06-12-2024, 05:38 AM
3rd April 2024
(Life these days was a lot more relaxed for Owen Cruze, and mainly consisted of being a house husband, and occasionally making sure that the Miami ‘Next level’ operation was running as it should. The fact was he didn’t need to, his management team there were something else and it was running like clockwork. The same could be said for the second operation, running out of Ontario, which had only just opened, and was looking to be the same success. Jennifer had gone back to modelling and looked more beautiful now than she had ever done. Life was sweet, and although rumors persisted, he had no intention of signing up for the SCW Taking Hold of the Flame event that was taking place in a couple of months. Many people had told him that the itch would return, but it hadn’t, and he was getting more and more sure than it never would. They said he’d get bored, but there weren’t many people his age lucky enough to never have to work for a living again. Orlando would have been proud, and that was all he had ever needed. The same however couldn’t be said for his Uncle Shaun, who seemed to be busier than ever. The third installment of Resistance: Earth was now in post-production, and only yesterday a trailer had been released giving a release date of November 2024, and once again Shaun has both written it, and was in the starring role. On top of that, Impact Media had released several wrestling documentaries with regards to superstars from the past, that had been picked up by varying streaming networks and won many awards. On top of that, Owen knew that Shaun had been approached to be a part of the rebirth of EMERGE, Drew Bryant pitching the idea that Shaun hadn’t dismissed out of turn… the ‘itch’ for him having never gone away. In fact, it was very rare that Owen got to see Shaun these days, even though Owen had a lot of spare time, Shaun didn’t. So being as they were now, sitting on Owen’s refurbished boat that Orlando had once owned, fishing in the Atlantic and seemingly without a care in the world, it was a good feeling. And these moments were ones that both treasured.)
Shaun: Thank you for inviting me, I really needed this.
Owen: No bother at all… it’s good to see you.
(The two clink their bottles of beer together, both then turning their eyes back to the sea.)
Shaun: Wish we could do this more often, but you know… some of us don’t have time to sit on our ass all day.
Owen: I get it, you’re one of the busiest guys I know. Can’t be easy spinning all those plates. I know I couldn’t do it.
(Shaun turns back towards Owen, shrugging his shoulders.)
Shaun: It’s not Owen. In fact, I’m wondering if I’ve had enough.
(To hear him say this was a surprise. Shaun had always had an amazing work ethic and had even been accused of having ADHD because of his inability to ever be still.)
Owen: What do you mean… jack it all in.
Shaun: I don’t know Owen… I’m just getting older you know. I look at you and sometimes… can’t believe I’m saying this… I feel jealous of the life you lead.
(Shaun takes a sip of his beer, Owen digesting Shaun’s words before taking a sip of his own. Shaun then holds the bottle upside down, a single drop falling from the bottle. He gets to his feet and opens the cooler, holding up a bottle to Owen who nods his head, then chugs the reminder of the bottle in his hand. Shaun passes the bottle over and then sits back down having already opened them.)
Owen: I never thought you’d be jealous of me.
Shaun: Yeah, well repeat it to anyone and I’ll kick your ass.
Owen: You’d have to catch me first and with your old man bones I’m not sure you could.
Shaun: Says the guy who retired before anyone could take the World title from him.
Owen: Christ, you sound like Josh.
(Owen was referring to Josh Hudson, who somehow had become a friend.)
Owen: But anyone, you’d hate my life. You’re a workaholic, and you always have been. You couldn’t sit still if you tried.
Shaun: Truthfully Owen, right now being sat still doing nothing but watch Dorothea grow sounds perfect. In fact, and you don’t say anything about this to anyone, I have already started putting feelers out with regards to selling Impact Media. Blake has already mentioned that he would like to take full control. And I’ve already told Angyalka that the third and final part of Resistance will be my last acting job.
(When he first said it, Owen had treated it as nothing more than Shaun spit balling. A wish that could never come true. But it seemed like Shaun was deadly serious about his future and wanted to step away from everything in the same way Owen had. In fact, it seemed like he was someway towards making that dream come true.)
Owen: Do you mind if I say something?
Shaun: Come on Owen, when have you ever asked to have an opinion?
Owen: Very true.
Shaun: Go ahead, what are you thinking?
Owen: I know it’s not a money thing… I’m sure you’ve got more than a few zeros on your bank balance. But why would you want to throw away everything that you have ever worked for. Considering a decision like that would be final. There wouldn’t be much chance to come back from selling Impact Media for instance. I know you Shaun, you’re a lot like Dad in that you find it difficult to simply do nothing. I’m just not sure the quiet life is… well you.
(Shaun considers Owen’s comments, which were nothing new to him. This narrative of Owen’s was pretty much the thought process Shaun had gone through before testing the waters on any potential sale. What Owen didn’t know was that this was something that he had been thinking about even since the release of the Resistance sequel, and that he had more and more taken a back seat in almost everything Impact Media had done. He could of course do what Owen was doing, and rely on others to run the company, but that wasn’t him. And would always give him the opportunity to go back if he wanted to. Owen said it was final, and that was right, because it had to be.)
Shaun: You’re not saying anything I haven’t thought about myself. Angyalka said the exact same thing in fact. But I do feel that something needs to change. Can I ask you a question?
Owen: Course
Shaun: All joking aside, why did you retire from wrestling when you hadn’t even gotten anywhere near your peak?
Owen: That’s easy… I didn’t want to be like you and Dad and committed to the wrestling industry forever. I wanted to be happy and being on the road all the time and missing huge moments in Ethan’s development.
Shaun: You wanted to be happy?
Owen: Yeah
Shaun: Well, that’s what I want as well.
Owen: But being busy… makes you happy.
Shaun: It used to. But things change Owen. I’ve changed. And this ‘stress’ that has fueled me for so long now, it’s starting to grind me down. It’s getting to the point where I do all I can to avoid meetings if I know someone else can take care of it for me.
Owen: So, there’s nothing more to do in the movie, take a break and do something you love. Forget about the business for a while, you’ve already said it could take care of itself. Do you really have to sell?
Shaun: Do something I love huh?
Owen: Yeah… write a new screenplay. If you can’t be bothered with that, go on a long holiday with Angyalka and Dorothea. Look Shaun, if quitting it all is what you really want to do, I’m with you… no question about it. I just don’t want you doing something that you regret.
Shaun: I appreciate that…
(Shaun hesitates, and Owen immediately picks up on it.)
Owen: Is there something you’re not telling me?
(Shaun keeps looking out at the water, knowing that ignoring the question wasn’t an option. What was going through his mind right now, was something that he hadn’t even discussed with Angyalka.)
Owen: Shaun?
(Shaun turns his chair towards Owen and holds the bottle in front of him.)
Shaun: I’m going to sign up for Taking Hold of the Flame.
(Owen pauses, although he hadn’t expected that, it wasn’t really a great surprise. Owen knew that just like his Dad, Shaun had always struggled with being away from the business, and he hadn’t competed now since the GOW Tournament.)
Owen: OK. But I don’t get what that has to do with Impact Media and selling up.
Shaun: I’m not signing up out of nostalgia Owen. I’m signing up because I want to see if I can still do it.
Owen: Look Shaun…
(Shaun holds up his hands to interrupt.)
Shaun: I know what you are going to say Owen. I have nothing left to prove and I have a Hall of Fame induction that proves exactly that.
Owen: Precisely.
Shaun: Thing is… yeah, I’m in the Hall of Fame, but the last thing people remember me for is for being one of the worst General Managers in recent memory. I never won Taking Hold of the Flame, but I came close many times. And if I do well, who knows… I’m only thirty-five years old, so perhaps I can give it all another go. I know I won’t miss Impact Media or being an actor… red carpets and all that materialistic stuff. But the business… it feels wrong that there isn’t a ‘Cruze’ on the roster. Maybe I’ve got it in me for one final tilt at the top.
(There was no question that Shaun had been one of the most talented wrestlers in the world in his time. A hybrid style and a determination that many found difficult to match. For a time back then he was legitimately the best in the world, and there were some that said he was even better than Orlando when he was at his peak. But Owen knew the landscape of SCW had changed, even in the time Owen had been away. The company had moved from the legendary figures of the past, and was now relying on the younger, up, and coming talent. Owen didn’t want to say it, but he felt like Shaun would struggle, and would be tarnishing his reputation still further by competing. Owen’s thoughts then turn to his Dad, who had also never been able to let it go, all the way to the day he tragically died. Shaun had mirrored Orlando’s career so much, and it seemed like once again he was taking the same turn. Shaun picks up on Owen’s hesitation, believing he knows the reason why.)
Shaun: You don’t think I can do it, do you?
Owen: No, it’s not that…
(He lies… taking care to show nothing that would give him away.)
Owen: You know who you sound like don’t you? You sound like my Dad, who always said he could walk away, but never did. Not really. But he was never the same, and every time he went back, he lost a little bit more. You’re one of the most loved, and well-known competitors of all time Shaun, why would you want to ruin that?
Shaun: So, you do think I’d get my ass kicked?
(Owen shrugs, backed into a corner he couldn’t escape from.)
Owen: Yeah, I do. You walked away because your body was breaking up… you knew it was time. It’s still time Shaun… you’ve got to learn to live with that, where Dad never could. Just for once, don’t follow his lead and stay retired. You know how this business works. One bad bump and you’re in a wheelchair for life… that almost happened to Jacob Laymon remember?
Shaun: Yeah, I remember.
Owen: My honest opinion, it’s not worth the risk.
Shaun: Owen, I’m going to level with you. Impact Media and what I have achieved with the company is one of my proudest moments. People told me I couldn’t do it, but I did. But nothing has ever compared to the roar of the crowd… not ever. What we were talking about earlier, it’s competing that makes me happy. I’m never happier than when I’m in that ring.
Owen: Not even when you’re with your family?
Shaun: That’s unfair… that’s different.
Owen: No Shaun, it really isn’t. Imagine something bad happens, and you can’t be a good Husband, or the Father you want to be. Imagine you relinquish control of Impact Media and sell it, and then it goes under. Are you really trying to tell me that you’d be ‘happy’ just because you managed to step into the ring one more time. I might not understand it Shaun, I’ve never understood why it’s so hard to walk away from an industry that, let’s face it, takes just as much as it gives. I get it though… you’re just like Dad, he couldn’t shake it either. And look how it ended for him. He was never happier than that point where he had walked away from the business and was looking forward to a future. But by the time he realized it, he only had a short time to enjoy it. I had no intention of that happening to me… and neither should you.
(In the deepest corner of his brain, Shaun knew that Owen wasn’t wrong. He had even pulled Orlando up on it so many times, so also recognized that he was being hypocritical. But there was something within him that just couldn’t resist and knew that even if he failed at Taking Hold of the Flame, there was every likelihood he would look to compete again and again. It was a disease, a disease that he and Orlando shared. One that threatened to be the demise of them both. Owen sees Shaun going through all of this and decides that if this conversation was to continue, it could end in an argument.)
Owen: I don’t reckon we are going to catch anything else. Shall we head back and see what the girls are up to?
Shaun: Sure.
(Shaun retort shows Owen that he had annoyed his Uncle, but it was a common saying that the truth hurt. He only hoped that Angyalka would knock some sense into Shaun, but he had his doubts. This looked like something Shaun felt he HAD to do, and that stubbornness meant that the reality was he wouldn’t be stopped, not by anyone. All that said, however, Owen couldn’t deny that he had a sense of excitement, the Impact Player once again competing inside a wrestling ring. He could only hope that excitement didn’t turn into another tragedy. With that hanging in the air, Owen starts the boat’s engine, and sets off on a course back to the marina.)
15th April 2024
(If Owen’s words had put doubts in Shaun’s mind, Angyalka’s protestations would have made him delay any decisions. His wife has been fine with the thought of him selling up and spending more time with the family but had shared the same opinion as Owen with regards to wrestling again. She had faith in him that Owen apparently hadn’t had, but firmly believed it wasn’t worth the risk, and had told him so in words that had turned the air blue. Much like Owen though, Angyalka knew that he, like she, was unmovable once a decision had been made. Unknowing her however, he was now indeed having second thoughts and not yet put pen to paper to compete at Taking Hold of the Flame. He felt that both Angyalka and Owen had biased opinions and so he sought out someone he knew wouldn’t care too much about what ‘could’ happen, and more about what he wanted to happen. And now sat in Taylor Chases living room, watching his nephew Sebastian on his games console, he was ready to get a third, perhaps defining opinion before he finally returned SCW’s calls.)
Shaun: They grow up so fast don’t they?
Taylor: I can’t believe he’s seven years old now.
Shaun: Yeah, madness. Dorothea seems to come up with something new every day. Ethan as well.
Taylor: Owen came to visit a few weeks back with Jennifer and Ethan… it’s nice that he keeps in touch.
Shaun: He’s got a lot to thank you for. You took him in when Kloe couldn’t.
Taylor: Orlando would have wanted me to. There were times when I didn’t think he would turn out the way he did.
Shaun: He’s doing well all right. And couldn’t care less about the industry and leaving it behind.
Taylor: You said on the phone you wanted to talk about the business. Is this to do with EMERGE, I’ve heard you and Drew were considering bringing it back?
Shaun: No… Drew might go ahead with his plans, but I won’t be a part of it.
Taylor: You finally going to stop making those boring documentaries and make one about someone interesting? Namely Me.
Shaun: I’m actually considering selling Impact Media and have floated for interested parties.
Taylor: In that case, it can only be about one thing. Taking Hold of the Flame is happening soon, and you are thinking about signing up. Am I close?
Shaun: Spot on.
(Taylor laughs.)
Taylor: To say you and Orlando had a different Mother, you two are so much alike. Just can’t let it go, can you?
Shaun: No, I don’t think I can.
(There was a resignation in his voice that everyone knew he was this way. He hated people knowing him this well, as if they had expected him to one day return to the industry and it was inevitable.)
Taylor: Don’t be so hard on yourself Shaun. People like you and Orlando: you’re genetically wired to compete. Owen got lucky and doesn’t seem to share that DNA. It’s the same for many of the wrestling ‘families’… you really think I’ve haven’t thought about going back and showing the current crop what ‘True Story’ was all about?
Shaun: So why don’t you?
Taylor: That young man right there. I’m all he’s really got Shaun, and I’m not going to drag him around the world. I guess I’m not as selfish as I used to be.
Shaun: So, you agree with them. I shouldn’t sign up to Taking Hold of the Flame?
Taylor: I never said that did I? People are just concerned about you, that’s all. Or maybe, it’s because they don’t understand the situation you are in. People wrestle for fame, or fortune. Others wrestle for Championship’s or accolades. You and Orlando both wrestled because you loved the industry, and it flows through your veins. It’s not that you won’t stop… it’s that you can’t stop. It’s like the most addictive drug in the world, you need that fix. And perhaps Taking Hold of the Flame will at least stem the craving.
Shaun: So, I should sign up?
(Taylor laughs again.)
Taylor: I didn’t say that either.
(Shaun rolls his eyes, Taylor still grinning, before her face becomes a lot more serious.)
Taylor: I’m going to tell you something now that I have never told a soul. In those last days before Orlando died, you know he and I made our peace?
Shaun: Yes. He called me to tell me, he was giddy with excitement.
Taylor: Well, because he trusted me, there was something else we spoke about as well.
Shaun: I’m sure you spoke about lots of things, Sebastian included.
Taylor: He had a secret Shaun, and I’m not talking about the heart problem either. He never shared that with me once. He was going to try and get a medical license to compete again… he’d already spoken to Olek about going back.
Shaun: But what about the heart condition, that would have been found, wouldn’t it?
Taylor: Orlando knew a lot of people Shaun. He could quite easily have paid someone off and no one would have been any the wiser. That’s not my point though. My point is, knowing what he knew, he could have died if he’d have competed. And yet, he was still willing to take the risk. He lost Kloe because of the business. In some ways he lost me because of the business… but that blame lies mostly with me. But still, he couldn’t resist the lure of the bright lights and arenas. He loved the industry more than any of us except perhaps his children. And even then, he was willing to leave his kids fatherless, if he could have one more moment in the ring. What I am saying Shaun, is I get what you are going through. The fact is, you can either live unhappily, or you can go for it. But it is only you that can make that choice. But you must make that choice, knowing what you can lose.
(Sebastian finishes a level on his game, and for a moment Taylor is distracted. When she looks back at Shaun, his face remains stoic, though thoughtful at the same time.)
Taylor: Shaun, you, ok?
Shaun: Yeah, I think I get it now. I think I know what I’ve got to do.
Taylor: Which is?
Shaun: No disrespect, but I think I should speak to someone else first.
Taylor: OK. Hope I’ve helped.
Shaun: You have Taylor. Thank you. I’m glad I came to see you.
(Taylor nods her head, appreciating the sentiment. Where the two of them were now was a million miles away from the relationship and where it was before, Taylor tricking Shaun and goading him into attacking her while she was pregnant with Sebastian.)
Taylor: No problem. But if you decide you must do this, be careful ok? Don’t try and be the man you were before, believing you are indestructible. I don’t want Dorothea to go through what Owen had to, growing up without a Father. You may have the same problem as Orlando… but that doesn’t mean to say you can’t know your limitations.
Shaun: I’m always careful.
Taylor: You know what… I’ve heard you; Orlando and Owen all say that. And I didn’t believe any of you.
(Shaun gives Taylor a smile, and then turns his attention to Sebastian, asking him if he can join in on the game. He was happier now he had spoken to Taylor, but he knew that what he had decided wasn’t going to impress everyone. This decision, he saw as a compromise for all, he only hoped that for him it was enough. Only time would tell if it was.)
1st May 2024
(It had been a long time since Shaun had sat in the SCW Headquarters. Not even when he had been placed in the SCW Hall of Fame had he sat in this building. It was kind of weird, looking up at the wall and seeing his face, something he’d not seen during his tenure. His thoughts wander to yesteryear, when he was in his prime and beating everyone that was put in front of him. It seemed like another lifetime, and here he was, considering going through all that again. The secretary caught his gaze, and motioned towards a parallel corridor to where he was.)
Secretary: You know where to go?
Shaun: I think so… if I get lost, I’ll see you in a minute.
(He grins towards the secretary and gets to his feet, heading in the right direction, or at least the way he recalled. He stops outside the door marked with a nameplate ‘Franklin Mack – VP of Talent Relations, and knocks on it, waiting for a response. Hearing a ‘Come in’, Shaun steps into the office, Franklin immediately getting to his feet and holding out his hand.)
Franklin: Shaun, can I just say what a pleasure it is to me you. Olek speaks very highly of you and what you did for the company.
Shaun: That’s good to hear. Is Olek around? I’d like to catch up with him.
Franklin: I’m afraid that he won’t be in today. Since he stepped down and just kept his place on the board, he doesn’t really get involved in the day to day anymore. Earned his rest I’d say.
Shaun: Yeah, I’d agree with that.
Franklin: Please sit. Could I get my secretary to fetch us some refreshments?
Shaun: It’s OK, I had a coffee in the reception thank you.
Franklin: OK then… in that case, what can we do for you?
(Even now, Shaun wasn’t certain he was doing the right thing, and more the necessary thing.)
Shaun: I’m not sure what the situation is now, but, if possible, I would like to sign up for Taking Hold of the Flame.
Franklin: I see.
(Even from those two words, Shaun saw the dollar signs appear in the Vice-Presidents eyes. His next question is also a predictable one.)
Franklin: ‘Just’ Taking Hold of the Flame?
(Shaun didn’t want to give too much away, or give Franklin the impression that, he was using SCW to find out if he could still compete with the best.)
Shaun: That’s right. I feel like I have something to contribute, and after all it’s not going to be too long until I’m no longer capable.
Franklin: And of course, the publicity wouldn’t go amiss considering you have a film released by the end of the year.
Shaun: Didn’t realize you were a fan.
Franklin: Of your movies? I’m not, but I am aware of the Hollywood superstar that used to compete in our midst.
(He steeples his fingers in front of his face, thoughtfully going through his options.)
Franklin: Obviously, as VP for Talent Relations, I must consider the current roster. And so, I they want to compete, they must be given priority.
Shaun: Of course, I wouldn’t expect any less.
Franklin: And should we have a place for you… I cannot authorize a substantial contract, considering this is your request more than SCW’s offer.
Shaun: I’m not looking to be paid for my appearance. Just draw up a basic contract for a one-off performance, and that will be good enough for me. And maybe show the trailer for my movie during a commercial break.
Franklin: That sounds fair. And I assume there will be no problem if you undertaking the same medical as all the talent undertake. Considering the status of this event, and your reasonings for leaving, I can’t have a lawsuit should you get injured.
Shaun: I’m willing to sign any waiver. Again, just draw it up and I’ll sign it.
Franklin: And finally, should you win…
(Shaun laughs)
Shaun: That would be a serious indicator of the lack of talent here if I just walked in and won the whole thing.
Franklin: Yes, but I cannot allow someone not contracted to the roster a title shot at Rise to Greatness. If you did win, I would have to insist either you signed a contract or relinquished the right to the World Championship opportunity. Of course, all this will be detailed in the temporary contract.
Shaun: That all sounds good to me.
Franklin: Right then, if a spot becomes available, then I shall be in touch.
Shaun: I hope to hear from you.
(Shaun gets to his feet and holds out his hand, the meeting a lot shorter than he had thought it was. In fact, he got the feeling that Franklin wasn’t really interested. Perhaps due to the fact he didn’t want to make any promises.)
Franklin: One more thing Shaun.
Shaun: Of course.
Franklin: Do you think Owen would have any interest in coming back?
(And there it was, perhaps the only reason Shaun was in the office right now. Was Franklin only giving him the time of day, to get Owen back on the roster.)
Shaun: No, not a chance. He’s done I’m afraid. And considering how this meeting has gone, maybe I am too.
(Franklin doesn’t pick up on the disappointment, Shaun feeling more than a little deflated.)
Franklin: Ah, worth a go though right. Speak to you soon.
(Franklin held his hand out, Shaun politely taking it, though he would have rather slammed his head into the wall. With a nod, Shaun then turns on his heels and leaves the office, Franklin immediately picking up the phone with a lot more enthusiasm than before.)
Franklin: Sorry to interrupt you boss, but you’ve never guess who I’ve just had in my office. Only Shaun Cruze… and he wants in Taking Hold of the Flame.
(Franklin listens for a moment, then replies.)
Franklin: I downplayed it… but of course he’s in. I can literally smell the money. I’ll call him later to give him the good news.
(And with that, Franklin ends the call, a smug grin forming on his face. He was going to get a sweet bonus for this and was already spending it.)
(Within a few hours, Shaun had received the call and had been accepted into the Battle Royal under the strict instructions that it remained a secret. Supreme Championship Wrestling wanted to make the most of this opportunity, and the ratings spike when Shaun’s music hit was a surefire winner for the company. Hours after that, a contract had landed in his email inbox, and just as Franklin had said, the stipulations were exactly as he had promised. Little did Franklin know however, was that if Shaun did win Taking Hold of the Flame, he would have proven he could still compete. If he proved he could still compete, then he would be MORE than willing to sign any contract put in front of him. One match, and Shaun would be the main event Rise to Greatness, and the journey, however that ended would have come to its natural conclusion. All he had to do was stay in one piece because if he didn’t, there would be a few members of the family more than willing to peck at the carcass. Or at least, and perhaps even more frightening, be ready to say that they ‘told him so’)
(Shaun Cruze sits in an SCW recording booth, having been afforded all the works for his impending return. It may have only been a one-off deal, which was shrouded in secrecy and only a few people knowing it was happening and sworn to secrecy, but it had felt great being back, and the welcome from those in the know had been unbelievable. Only a couple of operators are working on the visuals and audio, such is the need for his appearance to remain secret, but that doesn’t lessen Shaun’s feelings. This was a part of that whole ‘drug’ feeling that when this promo went out, hopefully people would be hanging on his words. Or alternatively, forgotten who he was. He clears his throat and then takes a sip of water. Then having received his cue, he starts to speak.)
“Not going to lie, when I resigned from my position as General Manager of Supreme Championship Wrestling, I resigned myself to never being behind a camera, at least for this industry ever again. I never lost the love for the company, I just felt that I wasn’t enough to control the chaos that was dominating SCW, so I offered my resignation, and it was taken. Truthfully, in the months after, I shouldered a lot of hurt from that failure, but slowly I once again gained an interest in the product. People like me, we never fall out of love for this business forever, and we are always dragged back one way or another. Believe it or not, it’s over ten years now since I first competed for this company, and yeah, without a doubt, I do have a story to tell, and maybe one day I’ll release a documentary telling the whole story of how a young man who grew up not knowing his Father grew up to be one of the most well-known competitors in the world. But the more I thought about it, the more my GM failings were forgotten, the more I recognized that I didn’t believe my story was over. Then giving it more thought, I realized that the only true conclusion to my story would be by winning the event that always eluded me.
Taking Hold of the Flame.
What followed then, was a whole lot of soul searching, not just with myself but with my family who would undoubtably be affected if I decided to compete. I’m not going to lie to you, most of them told me that competing again would be foolish, and that I couldn’t possibly hope to compete with some of the amazingly talented individuals who now walk the corridors of the company I so successfully graced. And part of me knew that they could be right. What I arrived at, with the help of their opinions, was an opportunity to see if my time was indeed over, and all I was doing once again competing was putting everything at risk. I arrived at a compromise that would give me the definitive answer of whether Shaun Cruze should hang up those wrestling boots and the moniker of ‘Impact Player’ for good. Whilst at the same time, giving me a chance to find lightning in a bottle one more time, and punch a ticket for Rise to Greatness and appear on the greatest wrestling extravaganza in the world. Taking Hold of the Flame will absolutely give me the answers to all the questions that have been bugging me now for the longest time. And believe me, I am more than aware that it could turn out to be an embarrassment. But the mind is willing, and fully rested, the body is sound. No one needs to worry if I still have the stamina, or the desire to see this through. Now I train every bit as hard as I used to back in the days when I was winning World Championship… in fact maybe even harder seeing as I’m constantly running after my child.”
(He laughs, knowing that parents around the world agreed with him.)
“So, I know what some people are thinking. Is Shaun Cruze really sat there believing that he can win? The answer to that quite honestly is I’ve never gone into any match, thinking I’m going to lose. I could get number forty, everyone else may have gone through the wringer and be on their last legs, that is the nature of this match. That said, I am a realist, I’ll admit that. I ‘could’ but I certainly don’t expect to be the last person standing, unless fate gives me the biggest of hands. But winning isn’t really the question here. Winning Taking Hold of the Flame and heading into Rise to Greatness would be amazing, but it certainly isn’t the primary goal. The primary question is can I still compete during the biggest influx of talent SCW has had in years. Can I still compete with some of the legendary figures who still even now ply their trade in the biggest and best wrestling company on the planet? If I can… then maybe I have one last run in me. If I can’t, and that is evidenced to me in a way I cannot deny it, perhaps finally that itch will be scratched for good, knowing that I’m not good enough anymore and I can move on with my life and look forward to a future that doesn’t involve this industry. That’s the plan anyways. But I would never have gotten those answers, without asking the question. That question, I will debate with 39 others, at perhaps the hardest match in the world to win. The hardest match in the world… to survive. And survival may as well be the title of any autobiography I decide to write or film. It’s without question that I’ve been surviving my entire life.”
(Shaun didn’t want that to sound cliché, he wasn’t the only one who had gone through things that had shaped him into the man he was today.)
“People look at me now, and they see the multi-million-pound business, decent movie career, big house, flash car and a beautiful wife and daughter. They look at me, and they see the guy who in their opinion has it all. I’m not going to pretend that’s not the case, I know how fortunate I am to be in this position I find myself at this stage in my life, but that certainly hasn’t always been the case. I’ve always struggled against something, whether it be the shadow of Orlando, or allegation again me and my family. I’ve always been fighting something, both inside, and outside the ring. And I don’t want anyone to think I am complaining either because I’m not. I’ve worked damn hard to get where I am and am proud that it’s been done without having it all handed to me on plate. But that doesn’t mean to say that I cannot acknowledge when I recognize that something has been missing. And that ‘something’ is this place, Supreme Championship Wrestling. And I know some people won’t be able to understand that, but a large proportion of those will have never heard the roar from a crowd as you enter an arena, or that same crowd counting along as the referee administers a three count that wins you the World Championship. They don’t get what it is like to be a bystander and must watch as the company you love goes down the toilet, imploring you to step out your comfort zone and put your reputation on the line, and try to be a half decent General Manager and right the ship. I’d love to step away and leave it to the new guard to carry this company forwards, but I can’t do that without knowing for certain that it was my time to give it up. I always said I would give it up when I knew that I couldn’t hang on with the very best any longer. I need this new guard to make it clear to me that it’s no longer my time… it’s theirs. And I don’t think that’s too much to ask.
I’ve earned that right.
And I’m more than aware guys, that sentence right there sounds more than a little arrogant but is there anyone out there that can dispute I’m telling the truth. After the career I have had, that has brought World Championships in two of the best wrestling companies to ever exist and a whole host of other titles and accolades, is it arrogant to not just want to walk away, knowing that my body has now healed itself, and I am in a much better place physically than I was before I gave it up. I know there are those in this for the money, or the fame that comes with being one of the top competitors in the most prestigious wrestling company in the world. But that has never been me. I’ve always been about the competition, and if I cannot compete, what’s the point of taking up a place on the roster? There isn’t one. This isn’t the well-worn trope of ‘Mr. Hollywood’ coming back to try and put a spike on ratings either, because SCW doesn’t need the boost, that’s for sure. And believe me, I wouldn’t be doing this unless I knew I was physically able.
If there is one thing that has always defined the ‘Cruze’ family, it is our determination and our desire. Each of us had that in spades, as well as the heart and courage of a lion. I can see why people that it is with stubbornness that I return, but it’s only people that don’t know me that could possibly think that. And it’s not like I’ve been sat on my ass these last few years and can no longer what the inside of a gym looks like. Since I signed up, I have worked every single day to get myself up to some semblance of speed and shake off the ring rust that couldn’t potentially hold me back. My stamina levels aren’t a million miles away from when I was at my very best. I’d debate the fact that I’m in as good a shape as I ever was. Yes, there are younger, faster individuals in the Battle Royal. Yes, there are those that have consistently competed at the highest levels for the past year, and of course are more ‘honed’ than I will be… but there is no substitute for experience, right?
(He chuckles, not even convincing himself with that comment never mind anyone else.)
“But there is one thing that they are not, and that’s the ‘Impact Player’. Another thing that they cannot claim is being a part of one of the most successful wrestling families to ever compete. Orlando won no less than seven world championships. Owen won two World Championships before the age of twenty-three, which must be some kind of record. I won the World Championship in the IWC and SCW. There is something ‘unique’ about a family having that kind of record. If you want to dismiss that, it would be foolish… but as always, that’s up to you.
And if you are dismissing that fact… does that mean you are dismissing me as well?
Look, there is a simplicity behind this battle royal, even though it is the most difficult match to win. You are going to hear people that will guarantee their victory, even though they must get past 39 others. You keep your head on a swivel, and trust no one… you’ll do ok for sure. But winning Taking Hold of the Flame is never about skill. To win Taking Hold of the Flame, you HAVE to have your fair share of luck. Without it… you’re screwed. Pick number one… you’re in big trouble. Have seven or eight individuals decide to gang up on you, that’s the end of your match right there. So many cogs, so many permutations. EVERYTHING must go for you. And for Orlando, Owen, and I… it never did. A Cruze has never claimed victory in this match, and even with everything else, that is another thing that will drive me forward that evening. To be able to say I did something that not even my brother could… would truly be the icing on the cake considering who he was. I know my situation; I know this could end up just being a nostalgic moment for the fans to enjoy. And I both embrace and accept those possibilities. After all, there will be 39 people who have no choice but to accept failure, and only one who will stand proud. For 39 people, the dream of headlining Rise to Greatness will be over… and that shot will be the only reason they are here. I’ve explained what this means to me, but for Dorothea, it will be the first time she’ll be able to see her Dad, in what is his natural environment and why people still come up to me in the street wanting to shake my hand. And that folks, for me, is an even bigger thrill than winning the whole damn thing. Angyalka will record it, and getting to see her face, watching me on television… maybe then I’ll know that it will NEVER get any better than that.”
(Shaun’s smile is as broad as it has been throughout, and someone motions to him that it was time to wrap it up. He’d enjoyed being back no question, and he had said all that he needed to. He only had a few final words.)
“So, in closing I’ll leave you with one final thought. If you think this is all impossible, and that there is no chance that I will achieve my goals or come out of this with some closure, then you should think again. Remember one important factor. Look back on all the times it was said that a Cruze wouldn’t prevail, that their dreams and ideals were impossible, and yet they went and did it anyway. To Orlando, to Owen and to me, the Impact Player Shaun Cruze, there is no such thing as impossible. And at Taking Hold of the Flame, I defy impossible…
(Shaun winks towards the camera.)
“…yet again.”
(Scene fades.)
3rd April 2024
(Life these days was a lot more relaxed for Owen Cruze, and mainly consisted of being a house husband, and occasionally making sure that the Miami ‘Next level’ operation was running as it should. The fact was he didn’t need to, his management team there were something else and it was running like clockwork. The same could be said for the second operation, running out of Ontario, which had only just opened, and was looking to be the same success. Jennifer had gone back to modelling and looked more beautiful now than she had ever done. Life was sweet, and although rumors persisted, he had no intention of signing up for the SCW Taking Hold of the Flame event that was taking place in a couple of months. Many people had told him that the itch would return, but it hadn’t, and he was getting more and more sure than it never would. They said he’d get bored, but there weren’t many people his age lucky enough to never have to work for a living again. Orlando would have been proud, and that was all he had ever needed. The same however couldn’t be said for his Uncle Shaun, who seemed to be busier than ever. The third installment of Resistance: Earth was now in post-production, and only yesterday a trailer had been released giving a release date of November 2024, and once again Shaun has both written it, and was in the starring role. On top of that, Impact Media had released several wrestling documentaries with regards to superstars from the past, that had been picked up by varying streaming networks and won many awards. On top of that, Owen knew that Shaun had been approached to be a part of the rebirth of EMERGE, Drew Bryant pitching the idea that Shaun hadn’t dismissed out of turn… the ‘itch’ for him having never gone away. In fact, it was very rare that Owen got to see Shaun these days, even though Owen had a lot of spare time, Shaun didn’t. So being as they were now, sitting on Owen’s refurbished boat that Orlando had once owned, fishing in the Atlantic and seemingly without a care in the world, it was a good feeling. And these moments were ones that both treasured.)
Shaun: Thank you for inviting me, I really needed this.
Owen: No bother at all… it’s good to see you.
(The two clink their bottles of beer together, both then turning their eyes back to the sea.)
Shaun: Wish we could do this more often, but you know… some of us don’t have time to sit on our ass all day.
Owen: I get it, you’re one of the busiest guys I know. Can’t be easy spinning all those plates. I know I couldn’t do it.
(Shaun turns back towards Owen, shrugging his shoulders.)
Shaun: It’s not Owen. In fact, I’m wondering if I’ve had enough.
(To hear him say this was a surprise. Shaun had always had an amazing work ethic and had even been accused of having ADHD because of his inability to ever be still.)
Owen: What do you mean… jack it all in.
Shaun: I don’t know Owen… I’m just getting older you know. I look at you and sometimes… can’t believe I’m saying this… I feel jealous of the life you lead.
(Shaun takes a sip of his beer, Owen digesting Shaun’s words before taking a sip of his own. Shaun then holds the bottle upside down, a single drop falling from the bottle. He gets to his feet and opens the cooler, holding up a bottle to Owen who nods his head, then chugs the reminder of the bottle in his hand. Shaun passes the bottle over and then sits back down having already opened them.)
Owen: I never thought you’d be jealous of me.
Shaun: Yeah, well repeat it to anyone and I’ll kick your ass.
Owen: You’d have to catch me first and with your old man bones I’m not sure you could.
Shaun: Says the guy who retired before anyone could take the World title from him.
Owen: Christ, you sound like Josh.
(Owen was referring to Josh Hudson, who somehow had become a friend.)
Owen: But anyone, you’d hate my life. You’re a workaholic, and you always have been. You couldn’t sit still if you tried.
Shaun: Truthfully Owen, right now being sat still doing nothing but watch Dorothea grow sounds perfect. In fact, and you don’t say anything about this to anyone, I have already started putting feelers out with regards to selling Impact Media. Blake has already mentioned that he would like to take full control. And I’ve already told Angyalka that the third and final part of Resistance will be my last acting job.
(When he first said it, Owen had treated it as nothing more than Shaun spit balling. A wish that could never come true. But it seemed like Shaun was deadly serious about his future and wanted to step away from everything in the same way Owen had. In fact, it seemed like he was someway towards making that dream come true.)
Owen: Do you mind if I say something?
Shaun: Come on Owen, when have you ever asked to have an opinion?
Owen: Very true.
Shaun: Go ahead, what are you thinking?
Owen: I know it’s not a money thing… I’m sure you’ve got more than a few zeros on your bank balance. But why would you want to throw away everything that you have ever worked for. Considering a decision like that would be final. There wouldn’t be much chance to come back from selling Impact Media for instance. I know you Shaun, you’re a lot like Dad in that you find it difficult to simply do nothing. I’m just not sure the quiet life is… well you.
(Shaun considers Owen’s comments, which were nothing new to him. This narrative of Owen’s was pretty much the thought process Shaun had gone through before testing the waters on any potential sale. What Owen didn’t know was that this was something that he had been thinking about even since the release of the Resistance sequel, and that he had more and more taken a back seat in almost everything Impact Media had done. He could of course do what Owen was doing, and rely on others to run the company, but that wasn’t him. And would always give him the opportunity to go back if he wanted to. Owen said it was final, and that was right, because it had to be.)
Shaun: You’re not saying anything I haven’t thought about myself. Angyalka said the exact same thing in fact. But I do feel that something needs to change. Can I ask you a question?
Owen: Course
Shaun: All joking aside, why did you retire from wrestling when you hadn’t even gotten anywhere near your peak?
Owen: That’s easy… I didn’t want to be like you and Dad and committed to the wrestling industry forever. I wanted to be happy and being on the road all the time and missing huge moments in Ethan’s development.
Shaun: You wanted to be happy?
Owen: Yeah
Shaun: Well, that’s what I want as well.
Owen: But being busy… makes you happy.
Shaun: It used to. But things change Owen. I’ve changed. And this ‘stress’ that has fueled me for so long now, it’s starting to grind me down. It’s getting to the point where I do all I can to avoid meetings if I know someone else can take care of it for me.
Owen: So, there’s nothing more to do in the movie, take a break and do something you love. Forget about the business for a while, you’ve already said it could take care of itself. Do you really have to sell?
Shaun: Do something I love huh?
Owen: Yeah… write a new screenplay. If you can’t be bothered with that, go on a long holiday with Angyalka and Dorothea. Look Shaun, if quitting it all is what you really want to do, I’m with you… no question about it. I just don’t want you doing something that you regret.
Shaun: I appreciate that…
(Shaun hesitates, and Owen immediately picks up on it.)
Owen: Is there something you’re not telling me?
(Shaun keeps looking out at the water, knowing that ignoring the question wasn’t an option. What was going through his mind right now, was something that he hadn’t even discussed with Angyalka.)
Owen: Shaun?
(Shaun turns his chair towards Owen and holds the bottle in front of him.)
Shaun: I’m going to sign up for Taking Hold of the Flame.
(Owen pauses, although he hadn’t expected that, it wasn’t really a great surprise. Owen knew that just like his Dad, Shaun had always struggled with being away from the business, and he hadn’t competed now since the GOW Tournament.)
Owen: OK. But I don’t get what that has to do with Impact Media and selling up.
Shaun: I’m not signing up out of nostalgia Owen. I’m signing up because I want to see if I can still do it.
Owen: Look Shaun…
(Shaun holds up his hands to interrupt.)
Shaun: I know what you are going to say Owen. I have nothing left to prove and I have a Hall of Fame induction that proves exactly that.
Owen: Precisely.
Shaun: Thing is… yeah, I’m in the Hall of Fame, but the last thing people remember me for is for being one of the worst General Managers in recent memory. I never won Taking Hold of the Flame, but I came close many times. And if I do well, who knows… I’m only thirty-five years old, so perhaps I can give it all another go. I know I won’t miss Impact Media or being an actor… red carpets and all that materialistic stuff. But the business… it feels wrong that there isn’t a ‘Cruze’ on the roster. Maybe I’ve got it in me for one final tilt at the top.
(There was no question that Shaun had been one of the most talented wrestlers in the world in his time. A hybrid style and a determination that many found difficult to match. For a time back then he was legitimately the best in the world, and there were some that said he was even better than Orlando when he was at his peak. But Owen knew the landscape of SCW had changed, even in the time Owen had been away. The company had moved from the legendary figures of the past, and was now relying on the younger, up, and coming talent. Owen didn’t want to say it, but he felt like Shaun would struggle, and would be tarnishing his reputation still further by competing. Owen’s thoughts then turn to his Dad, who had also never been able to let it go, all the way to the day he tragically died. Shaun had mirrored Orlando’s career so much, and it seemed like once again he was taking the same turn. Shaun picks up on Owen’s hesitation, believing he knows the reason why.)
Shaun: You don’t think I can do it, do you?
Owen: No, it’s not that…
(He lies… taking care to show nothing that would give him away.)
Owen: You know who you sound like don’t you? You sound like my Dad, who always said he could walk away, but never did. Not really. But he was never the same, and every time he went back, he lost a little bit more. You’re one of the most loved, and well-known competitors of all time Shaun, why would you want to ruin that?
Shaun: So, you do think I’d get my ass kicked?
(Owen shrugs, backed into a corner he couldn’t escape from.)
Owen: Yeah, I do. You walked away because your body was breaking up… you knew it was time. It’s still time Shaun… you’ve got to learn to live with that, where Dad never could. Just for once, don’t follow his lead and stay retired. You know how this business works. One bad bump and you’re in a wheelchair for life… that almost happened to Jacob Laymon remember?
Shaun: Yeah, I remember.
Owen: My honest opinion, it’s not worth the risk.
Shaun: Owen, I’m going to level with you. Impact Media and what I have achieved with the company is one of my proudest moments. People told me I couldn’t do it, but I did. But nothing has ever compared to the roar of the crowd… not ever. What we were talking about earlier, it’s competing that makes me happy. I’m never happier than when I’m in that ring.
Owen: Not even when you’re with your family?
Shaun: That’s unfair… that’s different.
Owen: No Shaun, it really isn’t. Imagine something bad happens, and you can’t be a good Husband, or the Father you want to be. Imagine you relinquish control of Impact Media and sell it, and then it goes under. Are you really trying to tell me that you’d be ‘happy’ just because you managed to step into the ring one more time. I might not understand it Shaun, I’ve never understood why it’s so hard to walk away from an industry that, let’s face it, takes just as much as it gives. I get it though… you’re just like Dad, he couldn’t shake it either. And look how it ended for him. He was never happier than that point where he had walked away from the business and was looking forward to a future. But by the time he realized it, he only had a short time to enjoy it. I had no intention of that happening to me… and neither should you.
(In the deepest corner of his brain, Shaun knew that Owen wasn’t wrong. He had even pulled Orlando up on it so many times, so also recognized that he was being hypocritical. But there was something within him that just couldn’t resist and knew that even if he failed at Taking Hold of the Flame, there was every likelihood he would look to compete again and again. It was a disease, a disease that he and Orlando shared. One that threatened to be the demise of them both. Owen sees Shaun going through all of this and decides that if this conversation was to continue, it could end in an argument.)
Owen: I don’t reckon we are going to catch anything else. Shall we head back and see what the girls are up to?
Shaun: Sure.
(Shaun retort shows Owen that he had annoyed his Uncle, but it was a common saying that the truth hurt. He only hoped that Angyalka would knock some sense into Shaun, but he had his doubts. This looked like something Shaun felt he HAD to do, and that stubbornness meant that the reality was he wouldn’t be stopped, not by anyone. All that said, however, Owen couldn’t deny that he had a sense of excitement, the Impact Player once again competing inside a wrestling ring. He could only hope that excitement didn’t turn into another tragedy. With that hanging in the air, Owen starts the boat’s engine, and sets off on a course back to the marina.)
15th April 2024
(If Owen’s words had put doubts in Shaun’s mind, Angyalka’s protestations would have made him delay any decisions. His wife has been fine with the thought of him selling up and spending more time with the family but had shared the same opinion as Owen with regards to wrestling again. She had faith in him that Owen apparently hadn’t had, but firmly believed it wasn’t worth the risk, and had told him so in words that had turned the air blue. Much like Owen though, Angyalka knew that he, like she, was unmovable once a decision had been made. Unknowing her however, he was now indeed having second thoughts and not yet put pen to paper to compete at Taking Hold of the Flame. He felt that both Angyalka and Owen had biased opinions and so he sought out someone he knew wouldn’t care too much about what ‘could’ happen, and more about what he wanted to happen. And now sat in Taylor Chases living room, watching his nephew Sebastian on his games console, he was ready to get a third, perhaps defining opinion before he finally returned SCW’s calls.)
Shaun: They grow up so fast don’t they?
Taylor: I can’t believe he’s seven years old now.
Shaun: Yeah, madness. Dorothea seems to come up with something new every day. Ethan as well.
Taylor: Owen came to visit a few weeks back with Jennifer and Ethan… it’s nice that he keeps in touch.
Shaun: He’s got a lot to thank you for. You took him in when Kloe couldn’t.
Taylor: Orlando would have wanted me to. There were times when I didn’t think he would turn out the way he did.
Shaun: He’s doing well all right. And couldn’t care less about the industry and leaving it behind.
Taylor: You said on the phone you wanted to talk about the business. Is this to do with EMERGE, I’ve heard you and Drew were considering bringing it back?
Shaun: No… Drew might go ahead with his plans, but I won’t be a part of it.
Taylor: You finally going to stop making those boring documentaries and make one about someone interesting? Namely Me.
Shaun: I’m actually considering selling Impact Media and have floated for interested parties.
Taylor: In that case, it can only be about one thing. Taking Hold of the Flame is happening soon, and you are thinking about signing up. Am I close?
Shaun: Spot on.
(Taylor laughs.)
Taylor: To say you and Orlando had a different Mother, you two are so much alike. Just can’t let it go, can you?
Shaun: No, I don’t think I can.
(There was a resignation in his voice that everyone knew he was this way. He hated people knowing him this well, as if they had expected him to one day return to the industry and it was inevitable.)
Taylor: Don’t be so hard on yourself Shaun. People like you and Orlando: you’re genetically wired to compete. Owen got lucky and doesn’t seem to share that DNA. It’s the same for many of the wrestling ‘families’… you really think I’ve haven’t thought about going back and showing the current crop what ‘True Story’ was all about?
Shaun: So why don’t you?
Taylor: That young man right there. I’m all he’s really got Shaun, and I’m not going to drag him around the world. I guess I’m not as selfish as I used to be.
Shaun: So, you agree with them. I shouldn’t sign up to Taking Hold of the Flame?
Taylor: I never said that did I? People are just concerned about you, that’s all. Or maybe, it’s because they don’t understand the situation you are in. People wrestle for fame, or fortune. Others wrestle for Championship’s or accolades. You and Orlando both wrestled because you loved the industry, and it flows through your veins. It’s not that you won’t stop… it’s that you can’t stop. It’s like the most addictive drug in the world, you need that fix. And perhaps Taking Hold of the Flame will at least stem the craving.
Shaun: So, I should sign up?
(Taylor laughs again.)
Taylor: I didn’t say that either.
(Shaun rolls his eyes, Taylor still grinning, before her face becomes a lot more serious.)
Taylor: I’m going to tell you something now that I have never told a soul. In those last days before Orlando died, you know he and I made our peace?
Shaun: Yes. He called me to tell me, he was giddy with excitement.
Taylor: Well, because he trusted me, there was something else we spoke about as well.
Shaun: I’m sure you spoke about lots of things, Sebastian included.
Taylor: He had a secret Shaun, and I’m not talking about the heart problem either. He never shared that with me once. He was going to try and get a medical license to compete again… he’d already spoken to Olek about going back.
Shaun: But what about the heart condition, that would have been found, wouldn’t it?
Taylor: Orlando knew a lot of people Shaun. He could quite easily have paid someone off and no one would have been any the wiser. That’s not my point though. My point is, knowing what he knew, he could have died if he’d have competed. And yet, he was still willing to take the risk. He lost Kloe because of the business. In some ways he lost me because of the business… but that blame lies mostly with me. But still, he couldn’t resist the lure of the bright lights and arenas. He loved the industry more than any of us except perhaps his children. And even then, he was willing to leave his kids fatherless, if he could have one more moment in the ring. What I am saying Shaun, is I get what you are going through. The fact is, you can either live unhappily, or you can go for it. But it is only you that can make that choice. But you must make that choice, knowing what you can lose.
(Sebastian finishes a level on his game, and for a moment Taylor is distracted. When she looks back at Shaun, his face remains stoic, though thoughtful at the same time.)
Taylor: Shaun, you, ok?
Shaun: Yeah, I think I get it now. I think I know what I’ve got to do.
Taylor: Which is?
Shaun: No disrespect, but I think I should speak to someone else first.
Taylor: OK. Hope I’ve helped.
Shaun: You have Taylor. Thank you. I’m glad I came to see you.
(Taylor nods her head, appreciating the sentiment. Where the two of them were now was a million miles away from the relationship and where it was before, Taylor tricking Shaun and goading him into attacking her while she was pregnant with Sebastian.)
Taylor: No problem. But if you decide you must do this, be careful ok? Don’t try and be the man you were before, believing you are indestructible. I don’t want Dorothea to go through what Owen had to, growing up without a Father. You may have the same problem as Orlando… but that doesn’t mean to say you can’t know your limitations.
Shaun: I’m always careful.
Taylor: You know what… I’ve heard you; Orlando and Owen all say that. And I didn’t believe any of you.
(Shaun gives Taylor a smile, and then turns his attention to Sebastian, asking him if he can join in on the game. He was happier now he had spoken to Taylor, but he knew that what he had decided wasn’t going to impress everyone. This decision, he saw as a compromise for all, he only hoped that for him it was enough. Only time would tell if it was.)
1st May 2024
(It had been a long time since Shaun had sat in the SCW Headquarters. Not even when he had been placed in the SCW Hall of Fame had he sat in this building. It was kind of weird, looking up at the wall and seeing his face, something he’d not seen during his tenure. His thoughts wander to yesteryear, when he was in his prime and beating everyone that was put in front of him. It seemed like another lifetime, and here he was, considering going through all that again. The secretary caught his gaze, and motioned towards a parallel corridor to where he was.)
Secretary: You know where to go?
Shaun: I think so… if I get lost, I’ll see you in a minute.
(He grins towards the secretary and gets to his feet, heading in the right direction, or at least the way he recalled. He stops outside the door marked with a nameplate ‘Franklin Mack – VP of Talent Relations, and knocks on it, waiting for a response. Hearing a ‘Come in’, Shaun steps into the office, Franklin immediately getting to his feet and holding out his hand.)
Franklin: Shaun, can I just say what a pleasure it is to me you. Olek speaks very highly of you and what you did for the company.
Shaun: That’s good to hear. Is Olek around? I’d like to catch up with him.
Franklin: I’m afraid that he won’t be in today. Since he stepped down and just kept his place on the board, he doesn’t really get involved in the day to day anymore. Earned his rest I’d say.
Shaun: Yeah, I’d agree with that.
Franklin: Please sit. Could I get my secretary to fetch us some refreshments?
Shaun: It’s OK, I had a coffee in the reception thank you.
Franklin: OK then… in that case, what can we do for you?
(Even now, Shaun wasn’t certain he was doing the right thing, and more the necessary thing.)
Shaun: I’m not sure what the situation is now, but, if possible, I would like to sign up for Taking Hold of the Flame.
Franklin: I see.
(Even from those two words, Shaun saw the dollar signs appear in the Vice-Presidents eyes. His next question is also a predictable one.)
Franklin: ‘Just’ Taking Hold of the Flame?
(Shaun didn’t want to give too much away, or give Franklin the impression that, he was using SCW to find out if he could still compete with the best.)
Shaun: That’s right. I feel like I have something to contribute, and after all it’s not going to be too long until I’m no longer capable.
Franklin: And of course, the publicity wouldn’t go amiss considering you have a film released by the end of the year.
Shaun: Didn’t realize you were a fan.
Franklin: Of your movies? I’m not, but I am aware of the Hollywood superstar that used to compete in our midst.
(He steeples his fingers in front of his face, thoughtfully going through his options.)
Franklin: Obviously, as VP for Talent Relations, I must consider the current roster. And so, I they want to compete, they must be given priority.
Shaun: Of course, I wouldn’t expect any less.
Franklin: And should we have a place for you… I cannot authorize a substantial contract, considering this is your request more than SCW’s offer.
Shaun: I’m not looking to be paid for my appearance. Just draw up a basic contract for a one-off performance, and that will be good enough for me. And maybe show the trailer for my movie during a commercial break.
Franklin: That sounds fair. And I assume there will be no problem if you undertaking the same medical as all the talent undertake. Considering the status of this event, and your reasonings for leaving, I can’t have a lawsuit should you get injured.
Shaun: I’m willing to sign any waiver. Again, just draw it up and I’ll sign it.
Franklin: And finally, should you win…
(Shaun laughs)
Shaun: That would be a serious indicator of the lack of talent here if I just walked in and won the whole thing.
Franklin: Yes, but I cannot allow someone not contracted to the roster a title shot at Rise to Greatness. If you did win, I would have to insist either you signed a contract or relinquished the right to the World Championship opportunity. Of course, all this will be detailed in the temporary contract.
Shaun: That all sounds good to me.
Franklin: Right then, if a spot becomes available, then I shall be in touch.
Shaun: I hope to hear from you.
(Shaun gets to his feet and holds out his hand, the meeting a lot shorter than he had thought it was. In fact, he got the feeling that Franklin wasn’t really interested. Perhaps due to the fact he didn’t want to make any promises.)
Franklin: One more thing Shaun.
Shaun: Of course.
Franklin: Do you think Owen would have any interest in coming back?
(And there it was, perhaps the only reason Shaun was in the office right now. Was Franklin only giving him the time of day, to get Owen back on the roster.)
Shaun: No, not a chance. He’s done I’m afraid. And considering how this meeting has gone, maybe I am too.
(Franklin doesn’t pick up on the disappointment, Shaun feeling more than a little deflated.)
Franklin: Ah, worth a go though right. Speak to you soon.
(Franklin held his hand out, Shaun politely taking it, though he would have rather slammed his head into the wall. With a nod, Shaun then turns on his heels and leaves the office, Franklin immediately picking up the phone with a lot more enthusiasm than before.)
Franklin: Sorry to interrupt you boss, but you’ve never guess who I’ve just had in my office. Only Shaun Cruze… and he wants in Taking Hold of the Flame.
(Franklin listens for a moment, then replies.)
Franklin: I downplayed it… but of course he’s in. I can literally smell the money. I’ll call him later to give him the good news.
(And with that, Franklin ends the call, a smug grin forming on his face. He was going to get a sweet bonus for this and was already spending it.)
(Within a few hours, Shaun had received the call and had been accepted into the Battle Royal under the strict instructions that it remained a secret. Supreme Championship Wrestling wanted to make the most of this opportunity, and the ratings spike when Shaun’s music hit was a surefire winner for the company. Hours after that, a contract had landed in his email inbox, and just as Franklin had said, the stipulations were exactly as he had promised. Little did Franklin know however, was that if Shaun did win Taking Hold of the Flame, he would have proven he could still compete. If he proved he could still compete, then he would be MORE than willing to sign any contract put in front of him. One match, and Shaun would be the main event Rise to Greatness, and the journey, however that ended would have come to its natural conclusion. All he had to do was stay in one piece because if he didn’t, there would be a few members of the family more than willing to peck at the carcass. Or at least, and perhaps even more frightening, be ready to say that they ‘told him so’)
(Shaun Cruze sits in an SCW recording booth, having been afforded all the works for his impending return. It may have only been a one-off deal, which was shrouded in secrecy and only a few people knowing it was happening and sworn to secrecy, but it had felt great being back, and the welcome from those in the know had been unbelievable. Only a couple of operators are working on the visuals and audio, such is the need for his appearance to remain secret, but that doesn’t lessen Shaun’s feelings. This was a part of that whole ‘drug’ feeling that when this promo went out, hopefully people would be hanging on his words. Or alternatively, forgotten who he was. He clears his throat and then takes a sip of water. Then having received his cue, he starts to speak.)
“Not going to lie, when I resigned from my position as General Manager of Supreme Championship Wrestling, I resigned myself to never being behind a camera, at least for this industry ever again. I never lost the love for the company, I just felt that I wasn’t enough to control the chaos that was dominating SCW, so I offered my resignation, and it was taken. Truthfully, in the months after, I shouldered a lot of hurt from that failure, but slowly I once again gained an interest in the product. People like me, we never fall out of love for this business forever, and we are always dragged back one way or another. Believe it or not, it’s over ten years now since I first competed for this company, and yeah, without a doubt, I do have a story to tell, and maybe one day I’ll release a documentary telling the whole story of how a young man who grew up not knowing his Father grew up to be one of the most well-known competitors in the world. But the more I thought about it, the more my GM failings were forgotten, the more I recognized that I didn’t believe my story was over. Then giving it more thought, I realized that the only true conclusion to my story would be by winning the event that always eluded me.
Taking Hold of the Flame.
What followed then, was a whole lot of soul searching, not just with myself but with my family who would undoubtably be affected if I decided to compete. I’m not going to lie to you, most of them told me that competing again would be foolish, and that I couldn’t possibly hope to compete with some of the amazingly talented individuals who now walk the corridors of the company I so successfully graced. And part of me knew that they could be right. What I arrived at, with the help of their opinions, was an opportunity to see if my time was indeed over, and all I was doing once again competing was putting everything at risk. I arrived at a compromise that would give me the definitive answer of whether Shaun Cruze should hang up those wrestling boots and the moniker of ‘Impact Player’ for good. Whilst at the same time, giving me a chance to find lightning in a bottle one more time, and punch a ticket for Rise to Greatness and appear on the greatest wrestling extravaganza in the world. Taking Hold of the Flame will absolutely give me the answers to all the questions that have been bugging me now for the longest time. And believe me, I am more than aware that it could turn out to be an embarrassment. But the mind is willing, and fully rested, the body is sound. No one needs to worry if I still have the stamina, or the desire to see this through. Now I train every bit as hard as I used to back in the days when I was winning World Championship… in fact maybe even harder seeing as I’m constantly running after my child.”
(He laughs, knowing that parents around the world agreed with him.)
“So, I know what some people are thinking. Is Shaun Cruze really sat there believing that he can win? The answer to that quite honestly is I’ve never gone into any match, thinking I’m going to lose. I could get number forty, everyone else may have gone through the wringer and be on their last legs, that is the nature of this match. That said, I am a realist, I’ll admit that. I ‘could’ but I certainly don’t expect to be the last person standing, unless fate gives me the biggest of hands. But winning isn’t really the question here. Winning Taking Hold of the Flame and heading into Rise to Greatness would be amazing, but it certainly isn’t the primary goal. The primary question is can I still compete during the biggest influx of talent SCW has had in years. Can I still compete with some of the legendary figures who still even now ply their trade in the biggest and best wrestling company on the planet? If I can… then maybe I have one last run in me. If I can’t, and that is evidenced to me in a way I cannot deny it, perhaps finally that itch will be scratched for good, knowing that I’m not good enough anymore and I can move on with my life and look forward to a future that doesn’t involve this industry. That’s the plan anyways. But I would never have gotten those answers, without asking the question. That question, I will debate with 39 others, at perhaps the hardest match in the world to win. The hardest match in the world… to survive. And survival may as well be the title of any autobiography I decide to write or film. It’s without question that I’ve been surviving my entire life.”
(Shaun didn’t want that to sound cliché, he wasn’t the only one who had gone through things that had shaped him into the man he was today.)
“People look at me now, and they see the multi-million-pound business, decent movie career, big house, flash car and a beautiful wife and daughter. They look at me, and they see the guy who in their opinion has it all. I’m not going to pretend that’s not the case, I know how fortunate I am to be in this position I find myself at this stage in my life, but that certainly hasn’t always been the case. I’ve always struggled against something, whether it be the shadow of Orlando, or allegation again me and my family. I’ve always been fighting something, both inside, and outside the ring. And I don’t want anyone to think I am complaining either because I’m not. I’ve worked damn hard to get where I am and am proud that it’s been done without having it all handed to me on plate. But that doesn’t mean to say that I cannot acknowledge when I recognize that something has been missing. And that ‘something’ is this place, Supreme Championship Wrestling. And I know some people won’t be able to understand that, but a large proportion of those will have never heard the roar from a crowd as you enter an arena, or that same crowd counting along as the referee administers a three count that wins you the World Championship. They don’t get what it is like to be a bystander and must watch as the company you love goes down the toilet, imploring you to step out your comfort zone and put your reputation on the line, and try to be a half decent General Manager and right the ship. I’d love to step away and leave it to the new guard to carry this company forwards, but I can’t do that without knowing for certain that it was my time to give it up. I always said I would give it up when I knew that I couldn’t hang on with the very best any longer. I need this new guard to make it clear to me that it’s no longer my time… it’s theirs. And I don’t think that’s too much to ask.
I’ve earned that right.
And I’m more than aware guys, that sentence right there sounds more than a little arrogant but is there anyone out there that can dispute I’m telling the truth. After the career I have had, that has brought World Championships in two of the best wrestling companies to ever exist and a whole host of other titles and accolades, is it arrogant to not just want to walk away, knowing that my body has now healed itself, and I am in a much better place physically than I was before I gave it up. I know there are those in this for the money, or the fame that comes with being one of the top competitors in the most prestigious wrestling company in the world. But that has never been me. I’ve always been about the competition, and if I cannot compete, what’s the point of taking up a place on the roster? There isn’t one. This isn’t the well-worn trope of ‘Mr. Hollywood’ coming back to try and put a spike on ratings either, because SCW doesn’t need the boost, that’s for sure. And believe me, I wouldn’t be doing this unless I knew I was physically able.
If there is one thing that has always defined the ‘Cruze’ family, it is our determination and our desire. Each of us had that in spades, as well as the heart and courage of a lion. I can see why people that it is with stubbornness that I return, but it’s only people that don’t know me that could possibly think that. And it’s not like I’ve been sat on my ass these last few years and can no longer what the inside of a gym looks like. Since I signed up, I have worked every single day to get myself up to some semblance of speed and shake off the ring rust that couldn’t potentially hold me back. My stamina levels aren’t a million miles away from when I was at my very best. I’d debate the fact that I’m in as good a shape as I ever was. Yes, there are younger, faster individuals in the Battle Royal. Yes, there are those that have consistently competed at the highest levels for the past year, and of course are more ‘honed’ than I will be… but there is no substitute for experience, right?
(He chuckles, not even convincing himself with that comment never mind anyone else.)
“But there is one thing that they are not, and that’s the ‘Impact Player’. Another thing that they cannot claim is being a part of one of the most successful wrestling families to ever compete. Orlando won no less than seven world championships. Owen won two World Championships before the age of twenty-three, which must be some kind of record. I won the World Championship in the IWC and SCW. There is something ‘unique’ about a family having that kind of record. If you want to dismiss that, it would be foolish… but as always, that’s up to you.
And if you are dismissing that fact… does that mean you are dismissing me as well?
Look, there is a simplicity behind this battle royal, even though it is the most difficult match to win. You are going to hear people that will guarantee their victory, even though they must get past 39 others. You keep your head on a swivel, and trust no one… you’ll do ok for sure. But winning Taking Hold of the Flame is never about skill. To win Taking Hold of the Flame, you HAVE to have your fair share of luck. Without it… you’re screwed. Pick number one… you’re in big trouble. Have seven or eight individuals decide to gang up on you, that’s the end of your match right there. So many cogs, so many permutations. EVERYTHING must go for you. And for Orlando, Owen, and I… it never did. A Cruze has never claimed victory in this match, and even with everything else, that is another thing that will drive me forward that evening. To be able to say I did something that not even my brother could… would truly be the icing on the cake considering who he was. I know my situation; I know this could end up just being a nostalgic moment for the fans to enjoy. And I both embrace and accept those possibilities. After all, there will be 39 people who have no choice but to accept failure, and only one who will stand proud. For 39 people, the dream of headlining Rise to Greatness will be over… and that shot will be the only reason they are here. I’ve explained what this means to me, but for Dorothea, it will be the first time she’ll be able to see her Dad, in what is his natural environment and why people still come up to me in the street wanting to shake my hand. And that folks, for me, is an even bigger thrill than winning the whole damn thing. Angyalka will record it, and getting to see her face, watching me on television… maybe then I’ll know that it will NEVER get any better than that.”
(Shaun’s smile is as broad as it has been throughout, and someone motions to him that it was time to wrap it up. He’d enjoyed being back no question, and he had said all that he needed to. He only had a few final words.)
“So, in closing I’ll leave you with one final thought. If you think this is all impossible, and that there is no chance that I will achieve my goals or come out of this with some closure, then you should think again. Remember one important factor. Look back on all the times it was said that a Cruze wouldn’t prevail, that their dreams and ideals were impossible, and yet they went and did it anyway. To Orlando, to Owen and to me, the Impact Player Shaun Cruze, there is no such thing as impossible. And at Taking Hold of the Flame, I defy impossible…
(Shaun winks towards the camera.)
“…yet again.”
(Scene fades.)
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