Josh Hudson vs. Selena Frost
Josh Hudson vs. Selena Frost
SCW World Championship
Rise to Greatness XXI

2 RP Limit, no word limits
Deadline: 11:59:59 pm ET Sunday, July 28, 2024
OOC: This is a completely different story than I ever thought I'd tell with this character, but once it hit me, there's no way I couldn't tell it. Enjoy to those who read it. I'm honored to be in this position. Good luck, Hayden.

A History of Violence: Book V: Of Light and Shadow, Chapter 5
[Image: HUDSONnew-BANNER.jpg]
Josh Hudson Career Accomplishments
SCW World Heavyweight Champion(4x)
2024 Rise to Greatness XXI Main Event Winer
2024 Taking Hold of the Flame Winner
2024 SCW Male Superstar of the Year
2023 Feud and Match of the Year
2022 Feud and Match of the Year
2018 SCW Trios Tournament Winner
2013 SCW Hall of Fame
SCW United States Champion(3x)
SCW Television Champion(1x)
SCW Tag Team Champion(2x)
2008 Tag Team of the Year award(Josh Hudson & Justin Davis)
Conquered Tactical Warfare 2010
HCCW World Heavyweight Champion (4x)
HCCW World Television Champion (1x)
HCCW United States Champion (1x)
XWE InterContinental Champion (1x)
XWE World Tag Team Champion (3x)
IWC World Heavyweight Champion(1x)
EAPW World Heavyweight Champion(1x)
TNW World Heavyweight Champion(1x)
WWA United States Champion(1x)
Ended Xander Valentine's 25 Match Winning Streak (2005)

DISCLAIMER: The following is a work of fiction and not to be confused as complete or accurate representation of any beliefs, religions, etc. Please refer to research/articles by experts for that.

OOC: The following contains views and remarks that DO NOT represent the handler.

Villain of the Year

”School of Frost: Part 1 – Crushing Hearts and Competition”

The Eyrie Tower
New York City, New York
July 22nd, 2024

Another sleepless night was claiming her, and no matter how heavy her eyes and her head felt, Selena Frost knew that sleep was just not in the cards for her tonight. She had lost track how many nights like this she had had to power through over the last few weeks – where, no matter how hard she tried, sleep would not be granted. Frustrated, the woman, dressed in only her favorite magenta nightgown that flowed down past her legs to pool around her feet, ran her hands through her loose hair, feeling the strands of platinum-blonde between her fingers. She purposefully, as she paced around the office, kept her eyes away from the large mirror in the corner. She didn’t want to see her reflection within the dark-red-mahogany boarded glass. She already knew what she would see:

Bloodshot eyes.
Somewhat disheveled hair.
Bags under those red eyes.
Slightly sunken cheeks.

All usual signs of lack of sleep and care. She didn’t need to see them to know they were there. With a quiet surrender, perhaps more to just ‘do something’, the young woman pulled herself to the bookshelf behind her large desk (made of similar wood as the mirror frame). Once there, she took the miniature compartment from one of the shelves and, using her thumbs, pressed the dials of the locking mechanism to unlock it. The clear-gel pills stared back at her, which she ignored, simply plucking one of the NX out and tossing it into her mouth, swallowing it with a little difficulty, which only indicated to the woman how dry her throat was.

Another thing to do… she thought to herself, moving back over to her desk to sip the water within the ‘Wicked Musical’ Lime Green cup. She had gotten the cup after visiting the musical on Broadway a few weeks ago, one of the many ‘things’ she had done to try make herself feel better despite SCW and her pending divorce. The Snow Queen had done… well, whatever peaked her interest at the time, to distract her brain from such things over the past few weeks. See musicals, visit museums, go to arcades. She had done her best to stay away from bars and pubs, at least alone, not wanting to risk falling of the wagon and drinking again. After all… her thoughts mocked. If you gave up and went back on the NX…

Her jaw clenched as she pushed the thought back. The NX would not be necessary after Rise to Greatness, she had told herself that over and over again, as if repeating it would set the matter in stone and lay it to rest. Right now, she needed to maintain the standard she had placed on SCW. With people now trying to ‘rig things’ by interfering in her matches, use weapons against her – basically with Kandis and Kristen Scott constantly making threats and ready to jump at her at any minute, as Kandis had tried to do at Taking Hold of the Flame in Selena’s match against Xander - the Snow Queen refused to have even a moment of weakness! She couldn’t afford to. Not when she was so close…

It's why the last few weeks had bothered her far more than she liked. Josh Hudson…

She felt her jaw clench again at the thought of him, her pacing slowing to a stop. He had gotten close – so damn close – to making her look weak. Far more than even Xander F’n Valentine had managed! His mind games with the officials, discrediting Selena as a ‘novice’, standing over her after she had just survived that fatal-fourway against Polly, Kandis, and Kristen Scott…

He had gotten closer than any other challenger before him this year in getting the upper hand in Selena’s carefully-orchestrated plan. “Why did it have to be him…” she felt herself whisper. And it was an honest question. It wasn’t that she didn’t think she could beat the Hall of Famer. She had… quite a few times in the past actually. But it was different than Xander. Xander was… Selena could respect the man so much and on so many levels – though she couldn’t really admit it fully as ‘The Blue-Eyed Devil of SCW’. After years of battles that had, honestly, made her a better superstar, what mattered to the Executioner was no longer mind-games but what happened in-between the ropes. Hudson? He wasn’t above such things.

It was one of the reasons Selena had played her hand last Breakdown, dipping into the ‘darker side of her actions’, like she had in the THOTF royale and costing Polly, Kandis, and Kristen their spots in it. She had interfered in Hudson’s match – and while it was ‘perfectly legal’ within the confines of an Underground match – it wasn’t supposed to be ‘her style’. A necessary evil… she had told herself then, and told herself now – or rather, the devil-voice told her.

She had needed to get control and momentum back on her side. Hudson had gotten it after that fatal-fourway and furthered it during that one-sided/bias interview with Adam Sharper. True, defeating Polly in the cage had pushed Selena closer to ‘back on track’, but it hadn’t been enough in her mind – not by a long shot. A stronger statement needed to be made. Hudson had tried to play this game like…like… the comparison came to her almost instantly…

Like Adam Allocco had… Like Kandis had! Her jaw clenched at the memories. Both of her past losses, her opponents had tried the same tactic – discredit, mind-games and getting the momentum on their side. Adam with his ‘five moves of doom match’ on poor Deanna and Kandis with her lie of ‘I gave a board member a blowjob to get the number 40 spot!’. All to mess with Selena’s head and take her off her game before Rise to Greatness.

She refused to let that happen again! She refused to appear anything less than 100% going into her fourth ‘Unbelievable Main Event’! Repeating the past was not an option and she had come too far in all of this to fail at the finish line! So, she had to ‘play by their rules’ a little to make her point? So be it! SCW needed to understand just how worse Selena could make things if she always played by ‘their rules’. If she used chairs and weapons to ‘eliminate competitors’. If she attacked superstars backstage and from behind with her deadly kicks. If she fought, not for the integrity of the world title and the standard she believed in, but just to keep herself at the top of the mountain like Syren, Sienna, and so many other champions – including Josh Hudson - had done before her.

Taking a slow breath, Selena finally felt the NX kicking in, the numbness creeping over her body and, somewhat, calming her. She would deal with Hudson in less than a week. On her terms, with her official, and it would all be made right. She would undo the stain on her career, replace it with a victory that would be fair and cement her place, her legacy, and the legacy of the world championship as well as its standard. After RTG, no one would doubt her spot or how the world championship of SCW was the greatest title in the world, upheld to the highest standard!

And Demtria will have his main-event that he deserved…
And I can have my fair match on the main-event of Rise…
And I can…

She slowly let her mind trail out of such thoughts, tired of thinking of them for so long, allowing the devil-voice to overpower them, prompting her to focus on the task at hand. With a sigh, the world champion’s sapphire eyes turned back to her desk. To the small stack of papers that had been there for weeks. Her other OTHER mortal enemy – aside from Josh Hudson, Leslie Sanderson and ESPECIALLY Kandis! (Gods it feels so satisfying to have that bitch dealing with MY table scraps at Rise while I take the main-event!... Selena thought with satisfaction), a fleeting emotion as her eyes beheld the stack of contracts.

The thickest one was the more recent one. Her renewal contract in SCW, meant to keep her services within SCW as soon as her current contract expired the day after Rise to Greatness. With SCW management kowtowing to her demands with her return last December, enacting every clause and demand she had incorporated into the initial contract, they had not hesitated to send another to her a few weeks ago. And within the privacy of her own home, away from the eyes of the world, Selena could easily admit… it was beyond generous.

There was more money.
There was a higher percentage in pay-per-view payouts.
There was more vacation days.
There was more coverage for her expenses.
There was… just more. So much more…

And yet… she hadn’t signed it yet. She honestly didn’t know what was stopping her. Any idiot would sign it. Anyone with half a brain would sign it! She was already the highest paid wrestler in SCW with her record, accolades, bonuses and status. This new contract only further cemented that. Yet… she didn’t sign it.

You know why… came the demeaning devil-voice, forcing the Snow Queen to sigh aloud.

Again, the privacy she had paid a fortune for – a castle in the sky – allowed her to be candid with herself. In truth, she hadn’t signed it because… she didn’t know what came after. Her whole plan – from start to finish – had had Rise to Greatness as the endgame. To dominate SCW with her standard, her way of integrity and undisputed winners and losers based on talent and heart rather than ambushes and underhanded tactics – it had always been at St. Louis where the final piece would come into play. Rise to Greatness. That was it. She… she hadn’t thought about ‘afterwards’.

Could she still be the ‘Blue-Eyed Devil’? Could she still enforce her will and her ‘rules’ on the world championship? And, gods forbid, what if she failed and it was all for nothing? Could she even show her face in SCW again? She had already lost the last two RTG main-events… she couldn’t imagine what would happen if she lost a third time in a row…

Angry at the thought, Selena turned away from the stacked papers, letting out an angry yell as she resumed her pacing around the room. The other contract – the older one – was just as infuriating to her. Just as difficult, if not more so, to sign! And it’s only one page…. Buried under the mountain… she thought, refusing to look at it. She had promised Deanna to sign that one… she would have to sign that one…

Another sigh escaped her, again the privacy granting her the freedom to be as loud as she wished – one of the few things she was grateful for having as opposed to the ‘Frost Forever Home’…

The mere thought almost spiked the anxiety in her to a point that almost overcame the effects of the NX. Startled by that, Selena slowly breathed, urging herself to calm back down, a doable task, but the mental thoughts still persisted.

What had she been thinking agreeing to Leslie’s wager?! The bitter, racist, homophone of a woman had shown her hand when Selena had challenged her ‘superior students’ against those of the summer school she was teaching. A fit-day competition that would see the kids face each other, with the winning team being whoever won the most events. The platinum-blonde had placed the wager down that if her students prevailed, Leslie would cease her campaign to punish them for their cheating in the school year and let them, should they pass the summer program, proceed to their proper grade. With Leslie and her committee out of the way, it would be far easier and less stressful for the children to focus on their studies.

But Leslie had thrown a wrench into the works. Selena had always suspected that this whole thing was her former neighbour’s vendetta against the Frost family – but for Leslie to demand that Selena put up her ‘Forever Home’ as collateral for a loss! To put her family’s home – where her children, dog and wife – ex-wife, whatever! – lived.

Then why did you say yes? came the devil-voice, seemingly playing devil’s advocate.

“What choice did I have?” Selena sighed, speaking aloud. “If they pushed any further, they could have ended the whole program. Then those kids would have to repeat the class-“

And that was worth your house?

“I can buy them a new house if I have to.” Selena shrugged. “I mean… I don’t want to… I don’t want them to have to leave… but it’s David’s future! And it’s only if they lose! They won’t- in the end-“

The ends…
“Will justify the means…” she was taken aback by the way her voice dropped so low. Not like that of the devil-voice, but still surprising. For a moment, she just stood there, slowly turning her head to finally regard her reflection within the damned mirror. Just as she had predicted, she saw the bloodshot eyes and the bags under those eyes.

She looked crazy.
She looked deranged.
She looked like…
“I protect what’s mine-“

She shut the thought down before it was formed, marching out of the second-floor office and stripping out of her nightgown, pulling it over her frame as she did. As she passed the bedroom, she tossed the clothing into the room, refusing to break her march as she made her way across the hall and towards the built in gym on the same floor.

If sleep was going to be denied, then she was going to work herself into a slumber. Even if she had to run 10k to do it!


PS 290 The Manhattan New School
Manhattan, New York
July 8th, 2024

The workout hadn’t done it… dammit!

Casting her eyes on her children – all ten of the students as they played a game of dodgeball on the concrete section of the school playground – Selena contemplated putting them through one of her workouts for SCW, immediately dismissing the idea. Last thing she wanted was one of them to get hurt trying to go at her current level in the gym. They all wanted to do well and pass – more or less – but there was no way they needed to do what Selena pushed herself to do every day and night for Rise to Greatness.

Carefully, keeping her eyes closed so, even with her thick, round shades on to block out the sun (to keep her headache from getting worse), the Snow Queen drank a bit more of her ice-coffee with triple expresso (her third one today). That accomplished, she adjusted her maroon t-shirt and black leggings before returning her focus on her students.

She had divided the ten into equal teams of 5, pressing that the teams use communication and teamwork to try and win for their side. And while the game had mostly been a ‘free-for-all’ of fun, the kids had, throughout, had moments of communicating and working together. Blazer and Frog – the ‘cool’ kid and his ‘sidekick’ respectfully – were, oddly enough, the best pair of this. In that Frog would fetch the ball, even taking it from other players on his own team (before Selena reprimanded him for it), and rushing the ball over to Blazer, who would throw it with such ferocity. On the other side, Sophia would nimbly dodge away from every shot, even try and distract her opponents from attacking her teammates by waving her arms or mocking the other team with the childish, but effective “Can’t get me! Nah nah!”. On the other side, Selena noticed, Mara, the tomboy, would never throw at Sophia, not anywhere near her. Interesting…

It was little things like this that Selena had noticed of all her students for the last few weeks/classes as she taught them. Not just their names but who they were as children. It was hard sometimes, trying to keep track of ten students while also being the SCW world champion, but she was managing, albeit barely. For a moment, watching them, the young Frost wondered what Deanna would think if she shared such stories and observations with the redhead. Would she be proud of how Selena was trying and getting to know these kids? How she was striving for their success as much as their own son?

Not if she knows you wagered her house! came the mocking devil-voice, which Selena shut down immediately. She would find a way around that. A way for Deanna to never know, even if she did lose the wager with Leslie.

The buzzing of the bell broke Selena’s thoughts, causing her to look back at her kids, who suddenly stopped playing. “That’s class everyone!” Selena called out as the ten students all gathered around. “Before I dismiss you, though.” She gazed at each one. “What did we learn today? About communication and teamwork?”

A hand shot up, Selena recognizing it immediately. “Yes, Garrett?” she acknowledged the short, round boy.

“When we work together, we did better!” he stated as earnestly as he could.
“Very good.” She eyed another student out of the corner of her eye, who was staying distant from the group. “Joey?”

The dark-skinned youth scoffed. “It’s Blazer, Mrs. F!”
“It’s Mrs. Frost, Blazer.” Selena corrected. “What did you learn from this?”
“Aim low.” He stated. “Harder for people to dodge.”

Looking up for a moment, Selena gave a shrug of her shoulders. “Fair point. But I meant about teamwork.”

He huffed a breath at that, earning Devin’s – Frog’s – reaction. “Blazer thinks-“
“Devin…” Selena warned. “I’m asking Blazer.” She turned her gaze back to the boy. “Do you believe that you can handle anything and everything by your own?”

“Long as I’m calling the shots.” Blazer shrugged. “People do what I say, then we win.”
“Ah…” Selena nodded. “But who will ‘do as you say’ when no one believes in you? When you don’t listen or let others ‘call the shots’?” She asked. “A good leader, kids, isn’t someone that just barks out orders. A good leader listens to his teammates and those around him. They acknowledge everyone’s part on the team and they know that – without their team – they’re not really a leader of anything. They aren’t anything.”

She turned her attention back to the young boy. “Do you believe that you could win a game of dodgeball on your own, Blazer?” she asked gently.

“I…” the kids eyed the other students, who were all looking at him. “It’s just a stupid game.” He scoffed.

Nodding her head, Selena closed the distance between her and the boy, kneeling down to whisper to him. “Take it from someone who knows, Blazer.” She gently put a hand on the boy’s shoulder. “It’s lonely at the top.”

“It is?” he asked, somewhat surprised.

“It is.” Selena nodded. “And scary. Always worried someone’s going to take it from you. Having no one to turn to. If I could…” she sighed. “If I could choose between having a wonderful support system that I listen to or just being the only one that called the shots?” she could admit this to the kid – not like he was going to run to SCW and talk. “I would choose the support system. In having people who believed in me just like I believed in them.” She turned her head to the other kids. “Like I believe in all of you.”

She let those words settle, seeing the smiling faces of most of the kids. “Alright.” She laughed a little. “Get on to lunch!” She smiled, watching as the kids scampered to their bags, all lying along the side of the school wall, and immediately scattered once more to various parts of the playground. Some sat on the field of half-buried tires, others on the jungle-gym, others still on the stand-alone slide. Some of the groups and pairs were common.

Mara and Sophia.
Blazer and Frog.
David and Sara and Garrett.

Selena took stock of all her students’ locations, so much so that she didn’t notice the person coming up behind her until they had spoken.

“How are we doing?” the voice was soft and gentle, which allowed Selena to not be so startled by it. Turning her head, she spied Ms. Evette Harris, the brunette smiling at the taller Selena.

“Well.” Selena nodded. “I think they’ll be fine for the competition on Friday.”
The remark caused a slight unease to flitter across Evette’s face. “Are you… do you think they’ll win?” she asked nervously. “I don’t want to see you…”

“That’s not your concern.” Selena replied gently, turning her head back to the woman. “Though I appreciate it very much.” She added a smile to ease the woman’s worry. “I won’t be losing my house, Evette.”

“But if they lose…”

“They won’t.” Selena pressed. “They just… won’t.”

A glance at the platinum-blonde showed that the more-experienced teacher was not so easily convinced. “Do you…” Selena asked slowly. “Do you know something?”

The question caused the shorter woman to return her gaze to Selena. “No… I just…” she chose her words carefully. “I don’t trust Leslie.”

“Join the club.” Selena laughed. “She’s been a thorn in my side for nearly ten years.”

“But you don’t see her on the board.” Harris remarked, earning a surprised eyebrow raise from Selena.
“Are you…”
“On the board?” Evette nodded. “I report back to Mo- Mrs. Warlow on what they are up to. And Leslie… she’s vicious.”
“Again.” Selena sighed. “Tell me something I don’t know.”
“Selena…” Evette stressed. “She’s blackmailing more than a few board members to side with her.”

Selena’s eyes went wide unintentionally. “How do you…”

“Because I listen.” The teacher remarked. “And… because she has tried it with me.”
“You?” Selena asked. “What could she possibly have on you?”

Opening her mouth to speak, Evette was only able to let out a sound before it was overpowered by a loud “EXCUUUUSE MEEEE!!!!” that projected itself across the playground, enough for Selena’s headache that she had been struggling with to flare up.

“Oh gods…” the platinum-blonde whispered before slowly turning around to see the big-haired woman strutting towards the wrestler and teacher, a group of ten kids behind her.

“Here we go…” Selena whispered under her breath, picking up her ice coffee to down the remains before placing it back down on the ground just as Leslie Sanderson reached her. “Leslie…” Selena smiled tightly. “What brings you here. Don’t tell me!” she spoke quickly. “You’re reenacting Snow White and the seven dwarves. Hate to tell you, hun, but there’s only seven dwarves and if you’re the ‘fairest in the land’…” her voice dropped lower. “Then I may just switch back to men.”

“Selena!” Evette gasped at the last remark, though Leslie remained unfazed.
“Spoken like a true degenerate.” She remarked simply. “I just thought that I would take my winning team for some practice. I mean, that’s only fair, right? Your kids get to practice every day.”

“This is a schoolyard.” Harris remarked defensively. “The students in our care are in class.”
“Yeah…” Leslie eyed Evette warningly. “Don’t you have some chalk erasers to smack together?” any adult could hear the threatening tone in Leslie’s voice. Evette certainly did, the woman slowly backing up a little at the thinly veiled remark.

“Okay, Leslie.” Selena sighed, stepping forward in Harris’ place. “Witty repartee aside. What do you want?”

With a grin, Leslie gestured behind her. “Just want you to meet the winning team. All A+ students – all honest and good kids. Not cheaters like yours!” she stressed the last name with a bit of a hiss and Selena was sure she saw some spit escape the woman as she said it. With her hand, Leslie pointed to each child. “Greg, Mary, Colt, Houdin, Tremon, Killian, Benny, Jasper, Roger… and of course…” she moved her hand to wrap around the young boy she hadn’t named, though Selena recognized him instantly. “My star player. My little joy and spark of greatness. Team captain: Willy.”

“You have a team captain for a public-school team?” Selena raised her eyebrow. “Seems sort of elitist… what am I saying? Look who I’m talking to.” She gestured towards Leslie, who was too busy fawning over her son to pay attention. It was a second that allowed Selena to eye the whole team before her. Overall, they really seemed no different than her students. Nobody stood out. Nobody seemed ‘misplaced’. They were just kids, like her students.

Which further cements my point that my kids deserve their second chance… cause they ARE just kids…Not ‘problem children’ like what she believes!

“Well, hello.” She said politely to the kids. “My name is Mrs. Frost. And it’s a pleasure to meet you. I believe you all know Ms. Harris?”

“Hello.” Evette smiled. “Hope you’re all having a good summer so far.”

“Yeah!” One of them – Selena thought Leslie had named them Roger – answered. “My family are going to go-“

“No fraternizing with the enemy cheaters!” Leslie spat back.
“What does ‘fratter sizing’ mean?” Came the question from one the rival students –  Benny, Selena guessed in recollection.
“It means she and her students are your enemy and you do not talk to them!” Leslie explained.

“Seriously, Leslie?” Selena balked. “They’re just kids. What’s happening with you and me can stay that way. You don’t need to go this far.”

“Oh… intimidated I see.” Leslie laughed and teased. “Afraid I’ll expose your little group for the frauds you all are?”

Geez! A NICKEL for every time someone used that line on me. Selena thought, irritated.

“Well… what do you say to a little… ‘recreational preview’?” Leslie asked slowly, rubbing her hands together.

“No.” Selena stated.

“Oh come onnnn, Selena.” Sanderson drawled in that damn, pitchy voice of hers. “Nothing on the line. Just a little preview. You pick your best student to go against my Willy. A little race. Nothing crazy. Just a little running around.”

“Leslie.” Selena exhaled, stepping closer to Leslie, which further emphasized her taller frame. It was the closeness that seemed to spark something in the blasted woman’s eyes – a stark reminder of what Selena, a wrestler, was capable of compared to a stay-at-home mom like Leslie. “I am not entertaining you or your games. The kids are on lunch and they earned it. They’ve been working hard all morning and-“

“Mrs. Frost…”

The voice caught Selena’s attention, surprising her as she turned around, stunned to silence as she saw all ten of her students standing a few feet behind her, matching the positioning of Leslie and her crew. Even Blazer – he looked tougher than the others, though not by much – cracking his knuckles together. “We’re not going anywhere.” He added to the world champion. “That our competition?”

“It…” Selena breathed. “It is.”

“Mom…” It was David’s turn, her son, standing beside Sara, in his Marvel Avengers shirt and holding half of a peanut butter sandwich that Deanna had made. “Leave my mom alone.” He called out to Leslie. “You’ve always been a meanie, Mrs. Sanderson!”

“Such language!” Leslie gasped mockingly. “Is that how you raise your children, Selena? By teaching them to disrespect their elders?”

“Trust me.” Selena smiled proudly. “You’ve not SEEN disrespect from my son. That’s him BEING respectful.”

“Hmmm…not surprising.” Leslie shook her head. “Like I said-“

“Leslie.” Evette spoke up, seemingly emboldened by the actions of Selena’s students. “I’ve had enough of you bad-mouthing this school and Mrs. Frost and her students. If you continue, I shall report you to Mrs. Warlow and have you removed immediately and this whole ‘fit day’ nonsense cancelled.”

“Watch. Your. Tone.” Leslie warned, glaring at the woman. “Especially with me. Consider that your last warning.” To emphasis her point, the woman reached up to poke-push a pointed finger against Evette’s shoulder, pushing her back a step.

“Leave Ms. Harris alone!” David shot back at the sight.
“Yeah!” Sara added, standing close to David.

“Enough!” Selena’s voice shot out, silencing the growing anger of the crowd. Glaring over at Leslie, she yanked off her sunglasses, immediately regretting it as the stabbing rays of light stung her eyes and ignited her headache (though she did all she could to hide it) – it was easier wrestling the damn Executioner! she thought angrily. “You want to race, Leslie?” she watched her former neighbour nod smugly.

“Fine.” Selena turned to her students. “Do I have a volunteer to run against Willy?”

Immediately, nine out of the ten hands shot up. Everyone except Garrett, which only caused Selena’s focus to go to him.

“I…” Garrett started before shaking his head. “I’m really slow.”
“Shocking.” Leslie laughed, eyeing the large child. “Unless you put a candy bar at the finish line! HA HA!” the shrill laugh further irritated Selena, the Snow Queen using every trick she knew not to react to it.

Conceal… her mind whispered. Don’t feel…

“Mrs. Frost…” it was the only voice that spoke from her group and Selena followed it as Mara made her way to the front. Turning to her classmates, the grade 5 tomboy rolled her shoulders back bravely. “Let me do it, guys. Please.”

“Why?” Blazer asked.

“Because…” Mara’s eyes shot over to a certain spot – one only Selena could trace fast enough – to the girl Mara had eyed. “I want to. I want to beat this guy for making fun of our team! And our teachers!” she sounded so tough in that statement, and yet, as she turned back to Selena, her voice dropped to a whispered plea. “Please, Mrs. Frost.”

The platinum-blonde eyed the child for a moment before kneeling down. “You’re putting your classmate’s faith on your shoulders, Mara.” She whispered. “Are you sure you can handle it?”

“Yeah.” Mara nodded. “I’ve been running my whole life. It’s fun.”

The Snow Queen paused for a moment, as if to contemplate – though she had already made up her mind. “Alright.” She nodded before standing back up. “Mara will race for us!”

A few cheers and ‘Wooos!’ came from her students as Selena turned back over to Leslie, gesturing to the far side of the school playground, where a chained-linked fence outlined the perimeter. “I say… what? From the school around the playground? One lap from school wall and back around the chain-linked fence?”

“Sounds perfect.” Leslie shot back, grinning all the while. “One lap is nothing for my Willy.”

“Uh-huh.” Selena dismissed the remark. “Race is in five minutes.” She turned and guided her students to the side, allowing ample space for the two runners to stretch and get ready.

As the world champion kept an eye on Mara from a distance (to ensure Leslie didn’t try anything), she felt a tug on her shirt, causing her to turn her head to the Latina girl standing before her: Sophia.

“Mrs. Frost.” She whispered, glancing up at the much taller Selena before turning her gaze back over to Mara as the tomboy stretched and – was she flexing a little?. “Is Mara going to be okay?”

Casting another glance at Mara, Selena, again, noticed the nine-year old staring back at them, or rather at Sophia.

Oh well well… Selena couldn’t help the smile that came to her lips as she felt something click in her mind. Still, she didn’t show it, merely shrugging her shoulders as she knelt down to be more eye level with Sophia, as she had with Blazer. “Are you worried?”

The girl, still in her dark-purple leggings and light-blue shirt from gym class, nodded. “I don’t want her to get hurt. She tries so hard to do these crazy things.”

“Maybe…” Selena shrugged. “Maybe she’s trying to get someone’s attention.” She teasingly spoke. “I mean, I can’t speak for Mara, but when I was wrestling – I would do all sorts of crazy things to get my wife’s attention.”

“You did?” Sophia asked.
“Oh sure!” Selena laughed. “One time, to get her to notice me, I fought this huge guy inside a steel cage. Auclair was his name. The guy was a giant! Like five feet taller than me!” she used her hand to indicate the height. “A literal giant!”

“No way!” Sophia shook her head. “How did you do it?”
“Well… I had someone worth fighting for.” Selena shrugged. “That was all I needed.” She eyed Mara once again. “Maybe Mara… just needs to know you’re watching.”

“Did…” Sophia bit her lower lip. “Did your wife do anything to help you win?”

“Oh sure!” Selena shrugged, instinctively reaching up to her neck, but stopping when she remembered that nothing was there now… a stab of sadness filling her core that she quickly pushed down. “When I would wrestle really big matches, I’d always make sure she’d kiss me on the cheek before I left. Every time. Best good luck charm ever.”

“Oh…” Sophia’s eyes widened, her eyes moving back over to Mara. “And it worked?”

“Well, yeah, that and the good luck ring she gave me.” It’s called an engagement and wedding ring, idiot. mocked her mind. And you won’t have those for much longer, will you?!

Another stab of silence hit her, so much so that Selena almost didn’t see Sophia suddenly jog out towards Mara. Wisely, the Snow Queen stayed back, keeping an appropriate distance as the dark-skinned girl reached the tomboy. She spoke shyly, at least her gestures seemed to indicate that before, slowly, Sophia removed something from her finger and placed it on Mara’s, who stood there in shock, her mouth hanging open at whatever Sophia was saying. To put the icing on the cake, however, Sophia bit her lower lip before, seemingly, going for it! Ducking her head down, she kissed Mara’s cheek before scampering off back to Selena, leaving Mara dumbfounded… as well as Leslie, who was watching the whole thing.

It was too much for Selena – a laugh escaping her – as she stood there, enough for Evette to coyly walk up to her. “What did you do?” she asked good-naturedly.

“Me?” Selena shrugged. “Nothing. Nothing at all… though I gotta say…” she dropped her voice down to a whisper. “Willy doesn’t stand a chance. Poor kid.”

She bit her lower lip knowingly as the two racers finally, with a bit of yelling and prompting from Leslie, lined up at the ‘starting line’ for the race.

“Okay!” Selena called out, standing between the two. “On ‘Go!’, it’s off to the races. Got it?”

Both Willy and Mara gave a nod of their heads, each taking a kind of stance that looked more like The Flash – Selena had watched the show with David – than anything else.

“Go Willy-bear!” Yelled out Leslie. “Show those cheaters!”

Ignoring her, Selena lifted her hands up. “3…2…1… GO!”

The two kids were off, each running past Selena, with her students all shouting Mara’s name and rooting her on! The first turn came up and Willy was in the lead, but Mara was hot on his trail. By the second turn, they were running neck and neck. It was this point that the usually quiet Sophia screamed. “Come on, Mara!” she called out, temporarily getting Mara’s attention. “You got this!”

It was as if something had kicked the tomboy’s gears into overdrive! For in that second, Mara sprinted for all she was worth, speeding past Willy on the third-turn and widening her lead by the fourth and final turn.

“NO!” screamed Leslie. “Don’t you dare lose, William! Don’t you dare lose!!” Her voice once more held that threatening tone, and, to his credit, Willy, closing his eyes, tried to put one last burst of speed into his run to catch up. But it was too little too late as Mara crossed the ‘finish line’, immediately gasping for air as her classmates all ran to her, cheering her name and making all kinds of congratulatory sounds! One of the kids, Garrett – Selena thought – even dug out his phone to play “We are the Champions” by Queen as loud as possible!

For her part, Selena merely clapped her hands, standing beside Evette (also applauding) as the children celebrated. Eventually, Mara found her way to Sophia, the tomboy throwing her arms around the taller Latina and hugging her tightly, the two even jumping up and down together before Mara rushed over to Selena.

“Mrs. Frost! Ms. Harris!” Mara remarked. “I won!”
“You certainly did!” Selena grinned. “Congrats!”
“You did so well!” Ms. Harris added.

“And look! Look!” Mara quickly showed her hand, revealing the dark-blue plastic ring around her finger – Sophia back to her shy self. “Sophia gave me her ring for good luck! She’s… she’s my girlfriend now!”

Selena’s eyes went wide, as did Ms. Harris. “Wow!” both women said at the same time. “Congratulations!” They both said.
“To both of you.” Selena added with a laugh. “Now run and go celebrate with your teammates! It’s still lunchtime!”

Both girls, now holding hands, ran off to join their friends, leaving Selena alone with Evette, the former chuckling a little as she crossed her arms. “How do you like that?” she asked. “A little puppy love in summer school. Who’d have thought?”

“Very adorable.” Evette remarked. “Make sure you don’t invalidate their feelings during class.” She quickly instructed. “It’s part of them growing up.”

“I have three kids, Evette.” Selena smiled. “You think I haven’t dealt with my daughter or son having a crush.” She gestured towards David, standing by the swing with Sara, the two laughing about something. “Even if he doesn’t know it yet…”

She was about to relax when she was suddenly seized from behind, a hand grabbing her shoulder and spinning her around. Within a second, Selena saw Leslie glaring a hole through her.

“What the hell kind of disgusting display was that?!” she demanded to know.

“What?” Selena asked. “You losing? Better get used to it, Leslie, cause that’s what’s happening this Friday.”

“Please!” Leslie spat. “I don’t mean the race you clearly rigged. I mean THAT!” with a sharp finger, Leslie pointed down the playground where Mara and Sophia were standing, merely enjoying what was left of their lunch together.

“What about it?” Selena asked, turning to gaze at Leslie.

Leslie scoffed at the reply. “I knew you were up to no good, Selena! First you encourage your son to cheat. Then you try and let those cheaters get away with it – and now you’re corrupting our students?!”

“Excuse me?!” Evette asked in shock. “What are you talking about?!”

“THAT!” Leslie pointed again. “That disgusting display! You are corrupting our children! Turning them gay with your disease!”

Selena’s eyes went wide, what little control she had even with the help of the NX was slipping fast, being replaced by something as equally familiar to the Alaskan Dragon…

“The board will hear about this!” Leslie vowed. “They’ll shut it all down! You infecting their children with your disgusting and- and- and- perverted and-“

“Enough!” Evette stepped forward defensively. “Selena has done NOTHING wrong and neither have her students! It’s a crush. Puppy love! It’s perfectly normal in children their age-“

“You call THAT normal?!” Leslie screams turned over to the teacher. “You bring that filth! That abomination into our school?!” she scoffed. “Of course you do! Look who I’m talking to!” she spat with venom causing Ms. Harris’ eyes to widen in shock. “I don’t care who your mother is, Evette!” she continued to chirp, even reaching a hand up to shove the closer Evette back – this one a clear push. “I will see you fired!” Another push. “Charged!” A third, harder push. “And never allowed to teach again! Both of you…“

Selena wanted to remember more but that was the conclusion of her memory. The rest was a blank – a sight of pure red… and the next thing that she would remember?

She wished with all her heart she could forget.


The Royal Letter

The camera opens to the interior of a lavish sitting room. There are blood-red curtains framing a massive window overlooking the building of New York City. And sitting in a dark-green throne chair is none other than the ruler-from-on-high, herself. The SCW world champion, Selena Frost. Her hair is in its iconic braid and a black dress, with a sparkling sequins like stars, decorate her toned frame, leaving her arms and shoulders bare save for a wrap around the neck that keeps the dress in its place. With a slit in the side, it is possible for the world champion have one bare leg crossed over the other – the picture of power and confidence as she gazes into the camera and her audience.

SCW management… SCW wrestlers… S-C-W Universe…

She allows a moment for her words to settle, a knowing smile gracing her features. Do you believe?

Again, she lets the words settle before sitting back against her throne, her right hand holding up a finger. Now before we really get this ball rolling, I imagine I have some explaining to do. Gods know A LOT of people aren’t happy with me…. she grins. For a multitude of reasons, I am sure. And I’m going to get to all that, don’t you worry, but let’s just take a moment to enjoy this…

Taking a slow inhale, the platinum-blonde’s eyes flutter closed. As she exhales, a satisfied grin forms over her lips as she opens her eyes. ’Unbelievable Main Event IV’…

Her eyes sparkle moreso. The most unbelievable main event of them all. The most impossible of them all. Why? Cause it’s never been done before. Twenty-one years this place has been running – well… let’s not say running. Let’s say twenty-one years of this place ‘getting by’. Of this place barely managing to hold a spot in the vast world of wrestling, with it’s lack of integrity and it’s lack of skill and passion and it’s desperation for cheap tricks, ambushes, interferences and it being about ‘who ya got in your pocket’ rather than what you can do in the ring.

Knowing such remarks will bring forth disagreement, Selena holds up a hand to silence such remarks. No no… You look back at some of the greatest of all time: Syren, one of the most decorated superstars in SCW history and one of the most despicable people in SCW – the legions of people she’s hid behind in her career to be ‘at her best’? Hell, she’s still doing it with LexyCorp and their ‘math’. Jason Zero, Jake Starr, Cid Turner, of course CHBK – basically the entire list that Josh Hudson ran his mouth about ‘outlasting’ over the years, and there’s not one of them that hasn’t sold their soul, sold their integrity and sold their morals for the ‘easy win’, the shortcut, the quickest way out…

And yet… speaking of Josh Hudson… The Snow Queen shakes her head knowingly.

Josh Hudson has NOTHING to do with what makes this main event the most unbelievable main-event in SCW history! Now before he comes at me or, runs to X as he’s more likely to do, that isn’t a knock on his abilities or standing within the deluded minds of SCW. I gave Josh credit last Breakdown. I made it clear how big such a match with him is and how it deserves the marquee of Rise to Greatness. However, be that as it may, Josh Hudson… for all his abilities, his ‘wit’, and his ‘years’… could have been anyone. Anyone could have have faced me, to various degrees of stardom and prestige, and the match would STILL be “The Unbelievable Main-Event’! Because what makes this main-event ‘unbelievable’ isn’t Josh Hudson. No… it’s me. It’s all me!

Because despite all those ‘greats’ I mentioned? Despite Josh Hudson’s ’20 years’, no one – not a soul – has ever managed to headline Rise to Greatness four times – let alone four times in a row! Until now…

Selena smiles and gently tilts her head as she places a pale hand over her heart. Twenty-one years, and the impossible is done by the woman that has the integrity, that has made it about the wrestling and the standard of the world championship, that stands before you as YOUR world champion. First of her kind – ONLY of her kind… and you are welcome, SCW. she grins again.

You’re welcome SCW for staying strong and true to my mission of raising the standard. You’re welcome Aaron Demetria for being a woman of my word and bringing you back to the main-event of main-events that you deserve to officiate. You’re welcome, CHBK, for saving your world title division from the dregs that you put it in while I was gone. You’re welcome Adam Sharper and Jonathan Knots for giving you matches that you can be proud to announce for despite your bias against me. You’re welcome SCW staff and all my peers – below my standard as many of you have proven to be – for giving you all jobs that you can be proud of. That you can be proud to say to your friends and whomever that ‘you work for S-C-W – the greatest wrestling federation in the entire world!’ and it actually mean something. You’re welcome to all of you for coming back – despite not having a reason to - and saving the integrity and good name of this place so you all can put food on the table for you and your families.

And Josh Hudson… you’re welcome for bringing the standard up so you can crawl out of your hole – the ever-mouthy ‘keyboard warrior’ on X – and for keeping this place running so you can even have another ‘moment’ here in my world. You’re welcome. You’re welcome… You’re welcome…

She pauses, sitting back in her throne chair, gazing down to examine her fingernails. But I’ll admit, it hasn’t been easy. It certainly hasn’t. I had to put this before everything else. My own wellbeing, my own personal life – and seeing as how everyone can’t stop talking about it, yeah, my own marriage… She looks back up at the camera darkly, the disappointment clear in her eyes. I’ve done what I had to do to keep this place running. To keep this place as the top wrestling federation in the world. That’s how much I believe in what SCW – and what the world title – should be worth. Worth the sacrifices. Worth the hard work. Worth the time and pain. Worth the hatred from all of you.

Lowering her hand, Selena gives a shrug of her shoulders. And that’s what I see from all of you. I see hatred, I see negativity, and most of all, I see desperation to get behind anyone that is against me just because it’s me… and it’s laughable at best. That you will side with anyone so long as they are against me. Even Josh Hudson…

Because, you see, Josh Hudson isn’t going to care about this place in a matter of weeks. He’s not. He’s not going to care about all of you, no matter how many times he says otherwise. ‘SCW-lifer! Oooooh!’…
Selena mocks with a wave of her hands before settling back into her usual poise. But let’s be honest here, Josh. That’s all just for show, isn’t it? That’s the keyboard-warrior running his mouth and playing to the crowd. And it’s easy for you to do when you’re in the position that you’re in. I mean, you hid behind your monitor for most of the year, now you’re hiding behind Bree, and you’re just hiding behind all this ‘pandering’ to the masses. When the truth is… you really don’t care about any of it, do you?

SCW? The wrestling? The integrity of this place? The standard of the world title? It really doesn’t mean anything to you, does it? You’re just another guy that wants to be ‘the one’ to take me down. Just something newer to brag about because ‘I beat Xander’s undefeated streak’, yeah THAT hasn’t gotten old in what? 19 years? I mean… I thought KANDIS was bad at milking ONE fluke win… But boy! You put the ‘Shameless One’ to shame with that one, Josh! a laugh escapes her.

Cause that’s all you want, Josh. It’s all about being ‘relevant’ with you. It’s all about having something to hang your hat on – something that, actually, happened in this decade. All about you coming out every now and then just to remind the world ‘Hey! I’m still breathing! I’m still here! I’m all about SCW!’ before running off like you always do when you can’t really do much, right?

Because, let’s face it, you didn’t really do much on your own last time, did you? You don’t have much else to hang your hat on from your last stint, do you? Your little feud with Owen? You were the ‘other guy’ in that feud of the year – the supporting player. Owen got the last laugh and was even the wrestler of the year for that, not you. He got to retire as a double-champion! You? Well, we can touch on that a little later…
she gives a little wink to the camera knowingly. And what else, Hudson? Your little stint as world champion? Not really that impressive considering it lasted just a couple of weeks. And I’m pretty sure it’s been a Frost that’s been making your last U.S. title reign look a little sad in comparison! Again, that knowing smile, the Blue-Eyed Devil very aware of the world that she rules.

I mean, let’s be honest, Josh. I could send you to the moon with all you’ve done in your career. Gods know you’ve done it enough. Hall of Famer, multiple title wins, multiple main-events, Feud of the Year, Match of the Year, blah blah blah blah blah…

But when I say that you’ve got nothing to do with the unbelievability of this main-event, it’s as true as the day is long. And, if I’m honest?
she gives a rather honest shrug. If I had to pick someone to headline this vital and important Unbelievable Main Event, I wouldn’t have chosen you. she shrugs. I would have chosen someone with some actual RELEVANT star-power. Not some guy that’s still, as you’ve clearly proven these past weeks, resting on his laurels of the early 2000s. Hell, I would have even chosen your current sleeping-partner over you, but we all know how Bree is right now, right? “Playing it safe” in her little Adrenaline-division. That’s why she didn’t enter the royale and why she settled on a ‘no-contest’ in her match against me after Kandis and Kristen Scott saved her from me, am I right? she smiles mockingly at the camera, and the two people she knows is watching.

My point is, Josh, is that you are entering into ‘my world’. This is MY main-event. It belongs to me. And I know you know that. I KNOW that you are intimidated by what you have to deal with. And I know that you are simply just trying to hide all of these truths. You know why I know that? she grins. Because the first words out of your mouth once this match was set… was a lie…

Holding up her hand, Selena cracks each knuckle with her thumb. There I stood in the ring and you on the ramp, with Bree holding your hand – just like you’ve always needed when dealing with me. Someone holding your hand…

But there you are with the world in the palm of your hand, Josh. The 2024 Taking Hold of the Flame royale winner! The next in line to fight for the world title! And it’s against me so the people are already backing you despite all the years you spat on them, disrespected them and, yes, lied to them…

She tilts her head to the ceiling, as if in recollection. And what do you do with such faith and absurd belief, Josh Hudson? What are your first words to these people – these desperate followers?

A lie so obnoxious, so laced in arrogance and so incorrect… that no one – not even the fans – can believe it.

Well… allow me…
with a snap of her fingers, a clip of the June 15th edition of Breakdown is played in a small corner of the screen. Selena’s gaze doesn’t shift from glaring at the camera as Josh Hudson is seen from that episode. The number one contender stands on the rampway as he speaks.

The get it done in the ring, wrestling machine. That was me before it was cool. The anti-hardcore, why do people need weapons…yeah, I did that too. Do we need gimmicks? Why use weapons? Why attack people from behind…unless they deserve it…I’ve done it too. See, Selena, I’ve done everything you have. The only difference is that I didn’t need to go the contract route…

Selena snaps her fingers again, causing the clip to blink out. For a moment, she lets the statement settle before a chuckle escapes her, a smile gracing her lips.

Oh Josh… she shakes her head knowingly, lifting it up to gaze at the camera. What… a …lie.

I mean, apart from just repeating the SAME thing every other bitter and jealous wrestler has said to me this year, you just showed your full hand – your true colors – with that little statement, didn’t you? What it is you’re trying so desperately to do.

You want to claim that you’ve done all I’ve done? That you and I are the ‘same’, right? Pfft…

Selena scoffs, the idea utterly absurd. You’ve done everything I’ve done? Okay… so when did you become Supreme Champion? When did you win the Best of the Best tournament or even the Shot of Adrenaline tournament? When were you the ‘wrestler of the year’? Did Owen Cruze give you his from 2022 out of pity or something? A consolation prize for you dropping the ball for the umpteenth time?

She laughs a little. That’s just off the top of my head, Hudson. But you really want to compare the two of us like that, Josh? That because you’ve done some ‘watered-down’ version of ‘it being about wrestling’ and about ‘integrity’ that I’ve done, we’re the same and you ‘know me’? That because you’ve got a Hall of Fame ring and twenty years on-and-off here, you can stand there and lecture me on being an SCW wrestler and world champion? Hudson… we’re not the same. We’ve not done the same. Not even close!

You beat Xander’s Undefeated Streak? I could go on about the number of times I’ve undisputedly beaten ‘The Great Executioner’ including in record time at a Rise to Greatness some years ago, but let’s focus on that little accomplishment you’ve clung to for decades, shall we? What was that streak you ended? 50 weeks? Just shy of a year? Very nice…

Tell me… do you recall how Red Rayne’s 366-day reign as the Adrenaline champion ended? Who ended that?

Not good enough? How bout this. Do you remember how long Kelcey Wallace’s “Perfect Streak” was? Three years of never being pinned? Who ended that?
she grins – clearly knowing the answer.

You like to talk about numbers with your years here, Hudson, so let’s look at something else, then.

You’ve been the world champion like me, right? How long?
she chuckles. Let me answer that, Josh, because I’ve held this title just in this current reign longer than you have in all three of your reigns COMBINED!

Your reigns as United States champion? Same thing! Tag-team titles? Same thing! Awards? Same thing – Hell, I’ve at least got a few ‘wrestler of the year’ awards packed away somewhere, I am sure.
she gives another wink to the camera.

And the list goes on and on and on and on… a history of me outshining you every step of the way. And the funniest thing is… I didn’t need twenty years to do it! Her smile becomes a bit more wicked. I didn’t need twenty years to get to this spot that is the main-event of Rise to Greatness. I didn’t need twenty years to hold the world title three times – I’m at six! Just ask Lexy, she keeps a very careful count!

Point is: I’ve been here for only a decade, Josh. That is true. But in those ten years? I’ve done more in and for the ‘world you helped build’ than you have done in twenty! More matches that shaped this company – including numerous chamber matches that dictated who ruled it-, more matches in general, more money, more accolades, more main-events, hell, the only thing you’ve done more than me is get a Hall of Fame ring and take off more days in one year than I have in those ten! And when I finally get my Hall of Fame ring, buddy, and trust me, it’s going to happen…
she steals a glance to her bare ring finger. I’ll have a MUCH bigger spot, statue, and plaque than you ever will! I will be on the Mount Rushmore of the greatest wrestlers of all time! Can you say the same with a straight face? Or are you going to tell another lie?

She holds up a pointed finger. That’s the biggest difference, Josh. While you say whatever works for you – while you lie - I am a woman of truth. I tell the truth, whether the SCW Universe wants to hear it or not. Whether the SCW Universe wants to believe it or not…

She shrugs her shoulders. And the truth is? You’re the only one that believes that we are the same in any way. Where you did these things like ‘hold the world title’, I dominated it. Where you ‘spoke of integrity and making it all about wrestling’, I ordered it to be done without compromise. I made it the standard. And where you tried to stand out in this business, I have shone like a diamond in this business!

You talked the talk. I walked the walk, Josh. And the reason you tell this blatant lie in our comparison, old man, is because deep down? You’re just desperate to be me.

I mean, let’s go back to the bulk of our history, Josh. You brought it up somewhat, didn’t you? People think “Josh Hudson and Selena Frost”, what comes to mind?

Sapphire eyes narrow. Past, Present… and Future…

A faction of three people, where you promised to bring the future of SCW forward! You promised the world to Regan and Sienna, despite demanding the top billing of the group as ‘The Past’, right? How did that go?

Oh wait… you said it that same night as that clip, didn’t you? You ‘outlasted them’. ‘Out-evolved them’.
Selena shakes her head knowingly. Funny how you would say that about the women you had promised to give everything to. That you promised to make the future of this business and now you use them to promote yourself over them… But what a surprise… Josh Hudson lies. Maybe Bree Lancaster should be taking notes and keeping her divorce lawyer on standby?

Because what was the real purpose of that little group, Josh, aside from keeping you relevant? Who was the grand target of this group? Oh yeah… it was me. It was me that you were instructing Sienna and Regan to get rid of. To remove from SCW. To end the career of! To replace at the top of this federation with your own cheap imitation in Sienna Swann…

Clicking her tongue inside her mouth, Selena tilts her gaze back at the camera. And how did that go, Josh? Let me be the ‘reality check’ that you are pretending to be here. You QUIT on them and they both moved on to greater success without you… and I was the one that outlasted your ‘Past, Present, and Future’! In the end… your mere imitation couldn’t hold a candle to the original.

Sitting back, Selena once more appears more the powerful queen-figure. And that’s all you’re doing now, Josh, with this whole ‘I’ve done all you’ve done’. You’re just fooling yourself, embarrassing yourself, and making the case known. At the end of the day, you’re just another watered-down version of me, trying so desperately to fill shoes that you never will. Trying so desperately to be the legend that you will never be! No matter how hard you scream it, how much you try and tell yourself you’ve ‘done all I’ve done’.

Don’t get me wrong! Even a watered-down version of me can clearly get far in this business. Anyone trying to do what I do can certainly accomplish something! Look at you! Look at what you’ve TRULY accomplished, Josh!

But at the end of the day…
she leans forward. There’s no beating the real deal. There’s no beating the genuine article. And this weekend, you’re going to find that out. Like the last ten years, you’re going to be outwrestled, outclassed, and outdone by me! This weekend, I will take your ‘lesson’ and turn it around. I’ll be the teacher here and I will be teaching you what true wrestling, true integrity is all about, and why I only needed a decade to eclipse your supposed ‘greatness of an SCW-lifer’! She scoffs at the mere name before refocusing on the camera.

And when it is all said and done – when I am standing over you once again, with my foot over your chest… you will know who the true ‘novice’ is, Hudson. And it won’t matter then what lie you tell, Josh. What you say, type or tweet…

Because, when it’s all finished…
A wicked grin crosses Selena’s features. NO ONE – not even your precious Bree… is going to believe you…

The camera slowly fades on the Snow Queen before going entirely to black.
[Image: hffOaUZ.png]
SCW Supreme Champion
6x SCW World Champion
4x SCW World Tag-Team Champion
2x SCW United States Champion
3x SCW Adrenaline Champion
SCW Television Champion
Longest Reigning SCW World Champion (234 days)
Winner of Shot of Adrenaline Tournament (2016)
Winner of Best of the Best Tournament (2016)
Winner of Trios Tournament (2018)
Winner of U.S. Championship Tournament (2020)
Winner of World Championship Tournament (2023)
Winner of Tactical Warfare (2014, 2019)
Winner of Elimination Chamber (2015, 2024)
Winner of Roofed Cage Match (2019)
Winner of Last Person Standing Match (2019)
The Unbelievable Main Event (2021-2024)
Winner of Double Jeopardy Match (2022)
Winner of EOTY Invitational (2023)
Winner of Ironman Match (2024)
Wrestler of the Year (2016, 2021, 2022, 2024)
Tag-Team of the Year (2020 - w/ Regan Street)
Match of the Year (2018, 2019, 2021, 2023, 2024)
Feud of the Year (2014, 2019)
Shocking Moment of the Year (2024)

[Image: 34zetxl.png]
OOC: The following contains views and remarks that DO NOT represent the handler. Takes place following Deanna's first RTG rp. Posted in two parts due to length. To everyone that has followed me on this story-arc, thank you from the bottom of my heart. Best of luck, Josh!

Villain of the Year

”The School of Frost: Part 3 – A Race to the Finish”

New York Police Department
New York City, New York
July 22nd, 2024


Selena threw her head up after hearing that for the umpteenth time as she paced within the holding cell. She was still in her leggings, running shoes and maroon t-shirt from this morning, not really having time to change her clothes in-between teaching her class, having that race, and then being arrested and dragged off to the nearest Police Department. It had sort of happened all so fast.

“Selena!” the voice came from the speaker again, causing Selena to turn around to see the thick glass window in front of her. She could see several police officers, men and women all in uniforms, walking around the precinct, busy with their own tasks. But taking up the majority of the view, as she stood just off center of the window, was Deanna.

The last person I wanted to see me like this… she thought to herself, slowing stepping forward towards the glass.

“What were you thinking?!” Deanna asked, her eyes wild with concern and panic.

“I wasn’t.” Selena answered, keeping her answers as simple as she could. The last thing she wanted to do was further incriminate herself.

Her soon-to-be-ex-wife had burst onto the scene no more than half an hour after Selena had been processed and placed within the holding cell. There wasn’t anyone else in there with the platinum-blonde at the moment, which Selena was rather relieved for. She watched the redhead lean a little closer to the ‘speaker’ in the wall on Deanna’s side, allowing her to talk.

“That’s it?” she asked in disbelief. “Selena… She’s pressing charges!”

With a gesture of her free hand, Deanna pointed to the far off corner of the room, where Leslie Sanderson, complete with an ice pack pressed up against her temple, was standing, seemingly hysterical if her arm movements were any indication. Selena could even imagine the tone of voice the woman was using. Probably demanding them to ‘put her in jail FOREVER!’. She scoffed at the idea, though still more out of shame for herself than the pathetic nature of her past neighbour.

“A simple assault…” Selena shrugged. “I’m looking at a slap on the wrist at best.”
Deanna did not seem to find that as relieving as Selena, the shorter Frost shaking her head. “That’s not what she’s saying.” She explained. “She’s claiming severe injury. Vision impairment. Just racking up the injuries you supposedly gave her. It’s aggravated assault.”

Sapphire eyes went wide. “Are you-“ she almost yelled, using all she could to reign in her emotions. “It was just one punch.” She stated simply. She had already confessed as much to the officers but nothing else. She wasn’t going to lie about what she did. Especially when she barely remembered it. One minute, she had been standing there with Ms. Harris and Leslie, the latter spatting insults and threats to both of them. Then she had starting shoving Evette, and then… that was all Selena could remember in the moment. The next thing she recalled was standing over Leslie, shaking her right hand and seeing Leslie on the ground, a look of shock, tears, and terror on her face as she gazed up at the Snow Queen.

What I wouldn’t give to see that look on Hudson’s face… she thought, wanting so badly to have a moment of pleasant emotion, but the desire only gave way to more panic. How was she going to explain this? How was she going to tell CHBK or SCW management what had happened? Sure, they couldn’t hold her here for long – least till there was a hearing or whatever, but if word got out? To SCW? To anyone?

Her jaw clenched at the thought. CHBK wouldn’t hesitate. He’s enforce penalty on Selena in a second! It didn’t matter that it had nothing to do with him or SCW. She could just see him weaving a tale like Leslie currently was – telling management how Selena ‘represented SCW as the world champion’ and that there needed to be ‘zero tolerance’ and ‘SCW must do damage-control by not keeping an assailant in their employ’. Ignoring the fucking fact that KANDIS assaulted me multiple times, AND officials AND crew/management and got NOTHING for it! she hotly bit back. Gods, she wanted to kick that damn icon in the end so badly! Despite all she had done for the world championship and for his career as the boss of SCW, CHBK had done nothing but get in Selena’s way from the get-go, throwing her into ‘punishment matches’ like that fatal-fourway and then a cage match with a woman she already beat. All the while pretending he had nothing to do with Selena’s clauses and contract obligations. Who agreed to them?! she thought, her frustrations still growing.

The icon… Kandis… Mr. D.. Selena held all three of them accountable for the disgraceful stain that had been Rise to Greatness last year. Dracheywch for making the decision to make CHBK the official over the honorable Aaron Demtria, CHBK for the disgraceful job he did during the match, and Kandis for… well, all Kandis shit. Returning and regaining the world championship in less than a month had been the sweetest revenge for her… for a first step. From there, she had done all she could to make those three and all of SCW regret how they had treated their ‘Face of SCW’ and the integrity of the world title/SCW.

Making them – including CHBK – to bow to her demands in her contract.
Defeating Kandis at Retribution and getting her suspended for telling her to get out of HER ring!
Retaining the championship challenger after challenger – challenging as they all were and any one of them, honestly, could have been world champion – except Kandis.
Eliminating Kandis, Kristen Scott, and Polly from the royale and ensuring a new challenger – and only Selena herself being the one returning to the main-event.
Beating all three of them again in the fatal-fourway and throwing CHBK’s ‘punishment’ back in his face!

Every step and victory Selena had made since her return… had served one inevitable purpose. Rise to Greatness. To get back to the main-event, the place those THREE – Mr. D, CHBK, and Kandis – had worked so hard to screw her out and keep her out of, simply because, as Mr. D had said “SCW was changing”…

I was so close… she angrily thought. I was so close!

The endgame was in her sights. Beating Josh Hudson? She could do that. It didn’t matter what tricks he had up his sleeve or how much ‘momentum’ he had from following the same path as Allocco and Kandis… winning the main-event was the only outcome Selena would tolerate. That was the final step. The last, and greatest, revenge against all of SCW for what they did to her, their ‘Face’…

And yet… you’ve risked throwing it all away… came the cold and angry voice of her devil-voice in her mind.

The thought was a sobering one, removing all positive emotion and replacing it with the familiar frustration, causing Selena to uncaringly lower her head against the glass, resting her forehead against it for a second. “I don’t know what happened.” Selena admitted quietly, quite sure Deanna could hear her. “I don’t remember.”

“Did…” Deanna’s voice trailed off, immediately getting the platinum-blonde’s attention as she lifted her head again. “Were you…” the redhead looked around nervously, trying not to draw attention to herself as she slowly moved her hands in a sort of ‘fidgety-pattern’. The first hand dropped to an upside down ‘C’ and then her hands swayed around, seemingly unrelated into some sort of ‘X’ shape. It was only because Selena was so close to Deanna that she could recognized the repeated pattern and was able to put it together.

Hand gesture 1: N
Hand gesture 2: X

Deanna was asking her if she had taken NX, the question causing Selena’s eyes to widen in alarm. She hadn’t been drug-tested yet but if she was… Slowly, her body trembling, the world champion slowly nodded her head, earning a groan and closed-eye look of exasperation from Deanna. “Why?” she slowly spoke.

“I don’t remember.” Selena sighed.

“I’m telling the truth!” she implored. “You think I want to be here? Risking everything?” The question was enough to silence Deanna, allowing Selena to continue speaking. “David, the kids, SCW, RTG, YOU!”

She hadn’t meant to let the last one out, her whole body going stiff as she saw Deanna catch it, emerald eyes narrowing at the Snow Queen. “What about me?”

Caught and knowing it, Selena slowly sighed. “I thought…I thought…” she hesitated. “I thought that if I solved the problem I made with David, on my own… and if I helped the other kids pass so they could stay in their grades…. That maybe you’d be happy with me and you’d maybe…” she sighed, ashamed of how childish and stupid she sounded – a far cry from the confident woman standing over Josh Hudson last Breakdown. “Maybe you’d forgive me about Jessica and…and…” she awkwardly waved a hand, as if that explained the rest. “Give us another try.”

Deanna said nothing in that moment, merely keeping her eyes on the woman that had been her wife for nearly nine years. The platinum-blonde could see the confusion in her eyes, the shorter woman unsure of what to say. Her choice of words, however, knocked the wind out of the Snow Queen.

“And was that plan before or after you wagered our house?”

The world was suddenly spinning, Selena’s throat felt dry, no words would come out. Had it not been for how clear that accusation was, she would have tried to misconstrue it. To pretend it was something that it wasn’t. But there was no way out of this.

“Evette told me.” Deanna explained coldly, further cementing Selena’s dread. The redhead had already explained how she had found Selena when her students and Ms. Harris had showed up at their ‘Forever Home’ – the home Selena had put on the line – scared and desperate to help their teacher/friend. “I was actually touched that they cared so much for you… until she told me that.” Deanna added.

“I…” Selena tried before her eyes darted over Deanna’s shoulder towards Leslie, who was still re-enacting the event that was imprisoning Selena. Though she’s probably got them now thinking that I was breathing fire and spinning a pitchfork! Exhaling her breath, the woman simply shook her head. “What’s the point in explaining it?” she asked, eyeing Deanna. “You wouldn’t believe me if I said I had a plan.”

“What?” Deanna asked. “That your kids win?”

Opening her mouth to speak, Selena slowly closed it for a second. “Is it wrong to think that they’re that good? Why does ‘winning’ have to be a ‘bad plan’ when you know who’s going to win?”

“But you DON’T know who’s going to win, Selena!” Deanna argued. “You can believe and believe but you will never KNOW for sure!”

“I do know!” Selena countered. “I know exactly who is going to win!”

“Why?” Deanna scoffed. “Because you’re ‘the great Selena Frost’? That you winning is the only outcome that exists now? Never a chance that someone could outsmart you? Outcompete you? Outlast you?” she shook her head. “You’ve done all you can to make the very idea of losing impossible for you… but it’s STILL possible! No matter how many rules you bend or how many safeguards you put up! Nothing is ever definite!” she breathed, needing a few quick breaths to calm her racing heart. Instead of talking, Selena turned her back on the United States Champion and walked further away from the glass, the world champion effectively ending the conversation, or so she thought. “And now, you’re risking our home – our children’s home.”

“It’s not MY home…” Selena replied simply, keeping her back to Deanna, her tone deathly calm. “Never was.”

“How can you say that?” Deanna asked in disbelief, her voice shaking. “Because you don’t live there anymore? That it?”

Before Deanna could get an answer, the doors to the room were pushed open and in walked Ms. Harris. She managed to grab the attention of a few officers, but Evette paid them no attention until an officer approached her to speak to her.

“Evette is here.” Deanna spoke into the speaker, effectively getting Selena to turn around and see the woman through the glass. She could not hear anything or do anything. Only watch as Evette spoke to the officer, despite Leslie pointing and screaming something at her. To Selena’s surprise, it was Leslie that was guided away by the officer, probably to make a statement or something. Evette, meanwhile, gestured towards Selena, saying a few words before the officer in the discussion nodded his head.

Effectively, he walked past Deanna to the side where the door was. Unlocking it with the passcode, the tall, thin, balding man opened the door, eyeing Selena as he did. “Your lawyer’s here, Mrs. Frost.” He acknowledged.

“Excuse me…” Harris corrected. “Legal counsel. Just want to make that clear.”

The officer rolled his eyes at that before gesturing towards a door down the hall. “We have a room for a private consultation.” He added, allowing Selena to walk out of the holding cell, her eyes falling on Evette before moving to Deanna. “Is she able to come with me? I’ll waive client-counsel privacy for her if I have to.” Selena asked. “She’s my counse-“

“I’m her wife.” Deanna stated firmly, catching Selena and Evette off-guard.

The officer, whose nametag read “Gable” simply rolled his eyes again – the man clearly not wanting anything today with his work today. “Fine.” He nodded, moving over to the other door and opening it. “Come out when you’re finished.”

All three women walked into the small room, comprised only of a table and a few chairs. “Cozy.” Selena remarked as she moved further into the room, turning around to see Evette standing there. Deanna moved in and closed the door behind her, but refused to fully look at Selena. Not surprising after what I said…    

“Evette…” Selena went to speak but Deanna cut her off.

“Selena doesn’t remember what happened.” The redhead explained sharply. “We need your testimony to counter Leslie’s.”

Turning to Selena, Evette’s eyes widened. “You don’t remember?”

Selena could only shrug her shoulders. “All I saw was red. Next thing I knew, I was standing over Leslie.”
“And endangering everyone…” Deanna stated coldly, earning a glare from Selena… but not as cold as the one Evette threw at her.

“Is that what you think?” she asked. “That Selena just got mad and punched someone?”

Turning her attention to the real teacher, Deanna exhaled her frustration in a long breath. “What else am I supposed to think? No one is telling me anything – and I don’t want to believe Leslie out there!”

“Leslie is what happened!” Harris stated with sigh. “It’s… it’s my fault.”

“How?” Deanna asked in surprise. “How is it your fault?”

“Because I let Leslie control me on the board for a very long time.” She turned her attention to Selena. “You remember I told you today that she had something on me?”

Selena nodded. “She said something about Warlow being your mother?”

Evette nodded. “Few people really know that. I took my father’s last name over hers. And…” she admitted. “I didn’t want to bank off of mother’s last name.”

“Can relate to that at least.” Deanna remarked.

“But that doesn’t make sense.” Selena observed. “So what if people found out? Sure, it would hurt a little, but not the extent of…”

“You really don’t remember, do you?” Harris smiled sadly. “Selena… Leslie found out that I was gay.”

The Snow Queen’s eyes went wide, as if a floodgate had been opened. In that moment, she recalled everything. “She… she blamed us both for infecting the children…” she recalled. “She promised to get us fired.”

“The idea of a principal of a school having gay children.” Evette shrugged. “Not illegal but definitely going to ruffle a lot of families on the board the wrong way – look at how bent out of shape they got over a summer school program. Once Leslie found that out – try as I did to hide it – she kept pushing, threatening to tell everyone…”

Though she nodded, Selena wasn’t fully listening, her mind still reeling from its memory recalling. “She pushed you… then she…” Sapphire eyes went wide as the last piece of the puzzle slipped into place, the Snow Queen’s head jerked up. “She called you a…”

“A dyke.” Evette winced as she said it. “And then she slapped me once more and that was when Selena punched her to the ground.”

It all was clear to Selena now. She didn’t know what had possessed her. She had been called such things before, thrown out of establishments because of her sexual-identity, and while she had acted out against it… to snap like that? But it had happened. Seeing Evette pushed and bullied like that – like she had been in Nome for being ‘the crazy miner’s daughter’ – treated like a second-class citizen… for Sophia and Mara to be seen as ‘diseased’ – mere children – simply over a puppy-love crush? To be so hated when they had done nothing wrong…

She could feel her blood boiling simply by recalling it and forced herself to calm down. Deanna, meanwhile, had adopted a rather guilty expression before turning her attention to Evette. “You need to tell them what happened.”

“It’s Leslie’s word against mine.” Evette sighed. “I’d do it in an instant if it would make any difference.”

“No.” Selena stated, turning to regard both women. “You do that and your secret is out the window. Everyone will know.”

“Selena-“ Deanna tried but the Snow Queen held up her hand.

“It’s not the same with us, Deanna, and you know it.” She explained. “We don’t care who knows, but she’s thinking about her mother, her students, the job she loves – it’s not as easy as it is in SCW.”

“That’s…” Deanna tried but sighed in defeat. “That’s true.”
“Then what do we do?” Evette asked, concern etched into her features.

“I’ll… I’ll take the hit.” Selena surrendered. “I’ll explain my side of the story – we’ll do whatever we can to show Leslie is a bigot but, in the end, it’s our words against hers. Besides… a first-time misdemeanour? Not matter how much she embellishes it, any doctor will show there’s no true injury beyond a bruise. I’ll pay a fine. That’s it.”

“What about SCW?” Deanna asked, earning a non-plussed ‘Pfffftt’ sound from Selena – the Snow Queen trying her best not to look worried about it.

“By the time they get wind of it, RTG will be done. I’ll deal with it then but I highly doubt they’ll punish their world champion over a rumor, especially if I make it out to be the hate-crime that it is. SCW firing a victim of a hate-crime? Are you kidding?”

It was a weak plan at best, but it was all Selena could put together. She knew what it was like to ‘come out’ and if Evette wasn’t ready for that, then Selena refused to be the one to put her through that. Truthfully, she was certain she had thrown away her fourth Unbelievable Main-Event with that punch… and yet… the guilt was no longer there. She no longer regretted it. She’d do it again if she had to…

“There has to be another way.” Deanna stated, almost desperately. “Selena, she may… she may push for jail time for you.”

“Then I’ll have to ask you for some tips on how to survive in it.” Selena sighed before moving past both women. “It’s the only option we have at this point.” She admitted.

“No!” quickly, she felt Deanna grab her hand, stopping her from reaching the exit door. “Stop trying to do something to impress me!”

Turning around, Selena gave a sad smile to Deanna.  “Deanna… it has to be me.” She stated. “Not for you, but for the kids – including our son. If I don’t, Leslie will run with it and it’ll be easy to close the summer program. And that’s just for starters.” She sighed. “I did that. You and the kids had nothing to do with it. I’ll accept the consequences.”

With a bit of effort, Selena managed to pull her hand out of Deanna’s, the redhead frozen in place emotionally as Selena opened the door to accept her fate-

Only to see ten kids yelling and pointing at the officers and at Leslie, the uniformed policemen doing all they could to maintain order.

“What the-“ Selena barely managed to mouth out as she moved further into the room. The kids, even her son, were shouting something but it was all a loud mess. And me without my whistle… she thought before quickly putting her fingers in her mouth and whistling a high-pitched sound that rang through the space. Immediately, everyone turned their attention towards her.

“Classroom etiquette children!” She yelled, not caring that she was still a detainee in a police-station. Immediately, all ten children, even Frog and Blazer, rushed over to her side, forming a group in a small clump. “Good. Now, what are you all doing here?”

Immediately, David held up a phone – not his, Selena recognized. “Garrett recorded what happened!” he exclaimed!

In that moment, it was like the wind had been knocked out of Selena, the disbelief radiating off her in waves. Immediately searching, while simultaneously taking the phone from David, Selena found the curly-haired boy. “Garrett?” she asked. “Is that true?”

Shyly, the boy nodded before carefully taking the phone from his teacher, unlocking it and flicking it over to a video file. “I was filming a frog on the concrete when I heard you shouting.”

As he narrated, Selena watched the video play before her. True to Garrett’s word, it started with a frog jumping on the concrete that Selena recognized as the school playground (well, part of it) before jerking up to reveal Leslie, Evette and Selena standing by the school doors, with Leslie yelling and screaming at her.

“You call THAT normal?! You bring that filth! That abomination into our school?!” video-Lesliescoffed. “Of course you do! Look who I’m talking to! I don’t care who your mother is, Evette!” there it was, the first shove. “I will see you fired!” There was the second push. “Charged!” And the third. “And never allowed to teach again! Both of you…“ she seemed to grow angrier and angrier with each passing word. “Out of my city-“ she eyed Selena. “And out of my town! You-“ she spat at Selena. “Your wife and this dyke of a teacher!”


Selena almost gasped when she saw herself punch Leslie as hard as she did. Not meaning to brag, but holy hell it was a good shot! Video-Leslie fell like a ton of bricks, but that was drowned out by Garrett, in the video, yelling “Holy cow! Holy cow! Holy cow!” and seemingly rushing towards the trio of women. The shot lingered on all three, including the fallen form of Leslie and Selena standing over her, looking down on Sanderson, before ending.

Again, Selena was dumbstruck, only moving when she heard the gasp come from both Evette and Deanna behind her. Slowly, carefully, she had the phone sent the video to her, Deanna and Evette via the Police Department’s wifi. That done and the video backed up, she breathed a sigh of relief.

“Garrett…” she settled on saying, lowering down to give the boy the biggest of hugs, surprising him. “Thank you.” She whispered. “You just saved me, I think.”

“I did?” the boy asked in disbelief.
“I think so.” Selena nodded. “Can I borrow this?”
“Y-yes!” he stammered.

Reaching up to ruffle the boy’s hair with her hand, Selena carefully worked her way around the crowd of children, moving towards the officer that had seen her come out and was approaching her, Gable was his name, Selena remembered.

“Hi. Ummm…” she tried to sound non-threatening. “Before you put me back in the holding cell there, I need to show you this.” Carefully, she played the video for the officer, walking him through who was who. “And there’s the push, and afraid she was going to get violent…” the film showed the punch. “There you go. One punch to defend us from a racist. Self-defense.”

Looking at the video carefully, Gable turned his attention back over to Selena before calling out to the officer at the other end of the room. “Hey, Mavis! Come here! And bring Mrs. Sanderson!”

Obeying, the female officer instructed Leslie, who was still filling out the form for filing a charge against Selena. Upon seeing where she was going, however, Leslie swooned the most overdramatic voice Selena had heard. “Oh no, please! Not near her again! She’ll hit me again! The monster!”

“Uh-huh. Mavis, I think you need to see this.” Gable remarked, moving over to the shorter officer and holding Garrett’s phone. The two seemed to watch the video for about a minute – though it felt like an eternity to Selena – before turning their attention to the still swooning – and possibly pretending to ‘nearly faint’ Leslie.

“Mrs. Sanderson…” Mavis remarked, holding out the phone towards her. “This you?” she asked knowingly. “Looks like it, wearing the same clothes as you are now.”

“Why, yes!” Leslie stated. “Is that a video? Thank goodness! One of my kids must have been filming the event. Evidence to put that wretched woman behind bars for years!”

“Yeah…” Mavis nodded before pressing the play button, showing the entire conversation that triggered Selena. Slowly, Leslie’s face seemed to change from smugness, to confusion, then concern, and then, finally, knowing terror. “Doesn’t look like an unprovoked attack, Mrs. Leslie. What I see is you harassing two women, using a homophobic slur and hate speech and then physical assaulting said women…”

“Wh…what?” Leslie asked, her eyes going wide. “How is that- no! That’s not what happened!”
“It’s on the video, Mrs. Sanderson. You’re going to tell me the video is lying?”
“Maybe it was edited! Yes! I never said anything like that!”
“I can literally see you speaking it on the video.” Mavis countered.

“What kind of officer are you?!” Leslie finally roared in her highest pitch. “I am the victim here! I am the one who was assaulted! Why am I being treated like a criminal?!”

“Because, in this case, you are.” Gable added. “And now we’re dealing with a hate crime resulting in assault. So… I should tell you that you have the right to remain-“

“NO!” Leslie shook her head. “You can’t do this! I can’t go to jail for standing up for my community!”
“You can if Mrs. Frost or Ms. Harris decide to press charges… like you just were.” Gable stated, eyeing Selena, who had not moved from her spot.

Immediately, Leslie’s eyes found Selena – a burning hatred that was more than obvious to the Snow Queen. However, the poofy-haired bigot hid it with a large smile. “Oh, Seleeena…” she tried making her voice sound sweet. “I had you going there, didn’t I? Just trying to motivate you to be a better teacher for your son and those chea- those students. Now, I think things went a little overboard, but you know I didn’t mean any of it, right?”

Selena’s jaw clenched. With every fiber of her being wanting to punch her in the face again. This time, however, she did not see read. Instead, she saw Deanna and Evette standing behind her.

“I’ll tell you what, Leslie.” Selena spoke slowly, coldly. “I’ll not press any charges on you. We can just let this whole thing pass… if…” she eyed both Deanna and Evette. “I want you to apologize to them and to me. A nice full apology for being a homophobic bigot.”

Leslie’s eyes went wide. Never, as long as Selena had known her, had she ever admitted to such a thing. Her jaw clenched and her eyes burned. It was all so satisfying to Selena – almost as good as all the times she had one-upped Kandis, getting her suspended and eliminated in the royale and beaten the fatal-fourway. All those times, that look of pure hatred and yet… knowing she had lost and Selena had won.

Like you knew you would… her devil-voice remarked as Selena watched Leslie tense more and more before releasing a long breath.

“Selena…Deanna… Evette.” She started. “I am sorry for the way I treated you. That, in my desire to make my community better for me and my child, I made bad decision regarding you three.”

“Still waiting on the ‘homophonic bigot’ part.” Deanna stated, even using her fingers to turn her ear more outward.

“I…” Leslie grit her jaw. “I apologize for my remarks to you… and pushing you…” her words seem to become harder and harder to say as she continued on. “And… for being a…” she looked more and more physically ill…

“If you can’t say it, Leslie.” Selena stated. “We can wait till after the charges and the hearing and when you’re in jail-“

“A homophobic bigot, alright?!” Leslie all but screamed it through the precinct. Hearing it, Selena took a few steps towards her, until she was standing over the vile woman.

“And you can never take that back.” She whispered coldly. “For the rest of your life, you’ll know that’s what you are.”

Leslie’s eyes narrowed at her. “You better get your house ready for me.” She whispered, only Selena hearing it. In response, Selena smiled before turning her back to Leslie. “No charges being filed here, guys. That mean we can go?”

Gable, for his part, merely gave a shrug. “Basically, yes.” He sighed. “Thanks for the fun afternoon.” He added with a chuckle.

Without a word, Selena walked past the officers and Leslie, letting them deal with the rest of the fallout. She heard several steps behind her as she reached the doors, pushing them open to step out into the warm, sunny New York weather. Turning around, she saw Deanna, Evette, and her students all standing there.

“Well…” Selena grinned, giving a shrug of her shoulders. “Anyone up for pizza?”

A loud jubilation of cheers came from the students was her answer. As they all got sorted out into the vehicles for transportation, Deanna, however, approached Selena, her face a mixture of relief, concern and uncertainty.

“Why didn’t you force her to cancel your wager as well?” she asked, earning a knowing smile from Selena.
“I didn’t have to.” Selena stated. “Like I told you, Deanna… I already know who’s going to win.”


PS 290 The Manhattan New School
Manhattan, New York
July 26th, 2024
The Day of Competition

Selena watched the number of parents watching from one side of the field while the students, along with the adults assigned to watch them (including the teachers) prepared for each event. The afternoon competition had been a close one at that.

Leslie – despite the setback of her plan – had brought her team in full force. For a moment, Selena eyed her own students, watching them talk or warm up or wish each other well as they wore the shirts Selena had had made for them. Leslie kept calling them cheaters… she thought, taking in the image of ‘The Manhattan Cheetahs’ on each shirt, a ferocious looking cheetah head serving as the logo. The kids had loved them, the team-name seemingly bringing them more so together.

If nothing else, Selena was beyond proud of all of them. They all had worked hard and it was showing. The events were always close throughout the competition, each student – thanks to Selena’s class – finding what they were best at! The result? A tied competition with only one event left: the relay race!

“Alright, kids, everyone here!” Selena called out, dressed her black leggings, but this time, she, too, wore a ‘Cheetahs’ shirt and matching hat, with her braid hanging under it and against her back. The kids were in front of her in seconds.

“Last one of the day, huh?” she smiled. “And look at what you’ve done! You feeling proud?”

“We should have won that last event.” Blazer remarked. “Can’t believe I missed that shot!”

“Blazer…” Selena smiled, putting her hand on his shoulder. “It could have happened to anyone.” She eyed every student, including her son. “You guys… you don’t understand how far you’ve come. You heard what they called you. Yet, here you are, holding your own against supposed ‘betters’. Why? Because you believed in yourselves. Because you believed you could do amazing, great things. And seeing you all there in that precinct a few days ago, I…” she reached up to swipe at her eyes, the emotion hitting her like a ton of bricks. “I have never been prouder and more grateful to all of you. You have shown every person that said you weren’t worth a second chance wrong. You showed everyone that you’re more than ‘cheaters’… You’re Cheetahs!”

A laugh came from the kids at the obvious ‘Mom joke’.

“Now? Win or lose, you’re going to show them how much you deserve to be here, in the same grades as them. How much you deserve the chance at an incredible future, because every one of you are incredible!”

The kids hollered their agreement, swept up in the emotion of Selena’s words. “Alright!” she called out. “Hands in!” all ten kids joined Selena’s outstretched hand. “Cheet to win on three! 1…2…3!”

“CHEET TO WIN!” the kids hollered – loving the secret catchphrase Selena had made. More than a little dig at Leslie Sanderson, who eyed them, with disdain as she heard their ‘chant’. As the kids ran to get in their spots for the relay, Selena turned her head to see David, her son standing in place, his head down.

“David?” she asked, moving closer and kneeling down to gaze at her son.

“Mom…” he bit his lower lip. “Are we really going to lose the house if we lose?”
Selena’s eyes went wide. “Where did you hear that?”

“I heard Mrs. Sanderson say it…” he admitted. “She told me after the high-jump event.”

Of course she did… Selena thought angrily. Trying to sike out my boy.

“I don’t…” David tried. “I don’t want to lose our home.”
“You won’t.” Selena assured him. “Mrs. Sanderson is just messing with you. She’s not getting our house.”
“I promise.” Selena nodded.

“But…” David bit his lower lip. “What if they cheat? Should…” he looked around, almost timidly. “What if I do something to help us win? You know…” he lowered his voice. “The ends justifying the means?”

It took a moment for Selena to process what her son was saying, causing the Snow Queen to sigh sadly. “David…” she spoke reaching out to wrap her arms around him in a hug. “I’m sorry.”

Slowly, she released him, but kept her hands on his shoulders affectionately. “I was wrong to tell you that. Look at all that’s happened because of it.”

David looked up to her with big, sad eyes. “But if it’s the right thing…”

“But it’s not, David.” Selena shook her head. “It may seem like the right thing to do, but think about what else it will do. You denied yourself a chance to write a real good story, didn’t you? Something you could be proud of. Did you not feel guilty when you read it? Or when I praised you for it?”

“I…” slowly, the boy nodded his head. “Yes.”

“And think about your teammates. How will they feel if they only win because you cheated?”
He thought about it for a second before, glumly, answering. “Probably the same way.”

Selena awarded her son with a nod. “I know you want to win. But sometimes… it’s just not about that. And I rather see you lose honestly with the integrity I know you have, then win by cheating.”

“But you…don’t you do it?” he asked, his concern for his team and family so strong, it almost made Selena tear-up.

With a sigh, she heard his question. Using that mentality of the ends justifying the means…

To smash Kandis and Scott with a title…
To eliminate them and Polly from the royale…
To get a cheap shot on Josh Hudson so she could stand over him…

“I do.” Selena nodded. “But that’s why I don’t want you to. Because I want you to be better than me! I see it. In you, in your sisters-“ she looked towards the other students. “In all of them. You all have what it takes to me so much better than me…” she returned her gaze to her son. “Especially you, my prince.”

“Really?” he asked, his little eyes welling up with tears.

Leaning forward, Selena gently kissed the boy’s forehead. “No matter what.” She whispered. “Long as you do your best and stay honest and true, I’ll be proud of you. I promise…”

“DAVID! Come on!” Called Sara, the girl rushing over to where the mother and son were to grab the boy’s hand. “We’re gonna start!”

“Yeah…” David smiled, offering his mother one last glance before running off, shouting ‘CHEET TO WIN!’ as loud as he could, earning a return chant from his teammates.

Watching them go, Selena slowly stood up to her full height. She saw the kids all getting into position for the relay, she saw Leslie shouting… something to her son, Willy… she saw Evette Harris, watching it all with baited breath with the other adults.

And lastly… she saw Deanna, the redhead gazing at her for a moment before turning her attention towards the first two combatants: Mara and – she was sure the boy’s name was Colt. The adult officiating slowly lifted up his hand, the starter pistol in it and fired it off, Selena seeing the smoke before she heard the bang! Immediately, Colt and Mara were off and the relay was on…

But Selena was already turning around and quietly leaving through the opening in the gated fence near her. She could hear them screaming and cheering each other on as she made her way out of sight from the school and down towards the parking space where she had left her Aston Martin DB12, the smile never fading her face.

She would always be proud of her students. Proud of her son – proud of her cheetahs. But this competition was for them… not for her. Their accomplishment, not hers. They… Soon, they wouldn’t need her anymore.

Besides… she knew as she got into her car… She didn’t have to see the end. As she had said from the very beginning…

She already knew who was going to win…
[Image: hffOaUZ.png]
SCW Supreme Champion
6x SCW World Champion
4x SCW World Tag-Team Champion
2x SCW United States Champion
3x SCW Adrenaline Champion
SCW Television Champion
Longest Reigning SCW World Champion (234 days)
Winner of Shot of Adrenaline Tournament (2016)
Winner of Best of the Best Tournament (2016)
Winner of Trios Tournament (2018)
Winner of U.S. Championship Tournament (2020)
Winner of World Championship Tournament (2023)
Winner of Tactical Warfare (2014, 2019)
Winner of Elimination Chamber (2015, 2024)
Winner of Roofed Cage Match (2019)
Winner of Last Person Standing Match (2019)
The Unbelievable Main Event (2021-2024)
Winner of Double Jeopardy Match (2022)
Winner of EOTY Invitational (2023)
Winner of Ironman Match (2024)
Wrestler of the Year (2016, 2021, 2022, 2024)
Tag-Team of the Year (2020 - w/ Regan Street)
Match of the Year (2018, 2019, 2021, 2023, 2024)
Feud of the Year (2014, 2019)
Shocking Moment of the Year (2024)

[Image: 34zetxl.png]
[Image: tetXUW1.gif]

The camera opens up to the outside of the Dome at America’s Center in St. Louis! Night has fallen and the street lights are aglow, including the many lights that line up the perimeter of the building. There is a tension in the air, in the traffic that drives by – a brewing excitement and expectation. As the camera establishes its shot of the, affectionally nicknamed ‘BattleDome’, the reason for this excitement flashes across the massive digital billboard by the arena. There, a graphic of ‘SCW: RISE TO GREATNESS XXI’ is on full display! The colors are bright and full, trying to convey the excitement with it’s narrow confines. And what better way to do that than, beside the name, as part of the graphic, is an image of the SCW World Champion, Selena Frost. She stands in her usual wrestling attire, holding the SCW world championship that she has held and ruled for the last six months, the only person to have held the title every month this year thus far. Her iconic braid rests over her shoulder beside her championship and she has a confident smirk belying her place as the most dominant wrestler in SCW today.

Slowly, the camera dissolves to a ground shot, the same billboard now several feet above. However, standing near this new shot, gazing up at the billboard, her back to the camera, is a woman. She is dressed in black jeans, a blood-red shirt and a leather jacket. However, one thing that gives away her identity is the platinum-blonde braid that hangs behind her and the world championship that hangs on her shoulder, the same as that of the world champion on the billboard….

With a slow turn, Selena Frost looks towards the camera, her face a knowing smile.

Beautiful, isn’t it? she asks knowingly, eyeing the billboard before it changes. I’ve seen it across all of the city. I’ve walked the streets and seen that face hanging from street-lamps, across massive billboards, on posters, on countless stations… to the point where, I don’t have to ask you the same question I always do. I already know… and while you hate it… all of you already now, don’t you? She grins again, beyond satisfied. You believe, St. Louis… oh you definitely believe…

Gracefully, Selena begins to walk down the walkway of the dome towards the main entrance. So, let me be the first to welcome you… to MY house. She gestures to the arena beside her, massive in comparison. No, St. Lousians, you didn’t hear wrong. I said ‘my house’. Because Rise to Greatness is MY house. Wherever it goes, it’s mine.

After four years owning it, being it’s big match – it’s Unbelievable Main-Event – no one else but me can claim that. I own the keys, I hold the deed, I AM The Unbelievable Main-Event!

She stops for a moment to let her words settle before another smile graces her lips. So, I say welcome! Welcome to my home, my castle, my world. To the fans, to the SCW crew and staff, and… of course… to Josh Hudson!

See, Hudson, it’s your first time in my house. You made a big case about that! After twenty-some years in SCW, you FINALLY made it here! Made it to the big house, the big party, the grand castle! And I wanted to formerly welcome you! Roll out the red-

As Selena reaches the main entrance of the dome, she stops to notice a red carpet has been rolled out from the corner where the crosswalk is all the way to the front door. Amused, she gives a smile.

Roll out the red carpet. She gestures to the colored fabric lining the ground with her free hand. Because that’s what a good host does, doesn’t she? She provides for her guests. She gives them a tour because they’re not staying. Like the 60,000 plus fans that will fill this place, you’re not staying long. You’re here for a taste of this, Josh. You’re here so you can say to your family and your few students in your little school that you were ‘good enough’ to taste the upper-echelon of this business. To sit at the table for one night with the absolute best and greatest of all time! To sample that spotlight, that prestige, that unbelievability! Come on…

With a confident stride, Selena walks along the carpet, the camera following her, and then passing her to focus on her front, as she speaks. Because that’s what I’ve been doing all this time, Hudson. I’ve been providing for SCW. That’s why SCW needed me. That’s why they begged me to come back! Did they come to your door? Did they promote you ‘by accident’? Did they offer you EVERYTHING to come back? AH! AH!

She holds up a hand, stopping herself. House rule number 1, Hudson: No lies! Only the truth shall be spoken! Letting the rule settle, Selena resumes her tour, walking through the opened door and into the massive lobby.

Yeah, sorry, Josh – maybe you don’t have any etiquette or rules in your life, but here? My house. My rules. Cause you get to walk away from all this when it’s done. Me? I’m gonna be here next year and the year after that and so on and so on. So if you think you’re going to come here and trash my house before running off… she stops herself. We’ll get to that… Look!

With her free hand, she gestures to something off camera, said camera shifting to see. Decorating the box office lobby are more posters of Rise to Greatness XXI, most of which have the main-event displayed of Selena Frost facing Josh Hudson for the SCW World Championship!

Pretty grand, isn’t it? The eyes of the world on us. On you, Josh! Cause you’re the ‘big hero’ in this story! You’re the guy that everyone is rooting for! All your past? The lying, the cheating, the ambushes, the selfish choices? Attacking Owen Cruze out of jealousy because you weren’t good enough for even Asher Hayes’ team? Losing to Glory Braddock and embarrassing the United States Championship division as it became the UK title? Holding the world title for a measly what? Twenty-four days before losing it in your first title defense? All forgotten! she grins amusingly.

Forgotten and forgiven by these people who are so desperate to see someone – ANYONE – take this… she pats the world title on her shoulder. From me!

I mean, think about all those that came before you, Asher! Xander Valentine, a man that trespassed on property, assaulted board members, endangered the very fans. Against me? They cheered for him! ‘The One’ Kristen Scott? Broke Deanna’s arm, assaulted officials, attacked innocent wrestlers backstage. Against me? They cheered for her. And Kandis… well!
Selena scoffs. Against me? Even a shameless, moral-less, degenerate like her is cheered! Like I said, people will be cheering you like NEVER before, Josh! You will be loved like NEVER before! Probably for the first time in those twenty-years! And you won’t have to go by a different name or rap or be funny to do it! That’s MY gift to you. A party-favor from your host! Oh just a second!

Reaching the front desk, Selena gestures to a pillar where a thick, red velvet book sits. On it, written in gold embroidery is the word “Guestbook”. With a smile, Selena flips it open. I’m quite proud of this one, Josh. House rule 2: You have to sign the guestbook… Turning the pages, it is possible for the camera to show the signatures of various superstars!

Xander Valentine
Vixen Cain
Regan Street
Dawn Lohan
Kennedy Street

The pages get more gold-like as they move towards the main-event pages.

Ace Marshall and Lexy Chapel
Adam Allocco…

A who’s who of the past in SCW. A list, well… much like your own, Josh. Except far more recent. A reminder of the path I’ve travelled to go from visitor to owner of this place. Making this castle my own and-

Selena suddenly stops as she turns the next page, her tone dropping as she sees the current page, somewhere in the middle of the book. On the golden paper is the name “KANDIS” written across the whole damn page! Scrawled there from end to end with a big heart at the end. In the corner, in much smaller writing, is the name ‘CHBK’ with a little broken heart beside it, barely noticeable in comparison to the massive page-hogging of Kandis’ name. With world champion and guestbook in the shot, the camera is able to see Selena’s jaw clench as she, with her free hand, tears the page out of the book, angrily stuffing it into her pocket before exhaling a deep breath, immediately composing herself.

With a turn, she begins walking through the arena and up the stairs, the camera following her as before.

Like I said, Josh, I am heaping adulations and belief on you like you’ve never had before. And you don’t have to do anything for it. That’s pretty much your MO, isn’t it? Do as little work as possible? Expect reward, right? That expectation? That entitlement from the SCW-lifer? Again, we go back to you turning on Owen Cruze and dragging him and his father’s name through the mud. Why’d that happen? Cause you EXPECTED to be picked for a team when a harder-working… BETTER superstar was chosen. A guy that worked his ass off and got to where he was… while you coasted on the same lines you’ve been throwing for years. “Technical master” this and “Teach you a lesson” that and “I’m a legend” and “I’m a master” because you’re still coming and going out of here like a damn comet, coming back once every so often to try and catch the eye.

So, I gave you wanted, Josh. I gave you the praise. I gave you the attention you clearly wanted. Because I want you at your best. I want you to come in confident! I want you to come in like the world is yours to take! I mean, you’ve been showing that right? One match all season… and then you come in at the Flame, and suddenly, you were swaggering through SCW like you ran the place! Making proclamations and lies that only a damn idiot would believe! You were showboating your little fling with Bree Lancaster like it was ‘Brangelina of 2024’ – Hey! I’m just using your time frame here. You seem to love the 2000s, don’t you?

But I wanted you to have that, Josh! Cause I didn’t want to invite some snivelling coward into my house! That would be your girlfriend. She’s good enough for some anime-loving talent… not ‘brave enough’ for the world title. I wanted you to be better than that. I didn’t want you to come here and go ‘Well…maybe I’ll win… but even if I don’t, I’ll get her next time’. We all heard that crap from Polly and we both beat her to the ground. Me more than you, but that’s neither here nor there.

The point is, Josh, I have laid the path for you to get to this point with EVERYTHING in your corner. With every advantage! With every intention! With every belief that you are ‘the one’ to take the world title from me. That you are ‘the one’ to beat me at my own game…

Reaching the top floors, Selena strolls through the empty halls, seeing the empty concession stands and merchandise tables and more banners decorating the place. That’s all I have ever wanted, Josh. That’s all this has ever been about. To have someone rise up. Step up! Step up and under all the pressure and the lights, actually have the heart and passion to best me one-on-one. And I know that isn’t your style, Josh. With your mind games and your cowardly attacks of the past, I had to take you out of that comfort zone! I had to make you want it enough in order to do it.

So, you can consider what happened last Breakdown the last step of that. Now, before you get all angry and yell at me over it, Josh… you need to know, I did it for your own good.

Selena takes a moment to gaze at the camera before turning and opening a door, where there is a huge Executive Suite! One of the few VIP rooms the BattleDome provides. Stepping inside, Selena walks across the carpeted floors and around the cushioned tables and chairs towards the large window that overlooks the entire interior of the arena, including the RTG designs, graphics, and the ring below her, which is covered in dark-blue, purple and white lights and a black snowflake illuminating the center from above.

Gazing out over her kingdom, Selena takes a slow breath, adjusting her title over her shoulder. I was surprised by you, Hudson. For all your experience and all your years, I was surprised just how stupid you were. I wanted you confident. I wanted you to believe you could win… but to disrespect me? To underestimate me like that? To call me a novice? That you were going to ‘teach me a lesson’?

Do you have any idea how many people promised that and failed?

Kandis vowed to keep me under her boot “where I belong” – her words.
Kristen Scott vowed to “destroy me and take me down” – her words.
Polly vowed to teach me about a cage because I ‘knew nothing’ compared to her – her words.

All failed, Josh. Because they do as you do. They say the same as you’ve said. And then, when the measuring stick comes into play, they couldn’t do what they promised. But you wanted to ignore all of that and talk down to me like you always have. Since the very beginning and every time on X and whatever. You’ve talked down to me. Because you created a ‘safe-space’ for yourself, Hudson. A bubble of protection, be it behind your computer or behind Bree. And in my ring? I had to make it very clear just how easy it was for that bubble to burst… with one sharp shard of glass…

A smug grin comes to the world champion’s features. That’s all it took, Josh. For all your ‘knowledge’ – probably forgotten more moves than I’ll ever know – it only took one kick to take you down. A kick, despite your ‘vast experience’, you didn’t even see coming. And I wanted was for you to understand that, to realize that. For you to ‘get real’ with yourself and realize, like I’ve said before, what my ‘standard’ is.

Because everything you’ve done…
she grins. I’ve done it and done it better. she mockingly teases, throwing back Hudson’s first words back at him.

Returning her gaze to the ring below her, as well as the empty seats that will soon be filled with the SCW Universe, Selena releases a long exhale. Heavy… is the head that wears the crown, Hudson. You’ve never had it long enough to understand that, but all of this? I run it. The company runs off of me. I didn’t want it anymore. I didn’t need it. But I had to take it. I had to pick it up after SCW failed its SCW Universe. After they dropped the crown – or rather, Kandis and Asher Hayes dropped it. I had to pick it up and wear it. I had to raise the bar and the standard back up, even if I was vilified and hated for it.

Because for all your talk about being an SCW-lifer, Josh… you didn’t heed that call. You didn’t come back when SCW needed you. You didn’t come back when the world title needed you. You didn’t come back when the standard needed your supposed ‘wisdom’, did you?

Nobody did. Nobody wanted to. Nobody inside or outside SCW stepped up. So I did. I had to. I came back and raised the standard so someone like you would WANT to come back. Would WANT to take this title. But you’re running around here, thinking that smashing my face is going to be easy? A forgone conclusion?

A laugh escapes her as she reaches up with a free-hand to scratch her forehead. Josh… I made it clear earlier… this is my house. This match is ‘Unbelievable’ because of me. And you coming here and taking that all away from me? That’s not a forgone conclusion. Me beating YOU is the forgone conclusion!

She glares at the camera before turning away, walking out of the suite and towards the stairs where the other arena seats are. What you witnessed on Breakdown? Me with my foot on your chest? Standing over you? THAT was the forgone conclusion!

Because it’s been destiny! It’s been set! A done deal since the beginning!

You don’t believe me? Who was it that was advertised for this event a year ago? Whose face has been the commercial of RTG this entire time? Yours? Ha!
Selena laughs. Management’s not going to put any investment in you! I’m the one they needed. I’m the one that’s been carrying this place. And despite me walking away for a few months, they STILL aired that commercial. Because they knew, deep down, that I would be back to take what was mine. To take back what belonged to me. To reopen the house that is Selena Frost’s Rise to Greatness!

You? You’re the guy that’s quit more times than any of us! You’re the guy that’s come and gone so many times, it’s like a damn ‘event’. A betting pool of when you’re going to show up again, begging for ‘another chance!’.

Making her way down the stairs, towards the ring, Selena contemplates for a moment. The reason I bring this up, Hudson, is more for the sake of those following you – those same people cheering you like never before because of me. Because once you lose, they are going to have to face the disappointment of wasting their belief on you after you quit SCW for the umpteenth time.

Because what made you do it last time, Josh? Was it losing to Cruze?
her eyes narrow and a smirk forms on her face. Or was it losing to a Snow Queen?

Seemed to have forgotten that one these past weeks, didn’t you? Or maybe it’s another lie – this one of omission – in your little bubble of arrogance that I popped. But after you lost the title to Cruze, you had a chance to get it back, didn’t you? In a tournament, right? A tournament that saw the best of SCW face each other…

A tournament that you couldn’t even get out of the first round, right, Josh? And who was it that eliminated you?
She tilts her head. And we don’t have to go back one or two decades to see that. It happened just last year!

Pointing her finger, Selena gestures to the titantron screen that suddenly sparks to life, immediately playing a clip from the May 6th 2023 episode of Breakdown. In the ring, Hudson is seen getting up and turning, only to be blasted by Selena and her Glass Shard. The Snow Queen covers Hudson as the official cleanly counts 1…2…3! Phillips voice is heard in the clip.

Here is your winner, via pinfall, Selena Frost! The clip freezes on Aaron Demtria holding up Selena’s arm in victory as Selena stands over Josh Hudson. Returning to the present, Selena stares at the clip before turning her head back to the camera.

THAT was the last main-event you held before you ran away, Josh. That, truly, was what broke you to the point where the ‘SCW lifer’ showed he was really the ‘SCW quitter’. Because you couldn’t even pull yourself together for a decent showing at the royale afterwards – hell, you skipped out on Rise to Greatness last year because of THAT! she points at the image again. Of a ‘novice’ being better than you, like I always have been.

And while you have stewed in your little basement, I came back and ran this place, only getting better and better. The Blue-Eyed Devil running this hell because I owned it!

Finally reaching the ring, Selena rolls into it, getting to her feet and marching around the interior near the ropes, placing the world title on top of one of the outer turnbuckles before returning her glare to the camera.

Is it sinking in now, Josh? Are you finally able to wrap your head around it? You are a GUEST here in my house! You are a passing fancy for these people! By this time next month, they’ll be chanting somebody else’s name! Begging them to be the one to defeat me. Nobody is going to care about you! You’re a ‘moment’ to them. You’re ‘replaceable’ to them! Legend, Hall of Famer, whatever - you could leave after this weekend and NOBODY would care! They didn’t care last year, they didn’t care all the other times you did it, and they won’t care this time…

Slowly, Selena reaches into her pocket, slowly pulling out the ripped golden paper she had ripped out of her guestbook. And that… is what makes my win against you all the more certain…

She eyes the paper, the signatures on it.

House rule number one… she whispers. Only the truth shall be spoken in the house… she continues to eye the paper in her hand.

You asked me, Hudson – you dared me – to tell you that I don’t respect you… To further motivate you or something. She smiles bitterly. But just like your comparing yourself to me – you oversell yourself… while underselling me. A bitter laugh escapes her.

I do not respect Polly Pignotti’s arrogance. I do not respect The One’s delusions. I do not respect these people’s ungratefulness for what I have given them – that I have kept this company alive!

But you?
She eyes the camera, her sapphire eyes cold. I do not disrespect you…

I hate you.

She is silent for a moment yet does not look away.

I hate you, Josh. I hate you almost as much as I hate CHBK. Almost much as I hate Kandis! Because I could look past and forgive all of it! All of it! Your arrogance! Your bubble! Your disrespect of me personally! Your pathetic display of romance with Bree. All of it!

But for you to saunter on back here… to sneak into the royale… and you dare call it ‘resilience’…

A strong, angered breath builds up and exhales from Selena as she stares away and into the golden paper.

Those were your words in your first singles match back against Polly Pignotti… That it was the one word that came to your mind. That resilience was what you had – that it’s what got you here to MY main-event… what got you through your supposed career…

Her breathing quickens a little.

You know what true resilience is, Hudson? It’s when someone crushes your foot with a crate but you still manage to go out and a wrestle an hour long ironwoman match!

It’s fighting for TEN YEARS with NO LULL or break for the good of SCW and for the integrity of this sport!

It’s fighting for that cause, even when you’re hated for it! Even when you’re despised despite not doing wrong!

It’s staying true to your mission no matter how many times people beg you to ‘change’.

Her hand tightens around the golden paper. Do you know how I got here, old man? How I made this match “Unbelievable”? I got here by beating Syren, and then Cid Turner, two of the best this company has ever seen. Then I got here by holding the world title longer than anyone in the history of this federation! Then I got here by winning a damn tournament and beating the hell out of you! Then, I got here by taking back the world title and holding it for the last SIX months, despite every single person wanting me to be put on the shelf for good! By being the best wrestler in the whole damn world! By beating newbies, rookies, veterans, legends and Hall of Famers! Through every pain, every slight, every insult, every lie that was thrown my way! Every con job and screw job that was thrown at me! FOUR YEARS of my life spent to make THIS moment possible! FOUR YEARS, including the darkest year of my life, to bring things back to where they should be!

She breathes… You…. You won a single match after a year away. One match – a royale – and you call it ‘resilience’. You say no one can match your resilience… because of one… damn match… You now come here and wish to take away my destiny. The destiny that has been set in stone for a year! The destiny that I made happen! For SCW, for Aaron Demtria, for myself and my family!

She breathes again… You, Josh Hudson… you are what is wrong with SCW! You are the reason I became the Blue-Eyed Devil! Because people like you! Like Kandis! Like Ace Marshall! Like Adam Allocco! People that coast by for most of the year. Who come and go through the divisions and the mid-card and then, RTG season, they go all out, or come out of retirement, or steal a win – because that’s enough to get them to MY table. To my house…

People like you that only make an effort when they’ve got nothing to lose and EVERYTHING to gain! People like you – like Kandis – who are protected and supported by management far more than I am! Because you were given EVERYTHING! And you come here, with your single royale win, wanting to take what I’ve built for years – take my house - and claim that you’re ‘the best’. That you ‘beat the best’ before you, like Kandis did, like Allocco did, go back to your mundane performances – your moment had… your ego satiated…

She stares down at the golden paper in her hands. You people, who leave SCW in shambles as soon as you fail, who quit or stop trying when you cannot keep up the standard that you just barely touched on one night – the standard I LIVE IN every day of the year… and then I am left to have to pick up the pieces. I am the one that has to live with the shame of loss and then STILL be the one that has to save SCW and the world title again and again…

Her eyes turn back to the camera. No, Josh… not again.

This isn’t a fairytale ending for you. This isn’t another time where you waltz in and take something. This is me fixing the trend and fixing the STAIN that has been on Rise to Greatness, on MY house, on MY world title, and on ME for the past year!

Reaching up, Selena takes the golden page in her hands, her eyes never leaving the camera as she begins ripping the paper apart. In the main-event, I’m going to fix history by repeating it… she rips the paper in half. By beating you again. She rips those pieces in half.

I’m going to knock you out. Another rip.
I’m going to choke you out. Another rip.
And I’m going to tear you to pieces.

One last rip and the paper is just small pieces in the Snow Queen’s hands. Because I did not work all this time, survive all I did, and sacrificed all I did to be screwed out of my destiny again! Not by an outsider! Not by some half-ass quitter that dares to call himself an “SCW-Lifer”!

With the paper wads in her hand, Selena moves to the turnbuckle, using her free hand to grab the world championship. Hudson… you can tell your girlfriend and your students that you got to the main-event of Rise to Greatness. But that’s all you’re going to be able to tell them. Because the truth is? You’re not resilient enough to beat the owner of this house. You’re not resilient enough to last under these lights in my main-event.

Enjoy it, Hudson… because like with Kandis, you are NEVER getting back here again. And this Sunday? With my official, Aaron Demtria? I am going to prove one more thing that I’ve done that you haven’t.

Win the main-event at Rise to Greatness… MY main-event at Rise to Greatness. With one swift kick as Aaron counts 1…2…3!

Adjusting herself, Selena stands in the middle of the ring and in the middle of her snowflake. And with history fixed – with me standing over you as proof of that – then, history can REALLY be made! Because then, there will be no one to doubt me. No one to question me. No one to deny me any longer!

With about five million dollars of pyro going off…
With a fling, Selena throws the golden pieces of paper above her, the pieces shimmering like fire works as they fall all around her.

With the whole world watching, Hudson, watching me standing over you – you and all of SCW – will only have a single choice.

Powerfully, Selena lifts up the world championship above her head. Believe it!

The camera focuses on that shot, the world champion holding her title in her ring, with pieces of golden paper all around her, as Selena slowly leaves the ring. The camera, meanwhile, zooms in on the pile of paper, specifically a big piece of it that has some words written on it.

House rule 3: Protect what’s mine…

The camera focuses on that message, Selena’s MO, before slowly fading to black.
[Image: hffOaUZ.png]
SCW Supreme Champion
6x SCW World Champion
4x SCW World Tag-Team Champion
2x SCW United States Champion
3x SCW Adrenaline Champion
SCW Television Champion
Longest Reigning SCW World Champion (234 days)
Winner of Shot of Adrenaline Tournament (2016)
Winner of Best of the Best Tournament (2016)
Winner of Trios Tournament (2018)
Winner of U.S. Championship Tournament (2020)
Winner of World Championship Tournament (2023)
Winner of Tactical Warfare (2014, 2019)
Winner of Elimination Chamber (2015, 2024)
Winner of Roofed Cage Match (2019)
Winner of Last Person Standing Match (2019)
The Unbelievable Main Event (2021-2024)
Winner of Double Jeopardy Match (2022)
Winner of EOTY Invitational (2023)
Winner of Ironman Match (2024)
Wrestler of the Year (2016, 2021, 2022, 2024)
Tag-Team of the Year (2020 - w/ Regan Street)
Match of the Year (2018, 2019, 2021, 2023, 2024)
Feud of the Year (2014, 2019)
Shocking Moment of the Year (2024)

[Image: 34zetxl.png]
A History of Violence: Book V: Of Light and Shadow, Chapter 6
[Image: HUDSONnew-BANNER.jpg]
Josh Hudson Career Accomplishments
SCW World Heavyweight Champion(4x)
2024 Rise to Greatness XXI Main Event Winer
2024 Taking Hold of the Flame Winner
2024 SCW Male Superstar of the Year
2023 Feud and Match of the Year
2022 Feud and Match of the Year
2018 SCW Trios Tournament Winner
2013 SCW Hall of Fame
SCW United States Champion(3x)
SCW Television Champion(1x)
SCW Tag Team Champion(2x)
2008 Tag Team of the Year award(Josh Hudson & Justin Davis)
Conquered Tactical Warfare 2010
HCCW World Heavyweight Champion (4x)
HCCW World Television Champion (1x)
HCCW United States Champion (1x)
XWE InterContinental Champion (1x)
XWE World Tag Team Champion (3x)
IWC World Heavyweight Champion(1x)
EAPW World Heavyweight Champion(1x)
TNW World Heavyweight Champion(1x)
WWA United States Champion(1x)
Ended Xander Valentine's 25 Match Winning Streak (2005)

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