Underground/Adrenaline Battle Royal
Number One Contendership Battle Royal for either Adrenaline or Underground Championship – winner’s choice

David Striker
Diamond Steele
Derek Adonis
Shawn Michael Prime
Ravyn Taylor
Brilliant Sun Princess YUSA

Rise to Greatness XXI Pre-Show

2 RP Limit, no word limits
Deadline: 11:59:59 pm ET Sunday, July 28, 2024
OOC: If you don't think Konrad should be in this match, Olek, or it's not an open invitational match, you can delete the RP. I'm just throwing him in in case it is an open invitational Rumble match because of a storyline I have going ATM with his therapist related to title opportunities and title matches.


Paris, France. Friday 26th July (Offline)

So tonight was the opening ceremony, and I was with my lady friend, Jasmine Williams, who was representing the USA in both the skateboarding park and skateboarding street events. Of course, she had to go early because she had to attend the opening ceremony earlier than I had to. However, I could stay behind briefly before heading down to the opening ceremony area. I could relax and not worry about racing for once as they were on a break, technically two weeks, but it was three weeks for me as my team wanted me to have a rest. Granted, I had to worry about wrestling with Shaun Cruze, but that was the only thing I had to be concerned about.

Or so I thought as I was in the hotel room where all the USA stars were staying. However, I could stay with Jasmine as we were a couple, and I root for Germany in every Olympic event, except for skateboarding with my lady friend, obviously. Jasmine has no idea what I have planned for her this week, and well, she will love what I have planned for this entire holiday. I got a large box and will open it with a ring inside.

As soon as I was looking at the ring inside, the phone rang. I immediately closed the large box and placed it on the sliding tray at the hotel where a big athlete star was my lady friend. I enjoyed going to the X Games last month on Sunday to see her perform and meet her skateboarding friends, and I know I'll see them tonight. Anyway, the phone rang for a while, and I muted the TV and answered the phone. Of course, it was my stupid therapist, Ross Barnes.

Konrad Raab: “Ross, I told you not to disturb me, please fuck off. I'm not doing any more mountain climbs, and I told you this last week.”

Ross Barnes: “No, I want you to reconsider doing the battle royal.”

Konrad Raab: “I told you why I couldn't, as I have business to deal with in France.”

Ross Barnes: “What business do you have in France in these few weeks?”

Of course, the dickhead didn't know about me and my soon-to-be fiancee; little did she know that I planned to propose to her after she's done her Olympic medals-chasing quest, but he finally figured it out after he understood why, but he still didn't really get the point.

Ross Barnes: “Oh, the Olympics. I understand you want to be there, but you literally have no reason to be there compared to wrestling Shaun on Sunday in the United States.”

Konrad Raab: “I do, Ross. No matter what you say, I won't do the battle royal to win a poxy title shot. I'm not going to tell you why, but the Olympics have everything to do with me being here, and I'm not taking part in the games either.”

Ross Barnes: “I don't think you understand that whatever happens, you know damn well that you will end up flying to the US anyway, and why not take part in the battle royal instead of being at the Olympics watching guys and girls take part in no relation to you.”

Mind you, when I thought about what Jasmine's coach said to her earlier on her medals quest for Skateboarding park might be cancelled tomorrow because of rain and be postponed to Monday, maybe now it would make sense for me to fly to the US, not that Jasmine would be happy with me, but she knows that it's going to rain in Paris tomorrow and wouldn't see much anyway.

Konrad Raab: “Because I want to be here. I'm not going to tell you what my main reason is for being here other than the Olympics, but I have to be here, get through your damn thick head. No, I'm not participating in the games, you're right, but I'm here for business, to potentially meet a female wrestler to take back for my wrestling school from France.”

I know I was bullshitting to Ross, but I had to make up something that doesn't interfere with my private life, which I refuse to expose to any wrestler, including him, and I know that would be difficult to hide after the wedding. Of course, now Ross knows I own a wrestling school in Germany and recruiting European wrestlers, but that's as far as I go with him on that.

Ross Barnes: “That explains why you talked to a guy while climbing a mountain in Switzerland. The point is I think you need to reconsider, as it's my job to encourage you to take part in situations where title opportunities are on the line for you to take them because you've not done that for almost a year.”

Konrad Raab: “I know you're doing your job, but I promised I'd see this girl in Paris tomorrow, and I can't let her down. Mind you, if she told me she might be busy tomorrow, I may have to take the offer up and see her another time during the Olympics time, since you are right, I have to be there by tomorrow night anyway for fan autograph signing the next day on top of things too.”

Oh, how I chuckled and made up major bullshit to Ross on seeing a female wrestler when, in reality, I needed to be here to support Jasmine Williams on her medals quest, but he will never know or find out about my relationship status with anyone because it had nothing to do with him or relevant to his job. But in reality, the coach said it was 90 per cent likely it would rain tomorrow, so Jasmine could not compete until Monday.

Ross Barnes: “So, is that a yes?”

Konrad Raab: “I have no choice, Ross since she said she might be busy tomorrow. I will text the future female French wrestler back to say I'll see her later in the week instead, but I'm still coming back to France straight after I've wrestled to meet with this female wrestler.

Ross Barnes: “Good. Don't back out on my word about you saying you'll do the match and then not show up. I'll be disappointed with you.”

Konrad Raab: “Fine, if it'll keep your mouth shut as I don't give a fuck what other wrestlers say, I'll do the garbage battle royal match that I crave on winning the Adrenaline title shot so much about. I've been there and done that with the Underground title, so I'm not doing that title again.”

Ross Barnes: “I'll see you in the morning at St. Louis, Missouri.”

Konrad Raab: “Whatever.”

I put the phone down, and I literally wasn't going to do the battle royal because Jasmine Williams was competing, but since their coach said there's a ninety per cent chance it will rain tomorrow, it's pretty pointless to be stuck at the hotel to do nothing. I have to leave the USA Olympic stars hotel anyway as I killed time, talking on the phone to Ross for fifteen minutes about this stupid rumble he wants me to participate in.

Although I had my gear packed already for later, I promised Jasmine Williams I'd be at the opening Olympic ceremony, and I will, which is where I'm heading right now. After showing them my pass, I walked to the area where all the other half of my loved ones would sit. Some had kids there with them, all USA guys and girls of their loved ones who were competing in the Olympics. I enjoyed four hours of the opening ceremony and saw my lady friend with her skateboard and waved as I waved back while introducing her.

Then I told her at the hotel that after we had done the opening ceremony and had something to eat, I had to go and do this battle royal match. I understood that she wouldn't be able to skate until Monday anyway, so I headed off to the airport and left Jasmine alone as I flew straight to St. Louis, Missouri, for two days, although I was planning to be there before Sunday anyway.


I was forced to take part in this rumble match, but doing it to freshen things up around these boring wrestlers in the match blog (Online)

“The title is not lying to you all, I was forced to be in it and not by you stupid dumbfounded wrestlers, but by someone who works with me and not any of the wrestlers I associate myself with either. I really don't give a flying fuck what you wrestlers say about showing my lack of passion for wrestling because I'm not desperate for title opportunities all the time, but I needed to be in this match and for the lack of fortune. I have no NASCAR racing for three weeks due to the Olympics going on, so I got a break from that so I can enter this match before anyone asks that question. By the way, I'm not writing about Shaun at any point; that blog is to be written separately.

I hate rumble matches like this because they are so cliché, literally like with the THOTF rumble, nobody new ever wins, has any long time SCW wrestlers noticed this? It seems anytime the THOTF rumble takes place, it's always the ones who have been World champions before that win it. All this talk about new stars shining, but not a single one did in the rumble to win a shot for the world title, maybe apart from the childish, pathetic Yuyo, but she didn't win the match, it was some old guy who's won the SCW title before.

In this rumble, it seems to be names that haven't won any titles or just the one. I've won the Underground title, but that's not my goal for this match. Oh, get the news out on being shocked about me not being interested in the Underground title. The fact is, I've been there and done that. I'm happy with only having one Underground title reign. I've never seen the point of repeatedly having multiple reigns with the same belt because then it gets redundant.

I don't care about who will be in the match when we have a screaming child like David Striker, who admires Kimberly and me so much that he'll likely go for the Underground title. Screams so much for wanting to win titles that he can't survive in the wrestling business without getting a title around his waist instead of trying to actually earn one. Sure, you've beaten talent, but be honest, bro, we're sick of you being an impatient idiot who can't wait to get title shots. You have many years ahead of you, so why not wait?

We got the tag girls of Colleen and Aisling, who, as I've said before, and I'll say it again, belong in the tag division, in my opinion. You have to question their friendship at this point with this match: will they take advantage of one another? How will their friendship even work when it's everyone for themselves? I know, nowhere, because their friendship is more important than actually proving who the top wrestler is on the team itself. It's why having friends in wrestling can be a bad thing. Oh sure, you beat me, Colleen, so fucking what? I never wanted to win a fourth TV title reign anyway because I don't care about historical records.

We got pathetic Derek Adonis, who's why I couldn't also take part in the rumble. You can't prevent me from entering this one, can you? All because you made me look like a fucking joke, and I will fuck around with you as revenge one way or another, you stupid pervert. Yeah and I don't care if that offends you, I could say way worse, but I won't. Because you need a few pegs or two beaten out of you.

Have no idea who Sun Princess YUSA is, maybe associated with Yuyo, but she won't last long if she's friends with that weak bitch, talking about explosions when I laugh at that because I don't take her explosions theory seriously whatsoever. You shouldn't be in this match since you've done nothing whatsoever to earn this title shot. But that's the CHBK problem, handing free title opportunities to undeserving bitches like you and Matt Knox, who haven't been here long enough for a cup of tea. Shawn Michael Prime, what has he done in SCW? I don't know him very well either. He's had a few matches, but I don't know anything he's done.

And whoever else decides to enter in this thing and maybe people will get encouraged to enter if I do because I will spice things up with this pathetic nice guy and nice girl vibes that my entering in this match will be completely different. I won't be nice to all of you, and I will take every shortcut and advantage to go out and win the shot for the Adrenaline title because that's the belt I go for and make boring Bree and Yuyo have a real fight and attack their personal lives on hand instead of boring respectful matches as champions. No, Bree and Yuyo will not get that with me.

I will make them bleed as I will with all of you in this match, I will use weapons, and I will eliminate bitches one by one to win the match to face pathetic champions of Bree or Yuyo who won't stand a chance against me because I'm different and doing it because I was forced to. If CHBK tells me I can't be in it, so be it, and I won't care. Maybe it'll encourage some of you not listed in the match to be in it, too. I will go in there and win because I can and I will.

Nobody is going to fucking question me about refusing to do title opportunity matches ever again, despite wanting to be patient to strike at the right time. Violence will happen in this match, and you will all like it. I will eliminate all of you with weapons as an actual challenge over the top rope and win because of doing so. See you worthless fucks out there, and I'll address you, Shaun, in fifteen minutes.”
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I love AJ Allmendinger and Louis Deletraz.
Starring Colleen MacDonald in...

Season 5 / Episode 23 / Storm Front (Part 1 - Heat & Humidity)

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OOC: My first attempt at this. Apologies.

David Striker presents:

Burning questions from Japan & Rites of Mayhem
Enter the Sun Princess

Good luck, everyone.
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Props to Adamsama for the sick banner.
Featuring Aisling Reed in...

Season 5 / Episode 24 / Storm Front (Part 2 - Building Clouds)

[Image: L2dr.gif]
Starring Colleen MacDonald in...

Season 5 / Episode 25 / Storm Front (Part 3 - The Lowering)

[Image: YBQT.gif]
CLICK HERE for Part Two of the KABOMB Saga
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