The time has come for everyone to pull up their proverbial "bootstraps" and prepare for Rise to Greatness. The one night a year where all eyes of this business, we call professional wrestling, are on one place and one place only...
Supreme Championship Wrestling...
And for me, lately, motivation has been at a bit of a low, and I won't lie about it. Kirsten Scott, the leader of the new evolution of SCW, or wannabe leader, had been in a bit of a lull that has led me to starting off hot in 2024, and slowly but surely accumulating loss after loss after loss, when I was sure I was in my zone, on my game, and ready for any battle that people put before me.
Unfortunately, I was all talk...
Unfortunately, LIFE behind that curtain brought me down, and made me question everything around me...
Now, I know there are rumors out there about things happening behind the scenes. I know people think they know what's going on. I know people who don't, WANT to know, because we are a creature of habit, and that creature is all about "wanting the tea." So let me set the record straight... Let me spill the tea... Let me bring to everyone the FACTS about what I know is happening in my life because if you want answers, I'll bring you a fucking shitstorm of them!
First a foremost... Let me be clear... Behind that curtain... Jake Starr is BACK!
She smirks.
A name you may or may not have expected. Jake Starr has been someone I have been conversing with because there was something in me he saw as being able to be molded into something better. And between he and Pro, while they have no love loss for one another, they see me as the one to still lead a charge that I came into this place wanting to fight before I even knew who either of them were. But what is that change? What is that impact they see in me?
That's where I will say the internal battle gets me. Because I don't know. I don't see it or know it yet. It's not something they want to TELL me, but they want me to SEE for myself. They want my vision to be clear and want me to see the future for what they know it could be, and what they insist they KNOW I want. The fact I can't, immediately, creates frustration. It creates anger. It makes me want to just say "fuck it" and run for the hills, but that's when I stop and wonder if that is not part of this "bigger picture?" Is the frustration, is the anger, is the uncertainty something I need to face in order to do this right?
That's where I don't know, and I don't like the unknown...
So it's put me in a bit of a rut lately. It's caused me to question everything about me. It's made me wonder if I'm being used, manipulated, or if someone TRULY sees what I see, and wants to simply help provide me more talent and tools to achieve it. And on top of that, again, you wanted facts, my relationship with Hailey has been frayed by some personal matters she and I are working through. She doesn't want me airing them out, I respect that, but they are there. So it's just another "something" on my list that has created distraction after distraction for me, and not let me focus on my goal of attain success in a business I felt like I could walk into and change the landscape of...
She takes a deep breath. She looks to her side, with a definite look of concern on her face, having aired her grievances to the world.
So my question to myself is simple... What do I do?
Where do I go from here?
Do I give up?
Do I push forward?
Do I ignore this "bigger picture," and focus on Hailey, or do I do the opposite? Or hell, for that matter, do I say fuck it, and handle them both at the same time?
That is the fucking realization that someone who isn't scared to blend reality and professionalism is willing to say. Everyone else in this industry, they hide who they are in their private life because they know they live this stupid, moronic, soap opera, life that they would be mocked for by everyone else here. They would be torched. They would be told how they are the equivalent of Stefano DiMaria, and never be able to live it down or be taken seriously. I am not that person. I am not that type of antiquated, "old guard," pretend I can hide behind the fact that nobody sees me in real life kind of person, and I come to you telling you that there is a REAL FUCKING PERSON behind Kirsten Scott. "The One," she is a persona. She is simply PART of who I am, and I am not going to sit here, any longer and act like what happens behind closed doors, behind the scenes, beyond the curtain, any of that bullshit, doesn't transition into who I am once I emerge, once my music hits, and once the bell rings. That is STILL me. And ANYONE who DARES to say otherwise...
And I challenge those at Rise to Greatness to challenge this...
ANYONE who says who they are behind the camera doesn't stretch to who they are IN FRONT OF the camera, is a fucking LIE....
And to me... Whether Jake Starr... Whether Pro... Whether anyone in this beginnings of the new EMPIRE of professional wrestling agree, I am challenginging the REALITY of what is and is NOT REAL! Something Jake Starr once did... Something many others once did... But in a manner that challenges the PERSON, and not the gimmick. Because that is WHO we are, when we exit the curtain. We are a GIMMICK of of ourselves, but it STILL incluces the PERSONA that lies beyond it. And I think it's time, I think it's HIGH time, that people quit acting like a gimmick and begin being true to themselves.
I think THAT is my purpose...
I think Rise To Greatness, and my opposition, is the moment where everyone gets their opportunity to make a decision. Do they pretend to be someone they're not? Do they act behind the scenes like a complete antithesis of what they portray to those who PAY to see them? Or do they actually grow up? Do they actually show the world who they REALLY are? Is it time that the line between reality and gravitas is no longer blurrred, and instead melded into ONE, SINGLE, REALITY? Or do does they group that have circle jerked one another for so many years continue to give the happy endings, just so they don't have to show their true selves to the world...
Because guess what?
Kirsten Scott grew a pair... And she's aware of the drunken nature of one who is on a winning streak... She's aware of the Mormon roots of another... And I know there is one who is desperate to prove they still belong in this business... And each of these human beings shows a weakness, just like I am admitting to you. The difference is, they will never admit this. Syren won't admit her inability to get away from the sauce. Polly won't admit her inability to alieviate herself from wearing her special and magical underwear. And Scott, let's be real, he's been espousing how much he is relevant in this business for how long? Probably as long as the goalie he's named after, in the Central Hockey league, for the San Angelo Saints, who worshiped him, as if he was some NHL level netminder...
But the reality, is they all are living in fantasy lands...
Syren, she's a lush... She's someone Jake has told me lives by the bottle and dies by the bottle... It's a sad reality, but it is what it is, and maybe her latest winning streak shows she's doing something right by herself. But the reality is, Kirsten Scott has toppled the "legendary" Syren. Kirsten Scott has DEFEATED Syren, at her tippedy-top. But she's too immersed in herself to admit it to the world. She doesn't have the ability to say, "yes, so and so beat me." I've watched tapes and Syren is the QUEEN of SCW excuses. She makes EVERYONE from the "Street Gang" look like simpletons because of her excuses. She makes the Frosts look like they ACTUALLY have viable reasons for losses, based on her hining and crying.
But the reality is, she doesn't... Syren loses because she fails in those situations that matter...
Syren loses when everything comes in around her and makes her life unbearable...
Syren loses because she can't handle the same fucking thing I am handling right now in my own life, and she'll make every excuse behind the scenes to justify it...
And Polly Pockets is the same way. She is someone who thinks she wans to be "good," but yet will find her way to argue her way out of everything. To be honest, it makes sense, being a Mormon who will never admit fault, she tries her best to be someone OUTSIDE of the stereotype. She wants everyone to doubt her. She wants everyone to question her. She wants everyone to slander her in a way that gives hers the limelight she craves.
And that shows her true nature...
Polly Pockets isn't a Mormon...
Polly Pockets isn't a goodie goodie...
Polly Pockets isn't someone who wants to be belowed by anyone...
She is a self-entitled cunt who, simply put, wants to entice people to like her so she can gain her notoriety. She does NOT care what people thnk of her. She doesn't care what her "church," and yes I use that in asterisk, believe in her. All she cares about is making a name for herself and becoming someone famous on many scenes. She realizes that if she becomes successful on this pro wrestling scene, she can then go running back to her "faith" and be a hero. She can be someone propped up, and given the ole "Gig'em" like Texas A&M, to tell her she's special. She can also be the pretty face that represents SCW, when in fact, she's just using herself to get the emo kids to tune in...
The fact is... Polly, no matter how many times our paths have crossed, she has been the fake-ass, emo, bitch, who failed to connect with anyone but someone else wearing fake-ass, religious, undies...
She takes a sniff and a puff of her vape.
... And then there is Scott... Scott, you are simply desperate for attention. You are desperate for being considered relevant. Why? Because you haven't your ENTIRE tenure in SCW. And in your past, you were a badass. And I get I am a nobody in this business. I get I have no groundwork. But you do, and still, you walked into Supreme Championship Wrestling and couldn't get your shoulder off of the mat long enough to become someone more than just a NAME.
I've done more than that...
I've proven myself more than YOU in SCW...
But I'm not ignorant. I'm not stupid. I'm not belittling enough to say you haven't paved a way in this business to have made a name for yourself. But here, it's not been the case, and now you're going against Syren, Polly Pockets, and myself, on the biggest stage there is, and you're hoping to change the trajectory of your ENTIRE career, all in one night. That's some grandiose behavior, there, pal. That's pretty fucking ballsy. And I'll admit I kind of admire it. You see, Scott, unlike Syren and her love for the ole "Hawk Tuah" of a bottle of anything fermented, and Polly, and her desire to be anything in this business, you come with receipts. You come with the ability to say, "I did this." Now yes, Syren at one point, before she treated a bottle of Jack Daniels like a sex toy, was able to say she was something special, but you have always strived to fight for your glory. You've always wanted to EARN your glory...
And like I said... I respect that...
But guess what, this is Rise to Greatness...
This is EVERYONE's moment to shine...
I give two SHITS about ANYTHING you've done because right now everyone is looking at me and questioning MY work ethic. So for that, any respect I have for you, for Syren, for Polly, all of it is GONE. And I want to make it CLEAR, it is G-O-N-E, gone!
The fact is, I am going into Rise to Greatness with a chip on my shoulder because everyone has seen me at my weak point. Everyone has seen me when I am not at, where I want Kirsten Scott to be. And it is rightfully so. So I have ONE MOMOENT. I have ONE OPPORTUNITY. I have Rise to Greatness to be the night where I change the narrative and I change my mentality about EVERYTHING I am doing in this business.
Like I said, I am not alone in this...
Like I said, there are external factors in play....
Like I said, I have to be "The One" to either accept or decline EVERYTHING that is surrounding me...
So Scott, Zoe, Polly, and for fuck's sake, EVERYONE in Supreme Championship Wrestling... I am putting out a warning you probably were not ready for. Jake Starr is coming back. Pro is coming back. We are bringing others with us, and I am going to tasked with leading the initial assault. And it will begin at Rise to Greatness. It will begin with the growth of, as I've been told, "something bigger than me." And while I may not know everything involved, I am willing to allow people who saw MY vision grow it with THEIR expertise. And if it fails, I'm willing to fight back. But unfortunately for everyone in this business...
And I don't just mean Supreme Championship Wrestling...
... I believe this is greater than I ever anticipated.
Prepare to welcome a new age...
Prepare to welcome smoething bigger than death and taxes...
Hell... Prepare to welcome something greater than "The One" Kirsten Scott...
The rebirth of The Empire looms...
And that is a truth that will DEVASTATE this industry!
With that final line she reaches into her pocket to pull out her vape, takes a strong draw, and blows the smoke into the camera before vanishing into the darkness.
Overall Record: 27-31-4 |2025 Record: 0-2-0
ACCOMPLISHMENTS SCW Television Champion - 10/13/22 - 12/8/22 (56 Days) 2023 Trios Tournament Champion (w/ Adam Allocco & Kimberly Williams) SCW Television Champion (2x) - 07/06/23 - 11/02/23 (119 Days)
Josh Hudson Career Accomplishments SCW World Heavyweight Champion(4x)
2024 Rise to Greatness XXI Main Event Winer
2024 Taking Hold of the Flame Winner
2024 SCW Male Superstar of the Year
2023 Feud and Match of the Year
2022 Feud and Match of the Year
2018 SCW Trios Tournament Winner
2013 SCW Hall of Fame
SCW United States Champion(3x)
SCW Television Champion(1x)
SCW Tag Team Champion(2x)
2008 Tag Team of the Year award(Josh Hudson & Justin Davis)
Conquered Tactical Warfare 2010
HCCW World Heavyweight Champion (4x)
HCCW World Television Champion (1x)
HCCW United States Champion (1x)
XWE InterContinental Champion (1x)
XWE World Tag Team Champion (3x)
IWC World Heavyweight Champion(1x)
EAPW World Heavyweight Champion(1x)
TNW World Heavyweight Champion(1x)
WWA United States Champion(1x)
Ended Xander Valentine's 25 Match Winning Streak (2005)