Frost/Street/Matthews VS Adamson-Mason/J. Helms/Starr
(2) Selena Frost, Regan Street & Christy Matthews
(7) Kelsai Adamson-Mason, Jason Helms & Jake Starr

For all matches, 2 RP Limit per wrestler
Deadline: 11:59:59 pm ET Saturday, February 15, 2020
OOC: One of Two. 
New Arc, been waiting to start this a while, enjoy. Any References to the Crane Storyline can be found in Jennifer’s “Ricky Memorial Tourney” RP, thanks.

Warning: The Comments and views expressed in this promo are those of Regan Helms and do not reflect that of the publisher. Viewer Discretion Is Advised.

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(Click Title)
[Image: regan2018.png]

- SCW Supreme Champion
- 2x SCW World Champion
- 1x SCW United States Champion
- 1x SCW World Tag Team Champion
- 1x SCW Adrenaline Champion
- 1x SCW Women's Champion
- 1x SCW Television Champion
- 2012 SCW Rookie of the Year
- 2016 Feud of the Year Winner Vs. Ace Marshall
- 2019 SCW Trios Contract Winner
- 2020 Tag Team of The Year (Frozen Hell)

Singles Record - | W - 099| L - 13 | D - 06|
Overall Record - | W - 133| L - 29 | D - 08|
OOC: The following (CD) takes place before the last episode of Breakdown before the Tournament (dates are posted in CD as well for reference) and the promo taking place after the latest episode of Breakdown. Roleplay 1 of 2.

The Dark Side of the Sun

“The Limits of Enduring...”

January 26th, 2020
Frankfurt Prison III
Frankfurt, Germany

There was a particular place where Selena didn't mind feeling warm, in a toasty sense. Normally, she wasn't a fan of heat. It slowed her down, made her feel sluggish and tired – hell, one of the things she loved to do was to take a bath in a large tub (like the one she had at home in Manhattan) filled with water and ice-cubes. As if your moniker of 'Snow Queen' needed further proof of existence... her mind teased. The cold had always been her friend, companion of sorts, invigorating her and strengthening her. While several of her fellow wrestlers in SCW were reaching for the heat packs and hot showers to teal with their soreness and injuries, Selena would be grabbing the closest ice pack from the freezer (the artic-blue gel ones were her favourite).

Still, as she lay naked under the thick covers of the bed, with the equally naked form of her beloved Deanna nestled next to her, the younger woman's head resting under Selena's chin as they lay on their sides, there was not a part of Selena that disliked any form of warmth she felt in her lover's embrace.

Other than the fact you need to leave her in another twenty-five minutes... she thought glumly. This whole day, from the second she had burst into the private “conjugal room” of the Frankfurt Prison III, she had paid much more attention to the time, hating how every hour – every minute – seemed to be slipping through her fingers. What was more painful was that she had only herself to blame.

Closing her eyes a little and tightening her arms around her warm, small wife, the platinum-blonde breathed as quietly as possible as the familiar guilt assaulted her. She couldn't blame anyone for this day. She had made the choice to take Sasha's opportunity of making her one of the Buy-In captains last night with gusto! Being in Trios – having an automatic spot in it? How could she refuse it? She had been denied a chance in the tournament last year and she sure as hell didn't want to rely on the kindness of someone or on the luck of the draw. She had made the choice to be the best damn captain she could be and help lead her team to victory.

She had also made the choice to refuse to just 'take the fall' in the fatal-fourway so she could leave the arena a lot sooner. She could have let Jay or Marie or even Tommy pin her – she'd still have a chance to pick someone for her team. Oh no! That couldn't be an option. You just had to be the winner of the fatal-fourway as well. Make a statement as a person to watch in Trios. An ideal threat – which, let's face it, Jordan Majors did that better!

But oh! The self-fault based on choices didn't end there! No, because, more than anything, Selena just had to have, if not the first pick, then at least the second pick to secure her best chance of acquiring Regan Street for her team. Yes! Secure the spot for the woman who told you over and over and over again that night to LEAVE and get to Germany as soon as possible! Her best friend and sister had tried to get her to leave for the good of Deanna – But oh no, of course not! The Snow Queen had made the choice, herself, to not only wait around until her partner's match had concluded, but also stay so hidden from everyone, that she was utterly useless when she saw Xander use that bloody chair on Regan! This is all leading to a grand, total delay of approximately three to four hours from getting to her plane and flying all the way to Frankfurt, and finally causing a total loss of 5 1/2 to 6 hours of precious, intimate time, which came by only one day a month, between her and her beloved wife.

All my choices... The platinum blonde thought, her jaw clenching tightly for a few seconds, as the guilt and self-hatred washed through. However, to her surprise, she quickly felt the soft, butterfly, kisses against her clenched muscle.

“I can literally feel your jaw clenching on the top of my head.” The small redhead purred playfully as she continued her assault on her wife’s jawline. “Come on...” She teased with a mew. “Relax”.

Despite herself, Selena inhaled through her nose and exhaled through her mouth, coaxing her muscles to follow her wife's instructions and relax as much as possible. “Sorry...” She whispered, burying her nose in her beloved’s fiery mane of hair.

“You said that more than enough times today.” Deanna chastised gently. “I don't blame you.”
“But I blame myself.” Selena sighed. “My priority should always be to you. Always. First and foremost...”
Slowly, Deanna lifted her head, emerald eyes locking onto Sapphire once. “I don't-” she tried but was cut off by the older woman.

“I know you don't.” Selena interjected. “But you are allowed to be mad at me. No – you have beyond every right to be mad at me. You asked for nothing except time with me, your own wife. Something that is so limited for us...” Unable to stop herself, Selena pressed her lips to Deanna's forehead in a desperate kiss. “And yet...” she whispered against her wife's soft skin. “When we only have these twelve-hour days once a month, I just…” she paused, finding it harder and harder to not hate herself. There was no escaping the guilt. She had literally chosen SCW over her wife in this case. Chosen, even with the most noble of intentions, intentions she intended to motivate and drive her in the weeks to come, a tournament over her wife.

Tilting her head to side, Deanna’s eyes bored into Selena's. “And...” she slowly spoke. “What kind of person would that make me?”

The question was simple, but the sharp tone in Deanna’s voice kept Selena quiet, the Snow Queen unable to answer such a tone immediately – thrown off as it made her.

“What kind of person would that make me if I blamed my wife for being late because she a ) was doing her job, b ) was fighting for a chance at something that she was denied last year was something she wanted, and c ) was doing all of this just to do right by her best friend?”

Despite the serious of the question – the direct nature of it causing Selena to gulp a little – the older woman tried lamely for humor. “Well, you’re also my best...”
“I am your wife!” Deanna countered, seeing the attempt coming from a mile away. “I don't count. If anything, the marriage license makes me your best friend by default. I’m talking about a non-committed relationship here.” she rambled, inadvertently causing a small smile to perk from the corner of Selena's mouth. “And you're missing the point.” she continued. “Everything that made you late today... is what makes you you. If I get mad at you for that, what does that make me?”

Selena was quiet for a few seconds. She still didn't quite agree with her wife's statements. It shouldn't have been a simple as Deanna accepting who her wife was. Because it was a two-way street. Accepting Selena meant that Selena needed to accept Deanna. And who Deanna was was Selena’s wife! Did that not entitle her to some kind of priority? Was not her little redhead worth it?

“I know I have to share you.” She heard the younger Frost whisper, Deanna's arms tightening around Selena's waist. “And, I won't lie to you, there are times when I do feel selfish, because I want you all to myself...” despite the strength of the admittance, the redhead's voice began to shake. “But how many days... weeks... months have I taken from us by being here?”

“Don't you dare go there!” Selena warned, her head shifting to stare downward at her wife's sad expression. “Don't you fucking dare-”
“Why not?!” Deanna asked with a shrug. “If you're going to feel guilty about costing us five or six hours together, then what about all those months that I’ve cost us by being here? Months' worth of nights I've denied you sleeping with me... going on dates... making love... helping raise our children? I mean...” Her voice trailed off, and even in the dimly lit room, with the moonlight cascading through the bars of the clear window, Selena could see the tears welling up in Deanna's emerald eyes, her voice having grown more and more shaky. “I mean, if anybody is going to hate anybody-”

The train of thought was silenced harshly as Selena slammed her lips against Deanna's. There was nothing romantic or seductive about this kiss. No, this kiss was blunt, desperate, even bruising for both of them, but Selena refused to relent, gripping her wife and pulling her as close to her as possible. Despite it, or perhaps because of the closeness, she could feel the tremors shaking through Deanna's lithe frame, could feel some of her darling's tears mixing in with the kiss as Deanna clung to Selena with all she had. There was an unspoken statement in both Selena's and Deanna's self-blame, and as the two broke the harsh kiss, it was the platinum-blonde that allowed herself to word it.

“This isn't enough.” She whispered, earning a shake of the head from Deanna.
“Not even close.” The redhead whimpered, allowing a few sobs to escape her as she buried her face into her wife's neck. While they had only had three of these conjugal visits since their 'creation' of sorts, the Frost wives had begun to realize that some sort of breakdown was becoming more and more common as par for the course, especially near the end of their time together. At the start of their time, it was easy to be lost in one another, allowing their love and so many other feelings they shared to take focus. But as time, inevitably, ran out on these sessions, the grim reminder of their life now – separated by the law's decree – reared its ugly head. What else could they do for one another but hold each other and ride these painful emotions out?

As for Selena, who quietly pet her wife's head as she held her, her thoughts were moving a mile a minute. Perhaps it wasn't just the matter of doing the right thing, or protecting her sister, or even securing her spot in the Trios Tournament that had caused her to stay as long as she had at Day of Infamy...

Perhaps, in some sad way, it was also because, at least in SCW, she was useful.

At her job, as “The Face of SCW”, she felt she could do so much. Just in the last 24 hours, she had influenced the Trios Tournament in terms of its build up and defeated two Hall of Famers and the basic number one contender for the Adrenaline championship! In SCW, She could defeat opponents and continue to prove herself as one of the best! She could continue to fight for a set of beliefs and values, constantly striving to do the right thing, which is what had made up her mind to choose Regan Street as her team partner in the tournament!

It all boiled down to one thing: in SCW, Selena could do something – could make a difference. She could change things for the better – even defeat monsters like some great hero. She could make good things – happy endings – happen for so many people.

But here? In this prison? She was less than useless. There was nothing she could give. Nothing she could do. Nothing she could say that could remove her wife from this vile sentence of 10 years. Nothing could bring her Deanna home. Nothing except to wait, a fact that, even in the moment, Selena could not accept.

The fact that, regardless of being a good wrestler, being the damn “face”… it wasn’t some super power. She couldn’t just fly in and save her wife and then fly her back to Manhattan where she’ll be safe. She couldn’t change the judge's mind. She couldn't simply hire the best lawyer or the best legal team or the best defence team or whatever was needed to perform such a miracle. And, though every part of her wanted to, she couldn't silence that damned, lying, bastard that had accused her wife – couldn't silence him with a swift kick to the head.

She, Selena Frost, could do nothing. And she was getting fucking sick of it!


February 5th, 2020
Rogers Arena
Vancouver, British Columbia

“I don't care!” Selena growled into the screen. “I'm done waiting! I want her out of that prison!”

Rationally, speaking, the former world champion knew that she must have looked ridiculous shouting at a laptop in a changeroom. She also knew that what she was demanding couldn't reasonably be done by the person on the screen that she was shouting too. But, again, she did not find herself caring. Angrily, she drove the palm of her hand against her forehead, rubbing it angrily.

“I- Deanna and I can't keep living like this, Jean.” her voice was reduced to a whisper, but she fought back against the tremors she felt that threatened to become a crying-fit. “Every time we're together, we inevitably have a breakdown.”

On the screen in front of her, the Skype video chat between her and her oldest friend, Jean Black sighed as he ran a thin hand through his hair. “Selena-” he tried, his voice as comforting as the Alaskan detective could be.
“She's innocent.” Selena declared – more just to stop whatever Jean was going to say than to actually convince him. “You know she is.”
“I know she is.” Jean repeated strongly. “But that isn't enough. We've...”

His voice was tired, more emotionally than physically. How many times had he had this conversation in the last few months with his old friend? How many times had he hated to be the voice of reason when Selena's need for her wife – missing the love of her life – became too much? True, the platinum-blonde had some friends... had some people that she could turn to – but what could they do? None of them were lawyers or investigators or whatever. It was just him and Zelda because...

“You heard the judge.” Jean tried slowly. “He won't entertain any notions of an appeal unless new evidence is brought to light-”
“Than can't we go over his head?!” Selena asked, his hands gripping into fists, fingernails digging into the skin of her palms. “Get another judge or something?”

An aggravated sigh left Jean's lips. “Selena, we've been over this time and time again.”
“There just has to be-”

Selena had faced down monsters like Xander and Giovanni without flinching. Had stood across from some of the most dangerous wrestlers in the world – but the shout from Jean caused her to shift back from where she sat on the carpeted floor. She hadn't expected that from the detective.

“You've exhausted every detective and lawyer within a hundred miles of Frankfurt. No one will take your case because no one can find any solid evidence to grant an appeal! How much have you spent on them?” he dared to ask, causing the Snow Queen to look away, her eyes on the carpet. Perhaps it was the scrutinizing glare and judgmental tone from Jean, making the adult woman feel like a child and preventing her from admitting to the thousands she had spent on multiple detectives and lawyers in Frankfurt – the thousands she had thrown away on men and women that just didn't care enough to dig deeper.

What else could I do? her mind rebelled. Nothing? I'm already useless enough as it is!

A bout of silence hung in between the old friends, Selena still refusing to look at the screen,. Her eyes took in the simple-colored walls of the change room in the arena. She was still dressed in her wrestling attire, having just finished her match for the house show in B.C. It had served as a solid distraction for a few hours, being used to hype the Trios Tournament, the different teams – hell, she had even stuck around in the back to watch all the hype surrounding Aaron Blackbourne challenging James Evans for the World title. Still, time continued to go on – and she soon found her mind returning back to where it always went.

To her wife...
To Deanna...
To that god-awful prison...
To this feeling of being utterly powerless...

Slowly, Selena turned her head back to the screen – back to Jean. “I'm sick of feeling powerless, Jean. You have no idea what this feels like.”
“I can-”
“No, you can't!” Selena countered. “Answer me this simple question, detective, and if I'm wrong, then I'll apologize and hang up this call and you'll never be bothered by me-”
“It's not a bother.” Jean tried. “I just can't change what is-”
“Just answer the question for me, Jean.” Selena steeled herself, her shoulders rolling back. “What if it was Zelda?”

She saw the question be processed in Jean's mind. First, his eyes widened a little in shock. Then the muscles in his jaw tightened, then it was followed by a tight, harsh smile across his face.

“Tell me you wouldn't be doing what I'm doing if it was her.” Selena dared, referring to Jean's fiancee and family friend/distant relative of the Frost family.

“Alright.” he finally replied. “You've got me there.”
“And she would do the same if it was you.” Selena whispered.
“Except there is a difference.”

The bold statement from Jean, once again, caught Selena off-guard.

“There is a difference between you and me.” Jean replied.
“What?” Selena asked. “And please tell me this isn't some macho-cheese comeback or something.”

A long sigh came from the detective before he spoke. “Ten years ago, I was given a case to solve – a jewel heist slash murder.”
“Funny how you put the order of that – I'd think murder would be first of the two.”

“Order of occurrence.” Jean dismissed Selena with a wave of his hand. “Anyway, I knew who did it. I had tracked him down – the bastard had even dared me to try and catch up, goading me every step of the way.”
An eyebrow quirked up from the young Frost. “He admitted that he did it?”
“He used language that could be misconstrued in court, but we both knew.”
“So, you caught him.”
“Not right away. He had alibis for his alibis. Had everything pointed to everywhere other than him. Nothing I found could stick to him for long. He countered me at every turn.”
“Probably why he was so smug.” Selena stated, earning a nod from the detective on the screen.

“For months and months, we kept this up. He would drop a hint or point me towards something or I'd get a 'break' and he'd just sidestep over and over again. Nothing I could find could halt him. And the jewellers? What did they care? They had insurance on the gems, so they were covered. But the man that was killed? A common security officer. No insurance. Leaving paycheck to paycheck for him and his son.”

Selena's eyes widened a little. Why had Jean never told her this story? Was it a failure of his? Was there something more? Despite herself, she leaned a little forward, wrapping her arms around her knees, which were brought up to her chest.

“Without a conviction, no one was willing to help the boy beyond leaving him stranded in Pilgrim Springs near Anchorage.”

Selena remembered that place – the orphanage her Elsianna had spent the first five years of her life before Selena had rediscovered her. She felt the pull in her heart at such a memory.

“So... I made a choice.”

Because THAT always means a good thing... Selena's mind worried.

“I waited until he came to me to goad again. And as I walked, with him following me, I lead him down into an alley, far from prying eyes.”

Jean was quiet for a moment, allowing this part of the story to sink in for Selena.

“Once there, I took out a gun with a silencer, and shot him through the calf.”
Selena's mouth hung open. She didn't have issue believing that Jean knew how to use a gun, but to use one without provocation?

“I won't lie to you, Selena.” Jean continued, his tone a bit darker. “There was a certain amount of satisfaction seeing that bastard squirm on the ground as he clutched his leg.”
“Wha...what did you do then?” She hated herself for asking.

“Simple.” Jean shrugged. “I pulled him so he was sitting against the wall of the alley, told him that I was done with our little game and that I was going to jump right to the finish line. One way... or another.” using his thumb and forefinger, Jean held his 'gun' in front of the camera so Selena could see it. “And as I pressed the gun into his temple, I gave him a choice – live the rest of his life in prison, or don't live a life at all.”

“You-” Selena's jaw trembled as she heard this. “How could you?” she was finally able to ask.
“You would defend such a man?”
“No!” She quickly replied. “But what you did? What if you were wrong it wasn't him? Maybe he was just some jackass looking for his fifteen seconds of fame! Maybe you had missed something-”
“It was him.” Jean laughed at the young girl's attempts.
“Even so! The ends don't justify the means!”

“And that, dearie, is exactly the difference between you and me.”

Jean's statement hung in the air, the accusation effectively silencing Selena.

“You see, child.” his tone was condescending. “The difference between you and me is that, if Zelda was where Deanna is right now? And all the attempts you pulled had failed? Then, unlike you, I would look at everything else. I would go through every other connection and person that I knew. Crooked, underhanded, I wouldn't give a DAMN!” he stopped for a moment, his next words carrying a heavy weight. “I'd forfeit everything...”
Selena felt her jaw tremble. “Even...”
“Even my own beliefs and morals. Because nothing would be more important than getting her back!”

She felt her whole body clench – every muscle tighten – as she processed Jean's words. Slowly, she was able to find her voice again.

“Wha...what happened to your guy?” she asked, earning a smug smile from Jean.
“He gave me the one piece of evidence that could lock him away. He told me where the jewels were. One phone call and finding his fingerprints all over them and he was put away.”
“But what about the murder?”
“Video surveillance caught the masked burglar shoot and kill the security guard. One linked to the other.” Jean concluded his story.

Neither person – detective or Snow Queen – spoke for several minutes, both letting the story hang heavily between them. For Selena, she could not 100% agree with Jean. Yes, he had done the right thing... but the means...

She shook her head. No, it was a slippery slope at best when it came to that. People doing bad things for the right reasons or for goals they deemed 'justifiable'. Hell, her two biggest haters – Bree Lancaster and Sienna Swann – were shining examples of that. In fact, she could easily run a list, maybe in alphabetical order, from Ace Marshall all the way to Xander Valentine of people that followed such views of “the ends justifying the means”.

But this wasn't some wrestling match or some title with a money bonus if you won it. This wasn't some prize fight or tournament. This was her wife that was being discussed. The mother of her children. A woman wrongfully accused of- Selena bit down on on her bottom lip, her eyes shut for a moment to drive the thought out. She was set to lose ten years of her life if Selena continued on the path she was going.

”How many days, weeks, months have I taken from us by being here?”

Her wife's words echoed in her mind, a message that had haunted Selena both awake and in her dreams for days. And the feeling or powerlessness? How much longer would she have to feel this way? Even if they waited ten years – she knew she would never be free of it if they just waited. There would always be that guilt – that self-hatred of taking away ten years of their lives together.

“I...” she took a shaky breath. She was doing all she could to help right a wrong done to her sister, Regan.


For a moment, and certainly not the first time in her life, Selena wished she was more like her best friend. Regan wouldn't have hesitated if it was her husband, David. Nothing would be 'off-limits' and nothing would be 'impossible'. The Hellcat would have laughed and said it was 'all for love, dammit!'. For a moment, Selena almost laughed at the image in her head – that of Regan storming the Frankfurt prison, picking her husband up bridal-style, and carrying him out of the prison while “Love Lifts Us Up Where We Belong” played in the background.

It was a funny image, but it did not diminish the truth. Like Jean, Regan followed her own rules and her own heart – even if she was trying to do right by SCW now. The woman had sold her own Trios contract for her daughter, whom Selena thought was just amazing. There was no question that Regan would do anything for her family – consequences be damned.

So why can't you?

“Have you been holding back because of me?” she asked quietly, unsure if Jean heard her. Slowly, she lifted her head to gaze at her old friend. “Have you been holding back certain leads and places because you thought I wouldn't approve?”

Taking a deep breath, Jean held up one finger. “One lead.” he stated, though the bitterness and sadness in his voice made it clear that this was a path that Selena would not like to tread. “Recently...”

Selena's eyes widened. “What is it?” she asked. “I don't-” she stopped herself but only for a second. “I don't care what it is. Tell me!”

“Trust me. You'll care.” Jean sighed. “It's one of the best lawyers I know of. And I think...I think she knows about your case.”
“Wha- How?” Selena asked. “It's been kept quiet and-”
“I don't know how.” Jean answered. “But, as of a month ago, she passed the bar... specifically for Germany, which she's never been to.”

The platinum-blonde tilted her head, her braid shifting slightly from her movements. “That doesn't make sense.” she concluded. “Why would someone randomly complete a bar test for a country they've never visited – is she moving there?”
“No.” Jean answered.
“Well, why?”

“It'll make sense when I tell you where she is now.” the age of the detective was on clear display as he spoke. Selena could see the wrinkles on his face and the bags under his eyes.

“Just tell me.” Selena ordered. “I said I don't care what this lead is – if she can get Deanna-”
“She's here, Selena.” Jean confessed.
“Here. In Nome.”

It took only a second for Selena's brain to put all the pieces together. A lawyer in Nome – specifically displaying something like this... wanting to get Selena's attention...

“No.” she said briskly. “No way! No fucking way!”
“Selena-” Jean tried as he watched Selena push herself to her feet, wobbling only a little from her legs falling asleep, as she marched around the change room.

“You're out of your mind!” Selena spat. “There's no way she will help me! She'll probably ask for everything! The fortune, the children! She'll want something that I can't possibly give her!”
“What if she doesn't? I mean, why go through all this trouble just to shun you?”

“Because she HATES me!” Selena spat as she sat back down in front of the computer. “You know she does! She hates that my life turned out okay. That I actually got out of Nome while she's stuck there! That I have children and she can't!  That I'm... I'm...”

“The Snow Queen?” Jean finished, earning a nod from Selena.
“She won't help me.” Selena concluded. “Even if I go to Nome crawling on my hands and knees. Even if I beg and promise her all the money I have – she won't help me. She just wants to see me beg. She'll send me out laughing her head off.”

She sat there in silence, her teeth biting at the fingernail of her thumb. She could picture it – hell, she had lived through it in the past during her way to keep Elsianna and David in her family. If it was a matter of pride, then screw that, Selena would go there right now. If it was a matter of money, then again, she'd go there with as much as she could amass. No, it was just pointless. What ever that bitter woman was doing to get Selena's attention, it sure as hell wasn't going to get her any closer to get Deanna out of prison.

“But what if she doesn't?”

The question, posed by Jean, caused Selena to turn her head back to the screen, her eyes moist with forming tears.

“What if you got to lose but your pride?” he asked.

She opened her mouth to retort but no words came out. Fortunately, she was spared from making a bigger fool of herself by the sound of the change room door turning, causing Selena to turn back to Jean, utter a quick “I'll think about it.” before terminating the call, closing the laptop and sitting back against the couch behind her as Regan Street strolled into the room, Mikalea and Deliliah following quietly behind it.

“Oh yeah.” Regan smiled as she stretched her arms and back. “Nothing like a solid back and forth fight to loosen up the joints!”
“G...good match?” Selena asked quietly. “No problems?”

“Nah. Basic stuff and-” Regan stopped as she opened her eyes from her stretch to see Selena sitting there, her face smiling, but her eyes. “What happened?”

“Wha-” Selena tried but stopped as the Hellcat, seeming in investigator-mode, plopped down right beside her, grabbing the pale women's chin with her hand.
“You've been crying.”
“No, I haven't!” Selena denied.
“Well, then you've been close! Cause there's tears there!”
“Maybe you're just grabbing my chin too hard!” Selena countered.

The deadpan expression Regan's face made her next remark all the more obvious. “Hunny, I bashed your head in with a monitor and didn't see one teardrop. You think I'm gonna buy that BS?”

Biting her lower lip, Selena's eyes quickly glanced behind her to where Mikalea and Delilah stood, concerned expressions on their face. Turning her head as well, Regan regarded the two.

“Why don't you take Delilah to catering, sis. I think someone needs some one-on-one time.”
“Yeah...okay.” Mikalea nodded in understand before gently escorting the younger Delilah out of the room, closing it behind her.

Now that they were alone, Regan turned her head towards Selena, her face a grim expression of seriousness. “Okay. Go.” she stated.

“Okay...” Carefully, the platinum-blonde pushed herself to her feet and began pacing the room, her hands clasping and unclasping one another nervously. She had no idea how she could explain this to Regan – could she be upfront? That would be the best...but... despite this being so, her mouth was moving before her brain realized what she had said.

“Let me ask you something hypothetically...”

Regan raised an eyebrow. “Okay.” she answered slowly.

“Last person you would ever ask for a favour? I mean, not even if-”

Selena stopped, turning to look at Regan with surprise. “That was fast.” she answered. “You didn't even have to think about that, did you?”
“Do I need to explain why?”
“No! No!” Selena quickly assured her. “No reason to go digging under that rock – gods know we're going to have to stomach teaming with one of them...” she muttered the last part before suddenly clapping her hands to refocus herself.

“Okay.” she turned back to Regan. “Anyway, let's say that David's in trouble.”
“Your David or my David?”
“Your David.”
“Got it.”
“Now, David's in trouble.
“What kind of trouble?”
“I am NOT playing twenty questions with you.” Selena interjected. “David's in trouble and the only person who MIGHT be able to help him is Syren. But she doesn't want to talk to him. She wants YOU to go to her and ask her. And I mean 'ask her'. There might be gravelling, begging, saying things you never would say – I can't express enough the depths you'd have to go to get her help.”

Before her, Selena saw Regan's eyes narrow at the Snow Queen, her arms crossed across her chest and the black catsuit she wore. “Nobody else can help?”
Selena merely shook her head.
“And it's big trouble?”
A nod from the platinum-blonde.
“Then yeah. I would go to Syren and do whatever she wanted.”

A sigh came from Selena. “See. I knew you would say that. I just don't get how. How can you leave with that?” she held a hand up to stop Regan from interjecting, as the Hellcat seemed annoyed with Selena's choice of words. “I'm not saying you're wrong, Regan. I'm not. I didn't think you were wrong with the whole Trios thing... but I mean... You've come so far. With your morals and your career – you've turned it all around... What if.... what if Syren made you do something far worse than just handing over a contract? What if she made you sell out all your morals? You'd still do it?”

It took a glance to the floor for a split second before Regan nodded her head. “Yeah...basically.”

A moment of silence hung in the air as the two women looked at each other, allowing Regan to explain. “Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't piss on her if she was on fire, but if it's David's well being that is at stake? Much as I would hate myself for awhile, there's nothing I wouldn't do for him.”

For a moment, merely a moment, Selena spotted something in Regan's eyes. Something that wasn't entirely associated the Hellcat. A gleam? A twinkle? A dreamy look?

The Snow Queen had seen it before – every time Deanna looked at her. True love. her mind whispered, reminding the young Frost of how that felt when she, herself, looked into her beloved's eyes.

“This about Deanna?” Regan's thoughts interrupted her, the Hellcat gaze back in place.
Selena nodded. “I could...there might be a way to help her... but I'm not sure if she'll help...”

Her sister shrugged. “Besides your pride, what have you got to lose?”

Selena thought about it – was it really so basic? Was it really something as simple as that?

“If she says, 'no', then you're no worse off than you are now. If she agrees but the price is something you know Deanna wouldn't want you to pay? Then you can say 'no', spit in her face and walk away.”
“Spit in her face?” Selena asked.
“Well, I was going to say 'key her car' but that seemed out of place for you.”
“You would key Syren's car?” Selena asked incredulously.
“Well, I might run her over with it, first.” Regan teased, sticking her tongue out playfully.

Rolling her eyes, Selena flopped on the couch, not having to wait long for the young Hellcat to join her. “Bottom line?” Regan started. “Hear her out. Even if it hurts, even if your pride hurts afterwards.”

Slowly, Selena nodded her head – though she wasn't certain she could follow her teammate's advice. “Not sure if I am ready to face her.”

She suddenly felt a slap on her knee by the older blonde. “Then I'll tell you what!” she seemed suddenly inspired as she turned to Selena. “Let's take a day or two to clear your head!”
“What?” the young Frost asked.
“Come with me home for the rest of the weekend! We can spend a day or two working through this and whatever else bothers us.”

The platinum-blonde bit her lower lip. It sounded tempting, and with the house shows being so close, inter-lapping over the weekend, it didn't leave much time for her to run to Germany...

“I don't-” she started.
“Oh come on.” urged the Hellcat. “I think it would do you some good. Also, it's the only free time we'll have before Trios.”
“It is?!” Selena's eyes widened in surprise before she reached into her pocket to check her phone. Sure enough, the few days off they had till Breakdown was all that was left, thanks to the house shows...

Though those might need to be...

“Selena...” came Regan's voice. “I think we both need this. I...” she seemed unsure of her words at first, but, typical of the Hellcat, she plunged in headfirst. “I am beyond grateful for what you did – are doing – for me, picking me and all. But... all that stuff you said? On Breakdown? 'Right the Wrongs'? It's kinda become my responsibility, too.”
“It's not-”

“Not like that.” Regan interrupted. “You did this for me – now I need to make sure you don't regret it.” she stared down her sister, green eyes against sapphire. So different than Deanna's and yet, so similar with that fire in them.... “I'm going to get you a Trios contract, too. That's my responsibility.”

Reaching out, Selena was surprised to suddenly feel Regan's hands holding her own. Casting a glance down at the four hands linked together, she gazed back up at Regan before releasing a breath. “Alright.” she whispered. “You're right. We can't afford to slow down now.”

“Awesome!” Regan half-cheered, clapping her hands excitedly before she begun helping Selena pack for the travel.

For the Snow Queen, part of her was relieved – excited to be focusing on wrestling with her sister – but another part of her couldn't shake the dread of what Regan's advice had prompted her to do. Regan and Jean seemed to be pointing to the same course for her...

And Selena wasn't so sure she would be able to travel it...


The Royal Letter

Christy Matthews,

As you can imagine, and probably with help from Ravyn if you didn't, you predicted this ever since your name was drawn to this team – this Royal Letter is simply for you. As I said, you probably expected it, so I won't insult you by thinking this would be any sort of surprise for you.

But just as I am not going to insult you with such things, neither am I going to pander you with platitudes or warm greetings. We both know they would be insincere, given our history.

So, rather than do all of that: let's cut the catchphrases, conspiracy theories, and twisting of narratives and get down to it. You're set to team-up with Regan and I for the Trios Tournament. One half of the tag-team champions.... teaming with one of the teams that are striving to take away her championship...

Well, from a talent perspective? Regan and I may have hit the damn lottery. I mean, the roster is massive, obviously, and, if our Breakdown match was any indication, we could have done a hell of a lot worse in terms of ability in drawing you. You're dangerous, you're driven and you'll do anything to win. So, from a 'by the numbers' standpoint, we were rather fortunate.

But from a personality/morality standpoint? Let's just say you're not even on my top twenty of people I'd prefer to work with. I don't really care if you'll scoff at that, but, quite frankly – and personally – I would have much rather have drawn someone like Owen Cruze or Alistaire Allocco, Asher Hayes or Aaron Blackbourn – it's a rather long list, but you? You would be at the bottom with Syren, Sienna, Bree – hell, even Giovanni Aries placed higher than you – not by much but I would rather have picked him.

Know why, Christy? Because as good as you are in the ring? As dangerous as you are in the squared circle? You've become just the same as the Siennas, Brees, the Aces and, recently, the Braddocks. People who would rather take the path of least resistance. People that think “SCW owes me”. People that would rather take shortcuts and handouts and gods know what else – anything but work hard and prove themselves in the ring.

Tell me I'm wrong, Christy. Tell me that isn't exactly what happened when you had Ravyn and Richter down there, ready to jump me when the chance presented itself, last week during our match. Tell me that isn't what happened when Katya had Alexander Crowe as the guest referee when you tried to take the United States title from me.

That's why, Christy. That's why I'm not thrilled with you being on this team. Because, despite the amazing talent the three of us bring to this tournament, all I can see – all I can picture – is the same BS that happened the last time I was in this tournament. The accomplishment of winning the whole thing – first time I ever did – being tainted by deals, run-ins and interference, all of Infamous' same old tricks – your same old tricks!

And I don't want that for this team! I know Regan doesn't want that for this team! She and I? We've wanted to do this whole 'tag-team thing' with earning every opportunity we get. And whether you want to complain and whine about Frozen Hell being closer than ever for the tag-team titles, 'earning it' is exactly what we have done to be in this tournament and what we will continue to do every step of the way. And, in my case, for the first time, I have a chance to not only win this tournament on my own merit, and as a leader, but also to right the biggest wrong we've had so far this year.

So... rather than pander to you, Christy, I'm going to do something I, honestly, never thought I would have to do. I'm going to relate to you. I tried to do that last Breakdown in the middle of the ring. Remember, Christy? I tried to relate to you as a fellow wrestler.

And you scoffed at me.

Well... let's say that I don't know what I am talking about. Let's say that you're NOT simply the puppet of Ravyn. Let's say that you're still the woman that won Trios and then set a new concept by being one of the first people to cash it in for the main-event spot at Rise to Greatness. Let's say you're the same person that was the second woman to ever win the World championship and simply someone that got suckered by the promises of Infamous.

You're not under their control, Christy? You are, in fact, your own woman that can do whatever you want on your own?

Well... if that was the case – why the hell did you side with them in the first place? How did that come about? Because I seem to recall you telling the world how you did it so you could get a shot at the United States title and the tag-team titles. I seem to remember Katya rewarding you for that when you backstabbed all of SCW, and Ravyn promising you a chance at the tag-titles for months. But you're not a sellout, right? You're not a puppet, huh?

That's the point I was trying to make last night, Christy. I don't believe me – no one in SCW believes you. Because your actions speak far louder than words. And that's why, instead of scoffing at my words, Christy, you need to be really thinking about them.

Because just as I want to prove myself as capable of winning this tournament through ability, rather than just being a punching bag and taking a beating like in 2018, you need to show SCW – show the world – that I'm wrong. Put aside the tag-team championship for a second – I'm talking doing this as a wrestler. Doing this, not for Infamous, but for you. You NEED to show the world just what you've been bragging about. That you haven't lost a step. That you're still your own woman and your own wrestler. Because people aren't saying what you said last night: That if we lose, it will be “Regan and Selena's fault”. Regan and I? There's not a single person that can question what we can do on our own. Hell, I beat you just last week, didn't I? It's you, Christy, that's needed Ravyn all this time to be able to win and it's you that, despite your talent, can't seem to handle the fight on her own.

But, like I said, you have the ability to silence that doubt. Silence those notions and, not only that, you'll actually have the ability to do the right thing. I know that doesn't matter much to you these days, but let's face it, even with Infamous, even with you, you know when something is wrong. Yes, you've made deals backstage and Ravyn can manipulate with the best of them, but deep down, at least for you, I know that there is a line that we, as wrestlers, shouldn't cross. And, let's face it, Christy, Sienna Swann crossed that line. Blackmailing Regan by using Regan's daughter, just to take her Trios from her?

Tell me there's nothing wrong with that, Christy. Tell me that that doesn't piss you off on some level. That an accomplishment like winning the Trios Tournament - something you and I both know something about – that accomplishment being done not by hard work or ability, but by having someone else do all the work and then stealing it from them. Tell me that that doesn't touch a nerve for you as a wrestler. Tell me that doesn't just spit in the face of how hard you worked to win it! Tell me... I dare you!

I'm not afraid to admit that it did bother me. Scratch that. It infuriated me, Christy! Not only as a friend but also as a wrestler. Because Regan didn't deserve that. She deserved the chance to cash in her Trios for whatever she wanted. She deserved the chance to use that contract she earned, just like I did and just like you did. And just like the winners of this year should be allowed to do.

I mean, what if it was your daughter, Christy? What if someone used your daughter after you won Trios years ago to make you hand over your contract? That isn't me making a threat, this is me telling you to actually think for yourself in this case. I'm not asking you as a wrestler, I'm not asking you so you can run to Ravyn and get her take on this. I'm asking you on the most fundamental level that you and I share.

From one mother to another.

What Regan did? It was the same thing that you and I would have done. How many times have you said to me of your desire to have your daughter be proud of you? That nothing was more important to you than her? Of being a role-model that she can look up to? Practically every time we've faced, you've mentioned that in some way.

You say you'd 'do it for your daughter', well, this is your chance!

This is your chance to accomplish something the right way – accomplish something that you don't have to sugar-coat or lie to your daughter about. You can show your contract to her proudly. You can tell her how you fought alongside two other women and, like them, fought to do the right thing – correcting an injustice that was brought here by Sienna. You can see the glow in your child's eyes as she stares at you, her mother, proudly. You can not only put your own career back on track, as I said on Breakdown, but you can show your daughter what it means to do 'the right thing' and to actually be a hero – if only for one single night.

Or... you can continue being Ravyn's little puppet.

Really, Christy, it's your choice. Either way, it's not going to stop Regan and I from coming after your tag-team titles after this is all over and it sure as hell isn't going to stop us from fighting to win this whole damn tournament with or without you. But to be honest? After seeing what this tournament can do for Regan, for me, and even for you... just this one time, I rather have you working with us than against us.

But, as I said... the choice is really up to you. Choose wisely.

Selena Michelle Frost

[Image: hffOaUZ.png]
SCW Supreme Champion
6x SCW World Champion
4x SCW World Tag-Team Champion
2x SCW United States Champion
3x SCW Adrenaline Champion
SCW Television Champion
Longest Reigning SCW World Champion (234 days)
Winner of Shot of Adrenaline Tournament (2016)
Winner of Best of the Best Tournament (2016)
Winner of Trios Tournament (2018)
Winner of U.S. Championship Tournament (2020)
Winner of World Championship Tournament (2023)
Winner of Tactical Warfare (2014, 2019)
Winner of Elimination Chamber (2015)
Winner of Roofed Cage Match (2019)
Winner of Last Person Standing Match (2019)
The Unbelievable Main Event (2021-2023)
Winner of Double Jeopardy Match (2022)
Winner of EOTY Invitational (2023)
Female Wrestler of the Year (2016, 2021, 2022)
Tag-Team of the Year (2020 - w/ Regan Street)
Match of the Year (2018, 2019, 2021, 2023)
Feud of the Year (2014, 2019)

[Image: 34zetxl.png]
OOC: And here's the first Jason rp of his return. Struggled a bit to find his voice with the shoot, but think I re-found it with the narration in the cd. As with my Helms rp, to access the shoot click the graphic at the bottom of the page. All guests appear with permission. Good luck and Enjoy!

[Image: helms2021banner.png]
OOC Note: Everyone else had one, so I felt like I should, too.  Good luck, everyone.


Recent events have taken me by surprise.  It's become a situation where I don't quite know exactly what it is to believe.  Are things shaping up to finally go from a rocky past and become something more positive going forward?  Since I came back to work, since I found my sister, since I truly was able to ignore the negative thoughts and make myself believe things were on the up and up, things have truly seemed to get better for me.  I don't quite know how to process it.  I don't quite know what I think about it.  I've earned accolades, and now I'm walking into a competition where I have the potential to earn even more opportunities for myself, since coming back.  The downside, once again, I'm competing against my sister.  The positive, though, is that we have found that amicable understanding that we will compete to the best of our abilities, and in the end, appreciate whichever one of us wins.  Which I will guarantee... One of us will!

This competition, like the last, is a team competition and we each have to rely on others whom we may not have the best chemistry with.  Well at least one of us on each team.  See, the "captains," of which my sister is one, was lucky enough to be a captain and pick one of her closest friends in the organization.  She was truly worried I'd be upset, and my explanation about wanting her to do what was best for her was bullshit.  In the end, she picked right, I think.  I may not like the person, I may not trust the person, but if she's my sister's best friend and believes in her, then that's what matters.  Me... Well I got in through a literal "luck of the draw."  My irony comes in the team I'm with.  On one hand, the woman who's spot I stole, and the other is the brother of my closest friend in the organization.  So there are a couple of potential awkward scenarios there.

Or "just a couple" so I thought...

After I got done being announced by the organization as one of those getting in via the lottery, I felt my day was over.  I had taken my place among the elite of the company, I had been picked to a team, and I had figured that was the sum total of my night was over.  And to a point, I was right.  But then as I walked to the back to plan my exit from the facility, that all changed...

As Jake Starr walks to the back, he makes his way through the corridors to the locker rooms.  As he makes his way around one corner, he's looking down at his phone and runs straight into the combination of his newly acquired teammates for the Trios Tournament, Kelsei and Jason.  Jake initially doesn't realize who he has run into, and quickly apologizes, but when he realizes it's the pair he'll be teaming with, he steps back, and the awkwardness sets in immediately for Jake.

Jake Starr: Oh... Hey y'all...

Kelsei Adamson-Mason: JAKE!

Jake Starr: Hey...

Kelsei Adamson-Mason: Are you ready?  I can't believe we are teaming together!

Jake Starr: I can definitely say I felt the same way about the both of you, too...

Kelsei Adamson-Mason: Really?!  I thought you'd be excited about teaming with Jason and I!

Jake Starr: More like I don't know how to feel.  Yeah, I'm stoked to have made it in, but let's be real, guys, we all have a bit of a history that could make this a bit awkward...

Kelsei seems completely oblivious to what could make their team awkward in the least.

Kelsei Adamson-Mason: I don't see how!  I mean... I picked Jason, myself, and then to have you?!  I mean, we're going to do this, and do it like only we can!

Jake Starr: Kelsei, with all due respect... You do remember earlier tonight, correct?

Kelsei Adamson-Mason: I remember the whole day!  Which part?

Jake looks over at the Television Championship draped over his shoulder.

Kelsei Adamson-Mason: You mean our match?  Yeah!  You did great, and I think you are a very deserving champion.  I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to congratulate you.

Jake stares at Kelsei, completely confused.

Jake Starr: Umm... Thank you?

Kelsei Adamson-Mason: Seriously, Jake, I'm so proud of you.  You fought such a great fight, and to lose to you, a Hall of Famer, is an honor!

Jake Starr: You seriously could be the most confusing woman I've ever met... 

Kelsei Adamson-Mason: I am?  Why?

Jake Starr: Seriously, who is happy to see someone who just beat them, let alone took their championship?  I mean, when I lose, I don't magically want to congratulate someone.  I have to simmer, be pissed, and eventually congratulate them...

Kelsei Adamson-Mason: Wow... Really?  You waste that much energy on things that you can't change?  The match is over.  You won, fair and square.  You earned it, and it was an honor to share the ring with you, just like it will be for the Trios!

I just didn't know how to feel. I didn't know if it was genuine.  Seriously, I had never met someone so happy, so friendly, and not have a secret agenda behind them.  But this girl either is the greatest actress in history, or she is legitimately living in a world with nothing but rainbows, unicorns, and ponies.  If the latter is the case, she's also the luckiest human being on Earth, and not being affected by the constant "if it bleeds, it leads" news cycle.  Now her partner, the one she got to pick, he and I have our own recent history.  He was the guy dressed up as the human condom, that I competed against before I faced her.  Being the brother of my best friend, and me not knowing how or what he feels toward me based on my past with his family, as well as him personally, I just didn't know how to even address him for the first time.

Ironically, around the corner where the trio came together was also one with a table with some beverages for the backstage workers and competitors to grab and go.  Jake leans over and picks up a cup, then looks directly at Jason.

Jake Starr: Coffee?

Jason rolls his eyes.

Jason Helms: Funny...

Jake's sarcasm continues.

Jake Starr: Crap... Did I get the wrong size?  I got you guys confused!

Jason just stares, and shakes his head with a sigh.  Jake smirks, before setting the cup down.

Jake Starr: Hey... You're the one who wore that skin tight coffee filter a couple weeks back.

Jason Helms: Oh I got the joke... I promise...

Jake looks back at Kelsei.

Jake Starr: See, Kelsei... This is the type of reaction I was expecting from BOTH of you.  Just a lot of annoyance and irritation toward me.

Jason corrects the record.

Jason Helms: Honestly, man... I'm pretty indifferent to the loss.  You won... You made fun of us... I won't lie, it did have a couple funny lines.  But honestly, I have no positive or negative feelings toward you.

Jake rolls his eyes.

Jake Starr: Bullshit, man... Let's be real... Your whole family still looks at me with contempt, and rightfully so.

Jason Helms: Jake, you never said a word about me.  David and Regan have their own lives, and they can deal with their own issues.  So if you think that I am sitting here thinking about any of that, honestly, you're wrong.  I have my life, they have theirs.  David and I are brothers, but we still live our own lives.  I do my business down at BlackOut, David handles his gym, so we see one another when we see one another.

Jake Starr: You have your own gym, too?  Jesus when did wrestlers decide to try and be all professional and such?

Jason Helms: I don't own the gym.  I just help train and also spend time with Amy...

Jake Starr: Amy?

Jason Helms: Yes, Amy...

Jake Starr: Got a little sidepiece named Amy?

Jason Helms: Not quite a sidepiece, Jake.  BlackOut is Amy Chastaine's academy...

Jake quickly interjects.

Jake Starr: Wait wait wait... The same Amy Chastaine who wrestled here, and my sister is muff diving on?

Jason sighs.

Jason Helms: Yes, that Amy, and yes, it's your sister's girlfriend's mother...

Jake Starr: And you're having an affair with that Amy?

Jason Helms: No...

Jake Starr: Ok... So y'all are good friends...

Jason Helms: No... We're in a relationship...

Jake stares at him completely befuddled.

It was at this point the awkwardness completely left my mind.  Instead I became so confused as to the intermingling of relationships I didn't know what to think.  For one, I knew about my sister's relationships, but to now find out that these two are now connected to her made me feel like there was much I didn't know.  I felt like I had maybe been more out of the loop than I thought, or just didn't know who to talk to or ask the right questions.  I mean... I'm sure the look on my face said it all.  I'm sure they saw me go from expecting this to be a contentious confrontation to being beyond confused and not quite knowing what was going on.

Jason Helms: You've heard of open marriages, haven't you?

Jake stands there, still with a confused look on his face.

Jason Helms: You know... Where partners are married, and do love one another deeply, but at the same time can have relations outside the marriage with certain rules attached.  In some cases, it involves the use of protection, or certain acts are prohibited with external partners, but effectively it's a relationship outside of your relationship.

Jake blinks and shakes his head.

Jake Starr: So what you're saying is you are married... She is married... And your spouses don't care that you two occasionally bump uglies for shits and giggles?

Jason Helms: Well it's not really for shits and giggles, man... It's a real relationship...

Jake Starr: So... What you're saying is you have the blessing to pickle the Prime Meridian of another woman, and your wife allows it?

Jason sighs.

Jason Helms: Yes, Jake.  She has her boyfriends, and I have my girlfriends.

Jake Starr: And you're not jealous, and neither is she?

Jason Helms: No, it's a mutual understanding... It's...

Jason rolls his eyes.

Jason Helms: Dude, just Google it.  Why am I explaining my relationship life to you?

Jake Starr: Well you are the one taking the Magic Bus to Manchester with my sister's girlfriend's mom... So I mean, I kind of am curious and should be in the know...

Jason Helms: Why?

Jake Starr: Umm...

Jason Helms: Exactly...

Jake gets "stern."

Jake Starr: HEY!  I'm not part of this Jerry Springer or Maury Povich episode in the making... I'm just trying to make sure when I get interviewed, I know how to react so if anyone starts swinging I know who to pull off first!

Kelsei gets a bit of a chuckle out of the Springer/Povich reference for Jake.  Jake sees it, and can't wait to pounce to make her laugh more.

Jake Starr: Can we please make it Maury, and make sure it's during the taping of one of those Progeria Kid episodes, so I can start hiding them around the studio during your interviews?

The comment even makes Jason smirk a little at the thought, as Kelsei chuckles again.  Jake's voice shifts to a more honest and serious tone.

Jake Starr: ... On a serious note... Whatever makes you happy.  I couldn't pull it off.  I'm not smart enough to not get caught, and lord knows I wouldn't get the blessing.  But the fact is, I didn't realize that my sister had made all of these other connections in SCW so far.  It makes me proud.  She's picked some good people.

Jason nods, and Kelaei smiles at the compliment.

Kelsei Adamson-Mason: Thank you so much Jake!

Jason Helms: Thanks, sir...

Jake nods.

Jake Starr: The fact is, we've all shared the ring.  Personally, I've learned more about the two of you, and now understand why, Kelsei, you went to Jason first for your team.  I just hope that, because there are a lot of ties between my sister and us three, we can all put those personal feelings aside and focus on what we all want.  We all want our opportunity to get a "golden ticket."  So I hope we can agree to focus on the business at hand, and if our paths cross on a personal level, we don't let these business decisions impact them, especially with Jordan.

Kelsei Adamson-Mason: Jake... I'm so happy to have you on my team, and you took my title.  I'm happy to have Jason because he's helped train me.  Do you think I'm going to let a simple match change how I feel about anyone?

Jake Starr: Fair...

Jason Helms: ... And Jake, this is business.  Business doesn't cross the lines of pleasure.  Winning doesn't cross the lines of pleasure.  Sure, it brings a level of happiness, but business is business.  I get you're worried.  I get you're concerned about both of us.  But you've won this thing twice.  Were you not worried about Ace?  Syren?  Gable?  You got past your worries.  So get past them now.  Kelsei and I were pretty excited to hear your name.  So know we are ready to fight, and not let anything cloud our judgment that night.  Make sense?

Jake nods.

Hearing my best friend's brother tell me things are OK, and do so in a truly honest manner changed my mindset on things.  I wasn't worried about the past or the present.  All that mattered was the future.  The three of us have a common goal, and a common desire.  We want to win.  We want to succeed.  Even with all of the intermingling of how everyone is connected to the other, as he said, "business is business."  It's helped me realize that my mentality and my outlook isn't the same as it was in years past.  In years past, it was every man or woman for themselves.  It was about revenge.  It was about harming people left and right.  I was as guilty as anyone.  I couldn't separate business from pleasure, and here others are able to have open marriages, face off against friends, and in my face, fight my own sibling, and in the end, it's simply... Business.

It makes me realize that my profession has finally reached a level like that of other professions, where competition is key.  It's like any other sport, where family may face off... In the end, you're still family.  My sister and I, her and her friends, all will be the same.  Just because our profession may be a little more physical than others doesn't mean anything is done personally, but simply on the basis of achieving goals within said profession.

I can say this... The past few weeks, the successes and failures, all of it has led me to understand myself and others so much better.  I have seen things that has probably helped me realize my faults of the past, and using that knowledge to better myself going forward, and hopefully achieve a third opportunity to pick my chance to shock the world and show I can still come up with ideas that put a gasp in the minds of the masses.  This is my chance.  This is our chance.  We have to go out there and do our thing and succeed.  I have to do it for me and my team, knowing my sister is doing the same for her.  Then I can regroup.  Then I can rejoin reality.  My sister and I can move forward with our growth together once this is over, and at that point, hopefully, everything finally goes back to a sense of normalcy and we do what we do best.


Jake Starr: In 2009, when I first came to SCW, I came in expecting to win.  Hell, I came in needing to win to just be happy.  It was the only thing that could put a smile on my face, warm the cockles of my heart, or make me just feel any sense of success or achievement.  It was toxic because it meant I didn't see anything positive for what it was, or embrace life at its fullest.  But nevertheless, I expected to always win, always succeed, and always be the best of the best.  Now... Fast forward to today, there's a lot different.  For one, I don't expect anything.  I don't expect to walk out and always win.  The reality of wins and losses is something I accept and understand.  I don't fight it.  I don't let it own me, either.  That's why when things happen, good things, bad things, everyday things, I stand there and I do my best to really ponder how much they truly matter in the grand scheme of life.


Because nowadays happiness isn't a one-sourced emotion for me.  It's not something I put all of my ducks in one basket for.  I embrace things that bring me joy from whatever direction they come from, and in relation to SCW, I enjoy going out there, day in and day out, and simply performing for the fans.  I enjoy being the guy who can make people laugh, gasp, and cheer.  Win or lose, I just enjoy the industry again.  So, when opportunities come my way that I didn't expect or didn't feel I earned, I have a new sense of appreciation.  Why?  Because when I returned, I didn't expect to climb ladders with any speed.  I didn't expect to be given chances for titles for a good while.  I didn't feel this way because I didn't think I had the talent, but because of the way I petered out before my life went into the true chaos it was in.  You see, in this business, it takes a certain level of trust to be given a chance to be a champion.  Why?  Because you're representing the organization.  You're one of the marquee names at that point.  So you need to be able to show the powers that be that you're reliable, you're worthy, and you're not going to dick around with their titles.  So coming back I knew I had a lot to prove.  I knew I had a lot riding on my shoulders if I ever wanted to truly be back in the limelight again.

Fast forward again, I'm the Television Champion.  Something I didn't think I'd be saying yet.  But I am.  And now... Now... I'm in the Trios Tournament by pure luck.  And a lot of people have asked me if I feel snubbed.  Not just by my sister, but by all of the captains because I wasn't a selection, and the simple answer is, no.  Remember what I said?  I came back with baggage and a need to prove myself, and this is the Trios Tournament.  This is where everyone who gets lucky enough is given a chance for the golden ticket to have whatever match they want, and literally, it's WHATEVER match they want, to a point.  I jokingly asked some of the brass backstage if I won if I could fight a stuffed animal for ownership of SCW, and they said SCW ownership is not a valid award to vie for.  So apparently the whole "ANY MATCH YOU WANT" does have its caveats.  Oh well.  Although I think I'd have made a fun owner, don't you?

Anyway, I digress...

When the picks were made, I didn't feel snubbed.  I felt the captains went for who they thought would be the best bet.  I told my sister I was proud of her, but I didn't trust her pick as a person.  But she does, and that's her right to have a difference of opinion on someone from me.  I hope Bree doesn't do what Bree does best, and make it about Bree only, and instead puts forward the same amount of effort as the rest of the teams, and tries to support her partners.  But back to me... Because let's be real, Jake Starr LOVES talking about himself... I knew if I were going to somehow make it to the Trios, I would have to win the lottery.  I'd have to win that scratch off that gave me some of that Andrew Yang money every month, if I was going to get in.  And let's be real, the odds weren't in my favor.  SCW's roster is a big one, and that means everyone had that equal shot.  When I looked at the teams, I can say I was eying them all.  For the first time in my knowledge of the Trios, the teams were looking so evenly balanced, that I didn't feel anyone was going to have an upper hand, and if I got lucky to be on one, I didn't care who.

Then SCW decided it was going to show Alanis what was really "ironic" in this world, and pair me with Kelsei and Jason.

Now when this first happened, I didn't know what to think, but then I stepped back and thought about my two successful Trios Tournaments and realized that I didn't know what to think then either.  So I was fairly quick to shrug it off and realize that I'm paired with someone who showed me what she is capable of, and the brother of my best friend, who I also know what is capable of.  I realize that I fought both of these two recently, and not only do I know what they are capable of, but I know how talented they are.  Once I spoke to them, I realized these two know one another well, so I know I have a solid team who has chemistry watching my back, while I watch theirs.  So the irony turned to excitement.  It turned into a desire to get out there and fight.  It turned Jake Starr into a man on a mission, and that mission is simple...

Jake sings.

Jake wants a Golden Ticket... Jake wants a Golden Ticket... Jake wants a Golden Ticket to have his waaaayyyyy!

Jake smirks.

Now in order to make this possible, we have to be able to be the best trio of 8 very evenly matched teams.  And our first contest, I'll be honest, is going to be the hardest match of my personal Trios career.  Why?  SCW is throwing us, right out of the gate, against Selena Frost, Regan Street, and Christy Matthews.  Now this trio of estrogen puts three of the greatest women in SCW history on one team together, all of which have, either currently or at some point, hate my guts.  Also three women who have always had my number.  So I look at these three as one of the toughest teams in the tournament, and I do so because I know what they each bring.  That being said, I don't fear them.  I don't fear any one of them.  I know what they bring as individuals.  I know they are, each, very much "alpha females."  That's where I believe they have a great weakness in their ability to team together.  They will each want to carry the load.  They will each want to be the star.

Unfortunately, this isn't a singles tournament.  This is a team event!

So I hope those three realize that very fact.  I hope they realize they're not each "in charge" but instead going in with a sense of cohesion.  If not, they will show their faults.  They will show their weaknesses, and Kelsei, Jason, and I will ALL pounce at once.  We're not scared of any "name" in this tournament.  We aren't afraid to step into the ring and fight whoever of those three, or the subsequent teams we face throw at us.  The fact is, we may not look like the most intimidating team.  We may not be the odds on favorite.  But none of that matters.  All that matters is we go out and work as a team.  We go out there and enjoy ourselves and enjoy our opportunity.  This isn't "all or nothing" for any of our careers, so why shouldn't we just go out there, have fun, do what we know we can do, and surprise the world?

Because that's our plan...

That's our goal...

That's our mission!

If we don't succeed, you know, we move on and continue doing whatever it takes to move our way up in SCW.  But WHEN we win, expect fireworks.  Expect to see some excitement from all of us.  And with my Trios contract, expect me to one-up myself from previous Trios contracts.  And for those of you who know what I've done, you know that could be literally ANYTHING!  But I'm not counting chickens yet.  I just know what our team is bringing to this fight.  I know what we are planning on doing.  We're coming to make a statement.  We are coming to shock the world and be the team that everyone remembers coming out of this Trios Tournament.  And on a personal level... I want this to be the Trios I remember most because of the team I'm put alongside.  They've shown me respect, and I couldn't be prouder to call myself their partner.

So I hope everyone is ready... Because we are!  And we're ready to win the Trios with the biggest smiles of any teams in history!
It turns out dog sitting a three-year-old dachshund when you have a two-year-old Patterdale Terrier doesn't leave much time for anything else. Anyone who's friends with me on Facebook knows how cute she is, but she also shat in my house (twice) and I couldn't leave her and Jax alone for even a moment because she's a grumpy little dog (and he's so lovely he didn't know what to do when she tried to bite him, lol). As a result I'm crazy tired, so I'm just posting what I have and calling it a night.


Ebdon Entertainment Presents
Christy Matthews Uncensored
Part Sixteen: My Cottage [Part Two]
[Image: syren2021.png]
OOC: Roleplay 2 of 2. Present-day CD follows the first. Promo takes place day of tournament. Roleplay does not reflect views/opinions of writer. Best of luck to everyone!

The Dark Side of the Sun

“The Brand of a Criminal...”

February 13th, 2020
Scythe Legal Services
Nome, Alaska

The wind howled harshly down the wide street, kicking up drifts of snow to carry it a short distance. It was the kind of wind that – regardless of where you were – could only be described as one thing:

Bone-chilling cold. 

To add to such a statement, there was snow everywhere. Some piled in corners besides the short buildings, quite tall. Even the roads, though plowed, were not spared, their concrete surfaces littered with salt to try and maintain safety along the wide, compacted driving grounds.

What else was one to expect from a land practically shut out from the rest of the world? Practically on top of the world near? What was one to expect from... the thought stopped for a moment before the thinker turned their head to observe where she stood once more. Home...

With a long exhale, watching her breath instantly transform into thick mist from the winter weather, Selena Frost stood outside the building. For a moment, perhaps just from childhood habit, she exhaled a few more breaths, pretending she was a fancy woman of status smoking a long cigarette. She never had taken up the habit, her father, Donovan Frost, teaching her long ago the health issues of such a habit. It was one of the few promises the Snow Queen had been able to keep to her dear father. Still, that hadn't stopped her as a kid pretending to smoke when the weather was cold enough to turn your breath into 'smoke'. 

“Lady Frost”, Selena whispered as she took a few steps away from the building she stood nearby, trailing her right hand a little with her steps, as if she was strolling down the elegant streets of New York. Funny how she had never really achieved that childhood-dream of status and power – born from the mind of an abandoned, lonely, abused child here in Nome. That wasn't to say that she wasn't a woman of status – her earnings as a wrestler of SCW and the lifestyle she had created with her wife and family was certainly something she knew her younger self would appreciate. But long gone were the desires of 'superiority' and the bitter thoughts of 'standing above' those that had hurt and abused her in her younger years. Instead, looking down the roads and all the short one-two story buildings that littered the side of the roads like an old western-movie, the platinum-blonde could not help but feel sorry for those that were trapped here. For those that had chosen to live here, made lives and businesses here, more power to them. But for those that could only dream of something more – like she had – but be trapped here? 

Shaking her head to dispel the depressing train of thoughts, the young woman reached up to adjust her gray, thick, cotton long-coat. She knew she was stalling. Knew that she was just looking for any kind of distraction – any kind of thought – that could delay the confrontation that lay before her.

I shouldn't be here. Her fears mocked inside her heart. It was factually true. SCW still had three days of house shows to do across Texas before its final stop in Dallas for the Trios Tournament, starting later today, and here she was, about as far as she could get without crossing an ocean. 

To say that Sasha D. had not been happy that her 'Face of SCW' would be unable to attend the final three house shows before the grand tournament was an understatement. Not that she had turned beet-red or anything when Selena had told her a few days ago. And it wasn't like Sasha was ignorant of any matters. No, aside from Regan and Kelcey Wallace, Sasha was the only person that Selena had confided in about her private life. She sort of had to if she was going to get the support from SCW when she had to be absent due to said private life. And while Sasha had made a rational, and reasonable, discussion about the need for Selena to 'stay' rather than attend, as the young Frost had put it, 'an emergency meeting with her lawyer', the platinum-blonde could be swayed.

If I don't do this now... she thought now, as she had in that moment. I'll never be able to.

Even now, every step of the way, she had fought against her basic instinct. Instincts that told her to turn around and leave this place. Leave to it's near never-ending cold and the people that had ruined her childhood. 

Reaching up, Selena ran her hand along one of the pillars holding up part of a shop beside the building she needed to enter, pale fingertips gathering up bits of snow and chilled her hand before it began to melt. Her mind had been made up and she had done her best to maintain this decision. She had finished the 'Go-home' episode of Breakdown, after spending the previous weekend and some with Regan, and hopped on her plane to get here. 

Another step and she heard the crunch of the snow beneath her black loafers. She knew she should have worn winter boots, but... there was an image she had to present. The prouder you look... she reminded herself, the more your 'fall' is going to please her.

Her jaw clenched in the cold as she leaned against the bare building to the right of her target. She had lost track of time of how long she had waited outside, preferring the cold to the damn person waiting in there for her – and Selena was quite certain the woman was waiting for. After all, she was only – Selena checked her watch – fifteen minutes late for her appointment and there hadn't been a phonecall or any car or person that had entered or exited that building. She's definitely waiting for me...

Like that woman, Selena had avoided Nome for so long – her sapphire eyes gazed up to view the clouded sky as the snow continued to fall through the harsh winds. She couldn't even remember the last time she had been here... at least for a few moments. Over a year ago, you came here to face the harsh cold to strengthen yourself...

The memory quickly came back to her, causing a soft smile to come to her lips. Unlike Kimberly Williams, who had just smiled, laughed and, Selena was guessing, yelled “STAPLE! STAPLE!” - hard to believe she was the identical sister to such a down-to-earth girl like Marie Jones – Selena had not sauntered into her own United States Championship match a year ago against Bree Lancaster. Rather, the girl had spent weeks here – or rather, on the town's outskirts. She had gone hiking in the mountains, climbed in the cold and spent in her father's mining cave – all to harden herself and come to terms with who she needed to be. Needed to do in order to make things right for her and her quest to become the United States Champion. Casting her eyes down, Selena stared at her pale hands, remembering the cold that had come with her – a gift from home, she supposed – and stayed in her veins, allowing her to not only conquer Bree in that Roofed Cage match a year ago, but also have the strength to do so much more, from her dangerous matches to her war with Xander Valentine. And while she was no longer the United States Champion – a rematch never materializing since she had lost the title almost a year ago – she had been beyond grateful for this growth, and the town that had given it to her.

So, where is it now? she glumly asked, her attempt at humour not doing much for her. Why can't I go inside?

She huffed out a sad laugh at herself as she leaned her head against the wall. It was amazing in a depressing and pathetic sort of way. She had conquered monsters in the ring, women that, to this day, wanted nothing more than to destroy her and see her out of SCW. She had even fought some men who had tried. She had fallen off scaffolds without any fear for her own safety. Outside of the ring and work, she had waged war with her own clan – the Frost/Frostmeres – and had all but destroyed them by removing their two leaders, all to protect her wife/family and do the right thing. Yet, she couldn't face one woman...

If Deanna saw you now... Selena shook her head. No, she knew her wife better than anyone. While the redhead would certainly have been encouraging, Selena knew that, ultimately, she would not have stopped Selena from walking away from this. Hell, if Deanna had known about this, she would have given a dozen or so reasons not to be here and go through with it. Probably convinced me too.

If Regan saw you now...

Ah, now THAT was someone that would have mocked, laughed, ridiculed, and, ultimately, kicked Selena in the butt to get her to walk into that building. That was sort of the wonderful thing about their friendship/sisterhood. They made up for each other's weaknesses and yet were very much alike – it just had taken them practically killing each other in the ring to realize that again.

Turning her head, Selena imagined her best friend leaning on the wall, staring at her with a raised eyebrow.

“You going to go in?” Regan asked, causing Selena to shrug. “Of course you are.”

Throwing her head back, the image of Selena's imagination (clearly so because she wore a simply t-shirt under a leather jacket in NOME FUCKING ALASKA!) had a rather Cheshire-cat grin. “Come on.” she teased, “nudging” Selena gently. “You've come this far, haven't you?”

“I'm trying.” groaned Selena.
“Do or do not!” came the horrible impression of Yoda from her 'sister'. “There is no try!”

Rolling her eyes, Selena turned her head back to the blonde. It had been awhile since her mind had conjured up these 'phantoms', the last having been her conquering the demon of Sirus. “I can take her on, but I can't take one someone that's real...”
“And a few steps away.” Regan added. “So how you going to deal with Trios?”

Selena huffed a laugh at that question. “Oh please! I'm not nearly as scared of Trios as I am of her.”
“You're not?” Regan asked, crossing her arms, glaring at Selena, as if she was looking right through the platinum-blonde. 

Stopping from her waddling and pacing, Selena turned to stare at Regan, her uncertainty clear in her sapphire eyes. “Aren't I?” she asked.

“Well...” kicking off the wall, her 'sister' crossed her arms behind her back, strolling over to where Selena stood. “Considering I'm here – and I'm asking you...” she shrugged knowingly. “I mean, you know I'm really in Texas right now. So... if you needed me so much that you imagined me here now...”

Selena sighed. “Regan wouldn't have been so coy.” she whispered, turning to the green eyes this illusion had. “So cut the BS like her, please.”

“Fine.” Regan smiled warmly, though her tone was sharp, as if preparing itself. “I think you are afraid. It was one thing to go all noble on this crusade and build up to it, but now that it's here? You're scared of failing. You're scared that, after all your talk of doing the right thing, making things right for me... you're terrified of losing and it all being for nothing.”

“But that's part of-”

“I know that and you know.” Regan interjected. “But face it. You're scared of seeing the look of disappointment on my face. Hell, we're just two matches away after Trios of possibly becoming Tag-team champions and you STILL need me here, in a matter of speaking. You're terrified.”

Lowering her head to stare at her feet/shoes in the snow, Selena silently contemplated the phantom's words. Day of Infamy had been so easy for her – she had been so passionate, driven, motivated to start this journey from the second she was chosen by Sasha to be one of the captains at the Buy-In match. The notion of failure had never crossed her mind, same as becoming Tag-team champions with Regan, helping her sister to become a Supreme Champion like she was.

But there was, obviously, much truth to her imagination's perception. Now that they were closer and things were coming together – the doubt had begun to creep in, slowly, at first. It had started when Christy Matthews – Selena still wasn't sure if that was 'fate' or someone playing a damn joke on her and Regan – had been drawn to be on their team. 

“You think it was a conspiracy?” Regan asked, causing Selena to shake her head angrily.
“No!” she spat. “I refuse to think that – I'm not Christy and I'm not those whining brats Sienna, Bree and Syren.”

Still, Selena thought as she kicked a bit of snow off the sidewalk, she had sent Christy a Royal Letter soon after Breakdown, trying to get her on the same page with her and Regan...

Was she truly afraid? Was she afraid of failing Regan? Of doing what was right and getting her back a Trios contract that she could use – that she had been denied using thanks to Sienna? Was it easy to be blinded during the buildup but now...

“Admit it.” Regan whispered patiently. “It was much easier getting here to Nome then it was just to walk through those doors.” the phantom cast a hand towards the doors just a few yards from where they stood.

“So, what do I do?” Selena asked quietly, ignoring the few people that walked the streets in the cold winter. No one really paid her any mind and, even if they did recognize her, they didn't approach her. Maybe because I'm arguing with myself... 

Turning her head, wanting Regan to answer her question, Selena was temporarily surprised when there was no one there. The phantom was gone – back to the recesses of Selena's mind – except for a small whisper that Selena wasn't sure was Regan's voice... or hers.

Take one step...

She took a deep breath, exhaling slowly. She pictured Regan first – pictured her sister standing in the ring, trying to explain herself when the world had finally learned of her deal with Sienna Swann. Selena pictured the memory of her sister standing there and while she held no shame or guilt in her choice, there was still a sadness in her. The competitor in the Hellcat saddened for the loss of such an opportunity to do something worthwhile in SCW. 

“Take one step...” Selena whispered to her feet and was rewarded when her right stepped forward, towards the doors.

She pictured her wife, Deanna, sitting in her prison-cell, waiting there for the day she would be released...missing her family week after week, month after month. 

“Step again.” Selena whispered, her left foot stepping forward – another step towards the door.

She pictured her darling Deanna as she had seen her during their last conjugal visit. Trembling in Selena's arms. Blaming herself. Hating herself. For something that was beyond her control.

“Step again...” Selena ordered her feet this time, her fears giving way to an emotion she was far more comfortable and familiar with. Anger and frustration. The steps became easier and, before she knew it, her hand was on the cold metal of the door and swinging it open so she could step inside. 

Immediately, the cold was replaced with a steady heat, the lobby room warm and filled with soft beige, brown, and white colors across the floors, walls and furniture. A plant sat on top of the reception desk, some long, leafed, viney thing, Selena wasn't sure. Quickly, the Snow Queen removed her gray coat, revealing the black pantsuit she wore underneath with a white, lace undershirt. She gently jerked her head a little to check that her braid was still tied into a tight bun at the back of her head, and adjusted her suit with her left hand. The room was actually quite empty, except for the young man sitting at the reception desk.

Well, what did you expect? her mind drawled. It's a lawyer's office, not a therapist's office. Not like there's much business in Nome, Alaska... Selena almost attributed that reason towards the news Jean had shared with her but she mentally clamped down on such hopes – there was only one reason the lawyer here had acquired a licence to practice law in Germany.

“Can I help you?” the voice came from the receptionist, gaining Selena's attention. His hair was combed back and he wore a light-purple dress shirt with a dark-blue tie. 

Nodding her head in acknowledgement, Selena walked across the carpeted floor to stand in front of the counter of the desk, her hands together and in front of her waist. “I'm here for an appointment with...” her breath hitched for a second, but she quickly recomposed herself. “With Mrs. Scythe- 1:00 for Selena-”


The voice, while cheerful sounding, caused her spine to stiffen and her hands, clenched together, to tighten even moreso. Taking a quiet breath, she turned her head to the woman standing before her. Said woman wore a gray blazer with matching-color pencil skirt and a dark blue undershit with noticeable heels. Her hair was slightly curly and still its shade of dark-brown, like her eyes. She was the same age as Selena, but the way she carried herself – or maybe it was the work or a lifetime of bitterness towards the Snow Queen – but she could easily be a few years older in terms of appearance, even with Selena's lack of sleep as of late.

Biting down on her tongue, the platinum-blonde remained still, offering a tight smile as she turned fully to face the lawyer. “Talia.” she offered, the first time she had said that name in a long time. “I trust you are-”
“Oh! It's been so long!” the merry voice broke through Selena's salutations as the shorter woman, Talia, strolled up to the platinum-blonde, shocking Selena as Talia threw her arms around her, kissing both pale cheeks Selena had. “Come! Come! We must catch up!”

With a turn on her foot, Talia Scythe nodded to her receptionist. “Keith, hold all my calls. Mrs. Frost and I need to catch-up.”
“Yes, Mrs. Scythe.” the cheery youth replied before returning to his work – or from what Selena could tell – his resuming of playing 'Angry Birds' on his phone.

With a shake of her head, the young Frost followed Talia through another set of doors into a rather large office – probably the same size as the lobby from the looks of it. Unlike the lobby, however, this room was decorated with different colors. The walls were a dark red and the floor an off-gray. Several pictures hung from the wall and behind the desk at the back was a framed degree – Selena assumed from whatever law-school Talia had gone to. 

It wasn't until Selena heard the doors close behind her with a click that Talia turned around to face her, the brunette leaning against her desk with her arms crossed. Gone was the brightness and cheerfulness that had been present just a minute ago. In its place was a smug smile and tilt of the head as Talia regarded her former best-friend.

“So... can't tell time?” Talia asked, a sharp, subtle clip to her tone that did not go unnoticed by Selena.
With a sigh, Selena rolled her shoulders. “Well, thank god we're not in New York, right now. I'd be REALLY late.” she countered with a shrug and smile.

Talia merely shook her head. “Ever the smart mouth.” she added a smile. “Too bad you can't talk your wife out of prison, can you?”

With a wave of her hand, she pointed to the plush seat in front of her desk, prompting Selena to slowly walk towards it to take a seat.

“So you know.” Selena stated flatly.
“Of course I know.” Talia laughed. “Were you trying to keep it a secret?”

Quietly, Selena's fingers shifted to crack one of their own knuckles with the thumb. “I've never tried to deliberately hide it-”
“But you haven't been exclaiming.” Tiana shot in.
“Which begs the question how you know about it.”

“Well...” the lawyer offered a shrug. “What's a girl without her secrets?”
A huff came from Selena. “Well, considering who your father-in-law is? I won't waste too much energy thinking of possibilities.” came her reply.

A stalemate of silence hung in the room before Talia quickly broke it. “Sorry, can I offer you a drink?” she asked, pointing to a selection on a nearby, round table. “Bourbon? Whiskey?”
“I don't drink.”
“You use to. Quite a lot if I remember.” Talia smiled knowingly. “Didn't you get so drunk that you danced in the fountain... right after the first snow storm of the season – like... seven years ago?”
“Eight.” Selena corrected. 
“Right.” Talia clicked her tongue before pouring herself a rather generous portion of the bourbon. 

“Talia...” Selena sighed, looking over to her left to see more pictures on the wall. She saw Talia with her husband – Adri...Ryan, Selena corrected (Elsianna and David's biological father). She saw Talia in a picture with the whole Scythe family. Gavin, Ryan and... her jaw clenched as she saw the smiling face of Malcolm... Bastard. “Can we skip the formalities?” She asked. “We both know what this is about.”

“Do we?” Tiana shrugged. “All I know is, earlier this week, Keith tells me the 'great Selena Frost' has set up an appointment for today. Can't imagine why you'd want a lawyer from Alaska when-”

Tiana's mouth hung open but quickly changed to a knowing grin. “Ah.” she flicked her finger in a pointing gesture (the hand that held her glass of bourbon). “So you got that.”
“Jean told me.” Selena admitted as she watched her former best-friend and sister of sorts take a gulp of her drink.

“Yes...” Talia admitted, placing the glass on a coaster on her desk. “The minute I got wind of your wife's plight, I started working towards being certified with German law. Took a bit longer than I would have liked, not being a citizen there, but it worked out.”

“So what?” Selena shrugged. “You want to make things worse for me? You want to prosecute Deanna further? Newsflash, sis-” she bit that connotation harshly, almost mockingly. “She's already got ten years.”

“Yes, hard to believe such a sweet girl was a pedophile-”

SLAM! Selena hand struck the armrest, the platinum-blonde shooting to her feet, nothing but anger in her eyes at this damn bitch! “SHUT THE HELL UP!” she roared. “She's not that and you know it!”

“Hey! I didn't convict her.” Talia mocked, holding her hands up. “I just read the verdict. Did they do a DNA test on your younger daughter? To confirm it was his baby?”

Selena's jaw trembled, her mind trying desperately to push down the memories of those horrible days in court. “Y-yes...” she stammered.
“What was his name?” Talia asked, her tone still grading on Selena's frazzled nerves. “Anton something.”
“Castle.” Selena answered. “Anton Castle.”
“Right! Sixteen years old. Never thought your redhead swung that way. Though to be fair-” Talia paused, as if in thought. “He is closer to her age than you are, right?”

Selena felt the fine hairs on the back of her neck stand on end at the disgusting display this woman – once her dearest childhood friend – was exuding. “Right.” she replied coldly. “So you're just wasting my time.” she stated before turning sharply and walking towards the door. 

What was she expecting? Talia had hated Selena from the second Selena had been named the Snow Queen over her in that damned pageant eighteen years ago. Because of Selena's hair color and family, the name had stuck to her, following her around the rest of her life, eventually causing her to embrace it, even using it in SCW with great success. 

“You know...” Selena stopped herself, though kept her back to the brunette. “I actually feel sorry for you.” she stated. “You do all this just to mock my misery. Is your marriage – is your life – so unfulfilled that you have to mock mine?”

No answer was immediately given, causing Selena to turn around and stare down the lawyer. Part of her wanted to cry at losing her sister to something so stupid as a child's beauty pageant. Wanted to scream at the unfairness of it all, but the part that was talking was the one that hated the filth she had just heard from Talia's mouth. 

“What do you want me to say, Talia, huh? That I'm sorry? I've done nothing but apologize to you for years – every chance I had I tried. Eighteen years ago, I did the most rotten thing in my childhood. I cheated my best friend. I stole the act you and I worked on for you – I ruined your chances at the pageant you desperately wanted to win and I became Snow Queen. I was stupid. I was being blackmailed by my mother and, you know what? I was a scared girl of twelve! You want to compare notes about who ruined who's life? I took a damn pageant title from you. You stole my fiancee and the father of my daughter!”

Selena had to stop herself, her heart thundering in her chest with so much emotion. “You knew what I was going through, what Adrian and I were going through, and you took advantage. I lost...” Selena sighed. “I lost more than you could possibly imagine! My hope, my heart, my daughter...”

Closing her eyes for a moment, Selena was not surprised to see a picture in her mind. It was her wife, Deanna, combing a wild lock of fire-red hair behind her ear, smiling at Selena with a familiar sparkle-twinkle in her eyes. “But...” Selena breathed, opening her eyes. “The difference between you and me is that I moved on. I didn't let my bitterness or my hatred consume me. I fought to live again and... in time, I found my heart, my hope, and my daughter. And the thing is... I remember being in love with Ryan – and it doesn't even compare to what I feel for my Deanna.”

Slowly, her expression changed to one of – happiness? No, more simply just strength, and a familiar sensation of cold-ice running through her veins. “Every step of the way, you and your family have tried to screw with my life. Malcolm – all he did with Ryan, and I'm sure you had a part to play. But now? The fact that this is all you can do... drag me here and just mock me like some... school-bully?”

The more she spoke, the more Selena felt a laugh coming from within her. “It's actually funny in the saddest way, Talia. Because if this is who you've become – this petty person that's just been waiting to stick it to me with mockery and insults... well, maybe it's better you never became the Snow Queen.”

Shaking her head, Selena turned again, ready to step out of this office and never return-

“I can get Deanna out of prison.”

She froze, her hand centimetres from the door. She must have misheard. There was no way...

Slowly, she turned back around to stare down the woman she had berated for the last few minutes. Talia's expression hadn't change, though her eyes were far more tensed, as if Selena's declarations had struck a nerve.

“What?” was all she could get past her lips.
“I think I can get Deanna out of prison.” Talia replied simply, crossing her arms across her chest as she stood to her full height.

“Every detective and lawyer that I could reach in German has failed.” Selena replied flatly. “You know nothing beyond what you've read-”
“Yeah...except what I've 'read'? Is stuff your lawyers would want to read. Or look. Or anything.”

The Snow Queen's eyes narrowed, but she said nothing.

“Maybe I shouldn't promise something – but I am still feeling rather smug despite that tongue-lashing you just gave me.” the brunette laughed. “But from what I know, getting Deanna out isn't as impossible as it's been made to look.”

“How?” despite herself and the company she was in, Selena could not stop her heart from skipping a beat, hope filling her ever so slightly.

“Oh no.” Talia waved her finger at the taller woman, as if scolding a child. “After all of that you just said? I don't think I want to just hand that information over to you.”

Clenching her jaw, Selena straightened her back. It was beyond clear now. Jean had been right. Maybe Talia didn't have a clear-cut solution to getting Deanna out of Frankfurt, but she clearly had something – enough of something to get Selena's attention and get her all the way here to Nome. There was really only one question left.

“What do you want?” Selena asked without hesitation.
“Want, you say?” Talia smiled, slowly strolling up to Selena.

“You know I'll give practically anything for Deanna. You get her out? You tell me what you want. You want the fortune? Fine. Want me to bow down to you? Fine. I really don't care-” she stopped herself, holding up her hand. “The only thing off limits are my children-”

“Relax.” Talia laughed. “That well is dry. Malcolm moved on and so have we.” there was a slight note of regret in her voice when she said that, but Selena chose to dismiss it, as she watched Talia walk to the left side of the room to stare at some of the pictures on the red wall. “I'll take on your case, Selena. I'll go to Germany with you and I'll use what I know to try and get your wife out of that prison on one condition.”

Here it comes... “What is it?” the platinum-blonde asked, causing the brunette to turn to face her.

“We right a very old wrong.” 

The answer left Selena speechless. Mostly because it was vague and made no sense to her.

“That's what you've been preaching about, hasn't it? 'Do the right thing? Righting wrongs?' your wrestling thing – that's what you've been spouting the last few weeks, right?”
“You watch?”
Talia shrugged nonchalantly. “There's some joy in watching you get beaten up every few weeks.”
“Charming.” came the deadpan reply. “But the point?”

“Yes, the point.” Talia nodded. “You know what wrong I am referring to. You and I – and The Snow Queen title.”

Selena inhaled slowly, lifting her head a little as she breathed. “So what? You want me to denounce my win from years ago? Declare you the winner in front of all of Nome or something? Fine.”

“Oh, please.” Talia laughed, dismissing Selena's questions with a wave. “I'm not one of your trashy girls at your wrestling pond-”
“Wrestling pond?”
“- You think Malcolm or Ryan or all of Nome would accept this if you just handed it over to me? You'd still be 'The Snow Queen' in their eyes.”
“Then what?!” Selena asked. “Whatever it is, I'll do it!”

The smile on Talia's face grew wider. “Good.” She clapped her hands before strolling back over to her desk. Reaching towards it, she plucked a large flyer off the table before strolling back over to Selena and handing it to her. “Read it.”

Raising an eyebrow, Selena slowly cast her gave downward, her sapphire eyes taking in the flyer. It was decorated with blue and black and several snowflakes, and the elegant writing stood out as she read. “Returning for the first time in fifteen years – The magical 'Snow Queen' pageant. Help us celebrate the end of winter on March 14th by crowning a new-” Selena stopped, her head snapping back up to a grinning Talia. “They're bringing it back?”

Talia nodded. “Malcolm is going for re-election and decided a little goodwill event would boost his numbers. The whole town is rather excited.”
“Probably a nostalgia act.” Selena muttered. “So what?” she asked.

Talia's only answer was a raised eyebrow and a glance at the paper, which was enough for Selena to put two and two together.

“Oh come on!” she huffed incredulously.
“That's the price.”
“You want us to enter this thing?” she waved the flyer in front of Talia. “Talia, it's for girls 10-15! Not thirty years old!”

That was how it worked. The younger children, 6-9 years of age, would compete in the “Little Snowflake” while the pre-teens had competed for the 'Snow Queen' title. There hadn't been enough interest in the past for anything past that.

“Actually.” Talia countered. “You'll notice that there is no age stated on the flyer – little favour I asked daddy.”
“That...” Selena had to check the flyer to be sure Talia was telling the truth. She was. “That doesn't matter. The town knows it's meant for children. You want us to compete against a bunch of young girls? What? For your ego?”

Talia's lips pursed and her lower jaw jutted to the side but she didn't lash out like Selena was anticipating. “That's the condition.” she said with finality, unflinching. “You enter the competition against me... and you lose.”

Obviously. Selena's mind spat but she bit on her tongue to keep her response from having sound. “How is that different from me just handing it to you? It won't make it right.”
“In Nome's eyes – in Malcolm's eyes – it will.” Talia countered.

Turning away, Selena paced around the room, her eyes still on the flyer. “So, just to be clear, you want me to enter a competition with you against girls fifteen or so years younger than us – and throw the pageant so you can win? Just so you can be 'Snow Queen' out of a bunch of children.”
“And you.”
“And in return...” she stared expectantly at Talia.
“In return, I will get your wife out of prison.” 

The brunette held her hand out with a wide grin on her face, which disappeared to become a look of surprise as, almost instantaneously, the hand was clutched by the stronger grip of a pale one, the hand almost crushing Talia's, though she refused to wince.

“Deal.” Selena said quickly, giving Talia's hand a firm shake before tossing it away. “Mind if I keep this?” she asked, holding up the flyer.
“Be my guest.” Talia laughed, shaking her hand a little. “Just don't bail on me.”, she added as Selena made her way to the door. 

The remark caused the young Frost to stop and turn her head a little to acknowledge her former sister. “Likewise.” she replied simply before she made her exit. She was out of the damn building and back into the cold winter wind in less than two seconds, fishing her phone out of her pocket and hitting speed-dial as she gazed at the flyer in her hand.

“Hello?” came the voice of the caller, earning a laugh from Selena.
“Hey, sis?” Selena replied, her eyes still on the paper in her hand. “You are not going to believe this...”


[Image: tetXUW1.jpg]

The camera opens up to the American Airlines Center in Dallas, Texas. Despite warm temperatures, pleasant for the winter season, the inside of the arena – where the wrestling ring is set up, has a cold feeling to it, with arctic-blue and white lights shining down on the empty space. As usual, sitting in the ring, dressed in her black, white and red attire is the Snow Queen, Selena Frost. She takes a moment to look around the empty space, the sight for tonight's Trios Tournament, the world championship match between James Evans and Aaron Blackbourne, and – finally – the reveal of Sienna Swann's plans for the Trios Contract she 'acquired' from Regan Street. 

It is the last of these events that has motivated Selena to this point – prompting her to acquire Regan Street as her choice of teammates for the tournament. But what is life without some fun from fortune, for destiny has also handed her Christy Matthews, half of the tag-team champions and enemy of Frozen Hell, as a final teammate – as well as creating eight rather balanced teams, any of them having the potential of seizing this opportunity! 

It is with all these thoughts in her head that Selena takes a deep breath and exhales a little before speaking.

This is it. she whispers, letting her voice settle into the silence before she starts up again. This is the culmination of one of the goals I set out for 2020.

Again, the Winter's Knight stares around the arena, as if silently reflecting on where she is and how she got here. And while I know I should be rejoicing in the fact that, in a little over a week from this date, another 2020 goal could be on the verge of completion... 

In truth, I'm barely thinking about it.

Running a hand through her platinum-blonde hair, styled in its iconic braid, Selena then grips it gently with her hand, tapping it against the front of her chest. 

It's not that it isn't important to me, it is. But the thing is, you'd be hard-pressed to find anyone that is looking that far into the future. Not when the future is so in flux right now. And when I say that, I don't mean the world championship match or Sienna finally stopping her never-ending wasting of our time and telling us what she has planned to get back said World title – because that's all it is. Selena rolls her eyes. 

I'm talking about what this event is named after. I'm talking about the Trios Tournament - because that's how the Trios Tournament works. You don't know – you can't possibly know who you will face. Whether you make it to the semi-finals or all the way to the finals, there is no way of knowing your future, just like there was no way of knowing who that third teammate for every team would be this year. 

Giving a slight shrug, Selena pushes herself to her feet, walking barefoot along the cool ring canvas. Now, I've already spoken about Christy and to Christy, so I won't rehash that. Fact is, part of me, the wrestler, is just happy to be here. I mean, you know how I feel, True Believers. Last year, missing out on Trios due to luck of the draw, year before that winning by being little more than a punching bag... now here I am with one of the heavy-hitters of teams – maybe even the fan-favourite to win. That isn't me blowing smoke, guys, but I'm choosing to believe and agree with Jason Helm's words. You have to be your own fan. And, truth be told, I love being on a team with Regan. I love being part of, and being a fan of, Frozen Hell. 

Looking down at her hands, a genuine, happy smile comes to Selena's lips. 

For those of you who don't know the early stages of my career, I use to be a tag-team wrestler with Dawn Lohan – calling ourselves 4Saken. We even became tag-team champions here. But, I have to be honest, that relationship, for all the good it did me and, I hope, for her, there was a lot of damage that came with it too. Personal and professional. And since then, whether it was with Kelcey Wallace as Perfect Storm or Platinum with Regan and Sienna, tag-teams never lasted long with me. she sighs a little, a look of sadness crossing her face. For most of my career, I didn't think being part of a team was in the cards. Like so many of the wars and battles I waged, we would just have to stand alone, True Believers, while the roster mostly hated me. And, for that time, I was okay with that. I was okay with being the lone wolf. True, I missed the camaraderie, but, on the flip side, I couldn't let any of my fellow wrestlers down like I had Dawn and Kelcey.

But Regan changed that for me.
Her smile slowly returns as she continues. Yeah, hard to believe the same woman that smashed my head with a monitor would turn out to be the greatest sister I could ask for – that's kind of what Tommy and Kandis are forgetting. The two butts of the tag-team division, calling themselves the gatekeepers of sorts of that division...

Now, Tommy, you picked your tag-team partner just as I picked mine. Our reasons were different, mind you, but you and Kandis seemed to think that Regan and I don't belong in the tag division. That we won't work out here tonight when we start our attempted climb for Trios by taking on Kelsai, Jason and Starr. And you may be right, Tommy. Jake Starr is the Television Champion, Kelsai has enough spunk to take on the world and Jason? Gods, even with Regan's experience with him, he's a wild card...
Selena huffs at the odds of such a random, yet dangerous team that awaits hers in the first round. Her sapphire eyes, however, focus back to the camera for a moment, her head tilting a little.

Why, Tommy? Why do you think Regan and I won't work as a tag-team? Why Kandis? Because Regan and I haven't officially been a tag-team for very long? Because we haven't been 'officially' part of the tag-team division more than two or so months?

See, there's a reason that Regan and I use the concept of “hell freezing over”, apart from the fact that it's cool. It's because a few years ago, the notion of the two of us teaming up? Better chance of the devil ice-skating in hell – and I don't mean Damian Angel, though I am praying for Peyton's safety tonight.

Yet, here we are, with Regan and I teaming up – and as I said, I love being part of Frozen Hell, and I am beyond grateful to Regan for helping me believe that I could be tag-teaming again... grateful that she is letting me help her achieve her dream and right the wrongs done to her.

But it's so much more than that, Tommy. Kandis. See, while she and have very much different personalities and several key differences that showed in our wars together, we are also very much alike in certain aspects. And one thing that she and I agree on is that, if we can manage to get past our first trio of opponents, dragging Christy Matthews' two-faced rear behind us if we have to, we want it to be you two we face in the semi-finals.
Selena points at the camera, to the Jackass and Big Ass Connection.

And while I could easily give the reason that it's because of our upcoming contender match – I already made it clear that I'm not thinking past tonight. No, guys, the reason I want it to be you two that we face is because I want to smack some sense into you two. 

Especially you, Tommy. 

You know, for a veteran of the tag-division – Next Level ring any bells? - for a guy that knows so much about tag-teaming and brotherhood/sisterhood... you really are acting like a damn idiot, aren't you?

Let me remind you of something, Tommy, since you think that a 'tag-team' is only forged in 'official tag-team matches'. While you and Kandis were romping around on Twitter and in the ring as a tag-team, Regan and I were fighting the Wonderland, the Beauty Network and Infamous in steel cages. While you were winning the tag-team titles back in June, that very night, actually, Regan and I were fighting Xander Valentine, Damian Angel, and Konrad Raab as they attempted to dismantle us. And while you were tag-team champions for – what? - twenty-five days? While you did that and struggled to recover after losing said titles, Regan and I were doing all we could in the trenches, protecting SCW from a damn madman – but I'll get to him in a bit.
Selena's jaw clenches at the mention of the dangerous Executioner.

The point is, Kandis and Tommy, is that what you claim to be the guardians of – what you claim we have no point in being part of – Regan and I have forged that through wars together. True, it was our wars against one another that made us rekindle our old friendship, but it was being in those trenches together – fighting those wars together against incredible odds – that forged that friendship into a sisterhood. 

And for the two of you to ignorantly mock it? Say it isn't 'enough'? Well, it may have irritated me, but it pissed Regan off clean.
Despite herself, Selena has to chuckle at that fact, her tone becoming a bit more relaxed.

So Regan and I? We just want you in the semi-finals with us so we can just make the two of you look like even bigger asses than you already are... She thinks for a moment. Which, given your tag-name is saying quite a lot. We want to show you that – contrary to your brags and even with all your experience – you don't have all the answers to tag-team wrestling. Because that's what this tournament is about, isn't it? Tag-team wrestling!

With a sigh, Selena looks out to the empty seats in the arena, her voice quieter as she runs a hand along the top ropes. We are alike – Regan and I – but like I said, we are also different. And it's gotten to a point where our similarities and differences... well, they compliment each other. So even when we disagree, we can find some measure in it. We can appreciate it.

Take Regan, for example? Let's say she and I...
Selena mutters. And Christy manage to prove Tommy and Kandis wrong and work as a tag-team and get to the finals. Regan? Oh, my dear sister wants Xander Valentine to be waiting on the other side for her.

A moment of silence passes before the Snow Queen shrugs.

Meh, I can't say I really blame her after that stunt he pulled during their match at Day of Infamy. Selena tilts her head. What happened, Xander? You brought the fight with me but punked out when another, supposedly, 'inferior' wrestler kept getting back up? Wow, deja vu. Just had a flashback to when you and I last tangoed – and I kept getting back up. she narrows her eyes. But I won't waste this air time talking to you, Xander. Not because of disrespect, though I have no respect for you, and not because you don't deserve another knockout kick from me should the opportunity arise for what you and Artemis did to Jonathan Knots – but because I know my sister... 

And I'm here to give her what she deserves... and she deserves to be the one to talk about you, you bastard.

No, I'm here to say that, while I very much would like Regan to get what she wants in facing Xander and mashing his face into the ring post... I don't believe they will make it past the first round. And the blame for that... will rest solely on your shoulders, Jay Gold.

Her tone drops to a far more serious one and her sapphire eyes narrow as she glares into the camera.

You know, when you came back, I was excited. When you and I were teamed together for the Buy-In match, I was excited. And maybe that was my fault. Maybe I bought into the hype of your return. Hall of Famer! Supreme Champion! Legend of SCW! It was remarkable... And maybe I was so excited about that, that I believed everything you said – beliefs so similar to my own. But I think the 'honeymoon phase' or 'initial shock' has dimmed a bit and, for all the 'gold'... it's not as shiny as we thought it was.

Selena sighs, turning to lean against the ropes. You said to me that tough decisions usually come with disappointment, Jay. So, forgive me for what I'm about to say and the disappointment you may feel towards me. But I'm speaking straight from the heart like I always have... and I say you're wrong and I don't believe you.

When you looked in my eyes a few days ago and you spoke about how you had talked to Xander and was trying to help him? Help him get back to where he was? I didn't believe you. 

I don't believe you. Because while you know the Xander of the past, I know the Xander of the present. And if that bastard truly wanted to change? Truly wanted to regain his place in SCW, then he would have done it in an SCW ring – he wouldn't have attacked innocent people! He wouldn't have attacked Mr. D.! He wouldn't have stalked around outside my house! He wouldn't have run away like a scared cockroach when he fought Regan Street! He'd be dominating in the ring, beating people like me and Regan because he was that damn good!

No, Jay. Xander doesn't WANT to go back to how he was because he knows he CAN'T go back to how he was. He fought me and I knocked him out not once, but twice! He fought Regan and she battered him to the ground until he didn't want to play anymore. Xander knows he can't be the dominating force – the Executioner – that he once was in the ring because people like Regan and I have raised the bar to a point where he isn't as miles ahead of everyone as he use to be. So he plays this game where he bends the rules without breaking them. He uses his sharp mind to look for loopholes, other ways to sow seeds of chaos and pain.

Closing her eyes, Selena takes a deep breath to calm herself, memories of what Xander put her through still fresh in her mind, some as clear as the faint scar on her eyebrow.

But I have the feeling you know all this, Jay. In fact, when I confronted you on his crimes and you simply dismissed them – dismissed me – with a wave of your hand and the closing of a door, you made it clear you knew about it. Which leads me to why you chose Xander in the first place.

Like him, you came in talking about 'regaining your spot' at the top? 'The New Golden Era', right? How has that gone so far, Jay?
Eyes narrow and the tone takes on a slight accusatory one.

I think Day of Infamy was a real eye-opener for you, Jay. I think that, while you were certainly on the winning team, you were the first one eliminated. I think you realized what Xander came to realize when he tried to bully his way through SCW again last year. That this is not the SCW you knew. This is NOT the SCW you once reigned and accomplished so much. And just like, Xander, you realized that it may have been more than you can handle... so, you chose someone like that – someone that you THINK you can control...

And trust me, Jay... you can't.

There's silence as Selena stands in the ring, her arms crossed, though her posture is almost unintentionally regal. Because Sasha thought she could control him – look what happened to Jonathan Knots. Hell, look what happened to your own teammate, Gavin Taylor. Go back and watch that, Jay – with Xander choking Gavin, smug jerk as Gavin is, and tell me that you know what you're doing! That YOU can understand and control him. In other words, Gold, lie to me again!!

Slowly, Selena shakes her head.

No, while I respect Regan's desire to face Xander in the finals, I don't believe in Jay to get them there. And, for me... that's not really who I want there, anyway... Slowly, a smirk grows across the Snow Queen's face.

Hell0, Bree. Been a long time hasn't it? At least a year, right, since you and I stood in the ring together – I mean, not counting the End of the Year Special. When was the last time? she suddenly snaps her fingers with a knowing smile. Right, it's the match you 'let me win', right? The match I used my own Trios to make and win the United States title.

The Snow Queen clicks her tongue a little and gives a little smirk.

You know, Bree, the fact that here we are, a year later, and that match is still talked about says a lot. The fact that we're here, a year later, and people are talking more about that line you've spouted since then? Says even more.

'I let Selena Frost win'.
Selena repeats it again, as if to weigh the words – the statement – carefully. 'I let Selena Frost win'...

Tell me, Bree, what is so damn depressing of being beaten by me? Unlike you, I've actually WON the SCW World title. Unlike you, I've become Supreme Champion. And unlike you, I've actually been Female Wrestler of the Year. So, tell me, what is so damn difficult for you to accept that I could be better than you in a wrestling match?
Selena shrugs.

I mean, it's not like I just snapped my fingers and was better. You want to know why I dragged myself to Nome, Alaska, spent weeks camping on mountainsides and in caves, and chose a damn Roofed Cage to face you, Bree? It's because I knew that I needed all of that to take you on and beat you. That's how much I respected your ability in the ring. You're a lousy human being and downright lazy cheater most of the time, but when in the ring? There is much you can do with the skills you have.

A sarcastic scoff of a laugh escapes the platinum-blonde's lips. Know what that is, Bree? It's called respect and the fact that, after our match – a match of the year candidate – you couldn't even admit that I was the better wrestler that night? Well, let's just say I've been waiting for this chance. And after your 'oh-so-kind' words to me as we passed in the hall on that episode of Breakdown a few weeks ago, promises I've heard before from you that you failed to deliver on - I'm even more hoping that I'm the one that's right and I get to see you in the finals.

As she speaks, Selena's smile diminishes and her tone regains its serious edge. Because the first few months of your little excuse? It was laughable. Sad, but laughable. Now? I'm just sick of hearing it. I'm sick of hearing it because it's a slap in the face of one of the best matches in my career. It's a slap in the face of what I put myself through to become the United States Champion – to become a Supreme Champion. And it's a slap in the face of everyone that is striving to achieve that accolade – like Regan is. Here she is – here I am – willing to battle our way up the ranks of tag-teams and through the teams here tonight to achieve what we believe in, while you just scoff and spit in the face of that kind of hard work!

So I hope – no – I pray that I'm right and Jay's team implodes and you manage to slip by Owen and Marie Jones, Bree, because at least Regan can take come solace in taking down Datura for a second time, Christy can keep herself entertained with Jordan Majors and their ongoing issues for Infamous...

And you and I can dance one more time... before I take another accolade from you.

Raising her left hand, Selena holds up her pointer finger. Because there's one thing that such a finals match in the Trios Tournament would have in common with our last singles match, Bree.

Slowly, Selena puts that same hand over her heart. Like last time, I am fighting for my family. Not my father this time, but for my sister. I am fighting for her and I am fighting for her dreams. And it will be a cold day in hell before I let you take this from her – from us. 

The real question is, Bree...
Selena lowers her hand back to her side. What are you going to tell your friend, Jordan, and Datura, if I beat you again?

The Snow Queen is silent for a moment, letting that question sink in.

Because if I see you in the finals across from me, Bree, you better believe that you won't be leaving with a Trios contract... Sapphire eyes narrow as they glare into the camera.

I won't let you.

The camera fades on that promise before going completely to black.
[Image: hffOaUZ.png]
SCW Supreme Champion
6x SCW World Champion
4x SCW World Tag-Team Champion
2x SCW United States Champion
3x SCW Adrenaline Champion
SCW Television Champion
Longest Reigning SCW World Champion (234 days)
Winner of Shot of Adrenaline Tournament (2016)
Winner of Best of the Best Tournament (2016)
Winner of Trios Tournament (2018)
Winner of U.S. Championship Tournament (2020)
Winner of World Championship Tournament (2023)
Winner of Tactical Warfare (2014, 2019)
Winner of Elimination Chamber (2015)
Winner of Roofed Cage Match (2019)
Winner of Last Person Standing Match (2019)
The Unbelievable Main Event (2021-2023)
Winner of Double Jeopardy Match (2022)
Winner of EOTY Invitational (2023)
Female Wrestler of the Year (2016, 2021, 2022)
Tag-Team of the Year (2020 - w/ Regan Street)
Match of the Year (2018, 2019, 2021, 2023)
Feud of the Year (2014, 2019)

[Image: 34zetxl.png]
OOC: Part II of the New Arc, enjoy. Any References to the Crane Storyline can be found in Jennifer’s “Ricky Memorial Tourney” RP, thanks.

Warning: The Comments and views expressed in this promo are those of Regan Helms and do not reflect that of the publisher. Viewer Discretion Is Advised.

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(Click Title)
[Image: regan2018.png]

- SCW Supreme Champion
- 2x SCW World Champion
- 1x SCW United States Champion
- 1x SCW World Tag Team Champion
- 1x SCW Adrenaline Champion
- 1x SCW Women's Champion
- 1x SCW Television Champion
- 2012 SCW Rookie of the Year
- 2016 Feud of the Year Winner Vs. Ace Marshall
- 2019 SCW Trios Contract Winner
- 2020 Tag Team of The Year (Frozen Hell)

Singles Record - | W - 099| L - 13 | D - 06|
Overall Record - | W - 133| L - 29 | D - 08|
#ooc Best of luck to everyone involved!

Hello! Hello!, Hello!

And how are things going my Lovelies? I certainly hope that everything is going well for all of you.

For me? Well the is a pretty loaded question heading into the annual Trios Tournament, which I am so very proud to be a part of, my first year in SCW.

There are so many things surrounding this tournament that I would like to talk about with all of you, so much so that I honestly do not know where to even begin.

Before I get to all of that though, and please believe me when I tell you that I have plenty of time so I will get to that, but first I should tell all of you about my friend Sophie.

I really don’t need to tell you too much about Sophie though honestly because Sophie is wrestling superstar Sophie James, one of the baddest women on the planet. To me though, she is just my friend Sophie, and every now end then when we screw up when need a favor from a friend. That is exactly what I was looking for going to Las Vegas recently too…

A favor from a friend.

Kung Fu Thai & Chinese Restaurant
Las Vegas, Nevada
Sunday, February 9th, 2020
1 pm

The first thing that you notice about Sophie is that she is so expressive with her eyes. I swear, that given the opportunity I could probably have a conversation with just her eyes, and today it would seem would be no different.

Sophie: I was shocked when you called and said you wanted to take me out lunch with me right her in Las Vegas, Kelsai. I have to be honest and say that you didn’t really seem to me like you are the Vegas type.

Kelsai: Really Sophie? And what do you consider not the Las Vegas type if I can ask?

She laughs, and those green eyes are wide like saucers almost prodding me along with her end of the conversation.

Sophie: Kelsai, you got married to the first person that you ever dated not long after your first date. Nearly everyone that runs into to you, even people that don’t like you comment how you are just the sweetest thing.

And now it my turn to laugh.

Kelsai: I don’t think that everyone says that, thanks, and if they are, they probably saying how they really feel in some instances.

Sophie: Fair point, people can be so very disingenuous sometimes, almost like they have something to hide from other people. Sometimes it is just hard to sift through all of the bullshit and tell which person real and which ones are fake.

Kelsai: I know that there are many people who think that there is no way that I can be real, be I just am who I am. I adore the fans and I love other people. Whether others want to believe me or not makes no difference to me. I am who I am, and I refuse to apologize about it, even if some people will never be leave it.

She gives me a slight look of amusement, the kind you might see someone make a movie theater when they are watching a show and they look at another person came with them to see if they are laughing or not before they decide to do it or not themselves.

Sophie: See, that is just it Kelsai, people look at you, they listen to you talk and they think to themselves “There is no way that girl can be for real, it’s just not natural.”. I know because I used to be one of those people Kelsai. I used to think that every time I looked at you, you were too good to be true.

Kelsai: That was until you really got to know me though Sophie.

The comment wasn’t intended to get that kind of response but again with huge saucer like eyes looking right back at me. Her eyes are just so much fun to watch, one of those little things that you notice about a person and you wonder if they know that about themselves. What, don’t look at me like that! I am a people watcher and I happen to be very good at it, thank you very much!

Sophie: Exactly! And the more that I get to know you I realize that there are just no false pretenses about you whatsoever. You are just you and you are not going to change for anyone, even if people might not believe what they are seeing.

Kelsai: You are right about that. I can only be the best me that I can possibly be, no matter what other people that is real or not.

She nods along with me like she is taking notes about all of the things that I am saying, hanging on every word.

Sophie: I have so much respect for that too, because that is the same thing that I am trying to build in my own life. Everytime that I am in an arena I am just trying to be myself, and I am just listening to all of my bitches and I…

I try not to, but I giggle, and Sophie just laughs again.

Sophie: I am sorry, I not that is not what you call your army of fans that seems to follow you everywhere. What did you say that you are starting to call all of them?

I grin wide, because I am proud of this and why not? I did coin the term myself.

Kelsai: I call them my lovelies.

Sophie: Right, your lovelies, sounds absolutely perfect for people that would follow you, which is like more and more of an arena the Livewire is playing at all of the time. Tell me, do you think that your lovelies would think that you are the kind of person that would come to Las Vegas and just hang out in Sin City, and grab a bite to eat with a friend?

Kelsai: Probably not, but how many of those people have stopped and considered that I got married on just the second date that Victor and I were on. I have to say that I think that is a very Las Vegas type thing to do.

Did I just cause Sophie James to reevaluate what she was thinking?

Sophie: That was a very Las Vegas type of thing to go, I can agree with that…

Now Sophie is interrogating me with just her looks.

Sophie: So then since we have already established that you are who you are and not going to change for anyone because there are no false pretenses from you, can I ask you a question?

This feels like a trap, but I am still going to keep playing along for now.

Kelsai: Sure sweetie, I am an open book, what’s up?

Sophie: Why are you sitting here in Sin City having flown across to time zones just to have lunch with and trying to avoid the issue, instead of just getting to the point and asking me what it is that you want to ask me?

Yep, it definitely was a trap, no doubt about it.

Kelsai: I am guessing that if I tried to tell you that I didn’t know what you are talking about that you probably wouldn’t believe me anywhere right.

Sophie: I don’t exactly where at, but I do know that somewhere, at some point, you screwed up, even though it probably wasn’t your fault, and now you need some help from a friend and that where I come into play right?

Kelsai: Right…

Sophie: Well we could continue to just skate around the issue making small talking which I have no problem because honestly, I like talking to you. However. I promise that if we keep doing that eventually we will get to have lunch, eat lunch and then leave here without ever talking about what rode all this way to talk to me about. So instead, why don’t you just tell me why you are here and how I can help you.

It doesn’t happen often, but I just blurt out the first thing that comes to mind.

Kelsai: That is if you can help me after I explain to you what is going on.

Sophie: There is something going on then, I knew it! Now you have let me know that much, so know all you have to is tell me what is going on and we will see if I can help.

Kelsai: Well, I can’t remember if you have ever worked for SCW or not, but I am certain that you have heard by now that the annual Trios Tournament is a week from today, and well Trios is a pretty big deal.

A huge smile and nod, and I know for sure that Sophie agrees with everything that I have just said.

Sophie: I don’t need to work for SCW to know the Trios Tournament is all about, and I know that yes Trios is a really big deal in SCW. Each person on the winning team gets a contract to make almost any type of match that could think of for the next year? Yeah, I would say that is pretty huge.

Kelsai: Right, it is so huge, definitely something that I do not want to miss, especially since I was one of the eight captains of one of the teams.

Sophie: You have better give them hell just for shits and giggles whoever is on your team, captain.

I could feel the heat rising in me cheeks, even though I don’t that Sophie was trying to embarrass me.

Kelsai: Sophie, you are starting to get to know me pretty well sweetie and I think you know as well as I do that well that could be a lot of fun, it is also not going to happen.

Sophie: But you couldn’t hurt your favorite bitch for trying, now could you?

Kelsai: No, I don’t blame you for trying, but the fact of the matter that I am a captain this means more than just me Sophie. There are other people that are counting on me to be there for the tournament.

Clearly, she is becoming confused now.

Sophie: Ok, so I have this brilliant idea, why don’t you just go ahead and be there for them then. Better yet, I will show up so that I can show support and be there to watch you whip all kinds of asses on your way to helping your team winning the whole damn tournament!

Kelsai: Nothing would make me smile more than to see you show up in support of me at the Trois Tournament sweetie, but you can’t…

I have never seen this side of Sophie as she starts to get visibly upset.

Sophie: It’s your husband Victor isn’t it? I just knew that he was going to start having a problem with it if you and I were to continue being friends! I know that I was so far from a Saint when he and I were going out in the past, but seriously what kind of an asshat he is if he thinks for a second that he can just tell me what to do an…

You won’t see me doing this often, but I had to interrupt Sophie in midsentence.

Kelsai: Victor? Oh no, Victor doesn’t care that we are friends. Victor and I don't try to control each others relationships because we trust each other and so there is no need for us to ever be even the slightest bit jealous. In fact Victor and I are trying to have a baby!

Immediately Sophie looked like I had tried to force her to swallow her own face whole, and just as quickly I realized my mistake, which I tried to correct myself from just as fast.

Kelsai: I am so sorry sweetie! What I meant to say is that Victor and I have been looking into trying to adopt a baby. I am not trying to get pregnant any time soon.

Sophie: Alright, because I was going to say that you are just starting out in the world of wrestling and nothing will derail a women career in this business at least for a little while than becoming pregnant and having a baby. So adopting, how has that been going for the two of you?

Kelsai: Honestly, we didn't realize everything that went into making the decision. So many things to consider, much more than just financial things to think about, because if that were all that it was then we would have it, no problem!

Sophie: Of course you would. I will just keep thinking positive things then for the two of you, and hope that it all works out for you the way that you want it to.

Kelsai: Thank you.

Sophie: You're welcome. If not Victor though, then why did you say that I could not come to watch you and show my support for you at the Trios Tournament? Does one of you partners have a beef with me?

Kelsai: Jason Helms or Jake Starr you tell me?

Sophie: Those are your two partners? Seriously, you really made out didn't you, captain.

I blush again.

Kelsai: Seriously you are going to have to stop that.

Sophie: I am sorry, but you just really made out. I think that you might win the whole damn thing with those two at your side.

Kelsai: I am really excited to be teaming with them.

Sophie: And I don't have a beef with either one of them. Jake is a legend, Jason a rising superstar, so I have asked again, why can I not be in Dallas to support my friend on such a big night?

Kelsai: Because you have to work for Livewire that night….

I hang my head in defeat.

Kelsai: Livewire is in Brooklyn, New York, and the Trios Tournament is in Dallas, Texas.

Sophie: Damn it, you are right now that you mention it. Even though I am not on the card for Livewire, I still am expected to be there for Livewire as you are well awa….

She stops herself right away, and I know now that Sophie can see the dilemma.

Sophie: Oh shit…

Kelsai: Yeah, it is a lot of crap indeed. Sophie you have to realizes that 3 weeks ago I did not even know whether or not I was going to even be in the Trios Tournament. Now I am going to need to choose which promotion I am going to have to work for in a week, while at the same time voiding my contract in the other.

I have seen that look on Sophie’s face before, that never say die attitude, I just didn’t know what it meant in this case, but I was interested in finding out.

Sophie: No, I think that there must be something that can be done.

Kelsai: But what can we do about it Sophie? Unless you are going to be like King Solomon and cut me in half so that half of me is going to be in Brooklyn while the other half is going to be in Dallas.

Sophie: No, you are definitely going to go to the Trois Tournament and you are going to whip all kinds of ass, ok?

Kelsai: Sure, that is great, and honestly with the stakes being so high I was almost certain going to be leaning in the direction anyway. But what can I do about GCW, Livewire, Adrian Waters who is expecting me to be his partner that night, and all of my lovelies who have paid to see me wrestle that night?

Sophie: You are not going to do anything about that, because all you going to concentrate on is helping your partners win the Trios Tournament for SCW in Dallas. Leave GCW Livewire to me that night. Who are you and Adrian Waters supposed to be facing at Livewire in a week.

I still had no idea what Sophie was talking about, but I would continue to hear her out, because after all, I really didn’t have much of an alternative at that point.

Kelsai: Brother of the Sith, so you have to know that the last thing I ever wanted to do for that match was leave Adrian alone for a 2-on-1 handicapped match. Adrian is my friend, what an awful thing to do to a friend and especially against them!

Sophie: Luckily, Adrian will not be facing them in a 2-on-1 either.

Kelsai: Ok Sophie, you are going to have to tell me what is going on here because I am afraid that I have no idea what you are talking about.

If I didn’t know any better, I would swear that I had started looking at a mirror the way that Sophie had smiled at me.

Sophie: I am going to take your place in Brooklyn!

Kelsai: You can do that?!

Sophie: Sure, I can do that. I do not have anything else to do other than eat too much from catering, and Adrian while he might be really, really smart, he is going to need some help from someone who wants to whip Sith bitches just as bad as he does.

Kelsai: Are you sure that management is going to let you do this though? Because I know that I do not have the authority to make matches and I didn’t think that you were a booker for GCW either.

Sophie: If something happens to Adrian because they allow that match become a 2-on-1, do you think that Tiffany Manning is ever going to let that go?

It was a good point right there.

Kelsai: No…

Sophie: Sometimes I swear worry too much for your own good. You just leave management to me, and right now you just need to worry about one thing.

Kelsai: Dallas and the Trois Tournament?
All she could do was smirk while looking at me.

Sophie: No, you need to worry about helping me get some food! We have been here for almost 20 minutes and we still have not gotten any food!

Kelsai: Right, Right!

So I called the waitress over so that we could order some food and then we ate, and I was thankful for such good friend as Sophie.

Everything’s bigger in Te….

No, as tempting as it might be to use that popular tagline for this promo, I am not going to use it here, I would rather just do something original and so that is exactly what I am going to do. We here in Dallas, Texas though, and we have actually been Texas all week after being in San Antonio for Breakdown Wednesday night. Sorry to all of my many fans who were expecting to see me live at Breakdown defending the SCW Television Championship. Sometimes, no matter how much you might want to do something however, things happen and then you aren’t allowed to do those things?

Well that is what happened to a week ago Wednesday night in Portland, Oregon when I was defending the SCW Television Championship against the legendary Jake Starr. Now correct me if I am wrong, but I am pretty certain that I remember saying that while I probably had the edge in athletic prowess being significantly younger and faster than Jake, that he would have much more experience than me. Well, that was precisely what happened when we had that match, and Jake proved that experience greater than youth this time around and ended up walking away with that prize.

So just like that, the first title reign of my SCW and my entire wrestling career was over. As many people have tried to point out to me since that night, I really do have nothing to be ashamed of. Jake Starr in a legend in professional wrestling, so it’s not like lost to the first person that I was defending my title against….except for the fact that I lost to the first person that I defended my title against. Definitely you could say that while I have had some crazy highs, like pinning Syren in the Trios Buy-In match, or defeating Katie Steward to become the SCW Television Champion, that I still have a lot to learn inside of the ring as well. Jake took my weaknesses and exposed them and that is why he walked away with the title that night instead of me.

Did it bother me that I lost?

Trust me it did bother me, and it still bothers me. I think that there is a huge misconception about me, a misconception that I might have brought about myself at least in part, and I think that right now would be a good time to change that misconception.

From the time I started coming up to my Daddy’s knees and he started taking me to wrestling matches backstage that he was in I started to love this sport and more than anything, almost more than breathing itself growing up, I KNEW that I wanted to a professional wrestler. Do you think for one solitary second that if I had such burning desire to do this one day for the rest of my life, that now that I am doing it that it wouldn’t matter to me if I won or lost?

You are darned right it matters to me if I win! That burning desire to become a professional wrestler has changed now that I have become one into a yearning in my soul to be the very best that I can be.

The very best performer, the very best wrestler period!

So, when I lose, you better know that it bothers me. I still put a smile on my face however, and I don’t sulk or blame other people because if I lose just like I did ten days ago I don’t have anyone to blame but myself. That is why you get the girl that everyone believes has her head is so far up in the clouds that she really doesn’t care if she loses, but I do, even though I can still be nice and kind to Jake after he beat me for the title, because Jake didn’t do anything except what he was supposed to do. At least if I was going to have to lose (and yes, I knew that at some point that it would happen) I lost to a Supreme Champion. Like I said, multiple people have came to me since then and told me that I have nothing to be ashamed of, though I do have to admit that I was a little disappointed and I would have liked the first title reign of my career to last a little bit longer.

I did not even have time to process what was happening initially however, because besides having my first title defense that night, I also was up to my waist in everything to do with the Trios Tournament that was happening on Breakdown that night.. The Trios Tournament in case you have been living underneath a rock is a one night tournament where eight three persons teams compete, with the three people on the winning team receiving contracts. The contracts are good for a year and can be good for almost anything, even the SCW World Championship if the person with the signed contract so chooses. Because of the fact that I helped Team Ace defeat Team Syren in the Trios Buy-In match at Day of Infamy like I already discussed earlier, I did secure one of the spots in the Trios Tournament. However, I took my eyes off of the prize when my team faced each other immediately following the buy-in match, and thus my spot became seventh out of eight for a Trios Team.

Another perk of being on a winning team in the buy-in match is that we got to be the captain of the team that we are on for the Trios Tournament. Trust me, that captain is nothing more than a ceremonial thing though. I am not going to go around wearing a big “C” on all of my clothes for the weekend, nor is there any chance that you will ever see me trying to tell my teammates what to do. They have so much more experience than me both in Trios where I have none, and in professional wrestling in general, it would be pretty foolish of me to try and tell my teammates what to do. Besides, I think the most important thing heading into the Trios Tournament is that my teammates and I have chemistry together, so why would I want to do anything to mess with that?

Who are my partners in the Trios Tournament?

Well that is something that is very interesting to even me, because the either of us that were giving the responsibility of being captains, were also given the responsibility of choosing our first partner. This was a Trios Tournament first as it used to be that there were no captains and partners were chosen completely at random. So that meant for the eight of uses that were going to draft one of our partners, which was something to consider very carefully heading into that Breakdown as well.

For me though, I can honestly say that there was never any real choice to be made. That is because going back to Day of Infamy, while there was a lot that happened in SCW on that night, for me the biggest thing that happened was the return of my brother-in-law, Blake Mason! (Sorry, no disrespect intended whatsoever, I just cannot get used to calling you William).

To say that I was super duper excited seeing this would be the understatement of the year, and so when it came time for me to select one of my Trios teammates with the seventh selection of the draft and I saw that Blake still available to be drafted, he was the obvious choice for me. However, Blake didn’t mention that as part of coming back to SCW, he was not allowed to wrestle his ex-wife Bree at this point, and since Bree was chosen first by Jordan Majors, Blake could not compete in Trois and I would have to make another selection.

But who would I choose for that selection?

This could be a tricky situation because this person would obviously know now that they were my second choice, there was no way around admitting that, not that I would ever condone lying to another person anyway. A lot of wrestlers might have a problem with being someone’s second choice. Of course I also had to remember that if this person had a serious issue with being my second choice I could always help them to remember that there is the Trios Tournament we are talking about, and if we are able to win the tournament that this person would get one of the three contracts.

So, I thought to myself, who do I know that I could trust to be one of my partners, someone that would have my back? Then I looked at Amy and I thought about all of the time that I have spent at BlackOut Academy, and I could feel the smile slowly enveloping my face, because I knew who my choice would. Like Blake he is someone that I have a ton of respect for, and also like Blake he made his return to SCW at Day of Infamy. This person has also been one of my trainers at BlackOut Academy, and if you can’t trust a person that is teaching you wrestling moves you might as well just quit wrestling altogether.

I do not want to quit, so instead I just Jason Helms!

Not only is Jason someone I know and trust, but Jason is one of that best trainers and wrestlers in the world, the most of time he just ends up being compared to his older brother David, who we could end up seeing in the Trios Tournament too. Now don’t get me wrong either, David Helms is an outstanding, legendary wrestler, but Jason is younger, personally I think that he is probably stronger since he is bigger, and is experienced in his own right, though nobody seems to know how experienced he is.

In short, I think Jason is every bit as good as his brother, and I know that even though he and David are stablemates now, that he will take any and every opportunity to remind the world of that in the Trios Tournament, since the world seems to forget that sometimes.

More than anything else though, Jason Helms is my friend, and everyone knows that my friends are just like family to me. I know that some people were saying that those of us who were making picks should set aside personal feelings and instead choose the wrestler available that gives us the best chance to win, regardless of how we feel about that person personally, but honestly?

With Jason, I feel like I got the best of both worlds, just like I would have with Blake.

With my pick and the nervousness associated with that officially out of the way, now all the was left was for Jason and I to wait and find who our other partner was going to be, which would be chosen at random like Trios teams usually have been in the past. This brought a different kind of anxiety because the are a lot of people in SCW, and I know that there are many who don’t know agree with my ideologies, both in and out of the ring. With me believing that team chemistry could mean everything in this tournament, I was hoping to find someone who could at least get along with Jason and I, even if this person wasn’t looking to be best friends with either one of us.

What happened though is I ended up smiling ear-to-ear again just like I am now thinking about the legend that Jason and I had join our team, which when you think about what had happened to me so far on that might you really just have to laugh about really.

Yes, Jason and I were joined by none other than the SCW Television Jake Starr, the very samew Jake that ended my reign as SCW Television Champion about 20 minutes or so earlier that evening.

Now I know what you maybe thinking, and so I am going to stop you right there and just admit it, yes there is other way to say this other than to be upfront and honest about the whole thing, so, yes Jake has something that I want very badly. Does this mean however that Jake and I cannot function together as teammates for Trios?

Well, I don’t know how Jake feels about me exactly, other than he knows that I am friends with his sister Jordan, but from my end, excuse me, but really, I am not Kelsai Adamson-Mason?

I want to making sure that everyone is paying attention to me when I say this so here goes; There is nothing, and I mean NOTHING that I cannot set aside for the good of the team, especially when there is such high stakes that the teams is competing for like Trios contracts. There is one person that I know who although I won’t say names as to who they are they said that I could make best friends with the devil if you gave me the opportunity.

Jake Starr is not the devil. I have said it once already, the man is a legend. He is a Supreme Champion, he is a previous winner of this Tournament, and Jason and I are lucky that we have him on our side rather than potentially having to face him as an opponent later on.

Again, it does sting a little bit that I lost my first title after I had it so briefly, and Jake was the person who beat me for it. But that just means that I have continue to get better because you know what comes after your first title reign once that it is over? Your second title reign if your are fortunate, and between having Jason Helms and Jake Starr as my Trios tournament partners, I think that it is very safe to say that I am certainly fortunate, no two ways about that. Really going into Trios, I am in an incredible position. and I can’t wait for the competition to begin.

The question now remains though, who were we going to face in the first round? Because sure, I could try and talk about every one of the other 21 participants in the tournament, and I could tell you why I believe that we that our team is going to win. That would just take too much time to do that however, with way too many variable involved and so I am not going to do that because among other things I love all of you, so that last thing I want is for you to become board listening to me. The first round of the Tournament is the one thing we do know ahead of time going ahead of time Sunday night, and I need to tell all of you that I will not be overwhelmed when we step into the ring with Selena Frost, Regan Street, and Christy Matthews.

Granted it going to be hard, but I swear that I will not allow myself to be overwhelmed when I look across the ring and see three women who I hold in such high esteem staring back at me as my opponents. Selena Frost? I grew up with posters of Selena Frost on my walls, ok?

Yes, I was a believer growing up!

Regan Street is the Mom of one of my two best friends Jenni Helms, which also means if you hadn’t figured it out, she is also the wife of David Helms…

Yes, that David Helms, so we will be facing Jason’s sister-in-law in the first round. I do love a good family get together, don’t you?

In Christy Matthews you have one of the three people that was in the main event of the first Rise to Greatness I was in the crowd for in 2012 when I was 15 years old and wrestling was just something I was thinking about doing everyday of my life. Christy came damn close to winning the SCW World Championship that night too.

In fact, all three of those women that I have looked up to have won the SCW World Championship. The pinnacle of this sport that I will do everything in my power that I possibly can to one day achieve myself, and all three of those women have done it. There is every possibility that they could win that prize again too, because that have not lost a step, any of them.

Oh make no mistake about it, come Sunday night there will be butterflies in my stomach looking across the ring at three of them, but I promise you right now my lovelies, that I will not become overwhelmed by the task in front of our team. You see, while the large majority of people that are participating in this tournament will tell you that they have nothing to prove, I am different. I lost my last time in the ring, a loss that still has bit of a sour taste in my mouth because I was the SCW Television Champion and that my first defense of my first title reign. So, 24 people are going to be participating in this event, and I might in fact be the only one that feels this way about themselves going in, but I do in fact a lot to prove Sunday.

Because I have heard all of my critics and hear this type of thing all of the time. Whether it is people who say that I am too nice, sweet, and polite that I am not cut for professional wrestling, or that losing the TV title so soon after winning it only amounts to one thing: That I do not belong in the ring, that I am never going to make. Nevermind the fact that I have already made it, I am here, I am part of SCW, one of the greatest professional wrestling promotions in the world, and like it or not I am here to stay because I am not just surviving, I am thriving! Losing to Jake Starr didn't make me a fraud or fluke like so many people that do think that I am cut out for this business would have you believe. What it did give me is a resolve and determination that while some of you may match, nobody has more of. All of that and more will be on display this Sunday too.

Selena you think that there is no greater force in the world than your believers? I say lets let them share the arena with my lovelies and then let the people decide who is the greatest force of will that the world has ever seen.

Regan, they say that you are the most determined superstar in SCW, maybe in SCW history? I say that there is nobody, and I mean NOBODY wants to help their win more than I do Sunday night, and I will do whatever it takes to prove it.

Christy, to many people you are the definition of a striker, where all you need is one kick to take your opponent out. I certainly respect that just like I respect everything that both of your partners can do in the ring, even if you do not, but I am going to remind that you can’t strike what you can’t catch, and honestly I have my doubts as to whether or not you can keep up with me. In fact, I have my doubts as to whether or not any of the three of you you can keep up with me, but I guess we will find out soon enough.

Sunday night is going to answer so many questions, like can Frozen Hell operate as a team with someone from Infamous, when they both desperately desire the one thing that Infamous currently holds, the SCW World Tag Team Championship currently?

I have a pretty good idea of how that will play out. Selena, Regan, both of you are professionals and I know that you will put aside whatever personal feelings that you have for Christy just like you Christy will do the same for Regan and Selena, because three of you want those contracts, a common goal. I seriously hope that I am right about this to. This understand is what I think will happen with your team and if I am right, this is going too end up being one heck of match, because I know that our team is ready. We will shine when we have the opportunity to perform as a cohesive unit and if we can get to great teams to face each other when the six individual parts are so freaking spectacular?

This is the kind of match that I have been dreaming of being involved in for my entire life, the kind of the match that will be the best match that night! I am salivating just thinking about it! It is the type of match that kids will be there and watch and twenty years later they will bring their children to a wrestling match, and tell them how this match made them wrestling fans for the rest of their lives because it was that great! We have the opportunity to be that great Sunday night, and I truly believe that is exactly what will happen too lovelies. When we walk into the American Airlines Center arena, Jason and Jake will be with me and we will surrounded by all of you screaming at the top of your lungs, know the you are about to see something that you will never forget, that is what I live for!


Don’t get me wrong though, I do want to win. To the other competitors in the Trois Tournament and particularly Selena, Regan, and Christy since your number is up first please do not mistake my kindness for weakness. I might talk about love and I will admit that part of me is thinking about how we can…


…Sunday night Dallas, but that is only until the bell rings. Because once it does, the only thing I will have in mind is making sure that I do everything I possibly can to assure that Jason, Jake, and I, our team, moves on into the next round, until ultimately we win the whole tournament, and we do it with smiles on our faces…

Or at least there will be a smile from ear-to-ear on my face because…


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