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07-18-2024, 11:13 PM
(This post was last modified: 07-22-2024, 12:15 PM by supremecw.)
James Evans vs. "The Wild Card" Kimberly Williams vs. Leroy Adams vs. Eavan "Sykobitty" Maloney
SCW Underground Championship
Rise to Greatness XXI
2 RP Limit, no word limits
Deadline: 11:59:59 pm ET Sunday, July 28, 2024
Posts: 253
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1 of 2
July 15th, 2024
Boston, Massachusetts
Off Camera
Rise To Greatness is little over two weeks away and the path forwards for the Queen of the Death Match is clear; Kimberly Williams must face the challenge of not only Eavan Maloney but also Leroy Adams and, of course, the continued thorn in her side James Evans in order to regain the SCW Underground Championship. Underground Rules, one fall to a finish, only one winner. Chaos will be the deciding factor and the rule of the day at Rise To Greatness and Kimberly knows that it just plays into her advantage. The Woman Scorned thrives in a chaotic environment. She revels in chaos and violence. The more chaotic, the more violent, the better off she is. The more chaotic the environment, the more likely Kimberly is to win back her coveted SCW Underground Championship. Ideally she would have preferred to have had it one on one against the reigning champion, Maloney. If not that, then perhaps one on one to settle the score with James Evans first. But this will do just fine for Williams as the chaos of this match will give her the edge. Yet these thoughts, this idea that she would have preferred something one on one as opposed to the uncontrolled chaos of this four way Underground Title Match, it stirs up some troubling thoughts and feelings within the heart and soul of The Queen of Chaos.
It is no longer a secret that Kimberly Williams is thinking about the future of the Underground. She is thinking about and planning for a post Kim Williams Underground because she recognizes the reality of the situation that she cannot keep it up forever. She cannot continue to hold the Underground up on her back. She has done a great deal for the Underground division. She resurrected it, she elevated its prestige to new, unheard of heights. She is a five time Underground Champion, tying the record for most reigns. If she were to regain the title at Rise To Greatness, the record would solely belong to her. But she knows that one day she will have to step aside and leave the Underground to the next generation of talent. It isn’t a matter of the Underground being too violent, despite the nonsensical rantings and ramblings of James Evans. No, the reason Kimberly is even considering a future away from the Underground division lies deep within her psyche. It is a reason that haunts her, has haunted her for years. It is a reality that downright frightens The Woman Scorned. Kimberly doesn’t fear the violence. She doesn’t fear what continued involvement in the Underground could do to her long term health and well being. She doesn’t really care what happens to her body. What she really fears is herself, specifically the darkness that she has kept bottled away, hidden for so very long now.
Many competitors have said that chasing and winning the championship is the easy part, its defending the title and keeping it that is most difficult. Kimberly has found that, for herself, it is the opposite. Keeping the Underground Championship was easier on her psyche than the chase. The chase to win back the Underground Title has always chipped away at her soul, more and more. The Woman Scorned is honestly not sure how much of a soul she has left to give. What if she has to give up everything that she is, sacrifice her very soul and psyche, in order to regain the title at Rise To Greatness? And if she succeeds, what becomes of her then? What if all that is left is the darkness, the soulless Kimberly Williams that she has feared for so long? Kimberly has thus far hidden this fear from those closest to her. Even her family is unaware of what is currently bothering her. But recently her good friend, her closest confidant, Larry Dempsey, has called her out on what is bothering her. Larry Dempsey, a man who spent time in a mental ward with Kimberly, knows her struggles possibly better than anyone else. Now that he has picked up on it, Williams now fears that is a sign that trouble is brewing beneath the surface. She fears she may not be able to contain things much longer. What should she do?
Now most normal individuals would take time like this to think, clear their mind, come up with a plan of how to tackle a problem such as this. Kim isn’t like most normal individuals. She is indeed taking time to think about this but she is doing it in a very unusual place; namely the roof of her dilapidated home in the lower class neighborhood of Boston, Massachusetts. She sits perched atop the roof, her fiery red hair spills messily around her shoulders marking a face that is marred with fatigue and weariness, but also strong resilience and a refusal to give up. Not yet. She is wearing a faded oversized Queens of Chaos logo sweater, torn denim jeans, and scuffed sneakers. The roof she sits on is as run down as the house itself, with shingles missing and patches of tar paper exposed. The house's paint is peeling, and the wooden structure shows signs of decay and neglect. The neighborhood around her reflects a similar state of disrepair, with cracked sidewalks, overgrown yards, and a general air of abandonment. Kimberly sits there, lost in thought, her gaze distant as she surveys the cityscape. The deranged ginger is lost in thought, so much so that she doesn’t even notice when she hears her front door opening and then slamming shut. She also doesn’t hear the voice calling out her name…
“Kimmy?” A voice ordinarily familiar to her, a voice with a thick English accent, rings out. But Kim takes no notice of it at first. “Hey, Kimmy, where are ya, love?” Finally The Woman Scorned snaps to attention. She looks around with a slight bit of confusion on her face.
“Huh? Wha?” She looks around from side to side. “Who said that?”
“Me!” Comes the voice yet again.
“Is that you, God?” Kim asks curiously.
“Not hardly, love!” There’s laughter this time. “It’s me. Your boyfriend. Tommy.”
Yes, that Tommy. Former EMERGE wrestling star Tommy Wasley, who has been dating Kimberly steadily for quite some time now. A warm smile forms on Kim’s face as she carefully makes her way over to the edge and peers over. She finds Tommy standing there looking up at her with a bewildered grin of his own on his face.
“Oh, hi Tommy!”
“Kimmy, what ya doin’ up there?”
“Trying to reach God!” Kimberly exclaims joyfully. This causes Tommy to furrow his brow in confusion.
“Uh, are ya sure you’re ok?”
“Of course!” Kim points up in the sky. “See that bright star up there? It’s the brightest in the sky! Pretty sure that’s God!”
“Not sure about that, love.” Tommy says with a low chuckle. “Are ya sure you’re ok?”
“I’m great!” Kim insists. “Why wouldn’t I be?”
“I dunno.” He shrugs his shoulders. “Ya just aren’t acting like yourself. That’s all.”
“You DO know I’m crazy, right?” Kim says with a wry grin. Tommy chuckles again.
“Yeah, I know, but this is strange even for you. For one, you’re sitting on the roof.”
“I already told you. I’m trying to reach God.”
“AND you left Wasley inside.”
“No I didn’t. You’re out here, silly.” Kim smirks.
“I meant the penguin, love.”
“Oh.” Kim shrugs her shoulders. “He’s keeping Caligula company.”
“Maybe you need someone to keep you company, am I right?” Tommy asks as he points upward. “May I join you?”
“It’s a free roof!” Kim says. And with that, Tommy find the nearby ladder that Kim had used to climb up. He slowly makes the climb, being ever cautious not to slip. Eventually he reaches the top and joins his girlfriend on the roof. He wraps an arm around her shoulders. He looks over at Kim, looks deep into her eyes, studying her carefully.
“What’s bugging ya?”
“Nothing’s bugging me, Wasley.” Kim insists with a shake of her head. “I mean, Jim Jones Evans keeps pissing me off. The fact that I don’t get a one on one shot at the Underground Title kinda irks me. But other than that, shit, I’m peaches and cream baby!”
“No, no, something is definitely bothering you.” Tommy insists. “I can tell that something has you upset. I just don’t know what it is or why you won’t talk to me about it.”
“What makes you think I’m upset about anything other than the fact that I don’t have my Underground Title right now?”
“Honestly, love, it’s just how you’ve been behaving lately. You’ve been quiet and more distant lately. That’s a big change for you considering how upbeat and wacky you typically are, love.”
“Oh ok, you’re right.” Kim sighs out of frustration. “I might be a little bothered…”
“By what?”
“Something Lawrence of Arabia said.”
“Yer pal Larry?” Tommy asks. Kim just nods her head quietly. “Hey, I thought everything was all fine after ya finally convinced him to get professional help. Did he go off the deep end again?” Tommy smirks. “Do I need to pretend to be a priest again? I mean, I will if I have to but…”
“Not necessary!” Kim bursts into laughter. “I wouldn’t put you into that position again!”
“Good!” Tommy chuckles. “But uh, what is wrong with ol’ Larry? What did he say that got you all upset?”
He stares at Kim, waiting on an answer, but all he gets is silence; an awkward silence. After a few tense moments Kimberly finally sighs and begins to speak. “Let me ask you something. Let me ask you about you and me. Have you ever been curious about why we never moved in together? Why we never got married, for that matter? I mean, we’ve been dating for a very long time now, Tommy, but we never took it much farther beyond that. Haven’t you ever wondered why?”
“Uh, I suppose I have.” He shrugs his shoulders. “But, honestly, I just respected your privacy and your space. I figured when you were ready, you would let me know. I didn’t want to push you.” Upon hearing this response Kim smiles and then, uncharacteristically, leans in and kisses him on his cheek.
“You are too nice to me, Tommy.”
“Well let me ask you another question. Have you ever wondered why I always act like a clown or behave childishly?”
“I admit, I never thought of it.” He starts laughing. “I just thought you were fun.”
“Thanks, Wasley. But, uh, see, that’s the thing, I’m not that childish, clown, fun loving crazy Kim all the time. That’s definitely a big part of who I am but it isn’t who I am 24/7. I don’t want you around during those times when I lose control and I am not that clown, that childish fun loving crazy Kim. I don’t want you…or anyone else for that matter…to see what I become.”
“I take it Larry has seen you that way.” Tommy says. Kim nods her head in confirmation.
“Being locked away can do something to a person. It changes a person. I was a dangerous person before being locked away in the psych ward. I tried to kill my mother multiple times. I threatened the lives of my sisters. I DID kidnap Marie. That is what I am capable of, Tommy. That is the twisted evil I am truly capable of when I give up and give in to my darkest desires. Larry was truly a savior for me. He was locked up due to his own problems but he was further along in his treatment than me and he had some brilliant advice on how I could repress those dark evil desires.”
“The guy who wanted to have fake exorcisms done offered YOU advice?” Tommy asks. Kim nods her head.
“Don’t knock it until you tried it!” Kim smirks. “Anyway, I had a lot of hate in my heart and soul at that time, Tommy. Even when Marie, the saint that she is, decided to make peace and try to help me, try to befriend me, even after we did bury the hatchet, I still had a lot of hate. That darkness still controlled me.” Williams shakes her head. “I didn’t trust myself. Knowing precisely what I am capable of, I did not trust myself. Hell, I still don’t trust myself. But Larry, he knew what to do. He told me to envision myself as the opposite of what I wanted to be.”
“So Crazy Kim was born?” Tommy asks.
“Yup. I mean, where’s the harm in a wacky girl who talks to a stuffed penguin or pretends her pet hamster cusses like a sailor? There’s nothing evil about that; it’s comedic. Cosplaying as Selena Frost at Rise To Greatness, singing a parody of Ice Ice Baby about my opponents? That’s entertainment. That’s how I decided to suppress that darkness in my soul. With entertainment. With fun. And it has worked for awhile…” her voice trails off for a moment. Tommy pats her gently on the back to comfort her “...but anytime I start to take something too seriously, anytime I become too intense or too passionate about something, and I let go of that thin veil of entertainment and fun, the monster comes through, the darkness, the REAL Kim comes through.”
“You’re not a monster, love.” Tommy insists. “And you’re not evil.”
“When Owen Cruze beat me for the Underground Title, I wanted to get it back and I wanted it back with a passion, so I let my guard down, I let that darkness creep in, and I used my Trios Contract to create the most chaos in the history of SCW. But I created that chaos without a care for who I might hurt in the process. I realized the night of the cash in that I had gone too far.” She laughs uneasily. “But hell, it was too late to walk it back at that point. Then James Evans came along.” She shakes her head. “It wasn’t just him beating me for the title that brought out the darkness inside me. It was his goddamn cult. The House of James. Cults, or anything resembling a cult, they hit home with me in a big way.”
“Yeah, I know.” Tommy nods his head. “Yer sister was impacted by that one…”
“The enlightenment clowns. Yeah. They hurt my sister. They hurt Marie. They took advantage of her mentally, emotionally, and sexually. So when I saw James and his crew I didn’t see James or the House of James, I saw the embodiment of what hurt my sister, so I didn’t just want to beat James, I wanted to fucking murder him. Do you remember how I didn’t speak to you for several days after I beat him to regain the title?” Kim asks. Tommy nods his head.
“I was on radio silent because I intentionally let my guard down and let that darkness back in so that I could do maximum damage to hurt James and reclaim the title. I strapped that explosive to my knee not wanting to beat him. I hoped it would literally take his fucking head off.” Kim shakes her head. “I know it was wrong for me to think that but I didn’t give a damn at the time. I had fully embraced the darkness and I knew I needed time to walk it back. I needed time to repress it again. That’s why I didn’t contact you or anyone else for that matter. That’s why I stayed in isolation.” She sighs deeply. “Now Rise To Greatness is here, once again James Evans is right there…but so is Leroy Adams…so is Eavan Maloney who has my Underground Championship. I know that the only way I can win is if I once again fully embrace my darkness.”
In an extremely rare and uncharacteristic move, Kimberly breaks down in tears. Tommy hugs her tightly, hugs her close to his chest. “It’s ok, love. It’s ok.”
“I’m afraid. Because each time I go to that place, I find it more and more difficult to find my way back. I will go to that dark place again, Tommy. And I might win back the Underground Title. But what if I lose myself in the process? Because I’m afraid that I will not be able to hold back the monster I have become any longer if I do.”
Tommy hugs her tightly. “Everything will be fine. I’m here for ya.”
“But what should I do?” Kim asks. “I’m legit scared of myself!”
“Maybe you should see a therapist? Y’know?”
“Now you’re sounding like Lawrence of Arabia.” Kim says while rolling her eyes.
“Hey, it worked for him, why wouldn’t it work for you?”
July 16th, 2024
Boston, Massachusetts
Off Camera
Kimberly Williams is afraid of herself and what she is capable of if she ever truly lost control. This isn’t her only fear. Much like her friend Larry Dempsey, she fears going back to see a psychiatrist. Unlike Dempsey, who feared that the psychiatrist would put him back in a mental hospital, Kimberly is fearful that the psychiatrist would just confirm her greatest fear; that there is nothing she can do to prevent herself from one day losing control and descending fully into her darkest of desires. But Kim is many things but hypocrite isn’t among them. She convinced her friend Larry to seek the help of a psychiatrist, so when her boyfriend Tommy Wasley suggested that she do the same thing, it only made sense for her to take the same advice.
Thus The Woman Scorned has mustered the courage to pay a visit to a woman very near and dear to her family, namely the Jones family; Dr. Jennifer Warren. The Jones family have had close ties with Warren dating back to when the Jones family matriarch, Angelica Jones, first broke into the business. The two women were close and after Dr. Warren came into enough money to fund her own practice, she has been the personal doctor for Angelica, her sister Kayla, and all of their children. Kimberly has never taken advantage of this herself, however, except for the one instance she called in a favor to have the good doctor look at Larry Dempsey. This will be the first time Kim has actually gone to see her for her own troubles and difficulties. The Queen of the Death Match sits slouched in a cushioned chair in Dr. Warren’s office. Kim is wearing torn faded denim jeans, a plain black t-shirt, and flip flops. She is cuddled up with her beloved penguin plushy Wasley.
The office itself is a stark contrast to Kimberly's appearance. Warmly lit and tastefully decorated, it exudes a sense of calm and order. Bookshelves filled with neatly arranged volumes line one wall, while framed certificates and calming landscape paintings adorn another. A large window lets in soft, natural light. Seated perpendicular to Kim is Dr. Jennifer Warren, a blonde woman, just a little older than Kim’s mother Angelica Jones, with a poised and empathetic demeanor. Warren is dressed in a professional yet approachable manner including a tailored blazer over a simple blouse, her hands resting lightly on a notepad in her lap.
“It is quite the pleasure to see you, Kimberly.” Warren says pleasantly. “I do not hear from you nearly as much as I do your sisters or your mother.”
“Maybe that’s because I’m actually the normal one of the family.” Kim winks playfully.
“Normal is such a subjective term, Kimberly. Their normal is different from yours but…”
“Different? Ha!” Kim laughs. “Everyone’s normal is different from mine, doc!”
“This is true. Everyone is unique. Everyone is different. That’s what makes the world so beautiful. Don’t you agree?”
“Eh, I don’t know about that one doc.” Kim shrugs her shoulders. “Me and Wasley here know some real unique assholes who do not exactly add to the beauty of this world.”
“Are we going to talk about any of those…unique assholes…today, Kimberly?”
“Oh no!” She shakes her head. “No need to talk about him. I already know what I’m going to do about him.”
“What’s that?”
“I’m gonna kill him!” Kim says, grinning from ear to ear. Dr. Warren frowns. She isn’t sure what to make of Kim’s remark. She has dealt with wrestlers on plenty of occasions, especially the Jones family, and understands that this is most likely just hyperbole. Still…
“You’re going to…kill him?”
“Figuratively speaking!” Kim laughs. “Well…I mean, the match is Underground Rules, I suppose something real bad could happen by accident to ol’ Jimbo Evans or any of the rest of us in that match, for that matter! But that’s not the plan! I just wanna win back the title. No death is necessary. Maiming, however, is encouraged!”
“Right…” Jennifer sighs as she scribbles some notes on her note pad “....Kimberly, why ARE you here? You were not scheduled. You just stopped in unexpectedly. Of course I made time for you, lucky for you I had no patients scheduled for this slot. And lucky for you I am good friends with your mother.”
“Yeah! My mom’s great, isn’t she?”
“Indeed she is.” Jennifer Warren is showing signs of frustration. “So, Kimberly, what do you want? Is there something wrong that you need to talk about? You know anything and everything you say is strictly confidential.”
“That’s what I needed to hear, because yeah, this is kinda important.” Kim chuckles softly. “Shit, it took my boyfriend convincing me to come here in the first place because…I mean…” she sighs and shakes her head as her jovial mask drops “...I am afraid.”
“Afraid of what, Kimberly?”
“Honestly? I’m not sure even you would understand.” Kim says. Dr. Warren smirks.
“I have been in this practice for a very long time, Kimberly. I have heard it all. There is absolutely nothing you can tell me that would shock me in the slightest.”
“Really?” Kim looks skeptical. “Would you believe that I am afraid of myself? That I am afraid of what I am truly capable of?” There is a brief pause while Dr. Warren considers the question. Then she nods her head.
“Yes, I can believe it. In fact, it makes perfectly logical sense. You have spent so many years almost entirely engrossed in the hardcore match environment. To survive, let alone win a match where there are no rules, you do have to let go of your basic humanity and become as violent as possible. Some might argue that its animalistic. So I can see how you could be fearful of what you are capable of doing to another human being in a match like that. You have a hardcore match coming up soon, correct?”
“Rise To Greatness, yeah.” Kim nods her head. “Underground Championship against Eavan Maloney, Leroy Adams, and James Evans.”
“And you are fearful of what you might do to them?”
“It isn’t that simple, doc.” Kim shakes her head. “When that bell rings it’s simply about competition. I’m going to try and win, everyone else be damned…well, except for Jimbo…I definitely want him to LOSE…but yeah, when that bell rings I don’t care about the others. I just want to win and win back my championship. But…” Kim pauses to regain her composure “...but each time I return to that environment, each time I try to reclaim that Underground Title, I have to dig down deep into my more sadistic side. I have to embrace this…this darkness in my soul. Without that darkness, that evil, I cannot recapture what I once held. So each time I try to reclaim it, I have to go back to that dark place. And each time, it becomes more difficult for me to put that darkness, to put that evil, back in its box.”
“Yes, well…” Jennifer sighs “...I have followed your career, both professional and personal…for a very long time. I know your history. You have a record. So I know perfectly well what you are ‘capable of’, my dear. But what do you want me to do about it?”
“Anything!” Kim exclaims. “Medication! Hypnosis! Electroshock therapy! Anything!”
“Settle down.” Jennifer says calmly, sensing that Kim is losing control right now. “I can prescribe some medication, maybe even suggest some meditation practices if you wish. But, if you want my honest opinion, there may only be one way to permanently settle your problem.”
“What is it?” Kim asks, seeming desperate for a permanent solution.
“Maybe you need to back away from the nonstop death match wrestling.” Jennifer states. “Once in awhile? Fine. But you are actively competing in three different hardcore divisions. And if just the one SCW Underground division takes as much a toll on your mind as you claim it does, imagine what three at a time does to you?”
“Back away?” Kim repeats. Jennifer nods her head.
“No…” Kim shakes her head “...absolutely not!”
“Why not?”
“Because I am Kimberly Williams, I am a member of the Jones Wrestling Family, and we do not lay down for anyone! Rise To Greatness is coming up, do you think I will be satisfied with just anyone winning?” She shakes her head. “No! I mean, even if Evans loses, if I do not do everything and anything within my power to win that match, I could not live with myself, I could not sleep at night if I did not do everything I could to win. And that means going back to that dark place…that means going to that place that scares the hell outta me…” Kim shakes her head “...sorry, doc, but backing away now is out of the question. I’m all in…for better or for worse.”
SWC Southern Heavyweight Champion 1x
MWA Turmoil Champion 1x
GCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
UWA World Tag Team Champion 1x
HKW Bloodlust Champion 3x
2022 SCW Trios Tournament Winner
SCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
SCW Underground Champion 5x
SCW Television Champion 1x
SCW United States Champion 1x
MWE Chicago Way Champion 1x
5LW Television Champion 1x
Queen of the Death Match
SCW United States Champion 1x
SCW Television Champion 2x
SCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
UWA World Champion 1x
UWA X-Class Champion 1x
UWA World Tag Team Champion 1x
IWC World Tag Team Champion 1x
MCW X-Division Champion 1x
GDW International Champion 1x
GDW World Tag Team Champion 3x
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1 of 2
Undisclosed Location
Los Angeles, CA
Evening of May 26th, 2024
Another sun sets down behind me
Another day comes crashing in
There's a whispering wind that's blowing
There's a storm that's closing in
“Hey, you look somewhat familiar, toots. Sure I haven’t seen you around here before?” The voice was old, hoarse. Another lost angel trying to either find a way out of their mortal coil, or a way to become fertilizer to create new life. His hair, face, and clothing were all the color of stained-in dirt and soot for the tracks nearby. Hadn’t had a shower in probably weeks at this point, his beard had grown out like he’d been a member of ZZ Top in a previous time. The teeth he had remaining were as dark as the rest of them. “Got a smoke on ya?”
“Hey, Jimmy, honestly I thought you…” Olive handed him a couple of cigarettes from her pack. She didn’t smoke anymore unless on very rare occasions, but she knew having cigarettes and a stash of alcohol on her would help her get information, or at least, it’d keep her from getting mugged. Olive sat down beside the old man and lit his cigarette for him. “Where’d the Church go?”
“Fuckers raided it in 2021, then the city leveled it. Said it was unfit. Like this is?” Jimmy raised his arms and turned around in place showing off the surroundings. “Then the system cut my bennies. Then the heat came. Some of them didn’t make it. Cooked dead right on the sidewalks.”
Jimmy gets up and motions Olive to follow him. They walk along a trail to an abandoned rail building in the shadow of a newer modern one. “This is the new Church. City struck a deal with Amtrak to convert this building to a shelter of sorts.”
“Good, that will help them, but when are you coming back with me to Jersey?”
Jimmy sits down on the porch of the building, his shoulders slumped. “Liv, you know I can’t do that. That ship sailed long ago.”
“Says you. She misses you, but she doesn’t know that we know each other. I didn’t even know she was your kid until she was telling me about you. She needs you.”
Jimmy shakes his head. “Nah, she don’t. And if she’s around you, she’s already better off. Besides, she knows where to find me.”
I can hear the trains, they're rolling
To a place I've never been
And I can feel her breath beside me
With an empty glass of gin
As the darkness settles in
“Actually, she doesn’t… fuck, this really shouldn’t be coming from me… but even if she did, she wouldn’t be able to communicate. I know you can’t read anymore with your eyes gone to shit, Jimmy. And Julia can’t speak.” Olive places her hand on Jimmy’s. “Ex tried to slash her throat. She fought back enough to escape. Last I’ve heard, he’s somewhere here in LA.”
“Julia, she… she’s special. Girl had a beautiful voice on her, could sing anything from Ella to Madonna, but she was bullied a lot. Our whole family was. You knew the shit I did, I paid my debt to society but society hasn’t let me back in yet. Marjorie’s long gone, left me when I was behind bars. And Julia, well, all she’s really ever heard of me was shit that Margie’s told her. Might have met her a half-dozen times in her life? But I still have that vinyl of hers. Hang on.”
Jimmy walks into the shelter and after a few minutes, he comes out holding a small vinyl record in a paper sheet.
“Here, take it back to Jersey with you, and play it. Anything you’ve always wondered about Julia can be found in her voice.”
Doves Compound
New Egypt, NJ
July 24th, 2024
We find ourselves inside a rather large log cabin. On the walls is a flag of the Devil’s Dove patch, a raven with red horns and the Shieldmaidens shield on its back, symbolizing their charter status with the Shieldmaidens, despite the difference in name. Photos on the wall of the different couples and families within the group. On another wall is a large poster of the group in front of the Krigarakademin, along with pictures of the girls and women who are both in the program, and graduated. As the private part of the Dove meeting ends, Sykobitty puts her hand up to get everyone’s attention.
“I know we don’t do this very often, having cameras in here or really at all, but I wanted to talk about a few things while we were all here and I have no issues having this get out on the internet or what have you. As you all know, what started as me going after one person in NFW, has devolved into a war with the Wolves of Odinn. Personally, I don’t think anyone in this room is going to back down from a challenge, but I wanted to use the cameras to make this clear again because I think the Wolves have a little too much fur in their ears, or nothing between them, so I have to repeat myself yet again.”
Sykobitty stands up and faces the camera.
“The Devil’s Doves collectively have no beef with you. The only thing I want is to get MY Silver Mountain championship back from Priscilla White who currently holds it. I never lost it fairly years ago, and I plan to rectify that problem by whatever means necessary. If you continue to persist in involving yourselves in business that does not concern you, I will have no choice but to return the favor in kind. We will throw hands with anyone irresponsible enough to get involved in affairs you have no business involving yourself in. Yes, I have said some things in the past that got under your craw. Guess what? Knowledge has a way of changing one’s opinion, and I have not only apologized for those comments, but have even spoken to people pertinent to the situation. If you guys weren’t aware, obviously you weren’t pertinent. This will be the last time I discuss this. The next infraction from you will be considered a call to arms, and we will eradicate the issue by whatever means necessary. Thank you.”
Sykobitty sits back down and all the Doves pound the table in approval. As Sykobitty was about to bring up the next topic of discussion, one of the Doves at the table raises their hands. The woman was rather thick, with half her head shaved and gothic makeup on her face. One of Bitty’s favorite loose cannons in the group.
“Maneater, the table’s yours.”
Maneater stood up, and as she spoke, she started to approach Bitty with a bit of aggression in her stride and tone. “Well, with yous wrestlin’ and all, when are wes gettin’ the band back together?”
Before Maneater could get too close to Bitty, a slightly-taller brunette than Maneater stood up and put herself between Maneater and Bitty. “Chaz, you know damned well we’re going to be needed soon. Asking like this ain’t going to help your cause, right?”
Bitty stood up, and stepped in front of Zombie, getting nose to tits with the taller Maneater. “Zombie’s right. I’ve got a little something planned for as soon as Tuesday that we’ll discuss later. Right now, I have other pressing matters.”
“Like that four-way where only two of yous deserve to be there?”
“Yeah, actually. I’m still trying to wrap my head around how Evans and Adams earned their opportunity, but I digress. Alright, meeting’s over. I have to finish up a couple of things here but we have that summer BBQ at the Academy so we need all hands on deck.”
As the Doves all leave, Sykobitty slips into a side office where an old-style Technics sound system from the 1980s sat. Bitty sees a note on the system. ‘All pieces work. Let me know if you need anything. -Topino’. Bitty pulls out the 45 and places it on the turntable and drops the needle onto it. It begins with a young girl chuckling into the microphone and a man in the background coaching her. Bitty can tell the man’s voice was a younger Jimmy. As the girl starts to sing, Bitty smiles and closes her eyes…
I can hear her voice again
…not realizing Sully, aka Julia Hammett, the mute girl who is Bitty’s assistant, is standing in the doorway with tears in her eyes. The record stops abruptly and Bitty opens her eyes to a very upset Sully, texting like crazy.
‘Where did you find this?!’
Bitty looks around the room, and realizes there's no chairs in the room. She motions to Sully to sit on the floor with her as Bitty goes through her photos on her phone. She shows Sully a picture of Bitty and Jimmy back in 2018, both obviously under some sort of influence, and then a recent photo from a couple of months prior.
“Jules, listen. The day you told me a bit of your life story, I started to do some research and I know your father, Jimmy. He’s still alive but in bad shape. He’s homeless in Los Angeles and he’s too stubborn to come here. So he gave me the 45. Honey, your voice is amazing!”
Sully sits and Bitty hugs Sully’s much-larger frame.
‘I'm not surprised. He was very transient when I was younger, but the times he was around, I enjoyed every minute of them. He was not the way my mother described him.’
“Jimmy’s eyesight’s going so he’s not going to be able to read what you write, but we’ll do something. You’re coming with me to get him.”
‘No. We will help him there, but I do want to see him.’
“Monday, we’ll go, okay? I promise.”
‘Okay. I can’t believe he still had this. Can we play it again?’
I can hear your voice again
Bitty and Sully sat on the floor of the office, listening to a young Sully singing Madonna’s ‘This Used to Be My Playground’ as the scene fades.
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Joined: Jul 2018
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July 22nd, 2024
Boston, Massachusetts
Off Camera
Rise To Greatness is just a week away and Kimberly Williams is facing a tall order, one of the most difficult challenges of her career. She must face and defeat three other opponents in order to regain her coveted SCW Underground Championship. Doing so will not be easy; she must face Leroy Adams, her arch nemesis James Evans, and the current champion Eavan Maloney. It started as a title match between Kim and Eavan which expanded to include James when he decided to get involved once again in Kimberly’s business. Leroy Adams kind of accidentally stumbled into the situation when he thought he was doing the right thing by sticking up for Eavan Maloney, who apparently didn’t see it that way. Now it is a four way Underground war for the championship. Kimberly has put on her typical jovial, happy-go-lucky front for the cameras. It is revengers assemble all over again, just like at Taking Hold of the Flame. Only this time the target is James Evans and Kim’s purpose is to keep the title away from him, and hopefully reclaim it for herself. Behind the jovial comical facade of Crazy Kim, however, lies a woman who is deeply concerned about what is to come with this championship match. Sure, she has been in multi-person matches before. She regained the Underground Title in a five way match and in her own massive Trios Cash In. She defended it against two other people at last year’s Rise To Greatness. Defending the Underground Title in a match with this much chaos is nothing new to Kim. In fact, she thrives on the chaos. It is where she does her best work.
What concerns The Woman Scorned the most about this match is the knowledge of how far she will have to go in order to regain her championship. Williams hasn’t spoken about it publicly, but she has noticed how much of her humanity it takes out of her, how far more violent and evil she has to get each and every time she seeks to recapture the Underground Title after losing it. She has to go a dark place, a place where she keeps her darkest, innermost psychosis hidden, locked away from a society that might fear it, that might fear her. But Kim is afraid of it herself. She fears what she is truly capable of when she fully embraces that darkness. More than that, she is afraid of not being able to bottle that darkness back up. Kimberly fears that one day she will unleash this psychosis, this evil, and she will be unable to put it back under lock and key. Upon the advice of her boyfriend she went to see her family psychiatrist, Dr. Jennifer Warren, who suggested that the real solution here is to back away from the hardcore wrestling that forces her to bring that side of herself out into the open. Unfortunately that solution is out of the question. Kimberly may be a clown on the outside but on the inside she is still a very fierce competitor. Williams will not be able to sleep at night knowing that she did not do everything she could to try and win back that championship. As a competitor she feels she must bring her A-Game to Rise To Greatness. When it comes to the Underground, her A-Game happens to be the sickest, most sadistic version of herself imaginable. Kimberly must unleash her darkness at least one more time. She feels as if she has no choice. She can just pray that somehow, someway, she can find her way back to the light.
The Queen of the Death Match has few places where she feels the safest and most comfortable to just be herself, to be in her own skin. Needless to say, while being around her sister Marie is usually one such place, being in Marie’s opulent expensive home in an upscale area of Boston, Massachusetts is not one of them. The living room is a testament to modern luxury. Sleek, minimalist furniture in shades of white and gray is arranged with precision, and the expansive windows offer a stunning view of the city skyline. A large, plush sectional sofa dominates the room, accented with vibrant throw pillows in varying textures. Abstract art pieces hang on the walls, and a glass coffee table holds an assortment of high-end magazines and a vase of fresh flowers. The lighting is soft and warm, provided by recessed fixtures and a few strategically placed floor lamps, creating an inviting and sophisticated ambiance.
Marie Jones sits on one end of the sectional sofa, dressed in a semi-conservative fashion. She wears a tailored, navy-blue blouse with a high collar and delicate pearl buttons, paired with a knee-length skirt. Her outfit is complemented by simple pearl earrings and a slim, silver wristwatch. Sensible black pumps complete her look. In stark contrast, at the other end of the sofa, is her sister, Kimberly Williams, adorned in a black velvet top, black torn denim jeans, and intricate black lace gloves cover her hands. She accessorizes with a silver cross necklace, dark rings, and a small, ornate black hat perched atop her red curls, adorned with feathers and lace. Her beloved penguin, Wasley, is resting on her lap.
“Thanks for letting me come over.” Kim says.
“You know you’re welcome anytime.” Marie says, smiling warmly at her sister.
“Yeah, well, maybe next time make this feel more homey?”
“Kim, your idea of homey is a complete train wreck.” Marie points out with a grin. Kim shrugs her shoulders.
“So? You don’t have to live in the lap of luxury to feel comfortable. Some of my best friends live in cardboard boxes. And my pal Caligula lives in a cage!”
“Caligula is a hamster.”
“He prefers to go by Cricetinae…that or Gaius Julius Caesar Germanicus…” Kim sighs “...anyway, where’s your kiddo?”
“Sean? He’s with Percy.” Marie states. “Probably at our mom’s gym working on some self-defense moves.”
“Percy is a real catch, eh?” Kim asks with a knowing smirk. Marie nods her head, smiling dreamily.
“Yeah, yeah he is…”
“Percy will have him making shanks and smuggling contraband in no time!”
“Kim!” Marie exclaims. Kim giggles.
“Sorry! I can’t help myself! But, uh, when does my future brother-in-law get to meet your evil twin?”
“You will meet him soon enough, Kim, just be patient.” Marie states. “Oh and, by the way, you are NOT evil.”
“She don’t know me that well, do she?” Kim says in a voice reminiscent of Bugs Bunny from Loony Tunes. Marie rolls her eyes.
“Stop it, Kim. We’ve been through this many times already. You are NOT evil. Unique? Eccentric? Sure. But evil?” Marie shakes her head. “No way. You are not evil.”
“Oh I appreciate the vote of confidence, I appreciate your support, sis. It really warms my dark heart. But I’m afraid I am evil.” She pats her chest. “There is a darkness that lurks deep down inside. I’ve kept it repressed, for the most part, but it is becoming more and more difficult to keep it down. And I fear that at Rise To Greatness, everyone will see just how twisted and evil I can be.”
“Kim, stop it, you’re starting to scare ME now.” Marie says. “Look, it’s just an Underground Title Match. You’ve been doing these and other hardcore matches for years now.”
“It’s easy for you to say, Marie. All you got is some royal person who is missing. Me? I am in what amounts to a death match.”
“But you are the Queen of the Death Match.”
“I am.” Kim nods her head in agreement. “But sis, do you have any freaking idea how much these Underground matches take out of me? And I don’t mean the physicality of it all. I can take all the abuse any of the three in my match throw at me.” She taps her forehead. “I’m talking about right here. Every time I lost the Underground Championship, I have had to dig down deeper, go to this…this dark place in my soul…and use that viciousness, that sadism, that evil, use it to regain my title. And each time I win it back, it has become harder and harder to put that evil back in its bottle.” She points at Marie. “I’m scaring you? I’m scared too. I’m scared about what might happen AFTER Rise To Greatness. Will I be able to walk myself back away from the darkness once the match is over?”
There is a long, tense pause as Marie looks deep into the eyes of her sister. She can sense that this isn’t the fun loving Crazy Kim. The Woman Scorned is being deadly serious right now. The Phoenix sighs and nods her head.
“I get it.”
“No, you don’t.” Kim shakes her head.
“I think I do.” Marie says. “Have you tried talking to a therapist?”
“Yes, I even went to our family doc. Jenny, right?”
“Yes, Dr. Warren.” Marie nods her head. “What’d she say?”
“It was a waste of time.” Kim sighs and shakes her head. “She was open to medication and even suggested meditation. Like I’m not gonna go to yoga or chant some bullshit.”
“Did she suggestion anything else?”
“Yeah, something I refuse to do.” Kim remarks bluntly. “She suggested that I stop doing as many of the hardcore matches.”
“That would probably mean leaving the Underground.”
“Exactly.” Kim says. “You see why I can’t listen to her nonsense?”
“I see why you are reluctant.” Marie answers with a nod of her head. “But honestly, Kim, I think you are looking at this entirely the wrong way. I think you can still do your death match thing and keep that darkness of yours suppressed.”
“Really? What’s your brilliant idea, Sherlock?” Kim suddenly throws Wasley at Marie who barely catches the penguin time. The weight of the penguin nearly knocks Marie over. “Seriously. Wasley is dying to know!”
“Kim!” Marie exclaims. “Did you forget your ‘friend’ has lead weights stuffed in his gut?!”
“Yeah, I forget about that sometimes!” Kim grins knowingly. “But, yeah, seriously, what’s your big idea, because right now I am open to anything!”
“Well…” Marie sets Wasley down next to her “...the real trick is not necessarily suppressing it, keeping it bottled up, or whatever. The trick is channeling it.”
“Channeling it, huh?” Kim rolls her eyes. “Sounds like ol’ Doc Warren’s meditation mumbo jumbo.”
“No, hear me out!” Marie insists. “It works! I know it works because you are not the only one in this family with dark impulses you have to fight off.”
“Oh are you joking?” Kim laughs. “Is there a Dark Phoenix lurking underneath that prudish attire?” Kim shakes her head. “Actually, don’t use that name. It’s copyrighted, trademarked, or something and you’ll get everyone sued.”
“I’m being serious.” Marie insists. “Me, Jessica, and even mom we all have our own dark sides.”
“Seriously?” Kim seems genuinely interested now. She quickly sits up and scoots over closer to Marie. “I mean, I get it about Jess. She has a different father from us and I am pretty sure her dad is Satan. But you and mom, too?”
“Yep.” Marie grins. “We’ve all had extremely dark times in our lives that led to some very dark impulses. We’ve learned to channel them. It’s what the Jones women know how to do.”
“Yeah, well, that’s the thing.” Kim shakes her head. “I’m not like you.”
“Yes, you are.” Marie says as she places a hand on her twin sister’s shoulder. “Your last name may be Williams but you are a Jones. Jones blood runs through those veins even though you were raised differently.”
“Yeah, that’s right.” Kim nods her head. Her demeanor once again changes to a much more serious tone. “I was raised by a psychopath. And don’t forget, Marie, our father was a serial killer. I am much more like the serial killer than our mother who happened to overcome her dark impulses.”
“No, that’s where you’re wrong.” Marie hugs Kim tightly. “You are every bit a Jones. Do you need to learn HOW to be a Jones? Maybe. But you are a Jones.”
“Those are nice inspirational and motivational words.” Kim gently shoves Marie away. “But they’re just words. Rise To Greatness is almost here. I know I have to give in to my darkness if I hope to win back the championship and damn it, I’m not sure I am going to be able to find my way back from the darkness this time. I probably will regain the title…but at the cost of my soul.”
Kimberly Williams looks genuinely fearful, genuinely concerned for what she might do to herself and others at Rise To Greatness and beyond if she cannot restrain herself after the match is over. Marie has never seen her sister like this before. It still is quite uneasy. Suddenly Marie’s face lights up, as if a lightbulb just went off over her head. She quickly stands up.
“Stay right there. I’ll be right back!”
“Where are you going?” Kim asks.
“Just keep Wasley company.”
Marie turns and bolts out of the room. Kimberly shrugs her shoulders as she picks Wasley the penguin back up and places him on her lap. She stares into his blank, empty eyes. A smirk forms on her face.
“Marie doesn’t get me. Doc Warren definitely doesn’t get me. I think my boyfriend gets me…” she kisses the penguin plushy “...but at least you get me!” She frowns. “Wait, what?! What do you mean you think she’s right?! What do you mean you think I’m not as evil as I think I am?! I am a monster, damn you!” Kim throws Wasley again, this time he accidently knocks over a lamp, causing it to fall and crash onto the floor. Kim smiles sheepishly. She hoped Marie didn’t hear it. But…
“Kim! Are you ok?”
“It was just a lamp.”
“A lamp?!”
“Wasley knocked it over.” Kim insists. “He was unhappy with how you’ve been treating me.” Kim hopes Marie buys this excuse though she has a sneaking suspicion that she won’t. It isn’t long before Marie returns to the room. She looks down at the pile of broken lamp lying on the floor. She sighs and shakes her head.
“Oh Kim…”
“I told you! It was Wasley!” Kim insists.
“Whatever, it doesn’t matter.” Marie shakes her head. “I can always buy another.”
“Yeah, because you’re fucking loaded.”
“So are you.”
“Oh yeah, I forget that I’m rich.” Kim smirks. “Living like a bum tends to make me forget about my money!”
Marie sits back down next to Kimberly. “Hold out your hand.”
“Oh do I get a surprise for being a good girl?” Kim asks excitedly. “Please let it be a gummy bear! I love gummy bears! Or maybe a feather boa!” Marie drops some beads into her hand. Kim looks at them and studies it carefully. She recognizes it immediately. She looks up at Marie curiously. “It’s a Rosary…”
“That’s right.”
“Why are you giving me a Rosary, Marie?”
“Why not?” Marie asks. “Dr. Warren did suggest meditation. This is a form of it.”
“I don’t think…” Kim tries to talk but Marie interrupts her.
“Just try it. Channel your darkness or whatever into your Underground matches. Keep doing that. It works for you. And when you need to walk yourself back, when you need to step away from that darkness, or anytime you feel those dark impulses creeping up, just pick up the Rosary.”
“And I thought Lawrence of Arabia was nuts for trying exorcisms.” Kim rolls her eyes.
“I’m not here to debate the faith aspect of it. But it IS a legitimate form of meditation. You want help, right? You want a way to compete in the Underground without losing yourself? This is something you could try.”
“I suppose I could try it…” Kim studies it carefully she furrows her brow as she notices something rather unique about it “...this looks rather old.” She looks up at Marie. “Where did you get it?”
“It came from mom.” Marie says.
“So its hers?”
“No.” Marie shakes her head. “It was our grandmother’s. One of the few items of Kelly Jones that she has left.”
“Damn…” Kim is stunned “...I mean, I know how much she meant to mom. She was very attached to her mother, and watching her die devastated her.”
“It did.” Marie nods her head.
“So why’d she give it up?”
“Because I needed it. She thought it would help and it did. Now that I am in a good place, I no longer need it. And since you apparently are not convinced that you are ‘Jones enough’ like the rest of us, then maybe it is time for you to carry with you a piece of the original Jones matriarch.”
“I…I never…” Kim’s voice cracks “...I never met her. Kelly that is…”
“Neither did I. But from everything mom’s told me about her, she was very strong willed and not a quitter.” Marie pats Kim on the back. “You are not a quitter, either. That’s what makes you a Jones. So do not quit on the Underground just because of your fear of what MIGHT happen. Fight for it. You built it, you helped shape it, make sure you do everything to keep it.”
Tears form in Kimberly’s eyes. She leans forward and hugs Marie tightly. “Thanks, sis. I needed this…”
“Anytime, Kim.”
Kimberly had always been physically ready for the oncoming war at Rise To Greatness. Now, thanks to her sister, she is both mentally and emotionally ready as well. The Underground Championship is on the line and perhaps the very future of the Underground is at stake. Kimberly will do everything she can to make sure she is still writing the book of the Underground.
July 27th, 2024
St. Louis, Missouri
On Camera
We open in Forest Park in St. Louis, Missouri. The lush greenery of the park, along with the families and other visitors in the background, serves as a backdrop for what is about to take place. The summer sun casts a warm glow onto the park. A few moments later and we see Kimberly Williams entering the scene from the right. The Woman Scorned is wearing a bold purple and green pantsuit. The suit features a tailored blazer in rich purple, with bright green lapels and cuffs, paired with matching pants that flare slightly at the bottom. The colors are loud and playful, making her presence impossible to miss. Her hair, a cascade of fiery locks, contrasts vividly with her outfit. In one hand, she carries her beloved penguin plushy, the fun loving Wasley, with its black and white body and orange beak a stark contrast to her strange and unique ensemble. Kim’s expression is peculiar; she wears a strange grin, the corners of her mouth slightly upturned. Her eyes, sparkling with mischief.
“Revengers assemble!” Kim pauses momentarily and scratches her chin. “Wait, didn’t we already go through this cycle once before? It was Taking Hold of the Flame and Enigma was the asshole that needed to be taken care of. I seriously should consider selling some revengers merchandise if this shit is gonna keep up. Except this time the asshole that needs to be taken care of is the kool-aid drinking Jim Jones wannabe himself James Evans.” She grins from ear to ear. “Seriously, Jimbo, what do I gotta do to get rid of ya once and for all? I thought driving an explosive into your face would be enough of a hint but no! To your credit you are just like a bad penny, you keep turning up. You are like a cockroach, those little bugs can seemingly survive anything. Now here you are, once again back in SCW, once again annoying me, and also ruining the fun for each and every person in SCW…and I don’t just mean the wrestlers, but the fans too! And really, Jimbo, that’s all you’re doing. You are being a nuisance. You are becoming a wet blanket. You are ruining everyone’s fun. But what you are NOT doing is succeeding at your ridiculous little goal of ending violence.”
“First of all, changing the hearts and minds of everyone in this business, from the front office to the wrestlers and the fans, that is impossible. Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one and you ARE one, and you cannot change the opinions of everyone to match your twisted view of what wrestling should be. Secondly, Jimbo, even if you could win over the hearts and minds of the masses like the crazy cult leader you fashion yourself to be, there is still one big problem with your goal; wrestling is a violent sport, you dipshit! Even without hardcore wrestling, even without the death matches, VIOLENCE IS STILL AN INHERENT PART OF THE GAME!” Kimberly shakes her head. “You cannot get rid of the violence.” She sighs deeply.
“But you know what? I feel like I’m becoming a bit of a broken record. You should know all about broken records, though, because you have been a god damn broken record for a fucking year now with the same old song and dance about nonviolence that not one damn soul in this company gives a damn about! You are becoming old, washed up, irrelevant, and you are hanging on by this one thread, this one stupid ass gimmicky shit that you think will keep you relevant in Supreme Championship Wrestling. But just like your attempt to get rid of the Underground failed miserably, your attempt to remain relevant is also failing miserably. Do you even pay attention, you stupid fuck? Amy Chastain built an army to get rid of your little pals. I damn sure don’t want you here. Now you and your brilliance made two more enemies in Leroy Adams and Eavan Maloney. In short, NO ONE WANTS YOU HERE ANYMORE!” Kim laughs nastily. “Actually, I take that back, the only people who don’t feel that way are the newcomers but even they will want to see you go away the moment they really get to know you.”
“I wish you would do everyone a favor and go away and never come back.” Kim shakes her head. “Unfortunately that just won’t happen so I did my best to get rid of you myself. At Body Heart & Soul…the wrestling event, not Polly and her crew…I beat you. I beat you, reclaimed my title, and I hoped you would take the hint and stay away. But you couldn’t stay away, could you? You just had to come back. You had to stick your nose where it doesn’t belong. But that’s par for the course for you, isn’t it? Me and Eavan Maloney were having one hell of an Underground Title Match and you had to get involved. We were doing great things for the Underground Division and we were having a match for the ages and you had to get involved in order to stay relevant.”
“The Queens of Chaos and Maloney may not be on the best of terms but I do respect her and I’d like to think she respects me. I would like to think we share a mutual respect for one another and for what we can do to each other and to other people in the Underground. But there is one other thing we have in common…” Williams points a finger at the camera “...a complete and utter disgust and disregard for you. Because not only did you screw me out of the title, Jimbo, you also put an asterisk over Eavan’s title win. She isn’t exactly happy about that and then you have Leroy Adams who just wants to get paid and he just wants to do the right thing and he’s pissed off with your piss poor attitude and he wants to take you out as well.” She holds up three fingers. “That’s three of us who want to see you get your ass whipped at Rise To Greatness, Jimbo.” Kim now puts down two fingers and holds up just the one.
“And that, my extremist pal, is priority number one. Priority number one of this incarnation of revengers assemble is to take you apart piece by piece. Priority number one is to maim you, bloody you, and leave you for fucking dead in the center of the ring. Priority number one is to cripple you so that you cannot make any further goddamn returns to SCW. Priority number one is to END YOU…permanently…” The Queen of the Death Match has an intense gaze, one that slowly turns into a grin as she holds up a second finger “...which leads me to priority number two.”
“I admit, it will sound contradictory, and to my Kimmymaniacs I apologize, but priority number two just might be as important if not more important than priority number one. Cause as much as I would love a three on one match that only ends when Jimbo Evans dies, that is not the case here. This is a four way Underground Championship Match and while the three of us revengers do agree that Jimbo will not be walking out under his own power, let alone walk out with the title, what we cannot agree on is which one of us WILL leave Rise To Greatness as the SCW Underground Champion.”
“Maloney, I know that asterisk next to your title reign bothers you…and maybe one day we can finally have that one on one match to settle the issue once and for all as to which of us is the best in the Underground? For now we have to settle for this opportunity that we have before us. It is an opportunity to see who should carry the banner of the Underground into the future. Who should lead the Underground into the future? We spoke about the three of us representing the past, present, and future of the Underground. I have carried the Underground on my back for years now and while I admit that one day the time will come where I will no longer be able to carry that banner myself, I absolutely refuse to just sit back and watch the Underground pass me by, watch other competitors like yourself carry it onward without at least putting up a fight. That’s why at Rise To Greatness you are going to see my absolute best…or worst, depending on your perspective. You will see the deadliest of Kimberly Williams in the Underground, because that is what I have to bring to the table in order to regain the championship.”
“Then there’s Leroy…” Kim throws her head back and laughs “...oh poor Leroy, I pity you. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I appreciate the help. Any enemy of Jimbo is a friend of mine! And all you wanted to do was the right thing by me and by Eavan. I don’t think she saw it that way, but hey! At least you tried, right? And it looks your good deed was rewarded by being included in this Underground war about to take place at Rise To Greatness. I’ve seen what you can do against the likes of Creek, Jimbo, Maloney….I know you can bring it. And Even though the Underground may not be your particular style, I am definitely not overlooking you. When the time comes, you had better believe that I will be ready to pull the trigger and end you if that’s what it takes to become Underground Champion yet again.”
The Queen of the Death Match holds up five fingers. “Five times, that’s how many times I have been Underground Champion. It started when the title was resurrected and I won it up until today. I have tied the record for most reigns, Rachel Foxx being the other five time winner. In my time as Underground Queen I have been through some of the deadliest most violent and most chaotic matches. But you know the kind of environment I thrived in the most during my time as champion? The ones with the most chaos.” A sadistic grin forms on her face. “Apocalypse 2022, I beat four other people to regain the title in an absolute war. My Trios Cash In, another massive chaotic war involving the entire locker room, and I ended the night as champion. Then at Taking Hold of the Flame this year, I beat five other people in an Underground war. LAST YEAR at Rise To Greatness, I beat TWO other people to retain my title. Do you get where I’m going with this, ladies and gents? The Underground has been my world for a long ass time and I thrive upon chaos. The more chaos, the better. The more chaotic the environment, the deadlier I become. Being a Queen of Chaos isn’t some cute merchandise slogan you can slap on a t-shirt and sell to kids…although come to think of it, that is a good idea…being THE Queen of Chaos is very much fucking literal for me. And you do not get much more chaotic than four competitors with the rule book thrown out the window. So at Rise To Greatness, right here in St. Louis, this is what’s going to happen…chaos will reign, violence will rule, Jimbo Evans will be sent down the river, and I will walk away from the chaos and bloodshed as the NEW six time and record holding SCW Underground Champion.”
Kimberly takes Wasley, clutches him close to her chest, and then turns and slowly starts to walk away. The camera fades to black.
SWC Southern Heavyweight Champion 1x
MWA Turmoil Champion 1x
GCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
UWA World Tag Team Champion 1x
HKW Bloodlust Champion 3x
2022 SCW Trios Tournament Winner
SCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
SCW Underground Champion 5x
SCW Television Champion 1x
SCW United States Champion 1x
MWE Chicago Way Champion 1x
5LW Television Champion 1x
Queen of the Death Match
SCW United States Champion 1x
SCW Television Champion 2x
SCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
UWA World Champion 1x
UWA X-Class Champion 1x
UWA World Tag Team Champion 1x
IWC World Tag Team Champion 1x
MCW X-Division Champion 1x
GDW International Champion 1x
GDW World Tag Team Champion 3x
Posts: 251
Threads: 42
Joined: Jul 2018
All Accounts Posts: 630
James Evans
SCW Accomplishments:
2x SCW World Heavyweight Champion
2016 SCW Taking Hold of the Flame Winner
2016 SCW Rise to Greatness main event winner
2019 End of the Year Open Invitational Winner
SCW Supreme Champion
2x SCW U.S.Champion
SCW Adrenaline Champion
2x SCW Underground Champion
SCW World Tag Team Champion
2013 SCW Feud of the Year
2014 SCW Feud of the Year
2015 SCW Match of the Year
2016 SCW Match of the Year
2018 SCW Tag Team of the Year
2019 SCW Tag Team of the Year
2020 Conquered Thunderdome
Posts: 11
Threads: 0
Joined: May 2024
Status: Inactive
Waiting for someone to save me
But everyone just runs away
Waiting for someone to change me
But no one ever comes
I'm breaking down the walls that cage me
But nothing ever falls in place
Waiting for the end to take me
Blinded by the sun
“The Church”
Los Angeles, CA
September 14th, 2019
I guess an explanation of what The Church is is in order. It’s just that, a church. However, God had long left this House, as the building was old and crumbling. The walls had been stripped down to the stone, the wooden beams seeing better days. Some had already fallen, some were covered in mold and rot. However, a few pews remained, but they had stopped being for sitting some time ago. The pews had become beds. New walls of dirty sheets or cardboard or if you were lucky, wooden pallets, created rooms within the inside of this building. The stained glass had been replaced with boards. The city had classified the church as condemned years back, but over time, homeless people had taken the place over. Created their own community within it.
There was still a serviceable kitchen, electricity, and even working plumbing which the new ‘congregation’ would use as needed. A couple of times a week, a few members would go to nearby food banks and clean needle sites to pick up supplies for the others.
Nobody wanted to be there, but they didn’t want to be anywhere else.
There was even a working payphone that accepted incoming calls. Quite often, the phone would never stop ringing for somebody. Lawyers, doctors, shrinks, sponsors, dealers, loved ones. Sometimes you’d know someone received bad news, as their cries would echo throughout. Sometimes, well, oftentimes, someone would be tripping on a bad hit. And occasionally, you could wake up in the morning and find another lost angel had passed away. And usually it doesn’t take too long for someone else to take their place.
In the far corner of The Church lived… would ‘lived’ actually be the best word here? Let’s go with survived. In the far corner of The Church was a girl barely surviving. She laid on her pew with a thin towel and a ratty old hoodie rolled up like a pillow, barely conscious. With any motion of anyone else approaching her or what few possessions she had, she’d be wide-eyed and alert long enough to keep everyone at a solid distance from her.
“Oyo, phone call.”
Oyo became a nickname Olive Maloney inherited during her time at The Church, seemingly started by one of the town addicts with no teeth and an accent that couldn’t be deciphered.
“Oyo’s dead, I ain’t fucking talkin’ to no-one, man. Hang the fuck up.”
The old man, named Jimmy, shrugged and said nothing, before hanging up the phone. Jimmy ‘lived’ next to Olive and the two, depending on whoever’s mood, would either talk for hours like the greatest of friends, or fight like the worst of enemies. Usually it was Olive who instigated the fights, usually when she couldn’t score a line in time to stop the crashes. The phone immediately rang again, and again, Jimmy answered.
“Oyo, phone!”
“Fuck sakes, whoever it is, tell them I fucking OD’ed or something.”
Olive can hear Jimmy passing on the message before nodding his head and turning back towards Olive.
“You’re gonna want to take this call, Olive. It’s Linnea.”
Olive shakes her head no, then pulls herself off of her pew and staggers to the phone.
For the next several minutes, Olive sat and listened to the woman’s voice on the other end of the line, as tears streamed down her face. After she hung up, Olive walked back to her pew and flipped it over in a rage nobody in that place had ever seen from her. She picked up her possessions and placed them in a small pile, and after lighting a cigarette, tossed the Zippo on the pile and sat on the floor, watching everything she owned burn in a low flame. Jimmy immediately runs over and starts trying to put the fire out.
“What are you doing?! You trying to burn the place down?”
“No. Pushing my past into the ashes, Jimmy. My family’s coming to get me in an hour.”
“You’re getting out. It’s about time.”
“Out… wherever out is anymore.”
“Do you think it’ll work?”
“No, but it will. Linnea and Zenna don’t give up, so they’ll keep trying until it does work.”
“Then why aren’t you happy?”
Olive looks over at Jimmy, who’s now sat down beside her on the concrete floor. Her eyes are glassed over, her whole sense of being disconnected.
“Because I’ll fail, and they aren’t the kind of people you want to fail around. Their love for me is genuine, and that’s what hurts me most. They watched me fall from the skies, setting my own wings ablaze on the way down, and their love never wavered. How the FUCK do I come back from that? I NEED to be hated, Jimmy. I NEED to feel every ounce of pain I can feel, and the thing is, I don’t feel pain anymore. I’ve gone numb, more numb than the coke, the pills, or the speed ever made me. I’m going to be the one to break them. I’ll be the first one they give up on.”
“You’re being too hard on yourself.”
“No, Jimmy, I’m being real. I… I don’t want to do this. I can’t. I don’t have the strength to fight anymore. I used to be a Billy Badass, now I’m the urchin Axl sang about. I can’t face them. I… I gotta get out of here.”
Just as Olive stood up to find her shoes, a car pulls up outside. Olive panics, throws the hood over her head, and as she heads out the front door, two woman are standing by the car. Olive freezes.
“Sorry, Olive, we said an hour but we were already up the road, trying to figure out which way you’d try to run off from. Noticed this was the only way in and out. Come on, let’s get you a shower, a change of clothes, and a cheeseburger, alright?”
Olive starts to shake, trying to hold back tears, before collapsing on the steps of The Church. Linnea and Zenna pick her up, wrapping an arm around each side of her and leading her to the car.
“Who… who knows…?”
“Just us.”
Location of the former “Church”
Los Angeles, CA
July 26th, 2024
All the ghosts that live inside me
Always waiting in the wind
I can see through my reflection
What I've become and what I've been
You see, your Heaven doesn't want me
And your Hell won't let me in
It's like I'm holding all the aces
But I know I'll never win
A black sports car parks on the side of the road beside a fenced-off parcel of land. The concrete steps lead to nothing but a concrete floor now. Eavan “Sykobitty” Maloney stands at the fence for a minute before looking up. No barbed wire. Eavan looks around before readjusting the backpack on her back and starting to climb the fence. As she gets over and down, she walks up the steps slowly. Her body starts to sway, her arms outstretched as she relives old memories. Eavan walks along the old floor, seeing some of the graffiti that hadn’t fully faded yet. As she looks around, she sighs, remembering the past. She walks to the far side of the floor to a corner she knew well. Part of the floor still had scorch marks from a moment in time she recalled like it had happened only the day prior. Eavan sits down on the ground and as she pulls out her camera and tripod to record, a voice yells to her from a distance.
“Hey, Miss, you’re on private property.”
“I’m aware, Officer.”
“I’m going to have to ask you to leave as you are trespassing.”
“One, I will not comply with your request and two, I suppose the problem is more on your end and less on mine. You see, I was never given a key to the lock from the Registrar’s office, so I climbed over the fence. I have no intent to damage the integrity of the property or its fencing though it will be replaced as soon as convenient. So, while yes, TECHNICALLY I’m trespassing, you’ll also find that I am the owner of this property effective as of 48 hours ago.”
Eavan walked to the fence where the LAPD officer was standing. Eavan shows him the deed to the property, plus her drivers’ license.
“Why couldn’t you have waited for a key, or simply used bolt cutters and changed the lock yourself?”
“No time for that, Officer. I’m only here for a few hours on business. I wanted to do some quick assessments before the deed was transferred to my associates in San Clemente. Plus, this place has some sentimental value to me and I wanted to be with my own thoughts.”
“Ma’am, this used to be a homeless shelter.”
“No, the homeless MADE this place a shelter before you guys and the city said it was unfit for habitation then strong-armed yourselves inside, shoved everyone out and then bulldozed it. Officer Pansy Peterson, if you’re going to try and explain its past, at least be honest.”
The officer tilts his head a little, hit by the insult and a memory at the same time.
Eavan smiles, and extends her hand.
“That was an era ago. Safe to say a lot’s changed in the last five years. I’m clean, I’m healthy, and life’s finally good to me.”
“Then why come back?”
“To remind myself of the journey? Or maybe I’m a glutton for punishment. Fuck, maybe a small part of me misses this place. Once an addict, always an addict, right? This was home. Don’t you got anything better to do than to harass a tiny broad just trying to get by?”
Eavan laughs to stop herself from crying, turning her head quickly to wipe a year as Peterson shakes his head.
“Hey, I’m glad you’re doing okay.”
“A day at a time.”
As Peterson walks away, Eavan starts to scratch at herself. She walks back to the scorched part of the floor and sits down. She pulls her phone and tripod out and sets it up in front of her. She begins to feel the old twitches before closing her eyes and taking a deep breath. Eavan removes her backpack and opens it, before pulling out the SCW Underground Championship and placing it in front of the camera.
“So… what do we want to talk about? We can talk about the fact that ever since I walked into SCW, I have beat every opponent that’s been placed in front of me. We can talk about the fact that I had one goal when I came into this company and that was to become SCW Underground Champion, and I did just that. Or, we can talk about the fact that a has-been and a never-will had to hitch their wagons to the two hottest commodities currently in SCW to either become relevant again, or try to become relevant at all. Boys, first of all, do not bring a knife to a gunfight, and secondly, don’t come for me unless you absolutely know what you’re in for, and I can tell you already you have NO idea.”
“Let me take you back to the year 2000 when nine-year-old Olive took her first bump in a wrestling match because her brother clocked her in the face, supposedly accidentally, with a chair at full force. The smile my brother got from me once I got up; two teeth missing, nose crooked, gash across my eye, blood everywhere, set me on a path that has brought me here today.”
“Let me take you back to 2017 when I broke into this business after being in the independents for a couple of years and within a month, I beat their undefeated world champion. Within three months, I had four different championships across three different companies. I was practically being thrown championships because nobody could figure me out. How can someone so small not only go up against people twice their size, but pin them for three or make them tap out? I had a style of my own. I was top of the world… until I stopped being on top of the world.”
“I was trying to get under it. Oh, it wasn’t a complete free fall, I felt every single bump all the way down. And if I wasn’t low enough, I’d find shovels to go even deeper. By the fall of 2019, for all intents and purposes, I was at my lowest. I lived right where I’m sitting. Lived on a pew while I chased the dragon. And I was getting myself booked in the most dangerous matches I was allowed to. Why? Well, the answer’s two-fold. I wanted to feel, and I wanted to die.”
“I needed to know if I was even still human, and if I was, it had to die. I didn’t want to be here anymore. Destroying myself and keeping myself as numb as possible was better than facing the truth about myself at that time. And then the weirdest thing happened along the way.”
“I fell in love. I got pleasure from the beatings. I giggled with glee with every bone broken, whether it was mine or not. I comforted myself in the warmth of the blood pouring from our bodies. I loved everything about deathmatch wrestling. I also fell in love… with Her.”
Eavan reaches into the bag again and pulls out a crowbar wrapped in barbed wire. She smiles at it lovingly and even caresses it, a few barbs ripping at the flesh on her cheek.
“This is Barbie, and she has an insatiable appetite. She loves how warm blood feels on her barbs, and I love the way it tastes, so we’re a perfect pair. Ah, it’s ironic now that not many years ago, I thought this would be the place where Eavan Maloney and Olive Zdunich would come to die. I had made a vow to my family as I recovered mentally, physically, and emotionally, that I would not seek the pleasures of old in the same way I used to, and yet, being back here? This place of ill repute, this former House of a former God, I strangely feel more alive than ever. For the first time in a long time, something’s awakened. It’s not the old demons of addiction anymore. It’s not even the old devils of destruction. It’s… resolve.”
“It’s that feeling of being able to put a hand into flame and feel a chill. It’s that feeling of facing a tornado and it feeling only like a faint breeze. It’s feeling the power of a million warriors and being connected to every single one of them at once.”
Eavan puts the championship on her shoulder, reaches into her bag and pulls out a ratty old hoodie and folds it up and places it on the ground. Next she pulls out a canister of lighter fluid and starts dousing the hoodie before tossing the canister aside. She pulls out a Zippo lighter, and then three pictures. One of Leroy Adams. One of James Evans. One of Kimberly Williams. She places the photos on the ground, weighted down with a loose stone. Eavan then lights the Zippo, pulls out a pack of cigarettes, lights one, then tosses the Zippo onto the hoodie.
“Thank you, Olive, but your presence is no longer required. I can take it from here.”
You can take it away, tear it all down
Spit in my face, pushed to the ground
Look what I've become
I've fallen from grace, bloodied and bound
Taking up space, lost and I'm found
Look what I've become
Eavan closes her eyes and stretches her neck one side and then the other. When she opens them again, she gives a sardonic grin to the camera. Sykobitty has arrived.
“Rise To Greatness. Seems appropriate for my opponents in this match. I look at the participants here and one has a deep-seeded need to take back what was once hers. One is still trying to make his mark and the third is grasping at any threads he can to become relevant again. And the end goal for them sits right here on my shoulder. It’s been some time since I’ve been the Hunted at such a degree. I’d almost consider it a honor had it been the match it should have been. One on one, with the only participants between the two that matter in this match. The current champion, and the former getting their match that was offered out of respect.”
“I had considered listening to what everyone had to say before I finally spoke up, but I’ve been around the block enough times to know what everyone’s angle already is coming in. And I can respect the fact that everyone BELIEVES they have a reason to be here. And I can also respect the fact that, every once in a while, some more than others, somebody’s going to be absolutely full of shit. Everybody is going to have a fatal flaw in their story and I’m just the bitch to expose it.”
Sykobitty picks up the photo of James Evans, whose eyes have been X’ed out with a Sharpie.
“Let’s start with Mister Insignificant, James Evans. For a year, you have been a thorn in the side of Kimberly for whatever reason. I don’t have the luxury of time to waste reviewing your every move and motive. However, you carry the most flaws so allow me to eviscerate you first so that I may get the cancer out of the way quickly before it spreads and begins to feel like people in general, and myself specifically, give a rat’s fuck about you.”
“You speak of saving people. You wish to abolish my kind of wrestling because it does not sit well with you. Who the fuck are you? Save me the accomplishments of your past, Evans, and answer my question truthfully. Who. The fuck. Are YOU. Don’t strain the brain too long, I already know the answer. You’re an empty vessel. You want the world to be in your image as you stand there as the Tommy Wiseau of Picassos. You need the world to bow to you because as it’s evolved, it has left you behind. You are become more and more insignificant by the second and it eats at you. Ironic how the cancer has a cancer of his own but I’m on to you.”
“In the two occasions you have interfered in my affairs, the one person you never came for… is me. Now, I’m sure in your narrative, it’s because I’m unimportant to you. Personally, I think you fear the present and the future. So you attack the past because it’s what you know, it’s where you’re comfortable. Dude, anybody who’s been in therapy for longer than ten minutes knows that stems from fear. As loud as you will bluster, and I’m sure you have already because you crave the spotlight… haha, classic Attention Seeking Disorder. Answer me truthfully, James, though I won’t hold my breath that you’ll do so with any level of honesty, how’s your self-esteem? Did you come from a family who held you back? Did you grow feeling like you were never enough, or seen, or heard? I mean, it’s pretty obvious. You need us to see you, to hear you, to play by your rules so that you become the center of attention. And because you didn’t get any of that in your youth, it made you bitter. It made you angry. So you found weak-minded people to follow you, surrounded yourself with morons and sycophants so that, again, you are the center of attention.”
“Truth is, you’re pathetic and you need help. What, did you expect the hero in this match to pat you on the head and remind you that you’re doing your best and that I’m proud of you? Bitch, please. Anyone who knows me knows I respect very few in this business, and you are not even on my level, or on my list of people I could ever respect. This right here? Me talking to you and given you these minutes of my time? Cherish them, because when Rise To Greatness is over, I will forget you even exist. I’ll shed myself of this mild discomfort that you float within my consciousness. And you would be wise to take that exit and not return.”
Sykobitty takes the photo of James and tosses it into the fire and nods to herself. She picks up the second photo. Leroy Adams. Scrawled over his head is a halo with horns, and behind him, a set of tattered and broken wings.
“I do not do this lightly, but I will admit I was wrong about you, Leroy. First time I see you, you too were getting involved in my match and I would have bet money your reasons were selfish. And the more I learned about you, the more I learned your story. And I saw a lot of myself. The road to redemption isn’t an easy one. Fuck, look around me, Leroy. I had to come back to THIS place so I can get to the next place. And I know, Leroy, it’s very easy to give up. It’s very tempting. Especially when you stick your hand out and risk having it bitten off. So I apologize. I finally grew a spine and said the words but if you look back at the last Breakdown, I came to your rescue and I had your back. I just wanted my actions to match my words. Now, with that being said, forgive me in advance because what I’m about to say is going to come off a hell of a lot more insulting than I mean it.”
“Watch out for snakes like Evans.”
“As I said about him earlier, he surrounds himself with weak-minded people. I know Kim calls his group a cult and hell if she ain’t wrong. I fully expect Evans to try and charm you and turn you against me. Against Kim. Maybe offer you some shortcuts for some quick cash, if you’re willing to sell your soul to the devil himself. Personally, I’d like to think I can read people pretty well, and I’d like to think you have too much pride in yourself, your desire to be a better man for your son, to take that kind of offer. However, I’ve been surprised and disappointed before. Now, SHOULD he make a play like I think Evans is capable of, allow me to tell you the fine print. The shit nobody reads. Evans is the type that would rather have someone like you on his side because, being afraid of the present as he is, he’d rather not have to face you. That gives YOU the advantage over HIM. Remember that.”
“I like you, big man, but like you learned first-hand, I’m not going to take things easy on you. This title is the prize you are all hunting for, and I’m not giving it up willingly. I had you beat until Evans got involved, let’s be honest here. Does that make me better than you? No. On that night, things were favorable for me. You’ll learn eventually I don’t blow smoke up peoples’ asses for the hell of it, but I will legit go on record and say you are the future of SCW and I see you with gold around your waist real soon. JUST not at Rise To Greatness.”
Sykobitty lays the picture of Leroy in the flames and picks up the last photo.
“This was not the way we were supposed to meet again, Kimberly. I hate this situation probably as much as you do. I hear the chirping of the boobirds saying I shouldn’t even be in the position I’m in as champion. They tell me I should be thankful to Evans for gift-wrapping the title, but I know deep down inside of me that I earned this. And the only person who had the ability to take that feeling from me would have been you, and unless I’ve missed something, you’ve never done that so I thank you.”
“You were the first person in SCW that I immediately clicked with when I walked in the door. The way you carried yourself as champion. The efforts you put in to defend this title when it was yours was incredible. You have a bit of that old-school mentality that’s slowly becoming lost in this industry so it was a nice change to see someone have that. I’m that way myself which probably attracted me to you. Not like that, let’s kill that idea because it runs all over social media. I know you know what I mean.”
“I also know something else. I know you were wary of me because of who you run with. It’s no secret that all over my social media, hell even in the other company I work for, I have taken shot after shot at… well, not everyone, usually just one person in particular. And you know what? I know how infantile it looked when nobody shot back. The group took the high road, she took the high road, and I can respect that. I hold no ill will towards any member of the Queens of Chaos. I just have a problem with anyone considering themselves royalty. Anatomy lesson, blue blood only exists if you’re a hermit crab. Us mammals have red blood. Surely you’ve bled in enough matches to learn that by now, I would hope.”
“Kim, I like you, I respect you, hell I’ve put my body on the line against you. I’d back you in any fight on any day… but I can’t let you have this back. You’ve accomplished so much. You brought a division back from the brink. You made this title as prestigious as it is but it’s my turn now. Focus on something else. Fuck, I’ll hand you one of my Desert Eagles and you can put a bullet in Evans’ skull and finally put that fucker out of your misery. Fight for the big belt, the sky’s your limit, but this one’s mine now. You can keep your Queen of the Deathmatch throne though, I prefer recliners. Thrones are too rigid, too opulent, that ain’t me or my style.”
“I’m walking in with this title, and whether I walk out or I’m carried out, I will STILL BE SCW Underground Champion. Are you ready?”
As the darkness settles... in
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Joined: Apr 2024