she was loving life, she felt hope and joy at the prospects of this new budding relationship. But then Albany happened. Then that middle aged couple, Harold and Marcie, accused Percy of murdering their daughter and that startling revelations brought every bad feelings and all of the doubts right back to the surface. The Phoenix told her boyfriend that everything was ok, but it was a lie. Everything was not ok. Marie did not like the fact that he kept this from her and was curious as to what else about his past was he hiding from her. After some extensive research she found out a great deal about her boyfriend’s past and, as it turns out, it was everything she expected it would be; petty theft, some assault, gang activity, and nothing much more than that, but no murders on his record. All of these Marie can look past and accept that he has turned from it, that he is indeed a changed man. Still, the fact that he was so secretive and histent to let her know, the fact that she had to find this out on her own, kept her concerned. Jones knows now what she must do. She must confront him with her own concerns and worries. If they are to be a couple going forward, they must deal with these difficult issues. She just hopes that their relationship can survive this.

Currently The Phoenix sits on the fancy, opulent cream colored living room sofa in her luxurious home in Boston, Massachusetts. She is wearing a soft, pastel blue casual, modest dress. It features a high neckline with a delicate lace trim that adds a touch of vintage charm. The sleeves are three-quarter length, ending just below the elbow, providing both coverage and style. The bodice of the dress fits her form gently, neither too tight nor too loose, and the skirt flares out slightly from the waist, falling to mid-calf. The simplicity of the dress is enhanced by a subtle floral pattern embroidered along the hem and cuffs, adding a touch of whimsy without overwhelming the overall look. A narrow, white belt cinches at her waist, accentuating her figure without drawing too much attention.

The television is tuned into a replay of last week’s SCW Breakdown. Marie feels that while she awaits the arrival of her boyfriend she can watch the replay and take some mental notes. Many, if not all, of these wrestlers will be challenging her in the Taking Hold of the Flame battle royal. Names such as Kirsten Scott, David Striker, Glory Braddock, and yes, her own twin sister Kimberly Williams have already declared for the battle royal. Many others have already declared and they are all seeking the same prize as she is; the opportunity to face the SCW World Champion at Rise To Greatness. Only the winner of Taking Hold of the Flame will receive that prize. Marie will have to be at her very best if she hopes to win that match, that isn’t even to mention the Adrenaline Title Match against Bree Lancaster that she will have earlier in the evening. It is quite the tall task but Marie feels confident, she feels as if she is up for this challenge. And while Marie watches Breakdown to take notes, her son, Sean Connor Jones, sits next to her watching just for the sake of enjoying a good entertaining wrestling show. Her teenage son is wearing a simple attire of jeans, sneakers, a plain white t-shirt, and a black jacket. His eyes are engrossed, staring at the television set. His mother happens to notice.

“You love that stuff, don’t you?”

“Are you kidding? Absolutely!” He exclaims. “I wanna wrestle some day, just like you and Aunt Kim!”

“How about like me and less like your Aunt Kim, huh?” She kisses him on the forehead. “Hardcore may not be your style.”

“It might be fun.” Sean shrugs his shoulders.

“Fun but not exactly what I would picture for your career.” She sighs. “Tell you what, though, instead of me leaving you with your Aunt Jessica or Great Aunt Kayla, how about you come with me to London and watch Taking Hold of the Flame live?”

“Are you serious?!” Sean asks. Marie nods her head.

“I’m serious. I mean, now that I am back in SCW’s good graces I am sure I can get you in as a backstage guest. Besides, it certainly wouldn’t hurt to have another supporter in my corner that night. I have quite the challenge ahead of me.”

“You’ll do great!” He exclaims. “Adrenaline Champ! Taking Hold of the Flame winner! My mom!”

“You think so?” Marie asks with a bit of a laugh. “You know that means your Aunt Kim wouldn’t win Taking Hold of the Flame, right?”

“Oh yeah…” Sean pauses and then smirks “...it’s ok! Aunt Kim has the Underground Title! But you, mom, you can win it all!”

“We’ll see.” She says with a warm smile. “I’m going to take it one match a time. First Bree, then my thirty nine other opponents.” Marie stops when she hears her doorbell ringing. She turns to face Sean. “Uh, why don’t you wait here, buddy? I’ll be right back.”

“Is that Percy?”

“Probably.” Marie nods her head. She didn’t tell her son that Percy was coming over but he is quite perceptive. He knew his mother was dressed like this and waiting up for something. He probably felt it was something to do with her boyfriend. Marie stands up and starts to walk off before Sean calls out to her.



“I just want you to know that I really like him.” Sean says. “He’s cool.”

“I agree.” Marie says, nodding her head. She values the opinion of her son especially when it comes to this particularly sensitive subject. If she and Percy are to become close, if they are to become a more permanent fixture, then she wants Sean to accept him too. Marie makes her way out of the living room and to the front door of her home. She opens it and finds none other than Percy Matthews standing there. He is wearing a dirty white t-shirt, loose fitting denim jeans, black biker boots, and a black biker jacket.

“Hi Percy.” Marie greets him as she leans in and kisses him on the cheek. “Thanks for stopping by.”

“I’m just glad you still wanted to see me.” He says, his voice cracking as his nerves are clearly on the forefront. “I was worried that you wouldn’t wanna see me, after what all happened in Albany.”

“Percy, what happened that night was not your fault.” She insists. “What happened at that convenience store, it was a crime, a crime you committed, but you didn’t pull the trigger to kill their daughter, and the crime you did commit, you already paid for it. You served your time. All of the crimes you committed, whatever they were, you have served your time. In the eyes of the law, you are clear. And you are clear in my eyes too, Percy.”

“I’m happy to hear ya say that.” Percy says with a warm smile on his face.

“There is only one problem I have.” She says. “I told you everything about my past. Only three other people in this world outside of my family know the entire sordid graphic details of my life. You are now number four. I shared my life story with you because I just knew we were special, that we had something special, and that you were the man for me. So I trusted you with the details of my past.”

“Do you…” his voice cracks as he gets nervous again “...do you regret telling me?”

“No, I don’t.” She shakes her head. “Because I STILL think you are the man for me and I STILL think we are something special. But while I shared everything with you, you have been secretive and kept much of your life hidden from me.”

“Honestly?” He shrugs his shoulders. “I have been hesitant to talk about my past because I didn’t wanna scare ya…I don’t know if you noticed but I become a nervous wreck around ya, Marie…”

“Yeah, I kinda noticed.” She chuckles.

“I get that way because I love ya…and I don’t wanna lose ya. Do you have any idea what it’s like to be an ex-con? When people find out, it’s like havin’ a scarlet letter stamped on yer head.”

“I do know.” Marie nods her head. “Remember that me and Mels are best friends. She was my best friend before she was your best friend.”

“Right…” he sighs “...but yeah, I was scared of losing ya, that’s all. So I have tried to avoid talking about my past.”

“Don’t be scared.” Marie then laughs. “My own sister went crazy and kidnapped me and held me captive in her basement. But I still get along just fine with her. I think if I can get along fine with my former kidnapper, I can get along with a tough guy biker named Death’s Head.”

“Ya mean it?” Percy asks hopefully. Marie nods her head.

“Every word.” She pulls him close and they begin to passionately kiss. “Do you believe that?” She asks after breaking the kiss. Percy chuckles.

“Yeah…I believe I do!”

“Good. So no more secrets?”

“No more secrets.” Percy responds.

The feeling of hope that she had a few days ago returns. Marie Jones is once again hopeful that she has indeed found the right man. Like Marie he was once a broken, imperfect man but they have both took the long, difficult road of redemption. Along that road of redemption they have found another. Now, perhaps, they can help each other towards the finish line of this road to redemption? Maybe they can fill the void in each other’s hearts?

On Camera

2024 kicked off with a bang! And I say that literally and figuratively! I mean, while I did buy a ticket to Body, Heart, & Soul so that I could show moral support to my sister who was challenging for the Underground Title that night against James Evans, I never planned to get involved. It all kinda just happened organically, naturally. I certainly expected that the result of my involvement would be a hefty fine but I did NOT expect to get signed to a new SCW contract. I did not expect to be gifted with the opportunity to redeem myself, to dial back the clock and fix everything I did wrong, repair the bridges I burned, and win back the trust and support of the fans who had supported me from day one. I never planned for any of that, I did not expect any of that, but I was taught from my first day of wrestling academy that you never ever turn away an opportunity.

Did I deserve this opportunity? Did I deserve another chance with Supreme Championship Wrestling? No, not after what I did. I committed the cardinal sin, I walked away. I took my ball and I went home. My career was writhing in the darkness, the abyss of irrelevancy for a very long time because of my walk out. I deserved that…I deserved that punishment and I deserved to be left in the darkness, the abyss of irrelevancy. I certainly did not deserve the opportunity for redemption. But that opportunity was gifted to me…gifts are a choice, you can certainly turn down a gift…you can reject it outright…but like I said, I was taught never to turn down an opportunity and you damn sure never turn down a gift. So I signed on the dotted line. I took my new SCW contract and I took that opportunity to redeem myself, to repair those burned bridges, to repair those relationships, and most importantly to win back my fans.

I knew I would face criticism and doubt. It comes with the territory when you have done some of the things that I have done. I knew people would question my heart, my desire, and my commitment. But from the moment of my return at Body, Heart, & Soul until now, my presence has been felt week in and week out. I took on all comers as Television Champion. I fought anyone and everyone SCW put in front of me. I never rejected a match…even the matches that might have raised a few eyebrows. I mean, why team me and David Striker up to try and become number one contenders for the tag titles at Taking the Leap? It made no sense. But I didn’t complain. I took the match and I gave it everything I had, I gave David Striker everything that I had, I gave the SCW fans everything that I had. I had every right to cry foul about defending my Television Title against two other people whereas most every other Television Champion only defends against one person. But I did not complain, I did not gripe, I just went forward and I gave it my all. I lost both of those matches but did I quit? No, I remained committed. I remained focused on my career and focused on my journey of redemption. And in this time, from Body Heart & Soul until now, I have only been pinned just the one time…by Deanna Frost…

…the United States Champion pinned me, that’s nothing to hang my head about.

Now Taking Hold of the Flame is imminent. I walk in as the number one contender to the SCW Adrenaline Championship. I certainly hope no one is questioning my heart, my determination, or my commitment to this business anymore, because I fought long and hard to get back here, I busted my ass to get back to this spot, I bled and shed many tears to get back here and now I have arrived! I have arrived at a point in my career that I never thought possible. I have everything to gain and nothing to lose. I could leave Taking Hold of the Flame as the Adrenaline Champion and the number one contender to the SCW World Championship…

…or I could leave with neither, just in the same position I am in now. Like I said, I have everything to gain and nothing to lose. And you know what they say? People are at their most dangerous when they have nothing to lose.

Taking Hold of the Flame is always a special night. It is the kickoff to Rise To Greatness, it is the event that will determine the number one contender to the SCW World Championship. This forty person battle royal is the essence of chaos because as much talent and ability as you have, as good as you are, it might mean absolutely nothing, especially if you get drawn at an early spot. Some of the best wrestlers to grace an SCW ring…take Syren for example…started this event and could not win. Others who may otherwise have been overlooked as a nobody could use the chaos of this event to their advantage…take my sister Kim as an example. She thrives upon chaos and last year she started the match and went bell to bell, damn near winning the whole thing. But luck of the draw comes into play all too often. Kandis got the lucky number forty and she won the whole thing.

Sure, you have to have talent and ability, but you also have to be able survive the chaos and have just a little bit of luck on your side if you hope to win Taking Hold of the Flame. So riddle me this, SCW universe, out of everyone on the roster, every declared entrant, who is the one person who has the talent, the ability, can thrive and survive in chaos, and has thus far had a lot of luck on their side?

Polly, Aisling, and Colleen? They have the talent and ability. They can certainly thrive in chaos. But luck? Not so much. Luck has bitten them in the ass lately.

Kirsten Scott? I know you want Selena’s head on a platter, and you have proven you have the talent and ability to win this, but chaos has stopped you in the past, and face it, luck has not been on your side lately.

Scott Reed? Interesting, now he MIGHT have all three…I mean he has been unbeaten since returning to the ring, even beating my chaos driven sister Kim, luck is definitely on his side…so he might be a dark horse to look out for…and of course we cannot forget the newcomers, the wild cards who are entering their very first Taking Hold of the Flame. David Striker, Chris Dumont, Eavan Maloney…

Now I could go on and on but I won’t bore you with that. I am going to skip to the main event. See, other than Mr. Reed there is only one person with the proven talent, ability, ability to survive the chaos, and luck on their side who can possibly win this Taking Hold of the Flame battle royal…

…that’s right, ME! “The Phoenix” Marie Annabelle Jones!

Do I have the talent and ability? I am a three time Television Champion, former SCW World Tag Team Champion, and former SCW United States Champion. Since my return only ONE person has managed to pin me or submit me. So what do you think? Do I have the ability to hang in that ring with thirty nine of the best ever? Not only can I hang but I can and will kick each and every one of their damn heads off if I have to. I will spike them on their heads with Ave Maria if I have to.

Can I survive and thrive in the chaos that is Taking Hold of the Flame? I have been in Taking Hold of the Flame, so I have experience with that kind of chaos. And while I haven’t won Taking Hold of the Flame, I can also say honestly that chaos runs in my veins. You think my twin sister Kim, the Queen of Chaos herself, is just an anomaly in our family? Oh no! That kind of chaos is in our blood! She just embraces it and puts it on display a lot more than the rest of us. But at Taking Hold of the Flame I WILL embrace the chaos, I will BECOME the chaos, and I will use it to survive, to thrive, and to win Taking Hold of the Flame.

Now do I really have to explain about my luck? Luck has been at my back since the beginning of this year. I could’ve been banned from ever attending any SCW event again, instead I was offered a new contract. I could have been booed out of the arena but I was received by my fans with open arms. My journey back could have been long and arduous but I overcame the odds, I won the Television Title for a third time and I find myself on the precipice of winning the Adrenaline Title. A lot of that is my skill, but yes, some of that is the luck, maybe even some good karma, riding at my back. And if that luck continues to smile down upon me, then maybe I can win Taking Hold of the Flame.

Do you wanna know the real reason why I truly believe that this year is my year to win it all? Because I am in a unique position where I can achieve something great, something historic even. You see, I am only two championships short of being a Supreme Champion in SCW; one of those is the Adrenaline Title held by Bree Lancaster, the other is the SCW World Title held by Selena Frost. If I defeat Bree and then go on to win Taking Hold of the Flame, I will be Adrenaline Champion and then number one contender to the World Title. Being in the main event of Rise To Greatness with not just the World Title but SUPREME CHAMPIONSHIP STATUS on the line? Now that is what I call motivation!

I have the talent…I have the ability… I know how to survive and thrive in the chaos…I am riding a wave of luck and momentum…but most importantly, I am motivated, I am motivated like never before, and so help me God I will pull off the impossible! I will defeat Bree Lancaster…I will become Adrenaline Champion…I will win Taking Hold of the Flame…and yes, I will become SCW World Champion and therefore Supreme Champion in the main event of Rise To Greatness. It is the highest possible peak, the mountaintop in SCW, and This Phoenix is aiming for that peak, I am aiming for that mountaintop, and I will not quit until I have achieved the impossible.
[Image: Fr3dxo2WIAAhCXt?format=jpg&name=large]
SWC Southern Heavyweight Champion 1x
MWA Turmoil Champion 1x
GCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
UWA World Tag Team Champion 1x
HKW Bloodlust Champion 3x
2022 SCW Trios Tournament Winner
SCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
SCW Underground Champion 5x
SCW Television Champion 1x
SCW United States Champion 1x
MWE Chicago Way Champion 1x
5LW Television Champion 1x
Queen of the Death Match

[Image: mariejones.png]

SCW United States Champion 1x
SCW Television Champion 2x
SCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
UWA World Champion 1x
UWA X-Class Champion 1x
UWA World Tag Team Champion 1x
IWC World Tag Team Champion 1x
MCW X-Division Champion 1x
GDW International Champion 1x
GDW World Tag Team Champion 3x

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