When you know you know
This has been coming since the back end of last year so I doubt it comes as a shock to anybody, but I'm making it official. I'm retiring from the game. 

I've done way more than I ever thought I would and I've met some amazing people, too many of you to name for fear of leaving anyone out if I attempt it, but I love you all and I don't plan on disappearing, I just don't want to write for the game anymore. 

The one person I will thank is Olek; without him, none of us would have had the fun we've had here for years now and I hope that SCW continues on for years to come should he be insane enough to want to keep running it lol. 

Not much else to say. It's been a blast and I'll be available for you to mock me on Discord still on the daily. Peace
[Image: helms2021banner.png]
Farewell, my friend. Hope we meet again.

[Image: ASrTaiG.jpeg]
People are moving out?
[Image: helms2021banner.png]
Well we're movin' on up
(Movin' on up)
To the east side
(Come on, movin' on up)
To a deluxe apartment in the sky
Movin' on up
(Movin' on up)
To the east side
(Come on, movin' on up)
We finally got a piece
Of the pie

I know you don't want this, but I'm going to do it because you deserve this post from me and there's something I have to say that will make you happy. Was, you were the one who saw me trying to seek for a feud with someone and you reached out to me to feud with you as Jason Helms character.

I will never ever forget the fun times I had with the Konrad/Jason Helms feud and even more honoured that I was the first person you picked out of everyone you could have picked to do a feud/storyline with. Had so much fun coming up with ideas for the feud and put them into place.

So thank you Was for giving me a jump start with all of that eventually led Konrad to be TV champion. Thank you most importantly for contributing so much to this game. I may poke fun at you and like you do with me, but it's all been good fun that your so funny.

You will always be one of my top handlers I will always remember I've enjoyed working with not just in SCW, but the game as a whole. God speed and enjoy your time away from the game, Was. I will miss you.
[Image: MKl96W9.png]

[Image: bcywcYD.jpg]
I love AJ Allmendinger.

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