The Shinigami Foundation vs. Shining Maidens
The Shinigami Foundation vs. Shining Maidens
Rise to Greatness XXI Pre-Show

4 RP Limit per team, no word limits
Deadline: 11:59:59 pm ET Sunday, July 28, 2024
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[Image: shinemaidenbanner.png]
The Shining Maidens (of SCW)

Tag Team Record: 06-01-00
NEMO Record: 07-01-00
SAWA Record: 06-02-00
{The screen comes up and we find ourselves looking at the assembled Shinigami Foundation with Jamison Frost dead center with a huge shit eating grin on his face}

Frost: One of the very first rules that I was ever taught when I came into this industry is that you never go small because small is nothing more than a cat scratch on, you want to make a fucking impact, you gotta go huge or you go home!!

And that's what we did, wasn't it?

I mean we attacked a singular member of the Shining Maidens and sure as sin, the rest of those Inuyasha cosplayers decided to get uppity and now, at perhaps the biggest pay per view of SCW's fiscal year, the Foundation makes their SCW formal debuts...

{The grin disappears from Frost's face}

Frost:...on the freaking *PRE SHOW*!!!

What happened here...did somebody not get the *fucking* memo that this is the Shinigami Foundation here...two of the biggest and brightest hitters in the entire history of the Dominion supergroup?! Two men that made the championship committees of three promotions so afraid of what depths that they are more than happy to go that they constantly screwed my boys out of their rightful championships?!

These are the two gentlemen that you bow fucking down and thank fucking *SATAN* AND *GOD* themselves that you've been blessed by them coming to your promotion...not shoving them on the pre show like they belong there, unlike Twisted and Sadistic or Team Desire!!

{Piero abruptly reaches out and draps an arm around Frost's neck while patting him on the chest with a slight shake of his head}

Piero: Tanomu yo, furosuto! ! Ochitsuite kurenai ka... Daijōbuda.

Frost:...I know, I know. But you can't blame me, Piero. I mean if I wasn't pissed off, then I wouldn't be doing my job right?

Piero: Mattaku sonotōrida, furosuto. Daga, wareware wa pei pā byū de mada ​​-kin o mōkeru tsumorida… dochira ka ga gisei ni narudarou.

{Frost breaks out in some serious dark laughter as Alex simply closes his eyes and shakes his head at what Piero has said while Wil chuckles lightly}

Wil: Both of my boys here have some serious points. Yes, we're stuck on the pre-show for Rise to Greatness, and yes we're up against the Shining Maidens while Twisted and Bitching sit up there on the main show card like they belong there when we all know that they actually don't.

But let me lay some truth down on for you all…

Alex: Hold on a second, brother. You’ve seen that laughable presentation that they called a “promo” earlier, correct?

Wil: Well yeah, it made for some funny shit to watch with a spot of breakfast remember?

Alex: Well yeah, which is why I want to go first this time.

{Wil looks at his long time tag team partner, nods, and then motions for Alex to go first}

Alex: Girls, allow me to pop this great big balloon of imagination that you all seem to have about you right now but you're *NOT* this hot commodity that you're under the wrongful assumption that you are. Wil and I both have seen actual hot commodities over the years, HELLS...we've been apart of a few of them and we've made our freaking bones in one of the, if not *THE* hardest markets to break into professional wrestling in which you three of all people should know is *JAPAN*!!

Take Wil here, he is the current reigning, defending, and undefeated Strong Style Wrestling Grand Japan champion in his *THIRD* year as being champion for that august company based out of grand Tokyo. Not because of a lack of opponents, no...but because he's not some joke like the entire lot of you are. As for the Merch!

Frost: Yeah, the sales for the first ever Shinigami Foundation SCW t-shirts have taken the number one spot on the SCW webstore and over a Pro Wrestling Tees and they haven't had match *ONE* yet in don't go blabbing on about having the "hottest merch" when you know otherwise, girls.

Alex: Now Sakura, you say that the entire roster of SCW is full of bad people...little girl, I'd be lying if I said I didn't like to hear myself talk because you can accomplish a lot with words if you know how to string them together and so, I want to explain something to you.

Now my partner and myself are both eccentric geniuses with great fashion tastes, we are also two men who has complete disregard for the rules that govern polite society and where we come from...those are all admirable traits, but you see this is where you pay the piper because like we said back on Breakdown...there isn't a single fucking team on this entire roster that has done the things that we've done in the past.

You say that you're the type that punches people like us square in the mouth and spits in our eye...Well girls, we're the ones who have ended not just title runs, but careers as well such as during our initial run back in the Universal Wrestling Corporation when two little Joshi, just like you lot, decided to get uppity and tried to throw down with us...maybe you should ask them what we did to them.

Oh wait, you can't because we *ENDED* their careers in their big pay per view debut by sending them both to fucking Gehenna, Sakura. And we will the exact same to the entire lot of you on the pre-show without any form of hesitation and the biggest item of all, you haven't even thought of yet, have you girls?

The question that you two need to ask yourselves is why...why did we actually pick the two of you, out of everyone on the entire SCW roster, why you two get to be first?

{Alex's face takes on a rather dark smile}

Alex: Because every great war starts with a small battle, the whole concept of a very small spark strikes the fuse to an even larger explosive conflict...and that's what is going to happen on the pre-show, girls.

Neko, you will Ride the Lighting....and Sakura will be fed to the Machine for Pigs.

And there is not a damned thing that you two can stop it because what you call a poor might want to take another gander at what we did to your friend, Yusa, and try to see the reality of it...or you can just simply continue on your ignorant ways all the way up to the pay per view, right Wil?

Wil: That is putting it very lightly, Alex. You call us thieves for using the name of the Shinigami....and yet your entire freaking existence is stolen from the Japanese Magical Girl genre and tropes of anime. You claim to be fighting for the holiness of Anime….my god, does that mean you’re actually fighting for tentacle sex monsters everywhere up north in EAW?!

Because if so, then maybe you all need to cut back on the coke gum….

Frost: Wait, the soda company makes chewing gum now?

Wil:....sure, if CocaCola's president is now Pablo Escobar that is.

{Alex and Piero burst out into some hard laughing at which point Wil simply offers a high five to Piero who accepts his long time running buddy’s request of the highest of fives and returns it}

Wil: Back to the matter at hand, while your hands may not be shaking in fear, Neko, your eyes tell an entirely different story and that story tells us that you are indeed very, *very* afraid of stepping into the ring with myself and Alex because your mouthpiece there is more than likely refusing to show you any of the highlights of my career *alone* and that is probably for the best because if Meowkazawa has any kind of actual greymatter dripping between those two radar dishes that he calls “ears”, then he knows full well that the reason why I’m called the “Albert Wesker of Luchadores” is not because I’m some kind of high flying assassin.


I’m *THE* specialist. I’m the guy who if I catch you just once while you’re doing all of your flippy shit in that ring then the moment that I get my hands on you, it’s all over. Especially since I really enjoy playing with my food in the ring, girls.

This is not me bragging, this is my telling the Elder Gods’ honest truth and that truth is that you were chosen to be the bearers of a singular, potent message to the rest of this company’s locker room and that message is that the *REAL* and *PROPER* villains are here and that means that two actual fucking *WRESTLERS* are now on this roster. A tag team that doesn’t care about the pageantry that we are forced to put on week after week for all of the mouth breathers out there in TV Land and beyond.

You know, the same kind of pageantry that the entire lot of you seem to harp on and on about, banging on about how you’re the good guys and that’s going to help you beat us….the “bad guys”.

Neko…Sakura…you need to understand that there is no way that either one of you is leaving that pay per view without blood running down your faces and every single neuron and synapse in your bodies *not* screaming out like you’re on fucking *fire* because up until now, you’ve been playing a game with your fellow wrestlers….but now that game is over because the Foundation is here and in case you haven’t been following me like two people with the average intelligence of two young women who have grown up in the par excellent educational system that is the Japanese School System…then you should have noticed something very important throughout me talking this entire time;

I have said every word in the exact same calm, nuanced tone. I have barely raised my voice above what is my normal speaking voice and that, by itself, should send warning signals through every cell in your individual brains would know that I have been very calm while talking about doing some very horrible things to the entire lot of you.

That means that I’m extremely comfortable with causing you those levels of pain and it does not bother me at all…and that, within itself girls, should be enough to make you understand at the most basic and core of your beings that you should just show up and be pinned, otherwise the end result will be worse.

Much *Much* Worse.

{Frost nods slowly, all look of his usual arrogance is missing for the time being as he motions towards the camera}

Frost: But if I may be serious for just a few minutes here, I really want to address the biggest elephant in this entire situation and that is not a single member of you Maidens is taking us seriously, and that includes your own manager. I mean seriously, Sakura is probably the most stable of your entire group because she’s afraid of us and with very good reasons which Wil very easily and calmly pointed out in that we are very good at doing very bad things to people and we’ve done it on every single landmass that this planet has.

At the Rise to Greatness pre-show, the entirety of SCW is going to be witness to one of the most brutal of in-ring matches outside of an Underground match as you all will bear witness to the beginning of the Foundation’s run here in SCW.

See you at the show, girls.

{The screen then fades to black}

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