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Marie Jones vs. “The Lost Monarch” Ryan LeCavalier
Rise to Greatness XXI Pre-Show
2 RP Limit, no word limits
Deadline: 11:59:59 pm ET Sunday, July 28, 2024
Posts: 253
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Joined: Jul 2018
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July 18th, 2024
Detroit, Michigan
Off Camera
The final stop, the last Breakdown before Rise To Greatness has concluded and now Marie Jones has a crystal clear path forward. She knows exactly what, or namely whom, awaits her at SCW’s show of shows; Ryan LeCavalier, the so-called Lost Monarch. This will be Marie’s first Rise To Greatness since her return to the company. The last time Marie competed at Rise To Greatness was in 2019 for Rise To Greatness 16, when she teamed with her identical twin sister Kimberly Williams for a tag team match. This year she returns as part of a solo act. She returns as part of her redemption tour and in doing so she issued a challenge to LeCavalier. It was Marie’s challenge and it is Marie’s return to Rise To Greatness, she knows that she is the one who must step up. She recognizes that the pressure is on for her to perform. But Marie is feeling good. She feels confident and she feels as if she has recaptured the momentum she had when she first returned to SCW several months ago. Most importantly, Marie’s own self confidence has returned. Since returning to SCW she won the Television Title and she wrestled three matches in one night, winning two of them. This proves her resilience and her ability. The Phoenix knows that she is ready for Rise To Greatness and she is ready to step up and put down Ryan LeCavalier.
Currently the Little Caesars Arena in Detroit, Michigan is buzzing with action. SCW Breakdown is over and not only are the fans rushing to leave but so are the wrestlers and the other officials who helped put this event together. Among those waiting anxiously to leave is Marie Jones. She wants to return quickly to her home of Boston, Massachusetts and start her Rise To Greatness preparation immediately. She stands near a packing crate, wearing a tailored knee-length skirt, made from a sleek, dark fabric that flatters her figure while maintaining a modest length paired with classic black stockings, giving her a refined look. Her high heel shoes are elegant yet practical, black with a modest heel height that adds to her stature without compromising comfort. Completing her outfit is a black leather jacket zipped up halfway, revealing a glimpse of the white blouse underneath, crisp and neatly pressed.
“Marie!” The voice from behind her, not too far away, belongs to her mother, Angelica Jones. Ever since Marie returned, Angelica has been acting as her advocate and manager backstage, much in the same way she has helped Marie’s twin sister Kimberly. Angelica dealing with the backstage politics frees Marie up to focus on just wrestling, just competing. Having that one burden off of her shoulders is something Jones is eternally grateful for. She turns to see her mother approaching quickly. The Matriarch of the Jones family is wearing black maxi skirt that flows gracefully with each step, accentuating her slender figure, paired with a sophisticated red silk blouse. She is perched atop a pair of black high heeled pumps. At first Marie smiles upon seeing her mother’s arrival. She had hoped to talk with her some before leaving Little Caesars Arena. But the closer Angelica gets, the more Marie can sense that her mother is not in the best of moods right now.
“Mom, is something wrong?”
“Nothing, nothing at all.” There is a definite sound of sarcasm coming from her voice, indicating that yes, there is something wrong. “Just one thing…I would like to know why you are going into business for yourself?”
“What do you mean?” Marie asks, genuinely curious about what her mother is talking about. Angelica sighs and shakes her head.
“Look. You and your sister both have asked me to do the same thing for you; be your advocate backstage, help manage your careers. I deal with the likes of CHBK so that you and your sister only have to focus on getting in the ring and wrestling. That’s it.”
“Yes, and…?”
“So negotiating matches is my job.” She points at Marie. “Your job is to wrestle. That’s still our arrangement.”
“Yes, that’s right.” Marie nods her head. “So why are you so upset?”
“Because Rise To Greatness is coming up. And I have been busy trying to help both you and Kim. I tried so damn hard to get your sister a one on one shot at the Underground Title but at least I got her the opportunity she has…but you…” Angelica sighs out of frustration “...I was trying to get you higher up on the card.”
“Look, if it’s being on the Pre-Show that you’re upset about then don’t worry.” Marie insists. “Once upon a time that would have bothered me, but not now. Hell, I haven’t been at a Rise To Greatness since 2019. It makes sense that I work my way up to the main card. Right?”
“It isn’t the idea of you being on the pre-show that bothers me.” She points a finger at Marie. “What bothers me is that you went into business for yourself. Since your return you have been a former Television Champion, you took Bree Lancaster to her limit and damn near captured the Adrenaline Title, you made it to the finals in an eight person one night tournament and almost won that whole thing. You more than earned something better than…”
“Better than what?” Marie asks. “Better than facing Ryan LeCavalier?”
“Look…” Angelica sighs “...I know it might sound arrogant but you DO deserve something bigger.”
“Like what?” Marie asks curiously, folding her arms over her chest. “Yet ANOTHER shot at the Adrenaline Title? I already had a shot, failed. I had a chance to earn another shot but failed. YUYO earned that shot fair and square. Or maybe the Underground Title? That whole situation is already a big giant mess and besides, as much as Kim probably wouldn’t mind having me along to help, I am not going involve myself in her division. That’s her thing, not mine. Oh or what about the United States Title? Between Enigma and Knox it looks like Deanna already has her dance card full. So seriously, mom, what other ‘bigger and better’ thing could you have in mind?”
“The battle royal, maybe?” Angelica shrugs her shoulders. “You could earn a title shot by winning.”
“No, mom. Just no.” Marie shakes her head. “I know you mean well but that’s not the way this needs to be. I am not here to beg for scraps. I want to do this the right way and earn my opportunities. That means earning my way back into contention, not just get thrown into an opportunity as a body to fill a space. Besides, this thing with Ryan…it’s personal for me…”
“How is it personal?” Angelica asks. “She just got here.”
“Not like that.” Marie shakes her head. “It isn’t personal between her and me. I have no grudge and no beef against her. Its just that I see a lot of myself in her. The arrogance, thinking that every opportunity SCW has handed her so far is beneath her, that she deserves better? That sounds like the old me, that sounds like me when I was parading around like my shit didn’t stink. That sounds like me when I was The Crown Jewel of Professional Wrestling.”
“And I suppose that sounds a little like me just now.” Angelica says sheepishly. Marie smirks knowingly.
“You said it, not me!” Marie snickers. “I just feel the need to teach her a lesson, to teach her to respect SCW and the opportunities she has here in this promotion. Because I had that all high and mighty opinion of myself once. Look at where it got me.”
“Fair enough.” Angelica starts to laugh slightly and quietly. “I’m sorry, Marie, I suppose I get carried away, especially when dealing with you and your career. I guess I’m just bias and I want to see what’s best for you.” Angelica places a hand on her daughter’s shoulder. “You are definitely a better person than I am.”
“Are you saying you would have thrown a fit about not getting an opportunity?” Marie asks. Angelica nods her head.
“Probably. I doubt I would have liked being on the pre-show, either.”
“That’s the thing, when you nearly lose everything you had, it makes you reevaluate your own perspective, it forces to look at things differently and appreciate what you do have. Now I see any chance to compete on SCW programming as an opportunity. And I see this match against Ryan at Rise To Greatness as an opportunity not only to make an impact but to teach her a lesson.”
“Well I certainly am proud of you.” Angelica smiles warmly. “I might not have had the best of ideas but I had the best intentions. You, though, you want to do this the right way. You have matured so much and changed so much since you left SCW. This redemption of yours, I know you said its ongoing, but if you ask me, you’ve already won over the hearts and minds of the fans and most of the locker room with how you have carried yourself and conducted yourself.”
“Quit the gushing, mom.” Marie remarks. “It isn’t like I’m an innocent or anything. I brought a lot of my grief upon myself.”
“Speaking of that grief, how did your meeting with Julianne go?”
Marie sighs with a hint of pain and maybe some frustration. It has been two and a half weeks since The Phoenix approached her ex-girlfriend, Julianne Buchanan. Julianne and Marie were close once. Really close. Julianne was there for Marie when Marie’s fiance chose to take his own life. Marie quickly fell under Julianne’s spell, a spell that led Marie down a dark and dangerous path towards the Inner Peace Enlightenment Retreat; an organization that amounted to little more than a cult that took advantage of Marie and abused her physically, mentally, and emotionally. After being tricked and manipulated by Julianne on several occasions, Marie felt that she could no longer trust her. After hearing of Julianne’s predicament, that Inner Peace’s charismatic con artist leader Raul was going to throw her under the bus, that Julianne needed Marie to testify on her behalf that Raul was the real brains of the operation, Marie was prepared to just sit back and do nothing. She was prepared to let Julianne suffer. She felt it was justified.
Yet Marie’s newest romantic flame, an ex-con named Percy Matthews, spoke to her about forgiveness and about second chances. Percy’s words convicted Marie. She herself had just been on a redemption tour in SCW. Marie was seeking the forgiveness of others within SCW for walking out on them. She was seeking forgiveness from her family for abandoning them. Yet Marie was not going to forgive Julianne when she asked forgiveness for what she had done? Those convicting words managed to convince Marie to finally muster the courage to go and speak with Julianne. It was an eventful meeting but one that certainly needed to take place.
“It was…” Marie struggles to find the right words “ was unique.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well to make a long story short, I did agree to speak to the district attorney on Julianne’s behalf.” Marie sighs. “I mean, it is only right. Everyone deserves second chances, you know? God knows I needed plenty of them in my time. I am back in SCW seeking to redeem myself for my own past sins. It’s only fair that I forgive Julianne.”
“What if she’s not sincere?”
“It doesn’t matter.” Marie shakes her head. “It isn’t my place to judge her character or her soul. All I can do is to forgive and that’s what I am supposed to do.”
“Sounds like you two buried the hatchet then.” Angelica smirks. “And NOT in each other’s skulls.”
“You could say that.” Marie nods her head. “But uh, that wasn’t the only thing that happened.”
“Julianne gave me the deed to her property in Worcester.”
“Wait, what?” Angelica looks stunned. “She just gave it to you? For free?”
“Everything. Lock, stock, and barrel.”
“That’s shocking.” Angelica remarks. “I mean, from you told me it was a rather impressive home with lots of land. Why would she give it up?”
“Simple; she has no intentions on living here anymore, regardless of the outcome of her trial. If her insanity plea works and she ends up spending a brief amount of time in a mental hospital, she is leaving for California once she is released. If her insanity plea doesn’t work and she ends up in prison, she is leaving for California once she serves her full prison term. Since she won’t be using it, she gave it to me.” Marie shrugs. “I suppose she felt it would be a way of saying…I’m sorry?”
“Makes sense. But what do you plan to do with it?”
“I’m not moving there if that’s what you’re worried about.” Marie says, smiling wryly.
“Good.” Angelica says with a hint of relief. “We don’t want to break up the Jones connection in Boston now do we?”
“No, no we do not.” Marie chuckles lightly.
“So if you’re not moving there, what ARE you going to do with it?”
“At first I legitimately had no clue. I had to really think about it for several days before finally it hit me. The answer became very obvious.” Marie grins knowingly. “You know how cousin, Glory, has her own wrestling academy? Why doesn’t the Jones Family have its own wrestling school?”
“Good question.” Angelica chuckles. She sighs and shakes her head. “I don’t know, though. I mean, so many of us are busy. I am managing both you and your sister’s careers while still wrestling part time. All of your sisters have very busy careers as full time wrestlers.”
“But it is just too perfect!” Marie exclaims. “Sean wants so badly to be a wrestler. He would be the first third generation wrestler in the Jones family.”
“I know.” Angelica nods her head. “You told me how your boyfriend is working with him on some of the basics.”
“Yes, and Percy is doing a great job, but he can only teach Sean so much. Eventually he will need legitimate wrestling training and Percy doesn’t have that knowledge to teach. Eventually he will need to learn from an actual wrestler.”
“You said it yourself, Marie, Glory has a wrestling school…” her voice trails off.
“But it is so damn far away and…”
“...and you don’t want to let him go, do you?” Angelica asks. Marie nods her head.
“You’re right. I don’t. I just don’t think I’m ready.”
“Listen, Marie. The Braddock Wrestling School is probably the best fit for Sean. It is already a well oiled machine run by some great talented wrestlers like Randall Williams and Sophie O’Brian and her brother Mark. Besides, you know you will have to let him go one day and let him live his own life.”
“I know, I get that.” Marie nods her head. “But if there was a school closer to home, where he could train and not be so damn far away, wouldn’t it be better?”
“Maybe.” Angelica sighs. “But still…who would run it? Like I said, every single one of us is too busy.”
There is a brief pause while Marie thinks about this for a moment. Then a small smile creeps across her face. “Maybe not everyone…”
“Really? Who?”
“Oh no one in particular…” Marie shakes her head “...let’s just say that I have a solution.”
July 21st, 2024
Boston, Massachusetts
Off Camera
The Phoenix might indeed be a bit too hesitant to let go of her son Sean. She might be too afraid to let him go out on his own, even if it is the best thing for him. Still, she has an idea that might work out for all involved. Why couldn’t the Jones Family run their own wrestling academy? It wouldn’t just be good for Sean but an entire future generation of wrestlers looking to learn from the wealth of knowledge from the Jones family. But as Angelica accurately pointed out, they need someone with the time on their hands to run it. Luckily, Marie does know of someone that, shockingly, Angelica didn’t even consider.
Kayla Jones-Snow; Marie’s aunt, Angelica’s younger sister.
It has been awhile since The Phoenix has spent time with her aunt. It isn’t a matter of them drifting apart or having hard feelings. It’s just that Marie has been very busy lately. Even with Rise To Greatness a week away, Marie thinks it would be wise to make time to visit a relative, especially for an important reason such as this. This is what brings her to Kayla’s home in Boston. Marie Jones finds herself seated comfortably in the plush armchair of a very nice, sophisticated living room area owned by her aunt, Kayla Jones-Snow. Marie is dressed in a soft, pastel floral blouse that hints at her slender frame without being revealing, paired with a knee-length, flowing skirt in a complementary shade. Simple black flats are on her feet. Across from her sits her aunt, Kayla Jones. Most of the Jones women are known for preferring the finer things in life, but none moreso than Kayla who exudes elegance in an expensive casual dress, a designer piece that drapes effortlessly over her figure, showcasing both quality and style. The dress, in a deep, jewel-toned color, highlights her refined taste and affluence.
The living room itself is the epitome of luxury, with plush sofas, a grand fireplace, and tasteful art adorning the walls. The room is illuminated by a crystal chandelier, casting a warm glow over the polished hardwood floors and antique furnishings. Marie and her aunt share a moment of relaxation, each holding a glass of fine wine.
“Are you enjoying your wine?” Kayla asks. Marie quietly nods her head.
“Good.” Kayla smirks. “You know, I will never complain about a visit from my niece, but it has been an awfully long time since you stopped by to see me.” She winks playfully. “I was beginning to think that you don’t Need More Kayla?”
“Hashtag #NeedMoreKayla.” Marie says correcting her. Kayla laughs.
“Of course! Never forget the hashtag!” The two women clink glasses together and then drink. Kayla sighs after finishing her sip. “So what does bring you here today? I mean, isn’t Rise To Greatness just one week away? You should be preparing. Unless you’re not booked?”
“Oh I’m booked.” Marie nods her head. “I’m facing someone who reminds me a lot of myself back in the day…brash, arrogant, thinks way too highly of herself. I need to bring her down a few notches.”
“Well good with that.” Kayla says. “Still, shouldn’t you be preparing for that match? You haven’t been at a Rise To Greatness in years. This is important, isn’t it?”
“It is and I will be ready.” Marie insists. “But what I need to talk to you about is also important.”
“Oh really?” Kayla smirks. “Are you here to FINALLY tell me about your new boyfriend?”
“Percy?” Marie chuckles. “I mean, Percy is a really great guy…he is so kind and warm towards me…and he adores Sean.”
“That’s good.” Kayla sips her wine. “I know finding someone who would take to Sean was important to you.”
“And Sean adores him back.” Marie says excitedly. “In fact, Percy and Sean have been bonding a lot lately. Percy has been working with him on self defense and some basic striking skills.”
“Is that so?” Kayla asks. A small smile, a hint of pride, forms on her face. “Sounds like he’s going to take after his great aunt! You did mention he was going to be a wrestler, didn’t you?”
“That’s what Sean has his heart set on.” Marie sighs. “But you and I both know that just because Percy can fight doesn’t mean he can wrestle. And unfortunately Percy will not be able to teach him the wrestling aspect of the game.”
“That stinks.” Kayla says with a disappointed sigh. “Have you thought about a solution?”
“I have been thinking about a possible long term solution and one just happened to fall into my lap, so to speak anyway.” Marie winks. Kayla nods her head as if she begins to realize where this conversation is going.
“I get it.” Kayla motions to herself. “I’m your long term solution. Is that it?”
“Partially. I mean yeah…” Marie nods her head “...I do want you to train Sean when the time comes for him to learn the actual wrestling aspect of the business.”
“Say no more.” Kayla states. “I would be honored.”
“But that’s not all.” Marie says. “You see, I think you could do so much good for other people, not just Sean. There are so many people who…well…need more Kayla!”
Kayla smirks. “What are you getting at?”
“I recently came into possession of a huge chunk of land in Worcester.” Marie shakes her head. “Don’t ask me how. It’s a long ass story. But I think we could completely revamp it and make it the home of a new wrestling academy, one run by the Jones family.” She points a finger at Kayla. “Specifically, you.”
“Doesn’t Glory Braddock already own one?” Kayla asks. Marie rolls her eyes.
“I already went through this with my mom.” Marie complains. “Yes, she does, but it is the BRADDOCK school. The Jones Family has just as much wrestling knowledge to pass on, maybe even more.”
“Maybe…but I already run a modeling agency…”
“A modeling agency that is part of a much larger company. You have tons of employees. Admit it, Aunt Kayla, you rarely have to set foot into your modeling business. And you’re also practically retired from the ring. You have time to run this. You have time to make this dream a reality.”
“You’re right, I do have the time…and I certainly am well connected enough to find good staff and trainers to help me…” she sighs “...if I say yes, what is the point? What is the purpose? Why are you donating this land you now own for this cause?”
“I just want to give back.” Marie says. “Wrestling has given so much to me and I never once gave back. I look at this as my way of giving back.”
“And what do you propose we call this place?”
“Dragon Academy.” Marie smirks. “What else?”
“Of course.” Kayla rolls her eyes. “My sister’s nickname.”
“You didn’t have a nickname, Aunt Kayla.”
“This is true.” Kayla sighs and nods her head. “Ok, I’ll do it.”
“But…” Kayla points a finger at Marie “ are going to be a partner in this little endeavor.”
“A partner?” Marie asks. Kayla nods her head.
“Yes. You proposed this as if I was going to be the sole individual taking a gamble here. But this is your idea. Doesn’t sound too fair, does it?”
“No, I suppose it doesn’t.”
“Then you’re going to be a partner.” Kayla smiles warmly. “But don’t worry, I actually do like this idea. I think this will work out great.”
SWC Southern Heavyweight Champion 1x
MWA Turmoil Champion 1x
GCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
UWA World Tag Team Champion 1x
HKW Bloodlust Champion 3x
2022 SCW Trios Tournament Winner
SCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
SCW Underground Champion 5x
SCW Television Champion 1x
SCW United States Champion 1x
MWE Chicago Way Champion 1x
5LW Television Champion 1x
Queen of the Death Match
SCW United States Champion 1x
SCW Television Champion 2x
SCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
UWA World Champion 1x
UWA X-Class Champion 1x
UWA World Tag Team Champion 1x
IWC World Tag Team Champion 1x
MCW X-Division Champion 1x
GDW International Champion 1x
GDW World Tag Team Champion 3x
Posts: 253
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Joined: Jul 2018
All Accounts Posts: 635
2 of 2
July 23rd, 2024
Boston, Massachusetts
Off Camera
This year’s Rise To Greatness is very special for Marie Annabelle Jones. It isn’t just due to the fact that this is the biggest event of SCW’s calendar year, it isn’t just because this is Marie’s first Rise To Greatness since she made her return to SCW earlier this year. This is Marie’s first Rise To Greatness match in several years. She has missed this grand wrestling event for the past several years due to various issues, primarily among them her own ego, selfishness, and refusal to do business. It is her own fault that it has been this long since she has made it to this stage, back to Rise To Greatness. This year, her first Rise To Greatness in several years, is symbolic of Marie’s own redemption journey. Now she has earned her way back to SCW, earned her way back to Rise To Greatness, and her match, ironically enough, is someone who isn’t particularly fond of the way SCW has been booking her, someone who thinks way too highly of herself. Namely, Ryan LeCavalier. The Lost Monarch reminds Marie of herself from the past few years when she thought of herself as The Crown Jewel of Professional Wrestling, when she thought she deserved far better than what she was getting. She reminds Marie of her own formerly entitled attitude. Now as she makes her return to Rise To Greatness, Marie can put this entitled person in her place.
Marie will be making the trip to St. Louis, Missouri, the site of Rise To Greatness, very soon. But for now she wants to spend some more time with some of the most important people in her life; her boyfriend Percy Matthews and her teenage Sean, Connor Jones. It seems that her personal life is coming together very quickly and in her favor as of late. For a long time Marie has wanted not just a lover and confidant, but someone who could serve as a father figure for her son. She had almost given up hope until she was introduced to Percy, an ex-convict looking to turn his life around. What’s even better about this is the fact that Sean adores Percy and vice-versa. In fact, the pair have been spending quite a bit of time together lately with Sean’s desire to follow in his mother’s footsteps and become the first ever third generation wrestler from the Jones family. Percy has been taking time to teach Sean basic self-defense skills before the actual professional wrestling practice comes into play.
Currently the three of them are seated in the living room of Marie’s luxurious modern home in Boston, Massachusetts. The space is tastefully decorated with clean lines and neutral tones, accented by bursts of color in the form of abstract art on the walls and plush cushions on the large sectional sofa. A sleek glass coffee table sits in the center, holding a few magazines and a vase of fresh flowers, adding to the room's elegant ambiance. The overall atmosphere is one of comfort and understated luxury. Marie is on the sofa, wearing a floral print blouse with a slightly ruffled neckline and a knee-length navy skirt that accentuates her figure while maintaining an air of sophistication. Her vibrant red hair that cascades in loose waves around her shoulders. Seated beside Marie is her teenage son, Sean. His hair is a darker shade of red than his mother’s, cropped short and slightly tousled, giving him a casual, youthful appearance. He wears a hoodie and jeans, a typical teenage outfit, and his sneakers are slightly scuffed from frequent use. Last, but certainly, not least, is Death’s Head; aka; Percy Matthews, Marie’s boyfriend, who sits on the other side of her. Percy’s muscular build is evident even through the plain black t-shirt he wears, paired with worn jeans and sturdy boots. His arms, covered in tattoos, are a testament to his past life as a biker.
“I’m glad we could all spend some time together like this.” Marie says with a warm smile as she hugs Sean tightly. Like most teenagers his age he smiles uncomfortably before pushing himself away. “I will have to catch a flight to St. Louis very soon.”
“Why do ya gotta leave so soon?” Percy asks.
“Rise To Greatness isn’t just one match at the pre-show and I’m done.” Marie shakes her head. “It is a whole weekend, a spectacle. Besides, I haven’t participated in a Rise To Greatness in several years. That’s my fault because I took it and SCW for granted. I am happy to be back and I am going to show this company and my fans that I am ready, willing, and able to put in the effort. That means not just showing up for my match against Ryan LeCavalier, but also putting in special appearances, signing autographs, meeting fans, the whole experience. You know what I mean?”
“I don’t know the whole wrestling business like you, babe,” Percy says with a grin “so I’ll have to take your word on it. But it does look like you’re really taking this comeback of yours seriously.”
“I definitely am, which is why I do need to get to St. Louis early.” Marie sighs. “I wish both of you could come with me…” there is a hint of pain in her voice. Percy smiles warmly.
“It’s ok. Me and Sean will be fine.”
“Yeah, mom, me and Percy will be fine by ourselves.”
“Are you sure?” Marie smiles jokingly. “You boys won’t have any big parties while I’m gone, right?”
“No parties, mom!” Sean insists. “In fact, me and Percy will probably work all day on my wrestling!”
Marie and Percy exchange a nervous look. Without even saying a word they know what the other is thinking. This is a subject they both knew would be coming up sooner or later, they just wished it could be put off. They wish it could be delayed. But it cannot be delayed any longer.
“Uh, Sean…” Marie begins, her voice trailing off “...there’s something I should tell you.”
“I’ll tell him.” Percy says. He turns to face Sean. “Kid, I hate to tell you but, I can’t work with you anymore.”
“What?” Sean seems confused. “But you can’t just quit.”
“I’m not quitting, Sean. It’s just that I’ve taught you everything I can.”
“No you haven’t.” Sean insists shaking his head. “I have learned so much from you and there is still so much to learn!”
“Sean, please listen to me.” Marie stares into her son’s eyes. “Percy told you from the beginning that he could only teach you the basics of self-defense and some basic striking skills. That was all he could teach you, but if you really want to follow your grandmother, and myself, into the world of professional wrestling, then you need to move on to a real wrestling school and learn how to navigate the world of professional wrestling.”
“Yeah, and I just can’t teach you that, Sean.” Percy says. “But that doesn’t mean we can’t hang out, ok? It doesn’t mean I can’t still teach a thing or two here and there.” Percy winks. Sean’s frown finally turns into a small smile.
“I guess…” he sighs “...but what does that mean for me?” He looks at his mother. “Are you going to train me?”
“I wish I could.” Marie shakes her head. “Unfortunately I just don’t have the time. But I do know someone who does have the time.”
“Your great aunt Kayla.” Marie smiles. “I spoke to her and she agrees that working with you would be a great idea. And what’s more is that you and your aunt will be making history.”
“How’s that?” Sean’s curiosity piqued.
“The Jones family will be opening and running its own wrestling school. We’re going to call it The Dragon Academy.” She points a finger at Sean. “And you will be one of its first students.” She pats Sean on the back. “How does that sound? Your dream is coming true.”
“Thanks, mom!” Sean jumps up to his feet. “I can’t wait to tell my friends!” With that, Sean bolts out of the room. Marie and Percy both share a laugh.
“I love the kid’s enthusiasm.” Percy remarks.
“I have no idea where he gets it.” Marie says.
“From his mother.” Percy remarks as he kisses her on the cheek. Marie returns the favor with an even more passionate kiss. The kissing session grows hotter and more passionate. But then Marie quickly pushes Percy away. This causes Percy to look confused. “What’s wrong?”
“Not now, Percy.” Marie says. “Sean is here. He may be upstairs in his room but he is still here.”
“Oh, right…” he sighs “...sorry. Old habits. I didn’t mean to push you or rush you. Just…just whenever you’re ready…” his voice trails off. Marie gives him one kiss on the cheek.
“You are too kind to me, Percy. I do not deserve you.”
“Percy, I will be ready. Not now but when I return from St. Louis, when I get back from Rise To Greatness, I will be ready.”
“You sure?”
“I’m sure.” Marie smiles warmly. “You’ve been very patient with me and understanding of my problems. It’s time I reward your patience and love.”
On Camera
“I’m not getting the spotlight I deserve! I’m not getting the competition I deserve! I’m entitled to better than what SCW is giving me!”
Those words sound so damn familiar. That’s because those were my words. What? Did you think I would point the accusatory finger at a certain Lost Monarch? I mean, yes, she certainly sounds like a spoiled little brat. She certainly has that air of entitlement about her. Last time I heard from her she was complaining about the lack of competition in SCW. She questioned whether or not SCW was really the right place to ply her craft.
Trust me, Ryan, SCW has the best competition you will find. If you decide to leave, I would question YOUR guts, not the level of competition in this place. And you can believe me when I say that this attitude of yours will not serve you will in the long run.
You speak as if you deserve to be thrust in the ring with the very best this company has to offer? That’s not how this company works. Hell, that isn’t how WRESTLING works. This is climbing a ladder, or maybe mountain climbing would be a better comparison? You climb your way, slowly but surely to the top. The first few steps start out easy and each step gets progressively more difficult as you prove yourself worthy of the next level…
…that’s right, PROVE YOURSELF. You prove yourself by taking on whatever challenge SCW throws your way. And each time you overcome a challenge you will be given another, more difficult challenge, until you get to where you want to go. That is how this process works. But apparently that’s not good enough for The Lost Monarch, is it? You want someone who will make it worth your time and effort. You want a true test of your skill right here and now.
Be careful of what you ask for, because you just got it. You got me, The Phoenix, at Rise To Greatness. And if you want a side by side comparison of me and your previous opponents in SCW, well let me just list off some of my accomplishments.
Three time SCW Television Champion.
SCW World Tag Team Champion.
SCW United States Champion.
And that’s just my SCW record. I could point out that I am a seven time former World Champion in other promotions. Does that make me “worthy” enough of your precious time and effort, Ryan?
I used to be a lot like you, Ryan. I thought certain matches and certain competitors were beneath me. Hell, there was a time that I would have thrown a fit at being on the pre-show. There are people on this roster right now throwing a fit that they aren’t featured on the main Rise To Greatness card. Are you going to start bitching about that too, Ryan? Is the mere Pre-Show beneath someone of your stature?
Don’t get me wrong. I’m not that girl who is just happy to be here. I am here to win championships. But I also recognize the importance of Rise To Greatness and just being a part of this experience, no matter who I am facing, even if it is the Pre-Show, is huge.
Ryan, you are not a monarch of any kind, Lost or otherwise. You are just a whiner because you have a self of entitlement. Rise To Greatness is when I bring you back down to earth. Rise To Greatness is when I introduce you to reality that you are not the bright and shining star of SCW, not yet anyway. You have to EARN your way to that level. You think you deserve better than what you have received thus far but at Rise To Greatness, I am going to humble you.
You will be beaten. On the Pre-Show. You will be humbled…on the Pre-Show. Your rise will be brought to be an immediate halt…on the damn pre-show. And as for me? This Phoenix WILL RISE!
SWC Southern Heavyweight Champion 1x
MWA Turmoil Champion 1x
GCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
UWA World Tag Team Champion 1x
HKW Bloodlust Champion 3x
2022 SCW Trios Tournament Winner
SCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
SCW Underground Champion 5x
SCW Television Champion 1x
SCW United States Champion 1x
MWE Chicago Way Champion 1x
5LW Television Champion 1x
Queen of the Death Match
SCW United States Champion 1x
SCW Television Champion 2x
SCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
UWA World Champion 1x
UWA X-Class Champion 1x
UWA World Tag Team Champion 1x
IWC World Tag Team Champion 1x
MCW X-Division Champion 1x
GDW International Champion 1x
GDW World Tag Team Champion 3x