Konrad Raab vs. Shaun Cruze
Rise to Greatness XXI
2 RP Limit, no word limits
Deadline: 11:59:59 pm ET Sunday, July 28, 2024
Rise to Greatness XXI
2 RP Limit, no word limits
Deadline: 11:59:59 pm ET Sunday, July 28, 2024
Shaun Cruze vs. Konrad Raab
Konrad Raab vs. Shaun Cruze
Rise to Greatness XXI 2 RP Limit, no word limits Deadline: 11:59:59 pm ET Sunday, July 28, 2024
07-23-2024, 05:59 AM
Two days after Taking Hold of the Flame
(And so, it was done. Shaun had competed in the Battle Royal and finished a very respectable seventh. Josh Hudson had won, and deservedly so, but Shaun hadn’t had to face his biggest fear and embarrassing himself in front of the eyes of the world. Truthfully, there were moments when he thought he could have gone all the way, but all things considered, he had not only surpassed his own expectations, but also the expectations of those around him. But not only that, he had gotten the clarity he had needed. That being that Supreme Championship Wrestling was now looking towards the future, and Shaun was a relic from times past. He knew that he had competed in his last match and would never feel the compulsion to compete again. He had gotten everything he had wanted out of Taking Hold of the Flame and more. He hadn’t spoken much about it to Angyalka, their schedules having kept them apart and in different countries. Now however, sat at Breakfast, Dorothea still fast asleep, he and Angyalka were having a nice catch up, though it was clear that Angyalka was looking for answers as to his future.) Angyalka: I have to admit, it was nice catching up with people at Taking Hold of the Flame. How did you find it? Shaun: Me? It was like I’d never been away. Angyalka: And that noise when you stepped into the arena. Must have been nice to hear that? Shaun: Yeah, well it’s been a while. Good to know that I’ve not been forgotten. (Angyalka hesitates, a grin forming on Shaun’s face as he takes a sip from his coffee.) Shaun: You can ask the question you know… I won’t blame you. Angyalka: What question? Shaun: Come on Angy, I’m not stupid. You want to know if that was it for me, or if I plan on signing the contract that SCW offered me. (No sooner had Taking Hold of the Flame gone off air, Shaun had received an email offering a two-year contract to compete once again. The email still sat in his inbox, although Shaun already knew how he was going to reply. He didn’t want anyone to think that he hadn’t given his situation the right amount of thought, especially Angyalka. After all, if he accepted, it was her and Dorothea who would suffer.) Angyalka: I forgot that you can always read me. Can’t get away with anything can I? Shaun: It’s not rocket science Angy. If it was you going back, I’d be asking the same questions. (Angyalka pauses, for a moment believing she can hear Dorothea stirring, when in fact it is their dog, dreaming of chasing rabbits or a big juicy bone all to himself. Satisfied, she turns back to Shaun, and holds out her hand taking his in hers.) Angyalka: I just saw the look on your face Shaun when you stepped out into that arena. You looked so happy… and if it’s what you want, then I will support you, whether I agree or not. I know that you still believe you can become World Champion, and that performance showed that. I wouldn’t blame you if you wanted more. Shaun: More than what? Angyalka: More than your current life. (Hearing her say that troubles Shaun, her thinking that she and Dorothea wouldn’t be enough like a dagger to his heart. He squeezes her hand and brushes his thumb over the top, giving her goosebumps. He then looks into her eyes, capturing her attention like he always could.) Shaun: I don’t need anything else Angyalka. In fact, I think it’s time for me to step away… from everything. (Angyalka scowls, not quite understanding) Angyalka: What do you mean édesem? Shaun: I mean, I want what Owen has. I want to step away from everything else and concentrate on my family. (Truth was, it was probably Angyalka’s biggest dream, the three of them stepping away from their busy lives to concentrate only on each other. Owen had left the business and never looked back, relying on his managers to run his wrestling schools. Jennifer now only modelled part-time if asked, they and Ethan spending most of their time together. Owen had broken the pattern of the Cruze boys being unable to let go of the business, and Shaun was claiming to want the same. Angyalka however couldn’t be sure, after all he had said all of this before and gone back for Taking Hold of the Flame.) Angyalka: Hearing you say that is all I ever wanted… Shaun: But? Angyalka: It’s just really hard to believe Shaun. I’ve often thought you have ADHD or something the way you always have to be doing something. Could you really step away from everything and basically become a stay-at-home Dad? Shaun: Yes, I do. The Cruze family have blazed a trail for over two decades now, it’s time to take a back seat and just be a fan. I needed Taking of the Flame to close the chapter, and I did that. Now it’s time to look forwards to the future. Yours, Mine and Dorothea’s. (Shaun had always been persuasive, but by the same token he had always been impulsive, and that impulsiveness causing him to make some rash decisions. Although she would be more than happy if this was the truth, she didn’t want Shaun to make a mistake he would come to regret in the future.) Angyalka: Shaun, I’m ecstatic if you truly believe that. I’ve got to admit I have had some sleepless nights worrying about what I would do if you went back on the road. But, more than me, I want YOU to be happy. I want you to be certain. Don’t do something if you can’t see it through. (If there was something Shaun had always admired about his wife, it was her honesty. And here again, he appreciated her telling it how it was. He’d had those same thoughts when Owen said he was going to walk away, that he wouldn’t be able to, and here Owen was, not missing it a single bit.) Shaun: I know it’s difficult to believe Angy, but I promise you it’s the truth. I’m not going to deny that stepping out into that arena and those fans chanting my name wasn’t an amazing feeling, or that I have missed that feeling. I’ve tried to teach Owen to be a good person and put him on the right path whenever I could because I felt like I owed it to Orlando. And look at him Angy… Owen is living the dream and couldn’t be happier. I gave him that advice… without realizing that perhaps I should be following it myself. Orlando lost the love of his life thanks to this business… Owen walked away before he ended up the same. It’s common sense for me to follow his lead and get out before it drags me down like it did Orlando. Taking Hold of the Flame was the perfect ‘goodbye’ to anyone who ever supported me. I’ve done it all Angyalka… I don’t need any more. (Again, Shaun was being very persuasive, but Angyalka couldn’t help but still have those self-same doubts.) Angyalka: I want to believe you Shaun, I really do. But you’ve said all this before. Orlando said this all before. Shaun: Yeah, he did… but he didn’t have Owen as an example. (Angyalka seems surprised by this comment, that the young man that Shaun had eventually helped raise was now the person putting these thoughts in his head, thoughts Angyalka and Shaun both thought would never be possible.) Shaun: He’s just a kid Angy… twenty-four years old and he walked away from the business like it was nothing. He could have gone on to win many more championships, and perhaps be known as the very best to ever step foot in the business, but he stepped away for a better life. A normal life. Truthfully, after Taking Hold of the Flame, I know I have a few more titles in me, and I know that if I signed that contract, I’d immediately be placed in amongst the number one contender… Christ that’s sounds arrogant, but its true. I want what Owen has Angyalka. I don’t want the pressures of competition, or even keeping a business afloat. I want all my commitments directed towards my family. I don’t just want Dorothea, I want a brother for her, and I want to be around for all that entails. That’s the only life I want. (Although she still had her doubts, Angyalka found herself believing what Shaun had to say.) Angyalka: Only if you are sure Shaun. Shaun: I’m sure babe… in fact in a couple of weeks, Breakdown is taping in Miami. I’m going to go and reject the offer in person and say my final goodbyes to the guys and the staff. I’m going to make it clear that I have given this a lot of thought, and that Taking Hold of the Flame is the last time I will ever step foot in a ring. Angyalka: There are going to be a lot of disappointed people there. Shaun: Maybe. Maybe not. But the company is in good hands now, and there are a fair few younger guys more than ready to fill any void I might leave. The Cruze family played a major part in putting Supreme Championship Wrestling on the map, especially with the rivalry they had with ULW and IWC. We did all we could… it’s their turn now. “MOMMY!!” (Angyalka gets to her feet, hearing Dorothea calling for her. As she walks past him, she gives Shaun a kiss on the cheek, and places a hand there after.) Angyalka: I love you… and if you are sure, you are ready to let the Impact Player go, then do it. As for a brother for Dorothea… let’s get on that right away huh? (She smirks at Shaun, and then heads up the stairs, leaving Shaun at the table. A smile forms on his face as well, knowing that a decision had been made. In two weeks’ time, the industry would be nothing more than a memory. The Cruze family legacy, finally at its conclusion. And although he would never have believed it, he couldn’t have been any happier.) Immediately following Breakdown in Miami (He’d only supposed to have been there to deliver his decision on a new contract. He’d done that within ten minutes of arriving at Breakdown, but that wasn’t the end of his evening. He’d been saying his goodbye in the back, saying farewell to a few of the guys and staff, when Konrad Raab had appeared on the big screen, his words irritating Shaun to the point he had gone to the ring. He’d said a few words to Konrad, pulling him up on his obvious disrespect, and perhaps unsurprisingly, Raab had taken exception to them. What had happened next hadn’t been Shaun’s intention, but he certainly didn’t have any regrets. With the altercation broken up, and a final farewell with Lucas Knight, someone whose career has almost ran parallel with Shaun’s both in good times and bad, Shaun and Owen had left the arena, and made their way back to a bar near Owen’s house. Only when they had found a booth and both were seated, did it once again become a topic of conversation.) Owen: Bro, you told me we were only going to say a few goodbyes. What the hell happened? (Owen was only feigning anger. Truth was he has enjoyed watching Shaun fight, both tonight and at Taking Hold of the Flame.) Shaun: We did say goodbye. In fact, I remember quite clearly saying it multiple times. Owen: I wasn’t aware that you were going to pull Konrad up on his indiscretions. Shaun: Neither was I. It just kind of happened. You know how it is. Owen: You always were impulsive. (Shaun laughs, knowing exactly what Owen meant.) Owen: Look, I don’t give a shit in all honesty. It made me chuckle seeing the look on Konrad’s face when you slapped the taste out of his mouth and stretched the wrinkles out the old bastard’s skin. But you have to know that he isn’t going to let that go. He’s about as far removed from the respectful guy that used to be my friend as he can be. He’s going to want answers from the company, and they are going to want answers as to why you thought you could enter an SCW ring and assault one of the ‘talent’. I use that word loosely by the way. I know you, and I know if he challenges you to a fight, you ain’t going to be able to back down. And after what you promised Angyalka, that’s going to be a difficult one to explain to her. (It should have been a surprise to hear Owen speak so wisely on the situation Shaun had created, but it wasn’t. So much had happened in Owen’s life since Orlando died, that he had no choice but to grow up much more quickly than he should. These experiences had put an old head on young shoulders. And Shaun had no doubt those experiences were what had enabled Owen to pack up and walk away as the World and United States Champion. He’d been one title away from being a Supreme Champion, the highest accolade imaginable, but Owen hadn’t cared one bit. And if he did have remorse and regret, he certainly hadn’t shown it, and was more than happy being a doting Father to Ethan.) Shaun: You’re right of course… perhaps delivering my answer in person wasn’t the best idea. Owen: Do you even know how to use email old man? Shaun: Watch it kid. (Owen shrugs his shoulders, implying he meant every word, before bringing the conversation back on topic.) Owen: So OK, let’s assume that Konrad hasn’t grown up since the time I was in SCW, and has now got a massive chip on his shoulder with regards to you. I think we both know that he’s going to want to get you in that ring and will probably dream up some kind of gimmick with which to serve as much punishment on you as he possibly can. You could always tell him to do one. Shaun: And back down? I’ve not done that in my entire career. Owen: So, you’d accept the challenge? Shaun: I’ve not given myself any choice, have I? Owen: I mean, I think I’d rather piss of Konrad than Angyalka. Shaun: But you’ve seen him in action Owen. You know full well it wouldn’t be beyond that asshole than to come to LA and go after my family. Fuck… what have I done? Owen: Way, I see it bro, is that if he does make the challenge, you make sure that Konrad Raab never messes with you again. You reckon you can make an ‘Impact’ one that time? Shaun: I can deal with Raab. Owen: Then when he comes, you finish it once and for all. You make him realize that when it comes to Supreme Championship Wrestling, there will always be someone just like you, ready to stand up to him out of respect for those three initials. Shaun: And any sage words as to how I explain that to Angyalka? Owen: On that score, I’m afraid you are on your own. You made that bed Shaun, and now you have to lie in it. All you can do is try and make her understand why you had to do this, and hope that she gets it. If she doesn’t, you might be facing a battle on both fronts. (Shaun’s cellphone goes off, and he pulls it out his pocket, showing Owen that it is Angyalka who is calling.) Owen: Reckon she saw the show? Shaun: Definitely. (Shaun gets to his feet, and scans for the exit.) Shaun: I’m just going to take this, be back in a minute. Owen: Good luck Shaun: Reckon I’m going to need it. (As Shaun walks off, Owen watching him go. Though he could never be that way, he understood why Shaun had gone to that ring tonight, and it was all because of his love for a business that he had helped go. A business that Konrad Raab disrespected every single time he spoke. To Owen, words had always been like water off a ducks back, but to Shaun, they were like a dagger to the heart, and he would never let disrespect go, no matter how much he tried. Konrad and Shaun were on a collision course, but Owen had no fear in the result. The result was inevitable, another Rise to Greatness win for Hall of Famer Shaun Cruze. But what was Shaun going to lose in the process… when wrestling was over, would there still be something waiting for him.) A few days later, back at Impact Media, Los Angeles (The telephone conversation that Shaun had with Angyalka had made him realize how lucky he was to be married to her. She wasn’t shouting from the rooftops of course, and she made a point of telling him that ‘she told him so’. But she also understood her husband, and what he stood for and that if this came to their door, he would have to fight back. As yet, nothing had been heard from Konrad, but Shaun had heard on the grapevine that he would be at Breakdown, and wanted to speak with CHBK, and that could only really mean one thing. Konrad would now be looking to do something that no one else could ever, and that’s make an example of the Impact Player. Shaun’s last match would be one of survival. Now, however, Shaun’s focus had turned to something else, and that was the business. But sitting in a corporate meeting, with three possible projects on the table, Shaun was finding it difficult to get excited about any of them. In fact, he was finding it difficult to get excited about being there at all. His PA Jessica picks up on it, and softly kicks his leg.) Jessica: You ok, you seem a little distracted? Shaun: Yeah, I’m good Jess, just a few things on my mind. Jessica: Well, how’s about you answer Rich’s question? (Shaun turns to Rich, who seems to be eagerly anticipating a response that Shaun doesn’t realize he is supposed to give.) Shaun: Sorry Rich, heads all over the place today. Give it to me again. (Rich covers up his irritation, not wanting to piss of the boss.) Rich: OK, so we’ve got two television pilots that we could look into, both zombie apocalypse themed, but we reckon that’s gotten a little too cliché. Shaun: Agreed. What else? Rich: We’ve been approached with a draft idea for a spin off for Battle… Shaun: No, we’re not ‘spinning off’ anywhere, that franchise is dead. Next. Rich: Well, and I’m not sure how you would feel about this Shaun, but there have been plans mooted for a wrestling documentary… we’ve always seemed to get high ratings for those. Shaun: Oh… and who would be the subject? Rich: Not a singular person… but a family Shaun: OK, so who are we talking about? The Todds, The Streets. Or perhaps the Helms? Rich: Well actually… we were talking about the Cruze’s. (Shaun looks a little taken aback but gathers his thoughts quickly.) Shaun: And who out of all of you came up with that? “I did.” (Shaun turns, though he recognizes the voice, and faces none other than his partner at Impact Media, Blake Mason. Shaun gets to his feet, and shakes Blake hand, offering him a seat at the table which he gladly takes.) Blake: You seem surprised Shaun, then again, your humility was always an annoying trait. Shaun: I AM surprised. Surely there are more famous wrestling families around if we are going to do this, yours even. Blake: Yes, the Mason’s have had their fair share of success, but the Cruze’s… Shaun yours, Orlando’s and Owen’s stories are like a modern-day soap opera. Happy endings, tragedy, two brothers with different Mothers, a docu-series would have it all. And what better way to put a full stop on it all with a telling of your stories? (If Shaun hadn’t been interested in this meeting before, he was now. He had wondered why Blake wasn’t there initially, but he was no doubt planning this big entrance for the biggest, pardon the pun, impact. The more he thought about it, the more he liked the idea, and he was sure Owen would be up for it, considering his would be his father’s story as well. But it did seem like a ‘hubris’ project, and it was that which was holding him back.) Shaun: I don’t know Blake; it all seems a little pretentious don’t you think? Guy with media company tells story about himself. These things are supposed to be ‘warts and all’, how do we know that people are going to buy into it? Blake: You do yourself a disservice Shaun. You’re a stand-up guy and everyone knows it. Not going to lie, I firmly believe you’ll get more satisfaction out of this than anything else you have ever done. And it will put your family’s story on camera forever. I’ve already approached Anton… (Anton was the director of several of the documentaries Impact Media has put out, including the story of the Russian tennis player who’s name escaped Shaun right now. He’d remember to ask Owen later as they had a relationship for a while.) Blake: And he is on board and itching to get going. Literally, the only thing we need now, is yours and Owen’s blessing to get started on a draft. We also have a list of people that have already agreed to be interviewed for the project if required. David Helms, Taylor Chase… even Maisie Phillips offered to say a few words. She’s out of rehab by the way and says ‘Hi’. Shaun: You’ve put a lot of work into this already Blake. It’s like you’re pretty certain I’m going to say yes. Blake Mason: And why wouldn’t you Shaun? Since the days of Orlando when he was kicking ass, then you taking on the torch and doing the same, all the way through to Owen becoming the youngest two-time world champion of all time, all three of you have always spoken of building a legacy. Can’t you see Shaun, this IS that legacy. A way which you will all be remembered, forever. (Blake spoke so passionately about it, it was difficult to disagree. Shaun looks around the table, at his trusted colleagues, and then to Jessica who wears a beaming smile, which resembles a certain pride. It is then that Shaun realizes that this is exactly the way he would love the Cruze family to be remembered. For their triumphs, and for their tragedies. This was the perfect way for the story to be told… and reach its final conclusion.) Shaun: Leave us. (Shaun looks around the room, making it clear that he was talking to his staff.) Shaun: I want to have a private word with Blake… it won’t take long. (Everyone barring Blake gets to their feet, not questioning the request in the slightest although more than a little confused. Once they have left, Shaun gets to his feet and walks over to a cabinet, pulling out two glasses and a bottle of Macallan 50-year-old single malt.) Blake: What’s going on Shaun? That’s 100,000 dollars’ worth of whiskey you have there. Shaun: 120, 000 dollars actually. Blake: OK… but what do we have to celebrate? Shaun: Nothing yet, but give it five minutes, and maybe we will? Blake: I don’t understand. Shaun: Well, allow me to explain… (Shaun places the glasses on the boardroom table, the two glasses either side. He doesn’t pour, not yet, not when there may not be reason. He chuckles to himself, and then looks up at Blake, and he has to admit, he enjoys Blake’s confusion for longer than was needed. Finally, with another grin, he starts to speak.) Shaun: So… (Scene fades) ![]()
07-27-2024, 10:19 AM
(This post was last modified: 09-03-2024, 10:40 AM by Konrad Raab.)
Daytona Beach, Florida. Tuesday 13th February. (Offline)
Of course, this was the day before everything with the Daytona Five Hundred race began as I was in my holiday home. I brought it as it's cheaper than getting hotels every time I come here, although I race in Florida lot with my dirt cars as well. It was another holiday home that Ross had been to in a few weeks. It was almost like I was a gipsy, but Florida wasn't somewhere I wanted to live, and I wouldn't be living there because of hurricanes that struck here. I will only go there when it's NASCAR or dirt car racing weeks. That didn't matter, nor did what the home looked like since it was as new as you could get, honestly. Ross was honestly shocked at what he saw about me, not only having a holiday home but also how spacious it was. He had his laptop and a ton of paperwork, as usual, along with the large book that he tipped upside down so I would not see the obvious location of the mountain I was going to climb next. We sat down on the living room sofa, which, ironically, I haven't done much of since I brought the holiday home. In fact, it was the first time I had come here since I bought it, so we did. He laid out the laptop, the paperwork, and the book that he still had upside down as we went through the details of the next action plan after I passed him a Celsius Sparkling Cosmic Vibe can of drink, and I got one from the fridge myself. Ross Barnes: “It took you a bit of time to get used to doing mountaineering stuff, but there was something in you that triggered you to climb Mount Hood that day, wasn't it?” Konrad Raab: “I don't think I would've made it without Jacob.” Ross Barnes: “He's going to climb every mountain with you during this whole time your in therapy since I feel even if you come back to wrestling like in a month, you still won't have positivity in yourself.” Konrad Raab: “I was worried if I had to start mountaineering on my own because I didn't think I could do that. What triggered my motivation was actually the smell of fire. I would have struggled big time if the smell of the fire hadn't motivated me.” I had to tell him the truth that I didn't know until I got there that I had climbed a volcano, which to me was insane. That mountain was the first one I climbed, but I have a feeling this one Ross was about to tell me was going to be harder. I didn't really like climbing Mount Hood, but I did it because Ross thought it would benefit me to be more positive mentally and put myself first. Ross Barnes: “Yeah, I could tell, but you still had to do it because it was just a start, and that's exactly what you needed to start something very small rather than the higher mountains, as it would be silly for you with no mountaineer experience to start them.” Konrad Raab: “I don't know, Ross. What if I don't feel any different from climbing the mountains I do when I return to wrestling?” Ross Barnes: “We'll still work with you on it and I feel climbing mountains for you is a challenge and the only one that I feel that would push you beyond your comfort zone out of everything I saw in the list. You know damn well you need to do it. I understand I may have pushed too much the first time for you to be positive, but you need to say positive things.” Konrad Raab: “The problem is I don't know what I do that's been a positive. I don't think aside from going to countries to give money and donate positive items. I don't know if I can speak positivity about myself.” I know I gave an example of donating money and going to countries to do so, but I was never praised for it by anyone else besides the governments of those countries and Kemal. I just don't know if what I do is enough, but I guess that is one of my problems: I expect to get some gratitude, and I never do or rarely ever do. Ross Barnes: “I feel you don't speak positively because nobody gives it to you. You have to realise that not everyone is going to do that. You have to take criticisms when it's best, which you've always struggled with, and I don't need to look at your social media account to know that.” Konrad Raab: “Yeah, I guess. I just don't know if this mountain climbing is going to be helpful in my fears of going for the world title. When I think about it, I think I've gotten a tendency of fearing to go for the Adrenaline and US titles. But at the same time, I just haven't seen Deanna or Bree be much of a challenge for me.” Ross Barnes: “Well, beating them means you've not only won the title but also their legacies within the titles they hold.” Konrad Raab: “That's not enough. They have to be violent and I've got literally no history with them at all, same with Selena. I've had matches against them, but nothing more than that.” That was the truth about why I've not gone for titles for a long time. There wasn't anyone worthy of winning it, and when there was someone worthy of winning a title at the time, I got an anxiety attack, so I didn't care and made up a story because I was legitimately scared of going to win the world title, let alone wanting to win. Ross Barnes: “I'm aware why you weren't interested in winning the world title. I know you've had an anxiety attack, so you hid that and claimed you didn't need a title to beat Kandis. We do need to change that mentality with you, at least the refusal to win titles, as I said for the past few weeks. I do say it over and over because it needs to be in your head.” Konrad Raab: “I know.” Ross Barnes: “But getting back to the mountain thing, you are going to do some more mountain climbing, which is why I'm allowing you to unveil the mountain you're going to do. Flip the book over, and I think you'll enjoy this one.” I was shaking as I still felt afraid of climbing mountains as I thought I was going to die at Mount Hood, but I know Ross was right at the same time, the only way I confront my fears is to face them head on. I was still hesitant and shaky with my body as I forced myself. Ross Barnes: “It's OK, flip it over.” I knew we weren't going to go anywhere if I didn't, so I gulped before drinking my energy drink suitable for vegans like myself. I flipped it over and saw it was a strange name of a mountain, and I shook my head. Ross Barnes: “I know it seems there's a lot more climbing to do, and I know it's in a different country, but it's another easy one. Also, this time, you can read in preparation. Granted, you're not doing it this week, but you are next week. Depending on the weather at Daytona, we do it on Wednesday with Jacob again.” It was clear I had to flick through the book to determine what was so special about this place, and then I found out Ross was pretty clever. Despite this mountain being perfect for beginner mountaineers like me, I didn't know anything about it when I was at school. It was a former world war zone for Germans and Austrians in Italy. Konrad Raab: “I can go to these places from a world war zone where my country, Austrians and Italians, had a war in?” Ross Barnes: “That's right. You're climbing Tofana Di Rozes in Italy, and Jacob obviously will come with you. You will learn a lot from the history of your country and Austria.” Konrad Raab: “Seems like I will. Seems much more my thing than climbing in general.” Ross Barnes: “The next mountain will be climbing in general, but you will learn from this from history and problem-solving activities as there will be tough times of climbing and walking the mountain. It's an experience you can't pass up on.” Konrad Raab: “I'm interested.” I literally was this time as I read more of this book while Ross was talking to me. I turned the page and told about this history, and I nodded, knowing this was something I was going to climb and enjoy, but at the same time, I knew this was not to enjoy myself and climbing this mountain I knew wouldn't be enjoyable. Ross drank some energy drinks and typed a lot while we were talking. Ross Barnes: “But this is also for you to climb regardless, and your equipment should be good. You will need to climb more with this one than the last one. This will test your problem-solving abilities and the overall positive mentality you lack. This will test everything you've done and goes leaps and bounds beyond Mount Hood.” Konrad Raab: “Yeah, I expected you to throw in a bone to make things difficult and uncomfortable for me.” Ross Barnes: “It's meant to be a way for you to overcome your fears and stop being in your comfort zone. I leave you to read this book, and we'll fly there on Tuesday and start climbing on Wednesday with Jacob, and I'll be on the radio for communication. I leave you be to prepare for Daytona five hundred weekend.” I waved him off, as he was right—I did need to prepare for my double race weekend for Kaulig Racing. He picked up the can of energy drink and left my holiday home as I read more about Tofana Di Rozes's mountain book. I was curious about what else made this mountain special to climb. I read for hours before I went into my simulator to drive the car around the Daytona International Speedway track for two hours before I headed off to bed. -------------------------------------- Veneto, Italy. (Tofana Di Rozes mountain climb.) Wednesday 21st February. (Offline) This was the day after arriving in Italy yesterday to do the climb with Jacob Thomas, who was my mountaineer and encouraged me to say positive things as well. We met outside the hotel I was staying at to do this climb to get a car to drive us there with Ross on the radio since Jacob hadn't seen me since the Mount Hood climb. It was no different getting there than with Mount Hood with going in the car, me vomiting from the car window because of my anxiety attack, and we got changed in the hut in our climbing gear. Nothing different, except for wearing hard lids on our heads. There would be much more climbing involved as we had to always wear the harness. This was going to be an adventure wanting to climb this time, although I still was afraid that something bad could happen. I managed to survive with the Mount Hood climb; god knows how I will handle this, with the mountain being much higher than Mount Hood. I remembered what I was really doing it for, aka doing it for my mentality training to seek the World Title and other titles in the future. Jacob could tell I was shaking again, even while we were walking up there, as I breathed in and out as I had before the walk to the mountain. Jacob Thomas: “It's going to be fine.” Konrad Raab: “I don't know, it just seems more dangerous.” Jacob Thomas: “Come on, there's got to be something about this mountain you will like.” Of course, I knew he wasn't telling a lie there after a book I read, but at the same time, I just didn't feel motivated or want to do this climb at all because I hated doing so. I mean if it wasn't for the smell of fire, I wouldn't have done it. We started to climb with the gear we had on with the metal rope provided for everyone to use, and luckily, we were the only ones today doing this mountain climb. Jacob Thomas: “It's going to be alright. I'll go ahead of you to spot the potential dangers, and then you'll follow me, okay?” Konrad Raab: “Fine.” Honestly, I just wanted to get this over and done with, and I hope to see the caves I saw in the book, especially relating to my country. Jacob didn't know I was looking forward to that, but it meant I had to climb to get there. Ross mentioned once again to tell me to speak positive thoughts, but I refused because I wasn't ready to do that yet. I was more focused on not looking down, not because I was scared of heights, but because of death. The only places I wanted to die were either in the ring or at the race track. Not from making mistakes climbing. Jacob Thomas: “You're doing well. I understand you're hesitant about walking on the rope here, but that's what the harness is for and the lid to keep you safe.” Konrad Raab: “I know, I just don't like doing this. I don't want to do this.” Jacob Thomas: “Get the don't parts out of your head and be positive, Konrad. You have the ability to do so.” Konrad Raab: “When it comes to World Title matches, I feel like this every single time. What makes you think climbing this mountain is different to that?” Jacob Thomas: “That's why we're doing it: to get you out of your comfort zone and make you feel you can and will win the world title like you can get to the top of this mountain and be excited about whatever you see.” Konrad Raab: “Fine, for fuck sake.” I was pretty mad to be forced to do another mountain climb once again, but at the same time, it was the only thing that would be out of my comfort zone. This was one of those times, and I felt ridiculous as an almost sixty-year-old man, climbing mountains to overcome my fears and insecurities to win a wrestling world title. I was already tired and exhausted mentally just to climb this mountain, and this was just to get to the caves, which was obvious to Jacob, and I never told him. Maybe Ross did, and Ross continued shouting on the radio for me to shout positive things, and I simply couldn't, so I shouted over the radio. Konrad Raab: “Fuck off, Ross. Not being positive about myself.” Because I didn't want to be as I was more focused on not dying from falling from this mountain and not dying trying to get up to the caves. It was really high. Ross, the book and Jacob were right; there was a lot more climbing to do, and this was just to climb a mountain and walk up to the top, which we would do regardless of the weather. However, Jacob had to reassure me of doing this immediately after I said the words I said to Ross on the radio. Jacob Thomas: “Ross is right here. You have to start being positive about everything.” Konrad Raab: “Yeah, and I'd be faking it if I was.” Jacob Thomas: “That's the point. Since you have nothing to be positive about, you have to fake being positive about yourself so you can build your self-esteem. That's another reason why you feel you can't do certain tasks: You aren't confident, you don't have self-esteem, and instead, you'd take it out on everyone and blame them rather than yourself.” Konrad Raab: “I find it difficult because the last time I was positive, feeling I could win matches, I lost. It was fucking nonsense of me to do so.” Jacob Thomas: “So putting yourself down means putting everyone else down?” I nodded because I generally felt this way with all of the opponents I faced in the ring, but it's also why I struggled and did not want to climb walls so much because I hated everything and the world itself. I even hated myself and didn't know what to do about it. I just struggle to be positive about anything, and even if other wrestlers gave me compliments, I find it difficult to take in, as difficult as it was to climb up this mountain. I stayed silent and focused on getting to the cave that got me to climb this mountain in the first place. Jacob Thomas: “Not saying a word, huh? Means I'm right.” Konrad Raab: “Or maybe I'm trying to follow you and not have altitude sickness.” Jacob Thomas: “You won't; it's fine. It seems you're scared of heights to me.” Konrad Raab: “Or scared of dying from altitude.” Which was the main point I was afraid of than climbing high heights itself. Maybe I was dramatic and over the top, but I really was struggling here. Why did I let myself get into climbing mountains situations? At least I wasn't alone, which, technically, according to the book, you shouldn't do mountaineering on your own. I was gasping for a drink, but we were stuck in the corner that we couldn't. So I continued, even if I was thinking about seeing the trenches inside the cave and possibly hidden treasures I've not seen on this trip besides what the book told me. I knew we had to get there and had to get to the top of this mountain. As we went from side to side during the mountain climb, I saw something that resembled the very thing we were climbing for, which only signalled that we were getting closer. So, I pushed myself forward and stared at the very thing that triggered my motivation. For some reason, I needed to see or smell things to motivate me to keep going. Jacob noticed I hadn't taken my eye off the golden object. Jacob Thomas: “Ah, seen a golden bullet, huh?” Konrad Raab: “Yes. The book I read told me about the history of World War I on this mountain. But I didn't expect to find something like this.” But as we got off from climbing, I realised we didn't have to climb, for now at least, as I immediately got my bottle of water out and started drinking, breathing in and out heavily as I was exhausted from climbing the mountain. But I was able to go on the floor and pick up the golden bullet, only I discover, there's tons of golden bullets around, but this one struck my eye first. Konrad Raab: “Wow.” Jacob Thomas: “Something tells me that you wanted to do this just for the history?” Konrad Raab: “Yes, after reading the book, I want to go to these caves and explore World War I when the Germans attacked countries.” I was looking at the ground until Jacob saw something that I had done this climb for. Jacob Thomas: “Look what I found.” He turned my head towards a sign saying to caves. So all that pissing and complaining I did was all for nothing, although I was practically exhausted, which is why I stopped, although Jacob saw it was mental exhaustion, which is what triggers everything in my mental state. That really wanted to get me moving as I put the bottle of drink in the bag, stood up and continued walking and getting through tricky bits using our harnesses. We eventually got to the caves, and I went in immediately. I saw a lot of what was inside, including the snow that entered the caves, but the important thing is that I saw old tables and chairs as I stood behind the barrier and saw that Germans and Italians were sitting on them. Then, as I came out, I saw the trenches where the soldiers were in the First World War. I stood back in amazement. Jacob Thomas: “Now somebody is interested.” Konrad Raab: “Do you understand where I come from?” Jacob didn't know me very well, which Ross stated on the radio about my location and where I actually came from. From then, Jacob understood the realisation of me being interested in something like this. I widened my eyes, and I stayed inside of the cave for a bit, knowing we still had a bit of a way to climb, but this is what I mainly was interested and; then I saw the gun stands, and I was completely gobsmacked as was Jacob who despite climbed this before, he never took the time it seems from his body language to really take in the history of this place. Along with the history of war, which was my kind of bag. I loved war films and cowboy films; it's what I grew up with as a kid. Konrad Raab: “This is the sort of stuff I'm into.” Jacob Thomas: “I'm glad you found something you're passionate about on climbing this mountain. I don't know why you didn't tell me that you wanted to see this and how important it was to your country to see things like this.” Konrad Raab: “I guess because I didn't want you to encourage and push me more when I struggled.” Jacob Thomas: “Konrad, you have to get used to this. Heck, I've still not heard you say anything positive about yourself. Maybe now that you've come to the caves and seen something you're interested in, you will change your mind. Saying something positive and nice about yourself is a good thing, you know.” I know he was right. I felt like I was full of negativity all the time, and it was because of how I was raised and how weak I was as a gutless man who only allowed himself to be picked and beaten my entire life. When I felt the sense of being angry and letting the world know who I was, I felt so much better. Anger was the motivation I was lacking my entire wrestling career, and Minerva sparked it up for me. Being this nice guy was only me faking who I was, and all these people tell me I should be myself, but you can't in the wrestling world. You can't be yourself, and I struggle now to know who the fuck I wanted to be. I had no identity beyond being angry and needed to find it. Konrad Raab: “I got to find my identity.” Jacob Thomas: “We will in due time, and you can only find it when you know the man you want to become, even if your time is limited.” I nodded, but I was so interested in the war stuff around me that I didn't really care what I said. It was just a nice place to rest from walking, and all I wanted to do was stay there and soak in the history of World War I in Dolomites. Seeing trenches, bunkers, a place where people eat and drink and people sleep, it was a whole new world, and I took a few pictures as it was too amazing not to. An hour later, while I was enjoying this so much, Jacob came to me, and we separated for an hour to take a look at the place. Jacob Thomas: “We still got to get to the top of this mountain, Konrad, including walking along that bridge.” Konrad Raab: “You're right, but I've been so excited about seeing all this since reading that book before I got here.” Jacob Thomas: “Damn, then I don't understand why you were so grouchy about climbing the mountain. You do a good job of hiding it. But it's unfortunate. Now I see that you were excited after all; you just hid it.” I guess I was good at hiding my real emotions and exploiting everything with anger. Being happy just doesn't motivate me as much as being angry, I guess. So we left the caves and the area of the war, unfortunately, and I dropped the golden bullet as I saw it, and we continued walking with Jacob in front of me, which somewhat assisted me throughout this entire climb and walk. This was the hardest mountain I've had to climb, being exhausted, tired and mentally drained. It was very overwhelming to see the World War I environment, and it felt so different that, in a way, I could be positive about myself. Konrad Raab: “Climbing the mountain to see World War One environment was the best day I've ever had. We still got to get to the top, but I never felt better seeing the shock, amazement and overall happiness to see things I could discover. This was the best mountain climb I've done so far.” Ross and Jacob applauded me for speaking positively about myself, and I didn't know if they saw I was faking it or I meant it, but I know I meant it, which is odd for me to do, but I was positive, and that was the main thing. However, we still got to get to the top of the mountain as we walked for miles, even over the bridge, which wasn't the stablest of bridges I've walked on, although the one in Pakistan I walked on nearly fell to pieces walking on it, it was because they had a monsoon. So, compared to that, it was more stable, and I kept thinking about the bridges I repaired in Pakistan, Turkey, Syria, and even in countries like Brazil and Kazakhstan, where nobody even knew I went to donate food and items to them. People still don't take climate change seriously, and nobody in wrestling supported my cause. Which was why I was pretty negative all the time because nobody fucking cared. The floods in Germany affected me so hard that I wanted to do something about that. Americans are ignorant. But I couldn't think about that as I had to continue climbing as we went past the bridge, and we had to climb up once again with our harnesses and pick axes. We've worn the crampons since we started the climb. It was a long way up, and I was still trying to soak in my emotions of seeing the World War I area. But I used my anger and grit to climb, growling and pushing myself to know I was going to be alright with Jacob saying the same thing when there were moments of the struggle as Jacob knowing he was doing his job as I felt a little unsteady while climbing up as he held me. Jacob Thomas: “You got this, Konrad. You can do it. It's only a few more steps until we've reached the top.” So I pushed on as it was a long way up still, even if we were halfway. So I slowly but steadily walked up, holding onto the rope via my harness as Jacob assisted me. I was very slow, losing the momentum that it got me fearing altitude sickness again, but I pushed myself with every bone and fibre of my body and used anger noises to motivate me to finish this goddamn task. Fifteen minutes later, I got to the top, and Jacob got out the flag stating Konrad's part two of his mental training completed at Tofana Di Rozes mountain climb. Like with the Mount Hood climb, we took a selfie with the flag before I collapsed to the ground, mostly because I wanted to rest. Jacob Thomas: “That was a really hard climb for you, but you did it. I think after you saw the Word War One stuff, you really wanted to do it. I think you will eventually be motivated to climb without the struggles you put on yourself.” Konrad Raab: “I doubt it.” I breathed in and out of exhaustion as we sat for a while, knowing we had to get back down, but I also needed a rest. I nodded mostly to myself. Konrad Raab: “I tackled the most difficult climb of my life to climb this mountain, but I enjoyed the World War One environment so much that it only triggered me to go farther and get to the top. I found the climbing side to side and climbing up extremely difficult, but I did it and wouldn't have done it without Jacob.” Jacob Thomas: “It was all you, Konrad. I just helped you get up here since you couldn't do it on your own due to it being a law. Have a drink; you're exhausted psychically, as I didn't realise you were until you sat down. We'll be here as long as you need before we climb back down again. Great job, and I hope to see you again with the next climb after we've reached the bottom.” I nodded as I did need a drink after that as we didn't stop much at all because of how much there was to climb. The last break we had was at the caves. So I drank a lot of water, even leading to a third bottle, as I took four bottles of water with me. I was so thirsty. We rested here for two hours before we were energised to go down on our skis to the bottom, and we went back to the hotel at one in the morning before I slept hard. Then I headed back to America the next day to do my favourite NASCAR track where I'm undefeated at, Atlanta Motor Speedway. ![]() ![]() I love AJ Allmendinger and Louis Deletraz.
07-28-2024, 06:01 PM
Two weeks ago, Impact Media corporate offices in Los Angeles
Shaun: So… Blake: I see that your time away from SCW hasn’t lessened your flair for the dramatic. Shaun: Ah, you know the Cruze brother’s bro, we love our drama. (Blake laughs to himself.) Blake: That you do… it’s endearing. Shaun: Thing is Blake, I can’t allow the documentary to go ahead. I’m sorry, but it just doesn’t seem right. Now isn’t the time for me to be engaging in some kind of vanity project. Yes, I totally agree that it would be successful, and yes, it is an incredible story to tell. But the timing just isn’t right. And I don’t want the company to start getting a reputation for only putting out stuff that only has benefits to us. It’s not what I envisaged when I created Impact Media, and it’s not what I want for it now. Blake: So, why not say that out there in the meeting? (The tone of his voice gives away Blake’s irritation, and Shaun immediately picks up on it.) Blake: I’m a big boy Shaun, I can take it when people don’t agree with me. Shaun: Well, firstly… you’re my partner, and I wanted to discuss it with you first, and yes, I wanted to save you any embarrassment when I shot your idea down in flames. But mostly, it was because there is another option. An option that could see the documentary see the light of day. Blake: I thought you said… Shaun: No? Yes, I did. But I also said it’s just a matter of timing. If the situation was different for example, then I would be inclined to give it my full blessing. Blake: I’m sorry Shaun, but I’m getting a little confused here. I’ve never been one for riddles, so why don’t you just spell it out for me. (Shaun gets to his feet and walks over to the window which gives him a view of Los Angeles he had always loved. As he looks out over the city, Blake spins his chair around, Shaun speaking with no malice whatsoever.) Shaun: Do you know why I started Impact Media Blake? Blake: I’ve heard a few stories… one that seems to ring true was that you were bored. Shaun: Yeah, that’s right. I was bored, and I needed something ‘else’ to do away from the business. But by the same token, I wanted to build something, from scratch. Something that would make Angyalka and my family proud. It was a slog, no denying that, and it was only really when you made your investment that things really got going. The Battleground: Earth original was the starting point for us and the moment it all started to happen. Yeah, I’d been in a few movies, and I enjoyed acting, but there was nothing more indulgent that writing a script that went on to thrill the box office. Blake: OK, so why the history lesson? Shaun: Owen… he’s the reason for the history lesson. Blake: Owen? How so? (Shaun turns back to face Blake but stays next to the window.) Shaun: He’s twenty-four years old Blake… he’s still a kid and look what he has done. He’s a two-time World Champion, one of the youngest of all time. He’s already created and sold off a successful clothing brand and now runs a franchise of wrestling schools, three across America and another one to come. He has completed life, and he will never have to work again, because he has the best people around him running the show. And what’s he doing? (Blake shrugs his shoulders.) Shaun: He’s enjoying the fruits of his labor, and probably will do till the day he dies. He’s not missing a single thing from Ethan’s childhood, and you know what Blake, that makes me more jealous than you can imagine. I want to be home, not stuck in a board room trying to figure out what content we are going to put out next. I want to be travelling the world with Angyalka and Dorothea and leave the hard graft to others. I don’t want Dorothea to think back and remember all the times Daddy wasn’t there. And YOU can make that happen. Blake: Me? How? (Shaun walks back over to the table and sits on the edge, parallel to Blake.) Shaun: Like I said, the documentary cannot go ahead whilst ever I am a part of Impact Media. It could, however, go ahead if I wasn’t a part of it anymore. (The penny dropped with Blake in that moment, and he understood why Shaun had wanted to speak with him privately.) Blake: You want to sell your fifty percent? Shaun: Exactly, and rather than go through the process with a bunch of strangers, I thought it best if I gave you first refusal. I’m not looking to retain a percentage, and I don’t want a job on the board or anything like that. You buy my half, and it will give you sole control to do what you please, with no interference from me. And as a sweetener, I’ll sign off on the documentary on my family right away… it shouldn’t be a problem for me to persuade Owen to tell his and his dad’s story. Blake: Simple as that? Shaun: Yes, as simple as that. I could have the contracts drawn up in a day or so, the company could be yours by the end of the month. Blake: And you’d give it away… just like that? Shaun: Some things are more important to me now Blake. And anyway, I wouldn’t be giving it away. I know exactly what half this company is worth. Blake: So ok, let’s say I’m interested. How much are you looking for? Shaun: It just so happens… (Shaun takes a folded piece of paper from his jacket and slides it over to Blake, who opens it slowly, his eyes widening as he sees the figure.) Blake: This seems low considering how much we both know the company is worth. Shaun: I wasn’t kidding Blake, I want a quiet life and if it means giving up a few dollars, then so be it. Plus, the added bonus, you won’t have Konrad’s goons hanging around causing trouble. Pretty pointless if the company has nothing to do with me, right? Blake: Right Shaun: I know you merged the family business with the Mannings… do you reckon you’re ready to get your teeth into something again? Be a nice little present for the new wife… Harper, isn’t it? Blake: Yeah, that’s right… and you raise a good point actually. Since we merged, I’ve had nothing to do with the day to day, I’ve finally found some peace. I’m not sure I want to step back into that rat race. Not now. Not now I have Harper. Shaun: Then get someone to run it for you… there’s a few that would love the opportunity, give them their wings. Blake: So why don’t you do that? (Shaun laughs, he’d known the answer to that question before it was even asked.) Shaun: Because without that clean break, I wouldn’t be able to leave it alone. I know Blake, and I know that if I still held a stake, I’d want a say. This way is better all round. Blake: And you’re certain, this is what you want? Shaun: Absolutely. I’m done Blake. And I can’t think of anyone else I’d rather take the wheel. So, what do you say? (Shaun grabs the bottle of whiskey and holds it aloft, waiting in anticipation for a response that isn’t long coming.) Blake: I think you’d better pour us a glass Shaun… you have a deal. (Shaun opens the bottle and takes in its aroma, before pouring a double measure in each glass. He then slides Blake’s towards him, both of them clinking their glasses together.) Shaun: To Impact Media, and its future success. Blake: I’ll drink to that. Both of them down their drinks and then shake hands. Shaun then heads to the door, and shouts across the office. Shaun: Guys, you can come back now. (One by one they all come back in and take their seats, confusion on each of their faces. Shaun stays standing, all eyes on him.) Shaun: I’d like to introduce you to your new boss. Blake… I’ll let you explain. Guys, thank you for everything. (And with that, Shaun salutes the staff and heads to the door, not wanting the complications of a teary goodbye. He knew he’d be back to say them, but that would be only as a visitor once everything was signed and sealed. He walks to his office, and takes the name plate from the front door, opening it and stepping into the office for the last time. He then steps back, and closes the door behind him, heading over to the elevator. That was in, another chapter closed. All that was left now was the final piece of the puzzle… Konrad Raab. The final exclamation mark, on the Cruze legacy.) (Scene fades.) The final week prior to Rise to Greatness. Cruze residence Los Angeles. (The scene opens with a shot of the old IWC Championship, a title that Shaun had kept when the company had closed its doors. Shaun had fond memories of such, especially because he had beaten his brother Orlando in one of the few times they had competed against each other for that very title. The camera pans over a box, and inside that box is most of Shaun’s memorabilia he had accumulated over his tenure, but the title shot is placed carefully next to the box, Shaun having already decided that would take pride of place in his man cave. It would serve as the only reminder of everything that he ever achieved. After placing the belt on the bed next to the box full of memories, he lifts his head and looks directly into the camera lens, mindful that this would be the very last time he ever stood in front of a camera and addressed the wrestling fraternity. He grins, this wasn’t a time for sadness, not a chance. Shaun Cruze had every intention of going out with the biggest of bangs. He sits himself on the side of the bed, and then he starts to speak.) “You might think that I’d be miserable, putting away these things, recalling all the memories I have made in the industry. And I guess, a small part of me is, but it is by far the most prominent emotion. The things I’ve done, the places I have seen, my way of life… the wrestling industry gave all that to me, and therefore it is a time to rejoice. Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened, that’s the way the saying goes, isn’t it? And it is more than valid here. I’ve done it all, and I’m so grateful to Supreme Champion Wrestling for allowing me to finish on one of the biggest stages, at the Grandaddy of them all, Rise to Greatness. Yeah, I wouldn’t say that the match is going to go down as a wrestling classic, my opponent made sure of that the moment he made this personal and sent his goons to destroy my offices. But it sure as hell is going to be remembered. Remembered as the night that Konrad Raab received the lesson that he sorely needed. Now I’m not going to lie to you all, none of this was premeditated on my part. When I turned up to the show in Miami, it was quite simply to tell the company that I wouldn’t be accepting their generous offer, and instead I was going to retire. Even standing in the back, saying goodbye to the guys, it wasn’t my intention to go into that ring and slap you around Konrad. You can tell anyone who will listen to you, anyone whose ears you have yet to make bleed, that I did it to regale in the ‘spotlight’ one more time, but that would be too simplistic a situation. I came to that ring for one reason, and one reason alone. YOU were disrespecting the business that I love. YOU were doing over a company that had made you a household name. YOU were acting like a royal prick, and I wasn’t going to stand for it. You want me to be honest with you Konrad, I didn’t even notice the roar of the crowd when I headed down the ramp. I didn’t even see your lackies mulling around like the lap dogs they have become. I only saw you. I wasn’t thinking this is going to get a few hits on social media, I wasn’t even thinking about the hundreds upon thousands of TikTok’s that would be shared around the world. I came to that ring, to let you know my feelings. To let you know that ALWAYS, there will be someone like me around that actually gives a shit about this business and doesn’t just turn up to receive a paycheck so he can finance his hobby ‘racing’ cars. You can make it out to be a selfish act if you wish, there is some logic to that allegation at least, because I did want to kick your head off your shoulders. You can tell the world that I only came out to the ring because I was jealous of what you have ‘achieved’… there is NO logic to that by the way but each to their own. But the people that know me, and the people that matter… each and every fan that packed that arena on the night I slapped the taste from your mouth, THEY know the truth. The truth being that Shaun Cruze heard a spoilt fucking man child, spitting his dummy out the pram, and decided to go to that ring, and scold the bitch’s backside. You used to call Owen ‘Little Boy’; can you remember that? It was about the peak of your banter, and for some reason you believed it to be the ultimate put down. And yet, virtually every single sentence that comes out of your mouth, sounds like the ramblings of a five-year-old. No one takes you seriously Konrad, not as a person anyway. You’re talented, no question about it, but when you refuse to use your skill, that skill soon gets forgotten. You’ve won your fair share of matches, and I cannot deny that, but that’s only been when individuals have bought into this whole ‘routine’, and not taken you as a threat. When Owen took you at your word Konrad, what happened? You were decimated… and history is about to repeat itself at Rise to Greatness.” (He picks up the IWC World Heavyweight Championship and drapes it across his lap.) “And the thing is Konrad, this wasn’t always the case, because you used to be one of the most respectful individuals on the roster, and you used to love the business. Owen and I have had conversations in the past, and he always spoke highly of you, or at least he did until you lost your mind. The whole red paint bollocks, the GIMP bullshit with Minerva, what did you think was going to happen Konrad? People were going to fear you? I’m telling you now, Owen was always more concerned facing you before you became a gimmick, before you stopped relying on your God given talent, and instead concentrated on hurting people. Tell me Konrad, you have this opinion of yourself as being some kind of badass that doesn’t follow the rules, that’s right, isn’t it? I’ve looked over your promos during the last couple of years, and on more times than I can remember, you have promised an individual’s destruction, just like you are promising the end of my career this weekend. Kandis, Kim, the list goes on and on. Newsflash sunshine… I’ve already said this is the end for me regardless… nothing to do with you. But tell me Konrad, how many people have you ACTUALLY run out of Supreme Championship Wrestling. Another question for you, how many people consider you a ‘monster’ in the same way they used to Xander Valentine, or going back even further, Blitzkrieg? Final question, when you finally hang up the tights, when you go off to race NASCAR… if they give OAP’s a license these days, who’s going to look back over your career and say, YES, that Konrad Raab was a force of nature? No one. And it’s got nothing to do with a lack of ability bro, nothing at all. More a fact that even after being in this business God knows how many years, you STILL don’t understand it and what an honor it is to be in your position. You’d rather find ‘another way’ of headlining Rise to Greatness, instead of not being a chicken shit, and competing in the Taking Hold of the Fame Battle Royal. You say that event is bland, boring… a cliché. Dude seriously? You are a walking, talking, cliché for a bygone area where people like you COULD exist. Could succeed. Tell me sunshine, how’s ‘finding another way’ to main event Rise to Greatness going? The only way you would get yourself a Rise to Greatness moment is if the ticker gave up on you and your wrinkled old carcass collapsed in the center of the ring. People would remember that for sure. But hey, silver lining time, people are most certainly going to remember me kicking your ass all over The Dome in Missouri. Unfortunately, Konrad, you’ve locked horns with someone more than capable of beating you at your own game. What do I mean by that? Well Konrad, let me make it simple for you, just in case Alzheimer’s has started to kick in and you’re struggling to remember things these days. Out of all the Cruze family, and I include Orlando if he was still alive, I am the one Cruze that you DO NOT want to be fucking with. Orlando kicked off as a wrestler, his training with Wolfe and then Russell Nash-Blade focused firstly on power, and then on technique. Owen, well you know as well as I do, was training as a High-Flying technician, before moving on to a hybrid style which brought him TWO World Championships.” (He points to the belt on his lap.) “You know what this is Konrad, it’s a World Championship belt for the now defunct Independent Wrestling Cartel. And before you say it means nothing, you’d should remember that I claimed the SCW version as well as the United States Championship, Tag Team Championship and Adrenaline Championship.” (He slides the belt off his lap, and back to its position next to the box.) “And before you get up in arms, because let’s face it, you can’t compare. But that was just me lording it over you, and nothing to do with my point. My point is my background… my background and how I got into this business. And the main reason why when Rise to Greatness comes around, you will not be prepared for the shit storm I’m bringing. I won’t go into the back story of me and Orlando, but when Orlando retired, he wanted someone to continue his legacy, and his long-lost brother was in his eyes the perfect person. I’d never wrestled a single second in my life, and those first six months were quite a learning curve. But there was a reason that in those six months, I was still competitive. At eighteen years old, the same age as when Owen won his first World Championship, I was a street fighter, in underground events all over London. Pull up a search on YouTube, and you’ll understand how brutal they can be. Spilling blood isn’t foreign to me Konrad, but it was never really a problem, because I wasn’t the person usually left in a pool of their own blood. When it came to a fight, there wasn’t many better. I was spotted, I still have no idea how, and I was signed to a MMA organization that toured the UK. More blood spilt, again not usually mine, and my first Championship belt around my waist. You can see where this is going right?” (Shaun pauses, holding out his hands as if waiting for any answer.) “Thing is Konrad, and I’m not trying to be dismissive here because I don’t need to be. I can tell in our interactions already that you believe the Cruze family to be soft, even claiming that Owen ‘ran away’… ran away, holding a title that you couldn’t even dream of achieving. No, Owen didn’t need wrestling anymore, and if you’d not made this personal, I’d be long gone as well, but I digress. You THINK that I am intimidated by you, and that I’m fearful of this match going the way you intend. You THINK that seeing my own blood will be some kind of eye opener that I won’t be able to recover from. Do you know what I think Konrad? I think you’re full of shit, a self-righteous prick that has done nothing to earn it. Just like I did in Miami, you need another lesson in humility, and how fucking lucky you are to even have a SCW contract after all the antics you have pulled in the last couple of years. I’ve faced bigger, and I’ve faced badder… but here’s the silver lining again, you are the oldest cunt I’ve ever faced so, swings and roundabouts. An achievement is an achievement, right? There’s a reason the EMT’s are always on tenterhooks when you step into a ring, it’s because they are ready should you keel over… I can’t even start to imagine your insurance premiums. The thing is, you’ve not even considered your situation, because you permanently walk around blinded by your hatred of a business that has given you the world. A world that you decided to piss up the wall when Minerva did the right thing and cut you from your leash with a hearty ‘Good riddance’. She’s gone on to achieve great things once she got rid of the dead weight. Did you know that? You… you’ve stagnated. Every bit as bland and boring as the world you claim to detest. And you know what Konrad, I’d forgive you for believing that it sounds like I’m dismissing you, and not taking your threat seriously, but by the same token, it would perfectly evidence to me how little you really know. Other than the I’m going to beat you up… I’m going to make you bleed… this company sucks, waaaa, waaaaa, waaaaaaaa, how much research do you actually put into your opponents, because looking back just over the course of this year, it seems like very little. Yes, I think you are a gormless prick. Yes, I do feel sorry for the ingrates that follow you, if they actually believe you can be of any benefit to their careers. And yes, oh yes, I’m going to kick the living crap out of you in front of the captivated eyes of the world. But me… not taking a threat seriously? Dude, you’re talking to someone who was probably for a time the most prepared individual on the planet. Strengths, weaknesses… how much you’ve spent on whores in the past month, I’ll know it all about you Konrad, simply so that I can pick you apart piece by piece and humiliate you just like you have done so many others. Throughout my career, it has never been about the standard of opponent, or if it was a championship match, or a dark match that no one will ever see, my preparation has always been the same. I might not like you; I might think you are a stain on this company that needs to be eradicated, but that doesn’t mean that I won’t give you the respect as a competitor, respecting the skills that you have shown since you first stepped foot in this company. And even with all that, you may well bring up that I’ve competed once in the last who knows how many years, and perhaps ring rust may be an issue. But did I look rusty when I outlasted 32 others at Taking Hold of the Flame. 32 of the best wrestlers on the planet? I’m sorry Konrad, but you should have just taken my words as gospel and straightened yourself out. You should have ignored the saying and allowed an old dog to learn a new trick or two. Do you ever have nightmares Konrad? Do you wake up in cold sweats? Maybe, maybe not… but rest assured, at Rise to Greatness I WILL be your biggest nightmare to date. A nightmare that if you aren’t careful, you’ll never wake from.” (Shaun gets to his feet and walks over to the window as Angyalka pulls into the driveway. As she gets out, she sees him and gives him a wave, Shaun waving back. He then turns back towards the camera, to deliver his final narrative.) “Konrad… taking exception to my words, was a mistake. End of conversation. Sending people to my offices and scaring my staff was crossing the line. End of conversation. Coming and looking for me and asking CHBK for this match, a match that would take place in front of the eyes of the world, compounding your embarrassment still further was career suicide. End of conversation. I know you’re looking at me like some kind of next meal, a Hall of Famer on which to finally get a career defining victory at Rise to Greatness but you haven’t even opened your eyes, but due to your ignorance, you’ve not even considered this to be your last supper. Just think about it for a second. I know you’ve said you’ll probably retire at the end of this year, but that is still months away. Do you think you’ll get that far when someone literally walks off the streets and makes you look like a novice? It could be taken out your hands Konrad, but would you ever care if CHBK did? No, I don’t think you would, but then again that says it all doesn’t it?” (Angyalka walks into shot, and kisses Shaun on the cheek.) “For you Konrad, you need to exist. You still need to leave some in the tank for what comes next. Me… I’m putting my all into this final match, the footnote on what has been one heck of a ride, the end of a Hall of Fame inducted career…” (Shaun puts a hand on Angyalka’s stomach, and a smile forms on his face, the indication obvious.) “And then, the Cruze legacy will be over. The fitting conclusion of one of the most decorated wrestling families in the world. A new generation to be born without the burden that The Icon Orlando Cruze started. Dorothea, Ethan… and this little one…” (He bends, and kisses Angyalka’s small yet visible baby bump.) “… the beginning of a new Cruze era. Yes, I fight for the integrity of Supreme Championship Wrestling at Rise to Greatness, but I also fight for this new era of superstars who I pass my torch to, with one clear message to them all. A message that I want the future of this company to hear, so that I can drown out Konrad’s inane ramblings. Because that my friends is all they are.” (He nods towards the camera, putting his arm tenderly around his wife.) “You can be as good as you want to be as long as you never forget what it means to compete for those three initials that mean the world to so many. There will always be anomalies. Those that want to rage against the machine. And there will always be those like Konrad that want to steal a living, earning good money for an industry that they care very little about, preferring to be somewhere else. But people like him, they don’t matter. As long as you ALWAYS focus on where you want to be, the rest will take care of itself. And if on that journey, you find someone who’s taken the easier path… because of what you’ll witness at Rise to Greatness, I promise that you’ll know what to do. Take care of it, just like I will in front of the eyes of millions.” (Shaun smiles, giving the camera a final salute.) “Just like all those years ago, when I became the Impact Player. When I first started out, and before I had made all these wonderful memories that I will take with me. We don’t leave the Cruze legacy at Rise to Greatness, we leave a legacy full stop and one that will forever be remembered. So do you want to be remembered as a Champion or be remembered as a geriatric who covered himself in red paint, so he didn’t get banned off social media. It’s not even a choice, is it? And my final words as a member of the Supreme, I’ll reserve for you Konrad, as my opponent you at the very east deserve that. YOU chose this. YOU came to my door. YOU. YOU made it personal when I gave you a lesson that you richly deserved. One which your ego refused to take. And now it is YOU, who will pay the consequences, when I don’t just beat you, but also humble you, on literally the biggest day in the wrestling calendar. In future years Konrad, people are going to remember where they were on that day. But not because it was the day Shaun Cruze inevitably beat Konrad Raab. No, they’ll remember it as the moment I called it a day. The moment I called it a day. You will be what you have been all along. An afterthought. And THAT Konrad, will rest on one person’s shoulders.” (He winks.) “YOURS.” (Angyalka rests her head into his chest, Shaun never taking his eyes off the camera as the scene slowly fades.) ![]()
07-28-2024, 11:58 PM
(This post was last modified: 07-31-2024, 06:15 PM by Konrad Raab.)
Indianapolis, Indiana. Monday 22nd July. (Offline)
I was still at Indianapolis track because I had two-day special Indycar tests here, and man, the car was the fastest I've ever driven. I had my fellow IMSA Rolex twenty-four-hour teammate driver, Colton Herta, with me. Mario and Michael Andretti watched me evaluate if I'm deemed good enough for Indy five hundred next year. They said I was fast enough for it, and they explained how to qualify for the race. I was fine because I would rather earn my way to get the spot than not. It's exactly how Larson did it and I will do the same too. The experience was like no other I've had before, with the Andretti's and Colton patting me around the back before we talked about the testing today and things I needed to work on. I also had questions to ask about the cars and competition I'll be facing for next year's Indy five hundred race. After the two-hour-long meeting, team one, at least for today, was done, and I knew I wasn't finished with meetings yet. I had my last one before heading off to Chicago and Paris in one day after a few more hours of testing in Indianapolis track tomorrow, one with my therapist, Ross Barnes. As I had predicted, I got to the trailer as I was staying one more night here. Ross was standing right there as I opened it, and he followed me in and closed the door as he knew where to sit by now. I got cans of Celsius out of the fridge for myself and Ross and slid one to him, and we opened and drank some before we got into business. Ross Barnes: “I don't know why Shaun came out to address you; it made no sense.” Konrad Raab: “Well, he wasn't wrong. I was good friends with Owen when I was the pretend nice guy, but I got to be honest, I was a fucking pushover, and that's what these people don't understand. It seems they enjoyed the walkover of Konrad, who did absolutely nothing to defend himself until he lost his rag and got angry. People wanted that, and they got him” Ross Barnes: “I understand, but Shaun shouldn't have come to you like that. However, he's right as well that you need to take title opportunities as they come to you. I understand you can't do the battle royal, which is a real shame, but the main important thing is you facing Shaun. God knows why he selected you, but he wasn't wrong at all about what he said.” I shook my head because I felt Shaun was completely wrong about these young talents being so fucking desperate, and I couldn't think how stupid these new blood wrestlers really are. They are just so generic and boring, like all the champions except Eavan. They are just dull, and they were stupid to go out of their characters to be just themselves. Konrad Raab: “No, he wasn't. Seeing these new blood wrestlers doing everything to win titles is beyond the most stupid thing I've seen in the business. Also, Dakon and Ludvig never wanted solo titles, and how many people will get that through their thick heads?” Ross Barnes: “I know, and it comes across as if Dakon and Ludvig are lying about it and faking it.” Konrad Raab: “The Fact is they hated each other's guts, something I wasn't aware of until they told me upfront. They aren't going to repeat history because idiots are peer-pressuring them to change, and that's all it is. They change because they were forced to instead of wanting to, despite saying they wanted to.” Ross Barnes: “Wow, it's impressive they don't want to get on each other's nerves again. I will be honest; there's no team like them out there who only want the tag gold.” It was true, there wasn't, and yet, people wanted them to be like every other tag wrestler around the company, be solo wrestlers to win solo belts. Little do those idiots know I got plans for that with the Turkish kid coming up and a couple of Europeans who flat-out stated to me when I was last at the wrestling school they wanted to join the team, too. A French girl and an Hungarian guy, but they needed more training first and wanted to join after I've left which I can relate. I nodded. Konrad Raab: “But that's what everyone else doesn't want from them. For example, there are millions of tag teams that aren't going to be solo wrestlers at any point because they don't want to be. If they did, they said they'd go to other companies to do so.” Ross Barnes: “But getting back to Shaun, I think you need to consider challenging for champions again after the match against him.” Konrad Raab: “It depends if the right champion comes along that I feel won't be lacklustre. But if Josh or Enigma become champions, I will be challenging them flat out, especially since I've still got unfinished business with Enigma, and I'm not giving that goal up of facing him, even after facing Shaun.” I was standing by my statement that what Shaun had done was a temporary halt to my plans on getting that rematch with Enigma, and as far as I'm concerned, CHBK only delayed it temporarily; not gonna fucking listen to him. That's what annoyed me the most, not like I was challenging to face a god damn champion. Back in my days, it was against the sin of wrestling to do that without earning it. It's no wonder why I wasn't enjoying wrestling anymore. I drank a lot and banged my fist down on the table. Ross Barnes: “Do you feel your wrestling career in the past affected you to refuse to make these changes?” Konrad Raab: “Yes, because I was raised in the business to fucking earn things. I came in as a non-wrestler, wanting to face a champion in a non-title match, and I had to earn that to get a contract to get into a wrestling school. But these new blood wrestlers, they don't want that at all. It pissed me off because it was the only way back then to prove to get in the business.” Ross Barnes: “You've never told me this, but it's clear that the past has hindered you from having this thinking, which I understand. It shouldn't have changed from your days, but things do change over time, unfortunately. Maybe these new blood wrestlers and Shaun are telling you something.” Konrad Raab: “Well, I don't like it and never will. I'm going to show Shaun what a big mistake he made by getting in my face and expecting no payback for the shit he said about me. No, I don't let shit go like that whatsoever. Without me telling the team to do it, they went and did the damage to Shaun's media property themselves. People acted like the team visited Shaun's house to exteriorise his wife and kid. I don't know how he could take something like public property damage seriously.” I hated that people thought that about Ludvig and Dakon technically, but what the cameras didn't catch or know was that Kemal did some damage, too. Honestly, he needed to prove how much of a leader he was going to be when I retired, and that's something I haven't told Ross yet because he would pressure me to do title matches a lot more. I'd rather he find out when I tell the world in January next year. Ross Barnes: “Maybe because that business meant a lot to him. Imagine someone going into your garages and destroying your cars. I mean, obviously, you have the money to get other parts, but Shaun may not have as much money as you do to rebuild the place as you do to get new dirt cars and the Super Late Models tarmac cars.” Konrad Raab: “Also, my friends in racing would give me new cars to build and give away cars to me anyway.” Ross Barnes: “That's true. I have a feeling you got more to talk about.” Konrad Raab: “I do, and you'll also see it on my blog. Shaun had no fucking business talking down to me the way he did, and he fucking knows it, being the hypocrite he is. I know a few things or two that will point out what Shaun, Kennedy and others have been doing during their wrestling careers, and I don't get why what I do is any different to what they used to do or do in Shaun's case.” Of course I know why, it's because I race every single weekend and SCW staff knew this since two thousand and twenty two. I wonder if Shaun even thinks about if he was in the same position to decide an acting scene he had to do on that day to finalise a scene for a film or to wrestle Enigma or some other wrestler. I think if he had been in that position, he would have understood, and he should've done it. Ross Barnes: “Well, I won't bore you with the details, but I really want you to think, just think about being champion again. We need to get you there once again and for you to conquer your fear of going for the world title. I understand this time for the rumble, you weren't ready.” Konrad Raab: “No, because every time I've ever taken part in the rumble, I was always eliminated because I get a massive anxiety attack due to the pressure of doing everything to win the match for the world title. The last time I made an effort was two years ago, and I have never done it since.” Ross Barnes: “Yeah, and I know that's exactly the reason why I'm here, and we're working on it. Shaun doesn't know that, and neither does anyone else in the wrestling business. It's better you hide it than tell the world why you avoid doing the Rumble and want to find other ways to get to the Rise To Greatness main event for the world title.” Konrad Raab: “And there is. People stupidly forgot about another type of match SCW does where you can do the same thing but for a lot less. I mention that in the blog and it seems I have to tell the story how the NASCAR dream even came up as well. Because there's something about my past that I've never told people about, and if I have, people have forgotten it.” That's the thing about these wrestler idiots: None of them know what I truly did before I became a professional wrestler. The fact is, I need to get out of my chest about the differences between NASCAR and wrestling these days. It's not even funny that I've been holding this back, given how much of the truth it is right now. I even laugh at it when I think about it, and it shouldn't be funny. Ross Barnes: “I am curious now what you used to do before you became a professional wrestler, but I'm sure I will find that out in your blog. I think we've covered everything about Shaun, and I'll see you on Sunday at the Rise To Greatness event.” Konrad Raab: “For sure, with Shaun's blood on my hands and my face, it will be a good end to his pathetic ass career, if you even call it that, with his return at Taking Hold Of The Flame Rumble, but he had a career nevertheless. See you there; I need to rest for more Indycar training, wrestling in Chicago against Eavan and flying to Paris.” Ross groaned as I knew I had to say that to stop him from ever talking about the stupid battle royal match he wanted me to compete in so much and granted, it was his job, but I covered up the business side of things to not tell him the truth about the real reason I was going to Paris and my lady friend has no idea what I'm about to do when she's finished her events at the Olympics while being in Paris. Funny, nobody in wrestling even knows about me having a lady friend this entire time because I kept it hidden from wrestlers and the business itself on purpose. NASCAR drivers and teams know because they've seen me hang around with her, and obviously, her skateboarding friends know since I met them on Sunday with the X-Games being a month ago. Anyway, Ross left, and I went to my room in my trailer and went straight to sleep with a busy week ahead of me before wrestling and another week of racing break. ------------------------------------------ Facing a stupid pipsqueak who thought they could face me to try and pinpoint fiction to me and the wrestling world when he's a liar blog. (Online) “You know how far wrestling has fallen when there are more rivalries and hatred between drivers in NASCAR than in professional wrestling. It's embarrassing that NASCAR can actually build stories of those driver rivalries, hatred, and fights better than wrestling can. Wrestling, on the other hand, has only five matches in RTG, including mine, that have both. Every other match, like the wrestlers who refuse to separate their wrestling characters to be themselves out of the ring, is so dull and redundant because everyone says and does the same as each other that I couldn't tell the difference between Bree and Yuyo other than their names because they are near enough the same people. Because New Blood has corrupted this business with their respect and challenging titles, talk that doesn't sell tickets because it's fucking boring how many of you have gone away from being wrestling characters to being your pathetic selves when you all should separate yourselves from being wrestlers. The fact you lot don't only take a shit on the business. I already proved why Deanna was not a challenge at all for me as a champion because she wasn't. She let me throw her around like a ragdoll, giving me zero challenge to fight with violence. So that's one champion that can be ruled, and it's not a challenging threat to me at any point. But this is the kind of shit veterans like pipsqueak Shaun Cruze supports. A guy who's won so many titles and is in the hall of fame, a guy who's meant to be respected. I respect Owen Cruze for giving me that tenth-anniversary match, and I will never forget it. Still, you are supporting undeserving pricks who haven't been here for a cup of tea to make an impact in the rumble because they know they can't hack making debuts on the Breakdown program. Oh, entering the rumble will give you balls. No it doesn't, it makes the wrestlers taking part in it stupid. Ninety-nine per cent of the wrestlers state every year how they'll main event Rise To Greatness and how bad they'd do anything to get there, and when they get eliminated after all that false hope in themselves, I laugh at how pathetic they were for saying unrealistic crap. I even laugh at myself for saying unrealistic shit to this day when I've been in it. Newsflash, you stupid pipsqueak, and you should've already known this, but there is another way of getting to a world title main event match at Rise To Greatness without entering an unrealistic cliché rumble. Do any veteran SCW wrestlers remember the Trios Tournament? Yes, that tournament where you're paired up with two other wrestlers and the three winners get a Trios Contract to cash in any match you want to have. That was the other way I would take you, stupid idiot, and you call me out for doing minimal research. Another thing you were a hypocrite about is your dedication to wrestling. You skipped wrestling shows and matches to do Film/TV show series scenes. Why was it alright for you to do and me doing a NASCAR race was not? You went almost the same amount of time away from wrestling as I did. Did you also use wrestling money to get into films and acting for travel expenses? Because acting is not a cheap job either. You often debated whether you should do matches with wrestlers or go off and do film/TV show series scenes with other actors and actresses. Shaun, you don't know what I used to do before I became a wrestler. It's led me partly to be in NASCAR to shut your ass up on saying I use wrestling for money when I had plenty of it before I was a wrestler, you stupid prick, and I never thought I'd be telling this story, but since you told lies about me, let's bring the truth out in the open. Before I became a wrestler, I did banger car racing in Germany. I hosted events every year, including destroying caravans and even taking part in banger car races outside events I used to hold, and I was damn good at it. Won nearly every race in Germany. Back in two thousand and twenty, I went to the Daytona Five Hundred Race and a day later, they were doing next-gen car testing. While I was there, Brad Rogers, who's a team boss for a top NASCAR team, remembered me for my banger car races I won because he went to Germany to watch them and offered me a shot to be in the test car, which I gladly accepted. I did testing laps in a NASCAR that was faster than everyone, but Denny Hamlin who won the race that year. After that, Brad gave me a number to call if I wanted to do NASCAR, and I did it in two thousand twenty-two on a part-time basis before it led to full-time bases the next year. So don't ever dare say to me I use this business for money because I don't. I use this business for letting my anger out to beat the shit out of people because I can't do it in other places legally. I would wrestle for free without titles around me, unlike the rest of the roster, who wouldn't because there's no other place than in wrestling to let my anger and aggression out. So because I demanded to face Enigma, who wasn't champion because CHBK forgot I race on Saturdays and stupidly promoted the match on a day he knew I couldn't do it, I was disrespecting the business? Disrespecting the business would be what Matt Knox did, jumping the gun to demand to face a champion when he didn't want to earn one by beating the champion in a non-title match first. That, to me, is disrespecting the business, Shaun. Also, where did I say anything about retiring? I never said that sort of thing whatsoever, you idiot. Jumping the gun, huh? The point is you know nothing about me, and all this talk about me being more successful when I was a fucking pushover and respectful when I lacked aggression? It's bullshit. I went nowhere, and people like Owen and David did nothing when Jason Helms mocked and tortured me all those times, and you must wonder why I can't be myself. Because wrestlers wouldn't allow me to be myself, and that's what I will tell everyone: being yourself is impossible in this business. So, what makes everyone think that being myself will suddenly change my career? I had to be a fucking character to be different from myself because I was dull and boring when I came in; I literally sent everyone to sleep. I was a pussy for being afraid of my anger, a pussy for not having the balls to stand up for myself and allowed to be picked on like I've had to go through my entire life, being rejected. In fact, I won more titles now as my angry self than I did in the past, and that's because Minerva sparked a fire in me I never had before which she was right with, and I feel fucking good to let the anger I had trapped inside. I won the Underground title, which I wouldn't have if I continued being myself. People wanted me to get angry and let loose, and I'm sticking to it. Shaun, all these monsters talk, especially Xander, who's not even a monster anymore and never was, is garbage because he was no monster, just pretended to be. I don't even know about the other monster dude and I don't give a damn what he's done or in the hall of fame, he's irrelevant. Oh, and let's not forget that while I'm a piece of garbage, let's talk about when you strangled a woman back in the day. How I refuse to stand up for your shitty behaviour. God damn, I may have allowed myself to be in that position and given Minerva permission in the past to strangle me, but I'd never ever put my hands around a woman's throat, at least not a part of a wrestling match in the wrestling business. My twin brother has not done that, and that's saying something. You have tenancies to be violent, and I want you to bring that to me. I don't want the soft bitch Shaun trying to defend his family and this broken-ass business that New Blood has ruined to make wrestling respect every opponent with no hatred and wars because they are too gutless and pussies to do so. But did you think my team even wanted to be solos wrestlers? Without them, there would be even more of a mess of a tag division because they are dedicated to winning the world tag titles and that's all they want to do, no different to Kim's entire SCW run chasing the Underground title. Why is what Kim is doing good, and what Dakon and Ludvig want to achieve is bad? They aren't interested in being the best solos wrestlers or winning the US, Adrenaline, TV, Underground or World Solos titles because it's not their goal, and it never will be. They want the World Tag Titles, and that's it. Also, how are they my lackies when I don't even hang around with them outside the ring? Heck, I have rarely even been in tag matches with them. I see Polly hanging around with Colleen and Asling being their lackies more backstage than me with them. But all because they are solos wrestlers, they are still lackies to Polly. The only time I do hang around with Dakon and Ludvig is to discuss wrestling plans. Well, at the moment, I am looking into a Turkish wrestler I'm bringing into the wrestling business soon who will be a part of the team and who will end up going against me because he will be wrestling on his own, too. I got a few more wrestlers in Europe that because of me, Dakon and Ludvig, they are inspired to be wrestlers too and some want to be solos wrestlers, two of them from Hungary and France want to become wrestlers after I leave. There are always going to be European wrestlers coming in because of me; that started the European Wrestling revelation that nobody in the SCW roster had the balls or a pair of tits to try. Dakon and Ludvig inspired a lot of European wrestlers outside of the UK and Ireland to get into this business because they are an exclusive tag team committed to growing the team without ever being solo wrestlers. But I have no problems ending you in the ring and no problems proving how much bullshit you spoke and how much I'm willing to fucking destroy you. Yes, there will be violence and blood because you pissed me off when I did fuckall to you to how you said I disrespected the business when I fucking didn't. All because I had unfinished business with Enigma, and I still do. I'm not giving up my quest to face him because CHBK said I gave up my shot at revenge. He can fuck off with that. Because I could face him, especially when he becomes the US champion, and I will be chasing him for that title. You temporarily halted my quest, and I'll pay for everything you've said and done to me. I wasn't going to allow you to say shit to me and my team by their own choice, not me attacking your studios, and the Turkish future wrestler was a part of the whole thing as well as Ludvig and Dakon were. The point is that shouldn't be what you were upset with, and you had to go to CHBK to demand a match against me when I would've accepted the match if you asked anyway because I don't allow people to say shit about me and get away with it. You know that better than anyone, and it'll be nice to send you packing along with pussy ass Owen, who ran because he couldn't hack it anymore. I won't be running anywhere, and you'll be crushed by a flaming rock that will destroy you all over the ring, and you'll see what I'm capable of doing tomorrow at Rise To Greatness. Be ready for a loss you'll get because I'm ready to get this violent match started with me crushing you, bloody you open and win because I can and I will, end of story.” ![]() ![]() I love AJ Allmendinger and Louis Deletraz. |
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