Zero F***s To Give vs. Embers & Ashes
OOC: Here's my Watson effort. Wanted to start this two days ago, but had bad toothache the past couple days and it really ruined my plans. Ended up writing all of this today, while under the influence of strong prescription pain killers so hopefully it makes sense lol. The cd is split into two parts, some before the shoot and some after, so make sure to keep scrolling. Also worth noting that I didn't know Rick had posted until I came to post myself, so nothing mentioned in your rp is referenced in this one, bud. With that said: Rick, everyone, best of luck, and to those who read this. I hope you enjoy!

[Image: helms2021banner.png]

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RE: Zero F***s To Give vs. Embers & Ashes - by ThatWasley - 07-20-2019, 10:01 PM

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